Can a PIKACHU Lure Catch 'Em All?

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howdy everyone i'm back at it again it's a beautiful warm summer day out here in minnesota and we're going to spend the day on the river chasing down some smallies should be a fun day i've got a crazy new lure we're going to try to catch them on the pokemon pikachu topwater lure from duo international this might just be the weirdest lure that i've ever spent money on but you know what i'm always up for a challenge so i'm gonna get that pokemon lure tied on and we'll see if we can catch them all today with pikachu all right i've got pikachu tied on i'll give you guys a closer look now that i've got him out of the packaging so as you can see he's got that big white concave lip at the front kind of like a jitterbug style lure big goofy yellow body big goofy yellow tail got one treble hook there one there and a third one right there i might end up removing the one off the tail but i'm gonna catch at least one fish with the lure as is and we'll see how it does let's take a quick look at what kind of action pikachu has he's got kind of a slow goopy wobble to him doesn't he i'd say that fits that pikachu lure perfectly so right now it's mid afternoon mid july it's been hot and dry up here all summer so the river level is pretty low right now i think what i'm going to be looking for today are any deeper spots or any shade up along the bank where a big old bass could be hiding out but we won't pass up any other fishy looking spots try that little corner right over there that looked kind of good that's kind of stuff we're looking for though any kind of little gap in the weeds along the bank with a little bit of shade maybe a little bit deeper water lots of bait up here today i've been seeing all kinds of minnows swimming around we just got to find the bigger fish that are eating them i thought i had one chasing it there for a second maybe i did maybe i was just seeing things that's a fish oh nice one oh no he got off dang it oh let's see if there's another one back there sometimes there'll be two or three nice ones grouped up like that oh bomber that was a nice fish dude that's probably 18 inch plus smallie well i've been seeing lots of bait up here i haven't been really seeing much for big fish yet but they got to be up here somewhere there's a little smallie probably about an eight incher and just chased pikachu back i think we just got to keep working our way upstream we'll find those big fish eventually dang it finally i threw that pikachu in front of one that looked like a quality fish up there but i missed him i just haven't really seen a whole lot of big fish out here today it seems like they're pretty few and far between i don't know maybe i picked the wrong stretch of river to come out to today it's pretty low on this stretch it could be that i got out here at about one in the afternoon too probably not the best time for topwater it's maybe 4 30 right now i'll probably paddle up stream another half hour 45 minutes and then turn around maybe we'll get on some good evening action there's a ton of bait up here there's got to be some big fish that point looks fishy so [Music] so so oh there we go oh gosh that is a big fish you guys let's get out of that tree drop my anchor here get my net wow oh come here wow jeez i did not even see that fish come up he just snuck up on pikachu and grab them settle down all right finally hooked into one with pikachu and man it is a tank wow look at that smallie we're gonna get a measure on that one this is about 20 and a half inches wow what a beast finally got one on the pikachu took a little while to find one but man what a quality fish well it's about five o'clock right now we should be getting into the best time of day for top water action so i think i'm gonna keep working my way upstream just a little bit farther dirty dangle come on somebody come and get it so i am fishing that pikachu lure on 30 pound braid today that could be another reason why i haven't been getting a whole lot of bites might have had fish come look at it but they saw that braid and decided not to take it could be what happened with that first one that i missed i don't know sometimes the fish are picky out here about that sometimes they aren't but it's kind of an expensive lure a little bit bigger lure too i don't really want to throw it online that i might risk breaking it off and leaving it stuck in a bass's mouth or a pike so i figured i'd be better off to be safe than sorry out here today and throw that sucker on braid nothing off that tree let's hoping we could find another 20 incher there after that other one maybe 50 feet behind it hey there little bass buddy where are you going i do really have high hopes for once i turn around and start fishing my way back downstream for one i think it's going to make it a little bit easier to fish this lure having that current to my back that way i'm not reeling it back in with the current i'll be able to fish it a little bit slower that way those weeds are growing in pretty thick right out front let's try to make some commotion out in front of the weed mat see if something will pop out and grab my pikachu yeah my hooks are all followed up anyway there we go oh no oh well it wasn't nearly as big as that first one here's a quality one hey gone though oh that's a bummer well hopefully that's not the last bite that we get tonight oh man disappointment man when you go like two three hours of no action at all and then you hook into one and gives me the shake not cool bass not cool still kind of bummed i lost that one but i am kind of reinvigorated in my hopes that we'll find some active fish out here all it takes is that one cast to the right spot i guess oh my gosh that one nailed it you stay on not nearly as big as that first one i don't think but i want to get my hand in my net come here all right finally got another one in the net nice yeah that's a quality fish man he came up and absolutely blasted that pikachu lure kind of scared me a little bit all right fish number two found a couple willing to hit topwater oh that makes me feel good after losing that last one i hate to end the night on losing a fish like that it's nice to get another one in the net really expecting to get smashed here for some reason i always find fisher on power lines come on fish don't let me down gotta be one up here somewhere oh yeah i knew i saw a wake up along the bank over there oh i thought this feels like a good fish get in my net oh my gosh look at that another one on pikachu all right you guys fish number three on that pokemon pikachu lure man look how chunky that fish is really no surprise there is bait everywhere up here get that guy unhooked take one more quick look at him wow what a pretty fish all right off you go yeah that fish was hanging out real shallow up here not really a super fishy looking spot but i threw that pikachu lure up there saw a little wake kind of pop off from the grass line there and yeah about two seconds later smash yeah i like it all right you guys the sun is set i've just about made it back to where i launched from earlier today so did pikachu catch them all well i guess technically he did i didn't catch anything on any other lure out here today i did have a couple smallies chase them back that i threw the jig at too and i just could not get them to hit that jig either i did have a few they wouldn't quite commit but you know i don't think the topwater bite is quite as good as it could be right now it's mid-july if i came back out here late august or early september when that topwater bite is really on fire i think those smallies would absolutely crush this lure i mean he's kind of goofy looking but he's got good enough action to get him to bite got three quality fish on it today so i had a lot of fun had to cover some water to find him but man that 20 and a half that thing was a beast i would have been happy with that fish alone but a couple more to make the video a little bit longer is all right with me oh right up here that's where i'm taking out so i guess that's it for this video i hope you guys enjoyed it i had a lot of fun out here today thanks for coming along with me again i'll see you next time you
Channel: NDYakAngler
Views: 443,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NDYakAngler, kayak, kayak fishing, fish, fishing, smallmouth, largemouth, bass, bass fishing, river, Pokémon, Pikachu, Duo, international, realis, asmr, relaxing, exciting, topwater, action, MN, Minnesota
Id: W8K3ED00apY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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