I've eaten 30,000 McDonald's Big Macs! - Guinness World Records

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i love hamburger like no other food i have eaten 32 340 big macs in my lifetime i'm closing in on 50 years next year of eating them every day this is a mcdonald's big mac it's the best sandwich in the world when i like something i stick with it all the time my habit right now is just eat two a day and that would be like 14 a week [Music] the obsession with big macs began because for one thing my love of hamburger may 17 1972 was the day i got my first car i drove to mcdonald's i ordered my first three big max went out in the car and ate them and i said right there that i'm gonna probably eat these the rest of my life and i threw the cards in the back seat and started counting counting them from day one this is 2006 2007 2008 2009 10 11 12 13 and so on how i keep track of how many big macs i've eaten is for one thing i save the cartons another thing is i save all the receipts and i also keep a running count on a calendar i've kept the running con on the calendar since may 17 1972 right up through the day so i can tell you which big macs i ate on which day this is a mcdonald's big mac it's the best sandwich in the world as you see here you've got your uh sesame seed bun on the top first patty pickles you have some lettuce special sauce and you got your middle bun second patty slice of cheese or lettuce and special sauce and then the bottom of the bun and that is your best sandwich in the world delicious don gorski did not tell me about his big mac obsession when we first met i'm not sure it was an obsession quite then he ate big macs every day as a matter of fact sometimes i would bring him a big mac but i didn't realize it would go on forever i ate my first big mac on may 17 1972 i was started out eating pretty much nine a day for quite a while here i'm not a type of person that tries new stuff and when i like something i stick with it all the time it's like for me it's big macs every day it's coca-cola every day the stuff that i like is what i i do every day and it's just part of the way i am people that say a big macs aren't healthy i think it depends on the person i think for most people if they're unhealthy it's because they maybe eat too much for somebody like me if i eat two big macs and that's pretty much all i eat all day but i like the fries sure but you know that's one of the things where i feel like i can keep from eating and not gain too much weight and also but the big macs i gotta have so that's my main diet so don comes into the restaurant quite often uh since 1972 he used to come in once a day and order two big macs since he's been retired i think he figured out he was spending more on gas than he was on sandwiches so now he picks up six at a time and eight at that time on mondays and thursdays so we get to see him twice a week okay i probably will be eating big macs every day for the rest of my life the only exception is that mary once told me that when it comes to where she's got to put a big mac in the blender that she says it's over for me but uh if i eat big macs every day and then when i do go well my boys can write down what which big mac was the last one i ate and they could tell people oh this many big macs will kill you as far as don's health the doctor has said it's pretty good actually his blood sugar has been normal his cholesterol has been exceptionally good i've stayed in pretty good shape because for one thing i'm kind of hyperactive i do a lot of walking i like to joke with people i tell my i walk around the block usually but they don't know that it's six miles around our block we have my granddaughter serena seeing her first big mac ever and this is my granddaughter anna seeing her first big mac ever a lot of people that have gotten in touch with me and they've given me their mcdonald's collections and you know just giving me stuff that meant something to them that was mcdonald's related and he wanted me to have it and so it doesn't matter how trivial a thing mcdonald's wise that people give me i'm gonna save it for the rest of my life big macs always be my favorite food and it's just like you know sometimes people will say well what happens if they quit making them and they aren't going to quit making them i'm sure this place will probably just stay open for me just to keep making them but i got to thank my wife for being patient with me all these years because she doesn't let it bother her you know and it's been great being married to her and putting up with all this stuff i call him part of the mick family if you know a little bit about don he's more of a humble servant with a great appetite for a great sandwich [Music] you
Channel: Guinness World Records
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Keywords: GWR, Guinness World Records, Guinness Records, Guinness, World Record, Guinness Book, World Record Book, record book, record breakers, Record, Officially Amazing, guinness buch der rekorde, ギネス世界記録, ギネス, ギネスブック, 2020, 2021, guinness world record, best of, top 10, food challenge, big mac, mcdonalds challenge, eating challenge, fast food, big mac world record, mcdonalds, macdonalds, food challenges, most big macs eaten, lots of big macs, big macs, most mcdonalds eaten
Id: DZQiw5T6R1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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