Can I Help You? | Anwar Jibawi

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Sup, man what's up is there anything i can help you with Just looking around that's all awesome Awesome man just to let you know all hats and t-shirts are on sale right now, oh?(stalker) oh cool cool cool Oh and by the way, my name is Edward just in case you need, me for anything. Okay, got it thanks Ed my friends usually, call me ed(ew....lel) Okay, cool! That's what's up We got belts in every color man Okay, thanks incase wanted me to go to the back, oh, no, man i'm like, i i'm i'm good i'm just looking cool Oh I for sure see you in these man already got these jeans Oh, yeah, yeah but you, don't have, these things i know i'm just looking are you just looking Okay, cool, yeah, yeah, babe i'm actually at dinner my change right now is just trying to find something good okay, tell your girl Hey man oh just let. You know all yoga pants are 10% off today but you got to come in right now Hang up you guys good This is you, no Dodgers cap? no No no no no Those are fire i just got these, myself what, size are you like 36 38 know what let, me just check for you Don't bro i'm good, okay i don't need Your, help i'm good from the second i walked in this store you've been, bugging me, following me around i'm good I don't your help okay! Okay, I understand i'll leave you alone. oh Tam's whoa i can, say, no to a man you actually got these in a size 12? Uh, uh, edward edward, ed? Tumbleweed? Yo, my man you got these in a 12 bro? I don't work here i'm just wearing a. blue shirt you can, ask, that guy, over there he's great He'll take care of you Hey, hey i love you, let's get it tiffany Hey, man listen i got these IM SORRY SIR YOUR GONNA HAVE TO WAIT YOUR TURN! Okay, thank you anyway remember you have the power and don't let, anyone walk all over you Have an amazing, day Lid, what's up there's? No bottles bro bell bottom, jeans ride on aisle four hey, you have an amazing and blessed, day No, no of course, yeah this look great on you thank you have an amazing, day love you remember i'm here if you need me i always will be Look, edie man i'm so, sorry, about today man i don't know What, was wrong with me you know tripping you know so we cool all right, oh listen man you got Hey Hey! come on Ed man stop playing man Hey what, size- this isn't about you I need, you Needed you from the moment i first walked in the store i mean i should've never take Your assistance for granted i'm sorry there's no one else that i won't help, me with, my shoes nobody You really mean that Course Ed dude, My friend's usually call m- I know Okay, that's why I said that Your ma friend I took your help for granted and im sorry You, were just doing your job so do you have these in a size 12. Give me the shoes, oh? My, god yo man look i was wondering if you wanted to go to the ball game and i had an extra ticket Hey, you gotta pay for that
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 10,353,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can i help you, anwar, jibawi, can, help, you, how girls act in horror movies, membership qa 3, bathroom buddies, thats my sister, How Girls Act in Horror Movies, lelepons, hannahstocking, rudymancuso, shots, shotsstudios, alesso, anitta, brazil
Id: jCtml_r7c9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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