Will Artificial Intelligence End Human Creativity?

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Ok guys it’s my turn to post about this topic next hour.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LevelWriting πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

End? No.

It’s like saying will cars end humans running or boats end humans swimming, etc, etc, etc.

Machines + AI do tasks better than us, that doesn’t mean we will stop doing them.

It just means that we are able to perform such tasks at an impossible level for humans, no one is going to swim from the US to Europe.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Black_RL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

We're fine!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Akimbo333 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

AI generated games would be incredible. Unique characters and landscapes in an open world.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tequiila πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

only if it decides that all humans must die.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/okopchak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes Please

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NiloyKesslar1997 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

End human creativity? No.

Exist alongside human creativity? Yes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Artanthos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

AIs don't get to enjoy or harness their intelligence (yet) but we do. i enjoy the heck out of anything AI generated, whether it's images or games or movies, bring it on, I'm here to take part in the enjoyment!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dasnihil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's just going to make creativity faster. I mean imagining painting for 3 hours and hating it vs telling AI what you see in your head and getting it after a few tries. Humans are always going to be directing the creativity and refining it.

AI works for us and it will for a long time. It's a tool

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Babelette πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
this video is sponsored by onshape with recent advancements in artificial intelligence tools for design we are about to see the biggest creative and cultural explosion since the invention of electricity in the 1890s this progress is happening fast too this is an example of an ai interpretation of a shoe from just nine months ago not the best and here's a new ai model that just launched more recently called dolly 2. so just so you have some perspective on the impact of artificial intelligence as a creative tool these are 400 shoe concepts that i created in about two hours all i did was type in some text and the a i created an image based on those text prompts the first time i used these tools i was so overwhelmed that i couldn't even sleep it's like the light bulb has just been invented and turned on for the first time but even that doesn't really do it justice this technology is like a distortion portal that reinterprets all recorded human experience and shows you a new world by the end of this video you will have a better understanding of how artificial intelligence will impact design engineering and culture as a whole the implications of ai technology are both scary and exciting whether it's deep fakes propaganda imagery or losing our jobs to automated took ai systems like the guardian education is the first step to knowing how to navigate these kinds of issues so stay tuned in big shout out to these people for helping with this video especially kdar rafi and all of the expert ai teams that i interviewed your insights were so helpful i've dedicated my entire professional life to honing my craft as a designer and this ai created more high fidelity ideas in just a few seconds than i could create in several days or even weeks i've never been more impressed by a piece of technology before what's even crazier is that just two months after this was launched to dolly 2 an even more high fidelity ai model was launched by google's research team called google imogen the rate at which this space is evolving is just insane i'm predicting that there will be more art and design concepts made in the next couple of years than in the last century now to be fair a lot of these designs are not finished concepts i still want to do a lot of work on these in order to account for things like comfort fit material choices and everything else a lot of these designs probably couldn't even be manufactured but you have to remember if i wanted to get anything even close to this level of quality just one year ago it would have taken at least 100 times longer probably more the mark of any good designer is to see the potential in something before it's fully developed a good designer has the vision to see the next revolutionary idea from a napkin sketch and right now ai design tools are in the napkin sketch phase but the fact that it's this good this early in its infancy tells me that it's just going to be a revolutionary concept before i get any deeper into this video i want to talk about why i chose to design shoes with ai i chose shoes because they're pretty much the most widespread fashion statement in the world almost all cultures wear some kind of shoe comfort fit and performance is also really important for a shoe so it's a nice blend of form and function because of all that shoes are a really good testing ground for trying out new design tools also an ai is only as good as its data set there are millions of images of shoes in most ai databases and shoes have a defined form factor which makes it easy for the ai to understand how to make a convincing image of one so anyway these are some of my friends folders of their ai designs people are pumping out thousands of images and sharing them all over social media and discord and as we share our ideas and tips and tricks the rate at which we all innovate together is just exponential we saw rapid improvement in design skills with social media but i feel like ai is going to make things move even faster so here's what's happening when i enter these text prompts into the software the ai isn't just taking existing images and stitching them together it actually has an idea of what each of these words represent a lot of ideas aren't necessarily original they're just steps on other things we've seen and kind of been inspired by so you could almost argue that the ai is kind of in that same boat where it's like it's not literally copying things it's seen it's just kind of inferring what it can on what it's learned and what it seems just like we do that's what the ai is doing because of that the ai can basically blend multiple concepts together if you want to blend a shoe design with neo-futurist architecture and hr eagers aliens it can do that if you want to do some weird cuttlefish stained glass running shoe hybrid it can do it there are several tools like this but the most cutting edge ones at the time are dolly 2 mid journey and disco diffusion there are other newer tools like google imogen and there will certainly be others in the future that are even better so let's talk about what this means for design first of all you have to remember that ai interprets things very differently than humans do these artificial intelligence models have the capacity to see the totality of the entire recorded human experience it can emulate every famous designer every art style and every scene in all of recorded history dolly 2 was trained on hundreds of millions of images it's likely that these ai models will be trained on billions of images over the next few months or years it has a larger catalog of all cultural historical and artistic movements than any human will ever possess in their mind to learn the fundamentals of new product architecture or design styles is really difficult for a human artist but as long as you have enough images to train in artificial intelligence it can accurately depict any style the landscape of how art is produced commercially with projects that require a deadline and tell you you have to draw me like a 13th century cure ass in the style of i don't know breath of the wild in like 24 hours right that's pretty hard to meet on a deadline and i think as myself as a professional artist when i see something like that i would really embrace the ability to get an ai tool to do that because ai design is so fast i feel like i'm willing to explore more risky ideas because i don't have to spend hours on a concept that might not end up being worth pursuing this is amazing but there are other ways that artificial intelligence is very limited ai doesn't have the same context as humans do whether that's an understanding of physical space or cultural norms or historical contexts so for example if you tell a person to go inside of a house they walk to a door they turn the doorknob and they walk inside if you told an artificial intelligence to go inside the house you would have to train it to understand what a house is what a door is and what turning the doorknob means specifically it doesn't have an understanding of the mechanics of how a doorknob works it wouldn't even know what inside the house means these things that humans think of as simple ideas are actually very multi-layered it's just that we've had an entire lifetime of training to understand these concepts even if you trained an ai to go inside the house so to speak the ai would probably do it in a very unexpected way a lot of our cultural contexts and ethical systems exist for good reasons and ai just doesn't really understand them that's a big limiting factor because you can't design for human motivations and needs if you don't even know what they are on that note one of my human motivations is to see the subscriber count next to my name get bigger it actually does help me out a lot so if you enjoy the content so far click the red subscribe button below anyway back to the video if i'm designing shoes with dolly too the ai doesn't understand what a shoe is in the way that we do it only understands a shoe as a flat 2d image the ai doesn't understand that a shoe protects our feet it has no concept of physical space or materiality with the right model and enough data you can train an ai to learn a lot of these things and with how fast things are progressing i think it's closer than you might think but people underestimate how complex a reality really is this lack of understanding on the part of ai can be catastrophic for humanity i think this risk should be taken seriously but it's so over covered and overblown in pop culture with every sci-fi movie ever that i'd rather not focus too much on it instead i'd rather focus on how ai can move humanity forward one of the most famous examples of this is move 37 done by a program called alphago now pay attention to this i know it might not seem like it's directly related to design but i promise you it's really really important alphago is an ai that learned to play a 3 000 year old board game called go go is considered to be one of the most complex board games known to man there are more potential moves in go than there are atoms in the universe and it was thought that an ai could never learn to play it because it required so much creativity and human intuition alphago was trained first by playing go against amateur humans and then by playing against itself hundreds of thousands of times over a period of a few months the team who made alphago challenged 18-time world go champion lee sedol to a five-game match in game two of alphago versus lee sedol the machine made a move no human would ever think of doing ajap sees alphago plays the move 37 and aja puts the stone in the board that's a very that's a very surprising move i thought i thought it was i thought it was a mistake move 37 was unthinkable in the 3 000 year human history of the game alphago wasn't just copying typical human moves anymore it was making its own style of play in the end the alphago ai beat the best human go player alive with that unorthodox move and then in game four against alphago lee sedol did a similarly unlikely move famously known as move 78. these moves didn't just change the game of go they indicate how ai will push our understanding forward in various creative fields whether it's art design or engineering what's significant about this story is that ai pushed humanity forward by making a creative and innovative move that was completely outside of any sort of tradition or convention around how the game should be played ai is not creative in the way that humans are but that's a good thing artificial intelligence is really just a bunch of dizzyingly complex mathematical equations that learn over time to achieve a specific goal our task is no longer to create functions we understand but rather to create functions whose answers we can verify to be useful we can make these functions which are the correct answer even if we don't understand how it got the correct answer and this is what ai is starting to do but those equations do lead to some incredibly novel solutions that reveal humanity's blind spots and help us innovate that's why move 37 and move 78 are so important there are other implications of ai as well so with so much creative output it's only natural that trends will cycle very quickly things like graphic design trends and digital design trends will move the fastest other things that exist in the physical world like product design and fashion will be a lot slower because they're limited by global supply chains and production cycles however there will probably be an incentive to make those supply chains more efficient in order to accommodate the rapid flow of ideas coming from ai design if you're looking for inspiration or new ideas early on in your project you can just combine a few art movements or designers that you're looking to draw inspiration from and see how it turns out these tools are basically like a better version of pinterest where you get the exact inspiration that you're looking for on that note because you can type in pretty much anything you want it's likely that stock image websites will really struggle when this tech becomes more mainstream this is pretty ironic considering that most of these ai models were probably trained by scraping images from those exact stock photo websites but there are even new ai technologies that can turn 2d images into 3d models which can then be 3d printed or maybe even manufactured in the future this tool is called pif food hd whoever named this is clearly an ai researcher and not a marketing guy but that's alright he's probably way smarter than all of us but anyway it can take a 2d image of a person and use ai to turn it into a 3d model there are also other ai models that can go directly from a text prompt to a 3d model if you want complete control over the final result of what you're drawing but just need to speed up the tedious processes like shading and rendering your concepts you can use a tool called bizcom so rather than spending an hour adding color and shading to a sketch you can just do it in a fraction of the time they're even working on a 2d to 3d converter where the same 2d concepts can be transferred to a 3d model what our tools are mainly focused around are figuring out how we can kind of advance and accelerate the ideation process that happens early on in this design space when it comes to visualizing drawings figuring out how to kind of bridge the gap between 2d and 3d jordan the distance between having an idea and actually bringing it to life is kind of where our technology actually exists it's absolutely insane my friend james has even been messing with making ai generated textures and even extremely uncomfortable ai generated audio even this audio is generated thanks for putting me in the video john things are really weird right now and they're only going to get weirder i really appreciate it and i will never forget it okay that is enough ai generated speech for today so anyway these tools have a very long way to go until they create a perfectly finished output but the fact that we've made so much progress in such a short time makes me believe that they're not as far off as you think i think it's a little bit unreasonable to criticize an ai model that's just clearly insanely beautiful though i mean good luck finding a human who can come up with six images based on a vague text prompt in just a few seconds i see a lot of people focusing on a few isolated examples of what ai can't do but to me focusing on what the ai can't do is like getting keys to the most advanced spaceship in the world and complaining that it doesn't have enough cupholders i mean yeah we should strive to improve our tools but don't lose sight of the amazing innovations that are happening right now so the next big question a lot of people have is whether ai is just sort of recycling existing ideas and not creating anything original i know i've covered this earlier in the video but i think it deserves more attention with cliff guided diffusion ai models like dolly 2 it's not just stitching a bunch of existing ideas together let's say i'm designing a shoe that's inspired by art nouveau and flowing vines and branches like this one the ai actually knows what those concepts are so it creates a new version of each of those things and perhaps most impressively it knows how to combine those concepts in an interesting way one potential issue is that people will naturally gravitate towards things where there's a large data set of images because the ai will be able to produce better results from that i'm already seeing this happening right now if you type in inspired by zaha hadid or inspired by hr giger into dolly 2 it produces some really really cool images once a group of us learned about those prompts some people have sort of stuck to those keywords maybe a little bit longer than they should have and there is a risk that a lot of people will generate images from the same text prompts over and over again because they produce good results in the internet and social media age it sometimes feels like design has entered this era of creative entropy because everything is so well documented on the internet it's easy to reference any style any art movement or really any image over the last several millennia pinterest algorithms and design blogs are constantly showing us inspiration that's the least controversial to a wide audience rather than the best or most interesting designs i feel like ai could make this even worse where we all just use the same prompts and borrow inspiration from the exact same set of images i could see a world where we all just recycle old trends over and over again it's already happening now but ai might make it even worse for this reason i think the designers who are serious about ai will actually have their own set of inspirational images that they feed to the artificial intelligence to create their own unique designs while i do fear that everything will look the same if you really analyze any art or design style our personal contributions are usually kind of limited a lot of decisions have already been made for us and we're just making small tweaks for example if you're painting a realistic anatomical study you're incorporating hundreds of years of figure drawing techniques that were perfected by other people artists no longer have a little thing to like mix paint together do any of you know how to mix paint maybe some do you know how to like mix paint like how to mix like a red and like purple paint do you do that in your daily life or do you just use photoshop select the color a lot of the work has been done by the designers before you regarding ergonomics style and fit so what is your personal contribution to this i don't know the exact answer but it's probably not as much as people give themselves credit for so really the question becomes what is the value of craftsmanship in design most creativity is just copying transforming and combining elements to make something new i don't think that ai tools are really unique in this all of us are working with pretty much the same tools and materials we're just repackaging them in new ways when you look at the data in aggregate you realize like how tightly knit people think right like we're we're social creatures after all and it's only like you take a very normal concept and you just add a tiny little bit it's completely out there i think that's really fascinating about human creativity because that little bit is not something you can get from data it's like from your real life right like the the cake my grandma baked when i was two or something like that you put that in a picture and suddenly wow nobody because nobody had your same grandma that baked that cake that was weird too right they'll just draw us generic strawberry cake ai art and design is more removed from craftsmanship than ever before you don't have to draw well or be able to work with your hands but i don't think that automatically makes it a bad thing it could be bad if you don't have an understanding of foundational principles i mean that's why design schools still teach things like figure drawing and art history they're important even if they don't directly apply to your everyday work in the case of ai and design our work absolutely could become very derivative and boring but only if we allow it to it's going to take ingenuity on the part of designers artists and engineers to stop this from happening you as an individual have more power than ever to change this we all have access to the most powerful tools in the world at our fingertips while technology has been a centralizing force in the design art and engineering fields there's no reason why you can't break away to create something new as a result of the internet we all have more access to weird subcultures and ideas than ever before so while the mainstream internet might be kind of boring and homogenized you can find a subreddit or discord group that talks about whatever weird thing you're into the internet is the great equalizer where you can find your tribe and find a place to share unique ideas before we move further i want to talk about today's sponsor onshape onshape is an exceptionally well designed cloud native 3d cad software before i took onshape on as a sponsor i talked to about a dozen of my friends who use onshape regularly and they had nothing but good things to say about it the interface is far more intuitive than competitors and it's not bloated with a bunch of unnecessary features or administrative setup and maintenance in fact onshape was created by the same founders of solidworks because they recognize product designers still face many challenges related to their cat system and the best way to address these problems was to just start from scratch if you've ever collaborated in multi-disciplinary teams you know how easy it is for your ideas to get lost in translation with onshape it's not only a powerful cad tool but it's also a project management tool that keeps everything organized so your business can run more smoothly i know this video talks a lot about ai and automation but one thing that ai can never replace is human collaboration onshape isn't just a cad tool it's a collaborative platform that allows you to talk with your team effectively and get things done faster so you can design better products go check out the link in the description to learn more about onshape it's a great tool and i highly recommend it back to the video even though ai is largely separate from a lot of the craft involved with art and design there's still a learning curve involved with talking to the ai the right way this is a nascent field known as prompt engineering jordan taylor of vizcom predicted this in the last ai video i made on this channel so props to jordan for being right about this i think someone like a poet might be the best artist of the future because he's able to talk to the ai in the best way possible to generate things basically the way you put text into the ai really changes the kind of output you get just as an aside prompt engineering might be the worst possible name for this new field prompt engineering makes it feel like it's really technical and cold it would be like calling a cheeseburger a bovine shoulder that's ground up combined with coagulated and salted milk and heat it up to 160 degrees fahrenheit i mean yeah it's factually accurate to describe a cheeseburger that way but it's unimaginative and boring and if you cook a burger in 160 it's gonna be really dry and bland but that's neither here nor there i would prefer to just call the job you know creative visual writer or ai text visualist or at least just call it what it is an ai text to image designer you're not engineering anything when you write a prompt to the ai but anyway let's just get back to ai if you type a specific kind of camera lens such as sigma 85 millimeter and then include the shutter speed and aperture the ai will actually mimic those lens settings so having an understanding of photography fundamentals if you're looking to create photographic ai images is really important there are a lot of other tricks that you can do to get a good image and a big part of future creative pursuits will be about finding ways to get the best out of these ai systems using poetic words or song lyrics or whatever else artisan designers tend to create far better images with ai than non-artists because they know the language and the historical context of their craft here's another example by mersmitch mers mention i'm really sorry if i'm mispronouncing your name he basically started by trying to show a photo of a cat riding a bike and that didn't exactly yield the results he was looking for because there are no photographs of cats riding bikes so then he added in the style of mike sowa mike so is known for putting animals in human context in his artwork this immediately yields far better results but it's all illustrations so the last step was to add but as photography at the end so that the ai knew to basically depict it as a photograph through all that you basically have a photograph of a cat riding a bicycle that's way more convincing than the original image having a big mental library of various concepts and ideas has always been important to artists and designers but we're going to need to be able to identify our inspiration with words they'll basically be sort of like this hybrid between a poet and a visual artist you can also art direct the ai to do all sorts of weird things so for example with disco diffusion you can upload an image that you want to start with and then it will gradually morph that initial design based on a text prompt that you write i made some changes to the initial image in photoshop so that it created this pillar that would go across the shoe i also wanted to get some stained glass effects in there with this text prompt but it wasn't showing up for some reason so then i added in some little orange and red blotches and that's when it really came alive you can do similar things with dolly too you can upload an image or a design that you've made and it will give you several variations of that design another thing that people are messing around with is erasing different parts of the image and then typing in a different prompt this is a really good way to come up with crazy collages or stitch different styles together in the same image each ai model kind of has its own little idiosyncrasies dolly 2 seems to yield the most high definition photographic images disco diffusion gives you a lot of parameters and controls and you can also enter in multiple prompts with different weights or emphasis and then mid journey is sort of like a middle ground between dolly 2 and disco diffusion at least in my opinion everyone has their own preferences around which one is their favorite you can type in the exact same prompt in all of these softwares and get completely different results each of these models prefer different text prompts as well just as an example mid journey seems to do best with either shorter text prompts or more artistic and poetic prose dolly 2 seems to do better with specific prompts and all of these ai models sort of have their place it just depends on what kind of style you're going for i personally would love a combination of disco diffusion's parameters and controls with dolly 2's high fidelity but that's just me whether you like it or not ai is coming we're seeing exponential growth in this field already and there aren't any signs of slowing down right now dolly 2 is closed access but you can sign up for the wait list disco diffusion is accessible to everyone and mid journey has a waitlist but it's a little bit easier to get it than dolly 2. but don't worry be patient there's already an open source version of dolly 2 that was reverse engineered by lucid reigns and posted on github which is basically like this open source software website it's not ready for public release yet because they need to train the model with data but once that happens a high quality version of dolly 2 will be accessible to everyone people are also using a lower quality version of dolly 2 called dolly mini they're not associated with each other in any way but the stuff that people are making with it are absolutely hilarious and it's okay because the images are obviously fake but this could be really really dangerous if it actually spit out high fidelity versions of these images in seconds like just think about all the propaganda you could make or all sorts of crazy stuff but for better or for worse the genie's out of the bottle and there's really just no turning back at this point okay so if you only need two people to do the same job instead of 50 or 100 people that means we're all going to lose our jobs right [Music] normally in a production of this size you would employ about 50 to 100 freelancers it's not because you actually need 50 or 200 freelancers full time but to fit the production timeline they all draw a picture each so that we can deliver the product in like a month instead of a year or however long it would take one artist to draw so with an ai we can have the benefits of like having the pictures instantaneously show up with video game design of course most of the assets are you know npcs and like world building things right you have like a few characters that you're attached to and everything else the idea is to build the surface and landscape of the environment and all of that is you know tedious work even for artists what we've done is basically make the ai scope out the environment of like do the world building and then we the human artist do the protagonists the heroes the exciting stuff the villains right the villains that are so bad that we hate and then the heroes are so good that we love essentially made the artists do the ai do the backdrop the world building and then we humans give it life i think it's more likely that people's jobs will change and teams will get smaller so i think that is very plausible like where these tools will enable these kind of super designers to do multiple like these multi-faceted problems but with a relatively small input like there's there's a lot less technical hurdles they'll have to jump to get that level of fidelity that normally a studio of people would need you would need to produce that but i can totally imagine either these design teams getting smaller or a world where the talent is reallocated like prompt engineers professional curators like you have a design the studio just looks different maybe there's all the same amount of people but what they're doing is just different what it comes down to is accessibility of the tools just like photography has become increasingly more accessible and now pretty much everybody has a camera in their pocket everyone will be able to make their own logo or illustration with artificial intelligence since you don't learn those technical tools you have more time to focus on the idea the core idea we like to say like we're just literally assisting you and like accelerating your workflow it's going to be less about your technical skill set and more about the quality of your ideas we're going to probably see and actually paradoxically an explosion in creative expression because what's going to happen is people are going to be able to like pitch to like movie studios ideas from a very small team where the quality of the idea is actually what's going to end up mattering not the technical abilities of the person to create it realistically you can answer your fears about ai by comparing it to pretty much any other advancement that's happened throughout history photography didn't replace painting but it definitely narrowed the scope that it operated in and then stock photography and point and shoot cameras greatly reduce the need to hire a pro photographer when dolly 2 will probably largely wipe out the need for stock photography in a few years we still hire photographers to do things but it's usually only for certain situations i think that ai will facilitate all kinds of innovation in adjacent fields i'm an optimist it'll be like when people got photographs photography as an element it didn't displace artists it just made art so much better like you look at paintings before photographs and you're like what are they even doing right and you look at paintings after photographs they're beautiful they're brilliant people learn so much faster i myself grew so much as an artist after being shown more and more pictures and the pictures on the internet of quality that is being produced by 13 year olds and like 14 year olds is like so much better than they were like 50 years ago right so many more people are becoming artists right now it's crazy it's absolutely insane and i think ai will have another explosion of that things like cubism impressionism fovism and pretty much all of modern art definitely would not have happened in the same way without the advent of photography the bottom line is that if you're an adaptable creative person and you look for opportunities you're going to be fine in terms of the legal implications of this tech large corporations will probably try to make it illegal for others to use their intellectual property in artificial intelligence models whether that's ethical or not i can't imagine disney being happy about their images being used in someone else's database according to current copyright law only the person who actually made the ai script can copyright the work i have a feeling this will probably change as the law catches up with our understanding of ai though because that just doesn't sit well with me i was talking to my friend rafi about this and he's been a designer for 40 years or something and he brought up an interesting point around who owns the words and the props let's say i use h.r giger's name in one of my prompts should giger have some measure of profit from the use of his body of work should i credit hr giger does hr giger have a say in how his content is used in the ai database i mean speaking for myself personally if someone used my work and put it in an ai i wouldn't really care about it the only time i'd care is if they blatantly ripped off my work and copied it exactly without crediting me but besides that this is really kind of a gray area the most similar example i can find is in music sampling it could also end up becoming one of those things that's just impossible to enforce like how do you prove that somebody used your images in an ai database i'm not an ip lawyer so this is an area where i mostly have questions more than answers i think that artificial intelligence will allow humanity to enter a creative renaissance i don't think art as a medium of express itself would ever ever ever be replaced we've been making it since neolithic times my friend rafi and i were talking about this as well and he was explaining that ai generates based on our collective experience it takes millions of photographs and forms a model from them humans have a strong sense of personal ownership in their work and ai really disrupts that idea if you've actually made it this far in the video and you still think that ai art feels like cheating or it's not real art it's probably because it takes inspiration from millions of sources rapidly aggregates the materials and then spits out an idea it really messes with our ego driven world of individual creation unlike egocentric human concept generation ai doesn't care if it gets picked first or last or picked at all it's doing collective gathering because that's what it's been programmed to do the real magic will always come from that human touch once you create that piece of ai generated art or design what are you going to do with it how will you expand on it ultimately ai is here to stay it's a tool just like any other artificial intelligence is certainly not the end of human creativity in fact i'd say it's just the beginning thanks for watching everyone if you like this video consider subscribing or consider supporting me on patreon for all sorts of cool behind-the-scenes content whatever you end up doing i hope you have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Design Theory
Views: 911,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Mauriello
Id: oqamdXxdfSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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