Surviving On $0.01 For 30 Days in Among Us

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so today and among us we have the great reset mode while trying to deliver mr beast one penny we have to buy and trade everything so dude stick around till the end to see if we can get to mr beast dudes do me a favor did you know that if you hit the like button down below you'll probably get a penny someday hit the like button hit the subscribe button let's do this there we go i am the imposter ryan trahead all right boys we need to we are all racing to get a thousand dollars so we can activate the great reset why not you will not win so boyle let's go up here i'm gonna i gotta find a good spot for this uh let's do it right in front of the trash can it's time for the game plan so as you can see in the top left i have one cent i have to use this one cent to trade up to a thousand dollars whoever gets a thousand dollars first and buys the great reset wins the game but i have a goal i have to use all of these kill abilities on these other ryan treyhands to win the game so the first thing on the game plan sir do you have a pen that i could buy off of you he does and buy a pen thank you sir thanks for doing business all right now i go down here oh why are you crying are you okay [Applause] oh gosh hey uh listen guys i have i here let me go over here to this side here we go listen i have a pen gary can i sell you a pen for a dollar deal okay did it work oh i got a dollar hey there we go okay hey sir sir do you have do you have a water bottle for a dollar that i can have oh he does oh there we go okay now i can hey sigils can i scam you can i scan all right can i not scam you can i sell you a water bottle for two dollars for two dollars i'll give you three who newbie who newbie is that did i and there we go no i got two dollars how this works i need to keep buying things and making more money you can see in the top left i have two dollars now i can buy chips my end game is to buy the fifty thousand dollar great reset next thing oh i gotta buy doritos from this guy there we go now i got zero knowledge so how this mod works i'll explain it as we go there's a bunch of items that i have to buy to kill people with i have to uh act or kill every once with all of these i'll we'll just stick around till the end hit the like button if you have a penny and hit the subscribe button okay let's do this let's sell this uh bag of doritos all right there we go and i should get two dollars i got four dollars for selling doritos zod you're an idiot how this works every time you sell something you use your hunger you can see down here i lost some hunger so if i go over here i can up my hunger but i'm not going to do that yet now that i have four dollars i can go to their grocery store and buy a pack of water hey i just bought it i just bought a six pack of water [Music] what i didn't say anything mean does that's z backwards i want you to say i want you to say sorry all right i'm gonna sell this and here here biffle here i'm gonna sell you my water for eight dollars before why are you why are you crying people there i gave you the water jeez calm down so now what i can do we're going to get our first kill ability to mark this off the list okay let's go up here buy i could buy oh i have so i have eight dollars kool-aid for four that unlocks my first kill and then let's also get water there we go so now check this out when i become the imposter look at me i'm preston from ryan trahan series i'm his editor i think it's his editor look at my hot bar down here if i hover over this i have another ability in the bottom left let's check this out i'm going to go invisible i'm going to use this on let's use it on gary let's use this i'm calling in i just called in hello [Laughter] okay so that is marked off the list and i've killed kate i need to kill everyone at least once and also look at this map dude this map is sick right we're trying to go to mr beast to give him a penny okay here's a dollar store i can open this and i can buy a megaphone look now the bottom said i have a megaphone i have a megaphone now wait i don't have any food so i can't sell this oh i don't have it i need to beg for money sir sir can you give me a penny please please i did sorry all of your money sorry i don't want to okay so that guy gave me food nice now i can sell here but since i have the megaphone see that this usually takes eight seconds to sell but since i have the megaphone it's half megaphone megaphone megaphone and there we go now i'm up to eight dollars and since i've made it a cumulative of thirty dollars since starting this challenge i now have a two times multiplier anything i sell or do is multiplied by two all right so what i'm gonna do now i could buy this but i don't have any food wait i could exploit i could buy the coca-cola and then go down to this lady and beg her for food please miss i just need food and there we go now she gave me a hamburger now if i sell this it says 16. but now i get 32. boys we are about to start unlocking everything guys i am all out of food i need food oh i'm gonna buy some i i'm gonna buy some chocolate chips and that'll give me one food two three four five hey gary i'm a fatty uh no you just like okay good good for you okay i can buy a phone soon phone sells for 30. i'm gonna buy a few of these i'm gonna sell all of these the shopping cart so i have the shopping cart in the bottom center i need to kill somebody just not kate with the shopping cart okay let's transform there we go let's go invisible here we go and gary's dead zod zut has over a hundred dollars i have an ability called mugging i gotta go find zod this is really nice i just literally he has zero now and i took it all i have 227 dollars i'm gonna go buy a phone hey miss can i have a phone please thank you there now i have a phone okay let me un invis on transform what i can do now since i have a phone i can deliver food on doordash right and there we go now i can deliver food so every time i choose one of these jobs like i can deliver nachos from chipotle chimichanga from chipotle and a burrito bowl from chipotle every time i click one of these i'm losing food look at down center there we go but now if i go to chipotle right now i have all the orders hey nico i'm gonna buy a bike really quick you have enough for a bike look at me dude i've been selling so many coca-colas you wanna race you're free dude look at me i got a bike now so now i can go deliver these door dash things to these houses look so i got the arrow it tells me to deliver it here that just gave me six dollars now i got another one here and 13. oh i like your dog are you doing wag and i returned i just got 20 for that delivery from doordash wait how i am literally loaded i need to go buy some food hey do you want to eat at mcdonald's together yeah obviously all right i i can either eat uh a cheeseburger or i'm gonna eat two things of fries that seems healthy that seems very healthy okay so since i've used or done three deliveries on doordash it has unlocked wag look at this this is where you uh walk dogs okay let's do rashad over there okay let's go this way come here rashad i'm gonna walk you over here all right hey hey rashad let's go for a walk so if you look at the thingy it has i gotta walk them 1.3 kilometers kilometers look is it going down and there we go it's done i'll take him home did you have fun rashad i got eight dollars okay let's do the next one hey what's your name i forgot uh carl come on carl and zero okay let's take this one back sixteen every time it keeps increasing i gotta go find biffle and bug him i'm gonna mug [Music] okay i gotta start getting more of these killabilities i got this one this one this one this i gotta dog walk somebody i'll do that one in a minute the dog walk is insane okay i have four hundred dollars my dear boy we are making some money boys hit the like button hit the subscribe button let's do it's ice time forty dollars for an ice bucket now i have an ice bucket down here oh i need to buy food uh if i get a burrito bowl for four food you know what i'm rich i got four hundred dollars i'm treating myself i'm getting a chimichanga burrito what does that mean oh my god now we're looking good i'm gonna dump ice on pat all right what what was that mitz mitz hat help help wait she's walking a dog i'm going to save dog sabotage i'm going to save dog sabotage i don't want to i don't want to kill too many people sorry mitch sorry go get him [Music] the dog didn't even help let's go up to here to the dollar general store we can buy the secure of the tape for 50. i have 600 dollars i'm gonna buy four of the tape just so i can make sure i hit everybody okay let's place down the tape right here across this road perfect now nobody can cross that road let's place tape right there hi what's your name my name's zod oh you obviously don't want to talk whatever i'm gonna go bye okay oh did that knock off sigils and zod now i just need to kill biffle nico and mitz with three different items let's do this where is my dog okay as soon as he gets his dog i'm gonna sabotage the dog to make the dog angry i gotta walk you hey sabotage biffle oh no that's toxic all right the last person i need to kill is nico and i have these two abilities where do i buy those though are you doing deliveries yeah i'm doing deliveries stop i just okay uh let's buy that burrito there we go i got that burrito that's a burrito bomb that's one of the kills that i need i think the other one is at mcdonald's hi what are you getting from mcdonald's just one fry to dip in my soda okay if you say so yeah one soda with a fry that is disgusting by the way excuse me yeah you're disgusting i just got a burrito bomb and a mcdonald's uh what is it mcdonald's coffee you gotta slam the straw down in it i need to take mitts okay mitts and boom get mug mitts get mark go with this there we go give me that money okay let's do the burrito bomb who do i need to take out nico where's nico and brito bob i missed no i hit bat look he just died i think he just died you know what i'm gonna buy another burrito bomb since i didn't hit nico who wants to order it there you go buy that buy that hit niko with the burrito bomb [Music] is he gonna die oh [Music] oh he left that he left a little poop everybody's dead now i just gotta do this one um okay so let's do the the coffee right here in front of chipotle whenever gary moves i'm gonna lay down this trap right here there we go if anybody comes to chipotle they die oh gary is that it okay i need to keep mugging people let's mug biffle i need to get more money should i go on a dog walk oh biffle's getting owned 600 so if i open up my food mcdonald's mcdonald's mcdonald's i have three deliveries from mcdonald's yay did you gary what happened i'm alive now i found an exploit gary you can get three orders at one time for mcdonald's and deliver them all there we go let's go and there's forty dollars there's forty dollars and there's okay hold on make sure let me untransfer transform and i'm gonna mug somebody now who has a lot of money uh gary has 400. goodbye gary uh why is there a mugger running across what is happening gary oh gary i have 900. i need to do one more doordash right or i could walk a dog we walk a dog um there we go time to walk a dog all right there we go and walking the dog and i'm just gonna give me 24. i'm at 9.84 i can sell one of these cokes from the beginning that should be enough wait i need food though i need food ma'am i need food ma'am can i have some food please i don't have any money at all for food i'm literally broke i'm absolutely broke and sell that we are selling our last item right here we now have a thousand dollars for the great reason nothing nothing you heard nothing said that nothing i didn't say anything i could've sworn i heard something about a thousand dollars the great reset [Music] it's time for the great reset zone oh god so i just pooped yeah i don't know why no no no no please please please please please hey biffle i already have the great reset so wait you have the great reset [Music] the great reset where are we going we bet we did it where's it taking me mr beast gets the penny hey that's what i'm talking about hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,076,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sts78MiLlzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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