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hey hey can you can you guys can you guys hear me sit it says receiving your content you got you guys see me look look in the look in the look in the top left you got you guys see me a little just a little guy I'm a little guy look at me oh you like it when I'm doing when I'm a little teeny dude a little teeny guy I'm a little teeny guy please welcome back to the live stream what we're doing today my playing with AM brew we're both in discs are both muted this game is actually a crap ton of fun if you've never played it this is called phase 10 what your goal is you want to complete 10 phases and whoever can complete 10 phases first wins the entire thing so as you can see here we're currently on phase 1 I have all these cards down at the bottom as you can see phase 1 I need two sets of three to rank up to the next phase you guys will see it all as we play it's a really fun game so again dude do me a favor if you guys are still enjoying these weekly live streams where we play a random game hit the like button down below we got we have six thousand five hundred eighty six people watching right now if every single one of you hits the like button right now we'll have six thousand five hundred eighty six likes quick Maps I'm going to unmute now I'm gonna unmute hello amber amber come back oh yeah I got to do that thing - hold on hold on hold on as soon as amber comes back I'm gonna do I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm looking at this court hold on as soon as he comes back go spam Amber's chat go spam and boos chat dick - come back go spam and I got to do the mean when he comes back ready all right hello in hey whale now you heard him you you heard I'm okay okay so um did you just explain the game really I did a little bit but we'll explain it as we go so now it's your turn so go ahead cuz on you alright so I did a pretty poor poor description of the game all right so all right um it's off set of threes right so this first round is set of threes okay alright alright I'll take I'll take that so man I'll do this this this is this this okay alright honest honest yo mad - mad how mad did you already get you such of three so how this game works I'll show you on my screen I have all these cards down here that I can choose from what I need to do to rank up to Phase two is I need to get two sets of three like amber adjusted so that is it ooh hold on as you can see here what I'm gonna mute I'm muting amber I'm gonna mute randomly did I get out of here you don't hear me or bother me oh so check this out I have two ones right if I pick up this one there's my first set of three aw crap I click things now check this out I also have a wild card so what I can do I can click first set of three all ones second set of three two twelves hold on and a wild card so now I rank up to phase two but what we have to do is we have to get rid of all of our cards uh I'm gonna throw out an eight no no I did it wrong hey hey hey hey that's my words hey why are you picking on my wands as man I forgot to present myself it's you maybe I got here um don't you go out don't you go out if you go out I'm uninstalling you I will literally uninstall everything you love okay well I don't want that now do it ooh not that I don't want that what do I get ooh oh gee let's do this do this do this do this do this do this he added on except there we go you know what amber you know I kind of want to play again don't you skip me hey in in don't skip what you do what you do hold on all right let's get another card you got wild card what do you mean you're out card for you guys on my on my stream that doesn't know what a wild card I said I'll have one you basically just use it as any card you want right yep yeah I I had two 12s and that gave me 312 so we both faced up to phase 2 now we just have to like get rid of our cards every right so um I have a so something that I didn't describe in my and my chai guys is uh I'm allowed to put cards on his completed sets all right so for example here's the one I'm gonna throw one up there oh wait I have a draw first one our mine don't you throw on mine I just picked up a nine so putting a nine there and I get a discard a card this one so now you know I got you know chat you know I caught it by the way it's not a room just understand it here we go okay now it's my turn phase ten yeah that's doo-doo brother that's Daniel all right let's get rid of that I mean we both phased up to phase two yeah I fear I think how this works it alia tallies up two scores so if amber was to go out now I would accumulate a bunch of scores because of the cards that I have yeah 11 yeah take that amber so basically if I get a nine eleven twelve or one then I win the game and so it gets rid of all these cards I know and then how this works let's say we both reach face ten at the same time whoever has more points amuses okay those emissions are still working oh you just got 12 oh man are you dude somebody said this is a ripoff of uno no this is nothing like a new no oh sorry chat this is the mic you know do I'm getting notification still you know I'm on Do Not Disturb oh no who's notifying new things dude Empire is man you punch Empire in the face it just said notifications alright alright we something man give me something I can use I need a 911 1 or 12 yeah no not an eight-game why so basically it's just uh it's just who whoever gets lucky I keep getting the same cards over and over and over and over and over and over again and we're also playing on our iPad right dad I'm playing on my cellular device 7 ok hold on 1200 mad embryo mad do can you stop how are you getting so lucky I'm gonna go thirsty oh man are you oh yeah oh yeah did you go out no no you hacker dang I want so I accumulated 20 points so you have zero points it says down there next round this is a 5 I don't know is that what I said yeah so it's Rio 5 points so I have 5 points to my name if we tie on phase 10 whoever has more points loses ok so this is a set of 3 but also our 104 which is like 2 3 4 5 6 ok ok yeah so set of 3 so you put 3 cups same cards down and then run a 4 so if you guys like play poker it's basically like you know in a row like four numbers in a row what running for yeah so run of whatever is that many cards in row alright so I didn't scribe this but so um if you have a set of 3 and for example I had to set to 3 I was able to place them down because you have to place them down the same time right I can't you can't place them down in a separate turn you have to place both of them down at the exact same time ok I think it's your turn yes right now I have a set a three but I don't have a run of four so I can't I can't put him down yet so I thought the hold of my inventory right on my hand so did you not pick up that wild I did i hundreds a picked it up don't you think I didn't oh I thought it was just saying it I'm sitting here tapping it trying to take it I needed it mine now what that what that sorry so so does everybody get it really does everybody get it in the chat actually chat in the chat chat do you chat it can you get a chat amber what are you doing you're taking forever play the game I'm playing the game you're literally the slowest card player I've ever met well is that true wait did you play oh no did it break no and I played okay oh my gosh oh wait you want all ready one two three oh wait wait oh I could have one yes give me give me an 11 no oh wait no what why why are you doing this why are you doing this run go to winery no why stop it four five what I'm five let's do a set of three of eleven accept it six what can you can you win seven one car ooh nope don't know okay oh dude that was sick dude I could I could have one right here what do you mean but now you have to pick up another card yeah and now I dig up a nut oh did you win again no no no I couldn't what I couldn't win it's uh you know what you know what another turn okay no no that's hacking okay wait why did you skip me see I don't I don't like that one either cool dude that's not turned no you're not getting another turn can you stop skipping me please do I'm sorry I need to oh no no okay hold on all right 11 ooh 10 hold on so I need a 4 or 12 of 5 a 1 an 8 or an 11 come on the odds of you get rekt amber now you have worse so you have 5 points I have 5 points so we're currently tied and we both we both went up in a face so this new phase is set of 4 instead of a set of 3 and a run of 4 okay Oh amber don't tell me you don't tell me you almost won again oh my gosh Empire's quit notifying me so I just phased up right there Oh amber honest on a scale of mad - mad how mad I'm still pretty pretty mad pretty mad I was gonna go ahead and grab that I guess um all right it's on you what you got for me do you have a run of 4 in a set of 4 does he have a chat Joey no I definitely do not know we're not even close I even know anybody who's that you know that chat in the chat chat does he have a chat look at my hand here look at this so I need to get a set of 4 so that's 4 cards in a row guys ok let's see so I need a 2 a 4 or a 9 a 2 for 9 whenever I draw I need a 2 for 9 did you go I this is terrible this is a terrible hand okay I don't need it I don't need that oh look at it I got it I did I did it Oh No ever on a scale of Matt - Matt how mad explain this game okay so there I guess there's new people in here so what this game is this is called face ten your goal we're currently on phase three phase three we need a set of four and a run of four as you can see I got it so next round I'm gonna be on phase four right and then the first one to get all the way up to face ten wins and the loser has to give the winner a new Lamborghini that's just the rules you agreed to it right now yeah I agree to it now I just sort of heard the rules but I agree okay what do you got for just got my first duplicate so that said it four is right around the corner dude [Music] you realize what card you just gave me oh wait that's right so you can put it in there pick up cards that you drop I mean it doesn't matter there was no way I was gonna do anything by hand you got 75 points dude what am I supposed to do with that my entire had one duplicate card how many get set of four in one duplicate card Ian I don't I don't cheat and spawn it with like seven over the same period you do so now you're stuck you're still on the last phase which is a set of four and a run of four I'm on the next phase which is a run of seven run of seven is so much easier what do you mean brother it's so much easier I had every single card Amaya was a single one I had one through 12 dude okay now it's your turn oh you could say you had a good run no I had a good run I don't have any dude how do I grab that I already have a run of eight all right amber what do you do don't tell me you already have a run of seven let's see here okay I don't need that okay let's throw that out there you didn't want it too so I threw you or - you're welcome take that - am thank you thanks yeah somebody said this is a rummy ripoff yeah it's it's like rummy if you guys have ever heard of that so I just made a disc where I have one two three four five six so in that to that you will you place I picked up joshan off the top of them so five six or seven if I get a five six or seven I can go out next turn oh my gosh damn who's gonna be so mad it's a greater than - no I want that - I don't want that - amber but I don't want you to have it you want this you want that take it take that for I don't want it take it take a look at that I don't want that for it in how do you get duplicates you I kind of type of some sort of cheat code how do you what do you mean it's duplicates what do you mean duplicates like more than one of the same card I say how are we gonna say Oh a set yeah you just go to game mode C and then spawn it in if I get a five six or seven it is over it is all over it's like that huh what are you you name I have I haven't it's I have a major dude I have like the entire run oh you have an entire run do you want to pass your hand to me I mean no I'm gonna run of seven you know I see not really though I know I don't six or seven yeah I see I really don't want to do amber I want to play again get out of here kids you bother me it's giving in what did I say in and your five six or seven right here chat chat send me your energy send me your energy send me your energy chat five six or seven right here no stupid danged hamburgers idiot hey that's very mean put on what are you doing chant what's he doing wait hold on no I did that wrong dang it dang it in the chat chat in the chat chat but you already have a run of seven eight one two three four five six I mean I have a run of seven stepped in it you accepted it means you have a run of seven take that one you wanted one you wanna one no do it how am i how am I gonna get set of four that's the hardest thing in the world so twelve twelve eleven ten nine eight seven six if I get a five I'm so close how dude how this were you discarding 1111 b7 I think you don't need eight seven six okay what no you can't read you don't even know how to read I don't want that I know that's why I give it to you take it take it I don't want it that's what I needed no you don't know you did it no you did it I need it in no you didn't you hacker are you hacking again did you take it did you take ba you didn't take PA did you is this uno no this is called face 10 it's just like rummy what did you do did you break it oh no amber are you there yeah I'm here I'm sorry okay I thought it broke again alright thank you good oh yeah yes I'm good hmm ha I will get rid of that what you get rid of nothing I got rid of nothing know your business okay oh you got it okay so you phased up I face them okay um all right I don't need that I don't eat that okay now it's your turn that's my turn yup so you're gonna be on phase four I'm gonna be on phase five so we need we need an eight or a five to end this turn an eight or a five what are you doing I'm thinking about what you literally phased up already yeah so I got I got a win now right oh my god does it not matter if I win so have so many points doesn't matter does it no it matters because you can you have two cards in your hand I have three cards I drew one oh my gosh alright so I'm thinking if I get this card I can do that oh man give me what what are you giving me fine take this card I don't understand why why does it matter if you gave me that card no I have a card that if I gave you then you could have one card and then just win huh so I have a afford all right and if you had a five you just do five four and then win the game amber I think you're overthinking this I probably am way overthinking this dude so we need we need an eight eight seven six we need an eight or a five to end this game does it matter you see we have right there I picked up a 5 and I 540 Nm I'd see what we were thinking in and I was thinking it I just won the round yeah but you're 75 points do so like you're on face for I'm on phase five okay dude okay so so this next run you read you need a run of seven I need a run of eight of course I needed one of seven it gives me this whose idea was the place game seven right here I win of course chat look at this I couldn't have a it's yours I'm so I'm so mad dude I'm so mad I don't want that I don't want it take the two dude the two is nice you don't like the - what the - no dude love the to love the to love a high they won it see you uh so I guess I can get rid of air you think - yeah you could take it - I don't want the tube no you want the - no I don't want the - I need I need - you're gonna give me that you want it you know what that no dude no you take the forward yeah how about this do want this depends on what it is no no I don't know why why don't you want that I do want that dough I do want that dough hmm one number one two three four five six seven not really new so I'm missing a seven and a ten cuz quick maths I'm you disc or whatever say these things so amber doesn't know seven in the ten chat in the chat chat take the - no I don't want to take the two you take the two men okay wait what did you take did you tell you didn't take the eight I don't know who knows we'll find out next time I'll join you ballsy where did you go I'm currently going thinking I'm thinking about no wife no stuff notice I do you want this what I want that don't you what the heck are you needed course of course it is okay so let's do that one let's do that one I'm missing one number chat a mission at seven chat said me or seventh try want some more seven someone I need your seventh chat chat send me all the sevens every one of them what are you gonna get give me take that one take the one love it I'm not well no I'm taking you I'm not giving you one I'm not taking the one come on give me you eat you eat I hope you I hope you fall I hope you fall right amber I'm missing the one card that matters yeah the one card that matters it literally literally the one card that matters man I only have one duplicate but dude I feel like this one duplicate I have the card you need give it give it I'll give you a dollar I'll give you all their dollars to two okay there something card you need of course of course of course it is you've got to be kidding me twelve numbers at the 12 numbers the two that I drop of the ones he needs what are the odds yeah luckiest man in the world winded perfect she's in the game face are you who needs to play who needs to play the game so I oh my gosh 135 point Sam brew what are you doing AM brew often I get any lucky like you in so I bought a run of nine am Bruce still on a run of seven wait am i hitting my microphone with this sorry guys if I'm like making a lot of noise I didn't sell any it to me okay you didn't hear anything all right so I'm gonna run of nine you're on a run of seven face six is this hand oh it's about time you join the club that's been my my hand all game dude what do you mean brother what do you mean alright we're gonna do this we're gonna do this alright what you do where'd you give me that bat now you know I'll take that I'll take that I'll take that now of course of course you will yeah no of course I record on top use one you need it you can have that you can have that you can have that one I don't want that one it smells take take the three love it love it eat it chew it chew the three amber love it all right what are you gonna do now you need to run up 70 I need a run of nine literally I need every single card in my hand except one to be a run I need to have so many runs dude I accept and then do that does I want to go again sorry and no hard feelings right okay you little hacker you're a little happy yeah baby stop yes I did you only have two cards you mad I have two cards you mad dude I need a can of beans somebody give me a can of beans so I have the runs come on oh no I didn't need that dangit amber don't allow you to need that alright gonna know hold on okay hold on I can do this I can do this okay don't drop that because then he'll get it umm drop this so then he won't get it hey what if I needed that no you don't need that you don't know that what is this game oh dang it I don't need that Ambu you need that card you need no I can't do that I can do this though I can do that there we go there we go there we go that buys me some more time buys me some more time so guys for your new guys that are coming in here asking what this game is this is called phase 10 as you can see under the SS I'm currently on phase 6 when we reach phase 10 that's when a winner is crowned okay oh I need that Thank You rapper Thank You course you're welcome that'll help so I gotta lay down this 9 no why can't lay down on 11 everybody okay it's on you it's on you I bought more time okay okay if I get a 5 I can raise up here if I get a 5 I can phase up here okay I can't lay down a 9 because then he can pick it up and throw it on his I don't want that target me don't don't you skip me you probably what that card but I don't want that card I don't want that card you eighty you're stupid and idiot had game tell him you tell him sorry why can't I why can I get anything good in oh no I don't need that honey is one quart at 12 that's it what car do you need I know what cars you need I know what cars you need I know yes I do no I'm not laying it down one in 12 chance you get this card and I'm not stupid okay actually I have a higher on so next I can even get a I can even get a wild card oh I forgot wild you're a thing yeah so I need I need two cards so I have a two and a thirteen chance I'm telling you I'm not gonna get this card chance ready boom didn't get it like I said when I say Chet Chet chat come on chat in the chat but what if you need this card what card what card is it drop it put it on the ground put it down do it do it could you use that card this one you don't know that [Music] yeah that's we say goldfish you go fish I need two chords guys one of those two chords I win I was holding on to the nine for so long so I didn't want you to have it do I couldn't pick up a nine I couldn't pick up a nine or a wild-card the entire game literally the entire game okay so this next one you need a run of eight I need to set two sets of four oh my gosh chat in the chat chat come on Chat Chat I just hope I only get dicks I am never getting that two sets of like no it's impossible it's actually impossible especially if my luck run of eight so we'll keep that so then I can match his no no no go away go away you bother kids you bother me kid do that there we go dang it chat in the chat chat oh we're coming up we're on phase seven chat we're on phase seven ever we do make their face 500 what you got for me a one you know how much sort of a monkey man I'm so lucky that's the question you leave my one alone leave it alone you need five dude you need to find it I do thank you oh dang it dang it chat chat tell him oh hey thank you in this game do do somebody said this game is really fun you should play it chat download on phone and play oh come on quit doing that amber this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one oh and this one no you have a run evade already what what I'll just um let's do this hey my turn why do you have the runs already had the beans something like the Bing the beans out for you so okay I can't put that down cuz he'll win um I can't put that down I can put this down though okay take that it take it take it love it eat it chew it chew on the eight yeah I hate this but I'm an exact same boat as one that was last game what do you mean I need I need one I need two cards I have 13 so you're saying there's a chance so I'm saying goodbye amber amber it's my turn already hold on oh you skipped me and Bruce my turn stop skipping me what do you mean okay okay Jan the Chat Chat Chat Chat in the chat say it chat love it wait do you know I have to set the four to you yes two sets of four I'm gonna be so mad Chatham you two discord I need a 9 or a 10 I need a 9 a 10 or a 1 9 10 or 1 9 10 or 1 chat give me you idiot I don't need that AM brew what don't tell me what would you no no no I'm gonna break things I'm gonna pick up this chair I'm gonna eat it I'm gonna eat this chair okay you didn't win good I a to a 13 chance man crazy okay my chair dude I was close yeah and you know the cords I need to add right you know the cards I was eight my chair dude all right no yeah I know a card you need I'm not giving it to you I threw them all down on the ground there I got it I guess did you get it did you win of course right after you get your face - I'll do I hate this game it waits until you get your face - give him my card oh so you have a hundred fifty five points how many do I have I mean does it say I can't see okay so I'm on phase eight you're on Phase six you need a run of nine I need seven of the same color oh man what happens if you're colorblind well then ripping the chat right chat oh okay dude I'm sweating I've never sweat over phase ten before and I've played this game a lot oh you did I didn't sold the game yeah well no I've played it in real life that's why maybe that's why you're so lucky I just broke my camera guys look on camera let me fix it trying to fix it oh okay we're doing this we're doing this we're doing this what won all right how many times you break your camera yeah oh that's buried neat let's get rid of that one dude I break my camera all the time I believe it okay I'm fixing it come on I fixed it hold on okay fixed it okay it's fixed think it faces sideways somebody says your face is sideways right Chet Chet okay tell them all right give me that color no not that call are you stupid stupid you don't need 12 okay so I'll drop you 12 you want you amber you need all twelves right so amber you needed run of nine I do need a ride I'm nine which is literally all your cards except one yeah I know how close are you on a scale of skills to scales how scales see I don't know well I have a lot of one call their duplicates after like a scale you need huh what color say say no by saying uh-uh nope that's so let's see here we got a yeah yeah room nine it's basically we have to start from like okay okay so is this to kill you oh this is definitely the color you need what car first oh actually nevermind you get rid of this I'm so used to get rid of this color all right you don't need that color to get rid of that color so or do I Danu dead dango hole Wow not you not you oh okay maybe I was you you'll never know wasn't me about kind of could've been did you need a run at nine that's a tough one I remember when I was back there like three years ago yeah all right chat we need things we need stuff in things what you got going on over there date nothing no did you really get a run at nine nothing your little hacker oh wait I get this one why do you keep doing that I'm new to Minecraft dude you know this it's alright though you don't have all the same colors so it's fine I'll just Windex that's fine dude are you gonna win are you gonna win if you win I'm uninstalling you if you win I'm uninstalling you if you win I'm uninstalling you I'm telling you right now you are you how many points do I have I don't I don't know it says on your my sim ball you bum this so I'm on the same face you're on before enforce Oh give me a wild Burnie we lost chat we're on two sides of fours as far as we go the entire stream hope you guys enjoyed this this picture because I still see you sets of four oh gosh okay so this is looking good for the home team for chat chat to tell the chat right chat all right what do you need so do you know so you don't need you don't need this color so you don't need blue you're stupid you're a stupid oh you don't need fives we're take a 5 it's yours thanks to your send that to your cell or stop [Music] okay I'll go your Reds are yellows I might start going for blues to fake out amber because he keeps laying down blues chat what do I do here you guys are smart tell me chat high-pitched voices dude you listen this is all this my feelings never mind this listen my hair line is beautiful okay be nice to me in what is that the color you need you're in I'm cool I know the color you need perfect do you need a four dude in uniform no you don't need you need a four there you go there's your 40 oh thanks dude appreciate I'll definitely yeah skip your turn so I go again thanks I don't want that can you not can you not skip me please he doesn't know I need yellow no I don't want that that I don't want oceans yet you do you do what oceans you don't all right I know you don't need 12 I know you got all the yellows boy okay I know you don't need 12 I know you don't need 8 you don't know that I do know that cuz math so then if I do this what what does that mean don't you rank up crap okay okay I know you don't need 8 I know you don't need 8 I know you don't need 8 I do know that cuz you threw one down earlier you threw an 8 blew down right chat dude I'm gonna be on phase 9 two more phases and I win I mean I'm starting this phase forever so wha I don't think you need an 11 either please you don't need an 11 right damn bro I don't know do I what do you need what do you need whatever it is give me yellows all right there you go you give me a yellow I'm sorry that wasn't yellow are you no no that's not yellow oh sorry I'm colorblind well you know what I'm number blind to there take that 11 I'm number blind take it yours I don't like it when you're number blind Jim Green I don't think you need a 10 I don't think you need a 10 right chat chat in the chat chat my hair is slowly growing it's getting there pretty soon I'm gonna be a beautiful I'm gonna be a beautiful little boy thanks for the tip no you're an idiot head your urine okay look how many points I have you have 155 I have a hundred one hundred Oh so I'm barely winning in the numbers Department mm-hmm all right let's do this so you're at seven to the same color I'm at a set of five and a set of two ripping a chat holy crap in my veins instead of five there's no well every my wife get that seven are the same color dude what color do you need if you tell me the color you need I may I'll give them to you math okay okay all right I need a red okay got you got you squat fam I have three Reds okay I'll tell you that that's how much that's what tell you okay okay that's good all you get though so you get um how about a green how about a green you want a green I'll take a green no but I will wait are you did you mean me let's see if it takes it I'm looking at I'm looking at the card if he takes this then we know he needs greens okay he didn't he didn't take it okay let's grab I could grab that no I'm gonna grab this okay okay I'll take that I'm grabbing that oh there you go take that green I know you need a green thank you thank you it really means a lot this is gonna be tough a set of five okay seven of the same collar dude are you are you babies it's off meaning here now you know okay okay calm down calm down chat chat calm down Oh amber do you need a green take that green there you go if I get one more nine thanks did I go out if I get one more night I go out go ahead give me nine okay okay um please I was saying it seen what all right take that green so I'm dropping the five because I have three tens and three nines so I can either get her nine or a ten and go out so forget a nine or a ten I go out right here come on send me or send me send me your numbers chat chat you failed me Wow chat you had one job okay I know you don't you yellows here take my urine okay you don't need greens either that's good to know even though he knew that oh you didn't know that come on take that green take it and love it eat it chewy oh you only blues okay so you're never right I won't give you the red what so you didn't get a set of five right did you you already got a set of five are you oh you've gotta be joking me my dude you gotta be joking okay I don't want to give this to you just all I got there you'll take the red love it take it oh thanks dude but that phase you up yes all right well we each go up a face I'm gonna be on the final face so if I get this next phase next turn it's all over um this is rough man wait did you get it all or did you not uh yeah I guess I got thinking I'm gonna get rub actually doesn't matter what I get rid of okay it really doesn't matter what I get rid of okay so you got your reds mm-hmm okay so I gotta get one okay well go ahead put that you know what I'll add another you know what I'll give you a wild no you know I'll take it can you put that over there oh you have a hundred and seventy points I have a hundred I'm on the final phase Andrew yeah I'm not getting a set of 5 so you won basically just say graduate to be anyone because 35 is impossible so you need to set a five set of two I need to set a five in a set of three oh um you don't need to 12 oh you don't need to 12 it's just you don't need it you don't need it ja he doesn't need it right I don't know chat tell me hmm you don't need it you don't need that 12 your hairline is so crazy and listen chat yeah you don't need a four you don't need a four it's just math you don't need a four amber you don't need it how do you know what I wait and don't need how do you know cuz I just know I have I'm telepathetic oh I'm telepathetic yeah you do not need it please give you a dollar you look me a dollar if I win this turn I win all of face 10 all right so do you need that [Music] you do need that do you need that you do you need oh crap this is gonna be tough dude I said a set of five or in a set of three cuz like three is hard enough to get hey do you need back what so no we're getting sixes we can win uh here here do you need this here I'll give you this one do you need that do you need that okay okay you do not need to you don't you don't need it to it's just guaranteed you don't need him I know you don't need it because you don't need it if you say I don't need it then I guess I'll believe you do you need it grab it did you take it check did you take it do I need to check I think I might need it no don't take it don't love it don't love it don't love it but you said but I mean you put it down there and that's what I'm just do right okay good okay so you don't need it - there you go have another - you're welcome oh thank you for the Suze I appreciate it I need a seven or nine I could really use a wild I could really use a wild dude why don't you drop me a wild every drop me a wild no um do you need a six dude you too sis I can t a 1600 you don't need you don't need please don't take it is he gonna take it he didn't take it no no you et no you're stupid you're a dumb you're a dumb head Wow hey that's me and see those are main words and those are mean words sorry please don't get an 11 or an 8 please don't get in 1108 please you know what I'm gonna go again no don't skip me if you can you not know you only a 12 you your job so freely remember you you jumped in the very beginning you don't need a top anymore okay okay jet I need a nine or a seven and I win no yes if I get a nine or accessibility that that's well do you in if I get a nine or seven right here I win the game did you just win I forgot to press accept dang it how nice can you win though if he goes out here and when installing this game he can't it's impossible okay good there we go I'll take it I'll take it you know what I'll take it amber I'm sorry okay lucky yeah are you like Yugi you believe in the heart of the cards like what what is this all right so now it comes down to the points or because I hit face ten do I win now you you win there's something there's something I'm not on than your face so you won if that was on your face if I was on tint faced in as well and it would come down to points but it's not I'm on faizon on your face dance okay but we might play I don't know okay okay let's see what happens hey okay games over what I don't want to I don't want to sign into Facebook yeah it's asked me if I want to sign it but no joke away winner Sundy your final score ripping the Chad dude that was actually fun I like that game even though you know whatever yeah oh of course you like you know I I hate it that lost if I won I would like it but since I de Vos I hate it but a days listen I would end this live stream here again if you guys have enjoyed hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button for me the new to either of our channels hey amber you're gonna keep streaming right yeah I'm gonna stream some further okay I'm gonna go join amber for some fur and then I got to go make poop people watch at normal say it is next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,018,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phase 10, Hasbro, Card Game, Rummy, card game, how to play, board game, ssundee, board game (game genre), gameplay, mattel, mattel toys
Id: 93VYjMAbhFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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