AI Art is Inevitable

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the year 2074 you are an employee at the local Netflix Pizzeria your supervisor sees that you've been operating with four percent less efficiency in the past week and decides it's time for you to hit the dusty trail that's right you're fired and your replacement seems to be one of her good friends nepotism strikes again after the seven hour drive home you're back in your living pod and in the mood for a movie you go to your smart box jump on the web and head over to Microsoft when prompted you type in make a space fantasy Adventure comedy in the directing style of Sam Raimi the main protagonist will be a down on his luck detective trying to expose corruption at Netflix Pizzeria he is played by Bruce Campbell he's assisted by his closest companion Kermit the Frog voiced by Orson Welles the main love interest is your robot supervisor played by your real life robot supervisor the main villain is the the character Newman from Seinfeld but he looks like Keith David and he's voiced by Larry David soundtrack and additional score provided by Kelsey Grammer the title of the movie is pizza tastic you pressed the flashing make a movie button and within two to three seconds you've created a masterpiece it wins the Oscar for Best Picture which doesn't really matter because the Oscars are held every 15 minutes four people have saw this film it has a 7 out of 10 on Metacritic inspired by your newfound success you refresh the page and it redirects to Microsoft you sit for a second really thinking hard about what you want to make and you type into the prompt make pizza tastic too [Music] oh oh it's the World of Tanks seal of approval what's that did you say that World of Tanks is a free to play game with over 100 million players worldwide and it's for the PC I have a PC it has more than 800 tanks destroyers artillery light medium and heavy tanks and destroy the competition in over 40 of battle arenas I can roll across the Open Fields climb the steep hills and slunk through the forests deserts and fight into urban and or industrial zones impeccable historical accuracy and inspiration means that this game has authentic models in vehicle characteristics that make me feel like I'm inside a real tank ah maybe I should download World of Tanks today using the link in the description during the registration be sure to use the code tankmania to get for free seven days of a premium account 250 000 credits the premium tank Excelsior and three rental tanks for 10 battles each these are those tanks okay Mr seal it's time for you to go back home imagine a future in where all it takes to make a new song or book or video game is just a few words in an AI spits it out now some of you might be thinking that sounds pretty neat unlimited media accessible to all and created instantly entertainment perfected but some of you probably think this is a truly horrific dystopia if media can be reproduced Without Limits without any real human input art itself becomes obsolete replaced by technology this is my biggest fear when it comes to AI I'm not worried about the robots taking over the world I'm just scared about what it means if they can do everything that we can do but better and when it comes to Arts this is raising a lot of questions in 2021 this is what AI art looked like in 2022 this is what it looked like Netflix has used AI backgrounds for an animated short film AI Arts is winning contests this AI short film won an award at the Cannes Film Festival and if you want you can have an AI generated Avatar hi I'm an AI generated Avatar created specifically for this moment in a knowledge husk video scary stuff today this technology isn't perfect but it's improving at an exponential rate pretty soon Pizza tastic might be Pizza possible if you've never used an AI art generator before here's how it works you go to a website or a Discord server and type in what kind of picture you want you can Define what style it's made in the aspect ratio of the kind of rendering techniques used the kind of camera used in just about every detail of the image or you can just type in something like rat puppet and what you get is a unique image never seen before by human eyes created by the AI kind of the AI is not self-aware it's not thinking about what it should make in proceeding to pump out wholly original creative works every few seconds these services use an algorithm which was trained using lots and lots of pictures from the rest of the Internet it's not a collage it's not just pushing things together it's more like taking individual brush strokes and lines to try to figure out what makes something like a dog look like a dog or a car look like a car and then it kind of combines it but even still it can look really good something like this could take a skilled artist hundreds of hours to finish but anybody can use an AI to do this in just a few seconds you can create logos and blueprints and architecture and movie posters or design original characters and as you can imagine this technology has spawned quite a debate a debate between those who like AI art who are hopeful for what it could become and those who absolutely despise it now many artists are generally against AI art for pretty obvious reasons why would a company hire an animator or a concept artist or a graphic designer if a computer can do it faster again this technology couldn't replace these jobs now but one day they could why even spend years developing these skills if they are irrelevant why even pursue Artistic Endeavors at all if a computer can do roughly the same thing in point zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent of the time it's like John Henry trying to beat the steam shovel but Henry's gonna die in the end either way but this isn't just an issue of artists fearing becoming obsolete most of the art that is used by services like mid-journey or open AI to create all of this kind of stolen the art that is used to create this art was made by Independent Artists or commissioned artists all being used without asking for their permission this technology that threatens their livelihoods and hobbies is using their own works against them to make them obsolete those who believe AI art is the future will make other arguments the natural progression of any artistic medium is that it gets easier to make as time goes on making a movie used to require meticulously cutting actual film and piecing it back together you needed expensive cameras and the knowledge to operate those cameras effectively and now it's all done digitally Point your phone press a button edit it in iMovie HD recording a song used to mean going to an expensive studio and now you can do it from home get a mic maybe an audio interface and some software and you are good to go but just because the technology is more accessible it doesn't devalue exceptional Works those who support a AI art believe that it is not destructive in fact it would help as a tool to break down the barriers of Entry you don't even need to be able to paint to make a painting you don't need to be creative to get creative AI art supporters seem to believe that this technology will mostly help existing artists some jobs and Fields might become irrelevant but for most this will just speed up the creative process and give them more time to focus on subtle details in this argument though I'm absolutely siding with the artists if I could just snap my fingers and say AI art doesn't exist anymore it's not a problem I would but I can't it's here it exists and we're gonna have to deal with it so if this stuff is staying around I guess I should try and give my thoughts on one of the more Grand philosophical questions this debate has spawned does it matter whether art is made by a human or AI one of these images was created by a human artist the other created by Ai and without context they served the same purpose they can evoke an emotional response or just be aesthetically pleasing but one of these took seconds to make and the other possibly took many weeks this was the one made by AI by the way but even still these AI works could not have existed without human art to directly reference this was not made by computers it was computers editing what was made by man but with all that said who owns AI art if you go into Dolly 2 or mid-journey and just type a few words in and get an image who owns that image according to open AI the creators of Dali 2 open AI retains the rights to any image created on their service you may have sparked its creation typed in a few words but the image itself was created using their algorithm mid-journey claims that any user who generates an image on their service owns it themselves you typed in the words it's yours to do with as you want although mid-journey can still kinda use that work if they want to but according to the United States copyright office they are both wrong in February 2023 a comic that used AI artwork was denied copyright protection well part of it anyway the words in story in the comic were created by a person but the art was made using mid-journey's AI the copyright office said that since no human actually created these images it wasn't the product of human creative expression the person who wrote The Prompt may have told this AI what to make but that's not considered sufficient enough to count as human input when they wrote those words they did not know how the AI would produce the image it was unpredictable now I'm not a lawyer but it makes sense to me a few years ago a monkey took a picture with the photographer's camera the photographer demanded the rights to that image but they weren't allowed it the monkey took the picture the monkeys not a human so it's not considered a work of human creative expression so the image goes into the public domain now copyright is important generally if you create something you own it but if nobody actually made it it's in the public domain anybody can sell this but there's not really a reason to somebody else can just give it away for free so it is pretty much free we are in the wild west for AI regulation especially AI art regulation but as of right now it's looking like there might not be any money in this Disney is not gonna fire artists who make their movie posters and DreamWorks is not going to make the next Shrek movie entirely out of AI art because if they did they wouldn't own that they didn't make it and AI did now I wish I could say hooray problem solved AI art will never replace real art because it can't make any money but it's not that simple the problem the copyright office had was that the the images in this comic didn't have sufficient human input but what is sufficient human input if somebody writes a hundred thousand word prompt explaining in precise detail every element of an image is that sufficient I don't know nobody does and what if the AI Arts is altered or copied by a human in the opening of this video remember the robot supervisor while she was an AI creation kind of first I generated this image of a robot and then I traced over that image while adding in a few new details and changes and then I put that image back into the AI and had it change it into this thing it is an AI interpretation of a creation made by a human inspired by an AI creation now I'd assume since this wasn't actually still made by a human nobody owns it but what if I just draw over this picture do I own this character now but what if I didn't even go through all of that effort what if I just added a few visual effects to the AI image just some photoshop or the cheapest possible alternative what if I just turn the saturation up a little bit is that enough and that's the kind of issue that people making these laws will have to figure out and all of that might take a while but even if we had concrete definitions for what counts as sufficient human input how do you prove whether something was generated by AI right now it's pretty easy to tell the difference you might see a few visual glitches words and text are notoriously difficult for AI art to get correct and the images themselves usually look great at first glance but the longer you look the more mistakes you'll start to notice but over time this will get better so what's stopping some shady opportunists in the year 2030 from just lying about whether they used AI to make some art these creations would have copyright protection and nobody could prove it it otherwise these are some complicated legal issues but there is a much larger issue on the horizon like I said these Services have to use copyrighted material to generate these images several artists and a major stock photo company have sued these AI Services claiming that they are violating copyright to train these AI now if it were decided that these sites can't use copyright material to generate AI art these Services probably wouldn't be super useful tools anymore they'd have to rely on public domain images as reference material which means that there would be significantly less information for the AI to be trained from and these sites would probably be pretty useless but I'm not really counting on that I don't want to get bogged down by all the law stuff that I'm wholly unqualified to discuss but honestly this seems to come down to whether it's okay to use copyrighted material to train an AI and while I'm sure that you could make a good case either way AI is big money and I can't imagine that Microsoft and openai will stand idly by while the entire nature of AI is put into question as for my personal opinions on all this stuff well it's complicated I don't like AI Arts I do like how it looks but I don't like what it represents I believe that making art should consist of two things an artist thinking of an idea and then using those skills to give that idea form and many artists would probably agree that that second part is one of the most important aspects of making art I can say that I want to make a picture of a robot riding a skateboard but that in itself doesn't mean anything the idea of that execution is what makes it special what is the exact details of the robot's body the robot's face the skateboard the surroundings if all those details can be filled in without any human intervention is it really art anymore this is a complicated and Incredibly subjective question now I've seen AI art compared to the Advent events of CGI or digital tablets where people were scared that these Technologies would ruin art but I don't entirely agree those Technologies still required an artist to create an idea and give it form these were just tools that assisted in that process CGI fills in a lot of the details automatically but it still requires substantial effort from a person to make that work AI doesn't need that so no AI is not like CGI or Digital Arts but there is one big historical parallel so back in 1859 esteemed art critic Charles baudelaire had quite a few words to share under the advents of Photography he believed that this technology would kill art at the time many artists had spent their whole lives developing the skills to paint realistic portraits of notable individuals and Landscapes if you wanted to see the Grand Canyon and you lived in Canada you would have to find a painting of the Grand Canyon but with cameras this this all changed if given the choice most people would not want to see a painting of a famous person or a landscape they would want to see the famous person or the landscape in this quote from Charles really sticks with me as the photographic industry was The Refuge of every would-be painter every painter too ill-endowed or too lazy to complete his studies this Universal infatuation board not only the mark of a blindness an imbecility but had also the air of a Vengeance now see the thing is this was pretty much exactly what I was going to say about air art today without the flowery language when I started this video my plan was just to rip on all of AI art both the creators of this technology and those who choose to use it I've sort of been operating under the assumption that AI Arts is the product of morally bankrupt Tech Bros trying to assert that they could improve art but Charles made the same argument with a technology that at the time was probably just as scary painting itself as an art form did not cease to exist just because the camera was invented more artists ventured into the abstract rather than focusing on exact Recreations of what already existed there was no need to emulate the real world so true creativity could flourish in photography itself well that became an art form it allowed for the creation of many new forms of entertainment from film and television and even the rise of Animation which made me pretty optimistic until I realized Charles was still right yes there were different forms of art that would pop up after this point but that wasn't what interested him the art that he appreciated just kind of ceased to exist and you know after enough time nobody cared the tech is pretty primitive today but pretty soon we'll probably be able to take an image like this and have it move around and I'm not talking about this sort of corridor media AI thing this isn't really the kind of AI I'm talking about it's not even really animation this is just fancy rotoscoping and 20 or 30 years this technology will be widely adopted because for people growing up in 2040 this is all they'll ever know it'll be the norm they're not gonna avoid using AI art simply out of solidarity for Independent Artists whose Works train these AI to make these images the ethical questions will not be raised they will think that it was impressive that in the past people spent the time to carefully craft each frame of an animation or fill in the details of a drawing or model something in 3D but the times have changed the respect the artists that had those skills in the same way that digital artists respect cell animators today Arts will kill Arts as we know it but I would not go as far as to say that or is dead the definition of creating art will just change to accommodate this new technology rather than be about creating an idea and making it come to life it'll just be about the idea which you know I I don't agree with but but I would not go as far as to say that all artists will suddenly find their skills useless here's the thing about AI Arts it's not always that easy or maybe as easy as I've made it sound it's easy to make a great looking image but it takes a good amount of time to get exactly what you want now I'm sure in the future people will learn to write prompts that consist of thousands of words to do this but I feel like that's still going to be pretty time consuming instead I think AI Arts will be best used as a tool to clean up art drawn by a person to take your own drawings import them into the AI and make it look better I think we've grown up in a time where technology is often seen especially by artists as a good thing it makes life easier but what happens when it makes life too easy at best it could save countless hours of the most mundane parts of creating art but at worst it could destroy it entirely thank you [Music] thank you thank you
Channel: KnowledgeHusk
Views: 218,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ai, artificial intelligence, chat GPT, microsoft, open ai, dalle, dalle 2, midjourney, ai art, ai art programs, ai art problems, movies, technology, computers, video essays, ai art issues, artists response to ai art, ai art future, future technology, media, media history, stable diffusion, ai comic book, ai copyright, ai public domain, ai creations, ai making art, futurism, future predictions, meme
Id: VsXYTunk7OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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