EATING EVERYTHING! Roblox Hole Simulator!

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it is February 29th meaning it is leap day and this is one extra video this extra video is gonna be a special video this is called roblox pools it's a special video we decided yep leap a day haha so I'm just gonna go but wait so what do we do rock we just kind of go eating trash on leap day yeah I'm gonna eat this wire fence nope Alito you lied everything do drop everything drag we'll stop being so hungry I'm always gonna eat us dude dude dude why can't we label of we can know you don't like it try watch yourself guys you're gonna grade my lunar that is Cheney did you see how are you praising myself I am the old Omega now all right thank you finally some speed up in here I can't see anything drop we'll get away from eating trash Oh trash is great nice tree I can't eat no tree yo tracker was becoming the biggest hole effort um I can't eat this lap post there's a problem let me eat the lamp oh just gonna hoard out all I can eat right now is garbage I guess I'm hoarding up lamp post I'll have some grass we're gonna grow our character to the biggest hole in this map and then every will not that guy you first oh wait I got self and then to eat each other yet pay roebucks like who would do that so terrible I could repel it what are you talking about hey he wants to see me I can eat lamppost now watch me when you can eat a bell you like oh whoa you can eat a building I really need to upgrade my backpack I don't want to keep selling no I don't like that I need to upgrade stuff too okay upgrade let's upgrade our capacity so we can hold more speed fast I'm feeding and our sale value very hard okay we're good close hey crew where you at you should eat drop homeless tree is over I am the king was the King whoa I'm in last place all this I'm not in last place a white for once no and he's in LA tomorrow me some tires surprise oh this is awkward for me alright let's eat some trash this exit sign no Kenny that's a sign I guess I brought is the other map let go on for goo million dollars I'm gonna be there no you're not just wait until you see me I will become the biggest one a smallest hall meet me at the rug store if you're alright I'll meet you at the rug store yeah you're not tough enough to meet me at the rug store I'm about to eat the whole Asian story I haven't been to the rug store in a while well then meet you know what you'll see me on the repair me aren't you so convenient I'm creeping up on the leaderboard sure Oh golden jackal first I better eat all these fences did you spend robot school yum-yum-yum whoa oh no no no y'all get away track who was a giant man like me you might get eaten why no no no no don't don't ruin my game no stop you can't even eat that building what are you doing guys have oh yeah I know I'll buy speed oh by Spadina very funny you're on your own he's wrong you oh I just sold everything okay that's good you don't think you could become the biggest I will become the biggest circle in this server 1 million circle sigh not 30 we're more sophisticated we're holes sorry you're holes I'm sorry no I will become the riches okay I just spent a beating well no more will you really care gonna eat this eat this let's go I'm gonna be at Ultra speed now yeah this shows up a lot offense right here yum yum yum yum yum yum yes I am the King right now I'm almost gonna kick gold off the leaderboard yummy No look at this eating eating I'm getting so huge oh I ate the exit sign next up buildings we don't know Oh funnies peony mat is eating a movie theater what do you mean Oh cuny wait I am peeing dude I'm becoming the biggest hall hold up if this auto repair some more tires got you the gym yet you know I can't eat the gym does anyone find this kind of calm yes this is a peaceful game it's a game where you don't die yeah unless you see me of course am i big enough to eat the gym yet come on I'm not that big yet I'm already eating building eat oh good for you you're eating nutritious well I'm gonna eat this house pay the barbershop oh I could eat it oh yes my lord a shot mine still too big I need to eat your barbershop come on there you go it's the lesson of this game where when you whoa Junko get away from me no I worked too hard to get the level yeah now if I eat this building oh hi yeah karma wait so if you eat the person do you get all their points yes I just took 300 points for rainbow barbershop yes oh yeah you better be careful Drago could eat this root building come on I want to see what a hole that is 100,000 times we're almost there well I'm gonna get there for you I could eat and I can destroy you know oh I don't know anywhere near that day um yum yum yum yum yum every time said she cannot eat everything's delicious I'm eating everything oh my gosh I'm getting so big as a whole whoa I'm almost at 2,000 wait I'm almost at 250,000 guys do you like coffee oh yes but well I'm gonna eat this coffee shop rule okay that's great oh hi Drock oh boy eating he doesn't do anything he's all the same size hi you wasted your Oh bugs someone should add it as like a horror movie monster slowly going through the streets terrorizing all buildings huh tough the whole the whole coming to theaters never I am getting insanely big I'm almost that 1 million houses she's growing so fast I want to be bigger you eat it I need to be bigger to say bigger no I'm here I'm a monster coffee Jim's auto repairs every building I destroy well look at this perfect line up for me oh you just like go straight across this nice five million it's delicious I love yellow buildings the most they taste like popcorn soon I can eat the movie theater but for now I am the movie theater it's okay hello you guys want to see me on the map I am huge I'm scared to continue I don't want to go anywhere near you you will see me I'm going down I want to meet you guys well this tall building I just defeated it nor would I have so it's not good ten million dollars upgrading my pasady like we're just gonna keep up why don't you move what's up oh I'm just uh Oh money I'll leave I'm not doing anything suspicious hi I just want to see if I could just start eating the map oh there's a pizza shop - that's cool how long the new person Wow with the power of roebucks you can do anything all these buildings eaten do you guys see how it's this looks so crazy the dream has finally come I can eat a cinema and that is like fifty nine thousand eight points no no this town gets nothing hi lunar I'll spare you I'll spare you those not dropping though / Drock what you're so tiny man you're not even trying that's because I don't want to waste robot he's just selling now just imagine me casually walking across town enjoying every single building Heigl's you have five million you guys can help boost me yeah you guys can boost me by just become the biggest nutritious I'm actually whoa wait your water I don't want okay I need water hey Michael you're eating that I'll eat that what's a good thing bigger they are they're slower they are so it's fine actually she's not slow she's pretty fast nice and wide I'm hiding I am not slow you're right I am too slow I need to I need to be way faster because if we're gonna grow to the biggest hole ever we're gonna need to be quite quick let's level up our speed oh man speed so expensive mm-hmm okay the purchasing is frozen but we have four million which we can upgrade our capacity and then upgrade our speed all right let's see how fast we move now hohoho I don't move that fast it was very expensive for this you guys want yeah I think yeah I thought they can grow that I'm down to my height and see all right you have ten seconds to hide if you find a bad hiding spot that yeah you hey all right I'll stay right next to me that's not fair hey I'm I'm super gigantic go find a caddy just property up my side in it she also wants to eat the biggest property I'm counting down right now five is it tenza bowl combine ten just go just you get ten seconds to hide as I borrow bucks upgrade upgrade upgrade we're almost at a million upgrade and speed is so expensive ready or not all right movie theater anyone here go get them unit to find everyone if you like Drago both fum I see a town full of at this point I'm gonna eat the whole city to even high fire yes she's just eating yeah what do you mean I am minding you guys hi I guess I am too fungus to figure out that I didn't eat people this town of this boy she's gonna like belong here you should go to the city get out no no I want to stay here though this place is nice you have to go to the big city okay do you want to say that to my face come here go to the next way you belong I don't wanna go no my hall is full at 13 million so 13 million I think I have to sell how much is this automatron small yeah I'd be so sad selling 13 million why you have a million just go to the 4 million 4 million oh I thought it'd be yeah lame I need more money I'm addicted how do I go to the city - 10 million Oh would you need money to move to the big let you there you just had a battery out of yeast all right I've eaten up to 10 million my goal is to sell all of my eating points so I can finally move on - oh you're gonna terrorize these tiny humans cuz look at how gigantic a yam I can't even thin this town anymore eating is eating is worthless to me even eating the collar shop you can sell all of our stone [Applause] Drock oh you jerk I need like 300 came on so I can move to the city I don't want to live here no more I want to go places eyes I'm moving to the city wait it still doesn't work wait it doesn't mean ten mil cash it means ten the fight no money why great I have to eat again no Luna I this is Max's bent away what do I okay capacity what's up this capacity 10 million thank you I can leave why you are too excited okay you're right I love finally she's locking all the food guys I think this map is wait I can't see anything there's nothing in this lab oh you got scared what oh wait there is this I just need to see big cities like me and think so the big city life they still got benches they have cranes but I can't can't see it okay wait let me get big for sure I'll see there's nothing to came here go to the city don't go to the city there's literally nothing there's not even thrashing before we're gonna eat I'm fire hydrants which is a total danger has it to these buildings because they light on fire and the firefighters come I've already eaten the fire hydrant I can't even come on so I've been travelling around the city for about ten minutes now are you a filthy girl yeah it feels impossible to get very gigantic in here you know what I'm saying I don't even think I'm big enough to ever eat these buildings guys you must believe me there's nothing in this city combat accomplished like this building is impossible am I finally big enough to eat this building yum-yum-yum-yum bull no I'm still too small okay I've stuffed it level up guys I've been in here forever and then rainbow says she's about to make it to the city which concerns me because I suspect I wasted bro bucks and I deserve to be in this city all by myself all right all right let's see if we can eat this building come on building what okay weighs it 10 million or 1 million I can eat a building yeah 14 that's thousand well worth it yeah I'm just gonna keep eating all these building and there's a building will not get eaten every time I eat this building it keeps falling over a building you are not helping me turn into a very massive gigantic eating machine this is one of the tallest buildings in the map and I think I can call it a I'd eaten it there I destroyed the calling ignore all the other giant buildings around this map what I say this city was worth the travel to no stay in the mini town it's not worth it okay guys it's not we've been playing this game for hours now and I think I think I'm I'm scared of eating eating things oh I could eat this too all right guys if you enjoyed would love to see more make sure to leave a like don't forget to subscribe if you're new we are crew and we will see you on the net my [Music] I'm gonna go cry right here it took way too [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 11,601,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, roblox hole simulator, hole simulator, hole simulator game, black hole simulator game, roblox hole simulator itsfunneh, itsfunneh hole simulator, roblox simulator, roblox simulator itsfunneh, simulator itsfunneh
Id: TVg4387Ulk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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