Can I make McDonald's Big Mac FASTER than ordering one?

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good morning everybody so this is the last video i filmed before packing up and moving to paris where i am now but i do need some help from you guys i want to continue this style of video but not really with american fast foods so drop some comments down below on foods or dishes that i should look into that can fit this style i think it's just a great way to show real time honest home cooking and they're pretty fun to make for example i'm thinking crepes could be a good idea but anyway drop your comments below thank you again for everyone who watches um let's get into this video sit back and enjoy this one is a close one is fast food actually that fast today we put the king of fast food mcdonald's big mac to the test so this is now episode three and the premise is the same i'm gonna send my brother out to the nearest mcdonald's to order a big mac and while he's gone we have to recreate our own homemade version before he gets back as always i have nothing pre-prepped i do have the ingredients but we're going to try to do all the clean up and everything that we can before he gets back then we'll do a final taste test to see which one is better all right gabe the mission is simple here's the business card away you go all right so this mcdonald's is literally two blocks away um he just left i think he'll literally probably be back in 15 minutes so we are gonna hurry up um i do have a timer set and uh yeah let's get this thing going all right we got the beef pickles onion lettuce i need cheese and then oh we need our big mac sauce mayo mustard i think that's it ketchup also i am i'm on team room temperature ketchup by the way i don't know i just don't i don't like cold ketchup for whatever reason okay so i'm gonna prep everything first good thing about burgers is that they literally take um no time at all um you know burgers fries milkshake mcflurry all that stuff you know you're looking at it you're looking at a different argument okay so i'm gonna get all my toppings first and then we'll get to the beef so lettuce some sad end of the end of the bag lettuce for sure let me get a little bit from this one too all right lettuce acquired two slices of cheese and then thinly sliced onion i actually had to look up uh what was on a big mac i did not remember it's been it's been probably at least two or three years since i've actually been to mcdonald's but i think they do very thinly uh diced onions and then we're also going to use some of this in our in our big mac sauce all right guys we're hopping in the car now the uh the mcdonald's is like like we can literally see it from our apartment so burger's quick to make but i don't know if it's that quick we'll see so i do like the nice bite of raw onion on a burger i must say nice touch the trash can there um that that that just need to make our sauce so big mac sauce um also a pretty basic sauce you basically just mix other condiments together um you know i don't know if this is like the exact thing that they do but it's it's fairly simple so we're going to do about i don't know i'm going to say i'm going to say [Music] 30 grams of mayo we'll do 20 grams of ketchup and then we'll do 10 grams of mustard also one of the big benefits of a scale is like creating sauces like this um you know if you are looking to make the switch i legit legitimately do not own measuring cups measuring spoons and i know like i will get comments from time to time like can you do this in uh you know like volume measurements and i'm like i literally can't because i literally do not own any measuring cups or anything of the sort then lastly we just need to add a couple of spices so i'm going to put these things away that i don't need anymore always cleaning as we go [Music] so i do need a couple of pickles in here i'm gonna quickly slice this up obviously you could use relish sweet pickles i ran out of the pickles from last time i'm not actually gonna make homemade pickles in this episode even though it's been a common theme in the last two um and then we're just gonna come in with some smoked paprika a little bit onion powder a couple of cranks of black pepper that was like six boom boom a little sprinkle of salt and mix oh and a pinch of that onion very simple burger sauce good to go all right so i got that done we're going to form our patties and then do those let me also wipe this into the trash right here [Music] wipe off my knife um actually i will use this to slice that real quick okay all right guys we're uh pulling up into the drive-through now again it was like a not even a two-minute drive i could literally see the apartment from here so yeah oh yeah then one little wrinkle i know you can't really do fries from scratch but i actually meant to do this in the chick-fil-a episode these are some par-boiled or par-fried um waffle fries that i come i literally meant to bring these out for the chick-fil-a episode and at least bake them so these are things that i par fried i have a video on this um you know you can keep these in the freezer and then they actually do they're not as good baked this is a 475 degree oven i did preheat that i mean count that against me if you want but it's fine um and then let's form our patties so i'm actually gonna do if i remember correctly the patties are honestly pretty small at mcdonald's and i even slice this nope didn't even slice it i sliced around the edge of it so i don't know how big the patties are in big macs i think they're pretty small but i'm going to do two um 100 gram patties [Applause] that's 120 [Music] there's 100 and [Applause] 200 all right call it good um let me keep in keeping my meat hand fresh gonna pop that back in my meat drawer and then we're gonna make these into smash patties or smash burgers so i'm just gonna lightly kind of form them into like a loose bulb don't need to go crazy here so that's good slide that off just need to wash our hands which i'm out of dish soap actually i got to use this spray forgot about this spray my hands okay so that's out of the way now we are going to heat up our pan and get cooking these burgers so again we want cast iron or carbon steel like i have here we want it pretty high heat um just so we can get a nice sear all over that burger um let me adjust this camera angle all right all right guys bag has been secured okay we are looking good got to take this off so it doesn't burn the bottom of that and i actually do need those pickles that's that's another topping okay so got the burgers just gonna get out a little plate for these and then this one's probably not quite big enough this pan i should have grabbed my bigger pan to be honest a little bit of salt and then as soon as this gets up to temp i'm just going to pop this down and we're going to smash it smash burgers literally one of the best burgers i think it's definitely my preferred burger like i would rather have a smash burger over like a grilled one and they're better in a pan you can make them inside like it's just a win-win and this is kind of the closest to that uh fast food burger that's what you're looking for i also forgot the buns so obviously we're not making our own buns um these are just some some sesame seed rolls and we're gonna need [Applause] one and a half of these so we can do that classic middle piece so boom boom boom and then this is up to temp so what i'm gonna do is just this is some 80 20 beef and then i'm gonna just press this down try it into making it roughly the right size as the burger and i'm gonna try to fit both in here and i'm gonna pay the price because they're not gonna look super pretty that's okay i should have grabbed my bigger pan but it's okay this is this is real life uh real life cooking right here okay so a little salt on the other side that i didn't salt yet tossing this pan in the sink and then also gonna hit that with a couple of cranks of black pepper and then i mean this is like literally so easy i'm also going to check on these i can smell them so these are directly from frozen um yeah and then with smash burgers like the big thing is you want to let it have time for that crust to kind of develop down here um so right now we're at 12 minutes and 43 seconds cruising along man that time does fly though i will say but basically i'm looking for these to not be you're not trying to make like a rare burger or anything you're just trying to get a crispy crust so this is my favorite tool ever for smash burgers um super just like industrial size all right guys we are back in the apartment spatula and i'll show you guys this crust so you can see we have some nice like brown crispy bits all over that and like especially on this one i kind of it kind of fell apart but we got some beautifully like crisps right we got to handle this [Music] i tell you i would not be making burgers if i didn't set that fire alarm off it's literally right above this thing so that's when this comes in handy but other than that we're literally done so i'm just gonna let this like this is done um the burger's done we have all our toppings so i think i'm honestly gonna call it on time right here and then i'll get some like prettier shots of me kind of assembling it so whatever the time is here where are we at um where'd my timer go okay so we're at 14 minutes and 40 seconds so i'm going to stop time um again if you want to add like a minute to what it's going to take me to assemble that and then literally we just have one pan to clean this one but if it's a well-seasoned pan like this is literally gonna just scrape right off and we'll be uh we'll be good to go so i got my two burgers and actually what we'll do since i'm done and gabe's not back yet um we have our fries actually looking fairly decent if you guys can see these crunchy hopefully hot and corn fruit so what i'm going to do now is i'll clean up everything and then i'll assemble and i'll just get some nice shots like literally it's just assembling the burger so yeah see you guys in just a bit [Music] all right here we are [Music] well i stopped because i was just like i have the uh component so it's gonna like take some time to get some some nicer shots for the folks at home but dude we made they got the fries too yeah bro i was i was talking a mad game i was telling everybody you were going to lose oh all right so he just got in here we have the stuff um again i stopped early so we could get some nicer shots of us assembling it but the question is what are we looking like on the looks the taste and the texture of these [Music] all right everyone so in terms of time i think we just barely beat mcdonald's i mean honestly very very similar in the time department but now is where to get fun it's the taste the texture and the looks so first for the looks i honestly don't love how ours looks like it's it's gonna be good but i don't know something about it a little sloppy it doesn't look as good as i would like it to but like i mean this doesn't look good either to be on like this this burger patty is pitiful and that will the first thing the burger patties on this are absolutely pitiful what is that a centimeter it's like there's nothing there but anyway let's slice them open taste them let's get into this and that's the main reason i've never been a big mac guy because they're just this patty seems so thin even got a little medium rare in there there you go the bread to meat ratio on this one as you can see a lot of uh bread a lot of lettuce lacking in the beef department here's ours again even got some little medium rare in there just with a bigger patty love that let's get into this so what i'll say is this probably literally the first big mac i've had in several years very generic tasty yeah i mean it's in my it's uh it's sauce first meat later that's what i was gonna say yeah it feels very mayo forward like the big mac sauce it just kind of just tastes like mayo to be honest mayo a hint of ketchup yeah um and bread those are the flavors that i'm getting up and you see i've never been a big mac guy even if i go to mcdonald's not the big mac because it's just like you're i have a double i like the thickness of the i like beef flavor when i'm going out for this fast food burger because you that unique fast food beef flavor is what you're there for and the big mag in my opinion under delivers on that yeah and this just this just proves the point for me all right well let's uh let's get into this guy it's got a nice heft to it yeah very different i would say yeah this is kind of what i want mcdonald's to taste like like in my mind i wish like this is what i think it should taste like but it doesn't this tastes like this literally tastes generic everything yeah i mean this is like i mean this i think in our in in the past two videos i think this is the closest we've gotten to replicating that fast food taste i would say um like i mean it's it it really this really does have a fast food feel to it and it's just a it's a better version of a fast food feel um as opposed to like in the last video with the chick-fil-a you know that it wasn't it didn't the only thing was missing was that classic fast food feel but this really does have it i would say yeah this has the feel like this tastes what i want fast food to taste like just yeah it's like you know everything's like the you get the little soggy like lettuce you get the bite of the onion that comes through uh the gooeyness from the cheese and then the burger you actually taste the meat i think is like the biggest thing like you get the browning of that crust with a smash burger and yeah it's just all around like this is what fast food would be like if it was all high quality but in most cases it's not yeah um let's do a fry taste real quick too oh yeah i'm not gonna i hate to break it to your dog you're not beating these bad boys so these are these are baked these are par fried and baked i mean they're very average fries but if you wanted to do fries you could get them done well i made sure to eat the majority of these on the way to the car because mcdonald's fries and i'm sure the people know this you got a you got a 10 minute window of excellence yeah and then they just deteriorate yep these are still a little bit crunchy though they're no they're good um but again you baked these right yeah and i mean that's it tastes like they're baked yeah it's obviously gonna you're you're losing a little bit there yeah not that you're going for a healthier alternative when you're eating a big mac yeah but you know you are you are cutting some calories there yep but anyway yeah so hopefully you guys have enjoyed hope you learned a little something that's going to wrap it up for us in this one let us know down what you want us to do next and uh catch all next time peace y'all this literally tastes like just the most generic like you
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 993,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ethan Chlebowski, how to make fast food at home?, Big Mac at home recipe, How to make a big mac?, Can you make fast food at home?, McDonalds at home recipes, can you make big mac at home, is fast food faster than cooking at home?, big mac sauce, big mac, big mac recipe, mcdonalds asmr, mcdonalds recipe, mcdonalds burger, fast food, faster than fast food, big mac recipe at home
Id: xm7unNTgiak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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