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that sounds disgusting why did I do that you guys hear me I just yelled why did I yell I'm such an obnoxious human being all right is everybody here I didn't even like schedule my live stream or anything I just went live YOLO right chat are you guys here okay I'm live there's my ugly face can are you guys here I think you guys are here I don't know whenever I see a comment oh there's comments okay I'm starting hello hi people of the internets okay so dudes what we're doing today um we've done this before we're playing Monopoly plus with gold actual and Nico fault you guys know this game if you don't know this game I'll do my best to explain it but we're playing Monopoly last time we did this I think that video has like 2.5 million views and you know YouTube's all about getting views you know as a YouTuber if we're not getting views we suck so play Monopoly hopefully we can win this one last time no spoilers but we got wrecked okay is everybody here everybody's here all right everybody's spamming late oh my gosh hey dude hello YouTuber hello how are you you're the best uh okay so I'm just waiting on Golden Nico to unmute and I guess while we wait for that dudes uh I I don't know if I want to keep doing these live streams or not every so often I don't know uh but if you guys want me to do live streams every so often maybe find another board game and play it like I used to do hit the like button down below if we get to 74 million likes I'll do this again uh but I don't know I like live streaming but again I don't know but okay I think we're good oh and also hit that subscribe button hit that little bell I think I got a super chat too dang it did I yes from Randa O'Day thanks Randa O'Day you didn't leave a message though what's better fortnite or Black Ops fortnite dude come on you crazy all right Black Ops is fun but all right we have a minute until we start I'm gonna unmute sorry hello hey sorry sorry never mind are you guys here yeah we were gonna play Rock Paper Scissors but never mind oh sweet okay okay are you guys ready to play Minecraft yeah this is the new mod that we made okay starting game right now I'm the cat gold is the bunny and Nico is the dog please don't wolf again yeah don't do that all right so we're playing uh different rules for this it's uh we have once we go around the board once we'll get an extra die that makes the game go faster dude the red double that one that one though yeah yeah okay now we're rolling to see who goes what you're saying we're playing different rules from last time no no no from like the normal classic game okay yeah we okay I got six crap I'm a terrible human okay okay don't you pass me gold if you get more rolls to me I'm uninstalling your face that's it no it's fine I got this I got it yeah all right Nico if you rolled higher than me I'm uninstalling your face all right Nico don't you do it you wow wow that's like the almost the best possible score I could have gotten dang it you guys are evil no you no you oh gosh somebody know you Nico can you read my super chats oh my gosh you guys are insane guys dude I can't dude how do I read your super chats just read them carefully dice oh gosh okay Nico's going first I'm muting really quick that's actually bad uh I mean nahid play Pokemon please I love your vid thank you nice for me to play this game and also read super chats if I miss anything I'm so sorry thanks a lot for everything dude I just record a video of you sir dude you're the best you were up those are my turn it's my turn sorry okay okay rolling okay here we go oh 11. oh I get a I get a a purple one hey Charles Place dude I'm gonna go say Charles why do you know that no you're running yeah I did say Charles oh wait what oh it's 10 foot boys dude I didn't have much of a childhood okay uh I didn't realize I was playing with a monopoly Pro by 140 right there so for you new guys in this game what the idea is you want to buy all the properties you can once you get a set of three or two is it three is it only three oh there's two right it depends on the place yeah if you get a full set don't forget that how do I do that wait what do I do I'm so confused back I'm I'm intern there we go believable sorry gold you're um yeah once you get all colors of a certain area you can start putting hotels and houses and whatnot on them or what did you get nine uh unfortunately I don't have the board memorized so I'm not too sure where I land okay go ahead if anything is better than just losing 200. you're right you're right Nico looking for it okay so he bought connect dude how do you how does it feel to own an entire city it's pretty nice I think that's oh my God wait you landed on me thank you Nick I appreciate this dude don't forget the intern because I totally didn't just forget okay now it's my turn roll time what am I getting four or five oh I'm gonna get community center I think oh wait say dude I'm all about the Saints I got Saint Charles St James what else okay hold on okay I own it that's a nice place you got dude I know do you want to land there maybe uh Nico probably does no yeah was it was it like three years no no dude if you want to land there you can feel free you're a bunny rabbit I accept your kind here oh seven eight that's an eight yeah quick quick math quick maths oh my gosh so many super chats dude I love this game thanks Aiden Nico read them read Yourself lyrics I can't read yours oh since 2012 and I love how far this channel yes thanks Jordan heck oh you're going to jail I'm going to jail baby dude we're over here reading even super chats thanks for having my super chats dude dude I got you dude what what if I miss any super chats I'm sorry oh it's my turn no it's your turn all right Nico it's on you I get to Rolex you're gonna get an orange spot dude can I have that oh how about you give me that and I'll give you um a handshake next time I see you are you into you should I auction it dude can you buy things while you're in jail I don't know how you would oh through auctions yeah double again go to jail what is it 10. I'm gonna get my way around this board dude oh no you don't want that yellow dude you um okay I forgot one more I was going to jail dude I'd have been visiting come on in yeah you're right I should auction it dude just come bankrupt you'd hit the bankrupt button fastest game ever that's a good plan dude my turn oh my gosh it's a great time in jail I've been around since you've been Mansions thanks homie uh madius guys I'm so sorry if I can oh no Nico nuke I'm not paying you I'm not paying dude I'm not paying you forward I just got 16 back dude I'm not paying you get clappity dude all right so you oh so you have an orange and a yellow property I have a purple and an orange and gold has a light blue yeah and then once we go around the board we get an additional die not good enough dude do I have to roll doubles is that how it works yeah oh yeah can't you pay to get out early uh it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it's kind of nice in here are you having fun in jail dude I'm having a great time that doubles again oh my God such a happy dude dude you get a purple spot you gonna buy it right there you're gonna buy it okay so on everything dude I think you're gonna start rolling with the new die now I think so well I get to play again now does that mean I get the red dye now I think you do or do we all have to go yeah there you go you get the red dye so you can either choose you can choose to go a certain amount I think I don't know I don't remember how this guy works you buy electric oh I'm down you want it can I have it no oh my all mine let me turn that up hold on what's he gonna do please I clicked it and then it didn't click and then clicked it again and it didn't click here um what game would we play I am a cheater dude you knocked over your cat dude I you call Peter oh I got a rat okay okay what is that what did Peter do dude I bought the entire state of Indiana look at this able to like walk around the map and stuff it's pretty soon guys you have to end your turn dude sorry I'm new to Minecraft mods oh it's only 50 to get out listen yeah you guys use your own money what I want you guys to do instead it's giving me another 10. that Super Chat money on buying Monopoly wow you'll keep watching wherever you go in life I appreciate that man or woman I don't want to assume all right no no don't buy it dude that's my that's mine that's mine Illinois we buy that real estate we invest in that dude you want me to a whole rap dude it's coming dude can I have that dude look at you're right behind me did you smell my butt did you find a fart did you poop did you make poo oh you get knocked dude nine wait instead of five and that's eleven not nine dude I just wanna get landed where do you land dude say where you're at dude it's obviously green you guys honestly I'm just lit I don't want this though it's so doo-doo real estate must be rough to have options whatever dude I mean it's your last time dude hey what's up back at jail what's up I got this don't worry thank you Junior really I appreciate the Super Chat man yep yes yes uh Tanya thanks for the 20. oh you got a double you get to roll again again no I don't know if he does get to roll against it oh oh do I own that oh come on I own that dude I told you you could come here if you wanted are you well dude that one's already maybe 28 dollars no you landed on my my purple one oh I also paid 14 for that at least I'm out of jail all right Nico's turn go to jail Nico oh what's that guy do what's the guy wait why did the guy take you there that guy takes you to the next available property does it I think so that sounds like I think we did dude you're a hacker dude I'm a hacker little hacker rapper okay put me on gonna be happy is it yeah I've already caught up to you oh I thought it was income tax I was gonna poop all right I get that dude all right Nico the bank is look you ready to do some training dude is it time to do training already rating [Applause] [Music] dude what the heck dude I know I don't think you're gonna give me a good deal there's nothing in here let's have anything yet listen you give me that you give me that right now hear me out hear me Audi hear me out uh-huh I'm hearing I'm hearing my little there you go dude easy 36 imagine what you could buy with it you could get your hair did you want to go get your hair dead greet your hair did you don't even get or did a good that's true yeah that's true what are you doing dude wait are you giving me your thing no I'm the dog no no I'm no I'm not trading yet dude it's all kind of trade yet dude this is not good I don't even know why I was even entertaining that was close I almost looks like the Roni pepperoni do you own that one too huh Ian what wait what would you land on probably does I don't know you're the ones I think you landed on me oh you didn't land on mine welcome I welcome your kind around here I welcome your bunny rabbit kind around here thank you you're welcome it was such a pleasant stay I had thank you it was good did you like sleeping in the rubble yeah it's nice oh my gosh guys you guys are inside no I'm so sorry if I'm missing uh unicorn gamer says Minecraft or fortnite so unlucky I think I like fortnite right now hit that little bell I agree it's on these you are my turn okay I'm going in oh I got the red dye now six seven so am I gonna go seven now I got doubles I don't think it counts as doubles if it's doubles of that one okay so I'm stuck in jail now just visiting at least you're safe you're just chilling dude what about you chilling dude so you're the best YouTuber I appreciate that Sue Huss how many doll hair Sandy cooking with the king I appreciate that Super Chat Sonny it's been a long dream of mine to be a part of a vid with you please follow me on Instagram um max hessy I if I were to do a video with with you I would have to do it with everybody I don't like when you're all muted I would just feel bad because you know it's gonna be the best role I can't I physically don't have any money to record with everybody you know so it would just be like it'd be undefeated yeah The Money Team but yeah thank you for all the super chess guys again keep your money seriously like I'm not saying that as like a reverse psychology just keep your money Nico are you here time has come yeah why you has all been muted for so long no I wasn't muted I was unmuted oh that's true yeah I was there wait you got doubles again yeah dude that's all I do dude you literally own all the board and now you're going to community chest which is going to send you back to go you're going to jail dude dang it oh dude I made twenty dollars uh there's like 20 doll hairs what are you gonna do with all those doll hairs I'm gonna put it in the bank all right here we go here we go future holds for you okay hold on so I need an eight oh it's gonna take me to the nearest uh unowned area right I think yes I got an eight that's what you wanted I'm sorry what what do you want that's what the red guy does it takes you to an unowned property yeah I think I own one property do you no you do you can see it on the bottom there you own one property nice you own one that's respectable this is this is the Sunday valve show right now dude I spent half the game in the jail I'm trading with Nico this is what's this are you trying to trade me offer oh you're trading you're trading dog never mind wait it was yeah it was showing is cool yeah it definitely showed the rabbit for a second there give me your green and I'll do it yikes [Laughter] add money I don't know dude all right dude listen listen how do I add more money oh I can scroll wheel it okay okay okay Nico are you ready for this dude I'm ready dude all right here we go get ready for this dude now look in the bottom it says total value right add money look at that deal gold would you do that yes gold just wants one property dude that's all I need I'm gonna live here for a long time [Laughter] why don't you want it dude I don't know how to select things oh you're taking away my money what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean okay so what do you want dude dude I don't dude did you just you know so you wanna okay so you you want to give me the orange for one green yeah why does it say 490s how much you paid for that no that's you got to take that money out I did didn't I don't know it says zero for me does it how do I take out the money I don't know carefully I don't know either I can't take out the money it's a zero dang no no dude did you did we break I think we let's just say zero there we go oh there we go okay did you better throw in 120 there dude my dude this girl here does not scroll fast enough dude you gotta you gotta get good at scrolling I'm trying dude Sonny's been a long dream uh what else we got message retracted oh new member thanks Eric Paulson for the member there we go dude that's what I'm off friend 301 dollars dude my value is 320. does anyone want my property what you're but you know my Landing I'm an athlete at rolling so that counts at least nineteen dollars [Music] dang dude I just made 19 off you do get wrecked you gave him the full set yeah dude [Applause] dude look at this pretty house though let's put a nice little house you think you're ruining us dude GG I think we're good all right all right all right so if Nico gets a green this is an issue sure hope I land somewhere cool I can't believe gold I'm so sorry [Laughter] [Music] okay all right dude you paid luxury tax dude you got to stop staying at those luxury suites roll it too bet you won't roll it too he rolled a three days so what's that bus do the battle bus I think it's the battle bus are we playing fortnite I'm pretty sure wait what [Laughter] did you land on me I don't understand also don't understand how did I go from a three to a one chat okay I got a seven where's that take me oh railroad is that the first railroad ever bought yeah it's the first railroad Transportation Monopoly dude I'll take it dude properties hold on hold on I need to make some changes I need to make some upgrades three houses look at this dude these houses are baller too would you stay in that house gold would you stay in those houses do I have is it optional no no not at all then I guess I will all right all right here we go again oh my gosh so many super chats you guys are not my money this is your first time going around the board huh it really is his first time it is oh oh cash money all right we'll pay for your wheelchairs in Minecraft thanks awkward I'm probably Gonna Roll in one even though it's not possible uh XCOM hey Sunday I've been here I've been a stuff for five years since the feed the B series wow that was a long time ago I like that give me that yellow Fireball 33 says hi Sunday hi listen oh nice where'd you buy the yellow yeah dude I'm a double yellow boy now what does that mean though okay oh just knock on my cat oh I'm gonna go to an unknown am I gonna go to the green no okay good railroad all right I'll buy it whatever dude railroads are so good you already have two of them in two turns um dude so many super chats Nico can you read them this will pay for your wheelchairs in Minecraft no Minecraft Minecraft hey Sandy I've been in stuff for five years since the B series that in 2013. guys you got your second wait did you land on the same color dude he just got his second dude property good he is all grown up oh what are you getting guys no you're gonna get the green one oh no you didn't I got the blue I don't know where did you buy Park you bought Park Place oh my gosh dude you're gonna own that entire side okay go go let's make let's make a pact okay no no packs here dude if either of us get a boardwalk or the other green one we cannot give it to Nico yeah that's fine dude you can't be plotting against me I'm totally fine with that um all right all right gold you're coming around uh you're coming around Orange City dude oh [Laughter] crap you're going to an unknown area oh you're gonna go to the house is this a third buy we're on a rolly pepperoni Jennifer thank you for this murder one is my favorite series please bring Maddie for that one dude better by now before I can't afford it yeah Jennifer um how don't know I don't I don't think Maddie wants to do YouTube anymore all right I'm giving this one a big throw dude sending my last Super Chat didn't work hope this does anyways I love you I've been here yes because we love you so much I appreciate that Daniel wait no why did they give me the blue chance to own some real estate why didn't that put me to the blue we all own a purple right now did I get money for that for crossing go I don't know dude I think I just got you just got oh okay I'm gonna go to an unknown area Railroad really are you kidding me dude I'm not kidding you oh you guys are coming around the mountain too I'm ready hey gold oh what does this mean you're landing on my oh you little hacker what does the bus dude yeah what does that do I don't know dude dude dang it you're such a little hacker dude yeah sorry sorry sorry sorry it's all right it's all that happened again enable hacks all right okay wait what the bus takes you to one of the wait I get to go again or the total value yeah because you wrote a double rolls are two ones [Music] but there's a bus no but the bus doesn't matter it's like double doubles one more double and you're going to jail dude no oh come on yikes dude that is a yikes for me dude and I get to go again here we go baby roll another double you're going to jail dude oh red three is that three okay you're not going to jail but you are going to an unoccupied area railroads is that railroad is that a river water Waterworks baby nice dude did you have some of the best properties in the game right now for sure for sure oh 12. dang it he didn't land on my thingies is that 15. oh no I don't think uh you should try playing west of loathing you'll be laughing your pants off is that a good one I haven't heard of that game boys we got a set no you have all yellows [Applause] you know you know I did you know um go ahead buy a house too go ahead okay put a little house down dude oh yeah you don't have any money you answer this question what is your favorite series that is running right now my favorite series apparently I don't know I'm really liking fortnite right now I'm having a lot of fun with it I don't know why I'm a loser with having no money Dang It Go by play Monster Hunter you can fight okay I didn't buy that hose wait did you just buy a railroad no I landed on your way not yours when they didn't go around go yikes uh okay rolling sounds like you're a little salty Joey funo Sonny did you see my first Super Chat by the way you are poopy big role listen I don't agree with that sorry I missed your Super Chat guys it's really hard to keep up with all this oh red does anybody own or yellow ooh Waterworks ooh dang dude if you were to put a house on that you would have made a 120 dollars from the other one you should have landed in Waterworks honestly we've got great facilities poor gold Dude that feels so bad to go all right thank you for the Cash Money boys I need it dude all right Nico's turn no it's gold by the way oh gold turn all right that was a big big man roll big man Roy I liked it yeah yeah I would say so all right where are you going what do the cards right there oh chance hey that's the nearest railroad if unowned you may buy it from the bank if owners no it's not no you can buy it oh hey dude [Music] that's preemie dang it how do I get that from Dice and see what the future holds for you what'd you get nice six eight nine ten it's nine seven eight nine ten wait you think pay taxes oh welcome to the railroad that's okay only it's only pull smart investors never mind [Music] wait what are you doing welcome to Railroad actual wait what are you doing nothing nothing we're good we're good I was just let's just look what are you doing what are you doing I was looking give me the green slot give me the green one negative two oh no I'm gonna get a boardwalk [Music] [Laughter] because I I think how the guy works if you roll past it with the other two die it takes you to the next unknown property yeah that makes sense uh okay board map [Music] you know me great you know you know you know what let's let's live a little let's put a hotel there what do you what do you think anything you really don't like money you guys want to go look at my hotel really quick there's my hotel what do you guys think do you like it 900. gold would you stay there Nico would you say you guys want to stay away stay there yeah give me like two rolls and I'll be there don't worry don't count on me oh it's Gold's turn I got a what is my favorite yeah like I said fortnite I'd really like fortnite right now Phillips thanks for the five appreciate that sorry was somebody oh was someone looking to get all the Reds okay okay look at my money look at my money dude one three three seven dude wait you might how did you go past my area you didn't want to stay at my hotel I built it just for you oh no I'll be there soon okay good dude did not if I had one more dude it was over for me okay okay what do I do here Roll All right so I'm gonna land on gold that's fine there you go gold thank you take your four dollars dude take your six take your six dude wow oh dude six doll hairs um it's all yours dude uh thank you I wanna do something um uh-huh how do I do this huh I'm thinking I'm thinking it's hurting my head okay all right gold no no uh oh you know what never mind never mind we'll do this later we'll do this later I have a plan I have a plan that's good let's roll the dice dude where'd your one three three seven go uh I spent I Ernie you're in jail dude [Music] Loki I kind of want to go to jail it's lonely over here dude come join me please say hi Joey DLR for my little brother hi Joey DLR 15 turns out you just knocked your dog halfway across you guys just got sick you got three three dude you're half of Satan oh man what are you buying what did I do I think you clicked map how do I oh no I'm so confused hit Escape I did are you stuck can you not click anything no I don't think so try clicking things did that work I switched screens oh wait I was muted wait are you clicking things yeah hit Escape I did and it just takes me to the menu waiting for Nico Val to play okay well whatever if it bypasses my turn that's fine I think it's just stuck here are you seeing the same thing I'm seeing yeah I see like a board yeah I have no buttons on the bottom okay whatever it'll just skip my turn that's not a big deal right did we break it oh no did you break it Nico it wasn't me it was you it says waiting for Nico about to play oh Founders left the game oh oh AI Damien will take over wait we have to play with an AI now are you still playing at least yeah yeah he wants to trade oh no oh no all right well you guys play I clicked all the buttons and nothing play happened dude wait he wants Electric Company [Music] no not today Damien oh he was trying to get the red from you yeah he was wow what a little turd dude wait so Nico's out Nico what happened nothing I don't know dude I just couldn't click anything so rip in the chat for Nico yeah yeah I guess I'm gonna just go mute and play fortnite dude [Laughter] I just missing you in jail dude oh crap I don't want to pay you're in jail you're a heathen I don't want to pay a heathen pay me dang it dude if we get beat by Damien I'm literally gonna uninstall this game yeah yeah I say yeah yeah yeah same like okay all right so I'm gonna pay I'm gonna pay the 50. oh you're good now dude yeah yeah I'm doing it this time with the future I had to I was lonely [Music] realizing properties down here I really should pay a visit [Laughter] dude uh I am so sorry for your loss Your Time Has Come are you I'm so sorry for your law school you know oh no gold I have an idea I have an idea okay let's work together to take down Damien oh you wanna do it does that does that entail me just giving you all my properties because it sounds to get entails me giving you all your my properties no no we'll work together dude we'll work together we'll work together oh he wants to trade me oh no all right what are you trading me Damien what are you trading me Damien Park Place for Boardwalk hey Charles Place you better give me about four billion dollars you don't lost your mind boy hold on hold on let's count our offer I'll give him Park Place hold on four two oh dude I have an idea wait I'm confused wait he wants to give me Park Place yeah he just wants St Charles Oh I thought yeah no you should take that are you I think right I mean you get you get parked place out of this [Applause] oh wait what I'm thinking he just gave me the two blue ones yep and now what he's gonna do is he's gonna try to trade you for that purple one yeah but he doesn't know we're working together okay wait gold here's what I'm gonna do here's what I do here's what I'm gonna do you ready for this I'm gonna trade you the two blue ones okay okay we will take down this Damian we have a new Mission chat we will take down Damien poor poor Nico this is all for Nico this is for Nico ripping the chat for Nico all right what's he doing now putting houses down dude you have no money what is he thinking I don't know he's not in a good place right now yeah he's glad he really didn't do good did he no not at all oh battle bus got another battle bus I'll take it where's that taking me battle bus move five squares move six squares or move 11 squares so hold on that'll land on red on a move 11. I just paid Damien 20. that's fine okay okay so I'm gonna do trade I'm gonna trade you okay is the heart of business [Music] there you go dude oh and all I want in return all I want in return it's the dollar dude just you know what there you go dude you don't want any properties well yeah throw in the red one throw in the red one do a counter offer throw in the red one and then I'll try to trade him for the red one okay uh add property there we go and [Music] how do I oh deal there we go except wow thanks for the dollar dude all right so I own that now it's a big play so now I need to get that red one from him okay how do I do this where is he right there select okay so if I do there will I want history oh he has two red ones no no you have two red ones oh he's the dog yeah wait he has hotels oh I'm stupid I am so dumb dude ignore me okay so I'll give I'll take that I'll give him the brown one and 28 yeah that's a good deal you ready I'll end you Damien I know where you live all right go we gotta figure out how we're gonna do this let's how are we gonna take down Damien uh oh is there anything left I don't know oh green oh yeah oh he owns two greens so he's gonna want to trade you oh nice maybe I can get that red off of him oh that's a good idea but then he's gonna own a lot that's true that's true he's going around my area though he's coming around right here yeah five six seven okay landed on green he landed on you now he has to land on me now big money don't mind shutting you out I paid a lot of my things dude uh awkward Bubble Guppy that's a shout out dude I think is that what you wanted I don't know appreciate all the money though dude okay so hold on I'm trying to think here dude he has three houses how do we take down Damien okay I'm Gonna Roll I'm Gonna Roll hopefully I get past his houses okay I got past this I'm going to jail wait did it happen oh did it freeze [Music] select [Applause] oh Nico you didn't have to back out dude I figured out how to get through it wasn't bad for him is he actually playing fortnite I think he's playing fortnite dude poor guy Nico didn't have to leave uh can I get that chicken sandwich yeah gamer Central I'll send it over uh email later nice did you gotta get out of jail free card I did and you know I'm gonna need that you've been going to show a lot dude a lot no problem awkward appreciate all the uh super chats matter it means a lot I want you guys to keep your money though listen stop giving me money seriously it's not reverse psychology oh oh he has to take off houses because he can't pay me dude oh he's mortgaging properties because he can't pay me the 100. dude we're taking Damian down right now dude did you get the same problem I got yeah but I did but I fixed it you didn't have to leave dude he's not a big dumb like you how'd you fix it it starts now carefully carefully dude holy cool I'm trying to be carefully too you could still be in this game now we're trying to take down Damien to take down David oh my God hotels [Applause] play okay so let's do the dice and see what the future holds for you all right if you land on me I wonder if we can trade and I'll trade you the money and then you pay me back oh that's a good deal dude we're taking down Damien I don't care what this me I don't care what we have to do Damien is going down oh my gosh you guys are insane Nico's playing fortnite now thanks Jennifer Nick are you playing fortnite Nico loves fortnite I know oh sorry for at the end all right let's roll the world all right Damien land on he doesn't even know what's coming five two he can go five or two five brings him to jail he's he might go to jail oh maybe it's time to manage your portfolio what is he doing I thought he was thinking about putting a house on that he's like did you know my money Damien you can't afford that okay wait wait okay here's what I'm gonna do are you ready for this yeah yeah yeah five six seven eight okay okay so this is gonna put me on the red did it oh no 110 that's not bad okay okay here's what I'm gonna do are you ready yeah okay so one two two okay so you can put two houses down four six trading is wait I don't want to add a property here we go here we go oh dude I wish I could do this faster this is looking like a good deal for me okay so you can put down two houses so far there you go yikes add money okay all you have to yeah [Music] oh I don't know man it's a pretty good deal though dude I don't know if I can do this deal 500 for one dollar dude I don't know do you like that deal or not I guess if you insist poor Damien okay okay before he goes past your uh blue thingies put down houses okay I'm gonna have to figure out how to do that but we'll see let's get there okay uh so control yeah you roll first roll first oh roll first yeah because you might land on my properties then I have to pay you money back dang you're landing on my thingy the most expensive one yeah good good good good good that's what I like to see all right let's see here can you hit the trade that holy moly if there's demand that's an expensive stay Okay so trade take money from me take uh so you need to give me a thousand just take all my money dude just take all my money I don't know if I take it all dude I don't know if I can click on the money there you go oh gotcha yeah yeah now just hit the uh mouse or the uh oh gosh this is it gonna take a while yeah what is what's the button for it um because you were you were doing the number or not the number the uh Arrow key to the right uh just hold it there you go autumn that's okay just take it all dude take all my money I don't even care I don't even care oh boy I think I have to offer you something though yeah it's offer me a dollar oh yeah Damien's going down dude I don't care what happens we will not lose to a Damien absolutely all right click on your money yep and then throw a dollar in there one dollar and then you'll give me a thousand dollars back deal accept it great dealing with you all right pay me a thousand back dude give me my money back okay here you go all right now put houses on those thingies this is cheeky um my properties is that how I do this yeah okay you just hit the arrow keys there you go there oh yeah oh there we go dude we're gonna do this board and one of them should I put one on the other one I guess yeah if you want to all right dude forward walls look looking good I like it well I do a Save the World Series all right on fortnite uh probably not I didn't really attack that too much obviously he was always happy when I was down thanks no I appreciate that Sunday when you roll three of a kind you can move anywhere on the board it's not a glitch oh oh dude that's what that is what's up so whenever whenever we the the board was locked right it wasn't because we broke it it's because we rolled a three of a kind and we can move anywhere on the board we want yeah someone just said that in my chat too dude we're so stupid that's hilarious all right here we go Bank error 200. very nice wait where did he land is he close well it's like if there's demand hold on an offer are you ready gold are you ready I'm ready yep yeah yeah oh boy dude we're taking this Damien Dude down oh boy we're taking this Damien Dude down Miss Damian fella yeah he's going down oh yeah he's going down mm-hmm deal do you accept it dude that's kind of bad for you but just you know think about it then take it I'm gonna think about it okay all right all right now put two more houses down we will take this joke out oh man [Laughter] poor guy uh okay would you do a series on Art here we go I don't know if I should do a series on Arc oh my gosh dude 600 dollars oh yeah I don't know if I would do a series on Mark Mark Arc I don't know thanks for the uh Super Chat though sharper oh gosh a hundred dollars Bob Bob the heck Bob Bob look at this guy hundred dollars he doesn't even leave a message why are you going to jail I live here oh you got that yeah oh I do I forgot to use it I don't know if I could let's roll the dice heck it I agree all right Damian what do you got for us homie four three dang it hey bypassed you did if we get beat by this guy no no no we got this we got this oh he's landed on your railroad oh maybe you should give me that railroad so it's 200 instead of 100 that's a good point we should do that yeah we should do that all right all right all right so my role hopefully uh probably land on you nope oh [Music] please don't make me give money to the taxes okay good oh you have an idea plans for your money okay oh no he has that brown one dang it okay okay trade so I'll trade you dude we're taking this dude part of business all right that for oh hmm let me think about it [Applause] appreciate that uh okay in turn I think it's been around blatantly exploiting this game what Nico you guys are doo-doo what do you mean dude I'm in jail again I don't know someone said you said I was doo-doo so I came to say you were doo-doo dude you are doo-doo dude no you uh five dude you're gonna land on my railroad thanks for too much oh my God [Music] what's us this Damien will not win if how do I all right trade me okay then take if there's the 950. there will be an offer this is rough it is rough living out here you guys think he should do Arc spam the chat please oh my gosh please don't spam the chat please really need to implement like a way to like type in a value or something bring back derp Sunny dude Derp SSundee moved he moved to Minecraft let's roll with it does he do it 950 oh yes and uh yeah you can you can have a dollar oh I didn't add money oh gosh I gotta I gotta go over here yeah there you go there you go yeah 951 yep yep that's fine easy what do you want to trade and accept dude great dealing with you this is uh I think we can get banned from this game I don't really know s don't don't watch don't look we're literally scamming we're scamming a computer dude you're scanning your computer to get views on YouTube all right all right is he gonna land him again at 11. crap it's not 11. it's an eight I think he landed on yours though he landed on yeah he landed on yours good all right so he can land play this player he could land on my hotel at any second pay up Damien jerk all right you're a big dumb your time will die give me something good for is anything unowned I don't think I don't think so oh sometimes you need to do a trade do we need to you give my six dollars back I hate to send you the six bucks give me the six dollars back dude what's wrong with you dudes I'm taking my six dollars okay okay oh it's your turn dang I thought it was his turn all right so please don't roll a two or a three okay I'm gonna try my best okay good I got a four it's all good if he lands on me dude it might be over pay me dude pay me back my money yeah I mean look where you're living though dude that's not an 18 experience what do you mean did you got a blimp above you that's true that's true I do get a blimp all right here Moment of Truth will he roll onto my plot nope your rent is due all right well instead of a thousand dollars you gave me 18. yeah oh no oh oh no he's got 97 to his name and I'm uninstalling this game I'm gonna have a lot of trouble oh would that take me I think they put me on my hotel yeah put me on the hotel okay nice nice please don't make me rolling his thingy come on six seven eight nine no no no one already owns this property time to pay the rent gold this is not good dude no it's okay it's okay we can recover well there was Sears on COD I know it's not PG but just a thought I don't know I we tried to play it the other day I don't know oh okay just the railroad we're good we're good Robert okay easy easy that's easy yeah yeah easy clap persistence is the key we do a fortnight live stream where you play with your fans uh so we have something that we're working on I don't know which I can say where we might be doing that gamer Central we might oh my gosh a hundred dollars from Bob Bob hi I've been subscribed for four years oh my gosh Bob Bob you're insane good thank you homie I appreciate that you're crazy going to happen I can all right where are you going hey that's the nearest railroad if owned dang it oh all right I just paid you twice in one round for railroads and that's doubled wait where's he at where's he at he's coming around to you right trade me trade me trade me oh sorry sorry my my brain had already done the thing okay okay hopefully he doesn't land on your blue okay he won't he's gonna land on green and then I'll give you money oh nice dude all right I'm gonna give you money and hopefully he'll land on your Boardwalk take the dice and see what the future is for you six seven six where am I gonna go oh oh oh it's because he has it uh yeah yeah all right trade you if there's demand there all right here we go here we go how much you want how much you want dude yeah I don't know that's probably good right I mean I'm just gonna end up trading you if I land on your spot so yeah but this is to put houses down so if he lands on you he dies okay wait hold on there we go deals all right so oh yeah intern and then you can put houses down all right dude if he lands on Boardwalk or Park Place I think he's done so dance a ripper um should I put another one on each mmm mmm it's up to you dude we'll have 42 I guess either way he's he's pretty much done if he lands on it yeah he's done that's 1100 well just wait oh wait it's your turn if he lands on it right here he better all right six where are you going don't land on me please please don't land on me I'm trying my lights are coming today 24 bucks I could do that I can do that all right moving the truth here we go come on Damien land on boardwalker Park Place right here foreign [Applause] we'll get them we'll get him next round we'll get him chat chat in the chat chat dude if I land on you I'm uninstalling eight where am I at e oh Community chest give me four million can't always what is that going to happen to I just got fifty dollars from sale of stock that's pretty neat uh okay so now he's gonna come back around it's yours oh dude don't land on my hotel please I'm gonna I'm gonna try we just uh rig it okay I I did the wrong rig all right take 90 from me dude come on chat in the chat chat we'll do a little treaty poo here do a little trading trading is yeah business think how can we hey you wouldn't happen to want to give me 950 dollars would you know after thinking about it I'm gonna say yes wow so generous let me stay in your hotel and provide me dude if I can get one red from that guy I could put more hotels down it's true you think I should try to do it uh uh I'm gonna try I'm gonna try I'm gonna try whenever it's my turn I'm gonna try to trade this jerk because he's not gonna land on a property he's cheating he's he's the computer and he's cheating it's true accept it all right give me that money back dude please yeah I actually lost money on that I gave you a dollar so you just you came out ahead dude you stayed at my hotel and I paid you to stay at my hotel that's true that is a very good deal for me very good deal uh Troy says I've been watching for a long time since your Ruth time Ruth time what's that Sonny my name is Dante and I've been watching you since Meat Castle oh my gosh I'm almost 16 I love you Biz appreciate that man that's so long cheese someone already oh dude he landed wow I wasn't even looking wow 950 dude just give me a red give me a red give me a red give me a red trade me that should buy oh he's gonna mortgage it I wasn't even looking at the mortgage so many things we're taking down the man we're taking him down see you later Damien 671. dude mortgage it stop thinking just do it yeah stop thing it's gonna happen it will not even close 7 46. we took them down just hit yes desperate times oh okay okay oh so he's trying to keep his houses yeah that's his plan that's his only way to stay in this this is interesting that should keep you in the game 8.96 dude it's ripping up everything it's for life this isn't gonna be enough either he's still down he's four dollars oh my goodness [Music] poor Damian who's poor fell off just for times call for desperately ripping the chat for Damien yeah that's a big rip in the chat for Daddy all right roll 12. all right whatever that can put me all right that's mortgage that's uh you know don't pay him anything let's keep going okay please don't land on yellow six oh no where's he gonna put me oh he's hanging out free parking this is free yeah yeah this is what okay give me a ten so I can sit in jail give me a 10 so I can sit in jail [Music] Water Works no no dude he's still kicking he's down but he's not out goal I want to kick this guy in the face it's only 110. we're okay we're okay still I know I know I know it's gonna be rough if I land on one of his though it is five okay okay you're good I don't know red okay okay rolls a two or a three it's your Terry see you later Damien David you want to do it get out of town oh oh dang it I thought he did I saw the one on the red wait where does 12 put him I think on his thing on his yellow oh yeah yeah oh Water Works oh all right now he's coming around to your area okay before he does this trade me I want to give you a bunch of money did we have to take this jerk down all right let's see where I land all right well there's your money dude there's your money dude that we don't have to trade there you go okay all right all right so put put a put uh maybe hotels on there okay Sunday who's winning uh so Nico like dropped out on accident yeah and this jerk Damien came in here right he's a bot and me and gold are teaming up on him and taking him down that was one dies 2 000 on Boardwalk if he lands on Boardwalk it's over holds for you I got an achievement for doing that oh you did yeah dang dude you only cheated to get it only a little let's see here everyone the ten dollars and defeat Damien enjoy the ten dollars thanks Cody I appreciate that [Music] wait what happened what happened uh I got ten dollars from each player oh nice dude I'm glad I could help yeah thank you all right if he lands on Boardwalk or Park Place it's game two four six five six but he can go anywhere because he got triple double double oh that's true where's he gonna go [Applause] he went to go to get 200. all right we can take this jerk down right roll four a gate you know what I'm gonna try to get his red smart investors never I'm gonna try to get his red okay let's go here all right Damian what do you want to try here here's here's what I want to trade Damien can I not trade his mortgage property oh there we go okay okay there we go four wait I think if you if you gave him 240 I was thinking the maybe even your brown one because that might be incentive for him because he has the other one but it's mortgage I don't know I don't know let's try that there's demand there red oh I have all of it stupid Damian repay the mortgage nice okay I don't listen to your corner yeah oh this poor guy uh back and turn dude this is so devastating for him take the dice and see what the chair holds for you all right here we go here we go you've been sub for 16 years awesomeness Kings dude that's insane dude 16 years nice try my channel was made in 2009 so quick Maps all right here he comes dude he's on the opposite side of where he needs to be six oh gosh dude it's gonna be a while persistence oh dude take your six dollars how does it make you feel gold oh he's on mortgaging something good oh wow oh he's going for it he's always placing houses what [Applause] this dude doesn't he doesn't have the money to be doing this oh no dude he could be seeking to Next Level smart oh is he gonna mortgage something else okay skip let's roll the dice all right here we go three eight nine I think it lands on my hotel or Community chest give me a community chest wait okay all right so you have is there anything else you can get from me no um I don't think so dang it all right whatever he should die this next turn oh yeah no we got this we got this in the bag hello that's fine nice whatever it's mortgage it's Morgan yeah your time has come all right all right Damien come on land of my hotels one three four eight that's either my hotel or my Railroad it's my railroad oh wait no oh crap all right all right this is the danger zone for him let's play this is the danger zone for him and for me oh no six seven eight okay I'm good I didn't land on his properties wait trade me trade me trade me take my money please no no no no no we got this is it gonna win dude you have a deal gonna beat us no he's gonna put more houses though oh no he is he totally is ah Shake the Dice all right okay just don't go to Damien's house okay okay you're good you landed on me 90. that's fine that's fine that's fine I'll take that I'll take that quick maths quick maths yep you can have it sure here you go thank you thank you thank you appreciate it all right all right come to me see what you got three me oh he did yes 9.50 yes bankruptcy [Laughter] get out of here David we did it get out of here David get out of my life oh yeah oh yes nobody cares about you dude all right all right gold so here's what we're gonna do here's we're gonna do yeah I'm out of money oh no um let's roll the dice um all right gold here's what we're gonna do here's we're gonna do to decide the winner oh gosh hold on I just got a Super Chat hold on hey Sunny can you say hi to me I love you I've watched you since 3000 Subs you're the best shout out me please uh Daniela I appreciate oh my gosh a hundred dollars what's wrong with you oh no I landed a Park Place yeah yeah that ain't good now okay okay gold here's what we're gonna do here's we're gonna do since we teamed up and took down the evil Damien right to decide the true winner what we have to do now hear me out you hear me out first of all we have to do rock paper scissors you ready okay okay whoever wins this wins the entire thing you ready okay yeah I'm in okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot what'd you get uh paper yep yourself what are the odds okay so I win yay chat uh don't worry about me having to pay him 1500 I win yay yay high fives in the chat high five okay now the next test now the next test to see who the true not the true winner the next winner is I mean hold on I'll tell you after this hold on I'll tell you after this hold on wait okay oh wait players left oh you left oh gosh what okay so there's here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna end my live stream here I won Monopoly you guys all saw it uh right gold I won I think so yeah I saw it you guys have enjoyed thanks uh hit the like button uh thanks for all the super chats it really means a lot um hit the like button hit the Subscribe button if you're new around here hit that little bell now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go stream with gold uh gold do you want to play let's do a let's do a 1v1 in fortnite whoever wants now is the true champion you know that's not fair okay go watch gold I'm gonna go 1v1 him whoever wins that is the good arrest okay his link is in the description go watch him right now okay bye thanks for watching bye
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,839,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monopoly, Monopoly Plus, SSundee, board game, board games, Board Game (Game Genre), hasbro, Monopoly (Game), Gameplay
Id: 3mg2BN8eL84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 13sec (4453 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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