Can AI Replace Hollywood Writers?

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the City of Hollywood is on fire if you haven't noticed the past few years have not been good to the film industry now I don't want to over generalize or simplify or sensationalize the issues but I think it's pretty clear that Hollywood's biggest issues are for what number one the movies are bad now and number two the movies don't make money because number three the movies are bad but that's not what today's video is going to be about you see the writer's Guild the actors Legion they all quit they're done making movies they're on strike now I have intentionally avoided covering all this because I feel somewhat unqualified to discuss any aspect of this but I'm gonna do it anyway from what I understand the writers and actors have many concerns in regards to residual fees I guess they don't make money anymore because the movies and the shows don't get rebroadcast on the the television stations it's all just on this internet stuff they also have issues with their working conditions you gotta think wasn't too long ago that Alec Baldwin just shot somebody but there is one Element to this whole thing the strike that does interest me more than the rest the AI see the writers and the actors they don't want to be replaced by the robots they fear for not only their jobs but their lives and this has caused some debates online because if Hollywood is in such a position where it's losing money because the movies are bad and the TV shows are terrible then why would the king of Hollywood Bob Iger want to give them a raise I mean think about it these fancy Hollywood types these these writers right in these movies making Bank off of garbage these are the same people that wrote She-Hulk do we really need these ego driven actors to be able to pay for more gold swimming pools and then you got the CGI sfx people over here complaining about the hours they're putting in oh no overtime pay you work at a computer present buttons that's not a real job this is a real job so the debate I've been seeing online is that if all these horrible terrible people are terrible at their jobs and we hate them then why don't we just replace them with machines if you want to go on strike be my guest but don't be too surprised when Rosie the robot starts spewing out better screenplays than your nepotism riddled cousin I mean what a beautiful world it would be if chat GPT could give us the next Batman movie instead of say George Lopez and the the stuff we had a digital version a completely digital Recreation of George Lopez if those CGI artists want to want to unionize good luck good luck to USA because two years from now Bob Iger is going to be able to sit in his his dungeon he's gonna be able to render the next three Avengers movies on his Chromebook look I've already done the whole AI video the whole AI art video so I'm not going to discuss the potential copyright or legal issues I know this is a divisive topic and I'm gonna still avoid any definitive statements of Morality In this technology if the Hollywood Studios wanted to could they actually just not meet the demands of the unions and uh just make all the movies with AI or even in like two or three years if we assume that AI art continues on its current trajectory and there isn't some class action lawsuit from fan fiction writers for DreamWorks using AI to make the next Shark Tale does AI does this technology give the studios leverage over the artists I'm gonna say no as long as they know it doesn't okay like look look at this announcement that Disney is conveniently looking into using AI right now that's just a fear tactic and it's a fairly transparent one at that I could see how somebody who doesn't use AI art that frequently could look at what mid-journey is producing and think wow those artists are gonna be out of a job but okay there's a big difference between what chat GPT is putting out what mid-journey is putting out in in what Hollywood is putting out so first off let's let's talk about the writers I often hear that writing would be the easiest job to replace in Hollywood because many writers are bad I can look at a lot of shows on Disney plus and I can say well I could certainly do a better job than this because I could I think just about everybody could and I know there's a lot of reasons why writing has gotten so bad writing rooms and changes to the production and a bunch of stuff that you probably don't care about but let's just assume that maybe Bobby Iger wants to replace the She-Hulk riders with AI now if you go into chat gpt4 right now say make me a She-Hulk TV episode Could you actually get a better TV show than She-Hulk yes surprisingly actually but that's a bad example right now ai writing is limited it's simple it gives you basic plots generally plays off of every cliche in the book but it works because it has worked for 99 of all of media it is unoriginal derivative but that that's what most things are don't expect incredible creativity unless you're giving it creative prompts and even then expect the bare minimum especially in regards to to like character developments I would describe the current quality of most AI generated scripts somewhere between fan fiction and Saturday morning cartoon from the 80s I'm sure if you really put the time in really dial in just every prompt is perfect you might be able to get an ABC family drama from the early 2000s but to be honest with me the AI Generations are today it's hard to imagine that any Studio could get away with using AI writing right now and even if they claim to be doing that I would just imagine it was some scab doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes the tech is not there yet and it won't be there by the time the strike is over but over time it will probably get better but even then I don't think it's gonna matter that much writers are not scared of AI because they think it's better than them or it will be better than them that's kind of silly even if you were the most talentless hack wouldn't you just use this better AI to write better scripts and pass them off as your own AI writing cannot be better than humans because humans will just use the AI if it is and while the AI could output anything it's still up to the human to determine quality and on that front it's unlikely anything will change AI or no AI even today if you want to blame somebody for bad Hollywood riding blamed the laughably incompetent Studio heads to sign off on all this stuff the people who build these cinematic universes to appeal to all four quadrants at once to maximize potential box office returns in cell merchandise the fear that writers have is not about so the quality of these AI it's about the money imagine this uh say somebody like me goes to Hollywood and offers them this script for let's say a She-Hulk TV show that I'm writing that is by all measures better than the current She-Hulk TV show I assume I have it I haven't actually seen it but Disney Bob Iger he would be more than happy to hand me a check for a hundred dollars and I'd be happy to take it because it only took three minutes to make this and I'm not gonna ask for residuals I'm not gonna ask for a cut of the profit I'm just going to give them my script that I didn't write and we call today by doing that I could undercut everybody in Hollywood because I could just pumping out more and more scripts that are better than theirs and charge less and less money somebody higher up usually within Disney is still gonna have to go over these scripts and sign off on it they gotta make sure there's no spelling mistakes that the formatting is right that it plays into their Cinematic Universe that there's no plagiarism they have to cut out any unnecessary racial slurs the problem is eventually as time goes on I might get really good at writing these She-Hulk TV scripts maybe I just know the exact prompts and people like my take on the character or my take on the AIS taken the character and maybe just maybe I can ask Disney for a little bit more money after all what are they gonna do find another person to to type in these words these exact words into chat GPT I don't think so so maybe I could ask for some residuals maybe I want a little bit a little bit more money see that we're back to square one even if AI could produce every everything a buffet of Emmy award-winning scripts it's still gonna take somebody with some talent to discern good from bad and people with those special skills will still want to get paid special prices if Hollywood doesn't want to pay residuals to 20 different writers for a movie then just don't don't hand the script off to two dozen people for revisions that seems pretty simple this whole thing just seems kind of silly I don't know it seems silly to me most of the money that goes into movies doesn't go too paying the writers or the special effects people or the directors or the actors or it the money's not going to anybody in particular like two-thirds of all of this goes to marketing if Indiana Jones 5 was written by an AI if Harrison Ford was portrayed in the movie by an AI if all the effects were AI driven and it was directed by an AI it wouldn't matter it wouldn't matter because it still would have lost a lot of money the actual amount of money the writers make is so insignificant that it's almost all we're talking about seemingly my assumption is the reason that these Studios have such a they're just so against residuals is because their future plans for their products is to just ship them out to every streaming service Under the Sun they don't want to have to pay continued residuals every time they make a deal to to put the office on Amazon Prime and if this strike wasn't happening right now and it was happening in say five to ten years then maybe the studios would have that leverage over the artists but right now when Disney says we're doing that we're going into AI yeah it's just a fear tactic because they're stupid [Music]
Channel: KnowledgeHusk
Views: 102,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ai, Hollywood, movie, box office, strike, WGA, disney, universal, sony, Netflix, amazon prime, actors, movies, Hollywood writers, writers, ai tech, ai Hollywood, she hulk, bad movies, terrible films, terrible shows, bob Iger, ai art, film industry, film industry ai, disney ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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