The Most SATISFYING Roblox Doors Magnet Builds...

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today's video we're checking out doors but it's made out of magnets when you see all the doors monsters and their jump scares and watch the end of the video because there's a super secret character at the very end are you ready let's go let's get started so who is gonna be the first doors character that is gonna be made out of magnets can you tell what this is I think I know what this is oh yeah I think I know I think this is a big round blackhead looking creature that has tentacles coming off of it that they're gonna be adding sooner that's right I think it's Screech oh my goodness look at that oh that's so satisfying look how they add those extra little bits of goop going onto his teeth they're gross and these are gonna be the oh these are gonna be the tentacles oh yeah look at how well they do the tentacles as well ah those look so good that Screech is amazing and the thing is these are actually super easy for you to make at home too oh what pink what sort of figure is really big and pink in Roblox doors hmm is it Rush is it Ambush no I think it's figure boom smash like And subscribe if you thought it was figure immediately and you got it right straight away unlike me wow look at that rib cage they even get the rib cage right oh that is so good man oh and that click where it joins together is so satisfying I love it and here comes his legs wow those are some big legs those are very big legs okay figure's gonna be giant he's gonna be super tall wait they can't make him stand up on one leg that's why they have another one big brain this is looking awesome oh now we got the arms coming up oh that's so satisfying oh no they are mixed rest in peace figure arm rest in peace I guess that means figure can't chase us then oh it's just hanging to the side that's what prevents it from falling over because it's like up against all the other magnets oh that's so cool okay oh I know what this one's gonna be this is gonna be Ambush right yeah look you've you've got the green you've got the white and inside you've got like the black and silveriness oh uh I think they use the metal magnets to show that like that that won't be seen by any anyone else like any other colored magnet like the black magnet will be seen by other people look at that Ambush oh there we go that's why they have the black magnets in there so the Magnus that aren't black aren't gonna be seen by other people like the silver magnets I should say so if there's any silver magnets you know that there'll be something going on around it later on but if it's black or white or green or whatever you'll see that those are actually seen by others oh this is gonna be seek seek the main doors entity well here he comes donk leg two legs one arm another arm dude those are some big arms for the big boy the big seeky boy look at that we've got the squad guys which one is your favorite out of all of these so far okay are you ready for the jump scares get ready it's a door ah it's great dude we didn't get unfair who's this gonna be oh oh oh Ambush you died I guess it's gonna be that's bigger it's bigger oh dang it these are so cool and here comes seek oh he just runs straight towards you those are so cool you were almost there and now they're gonna get he was the one screeching this time and boys got ambushed kaboom it's bigger I guess he didn't figure that magnet would hurt wow these jokes are crazy and seek he tries to run but he can't no but we're not done yet there's still lots more doors for figures that we haven't made yet or when I say figures I mean people I can't remember that's silver wait maybe that silver will be seen because I think I know who this is gonna be I think this is gonna be Rush is Rise look at that wow he just jumps at the screen guys imagine if if indoors they were actually like made out of magnets like they moved and they were just still made out of magnets that'd be funny they probably wouldn't be able to hurt much oh look at that dude they're putting lights inside oh my goodness dude the eyes is about to get a huge super mega power up I'm so excited to see what this looks like this one's called eyes right or am I wrong is it called something else I think it's called eyes I can't wait to see what happens when it's lit up this one gonna be oh the one with the rainbow and it like the glitch this was the evil glitchy dude isn't it like isn't it like x38 or x54 or something dude look they're pretty oh they're putting the glitch in that is so cool how they add that stuff so sick oh that was awesome he even did a little glitchiness does that mean he's trying to break out of the magnets what's this one gonna be I actually have no idea what this one is oh I know it is I think this one's holds oh they just took off the top and they're putting lights inside oh yeah wait no that's not halt is it oh that's so cool though are they turning your lights on oh God that's so cool wait isn't that the one where you gotta look behind you oh but not look behind you yeah oh Rush oh that's so creepy oh that's so creepy I didn't I didn't want to die in a rush what about this one what's this gonna be oh good they've got the lights on you died you had to look away from that oh that was the figure that was a glitchy dude and that that is hold I think that's holes oh it just smacked you and now we're getting oh goodbye rush I'll see you tomorrow oh wow dude even the lights got sucked up wait oh I tried to glitch its way out but it couldn't and then Hulk goodbye oh hey took it out from the top and now for the super secret video can you guess what is being made in this one out of magnets I'll give you a hint it's not indoors this one is in a different spooky video game and what look like let me know down in the comments below as soon as you get it before you actually before it actually shows us so that I know that you worked it out before they actually showed what it is I think you're gonna work it out very soon though I think it's gonna be super obvious really quick as soon as we build this up once you see the full model after this you're gonna be like wow I know what it is they're putting lights in there too oh my goodness I'll give you 10 more seconds until I tell you what this is but look at that oh my goodness they're putting a little chimney on top dude you could be think forgiven for thinking that it's like a house or like I don't know maybe it's a moving house but no okay as soon as they put this in you will definitely know what this is and then I'm gonna be like haha it's this but I'm sure so many of you already know because this isn't your ordinary monster this is something extraordinary with a face on the front oh wait they're cutting out they're cutting out people oh that's gonna be the teeth ah do you have you guessed it by now I'm sure the most of you have this is gonna be oh boy look at this do you see it it's an entire train and they're gonna add the legs on and everything that's the face of choo choo Charles right there in the chimney oh those legs look so cool those legs are hyper this is them making the final legs I think that's so creepy oh look at that oh the legs just broke take that choo choo Charles you won't be able to beat me up if we beat you up first ha ha oh spooky spooky spider legs have you have you ever had a nightmare about choo choo Charles I've had so many nightmares about Juju Charles it's so spooky but remember he's not real as last time I checked look at that dude I want to see them with the with the lights turned on they need to turn the lights on I want to see what's going on behind you too Charles oh where'd the lights go I said turn them on not off oh dude dude it's an Escape tutu Charleston run he's chasing after our train get him hit him with the flamethrower oh that wasn't good but I think we're gonna be able to get some Vengeance on choo choo Charles take that choo choo Charles oh in slow-mo too beautiful and he's trying to take it all off guys smash like And subscribe if you enjoyed these videos and I'll catch you in the next one blocky
Channel: Blocky
Views: 842,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, magnets, satisfying, doors
Id: C0jPzBzu4Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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