A REAL Morrowind Creepypasta!?

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welcome kills and ladies to a Morrowind Creepypasta horror spectacular today's video is going to be a special one because we're going to be playing a Morrowind mod that's not that well known that doesn't have that much footage or even screenshots of it out there sure to all Morrowind mods not that well known sure Skyler and his best sir sure Oblivion has a better combat system battlespire rocks Mike I'm gonna leave that in I'm gonna chance it YouTube don't let me down it's all you do so we're gonna be looking at quote-unquote our real-life Morrowind creepypastamas no not that jvk116z dot ESP not that one I read it once for a joke video that I was gonna upload on April fools but the Creepypasta itself wasn't really that interesting at least to me it was a little bit boring there's also a creepy pasta inspired mod for that so I guess we can check that out at some point but today's video is going to be about Hell's Gate for more Whirlwind I don't know how I found this mod it must have been like a 3am binge of looking for content and wanting views I like when graph go up it gives me serotonin for like 10 seconds and then it's downhill after but it gives you a great height to be here so Hell's Gate seems to be a bit horror teeth and it even comes with a whole host of new races classes or you can go with an old character I don't really mind the modder is really nice in this description Insanity in just a fella called a Madman who claims he is seeing demons minigame will be the first step into a weird journey to Hell's heart through this journey you may find a humble amount of NPCs lots of weapons and armor sets so I found this mod on a fluke there's not many screenshots of it out there I have tested it a bit and there's like a weird vibe about it especially with the new races The Madman character is kind of creepy there's also a lot of spelling mistakes which look kind of adds to the creepy pasta factor or it could be democrators first language is in English and you have to admire their determination for trying anyway I'm being honest that's pretty cool so we're gonna be jumping into this mod we're gonna see what it's about it's gonna be a good old classic Mickey D romp into a long old Morrowind mod it could be a pretty lengthy one folks so get your cup of tea get ready to chill you better chill because if you don't I'll tamper with your gas spoiler I'll do it again so we're gonna jump into this Morrowind mod before I talk some more shys alright cool epic but isn't it a great sign when you start off your Morrowind mod then it gives you errors immediately I'm sorry to say let's but we're not gonna have 44 Hertz in for this video I know I know that breaks your hair as much as it breaks mine but we're sadly not gonna have it so hopefully the mod still runs fine without us oh that's the only arrow so now when I'm making Morrowind modding videos I usually don't go through the whole introduction of the game because everyone has seen that before you don't need to see me asking the questions and following the guard's ass in the intro you don't need to see that unless you want that but for this modding video we need to go through the intro because there's something very special you need to see so let's just jump right into a film defranco's nice heads I take everyone can agree that the story of Morrowind is the most lack in Paris everyone plays this game for the combat stand up stand up who do you think I am Slim shazy folks if you want to click off this video right now I won't blame you this is a safe space okay so I kind of want to test how fair we can go with a Morrowind name and I want to try and pick the best longest name we can guess does this work I can actually have Casey in the Sunshine Band as my full name yes don't be surprised by that name dupe I'm going into the helmas it's not going to be a fun day for me what am I saying it's always a fun time when I play Marlin and get yelled at us by being bad come with me he said come plastic Morrowind Adventure isn't that right boys isn't that right gears one with a great name they picks for a really suits your thrilling personality let's [ __ ] go I can't say [ __ ] or the [ __ ] police will [ __ ] get me this is where they want you back off what so we have a few new races such as Argonian I've never seen this one before chosen one that's just the present okay it's a present with Imperial annoyed faces okay that's interesting that's the weirdest thing I've ever seen in this mod people always like to tell me that the britons are more closely linked to the Irish and you know what I kind of see your point considering there's actual blessings in Oblivion with names like Francois yeah they're definitely supposed to be Irish Lads definitely here's the Hellfire Soul doesn't he look great he's just one skull oh he is I can give him bigly Evans ears if he wants he could be a comedian he could be a right funny man he'll be funnier to me because people will actually be laughing now as much as I like skull fellow a big year I'm a little more fond of the Hellfire Spears lucasm he has hell's missile tree hell's missile too if you didn't get the point across the tree and hell's gaze tree if you didn't get the point across what the hell's missile tree and the hell's missile too and you also have Holocaust yeah but yet I like how the box is clipping through the back of the actual head itself three spooky Hellfire Spears oh are you [ __ ] huge I will fit right here I'll just look like they got hurt companion I really will fit right in you're not wrong oh yeah I forgot also does this I don't know why it does this but it does this oh it's a classic Nikki D Morrowind Adventure trademark Justin royland stoled Rick and Marty camaraderie from me Mickey D going on adventures with myself in the land of Morrowind that's what he's actually imprisoned for Michael shut up uh fill out the form myself I'm gonna make a great class that everyone's going to love strength endurance I like the long Blaze I do so I can do a bit of long stabby stabby in the Abby Abby That was supposed to be sharp for abs I don't think anyone put that together except me and what would that be I never knew where's Johnson voice derragonians too I don't think there's any new birth signs but the lady is always a good one to go for with personality plus 25 and endurance plus 25. the lady sign has been sadly debuffed when it comes to Oblivion the Skyrim didn't really have the signs I had those crappy rocks which were Grays anyway name Casey in the Sunshine Band I know take the [ __ ] Tuesday anyway I don't kiss the argonians I'm very selective I'm gonna take all this stuff because why not this is how I used to play Maroon as a kid all so badly but you take the lock pick you open up the chest you take all this stuff and this book's worth a little bit the plates aren't really worked that much but if you're taking the bulk it's probably worse a bit you can get the mates and look at this well he's on fire and he's running around like an ergonian I don't know if this means he could wear helmets or boots or whatever the crack is but you know what now he's running around he's having a good time Fair Play It's on Fairplay we just like to see people doing well on the BTV Channel and I hope you're doing well as well I hope you're well as well well and if you're not doing well there's a good day in the future for you I don't know when it could be tomorrow it could be next week but there's a good day in it for you soon that your disposition goes down if I talk to you with a locked picture on I'm gonna poke your nose duties Morrowind 2000 gold I don't think that's in the Lord why would you give two thousand gold to a random prisoner at less than three in the land tomorrow and when I look like this boss I mean hey I'm listening I'm gonna poke your holds if which one you'll have to guess yeah I'm gonna get the ax as always because I'm very predictable just like every other YouTuber you know what I mean you know what I mean you notice I mean get up get up onto that so I can rock it up onto that rock Buzz gizzle button to that rack for my name isn't Rocky Balboa that's not my name I'm gonna take this moment to tell you that Rocky 4 is actually the best movie and if you like any other one besides for um you're wrong you can play the vote in the comments that I'll definitely read why can I not jump you're the most pathetic jump ever you're based on an Eric audience you actually have the worst jump I swear to God Van Halen you're an ass you drop drop onto the second thing you might as well jump there you go that song was written about me being frustrated at games are you actually for real I love wasting time before we get to the mod so I absolutely ruined my watch time and people get frustrated watching my videos but you know what I like wasting your time I do it's fun uh get up all right we're gonna do it we're gonna do this we're gonna do this don't fall down after Rock I'm Gonna Save here get it oh I almost the hardest part of the video just get in the [ __ ] weapon I took my characters Too Tall that the hitbox just doesn't fit around the tree stump is that what I'm being told I think it is I think I'm too tall to get the ax this stinks guess are you little numpty get the [ __ ] it's hey can I not get the actors a better weapon we can get anyway but I wanted this just okay fine I did test this mod a little bit and there is a good weapon we can get later on anyway so we can't get the ax and I drained all my health so I need a good old spell such as bound tiger fireboy's hair seal and all the hell's missiles that's great that's fantastic I have no chance to cast it so well my fatigue is zero you know the master Morrowind player I am my magic I regenerate oh this is great I should have made a Magic character with this fella that would have been actually Opie and how are you I'm so glad someone actually asked me that you know it's the first time people always say [ __ ] you Mickey now how you make it all said hello there so let's get this mod move and we need to meet the madman who appears as I want to say midnight there's also this fella gestro he's just chilling like sir I don't know what this fella is for he's just hanging out so Casey and the Sunshine Band you're new to say the need I Gotta Give It Up Baby give us up there's the mad man he just looks like a sleeper agent that spawned a little too early but here he is are you gonna look at me and talk to me are you mads man thanks for the tree blessings what are you thinking sir dot dot dot I'm not thinking I'm wasting well what you know I don't think guys waiting until I see her to get a demon a demonic creature from other dimensions it's here I saw it once and I feel as don't you understand the hellfires come and come and to kill Asylum send us all to the Grave boy the firefighters inside us consumes us it will destroy us it will even kill the dead it will burn our souls forever how's it kill the dead but then you're still there forever if you kill the dead doesn't that mean they're gone tell me more if you really want to know I will tell you thanks for call me mad man I can't see why you seem like a sound fella maybe in the future you'll be sound of Mind man but I am not I am one of the old Believers of sage like Jack and Daxter I travel around the world studying our Cults lore than one night nice pray here I saw I saw a huge wandering demon at the marriage you mean me I'm on fire just two minutes disappeared but it's still here I feel it's bad Omen we can't see them why they come from the other dimension we can't see them we need the device I can't find this I must create this who are the old Believers is that a song from Shrek we know to choose Almighty goddess with us Jesus is the Messiah this is actually a Christian match I didn't know this was a Christian month I didn't know that itala was like kind of demons with the Elder Scrolls universe but it does say hell but they say hell like to relate to the realm of Oblivion sometimes oh my God welcome to another Christian mod folks it's been a while it's only been like a month and a half all right the other dimension where souls and Spirits belong not to Material World Grace I need to Dimension Crystal Viper eyes has she loves Crystal what she doesn't know she doesn't know the crystal power crystals were bring us if you wish to know so viperize I do know is actually in the town of Balmoral madman wants to create a device to see the marriage demon I'm going to play madman's game he has entrusted me with a mission I'm traveling to balmora to meet viperize she is and Air Argonian glass lover who owns the dimension Crystal madman needs she doesn't really know the true worth of that Crystal so it should be easy to get it so she's in balmora we know I needed to get that Exposition from the actual Journal so this is probably going to be one of those classic Morrowind videos where I read the mods read me because I'm definitely going to need as plenty of Plenty and plenty and plenty and plenty of times because it seems like it might get a little bit obscure but I have no idea how long this mod is I don't know if it adds like a completely new hellish Escape Dimension that we travel to where would you like to go balmora please thank you very much where would you like to go I'm [ __ ] here aren't I we're here to get a crystal I'm Crystal crazy like heart attacks and crash to Insanity Viper eyes she's a foreign Argonian who has come here for a month or two so she say if you don't know where she is as perhaps you haven't been at the South Wall Corner club right she's a poor alcoholic she just needs alcohol how what's your pleasure hi how you doing well I'm not gonna support her addiction but I'm gonna kill her for a crystal you know I'll do that at least because I'm a Zone fella so I need to go to the South Wall Corner club and this is the South so you would assume the corner Club is this one that's all the way to the sales that's how you tell Morrowind directions that's how you get the serotonin into your brain that's why we are the Morrowind Boomers I completely ruined that term but it's a shy term anyway so that [ __ ] so wild hello say hi how what's your pleasure I said say hi and she called me a hoe you know what that's there that's fair oh look I have 2019 gold that's the year my channel should have died I didn't even make my channel until 2020. okay I'm looking for an alcoholic greetings wide Walker only he stands there and he's standing right there that's environmental Starry telling us hello viperize have a drink and forget your problems Hicks so what if you lost your home the only one you loved run away was your sister but this is getting too real who cares I don't I don't Christ Real Horror is relationship issues because that's the reality of life hell to all I've got my dear alcohol bare tender other beer fan rail viperize I've told you 10 times a day speak quietly Dimension Crystal yes I have some I have forged this brazer with so much she wanted to bring me Lucia's Crystal saber and the brazer is yours okay alcoholic your mother is alcoholic that's the way we get in trouble can don't you can't say troubled Stone Irishman thank you very much so we have to go and get to Lucia's Crystal saber rather thick um here's the deal the Lucius Crystal saber is uh worst a piece of money and it's worth a bit of money that I don't have so what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna get to saber because it's a pretty decent weapon we're gonna see where it is and we're actually Gonna Keep The Sword for ourselves and just kill the Argonian and take the bracers for ourselves because that is something we can do with this mod and it's something we are going to take advantage of hello by now I am one of you because I wander around on my 50s I do it's pretty much just the same model as the khajiits and the ergonians but I still love it it's on as restoring Magicka which is actually going to be exceptionally useful what's my head like 27 points that's not very high for a Hellfire Spears or whatever the heck here Lucius Crystal Sword usually isn't here and it's for 5 000 gold now I do have 2 000 gold in my inventory and I do know a handy little way to get a little bit even more gold but what I'm gonna do first is go with the good old random draw from these crates outside balmora and see if I can get a decent weapon drop maybe some Samurai trolling stairs and some potions which we can actually sell the creeper because I believe he does take the potions we might need to bulk up on like health potions and equipment and stuff like that to actually get us through this fucklin fox Brooklyn the Hellfire Spirit also doesn't have a lot of strength you've 20 strength that's pathetic oh this is the worst character to make a pretty much a warrior with like I always do 20 strength is absolutely nothing Grace uh if this mod is long it's going to be played very badly so I hope you're looking forward to that but that means I just thought he loves the times that I can make the video longer why am I telling you all my interesting techniques intelligence Petty sold there's a Tom Petty Soldier I'm not getting a lot of good stuff from these drops you shouldn't really expect much from these anyway boss I mean they're here Hound me assault race and uh chemical ingredients again sometimes you can get like good enchanted weapons from here like spark swords and trolling stairs that actually add up to be a decent amount of gold but there is a better way we can get gold in good old Caldera as most of the Morrowind experts rightfully no see here we go fire damage three to seven points is that 20 or 30 I think it's 20 I can't really read the font rate with Morrowind Spirit enchantmenting but I think that's 20 with a value of 15 each so that's a decent bit of coinage I must say I must say I must do I must say all right so what we're gonna do now is travel to good old khalid's area from the Mages Guild and this is our gold little ass creeper who's good man himself and we're gonna steal all the armor from the Orcs And just sell it I do I can actually join the wages Guild I have some pretty decent stats yes you are now a member of the The mage's Guild I can take all your Scrolls like to buy an intervention and settle for loads of gold and cure common disease and restore Magica even though I restore magical all the same so I can actually just sell this Choice I'm gonna drop my Candlestick first and I'm gonna come back for those after [ __ ] sake yeah you either eating egg have an egg for yourself good luck uh yeah why am I saying oh you're so stupid so I'm gonna sell the major skill stuff to this girl and I'm gonna try and get as much gold as we can for a bit of preparation it's likely going to be a long video folks so get talked into this get a talk cracker just get one talk cracker with a glass of water and have a great night for yourself it's one top cracker uh times are tough in Ireland times are tough if you're not a landlord then you're flying it's the Celtic tiger I'll over again then on some intervention cure disease I guess I'll keep because I don't want him to get disease now do I he's a little bit of coinage and creepers should buy all our weapons anyway so good stuff we could kill Revere to get his weapons but I want to leave Revere alone for today's video I want the best for reviewing I want to keep them alive for once and also I can't be bothered to kill him so we're just gonna go to Caldera anyway that's not the main reason why give me back my candlesticks because I want them a lot I go over this a lot but I love how more when you can actually carry candles and little miscellaneous items like this they should add that to the next Elder Scrolls game that's definitely coming out in our lifetime uh Caldera I like that you like to stand close to the fire don't you because I am the fire I was always burning hello my friend greedy greetings are all so nice to me probably because my personality is Persia my personality is 95 no wonder they [ __ ] love me and my speed is a hundred this is 100 speed tomorrow wins this is a hundred speed this is Max Speed One Max that you can level up turbo you can you can boost the proportions and [ __ ] like that you know I mean anyway we're gonna go upstairs here and take all the stuff from the Orcs because they just don't care if you take their stuff like I'm not gonna get a bounty like they don't care [Music] I do actually this is why I keep coming back for videos because you are if it was a little creeper my good man he's creeping fair play chill that's fair pledge you've earned my trust okay swedes just looked at me and I've immediately earned his trust you have a name like a Welsh town and now he's pissing at me that's a sign I love I am just fire man I'm fireman with a candle I'm kind of overdoing the fire thing but you know what it's a running thing 3600 okay that loot that'll do my good little creeper Scatman quality resource strength I'll keep I don't need magic proportions Flynn I'll keep for your Boost we store lock I'll be our HP store intelligence I won't need that now for today would ya creeper will take that we have almost 10 000 gold now so we're doing pretty well with money not what I expected I know not what I expect no one expects me the Irish Inquisition 40 gold for that sword craze I'm really going up in the world aren't I okay since the sword costs 5000 gold we can actually buy some more potions before we leave on our Epic Quest Adventure you could probably even get some armor too but it's gonna completely wear me down so that's gonna be fun I I've no way defending myself I've made pretty much the worst warrior class ever but we're gonna buy a bunch of healing potions and just uh supplement it for that I see I stand in Good Company what can I do everyone's being too nice I'm not used to kindness I'm a man we're not used to compliments Mickey goes down his four Channel era early give me some potions Give me fuel give me fire give me potions between your desire and there's your music reference for the 50th time of today's video I'm very cultured and I like expressing those through my videos because no one in school cared if take Health thank you these potions are a little expensive but they're good actually I should be playing the standard restore health because they're a better value for money if I'm a low level because I don't even really need eat that many help points so I've just wasted a little bit of my money but I'm not going to go back I'm going to live with my mistakes I'm gonna live with my mistakes in life because sometimes that's just something you have to do hello keep me loads of these here I want loads of them don't they I want [ __ ] loads of these portions I do I'm almost 30. so I'll guess firstly I'll be nice I'll have a small little typical Authority potions it might actually be too much I think the glass sword actually weighs a bit of a ton what yeah exactly what just was just what I like to fog here it's almost like that game that's really foggy Morrowind if your mother gave me my swords give me my give me my swords my name is Mickey D and I play more wins and I make shitty references sometimes oh it's a claymore that's pretty epic okay I'm Gonna Save Casey in the sunshine feather is gonna run around with a claymore and he's gonna have Casey and the Sunshine Band stuck in his head all day and it's gonna drive him absolutely mad but you know us you need a bit of Madness to work here has a very funny motivational poster put that up all right so we're definitely gonna go back to this argoni and I'm definitely gonna give her back this Claymore anyway so the handy thing about Morrowind is that if somebody attacks you first it's self-defense and I'm not joking planes Finance alcohol 250 gold to jail list and I don't want to get you drunk but I am going to intimidate you so much that you will attack me I think it's taunt actually be you can intimidate people first and I think that makes a talent easier but safai just keep spamming this she'll eventually attack me this is a handy feature of like the graphic extender and the code patch oh she wants to attack me already see it's very easy to just click through a normal Morrowind you had to like uh keep opening that menu every time she also has a glass tiger which I can probably sell to the modcribe merchant at some point and there's the brace see how we can bring the brazer back to our nice old madman wandering around say the name but the weird thing about this mod is that it seems like this whole like that's a bunch of races that has all these like cool Realms and stuff Realms there's so many new Realms guys you better get excises for all the new Realms I love my Realms and games I didn't see anyone like ever discuss this mod there's like no YouTube videos on it that I've seen at all so I guess this is the first one and I just figured hey we'll take a risk I'll just jump into this weird horror mod kind of and and see what it's like it's more of a Christian mod than a horror mod at this point but hey Christianity is hard hello madman I brought your bracer you have the crystal now we need some void Crystal Light where do I get that you must travel to nises then marigan the pope among his relics he won't give a free so I have to go to nisas and Denmark again fine I'm just I'm just doing boring busy okay let's get this niece's American shade over with I just want to get to the partial Dimension as the lead up to the hell Dimension so you have something to look far over to a lot like my videos you really get to the meter contest an hour and you think I take constructive criticism terrible look alright take me to nieces my friend when I was first making Morrowind videos I used to call this town Guinness a lot and people thought that was very funny because of Myers and Guinness and all that I listened to a lot of Dunmore voice lines ever since and they pronounce it nieces in game which is an interesting welcome Casey in the sunshine that that's never gonna get old Agnes and marigan so I don't go to nieces I just go straight to Mary again here's Mary again where's the thing I guess here American is just smaller shittier Aldrin hello Agnes that old beggar he must be around here talking nothing but nonsense take a close look he won't be hard to find so is that him looking for a beggar this must be him he's no shoes on don't you so you've come to me looking for some void Crystal Light Essence supposing I had it why should I give it to you the white Essence is the words you relic of ancient times I follow an old believer's sage orders oh maybe you are disguised or Nader trying to catch a hero stick anyway I did not have that Relic you were talking about but I heard that somewhere in the Holy Justice on the deck they hide to Jesus Christ lost you did Jesus Christ lost you I thought he wore sandals or sandals shoes a true follower of the old Believers would try to steal it so if you're on an ornate or be aware of this wink wink Jesus Jesus Christ is a true God son he will sacrifice himself to teach us all a lesson and when three days and three nights have passed he will raise from the dead in this three days he will go down to Hell and save the fair Souls chapter or so the old Believers say this is Morrowind the godson he ran away from the temple ordinators he left behind his left shoe and the temple locked it in the Hall of just so there's the mask of the deck in Jesus's shoe or a great combination of artifacts if it actually quite coiff exists would mean the Revelation for the people in the proof of Jesus existence the Hall of Justice in Vivek we have to go to the Hall of Justice and find Jesus's shoe so playing this mod randomly on a whim I think was a good decision even if it doesn't lead to like anything interesting the story is interesting enough for me what's my swimming animation like I guess then we can see if you're actually based off an Argonian or a Khajiit or if you're your own thing I think you're a Khajiit if you're swimming like this I forget what the Khajiit swimming animation is actually like but the argonia one is like a like an Argonian lizardy movement reptilian movements in the world this is speed of a hundred this is the fastest I can move this is all of my leg power fantastic what Canton are we on foreign Grace It's All Tech and foreign I really do like the Vex architecture but the layout is absolutely apparent and I think everyone can agree with that looks cool in practice but also getting around it not fun not very epic do you want to see a Surefire way of clipping into the floor what you got to do was like jump and then when your character is like doing that weird like he hasn't really hit the floor yet he's just kind of floating yeah quick save right and you can fall through the floor every single time you can do this it just works hard it just works but I think I need logs I'm just gonna fall through the floor and then I'll be in the washer and that'll kind of stink but yeah there's a Surefire way of clipping through the floor sometimes you go all the way through the floor the Hall of Justice I believe I need to follow vivek's big beautiful Buzzy because he's definitely not up his own ass see I fell through the wall I didn't even quick say at that time when it fell through the water to be fair the back is so up his own ass that he made a spear out of a dick so he'll probably do the same with his ass because he's so obviously get the do you get the tangent I'm going on here [Music] I didn't even what's going okay well you know what fine I'm not gonna yell like a gamer YouTuber yelling at video games but nothing really that exciting is happening and feigning excitement boss that did legitimately annoy me and I guess I have to swim all the way to the Palace I just want to get I just wanna I just want to get Jesus's shoe and leave do I get to keep Jesus the shoe I bet her can I where's I'm not looking argoni and Khajiit sort of I don't think I could even wear the shoe I'll better not be like a super overpowered item because I can't even wear this I could change race and race menu boss I'm gonna accept my little man we're just gonna have to put up with this horrible class and character and race and everything isn't that going to be great now don't clip through the floor yeah little scant the whole adjusters better actually be here right how do I get you this is [ __ ] left knot or whatever the [ __ ] it was here we go see I know Morrowind I played sometimes Jesus's shoe will the ordinator straight up tell me I feel like they'll get mad if I ask is there like a shrine in here I know the library well price lost you yes is here at Justice offices what are you asking who are you I'm from Ministry you shoot they need it oh sorry here's the key I don't want to interfere with your work little chess key okay the ordinator trusted my story and gave me the chess key it's at the officer's Grace and he just gave me the key I'm surprised I actually picked the right eyes I'm surprised actually picked the rice hello I'm supposed to be here wooden door here as well is there like another little office Parish or something hello is there something Milo take all this stuff I have the key I'm not gonna ask about the shoe again in case you get Mass but I am in the offices and I do need to open the lock box in here here we go it's only Jesus's shoe uh for Fox how am I gonna get out of here am I gonna be married for light just by stealing a shoe okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave these doors open and I'm gonna have to find a way to take this shoe and just dare it for us oh this is gonna be hers he gave me the key can I just talk to you and just take us and I have it welcome to the vet Casey in the Sunshine Band we're doing a gig we're doing a gig get excited okay how much Bounty do I have a thousand it's only a shoe well it's Toshiba Christ Lord you know okay is a thousand Bounty enough that they'll go after me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no give me the Lord shoe give me his give me his shoe okay now go into your menu now heal now with the garage chase after me oh for f go on run run run I'd probably just drop this shoe somewhere new one okay what if I run over here right I'm gonna go down here and drop the shoe out of your gaze like out of your gaze too I'm gonna make a save here and I'm gonna get arrested I'm just gonna turn myself in like a good young Laz because she won't talk to me she won't like talking to me if I have a high ability hello are you gonna chase after me do you care so do any of these guys this fella cares he's running after me do you want to boss me you're not getting your shoe back go to jail I'ma serve hard labor all my skills are going now where am I am I having to be a long video classic borrowing Mickey D Adventure I came to this discovery during a Morrowind stream Buzz these aren't level look at these they aren't level and this one is kind of sticking out on the floor it says the factory game c I can see right shows why is that one standing up that's forever going to annoy me he's probably fixing some patch or something boss I'm low complaining about things that are easily fixed it's kind of in the Irish nature I have to go to the foreign because there was a boat lazy there or a gondola this video ain't boring it's nuts it's fun Morrowind Adventure Mickey D tis me it's also been like the four or five months since I made a Marlin video I don't think anyone knows or did she so here's a great comeback now don't let me fall through the floor here again for no reason it's gonna happen anyway just don't jump just don't jump in you're fine just don't jump on your fine and save every note again now I can steal the shoe hopefully out of the ordinator's Gaze and bring it back to the fan mirror again and bring it back to the madman and then I can get teleporters like the hell Dimension we're gonna get to it folks we're gonna get to it we're gonna play this mod folder wants us to do and if it takes us a while it takes us a while now my issue of the Lara better still be here all right swear to fake my name is not Casey in the Sunshine Band there's my shoe now better not make sure anyone sees me take us I don't think they care it's just common shoes now did it change value hold on oh don't tell me I [ __ ] up it was called like Lords left you a while ago I'm gonna travel to Mary Gannon and see if this is okay I don't know if this is the item the person wants because it's just changed into a common shoe it just doesn't work what I need to do is actually steal the shoe from the urinators again so I need to reload a save and do all this crap again we're gonna go to America and we're gonna check and if it's not I'm just gonna skip forwards I'm spending so much money on still Striders is not a [ __ ] Uber the mark and Malik mayor whatever I'm confused I should know a lot about this game I have your shoe I think when Jesus Lords it actually kakov exists yeah I don't have the shoe folks I'll be right back okay so we're back here again Grace uh I'm gonna try and take the key again and just book it I think that's the strategy here right that is the straws uh little key little chess key okay run oh geez both doors are opening okay just go around just go around just go around open that door okay I need to heal quick enough I do have potions I need to remember those I need to remember this game has mechanics that I can make use out of Jesus shoes I I still don't know why the Jesus shoes okay here we go I don't know why the Jesus shoes became common after I went to prison I don't know where the shoes became common is it like a sad thing that a couple of days passed till they come back to life and then he got different shoes so the older ones just weren't Jesus can I join the team skills straight away and then uh get rid of my bounty so I have a good bit of gold but I'm not sure if I need like a specific rank the thief skill to get rid of my bounty I'm gonna join and we're gonna see a thousand Bounty might be enough that people might refuse service with me a fun mechanic about Morrowind if you don't know if you have a high Bank these civilians won't want to talk to you because you're a wanted criminal and if you get your Bounty so high like you go on a big murder order spree yeah steal a bunch of [ __ ] if you get your bounty to too high of a point you'll be marked for life you can't get rid of that Bounty and you'll just be wanted all over the province and you screw up your Save which I think is a pretty cool mechanic I like I like that the game has that so I think later Elder Scrolls are a little bit too safe with their bounty system I like Skyrims for this Regional bounty system but if I added some Immortal winds penalty mechanics I think it could have been really cool like if you get your Bounty too high and you're a wanted criminal in a specific hold word kind of traveled I think that would have been a cool system but hey it's weird being like a wanted man in one area and being completely fine in another but it's one of those things mods probably fix a loss results pay as you can imagine I'm avoiding the gondoliers because I don't think they'll even want to talk to the others a nice little Vivek Bridge here that's nice so here's hope and we aren't shamed Enough by society that we can't take uh subscriber I'm also avoiding the ordinators because they're just going to be dirtying right towards me so that's fun all right now this is gonna sound weird this is a different day I'm recording the second pair to this um the first day I recorded this I didn't sleep for like 24 hours I couldn't sleep sleep and have to go to an appointment that morning it was a rough day and I came home and I was like you know what now I'll play a horror Christian knot why not so I haven't edited that first part and I probably sound very woo probably sounded a bit strange but sure look we're settled now we're settled now in the comfy Vibes like I could sleep though or if it does so I just one of those days do you ever have those days where you just can't sleep at all that's pretty much what happens talking about boring site now maybe I should record more videos sleep deprived it's like being drunk but you're sober enough to know better I just want to know how long it's going to take until we get to a cool like demon hell realm that's all I want to know I know there's like a little bit of build up in these mods but how much back and forth and things am I gonna have to guess please tell me the Jesus shoes were like the last thing I had to get before we can go to hell Dimension they breed on water I'm definitely convinced I'm based off at Khajiit than an ergonian are you trying to say because you draw Health span [Music] Combat music just immediately goes to the nice old charity marrow in music how are you doing a special trip just for you why did the combat music turn out when I walked over here our ordinators after me I think so maybe are you still pulling organs you know the shell of assault Strider is technically their foreskin so that's a bit rude I know you you're Casey and the Sunshine Band and the notorious Outlaw let me out here that's the best thing I've ever seen in my life alright let's go back to balmora I'm gonna join the thieves guilds and get rid of my bounty hopefully the Thieves Guild will actually let me in all right I said hello to the sign criminals should be we're in the [ __ ] teens give you idiot let me in sugar lips you Legend price my head downstairs right hello Fane price on my head I'll play it and it's only half off you need to pay you two could be like double your actual Bounty but no it's like 500. what a great system I actually don't have a lot of gold left but hey how are my shoes now have they turned okay my shoes haven't turned common we have something going for us in life it's nice to be positive your name's a little too similar to Savile I'm unto you that's one of those jokes where I'm not sure whether to leave it in or not oh it's nice all foggy rain and lightning and everything I don't know what this fell is here for what's your starting anytime friend oh gestro he's a nice lad I don't know if his armor is like modded or what's the correct oh we need to bring the boots back to the fella and Audrey where would you like while I don't like going to marrigan but I kind of have to look at that level oh that looks under it actually does look pretty good I like Morrowind where again I don't think anyone chooses to go to America did I just give birth to a guard I'm a father I'm an officer of the Imperial law Move Along ah his first words I have shoe of Jesus Christ oh see you truly are not an ordinator unmounted by all of them but an old believer's follower alright take to void Essence and make good use of it and take this two trouble compensation and may be useful to you if you don't sell liquid is a great sin so stealing crisis shoot alright so I got void Essence and a saint bone listen I know what Saints canopy I don't want their bones alright I avoid crystallized Essence okay I should go back to the madman and seek ferger orders can I just go through a cool hell Dimension it makes dared something can I get something going that'd be epic high low Child by now just like a real father I'm Gonna Leave You and never return so we just hate your wife good with these two crystals I will stop Crash Bandicoot once and for all come back in a few minutes and be ready are you ready for the truth okay come back in a few minutes then you will know now madman has both materials he needed he's going to create a device post a lot of us the essence from other dimensions like that wandering demon he told me to come back in a few minutes so the artifact would be ready okay I'm gonna make a save because I don't know if the game's gonna screw me over but we're gonna try to reach the save limit of Marlon saves I know I played this game a lot I'm gonna guess an hour I have it take it with it you can see other dimension creatures now look there you see the demon bad open I do see us I'm kind of scared this is a creepy pasta I don't like this I don't like this at all so there's a bowl next to your pal Derek Wonder do you want your bone back your Journal has been updated I don't know what's going on I spoke into the One Ring demon but it doesn't seem to realize I'm there maybe madman can tell me something about this I don't want to take my eyes off him this is legitimately making me uncomfortable I feel like he's gonna stoop me he's gonna turn around and go poop so the demon doesn't realize your dare is strange you must ask a Demon Lord say where's the team in Norse age you know what this demon is tell him John Mayer Essentia to avoid trouble code is calling us at all droon he's a great wise man he knows everything about demons and their ways okay interesting interesting this mod is very much a slow burn I knew it was going to be like a chill kind of laid-back video but we're really getting deep into it there's a proper old Mickey zimara when rods they get to venture Mars here we go let's talk to the wise man I've been traveling so much I'm like running low on money from just sales Riders alone which doesn't happen much in Morrowind but it's gonna happen to me all right I need to talk to him on the NPCs you're like the Airship fella you will give me a quest for Souls time and I'm not going there again I've had bad luck there pleased to meet you Casey in the Sunshine Band okay is there like somewhere specific I could find code is colorless that all Drew knows about demons is he just like one wandering to town like the other fella is it you it's probably this fella race you're just kind of standing there interesting I'm Tower and popper that's great while I'm not seeing any sort of NPC that's standing out or anything of the like not anywhere that I can see in the temple maybe can you tell me about him no one's gonna tell me about them I don't know it's a no it's a no he must be like wandering around outside the town somewhere correct are you the person I'm looking for no all right a little bit lost there's an in here I have no idea where this person all Drew I'm in Aldrin I really have no idea I'm gonna check outside the town once more and then I guess we can check the crab I don't want to have to rely on to read me too much it might be one of those situations where we kind of have to there's someone watching me I wonder who it is bretons are Irish with names like Louis Bouchard good work Bethesda I talk about that a lot but it's mostly on Bethesda forgiving Britain's an ill-fitting name when they're not based on the bretons of the real world it's strange it's it's actually kind of dumb if you ask me but all right I can't find this guy let's check the emperor mod crab shell and if I can't find him there then I'm gonna have to look the walk through so that's one not that I see not that I see what's my journal say well I can't find this guy and I can't ask any of the NPCs their location so I'll be back in a second folks I I don't know great Direction so quartus is actually an NPC that's not added by homage I figured it would have been but it's not so quartus is actually an NPC we can find apparently he's the Bookseller quarters clear here he is coldest um I guess that's why I couldn't get any directions to find them I don't know every single Morrowind NPC by name so hey bear with me can I help you Hell Fire Spirit are you interested on poems or maybe you are looking for some Adventure novels here in Dakota's bookstore we have almost everything you can like oh I see it in feel free to ask anything you want to know okay I need to know about Ainsley is need the chef teller is a vulnerable Sage of all believer's lore he travels around the world learning and studying you can trust him he only speaks the truth lucky for us this has nothing to do with the warning it's just an evil Soul who has redeemed itself or his redeeming itself now as they follow Diablo in life but not in death they have to walk the land being unseen by their beloveds for eternities until they have suffered all they may suffer they still speak demonic language but if you had Saint fight his skull you might be able to speak to them and lays on Saint Fitz's burial grounds Saint Vitus burial grounds near here go west and then North just behind the Strider the west and then nor find this right okay do I go west and North when I reach this Rider or Saint Philip's burial grounds or nearby West Aldrin go west and then North from the solstrider but the journal is just telling me West I want to be sure I get this right too so I'm going to look up if the same fitted burial grounds are actually in the game itself or if it's added by the mod I just want to double check so it's not actually a Morrowind tomb that's baked into the game while the road is daring to fork in a few directions so be great if I was given like more direct ones but hey they did say Western North so I'm gonna go west and then nor along this road I guess and hope we come upon our location we're getting a bit of combat in versus like level one and a very pathetic health so I'm hoping this demon realm isn't actually that difficult but I didn't mention any sort of level requirement that I could think of so hopefully not oh is this us this kind of looks sort of interesting is this like a burial ground sort of it's just a pile of rocks but like tribal customs is that insensitive to say maybe it is maybe it is you can cancel me now does this look like a burial ground not really oh it's just a swamp people okay well hang tight folks give me a second so it did say directly in the walkthrough to pass the straighter and go right so I'm assuming rice from here so Optus Rose or path that's why it gets outside of Aldrin it did say it was quite nearby so I'm guessing it just has to be in this general direction why is this tell me to go right from the solicitor when the journal is telling me to go west I don't get that all right but apparently there should be a burial tomb around here somewhere so we're just going to explore the area and see if we can find it nice old Morrowind being lost directions I love this feeling it's almost the worst feeling with mods because they don't even give you proper directions than that too oh here we go oh here we go never mind don't mind what I say ever here we go same for this burial grounds oh it's all red and gloomy in it enemies nearby okay I better be careful here there could be some high level enemies and I like the light and oh I'm already glowy and ever hello flame match knock okay that's a little bit tough huh I can't go back outside wait I saw a key somewhere I saw key I saw key wait I saw key somewhere I looked at a key for like a second oh well I guess I'm stuck it was the game no I'm not very powerful I have a bit of Flynn I guess and I have cure comments here I do evolve semi intervention but if I exit I probably can't go back in so great I guess we're screw okay I just have to kill you right I just have to kill you can I hit you can I hit you at least are you a [ __ ] ton of Health what the [ __ ] how in the Holy Name I got okay folks you know what we do when Morrowind when we're mess with an impossible task we drug up so what I'm gonna need to do is go to a merchant then I'm gonna go to the Inn to get some drugs my gosh so much health I assume if I stared him with level one character and garlic to new races and stuff we'd actually be fine but nope but to think about Morrowind is we can break it to adapt the game to whatever kind of difficulty we want there's no challenge too strong if I just overdose on alcohol Bookseller pawn broker I'll sell all my stuff to you because I don't have a [ __ ] ton of carry weights am I actually close to a level I'm not even one up great grab meat scuzzle you can take all that I might sadly have to get rid of the candles because I need every little bit of space I can get the common shoes you can have foreign this glass sword only has a condition of a hundred that's actually pathetic okay I need repair hammers too I suppose two great that weighs a lot fantastic thanks oh nothing's going my way it's the potluck we're gonna overcome we're going to adapt we're going to improvise all right where's the end here's hoping I can get enough drugs to let me hit good strong fast errors here's the old scaring can I get alcohol here can I get something good Anderson I actually don't even have a lot of money which is not going to cost me 146 okay about five more and I'm almost full on my inventory already so that's tensu jam and one Flynn is that enough we're just going to have to cancel I don't know how many enemies are gonna be in that tomb but it could be a loss and if it is I don't know what we're going to do but we're gonna have to do something I'll go actually assassin good good for money no I might make use of this assassin while we have the chance why we have the ability so I'm going to save here and again I'm going to do another little bit of prep I think so I'm gonna drop my sujamma by Flynn I'm gonna take your stuff my man is that gonna over and Conquer me no it is not okay I need to sell off to ceremy and get a lot of money so we're gonna go back to Caldera I think we can go from the Mages Guild don't tell me The Hound's gonna kill me okay yeah I thought so that would have stank I do have like some decent spells what's my destruction my destruction is 35 and I do a fire damage now the air fire enemies inside there so look we'll see what we can get but we are gonna have to pair with it I told you folks it's gonna be a long one for Mages killed yet Daft genius travel caldery you know Morrowind is making its own TV show it's called caldery girls [ __ ] stupidest thing I've ever said foreign gold that is not bad at all can I tell you to braise no I cannot all right you know what that's oh the tiger actually okay so that good man creeper that's a lot of money actually so I'm gonna tell you this 24 hours bear sir tiger four thousand gold my anger is reserved for the foolish he said don't be afraid they're all saying greasings friend they're nice I like the arcs the article okay so I'm guessing I can't wear like helmets or boots with this character so I'm severely limiting myself with armor options and it's also going to weight a loss so hey that's just something we're gonna have to deal with the silver cures would be exceptionally useful but the good armor rating but it's extremely heavy they're all extremely heavy can I just play one bit of armor that's 95. I might have to drop hell potions while I'm inside I'm severely limited by what I can equip with my carrying capacity so we're just gonna have to deal with those but what I think I might do is I might drop some of my healing potions at the entrance of the Tomb and that could be some way of getting us in I'm gonna work with what we have if I need to get overpowered off screen and come back we're going to do that but we're going to chance this and see if we can get by with our current tactics because I I need something to bank on I'm sincerely hoping it's the one enemy am I too tall to get drunk I am too tall to get through most of the Mages Guild corridors and crap Grace Morrowind pretty look at this stunning very pretty yeah but the NPCs look bad as every besides NPC looks like shite even in Skyrim it goes all the way okay folks here's my sujamas till we're gonna make our way in and see how we do with a little bit of preparation behind us not much but little if I drop all my healing potions I'm only just barely under my Max Capacity I'm going to actually need fatigue your Genius and see if this is enough come on hit him once hit him once hit him once hit him once hit him once hit him once how much [ __ ] health does he have is this actually Fair no my strength is 540 that's that's not correct that's not right this is apparently going to be just I'm running in and just getting what I need because this is vastly overpowered and stupid okay then I'm Gonna Keep My healing potions and we're just going to run true because I can attack these demons at all did you see the minuscule among the helter was doing I shouldn't have sold my candles is there like going to be a really tough enemy here nothing in the urns it seems here's a skull same fight as a skull and the Black Sabbath oh that's good okay and dreamer are gonna absolutely assault me I need to avoid your spells um okay that short blade is actually exceptionally good so I'm gonna try and get that if I can okay run run oh dude look at all this Onslaught the Mis Guardian I'm just gonna have to run through all of this can I close the doors behind the camera I don't think there's any chance of me defeating these dreamers our body I don't have the time but with this dagger we are going to get a good bit of gold from it right it doesn't have a gold value great can you do any damage see okay so what's that ghost behind me that's making that sound what are you oh you're the same fella do I need to defeat the Saints because I don't think I'm going to be able to do that so if I take this skull and read the journal I can now talk to the demon oh you're welcome to North Tech grape so just leave just leave there's so many enemies blocking the door here too hell do you want me to do to me scaredy is great can I walk past you Lads can I go past you almost almost we're gonna get there we're gonna get there we're gonna get there I do have fire spells what about missile fire damage 5 to 70 points okay okay okay we have a tactic here we have a tactic here folks who wouldn't tell my spells are actually really good magic op users very good okay did I not kill the saint fella I saw his health go down am I mistaken did I die or can I get my health up I died okay oh he can hit me instantly he puts down my health too quick for [ __ ] sake guess don't fail your spell don't off the magic come on ah this is annoying don't stop failing your spells and he can hit me perfectly do I have a better missile spell is that the best one oh this one's a lot better but I don't have a chance on hella casting it so we'll have to work with what we got I do have hell's gaze too I can summon a flame Atronach I can summon two for 30 seconds okay oh no I quick save at the wrong moment I shouldn't have done that swipe two play metronauts here this ain't I need uh he killed him straight away Grace come on get your healing up am I doing any damage to you Boss I can't see his help there come on oh I don't have a lot of magic at the cast and then he can fail us okay I hit him that time Grace did I get him did I get him is he dead okay okay what does he have nothing cool okay let's feed you all right I can he spells are very overpowered Daenerys ring does that do anything I'll keep it I guess they're probably resistant to all this I need to defeat all the enemies here take away skeleton go away skeleton you're supposed to be on my side Buzz oh okay get out of my way get out of my way quickly Now quickly [Music] okay come on start don't get knocked down come on that's a bad place to get knocked down get up get up get up get up the fork get out of my way zombie get out of my way all right what the hell [Music] excuse me will play what the [ __ ] going on this is [ __ ] this is actually book this is the most [ __ ] mod I've ever played in my life thank you spooky scary skeletons are pissing me the [ __ ] off go away good I got a few of them okay come on Caster spells get him get the bastards okay I'm getting a few of them bad but I don't have a lot of fatigue to even support this [Music] come on come on come on field casting the spell I can't fail casting my spells okay you know what this is ridiculous this is insane I didn't want to have to do this but [ __ ] this mod no get up get up gosh yeah fuckey no no this is stupid no I'm not doing this there's a limit to what I'm putting up with and that's too fair so yeah [ __ ] this even in a high level character that's exceptionally annoying get me out thanks screwed us screwed ass I own this skull now I can talk to the demon okay so we're gonna go back and talk to the demon I guess I'm gonna drop this curious and take my drugs because they'll likely become more handy in a pinch that's stupid that's ridiculous I don't usually call out mods that harshly but those are the sections only exist to piss people off that's not clever design travel I fixed a great mod to jump into for a good old long playthrough didn't I I'll be honest if this mod continues to annoy me in ways like that then I'm not gonna finish it because that's just annoying this is so fair a pretty miserable experience see it was kind of fun figuring out how to defeat the saint even though I was using pretty much overpowered spells and was kind of cheesing it but spawning that many skeletons no one has time for that no one on deserts Saint Bon can I talk to you sure skull I have not seen other dead soul and sentries are you wandering the land too I guess technically we who betrayed God in life but we accepted him and Des have to wander the hands until we redeem ourselves we made software now we have to suffer it is called Purgatory so far in Phillips Purgatory that's interesting I thought we can cool to explore was I guess get bored after a while I've seen the sun rising millions of times I've seen the moon going down a million times we are here we are but we are nowhere I have seen the grandson of my grandson die Generations growing up and dying down but they won't realize we are there no one does are you on Purgatory I am not dead Spears Dent does not matter who you were or how you can interfere with dead Souls issues you must know something even when we have to suffer we can also be saved earlier by being remembered is once king of this land and evil one I took everything from my people just to satisfy my vices and now I have to pay it is fair but you as a mortal can do something in my name please help the living here in my kingdom and repair a little of the damage I cause I'm King Wolf's glar I was a Tyrant King thousands of years ago but didn't you see the moon rise and fall millions of times would that calculate the thousands of years who heard Satan's false promises and desired wealth instead of God's love I was fooled and I sucked my people's blood until there were nothing but an empty Caracas showing sane fighter skull made wandering demon believe I Am Lord saying Fighters but I told it I am not it told me his background and asked me for a favor it's punishment we'll come to an end sooner if I help say the need in its name so it'll be remembered as a good Soul okay do I go back to the madman and then we go over how we can save this person's reputation and the name is sadanin I don't know how this fits into Morrowind while that's also bringing in real world religion such as like purgatory and God insane and all that um other dimension the warning [Music] was that music why does click in warning give me music know the whole wild world is ending and there's iron in my hair so that's not good for hearts Ainsley this is my name I should give you a warning devoid pulp anguish all right do I talk to the demon again I guess I will help save the need in this name do I maybe talk to the residents of sedanine and see if they can help him in some way maybe I talked like the hooded figure Jethro was that his name that random bit of playing music terrified me I don't know what that was help say denino here we go well if you actually want to help this Village you should know something here is a dangerous Panda called Jetro who extorts money from us we try to rise against him but he has bought the Imperial guards and being honest if you attack him even we will support him other stands if you are not Victorious he will take her puzzles against us nothing easier abandoned name Jethro comes here every night to extort money from the townsfolk I just have to get rid of him in the name of world care but being carefully he actually owns the guards and the people in fact the village okay where is Jethro I saw him earlier he's usually wandering around the entrance but I haven't seen him in a bus do I have to wait until later Jethro I saw him loads of times earlier and now he's just not here I don't know is he inside a rails now did he spawn somewhere else you've been attacking the airport hood a little bit a little bit a little bit maybe he went inside some location because I can't find him wandering around anywhere oh he's a shack right there right I'll check the shack in a second Jethro no no role he's not here azarius is Shaq okay there's no lazarius around I'm gonna wait seven hours until night and see if he appears again because he should be on this bridge but he's not there he is I found a muffin okay hello gestro what's up Hellfire Spears I've come to get rid of you I have found a treasure and I want to pay the tributes oh well done people like you is what it's needed hold the line and maybe we can have some business in the future Now take me to that treasure so I can take the tax I feel Jethro easily he's a very greedy man so I told him about a treasure going for our way in the wilderness will make this execution a children game okay so I have to get him to follow me hopefully he'll follow me long enough we're gonna go what's there as Tower Hill I think and that should be fair enough away that people won't notice we kill them so do I just keep taunting him until he attacks me I think that's the goal because otherwise I'll just get a penalty no she's that scared me I wasn't expecting that sorry Tyrell you know your skulls don't weigh that much salt takers okay come here bro I can't actually intimidate him okay fine there's a lot to do did you do you not care okay [Music] he's just taking us all right fair I think he wants to die he's like the great prince in Oblivion bye now I did the thing um that's very good fortify Long Blade one to 100 points yeah that's pretty good that's pretty decent this way is 15 this way is 25. bound Shields I'm rating at 13 it's only lies it's worth a bit of money but I'll drop down the floor here I'll use that play definitely I'll definitely use that blade um I'm gonna have to drop some sugama because uh weighs a [ __ ] done hideouts armor racing lies ways two Forte magic 100 willpower and restore Magica that's extremely useful I'll wear that as a hell it's a mask The Masks don't even fit in ebos I'll take us so jet was dead I have to tell the people not to worry any longer this plate looks strange it's an interesting little model and design I guess do I get to go to the hell Dimension soon do I get to do anything interesting because this is all just menial tasks that I don't really care too much about am I even getting my skills up no I am not I can't even wear proper heavy armor because I just don't have the carrying weight for anything help say Deneen you got rid of gestural or worse in the name of King Wolfgang who is he I see then his memory will be honored Reserve savior thank you both you're welcome um I did most of the work and they pretty much accepted King Wolfgang pretty quickly the name of King Wolf Care will be remembered in his old lands as a savior not a Tyrant King I'm curious about how can a dead Soul reward a living one interesting I wonder how too maybe some kind of Enchantment that I can use but the enchantment for the sword uh boosts my Long Blade skill by a hundred exceptionally useful while it's one to 100 so I'll take what I can guess I'll take like yes thank you mortal you've lightened my guilt as reward let me tell you where to find the Messiah Jesus Christ the American on your map go and meet some he can guide you on the passive virtue cool did you give me something oh that's good it weighs a [ __ ] on do I need that as like a quest item King Wolfgang told me where to find Jesus where's it again oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I I didn't take that in I thought I'd be in my journal updates without whatever can I talk to the madman Jesus God's mortal son okay give me a second okay folks we're gonna call me Jesus Jesus's spider all right you know what Fair okay yeah all right okay get up here Gallery yeah okay fair yeah yeah okay all right Fair yeah okay we're gonna meet gods we're gonna do God's business go away fish back off I don't like you there you go three hits in a row nothing about Audrey's more go away how many do you how many of you are there there's too many I'm swimming so slowly great okay we're almost to The Hideout is underwater I feel like I'm meeting like a super friend superhero or something so I'm sure all right folks we're finally gonna need Christ I'm gonna sit on his lap and tell him I want a Game Boy Color for crimbo I asked for a Game Boy Advance SP one year and I never got us and I tell the story alas where I see someone standing on the water is his Hideout literally just the ocean do I have to go all the way out here just to talk to him every single time I should use the Scrolls for carry in place while I know that for next time you know this is taken too long I can't be [ __ ] asked go fly up trebellius look Jesus I am like you I too can walk on water with the power of cheese is that where you're using a TCL Atlanta to you so Jesus is a nerd that's Grace whoa hi dude all right I've walked away and away from the coast and you still Found Me Oh but let me introduce myself my name's Jesus and well I'm the Son of God now any of your date records the almighty creator of the universe the true God it's Elder Scrolls Lads what are you doing don't look at me that way but hey well dude I'm having some troubles lately and it seems you may be the one to solve them after all I am here and you are here over the seas God works in mysterious ways so will you do me a little favor let's do a favor for guys so I fear dude my endless travel took me a few days to go to Saran there one day walking through a plaza a leper came to me a leaper a leper I felt his suffer so I decided to cure him and so I act a miracle but that old man instead of being grateful tried to kill me but I forgive him dude all I want to give him back my life will you help me out with this of course I will good man I'm so grateful to you while the facts are there if I go myself that man won't listen to me supposing he doesn't try to kill me again so you will be the one who gives him this saint bone which will end all of his economic problems for Life a magic bone filled with bone from a saint man or woman bring me seven and all four is a special armor for you or okay so if I bring him seven Saint bones I'll get your armor an old beggar in Saran okay well I'm gonna quickly travel to Saran I'm gonna travel there very legitimately to the place of Saran and uh there we go all right so we have to find some old beggar or something I want this questline to become interesting there's nuggets or like interesting tombs and stuff in this well besides spamming a bunch of skeletons and stuff but let's just play long enough to see exactly what we encounter and what we can find come on and slam and welcome to Saran leper High leper no Hellfire spirit that is xlapper it must be on the streets trying to beg okay so I'm guessing this is like the main street plaza you see down here oh there he is I found I found them hello my good man I like your beers you look like Walter White when he went into the shop and he tried to pretend he had a breakdown so that mofo Jesus sends you you know what he did to me I used to be leaper the living of pagan with death after my footprints but it was my lifestyle and I love this then that Jesus came with his miracles and health he cured me without even asking don't you understand it's my end what can I do I used to live with five gold pieces a day but now I'm too old to work and too healthy to beg tell him about your juicy and give him the bone whoa has turned into gold I can't believe his thank you Casey in the Sunshine Band at last I can never worry again I'm in debt with you so please take this ring it with my father's and my very only possession of protection and take a little pair of the gold too bless you my savior ring of the sun and the feather added sure inventory and a [ __ ] and a gold is the ring any good water breeding Magica lock is actually an exceptionally useful ability to have folks since this mod is going to be a little long I will remind you that liking the video does help out a lot it's going to be a long video so if you stuck around this long I thank you sincerely and I like those go a long way and you're all Edge and I hope you're doing well and we're gonna go back to say danine and we're gonna carry in Flight all the way out to gosh I should go back to Jesus and Report the success of this Mission do I have to give Jesus the gold that's my goal they want us I'm doing missions for Christ I thought this would be like a fun little horror mod thing but no apparently not here's my carrion flights let's see if this is fair enough to jump I'm gonna get my fatigue up I think this should be fair enough Jesus gee there he is he's still really far away can I see him in my peripheral vision at all is he supposed to be here Lord learn savior I saw him for like a split second oh he's under Jesus way underwass repel why are you swimming are y'all race you're supposed to be walking on us I saw you in my ass get up hell oh he's floating up he's Grand he's Grand he's floating up back to the surface I guess he just spawned in weird and there you go he's just floating in the abyss hello Casey in the Sunshine Band have you fixed that issue for sure dude he gave you his dead father's ringing gratitude while Casey in the Sunshine Band I happily see you fulfilled your task you may keep the ring X leper was thankful to me and I'm thankful to you Jesus Christ was grateful to me for fixing that leper issue he seems to be a nice man he's Ari once you get to know him with a bit of a point like what's up Casey in the Sunshine Band you were a huge help in all that leper issue and we're very kind just listening to me so now in confidence I'd like to board some worrying facts one day and one place not fair from here said I heard rumors about a recent disease do you mean disease while his wife and son were out of town azarius caught a cold even so he kept working at Lord's Fields half the day every day the 15 lazarius couldn't get up the seventh he didn't wake up so I decided to act a miracle I decided to act a miracle as you do if you're being a nuisance you act a miracle well it was supposed to restore the links between his body and his soul in other words bring him back to life but well he oh dude his Dimension and already instead of passing away so it got trapped between two two dimensions and because of that the body then completely resurrect I need you to redeem the hollow characters and bring me its poor soul so I can set it free is a shack and say to me and here's the key that's great I'm gonna warp all the way to satanine right now alright and here we are so we know this is his Shack so hopefully we can redeem in his eyes okay let's area Shaq hello zombie lazarius are you okay pal do you need something pistol slapper okay okay you don't have too much health so you're not that much of a butter you're only a little bit annoying long Blade's gone up is that one skill to my level yep however one tents of the way to level two it's not fun a waste 15 that's very good 20 to 65 that's an exceptionally good meritsman weapon I'm gonna take that and find something to drop can I repair myself and break it [Music] okay I used up one hammer boss I'm gonna have to drop more sujamma I'm also going to need bolts if I can find them there's the skull it made a spooky sound azarius is redeemed and I've got his poor soul in my hands it doesn't stop moaning and it's getting me mad I feel a huge sadness that it's about making me cry all the time I know the feeling but I know the feeling it'll pass I need to see Jesus and get rid of this hair painters special delivery okay a dance in the fire I'm going to take your gold at least and yeah I did my holy quiz I don't think a riddle actually sells bolts but I'm gonna check just to be sure also folks I hope this is okay boss it takes a long time to get out to Jesus all the way over in the water so I'm just gonna console command my speed to be extremely high I could get to boot to blame speed but then that'll take a while and that'll need to remove the blinding effect I could blindly swim in the ocean but that's annoying so I'm gonna boost my speed to get to Jesus and just move this along because this Quest is very annoying mechanics you don't have bolts I'm assuming no you do not is there anything I can sell you do you want Black Sabbath for no gold I'm a little cautious about getting rid of quest items alright there we go nice and fast nice and Speedy beer I know my original speed stat was 100 so I can just go back to that hi lart it really is to learn himself would you look at us nice to see you Casey in the Sunshine Band have you received his soul yes great work now just a blessing here A Prayer there one or two Vickers doing oh sorry dude I was loud thinking anyway I'm gonna put the soul on this way to Paradise you've done well I'm glad nobody else was damaged okay grace you've done well dude it seems like really call you friend well it's a bit embarrassing but let me ask you for just one last favor you may be wondering why I'm here over the waters let me explain one day six moons ago or so I don't really remember I think it was one day you made more on that no maybe it was not anyway I was walking around balmora I wasn't nieces just tell me what to do and where to do is somewhere near here just don't know where there's two people looking for me one is priest Judas the other must be an imperial agent tell this to Judas I forgive you my son and try to persuade the imperial agent to not seek for me anymore or get rid of him don't misunderstand me fella I don't mean I want him dead just tell him the wrong path somewhere near here just two people looking for me one is priest uses together my opinion agent I forgive you or he forgives Judas I have no idea where to find him there's somewhere around stating okay fair bye lard I love this look how quick I'm thinking on I need to be careful because if you go too fast you can crash the game okay now to go back to my normal speed all right where's Judas oh imperial agent just look around you oh I see yester's imperial agent and his Sinister man camping on the peninsula out there in the marsh they came asking about a wizard or something like that as soon as my tigers are camping on the peninsula near the wandering demon okay so they are hanging out on the swampy Randy Marsh around the wandering demon the team in still just hanging out with her play them alright campers I am looking for campers I don't see any around Derek wander forever grateful Marshall you're welcome you won't even look me in the face but he's grateful Peninsula Peninsula Peninsula by the wandering demon yeah I might crab I know the crack boss there's the dead tax collector I guess I can take his gold the peninsula is Peninsula liked one of these Island things because I'm assuming that might be us I actually don't know what a peninsula is exactly but I can look it up to see and I can learn something new today thank you for the goal my friends talk to you soon not gonna do your quest and give you peace because screw that oh here we go there's camping equipment there was a cliff racer there for like a second now he's gone wait okay that was strange you could hear the music for like a tick The thalass ancestral tomb oh I hear him great just where are you but come on down a Jurassic Park little [ __ ] come on or don't whatever you can follow me yep they'll always catch up eventually brief history the empire that's great I read all of that in two seconds very impressive stop sniffing me I didn't say you could hello languages langiness Maximus is there something funny about the name Lang years Maximus I don't think we've been introduced Outlander pure Legend I proudly am I am langujia slang gius Maximus listen you're not James Bond I'm afraid that man over there is my Buzzy we are here looking for a suspicious long-haired man who is actually a dangerous wizard that's one way to put us he's not dangerous he is but God's true son I'm so sorry to hear that orders are to kill him but anyone else knows the truth yes that includes Judas but for you it is too late to tell him Judas we have one did I fail I think I failed did I fail did I actually screw up I might have properly screwed up I let's see is God gonna be mad I think God might be a little peeved at this okay he's killing me in one hit he's ridiculously overpowered all right I'm gonna have to probably do this a different way I'm gonna see if there's other dialogue options to not get him to attack me all right Lord where are you son of Gods come on present yourself do you air okay for sure goodbye what have you done Shack and say the name oh I need to do this Quest again all right Lord where are you part two there you go and in the Deep murky Briny boss yes I brought it with me to money to do all right all right here's the gentleman let's try this again can I talk to Judas first where can we be where uh what you want priest Judas yes I am don't you see we're busy what you want from me stupid Spears Jesus May forgive this fool but I do not deliver the message so you're with him huh we are close Little Fool pray to that God you are finished are they gonna be like that all the time no matter what I say to him what a dirty beard he assaulted me and died in battle I see what my work is done now we may return a report thank you you may keep my spear okay I'm going to be a carpenter it's my life dream okay I agree is your spirit and he goes 40 to 40 good condition 45 spear one to 100 I do have Spears of minor skills so we might bump up on the old Spear and I'll leave the other weapon this one weighs a lot so I'll leave that and I'll use the spear instead it looks cool unique model pre-studus delivered a message your resume okay did I do enough just by getting him to go away I told him JC was dead and believe he gave me his weapon he's going to become a carpenter okay this mod and questline is so all over the place can I just go back to the lard now all right J my interior what's up Casey you're a huge help in all that leaper issue I'm very kind listening now I'm confident I did this right path okay I guess I killed Julius well I guess you have to go down Judas go away you you're nine I do the destruction spell but doing this does bring my skills up so hey Judas is down and your turn my good pal you've sent he's an armor looks like I might kind of want to oh he has a Skyrim logo on his helmet that's a reference this is an aggressor blunt weapon eh Judas visor oh that's really good that's decent Amber racing what about this I'm rating a 50 46. oh can I wear the helmet I can actually okay that's good the gauntlets I'll take those because I can wear them I'll use my repair hammers but they're probably gonna break soon anyway okay I'm down to 100 drop the bread Don't Need It Drop The Residency Jammer and do not need it I just need inventory space what about the boots 15. I'm gonna drop 18 potions how much space does that give me a good bit actually okay these races cannot wear boots can I wear Greaves yes I can I'll keep it like this for now I guess so it seemed like there was nothing we could do to redeem them and there it is I'm afraid the agents instead did my best but in the end Jews had to die do you think God will forgive me there's nothing I could do he wouldn't accept your message he's always been an evil prick anyway I think that was kind of the moral message hey Casey and the Sunshine Band you're back but I don't like that blood stains all over you forget that non-violence fact there was nothing I could do I can't blame you and in the end this is all over at last so this thing is over Jesus is no longer wanted I wonder what kind of business JC has for me now I can never fairly explain how you've helped me dude but now it's the time you almost know everything has this reason and you must keep going if the big task to do the deepest evil and some will touch your land that's why I'm here but we diocese cannot interfere in Mortal issues even when that issue has something to do with Diablo or his vassals come again when you feel ready to take the next step only if you feel your true strength and the old belief okay you know Casey in the Sunshine Band I'm particularly about it too and well dude you helped me so much and I believe you should know how to do some cool tricks it'll be really useful when you go there so you just act a miracle then you must go and meet my father while goes on towards what actually me God are you ready to meet God yeah Almighty our ex-boys all right it's playing the SpongeBob music okay since it's playing SpongeBob tunes I'm gonna censor this it's playing the credit song which is Bob boss I I can't play this hi guys you're already Almighty it is good to meet you greetings Casey and the Sunshine Band to Hellfire Spears iron God creator of the universe The Sweetest Love The Almighty res my ways are mysterious indeed you've got through all the rituals on your way here you've proven yourself it is time for you to know the blackfires are raging the Hell Gate has been opened and Diablo has sent his Champion you will be my champion in this game and the prize is your planners you must know that it's not the first time and neither the first planet and you will not be the last the Helga is rift in the world and a hell realm everywhere one of those hell Gates appears Diablo chooses to send a demonic Champion to lead an army and erase life from that planet as I shall not interfere on material issues and inhabitants must rise and defeat the evil but do not worry if that champion fails I will create another living planet to maintain balance okay that's good the Hell Gate is guarded with Sinister entity who will test your skills to get there you must meet a spirit favec I have spoken as Spirits after Vic God is telling me about the blights and Mario Mendler that's great race the amazing only God is actually real and a black woman yeah cool and in fact she wants me to defeat a demonic Champion close the hell gay here in Morrowind and save the world since I have a test but she is God so I must obey you're doing right I'm watching you alright so my patience for this mod is kind of waiting the more we go through it but look we're gonna stick it out we're gonna see how long I can go with us and we're gonna go back to the bitter course region and I believe now what we have to do is find a spirit that is outside the foreign quarter of event so I'm gonna pop up my speed a bit get us to say it again you know the Crack by now listen I wouldn't use console command if I could help it Buzz why did they put Jesus all the way out here in the water I don't know but since we're back on land of course as always I'll set it back to its reasonable 100 speed and there we go so yeah we have to find the spirit outside of the foreign quarter and I believe we can still continue on our married little Quest that is certainly going that looks like a dick shadow oh Jesus it is a dick look at this that's just penis tower in this anyway travel to Vivek there's the spirits how is it going I love the evening time in Maryland how we doing dark Wonder no need to speak I know us all yes I can take you where you must go but you must know that I cannot take you back you will have come back by your own ways are you ready to meet the guardian maybe in a second isn't there a bow next to you I think I need to pick up these I think I need all the saint bones yes travel where we going the dark campsites cool where's the house don't tell me I'm on Souls time do not I'm insults time no it's blood moon no no no not again not again also for people wondering I have actually beaten Souls Time Blood Moon at level one I lost all the vods because of twitch it rendered all the videos in 360p and I couldn't put out those vods for you to watch but that series is done and it's gonna get a proper video soon so look forward to that I'm gonna take all the saint bones because I think they're important somehow if I miss someone gonna be really upset but hello how are you doing soul harvester if it isn't yourself greetings mortal I am the guardian of Hell gears the helgi is certainly here but if you want to cross it you must prove yourself in the highest mountain near here lies the tomb of an all-time Warrior the only love he ever felt ties the spirit to this world set him free and bring me his ghostly hair this is the first test the highest Mountaineer here the highest mountain well it's a good thing I can see really far away so that's fun great I really do not want to be in Soul style I'm going to try and rest as much as I can so we can get a clear day a clear run of the day ahead of us so I can actually see what the highest mountain is close by okay this is good I can work with this this man this peak this seems like the highest close by one there's one all the way over there but it's just the closest to me right there's some kind of dark Enigma all right Riddler it seems that this dead friends can't do things just simple okay to feed a warrior in the highest mountain and give his hair oh I have to give his hair to the Garden okay matured Harvester on whatever whatever so I'm assuming it's going to be this little mountain peak here so this is nice for insults thing great so I don't want to be here this place just brings back memories of pain I've never played this DLC legitimately with a high level character I've only done it with level 1 characters it's not a suggested way to play Blood Moon in fact it's it's a horrible way to play it but look I'm just hoping this is the highest peak come on give me something let me progress properly I hope I'm strong enough to take on this enemy oh I can see some fog I think we're on the right track so I think we have to go through these trials and then we can get to like the Hell's Gate Dimension quote unquote so let's hope let's hope I don't know if this man is going to go on for too much longer I hope for my sake it doesn't but look like I said we're gonna try and stick out as much as we can if it gets too bullshitty though I know like sincerely alright on race all right it's a nice little pedestal the lone flower okay okay all right all right so you're gonna be an extremely tough enemy that's gonna be difficult to take down I have restore Hells but it seems like he's gonna take me down one hit the spot did say you could stare with a fresh character if you wanted to I just didn't expect him to be like well leveled them up a lot before he stared at two okay don't okay his spell is very powerful um he also has Rayman legs I also have spells I have hell's call I'm gonna try that okay someone summoned the enemy is spelled way too good and he's really quick so that's an issue way too quick why is he so strong why are all the enemies so overpowered it's the most frustrating thing hell's missile oh he's way too much health how the [ __ ] did they expect me to do this great what's even casting that spell is it his weapon does it have like a chance to cast a spell he doesn't seem to be readying anything is he using an item and I just can't see the animation for if I short blade pistol slapper holy Ascension that is pretty useful levitate slow fall actually that could be exceptionally useful okay let's see if I can use these to my advantage why is it on touch why is it on okay it also has way too much magic can you use Grace Clarity walking water holy heal that's not bad restoration that's not bad holy Shield that could be useful let's try that I don't have enough it's 100 to 100. oh it's 75 magic After Effects Nothing's Gonna Go My Way Dwight any levitation item now water breeding lock levitation would be the way to do this just get away from it just get away just base it out maybe I can just do this just lure them how is he flight oh he's so quick I'll go away Boris go away go away Rick links no no I don't need you okay this is kinda doable if I can just lure him but it spells way too powerful it's just two goods yeah look listen this man is [ __ ] so what I'm gonna do is just uh look I wasn't expecting this to be this brutal I would have gone in with a proper level character if I knew but hey you're also have really good gear fortify strength does it all fortify strength because I need that I need fortified strengths resist normal weapon that's overpowered for the fight that's really good I'll take all this ghostly hairs damage hell 35 55 points eh so I'm gonna equip all this and hope a fortify is my strength ghostly curious enough that I can actually carry all this gear I can't wear boots well I'm gonna have to drop these can I wear pants I could wear the ghostly pants Oh I have Rayman legs now ghostly helmets well I can't wear the helmet either but I did get a good old boost to my strength so that's exceptionally useful and I really go to armor now so I could take on the the other enemies we'll just keep going we'll just keep going I just want to see this mod out I just want to see it out even if I'm not playing it legitimately by its own rules or whatever I just want to see it out that's all I want to do it's all an Irish man what to do in life is just see things out you know finish what we started I can't say [ __ ] finish what exteritus have you seen the among the series and I just stopped doing finish what I stared at today's hits I'm having a great time in seouls time can I take out the Wolves at least oh you should be able to take out these lads pretty easily am I still level one how am I still level one I'm only one up to my I'm only one skill up to level two out of ten how is that possible at least I can hit them at least I can hit I'm dying to the wolves all right well my spells are powerful at least I have that you could say so that's great all right hello Jacks Harvest I just I brought the ghostly hair so I got so much endorphins from doing that Quest legitimately before your feet sleeps at demigods great do I have to kill him no Jesus is not the only one this colossal can only Die By The Sword his time has come bring me his hair this is the second trial he's below me sleeps below my feet okay there's a tomb under here right there's gotta be I don't think he's inside that horse okay okay okay I'm assuming there's some kind of tumor on this mound right that's what they're leading me to what if I check the old local map solve George or I'll go there where's the Colossus oh he's right by the Wolves I killed earlier okay I just didn't spot this place at all alright so the ORD Here I Am Yours where's the Colossal yard I just want to see what the hell Dimension is like it's all I want to see Hello wolves I could take years that's a big old wolf are they always this big or is that a panther it's a big black wolf I race I've never seen that enemy variation where they always hunt Soul's name big black wolf I know there's different kind of wolves like there's three different varieties but I've never seen a big one they just have like a a bigger model this is can you cast any spell today please today today please oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm gonna celebrate Ace look at this big bear I can't wait to finish this this place does look unique so I'm assuming this is all a pair to the Maj I would have remembered a room like this in Souls time there's a bunch of Dead skeletons around skeleton fellow steel daggers alright how are you buzz are you gonna be ridiculously overpowered too hail hellfired Spears are you here to challenge me it seems so I am the Colossal the demigod the first mortal son of the true God I can only die in battle I've been around since the beginning of time I've lived for too long this is my only wish now and he who brings it shall keep my fortune this duel will take one's life and I cannot let anybody win that would be suicide a huge sin those who you see here came claiming my treasure but they were not strong enough are you strong enough I hope so I think you were the big man so far I'm gonna okay good luck Grace off every enemy is just one shouting this is dumb I don't like this I don't like this at all at all if I had known beforehand to go into this get extremely overpowered I would have and I'm sorry if this is frustrating but I didn't I didn't know it was going to be like this you also saw that tomb full of enemies this is just [ __ ] so what I'm gonna do is I just want to progress and see what the rest of this mod is like so yes challenge me I hope so good luck you're a [ __ ] enemy I'm not dealing with you mating 45 blunt it's actually not that bad do I planted the skill I have spear 20 what's my blonde skill now all 20 I can actually take that and boost it up to Farsi if I can equip his it does weigh a lot but I might drop it in place of my spear or this sabbath thing I'll drop that yeah okay that's great do you have anything else useful we store hell one one point interesting way 25 this all weights a lot I kind of need to strengthem where I have and look I'm not gonna be able to kill most of these enemies anyway so I'm not too worried about restore held because they won't shot me disintegrate armor black and white is great game in order for how I'll take the goal I guess 50k sure why not feather 500 points on self baggy trousers fortify speed 200s baggage hausers baggage trousers I'm a big Madness fan so I like that buzz I like that alright fortified speeds no it's not chasing now we're speeding I hope this isn't too fast it's annoying for the rest of the video but look I don't know how much longer we're going to be playing oh look at this that thing's freaking cool that thing's freaking cool cooler huh inside director will encounter demons a demigod is nothing compared to a demon as some pray to God some pray to Satan you must face a hell-bound priest and bring her hair she is hiding on the Adam assertive satanic Shrine in the Daedric ruins Northeast of balmora is ever the dumb or post boxes if you can survive a hellhound creature you'll notifying demons this is your final test Adam assertos bring him a hellhound hair from priest who's hiding on the atomosphere to satanic Shrine how do you expect me to get back to balmora from here I know how there we go fast travel isn't a great system all right I'm gonna assume this is Adam and ceratus right do I Repose box find the demigod inside okay it's usually full of Bandits so we're gonna see if we can deal with them we're gonna see if we can deal with them properly oh hello fell hello we're on the gamer Bridge folks get [ __ ] okay oh that felt so close oh that felt Liberation that one is for all the level one Morrowind players who got destroyed but after the first go erosing hand was Adam assertive [ __ ] I got the tomb wrong I'm not a Morrowind fan no it's not even Adam's hair oh it's a ranked almost the wrong tune where the [ __ ] is this place nor the Isabel Mora Norse east of Belmar okay I read that completely wrong it's been a day folks it's been a long roll mod so bear with me it did say Daedric this is Dwemer very clever Michael ericing hand is actually not fair from where we are okay it is not fair in fact it is pretty much in this direction okay so keep going this way all right all right all right it's kind of around here North eat north south east north east of Belmore that didn't kill me did this after Fox I'm moving too fast the cope with the unexpected I'm a walk-in Irish Road Safety as it's not here right that's way too East go away buddy I'm not in the mood for you no one's ever in the mood for yet to be fair that's all you're relegated to if a cliff racer kills me I'll be really upset uh I was about to be really upset I'm gonna check this place but I takes a little bit further up I only fell at two feet [Music] this is the final test before we go to hell realm I always have to do never eat shred a week whenever I'm like finding directions every single time I can never remember what's properly East or West you'd think it'd be like left or right but I still have to go never try to every single time it's like my brain has the information but it just doesn't hold it you know I snarities that's not it right yeah the only information I retain is about old RPGs and 70s and 80s rock bands that's the only information I retain all right where's this ruin I'm into ruin I'm in horrible ruins I'll be honest I just want to see this hell Dimension and probably split I think that's fair because this mod isn't being fair to me and it's not really fun to play true the items are cool but can you get if there's a small bit more indication of going into this with a higher level character I I I I wish that was explained but it wasn't so and the mod also LED on that I could start with a new character if you want to suppose it seems that it's not the case you really can't get through this without exploiting and I even feel like with a higher level character anyway it would still be like a huge challenge but someone has to document this really old man no one else is going to no one else is going to play true I'll do us look at this play this place looks interesting and unique you let me explore look at all these enemies wanting to kill me well let's hope my health missile can work can I kill y'all I didn't even touch the cliff race or uh for [ __ ] sake please go away please go how did that not hit she it should be an area of effect morrowind's annoying me today Mormon's annoying a lot of the resign but look I put up with it because I love this okay bye alright so it's a little bit closer to Caldera so it should be over this way actually we're pretty close we're pretty close we're almost there we're almost there folks we are almost there is he here that should be it that should be the one surely right are we here can I fight that what are we fighting a demon satanic Shrine and the Daedric ruins Northeast about more okay I'm assuming I can travel back to Vivek if I want to go back to the souls time examiner area please all right just get just get me in the door I'm sick of this how can the clip racer even follow me properly through here I don't know what they can I don't know what they can just come on here since Peter doors can't get it on my way I know I know Buzz I know the feeling I certain amount of man and a match that's definitely the One race yes it is okay this character's in combat all right my blonde skill has been four to five by Twenty points and I didn't get any hits in this is infuriating but someone has to suffer Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck yeah good block gorgeous uh missile there you go oh barely lose any damage of your anointed bye for you to person that to defeat I'm gonna guess no 36 lessons of the Vic that's Chinese why don't you read Witcher books or something there goes oh I can knock them down well oh the mace is good if I can actually get a hidden who would if I cannot satanic Shrine I think we're here I think this is where we need to be oh look at this area this is unique hello you're gonna one shot me I know the whole story bye stare lazy you're a star lazy racing in the sky okay fortified strength endurance ax blunt that's exceptionally useful I'll take that for the alteration destruction that's exceptionally useful I'll take that Am racing evacing Magica destruction 20 points more destruction could be handy so I can cancel spell them more often someone bull North 66666 seconds all right well are you the ball nerd fella I'm doing no damage to you I am doing nothing no damage at all so yeah very fair I did that legitimately how are you supposed to do this man legitimately fortify Long Blade 50 points on self yeah I'll take that that's good fortified speed five seconds five seconds kind of shot for if I light Hammer Long play 20 seconds we still have five points on self I think the one I'm still wearing is a little bit better with heavy armor fortified strength resist normal weapons I still prefer that I want the duel against the class of demigod I found some powerful weapons among his treasure and gave his hair to the guardian next step is to bring him a hellhound turd from priest who was hiding yeah I did dive hellhound hairs I have those right hell hung tears so I just bring it back I think we do what is that groaning sound okay can I just get to the hell Dimension can I do that now is that a thing that can happen the sword designs and everything are so cool I just wish this mod was like a little bit fair so I could get through it properly but all the enemies seem so overpowered they're not even worth suffering true it's probably not the most entertaining to watch me just kill these enemies in one hit with console commands but like I don't understand what else I'm supposed to do I would have prepared beforehand but I wasn't really given much of an indication I thought it was just like a a little horror mod questline you can just jump into not this big overarching thing with super powerful enemies and [ __ ] cave designs like sincerely I didn't think that was going to be what we're dealing with can I still travel from you my Guzman yes I can alright alright alright I'll bring me to the hell Dimension Grim side has been added to your inventory Grim body Helga is key thank you I did this goodbye can I just go in the door um adamantium Grim Bosie do I need all these probably not okay I finally delivered the hellhound there to caring gave me some Helga key and some stuff but to find the hell game I must keep in mind that sometimes he who is blind sees clearer sometimes he who is blind seems clear I don't have time for your stupid riddles he who is blind see it's clear I'm gonna equip these I guess did I get anything else Grim's size did I get any other paraphernalia that I can wear he who is blind sees clearer all right well I don't know what this means so I'll be back in a tick okay the guide said if I can't figure it out to drop the tve what it's called and then the door should disappear did I do it your Journal has been updated I finally delivered I must keep mine sometimes he was blind since clearly do I had to do something with this skull do I drop it here no it's not doing anything so oh you're just a dare killed with a simple greasing okay he was blind seized clearly it's said to just drop the skull in the guide and then this door opens blind sees clearly what in my inventory can get me further lone flower I finally delivered a help on her caring gave me the hell gate key and some stuff but to find the hell gay I must keep in mind sometimes he was blind sister is the skull pointing at us is the skull pointing in the Direction that's what I want to know if I drop him here release the point no that's not what's happening I don't know what's going on with the journal folks this mod has been a frustrating and awful experience I'm stopping right here I don't know what it wants for me the guide isn't clear the enemies are inconsistent I don't think it's even worse than getting to the hell Dimension if this even feels like I've wasted your time I'm sorry but I guess someone documented this mod it was a terrible frustrating experience I never want to go through it again I don't want to play anymore I will talk to you in the next video and oh my God if someone wants to power through this whole thing more power to ya but I'm done I will talk to you on the next video with some better mods yeah
Channel: Micky D
Views: 185,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind mods, morrowind 2023, morrowind in 2023, morrowind horror, morrowind modding, morrowind horror mods, micky d, micky d morrowind, elder scrolls, elder scrolls morrowind, morrowind gameplay, morrowind lets play, morrowind playthrough, elder scrolls horror, lets play morrowind, morrowind 2022, morrowind in 2022, strange morrowind mod, strange elder scrolls mod, elder scrolls horror mod, elder scrolls modding
Id: u7RPJuvHVoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 23sec (5723 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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