I Hacked Roblox's Richest Player

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[Logging in] OH... I just logged onto the Richest account on Roblox See Hazem is the creator of the game 'Pls Donate' which the second most earning game on Roblox his account has millions of dollars worth of robux so over the next 6 hours I spent 11,000,000 robux to give back to random players  troll to the max and much much more Are you the guy who made Doors? yes He's NOT using a voice changer! Believe it or not getting into the account was  surprisingly easy because I messaged Hazem saying "Can I have your Roblox account for 24 hours?" and he said yeah, which at first I thought was a joke 'I'll actually give you my account  though' - "What the-" - "Would be a banger video" I mean I'll take it And two months later here I was. Logging into the account. oh my...  My man is RICH bro oh my gosh! Unlike most devs, he's never turned his robux into real money which why his account is very very VERY rich... [censored] million robux pending what the heck! So without wasting any time I made a group and put a million Robux inside it one of  my main goals on Hazem's account was to make poor players rich luckily Roblox lets you give away  a group by leaving it so that was exactly what   I was about to do the problem was that now that  the robux is pending we have to wait a whole   week for the robots to come through so in the  meantime I started changing his avatar no way   I just bought that what's this Purple Sparkle Time  Fedora 20 million robux? yeah get out of here   anyways I remember a few days before I made a post  saying one like equals 10 robux to a poor bacon   hair and it got 19,000 likes this should be easy  so I went looking for bacon hairs and found this   guy who just happened to be the worst person I  could have picked since he didn't have a shirt that   costed 190,000 robux I donated 100,000 robux  instead but then the donation didn't even go off   NO his global donations were muted! either way  I went to go see his reaction and... then wait oh   my God he was AFK.. so I looked for another bacon hair "My heart is rushing right now" I mean this guy is a bacon hat and he has 60  robux raised honestly I'm just gonna give him   one million robuyx three if he donates  two one Oh my God! Oh my God! x2 Look at us go! super great his bio no says that changed his  life and he's also running this cool little   Haslam t-shirt and he was only the first of many  people who would be getting rich today but that's   for later because for now I wanted to make hazon  poor so I went into pessimax in this game if you   spend millions of Roblox you have a higher chance  of getting these pets that are worth thousands of   dollars but before renting Millions out of  hasm's account I realized that he has admin   commands oh slash egon2 oh my so naturally  I started uh being really nice to people hi   yo where you going I have a gift for you oh  look he's giving me gifts OMG do you want   to give me all your pets oh who did I I just  killed someone's pet what if I just thought   causing kick what if I just thought I'd do  this to everyone on the server what's that   noise I go distraction but the main reason we're  here is to gamble these exclusive Dominus eggs   cost 400 Robux each so if I want to get the most  rare pack I'd have to spend at least 1 million   Robux on a that's why how crazy this is Hazard  was still keen on buying 219 031 989 billion out of nowhere though hasn't messaged me saying  BRB he had been watching my screen the whole   time but now he was trusting me with arguably  the richest account on Roblox so while he was   gone I started plotting against him alright  guys now that has him is gone as you can see   that BR back let's go delete please donate I  don't even know how to delete a game wait he's   actually AFK what if I just commit like a horrible  crime so he gets bad the Temptation right now   the Temptation right now before I could add  to my words he was already back luckily this   was not the only time hasn't went AFK and I  definitely took advantage of that I bought   hundreds of Xbox inventory was full then  it was time to hide can I have some please   his name is literally I'm poor yes sir yes  sir obviously there were no Resorts I went   to the trading Plaza for good luck and somehow  it actually worked wait no way sir yo let's go   that was still 500 000 Roblox worth of eggs  left so I successfully wasted hazam's money   despite all this excitement though I actually  went on to make someone pretty miserable so far please do not please donate you've been  banned please do not use please don't need to   encourage scam live streams dude how'd I get Ben  from please donate oh it's just a scam my machine   yeah boy oh my gosh I thought I got bins do not  have been bad what did I do do not evade ban pretty excited and as for the streamer  well he was clearly very happy you're so   mean dude how's it been people please  donate I'm pretty sure he started   um crying I swear I won't scare bro I'll give  him all my Robux has them please have them   as in please bro I'm not gonna lie I can't  tell if I was a crying or low I just wouldn't   play please don't even I'm backing this over  how's this in the series there's no way dude [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh why so another genius idea of nuking  everyone in a server but as a slender   if you don't know what Slender is just keep  it that way please becoming a slender was a   challenge because I'm actually not eight years  old but quickly enough I found this tutorial fans can join this game right now bro this dude  doesn't even have a 100 I'll give him 50 000 robot [Music]   some people didn't have a 100 000 Roblox shirts  I just bought their most expensive shot for this   guy was nine so rip in the comments he just lost  100 000 Robux after the donations over things   start to get super strange hasn't showed me his  secret event game which had a stage and some uh   questionable music after a while the server filled  up for people just joining hasm's game afterwards   that was over I was all of a sudden logged out  of the account he was busy for the rest of the   day so exactly one week later we returned  for phase two on hazam's account hey [Music] bro look at how much money this man gains  every single second dude now that we could pass   normally we can start advertising the group from  earlier but when I went to check the group the   most unexplainable thing I've ever seen on Roblox  happen well let's see if the the Roblox is pended   it had disappeared wait what wait where's it  at what happened to the one million robots that   we put in here it wasn't pending anymore and  hazam didn't even take any of the Roblox out   of the group it was as if the Robux had never  existed do you know what happened has them did   they get refunded to you stole it because they  think I won't realize allegations if this was   my account I definitely wouldn't be brushing past  this but the thing is hazam didn't actually care I was gonna do some trolling with voice chat  but the voice chat settings didn't work yet   luckily that was not long left until voice  chat started working so in the meantime I   had an important experiment and this got way more  expensive than I thought was even possible if you   want ten thousand robots or should I double  and give it to the next person Alex with the   donation honestly I'll leave it up to a vote no  don't believe bro why is it hasn't just said take   it in the chat we're going on a quick side quest  real fast I don't know how to play it really so   I'm just gonna claim this one oh you said double  oh you said double no that's not what I meant   I felt bad sorry Jordan back and gave him 10  more books we're gonna pretend that Mr musu   said no do you want 20K Roblox or should  I double it yo uh you give it to the next   person I got I got a few Robux yesterday  so you know I think I'm chilling on that do you want 40K Roblox well double it and  give it to next person double and give it   to next person Dobby enjoy whoever gets that etk  Roblox double it and give it an experience make   someone's day man I'm already having a good  day ATK robot so Dublin give it 10. hold up   Robux will double it and give ATK Roblox and  give it to the next person my brain doesn't   work I just said htk when I already wait my  brain lag I meant 160k how about this Alex   yeah you double it then you double it again  oh and then once you've double doubled it   double that 320k robots or should I I'm gonna  double it and then double it again someone   get this really smooth streamer 1.2 million  Roblox can't read the chat can you play new   season seven he sounds like he's like five  no offense hey if you're watching the video should I double or give to the next person oh  my god dude that could really help me but I   feel like I need to double it because like wait  okay okay wait wait Alex which one would you   want because I don't I genuinely couldn't  believe it a student with 700 subscribers   wanted me to double it I say maybe Alex yeah  I say double it because the next person that's   important but uh thank you Alex for giving me  the opportunity we appreciate it this [ __ ]   with four viewers wants me to double it no  you don't need a dominance you make stupid   life decisions the thing is there was no way  I was gonna double it first of all the plan   was to give the next person 1.2 million  robot double it then you double it again   oh unless it doesn't even have near that much  robots but still wanting to double it [Music] [Music] oh my God oh you're so loud he didn't have a 1 million  Roblox button but I don't want to ruin the   surprise so awesome to make 10 new buttons  starting with 1 million and then there's   something called t-shirt okay is that three  two wait is that 10 mil all right [Music] yeah [Music] oh my God 16 people  watching W has them he's excited   top 16 viewers so we also did a smoothly already [Music] has something on the teeth for watching yo all right how am I gonna this  was getting way too wholesome so I figured it   was time to do the greatest prank on Roblox  which is only possible on hazam's account the fake donation the difference is I was actually  gonna make it realistic which is why I could not   poke a big YouTuber who's already rich I wouldn't  feel as bad but for skills pretty suspicious   what up bro is this a prank bro are you  pranking me after all I did just randomly   message him saying hasn't was giving away  Roblox but once he was in the game with who   he thought was me and has him he was starting  to fall into my trap I told him the husband   was going to spend this wheel of Roblox so he  made a ton of shirts 10 10 10 100 101 mil 10   mil oh it's not Big Sticks right now and  once he made the final show I decided to   just go for it I don't know he's gonna spin  it I think bro waiting for him to spin it   oh my God wait what the wait wait that's  not wait wait he'll give you 10 million [Music] no no way I'll put it off perfectly [Music]   after this I waited for hours and  hours and hours for the hope the   voice I would miraculously start  working but it didn't until [Music]   oh my God the voice chat's working okay okay  this is perfect this is perfect oh my God it   has to marry me another wish I was working I had  the chance to do something I've been waiting many   months to do see about a year ago I tried a  bunch of people into thinking house on voice   revealed and it actually worked all right I'll  be like should I voice reveal but this time I   had the chance to do it for real the difference is  considering how Wild this server was had a feeling   that a lot more people were gonna find out about  this very very first so how to make this perfect my name is now that the voice is ready I  gathered everyone around guys make a suck   around me I'm gonna Voice review I'm about  to do it okay ready all right let's do this [Music] this isn't just a voice reveal this is a  historical effect before people expected   money but Hazen gave history God damn bro got it  he sounds hot what a deep voice Alex I don't know   how on Earth this guy knows it's me he's gonna be  an FBI agent that's all another one what the hell how how you got how did you see  your voice is so loud I like it   bye people start to get a little too comfortable  I like your money yeah I like your money [Music]   if I stay there any longer I might  have actually gone hasn't bad but   after this I went on to change someone's  life forever see when I joined the game of   Roblox duels I met Noah for some reason this  kid immediately thought that I made the game yes so quickly enough I hopped into a game  with him where I said this you know I have   5 billion Robux you want some robots oh yeah  if we win this game I'll give you some Roblox   well it wasn't completely lying I just have  to troll him first David the game is to get   to do 100 and escape the hotel but that was  a massive problem he wasn't alone [Music] my sister said Noah just seemed to be  ignoring you how much does that have   oh this one costs 11 million oh my God until  his mom noticed this wait that's that's yeah I created doors no no  you did please call me you 've done it his mom was on to me I played  please get into a game with my kids his woman and sister were both confused  but Noah had other Concepts yeah Army doors let's go let's go I'm from Roblox [Music] wait your friends yes oh wait are you crazy you still completely believe me so I started   asking more important questions oh  yeah you know always yes oh cool all   right let's go and with that in mind I  also heard his mom say this always sick wait you're wait you're six no no she's lying  oh oh okay I think you're 11 right yeah listen   look he's not gonna tell he is six before we  continue I found out something very important you want my YouTube channel uh yeah  what do you want to meet creeper yeah   interesting very interesting we continued making  progress and I did do something kind of dumb husband you can't tie but then  the lights flickered oh let's see oh my God how did you get so much you wouldn't hear me sound like okay do you hear me Ambush yeah   oh sorry that sounds like something  you would hear in your night um [Music] I created a game and then we reached duel 50. at this point I kind of forgot that  he's literally six years old so while   I was trying to beat the game no it  was terrifying this isn't a good idea [Music] something genuinely terrifying happened foreign [Music] no no no no no [Music] of the game look at me [Music] I got a secret to tell you what um I'm  not actually a hazard that voice is   so after you found this out I decided  to surprise him and please don't [Music]   go and of course I also bring in  someone who's pretty special too   wait Noah Noah look who just  joined the server [Music] thank you I see that you're wearing the outfit I   know what wait sir what was that  yeah what's your favorite Mommy [Music] well you see about 40 years ago I was born oh yeah   I see a tree frog he's like  all right I got the Roblox but wait the story's not over yet because hazam  told me something very important after this there   will be a part two to this video if we get  a million likes it's probably impossible but   we might as well try so if you enjoyed please  hit the like button and comment all the stuff   that I should have done account for part two and  hopefully it won't take me five months you need   to make more videos so I can react to them  just never react to one of my videos again
Channel: Olix
Views: 6,646,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, robux, pls donate, hazem, i hacked robloxs richest player, i hacked the richest player on roblox, i logged into the richest roblox account, olix, olix logging onto hazems account, the rise of robloxs richest kid, i spent 1000000 robux, i spent 10000000 robux, the richest player on roblox, who is the richest player in roblox, owner of pls donate gave me his password, kreekcraft, roblox pls donate, roblox hazem, richest kid on roblox, roblox richest kid is poor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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