Can I Escape Westpoint As The WORST Survivor | Project Zomboid Zero To Hero #2

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ah man nothing quite like getting extremely tired just at 10:40 a.m. but Bartholomew lives another day we've killed 47 zombies and survived for two whole days and we are about to pass out because going out while tired is a death sentence so let's get a 4-Hour nap and the way we're going to be doing that is by setting an alarm there we are we are no longer tired and ready to kill some more zombies anyways we've been trying to escape West Point for a very long time by following the River end and it hasn't been working out so I'm hoping we get some more supplies and we actually escape this episode I think as soon as we breach this dock threshold here the zombie population spawns should be a little bit lower for me to handle so you know what I was thinking about looting some of the nearby areas here to maybe get some more supplies but I think getting God of here as fast as possible is going to be my best chance of survival yeah let's get a move on and already we're tired again I stepped a total of like 2 ft away from my house and we are already exhausted okay we're doubling back I'm going to sleep try to get as much sleep as possible and we can focus on fixing our traits as soon as we're out of the very dangerous city of West Point oh man we need to manage oursel so well we'll sleep inside not here for the night we'll pick our original House you know what they say my body is a temple and I must nourish it with copious amounts of sleep hopefully we won't wake up in the middle of the night there we are it's 8:00 p.m. we're fully rested up hopefully that'll give me enough stamina to actually kill at least like 10 to 20 zombies yeah it's going to be a very slow process but something we can make tangible footholds in yep we're looking good let's get a move on down see even the most unfit Survivor can kill like three zombies given enough time uh that is one big group taken care of though so we have been making a lot of leeway the only thing I'm scared about right now is a group of infected moving up north ruining all of my progress though so far that hasn't been the case so yeah we're looking pretty damn good look at that look at that we even leveled up Nimble this is the start of a great character as soon as we can make it to the West Point mansions to where I can work out without worrying about getting jumped by the undead uh shouldn't be too much longer though there's probably going to be a few more groups like that up ahead but we are no longer tired so we can just move on down we really don't have a lot of room for error it's bad it's bad it's bad it's bad it's bad it's really really really bad okay there are infected chasing me down I don't have a lot of stamina for this it's a more it's more than a group of two it's a group of three I'm going to try to use these trees to cut them off and hopefully we haven't exhausted oursel enough oh man it's terrif this is scary oh my God they're so fast why are they so fast okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we just got to lose the majority of them by breaking GL of sight as long as there's only one or two following me I will feel a lot better about my situation okay We've ran a little bit how bad is it just two just two NOP it's the three okay okay okay back up a little bit more turn around slam you in the head oh I hate it here yeah that was that's enough for me man that's yep that exhausted us as well uh we did kill all three though just barely yeah no that's how bad it is being a me also I'm tired again oh I think the big problem for Bartholomew here is the fact that he's conspicuous which means that zombies spot me from very far away so it's very easy for a group of three to just look at me and Hunt me down I'm going to hope we don't have another situation like that because running away is not really an option even with all of those trees we had in between us they still caught up to me pretty well I'm going to go grab some sleep though and we'll continue this tomorrow okay we have slept for a very long time matter of fact as baramu I find that sleeping once waiting 2 hours and sleeping again is going to be the best way we get most of our fatigue back but boom we are now on day three and I think to celebrate we are going to be grabbing ourselves some dinden and by dinden I mean some fresh uncooked chicken right in the oven while that's cooking up we can go eat the salmon as a nice little treat and finally picking up these meat Cleavers on the ground because I can use them as makeshift axes in the future which is something that I would really much enjoy aside from the scare yesterday we are making a lot more progress and I'm very excited to finally reach the final area right we're almost there and very soon we will have ourselves a new checkpoint which is going to be the dock right over there at the very least we are losing weight though and soon we will not be obese oh my Lord the groups of infected are getting closer to my makeshift Base by the way so we might need to move I don't feel safe here anymore yeah no there's another group group like that size right below it I don't think we're going to go back home and if we do we're going to be sleeping in the most Corner uh house damn dude this is getting real dire let's hope we we can do this today then yeah no you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of the damn Copus meme right I'm just trying to make any footo holds right now and every step I take more and more zombies pollute this Shoreline I don't know if we're going to be able to pull this off guys but at this point the sunk cost fallacy is already like in Full Throttle right we've went through so many weapons our machete is still in good condition but I did blow through a screwdriver two knives we do have a shovel left but let me see how much ground we've taken we've started here and okay we've actually gotten pretty far but man oh man I don't know when the zombie pop is going to end and my guess is that the population line for West Point is going to be about this house here so we have yeah no we got a little bit guys we're going to try to hammer it on through though it very very slowly because of how many zombies are here and how bad things might end up for me okay everyone quick update we forgot to fill up our water bottle so now we are thirsty and tired but I am a little bit hopeful so let me kill this zombie really quick who tripped right over me thank you so much for that Boon anyways there are like three zombies left but I'm looking ahead right now and I don't see any zombies there's another zombie down there there's two zombies okay hold on it might not be that bad I I might be overstepping my boundaries a bit I will be completely honest but I think we are near the end of the population line there are also baskets not baskets picnic tables uh that I can rest up at if you can't tell I am very discombobulated with how much I've been through but I think we are in the home stretch yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we are we are okay just a little bit more I might need to drink puddle water that's okay it won't kill me the only problem right now is dealing with the zombies right ahead of me which are coming in one by one beautiful oh the things I would do for a spear right about now anyways that's another two dead okay there are still zombies but they are like coming in one at one we are normally tired now I don't know if we can continue this guys oh but the the cabin is right there if I can make it over I can rest up there for the night do I want to though that's the question I guess it's not tooo bad up here I think we'll be okay I just really don't want to go back home especially when those two massive hordes were converging in on my location so anything right now is a bone all righty we have finally made it over to the fishing dock watch it be locked I don't see a lot of zombies around here so I do think we can pull it off it's locked of course it is you know what that's fine because we did bring the meat cleaver from before I can smash it in and we can see if there's any lootable supplies in here we have food covered the only problem right now is a comfortable place to sleep and water we'll see if we can handle those in the future for now I just want to create a small little Shelter From The Infected around the area oh we're in we're in okay there's absolutely nothing here not even a place to sleep huh well I mean we could sleep on the ground I think that's our best call so I am going to drink this unfiltered tap water eat this entire eat about half of the chicken we have and go to sleep on the floor I should have probably waited until it was a little bit darker out it's fine we'll drink it it's going to make me sick but we can hopefully sleep right through it all righty what a good rest it's 8:40 p.m. we're still ridiculously tired and moderately exerted I think we just need to move oh man if I had a spear right now I would be so damn thankful still bright out there's a lot of zombies nearby I am just going to have to bludge in them I think oh man actually I don't know right now I think I've really put myself in a really bad position if we can get into the tree line I think all of the zombies will be dealt with and I could stop by this home here which usually doesn't have any zombies around it yeah no we can still do this we can still pull this one off we just got to take it really really really slow killing one zombie at a time yeah yeah yeah I'm not even going to kill her that's how much we're trying to save stamina right now we're going to let her crawl and we're just going to try to move on down okay no never mind this is going terribly I regret everything oh this sucks this sucks this sucks don't bite my ankles please thank you very much yeah no I'm looking down right now there's a group of threes zombies which is going to ruin my life I have no idea what to do right now I guess I could just go to sleep in hopes that I will sleep enough to where it will be a little bit more open I don't have a lot of hopes about it maybe I can wait for one of the zombies to like move over and I can lead them in oneon-one I think those are the only ones that are actually there though well we killed more than I initially expected we got all three of them in our path it's a little bit too dark for me to be heading out now so I think we are going to slowly move our way back to the fishing Hut and sleep there I could sleep on the picnic benches but that is asking to get ripped apart from any passerbys you know out there so I'm going to I think I'm going to kill this last zombie here here as well if it if it stands where I need to go it is going to get me killed and after that I think we'll be all good to sleep well we survived another day and for some reason I can't continue to sleep inside here as my character is just extremely panicked out of nowhere now so I think that's going to be all of the rest we're going to be getting it's fine though because that's going to be the last zombie and we're going to be able to move right on through that or I could sleep at the very end of this dock line here which might not be too bad of a call I might go do that really quick because we're still highly exerted which I don't really like though at the same time we're going to be in a feedback loop of you know this entire ridiculously tired High exertion but uh getting to sleep n you know what if there's no more zombies on the trail we should be fine let's just power on through sleeping on the ground is just going to slow us down Bartholomew is here to escape West Point one way or another so far things are looking great let's hope it stays that [Music] way well there's your answer it's not completely empty there are still zombies around the area but it's just one compared to the handfuls I had to kill before so I think we're in the home stretch really we can fight one at a time we might even be able to go around him that'd be pretty awesome if we could come on come on you know you want to give it to me game please let me be stealthy for once in my entire life nope there it is okay well I can dispatch him not quickly mind you but I can kill him see it took like like 10 whole seconds all right we are also finally excessively exerted so yeah we are not going to be able to run away from anything there's another zombie down there as long as there's not two we should be okay God I hate the forest also don't mind me ma'am as I go take your shoes doing all of this stomping this bare minimum stomping has worn out my pair pretty damn well so yeah we got ourselves some new kicks quite literally kicks please let that be the last zombie I think it is though if it isn't please let it be just one you know in hindsight I think this is one of the most pathetic ways I've ever escaped a city in this game right we just have this pathetic neck beard waddling like by the shoreline very slowly terrified of even attracting a single zombie while being excessively exhausted tired panicked depressed having a nervous wreck being unpleasantly hot and just about you know on the verge of death and collapse but we have made it out of the hot zone right let me pull up my map to show you yeah we are right here and the place I want to visit for a small little bit of recuperation is going to be this home right here hopefully we'll get food water and more importantly a lot of rest there I am also really hoping on my hands and knees begging and pleading that this place doesn't have an event like a party event or a Survivor home event I want this to be a home that is almost completely empty aside from like one zombie maybe and that one zombie is kind of you know stretching it yeah no I need this to pay off okay or else I am going to have to trekk about another few quarter miles in order to reach a safer spot so far though it's good I'm a little bit terrified but the road to the house is going to be right on across and so far I don't see any events with it nor any zombies nearby we have gotten queasy but that's because of the you know the river water I drank in order to survive please tell me it's empty and if it is we are going to be in a very very nice position on our way we'll might as well do a little bit of foraging I would really like to become a spearm m with this entire character because Spears are the ultimate crutch weapon right I doubt we're going to find OOH yo free mushrooms we're not going to eat those that would be an easy way to die that is not as safe as drinking river water anyways what matters is that we have made it over towards an actual home a place to rest up and a place to feel safe no zombies are inside the door is unlocked not locked the window is unlocked though and there's no house alarm oh my Lord we even have strength volume 1 for beginners first aid volume 1 a few carpentry magazines and do we have food oh we got food oh yeah we are doing good today everyone all righty we have escaped from West Point it was a lot of work it took let's see here about four full days 89 zombies killed and a couple of kilog Lost in weight our scales aren't looking that good and I don't think we've lost or gained any negative perks meanwhile but boom we've made it I think we're going to sleep here for the night so I will see all of you tomorrow also if you liked the video be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more oh man that was a very very stressful episode peace out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 55,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, Pr1vate Lime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid modded, project zomboid impossible start, project zomboid hardcore, project zomboid insane, insane, difficulty, impossible
Id: 2nGtRvmc1x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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