The Bathroom Attendant | Anwar Jibawi

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hey where the hell have you been, you're late. this is like three days in a row.What do you mean, what do you mean it was just two minutes late.It wasnt two minutes its three days now you're late, you know what this means right.I promise this is the last time. no,no other chance you're done i gave you chances you're fired goodbye {farting sounds} (crying sonds) paper towel. Huh? Paper towel. han thank you so much thank you so much. Here you go man. Hey! do you think im some kind of... really man? okay fine. Happy? hey, Welcome. hey... hey. Who the fuc* are you? Im the bathroom Attendant. Who are you? The Bathroom Attendant. Cool. Im okay What's poppin man? Yo, what up my boy? Everything good? yeah... Thank you sir. Ofcourse man. (Screams Angrily) (Screams in pain) Hey...HEY! Get the fuc* out of my bathroom. Sorry,SorryDude It was stupid I never fight. Bros,Bros Yo pendejos, don't scratch the whip.
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 13,257,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the bathroom attendant, anwar, jibawi, the, bathroom, attendant, how girls act in horror movies, membership qa 3, bathroom buddies, thats my sister, How Girls Act in Horror Movies, lelepons, hannahstocking, rudymancuso, shots, shotsstudios, alesso, anitta, brazil
Id: lxdW35PWVwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
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