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it's blocking guys we found ourselves in a Strange Land where we need to escape from the running head eyes this is one of the hardest hobbies in Roblox this is super difficult look dude this is so scary look it's got evil eyes guys that I shouldn't be playing this this one what take a deep breath and think about a strategy how to avoid it what we've got a look out for this evil eye that wants to come and eat us oh I got past it oh that's so spooky guys this is one of the scariest zombies I sense a new threat are you ready you still have energy I'm ready to go this eye is faster than the first one but it can't jump okay so if we all whoa it is fast oh but it so it can't jump so can we oh oh wait wait oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no ah it's so spooky go go go go go go go go go I made it I made it I made it yes oh jump whoa look at these eyes these eyes are so spooky oh my goodness why do they have to do eyes if you're not fast enough to get behind him use one of the trenches on on the left and wait for the eye to disappear I got it I got it oh oh where is he where is he where is he I don't know where he is oh oh there's a oh so when he's looking your way you need to get out of there oh look at that okay you yeah you gotta look out okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go I made it I made it I made it to level two oh yes level two the bridge of cherry blossoms whoa oh all right what is this there are so many little Bing bongs we gotta go down with eyes in there oh we've got to figure out which one to go down oh there it is wait that means wait it must it'll give me it'll be here oh oh yes help oh no oh oh where are we where am I why are we all stuck in here help help ing where's the exit oh the exit the exit oh yes we made it to the exit whoa look at them running away from the big eyes oh look at that gigantic one that gigantic one is so big that's a big eye that's a oh my goodness why are they so large these guys are large and in charge oh look at him look at how some whoa he's so big wait wait wait wait I'm sorry I didn't mean it I did ow dude there's so many people whoa everyone's escaping running head eyes whoa this is so cool I'm coming ow okay I got oofed a bit I took a bit of oofing but that's okay we're okay we're fine we're fine we love it we love it we're oofing Pros look at that follow that eye follow the eye and then quickly go to the right okay and then follow that eye go go before it shoots oh watch out oh that guy almost got oofed by running high oh no no no no I almost got it I almost got it I almost got her if I'm getting roofed I'm getting roofed I'm getting used I made it I made it yes I made it the big eye doesn't see you when you're down there try to come up when he's gone okay so we gotta come up when he's not looking okay let's see where is this guy I don't see him I think oh okay there he is got it got it okay so we gotta be very careful we've got to be very careful let's stay down here before the iron returns okay he's returned now we go up we made it we made it yes yes Yes we made it to level three guys this is a boss level oh my goodness I think this is the boss okay we're here do not walk on flowers or your face consequences what huh what's that flower I touched it haha I touched it okay so if you touch the flowers the farmers get you wait I didn't touch any flowers I touched the grass okay so don't walk on the grass is the is the play okay don't touch the grass or the eyeballs are gonna oof you watch out for the garage oh no oh no oh I touch the grass but I'm okay I'm alive I'm alive can I touch this grass I'm gonna oh I don't I don't want to trust it I don't trust myself okay okay let's go up have you guys ever been chased by giant eyeballs before yeah it's a bit of a weird thing isn't it this is always a bit crazy when you're getting chased by giant eyeballs find the right moment to avoid the white eyes and wait until the last eye is finished looking ahead I do not know what this is talking about but okay oh these guys are all these guys are crossing the street oh okay okay we're just gonna cross the street oh is this guy oh watch out watch out watch out go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes yes blocky blocky did it blocky's on level four you finished level three now you can continue to the normal game or go back to number one I'm gonna continue on level four okay ready steady spaghetti whoa look at this place dude the eyes have laser beams guys the ISF laser thieves now these eyes get spookier and spookier oh they you don't know which direction oh what did I get oof by a laser beam oh look at the mine cards this is the minecart evil head run escape game okay make sure we don't touch any of this weird pinky nonsense oh how are we gonna do this this one what the what the how do we do this for the best hope for the best yes guys we did it we did that's an eyeball that I thought that was a bowl that eyeball tried to deceive me that eyeball thought it was smart the eyeball thought that I wouldn't notice him okay yes Minecart why can't I run oh I see that's why I need a minecart I see see from alphabet law no I need the minecart I want the minecart back [Music] is that it here it comes I think that's it I need the minecart here it is oh I'm ready oh I'm ready oh I'm on my way I'm on my way I'm on my way I'm on my way all right I made it okay now what is down here I saw some spooky eyes oh oh no no no no no no no wait I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I'm sorry I'm sorry oh that was scary the eye almost got me oh it's one of these ones again it's the wall of eyes that I can just jump over oh jump oh no wall of eye is gonna stop blocky we made it straight past the spooky wall of spooky eyes and now we're on the minecart again find the right moment to get on the cart without the eye seeing you you can take breaks and stay hidden behind the brown walls all right I think I've got it okay here goes bloggy okay where is he where's the spooky eyeball oh oh it was right there he just appeared out of nowhere he just went boom bing bong and then he got us is he gonna get us again oh can we make it can we make it yes oh there he was okay okay go go go go go go go go go go go okay okay now stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop now we gotta wait for him to go again okay just wait for him to go again we're gonna wait we're gonna wait we're gonna wait wait all right he's gonna hit it any second oh there he is okay go go go go go go oh we're on the minecart yeah all right we escaped something someone is waiting for you at stage five you can bring a few people with you to challenge it uh oh guys what's waiting for us on the next stage this is so spooky I don't know is it gonna be a delicious hamburger is it gonna be choo choo Charles or is it gonna be alphabet law what if it's alphabet law that'd be pretty nice or maybe Sonic maybe Sonic's there to help us Sonic's gonna help us climb the stairs and survive 120 seconds against the missiles what this is crazy look at that look at that big boy who's that big boy it's here we go it's a boss fight then we just gotta survive a bunch of seconds when's he gonna start attacking are I'm scared oh here we come oh it's a missiles guys they're shooting missiles out of the clouds I got hit I got hit ow ow where are the missiles oh this is spooky oh okay easy easy okay just remember Dodge duck and weave duck and wee just like a salad whoa you never know where these are gonna come from I just gotta survive two minutes without getting oofed okay here we go are there any more anymore where are they oh my goodness that one was super fast why is that one so fast why why what are these doing okay we're halfway we're halfway through the fight so far so good oh so far so good where are they where are they I've got to look everywhere I'm gonna look at it oh I think we're good okay so far so good we're about three quarters of the lane we're almost there we are so close oh we're so close I don't see anything help help me help okay okay so far so good we're almost there we're almost there blocky we're almost there just pick a corner and stick to it just hide in a corner like a like a coward and he won't get us hold on nobody else okay okay this is it this is it we're so close we got him we got him haha take that whoa a rocket almost got me out of nowhere I did it I did it we did it thank you blocky gang oh yeah let's go we're here this must be level six I think left or right I'm gonna go left because it's green who would why would you go right when it's red and evil run what does that mean run why oh oh there's something behind us there's something behind us help me it's the evil running head eyes okay we're up now we're going down oh we're in the next area these guys aren't too bad I think I can dodge these guys right now right ow right uh yeah oh I almost moved I almost took a big fat pile of oofing oh that was close I am I'm on low HP but I did make it this far the golden eye appears every 10 seconds usually you don't have time to go through the whole course there are some place hidden places on the sides to wait to avoid the eye okay here we go here goes nothing okay well that was a ten so nine eight seven six five four three two one okay oh there's the I spawned on the right okay oh no don't touch that oh this is hard this one's super hard everyone oh oh okay wait for there's the eye okay ten nine eight seven six five four three two one eyeball there he is okay ten nine eight seven six five four three yeah we did it oh my goodness we're on fire everyone we're almost at level eight oh there's eight max levels let's go what are these what are these weird puddles why are these puddles like this oh oh it's a Watercourse it's a water obstacle with oh no wait is the stuff okay don't touch the flowers and what what was that okay don't touch the flowers and watch out for these wumbly Woos okay got it got it got it okay now we gotta go down we're going whoa whoa whoa look at these weird swimming duties oh I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this oh let me up let me up oh I made it I made it I'm up I'm up yes look at them all they're having a snooze it's like a lifeguard pool yes I made it I made it I made it yay whoa look at this Garden what wow really oh no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry oh my goodness this place is crazy this place is crazy yeah how am I meant to get past this place maybe I can go into the water by touching the FL ow oh you know what maybe I can go around this way hold on yeah I think I was being a silly blocky boy I can just go around the outside we can be smart blocky Gamers excuse me okay just watch out just watch out just watch out don't get you don't get Oop There we go that's what I'm talking about where oh we go down I think we go down we go down out out wait no we don't get down we took it down we don't get down we go this way we go this way oh that was close it is rare to have to swim in Roblox here here the eyes see everything except the trenches to watch the iron through the used trench you will have to move your camera correctly everything spins what is this what does this mean okay I'm going for it I'm going for it here comes wait hold on wait this is where we were before I'm going back I think I need to go down we need to go down into the duel all this place is weird this is crazy what okay there's the eye the eye is gone we can keep going guys this place is crazy this is the spoon the coolest Arena I've ever seen okay the eyes gone we go to the next one okay now we wait here now we wait here where's the eye oh there it is there it is okay the eye is gone go go go go go go go go Blackie go go black and go yeah we're on level eight now advice spam jump on spinning pass oh look at this cool area this place is so cool look there's like spinning tornado Twisters whoa this is weird guys this one's a weird one wow ready [Music] how am I meant to how I gotta get onto one of these sides okay we gotta get on one of these sides and then do a big jump whoa whoa my goodness oh my goodness okay yeah we I think we gotta spam jump that one that one definitely look at the eye trying to stay on as well okay spam jump spam jump spam jump okay run away excuse me thank you okay we're in the next area okay this is so weird guys this is so weird oh these spinny things are so weird number one number two number three oh I just missed it's number one number two number three yeah that time we got it blocky gang oh yeah okay I almost jumped off that time okay oh my God hell geez how many of these are there what are these spinning twister things that's what they are wow okay then a lighter advice make yourself ejected thanks to the force of the whirlpools to land further away can I at least get the spawn we did wait did I did I okay how am I which way do I go okay I just choose either ready ready okay oh yeah what ready how do I inject myself no no that didn't work this is hard maybe I've got to keep spam jumping oh we were so close oh I know what we gotta do let's stand right here okay wait for it wait for it wait for it oh I think I got it everyone watch this oh I was so close oh I made wait what are these little babies ah there were little babies help I don't like the babies I don't like the babies I don't like the babies stay away from me babies wow stop it ow ow that hurts let me in let me in this what the what the what is this can I go okay no this is nothing this is nothing there's nothing oh I'm so low how no more babies no more babies no more babies I made it I made it I made it yes we're safe and sound what the what is that guys it's a giant white eyeball I don't like the giant white eyeball I don't like the giant white eyeball why is it so spooky can I run as blocky what is it oh it's the boss this is the most aggressive eye in the game look every looking every three seconds you have to be quick you can hide on the sides a little bit be propelled by the fast spinning platforms all right are we ready okay he looks every three seconds oh my goodness oh my goodness whoa how many times does he look oh oh okay okay okay nice oh ain't gonna needed it twice I forgot that he does it twice I got oofed like a silly boy like a silly blocky boo okay one two three and then one two Okay Google okay now we wait here wait here wait for it wait for it wait for it one two three one two Okay Google yes yes yes yes yes yes yes now we're in level nine this is the ultimate level of Escape running head eyes whoa whoa we're in like outer space Oh we can't touch any of the blue otherwise we're gonna get oof to Oblivion oh my goodness yes we did it yes we did it oh they've reduced gravity in this place because it's like the moon it's the moon whoa why is this why why stop stop please help oh don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me is that a Super Mario War pipe oh yeah I'm going in [Music] foreign we gotta choose one of these oh that's funny okay let's try this one is this it am I free okay nope what about this one oh no oh wait that was it that was the exit oh I got a second try that's so lucky okay don't touch me don't touch me stay away ow don't touch me oh they both just double teamed me they hit me with the old one two they're all one two punch in the loo watch this jump over them jump over them yeah they can't climb okay watch this uh what we just went down to earth okay so I can jump over these guys whoops whoops oops oops okay don't go too close don't go too close yes yes yes how do I get past this dude then [Music] okay we did it okay just don't touch okay we're fine we're fine what is this he's got a sword whoa why does he have a sword [Music] says when could eyes wield swords eyes with swords is Opie that should be illegal okay okay remember we just gotta get past this weirdo again just fast this weirdo how do I get past him maybe I can jump off this guy's head this guy will be my human shield all right yeah yeah he's gonna get the guy after him go go go go go go go yes yes this is it I'm gonna make it even touch your grass this guy is oh we can make him fall off the edge oh I see oh whoa that was close okay just dodge just duck and leave duck and weave all right that's what I'm talking about Let's Go Gang we you saw six seconds before the blue eye hurry wait what please read this is the final stage before you face the re what before you face the real battle in this stage you race against Blue Eye Surfer you can't start swimming if he's not at the start here each round right okay ready let's go we've got a race blue eyes swimmer oh go go go go go how do I go which way do I go okay oh he's so fast this guy's so quick he's so Speedy out I'm stuck no he's gonna beat me oh no no no no this is bad oh hold on I just oh okay I get it I get it we gotta wait for blue eyes swimmer okay here he is it's blue eyes swimmer are you ready let's go okay swim for it swim for it I'm gonna go I'm gonna go up this way I'm gonna go yeah follow them follow these away what the where did that guy come from okay okay it is looking good what what how did I move okay maybe it's because I followed the Red Arrow when I wasn't meant to maybe we just gotta follow the blue arrow so let's just stick to the blue arrow this time and let's go up watch out for that bad boy okay look let's go oh well what the hell am I meant to see him coming maybe I gotta go first person okay let's do it this time I'm going in first person this time nothing is gonna stop me and no spooky weird boys that are gonna come out of nowhere and try to hit me with their eye vision watch this go go okay here comes one watch out okay we dodged the first one I think there's another big one that comes soon as well so we've got to be very careful there he is there is okay okay good Dodge good Dodge keep following keep going we go up now we've got to go up okay this way this way is there there's gonna be another one oh it's a big boy it's the big boy yeah I can't wait back in first person again and we are going to take some mad shortcuts where am I I'm so lost oh I I really don't want to be hit by that really big guy the really big guy is the one that always gets us oh it's the green wait the green must be good is that it is that the exit I made it I beat him I beat him and I beat level nine we did it everyone let's see what this door does oh oh it's one more big boss battle for blocky all right bring it on Mr pong Bring It On blocky is ready to teach this boss who's the one one in reality the eye kingdom is under the control of felipei save the eyes oh it's the eyes we've got to save them from Felipe what is this it's a sword Eden's Aegis ah okay let's do the oh okay the sword's a bit weird the sword's got a weird like jumpy sort of thing okay oh whoa look at him at the top left oh that's so scary that's so scary oh my goodness can I oof him I I'm once you get him ow ow how do I hit him do I hit this guy can I hit this guy come here come here hurry up yeah come here get him yeah okay maybe I just gotta hit this guy okay here I come yeah get him get him get him I bumped him I bumped him and I chomped him and I guava blumped him oh oh what's he doing laser beams laser eyes laser eyes watch out for laser eyes Okay Duncan here here haha that'll teach you to mess with me your game hey hey oh where are these guys coming from ow stop it ow ow I'm gonna oof you I'm gonna Chuck you in a little bit hang up okay I can't I can't I can't wait I got him maybe I make him fall off the map that's that might be the idea get him push him off the map all right okay get him get him eighty percent 80 79 okay run run run he's doing something he's doing something weird and Goofy oh okay he's just shooting little heads that's okay get him he's on 75 74 73 72 okay okay we don't want to take any more damage because we're already pretty low is he gonna shoot more heads he's shooting more hands that's good that's good that's good hands are easy shooting heads is easy okay 68 67 yes yes we're bonking him okay that's a good amount oh what's he doing holy moly oh whoa stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it oh my goodness his laser beams are crazy everyone okay we're at 60 we can knock him down to 50. okay no we can't no we can't now we can ow ow dude I'm so low I can't be taking any more damage okay back back back back back run away okay we just sprayed here for a bit we're gonna wait here oh he's just shooting the heads that's good that's good okay let's get him down to 69 or 49 oh come on come on yeah yeah okay don't hurt me oh he's gonna hurt me he's currently hurting me ow he hurt me ow yeah cheese oh okay that's good that's good that's good that's good okay we're a bit low we're a bit low on HP but we're okay as long as he doesn't do the laser beam again what's he doing what's he doing I don't know what he's doing what's he doing oh he's doing the laser baby oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't hurt me okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine all's good all's good okay 40 39 run run run run run ow dude I am so loud this is bad this is so bad I gotta run back here I've gotta get back oh what's he doing laser beans he's doing the laser beams he's doing the laser beams watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out okay we're safe we're safe we're fine we're fine we're a bit low damage but we're okay we're fine well we got 35 34. oh don't give him don't give a bit more okay run run no oh I hate that one that one's so scary if that with one of those hit me I would have been oofed okay 27 26 run run run run run run run run run run run oh no okay he did that thing again we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good okay so let's get him down to 20. 22. okay no no we gotta stop at 21. he's gonna do something again I can already tell oh no he's got the weird lasers it's yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes I don't like that I don't like that I don't like that and I also don't like this weirdo I don't like this weirdo who's nearby don't don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me oh I got him with like the super hit the super quadruple Mega head oh my goodness what's he doing what's he doing he's doing oh I don't like that I don't like that wait maybe I can hit him from here I can I could hit him from here excuse me excuse me mister yeah yeah you're not I'm not done with you yet okay back back back back don't come don't get him get him get him get him get him get him okay we're so close everyone I'm so close I can feel his destruction I can feel his end is nice if Rocky will save the universe with the power of His subscribers guys smash like And subscribe to savefully bye and the kingdom oh hello hello my king and queen yeah we did it whoa let's see King eye thank you for saving us from Philippi we are very sorry for causing trouble in your journey eyes are not bad people no problem sir Philippe's influences Bewitched thou Kingdom many of our members have started to be aggressive yes let's not think about it but I thank you for saving us yay thank you without you we would have merged we Ed with all the full world it would have been chaos chaos a problem my queen oh one day you'll have to come back to us because maybe there'll be a new thread somewhere okay I hope as late as possible but let's enjoy this peaceful moment yay you guys all tried to oof me I don't appreciate all of you trying to oop me guys smash like And subscribe if you loved this game and I'll see you in the next video blocky
Channel: Blocky
Views: 85,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, lankybox roblox, obby, roblox hungry eyes, roblox obby, obby roblox, roblox scary, scary obby
Id: Weu3UV4dxAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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