Flags That ALMOST Became Official...

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it's really hard to imagine countries having different flags than what we know today so many are often synonymous with the nation itself now but for some of these places with just a few minor tweaks throughout history they could have been totally different sometimes For Better or For so much worse the flag for the nation of Canada is today pretty iconic but it was only officially adopted about 50 years ago meanwhile you have Nations like Denmark with an 800 year- Old Flag obviously there was a big desire to remove the Union Jack from Canada this was their Old Flag however this was one of the first proposed Canadian flags in 1930 why maybe they were trying to stick to the Australian and New Zealand theme but I don't know this was the star and leaf proposal they just wanted to add Stars I guess to it why is it green though uh and here's another proposal made during the Great flag debate of 1964 I'm really curious to get your opinion on all of these if you haven't already please subscribe to this channel it helps out a lot shows me you like these same subjects as I do I actually still see some Canadians to this day that wish they would have gone with this one I like they added blue another nation that came up with their flag relatively recently the flag of the People's Republic of China is actually only about 75 years old however this is what Ma dong himself proposed I didn't realize he was making flag proposals they also did have a version where they actually included the hammer and sickle there were these two official proposals in 1949 for some reason that needed to add blue I really wish I knew why okay this is just North Korea did someone just say it's Tonga time that is literally the island nation of tonga's flag there is actually so many proposals for the People's Republic of China they ended up just kind of putting proposal num 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 it just kept going and going and going I do like that they took this stuff real seriously it's also fascinating to see these flag proposals back 75 years ago some of these are giving me Spain Vibes I don't know it's easy to understand why there's a Vexy Community nowadays but I don't know this seems like such a Micro Niche internet Community it's crazy to think they were doing it so long ago speaking of Denmark though they have had arguably the world's oldest this flag they did still have debates about Flags relatively recently and that is due to their overseas territory of Greenland which is currently sporting this flag but there's been basically proposals to change that flag since the 7s sometimes even further back than that but I don't understand is why they didn't go with the Nordic style all these countries agreed to do the same sort of format for their flag yet Denmark for their overseas territory couldn't agree to do this same thing like how did they mess this up I feel like they had one J like really well look at all this you look at the uniformity and then there's Greenland it makes me feel better that there were several proposals throughout the '90s and 70s to go with the Nordic Cross for some reason a tricolor here here's one from 1978 Anonymous proposal are we sure they were Anonymous it seems like someone from the nation of Somalia could have suggested that one while we're on this subject the nation of Estonia has always wanted to join the nordics and I think the only thing that's really keeping them out is their official flag it doesn't follow the template one thing for Greenland not to follow it that's just an overseas territory that Denmark controls anonia you cannot be an independent nation and just think you could join the nordics with this tricolor however over the course of the last 100 years they've actually known that they've been trying to go with the Nordic style oh man just push one of these through it doesn't even matter you know I was going to start talking about the topic of Germany by saying it's hard to imagine any other flag to fly over this country but actually no no I think we all can imagine some other ones again this is another flag that isn't really that old this one was only adopted only over 30 years ago however after World War I this man suggested just turning Germany into Nordic talking a lot about Nordic Flags recently there's also a 1948 proposal to do a tricolor but vertically these two brothers were also trying to force Germany into Nordic with this style now I personally love the present day official Indian flag I love flags with orange in it and a flag only officially established about 75 years ago however Gandhi himself yes gandi C5 without the nukes that's right this man he was out here suggesting Flags he had first suggested this in 192 21 then he went with this instead uh it's basically Bulgaria with something else over it I'm sorry Gandhi you know I respect what you did but I'm starting to question your Vexy skills this man tried to continue with that theme but man I I don't know why and there was this proposal made by Anglo India weekly in 1904 what the hell is that it must be a newspaper speaking of orange Flags here's irelands here's a proposal made in 1928 just throwing on pretty much every Shield they could think of also an anonymous proposal got to throw the Lucky Charms up there I don't despise this but it also looks like really I don't know like a very young kid came up with this how about Kosovo oh boy it's one thing when like Nations had like flag proposals from decades ago that are horrible but it's a complete different thing when they're relatively recent and they're horrible then again our US state of Minnesota recently had 2500 designs submitted to change their state flag and there were plenty of terrible options here are some flag proposals from 2008 for k o I actually kind of like the black white and red but I feel like this one's got to be saved for when like France completely loses their mind maybe they go fascist or something throwing in that Albanian symbol for the Kosovo flag now that's an interesting one not only is Estonia trying into Nordic I guess supposedly Latvia is as well I mean if Estonia eventually gets in I don't see why they can't go one country down after that of course the nation of Lithuania the southernmost Baltic Nation also has a Nordic style cross proposal that was back in 2011 it's crazy how some of these flag proposals can just as popular as the official flag this is the nation of Luxenberg and this was the official flag proposal back in 2006 you can't even Google search Luxenberg flag without seeing the lion like this this is pretty popular part of the reason though is because that is their official code of arms so there's always been a push to change up the Luxenberg flag since it is almost identical to that of the Netherlands I mean it's one thing to copy someone's flag from halfway across the world but come on you guys are literally in the same group together the lowland Nations speaking of countries where flag proposals sometimes become more popular than the official flag here's Australia they've been having flag problems for a while I mean the third result when you Google Australia flag is a proposal it's hard to officially change a flag so I guess it shouldn't be surprising that like overall proposals can be more popular than the official and Australia has had quite a lot of proposals I mean I think they're just trying to somehow smash the Green in there since that is the official color of Australia it's actually green and gold yet their flag used neither one of these you had two chances green and gold but your flag uses white blue red I mean again changing the nation's flag is probably on the lower end of the priority list but I wonder who's going to eventually do it first it's only a matter of time now there's technically no official flag of Earth yet this is probably the most popular with seven rings representing these seven continents already that's controversial though I mean we don't even agree on how many continents there are yeah that's definitely not even passing already however this was an official flag proposal for the flag of Earth back in 1913 I I kid you not I I can't believe it either the World Peace Flag by James William vankirk also the Olympic flag has been proposed for the flag of Earth the UN I don't think that's going to work literally just an Earth flag okay you can't just throw all the flags in there why are these so insane sometimes I don't think you can use that symbol man this Paul Carroll guy really going hard that we should just include all the flags with like he's changing them up slightly with like the middle part he's committed to this idea he's been suggesting it since literally the 1980s let's talk about the tragedy of the Welsh flag the flag that is not represented on the current Union Jack the United Kingdom is made up of four kingdoms but only three of them are represented on the official flag and I've heard from British people that's because they decided to make their flag green and with a giant dragon on it so no they're not going to include it in theion Jack however looking at the other flag proposals that probably is the best one to come up with these other ones are so boring and unmotivated speaking of the United Kingdom here are some other flags we almost got these are all in 16004 I mean they almost went with just completely excluding Ireland they were just going Scotland and England that might have been understandable though since they hadn't conquered all this stuff up here yet you can see this proposed Union Jack a little bit more similar to the modern day one here's another proposal incorporating the Irish Harp here's the only official Proposal with the Welsh Dragon yeah they're not going to do that it's a nice attempt though I think this one's a bit more popular to at least include yellow which is kind of a way to help include whales there and here's a proposed Union Jack in the event of a Scottish independence now the territory of Crimea is not an independent country but I have seen this flag often this is their official flag but I just wanted to show one of the proposals it seems like a lot of the Vexy Community has always been obsessed with the rainbow style whether it's the flag of Earth the territory of Crimea or this flag proposal for the nation of Armenia and again this was back in 1918 there's also the Bolivian flag proposal this one is still popular this I believe it's supposed to represent the indigenous communities in the country I feel like there hasn't been a nation more than Norway that's had more proposed flags and a lot of them aren't necessarily in the Nordic Cross Style again part of the reason too is that well maybe they've always been more obsessed with flag making in the Nordic countries cuz again Denmark has one of the oldest and they're very serious on keeping with the theme up there this is giving me like a Central American Vibes these are flag proposals from 1814 1821 part of the reason is Norway was given Independence around that time well actually it was switched from Denmark to Swedish uh but yeah they got their independence in 1905 they were working on that flag for a while though my Patron on patreon thank you Kino is best girl sebie if you hear this I love you jack Raven's annoying I can't sleep without Drew's voice on your dad back with the milk look outside archaeology fat bestem great ralie and z boy
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 472,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, flags, flag, world flags, world flag, history, historical, flag history, flags of the world, canada, germany, armenia, china, australia, union jack, british empire, wales, ireland, norway, estonia, latvia, lithuania, mao, nordic, greenland, vexillology, meme, memes, world
Id: cfTzzGdxa5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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