This Roblox Game Slowly Gets SCARY

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what if i told you there was a roblox game that looked innocent enough well if you think ball rolling challenge by nicorox 5555 looks innocent but it slowly gets scarier see youtubers have made videos on this game in particular because it is so difficult and there's a series of challenges you have to do but none of these youtubers have actually gotten that far and if they did get that far oh boy they would have seen something they did not like very much which i found by complete accident playing with my friend macho taco speaking of which he's here hey macho say hi this is my friend macho taco his profile picture is james from pokemon which is awful i don't like this guy he's typing to say hi but i'm putting out a discord so he doesn't i don't want to see it but yeah let's join ball rolling challenge get in my game macho you deadbeat basically this game like starts starts really innocent you know as innocent as ball rolling challenge gets where it's just a game i have uh no legs and no arms for some reason let me fix that real quick but yeah this game starts innocent like most things in life do i started innocent when i was a baby but then i burned down six orphanages but yeah it starts fine enough you know there's an awesome game about rolling a ball everybody tries to sabotage each other which is very funny and also literal torture there's funny music playing which i'm turning down because i don't want to get copyright struck you gotta roll this funny ball across the game you know how it is everybody loves balls yeah that's not gonna be taken out of context and look there's a button at the beginning that lets people respawn the ball so no matter how far you get somebody with a superiority syndrome can just ruin it all and just destroy the ball ruin the game for everyone which everyone likes see the reason these games are hard isn't necessarily because they're difficult it's because they are completely based off of how other players are feeling like if some player just wants to spend 45 minutes ruining any game imaginable then you best bet he is going to shove his finger up your ass quicker than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious i know that isn't that quick but come on man you better bet that you're gonna get your ass beat immediately because no one wants to see anybody succeed in this world look at that guy waiting by the button at the beginning oh oh he's gonna press it oh don't you dare don't shoot that dude oh i'm gonna get so mad you're gonna work me up lucky for us we don't have to do this macho already completed it in his spare time because he's a loner with nothing to do besides play roblox so we already have the game link to challenge two basically once you complete one of the challenges it brings you to another challenge challenge two macho and i spin about an hour trying to do it you know normal people stuff we're normal we have friends just spend an hour skateboarding because that's what challenge 2 is all it is is a skateboard challenge that is near impossible to complete macho and i both did it and we're both very proud it's probably our best achievement in our entire life also macho's name is gorilla yeah thanks display names you're ruining everything like he's even dressed up like a gorilla you took my only friend from me display names and also sometimes the skateboards just don't work or that happens i don't know what just happened i just like leapfrogged from one board to another but yes this game most of these games are very broken and awful to play but you know what it's okay they're challenges it's supposed to be challenging it's supposed to be broken and awful to play but i'll show you how this one goes i'm still a little used to it now because i've spent like four hours of my life trying to complete it which i did by the way i did complete it the reason why this one's so hard by the way is because you get random amounts of fall damage from going anywhere so it's basically just luck whether you make it or not and you know what i say about luck i hate luck so i just keep on skateboarding and hoping and the skateboards just go oh my god my point is proven yet again see see this game is really awesome i love skating i love doing it see this is innocent enough the game is so innocent so awesome i love playing it because it is so innocent i love skateboarding innocently but like i said earlier the game slowly gets scarier which we're not on that part yet but the next challenge will start off revealing some stuff that you don't like seeing so whoop god i'm so good at this game macho hey look at this shortcut i'm about to do you're about to see me i'm gonna go down the history books i failed i would like you to ignore what just happened viewers and like the video instead i forgot to do the intro what is poppin challengers today we're challenging and something's gonna happen i i don't want to spoil it for you because it is uh creepy but me and matcha were just playing these challenges innocently enough i just died of fault how does that happen but we were playing these innocently enough and uh something happened that i immediately wanted to record so i started up the recording before we even ventured into it and uh it's time to show you the mental scars that i have endured so time to turn my skateboard 90 degrees so i can go through this hoop feel like a circus tiger oh god i'm so good at this game i've never messed up once in my life also if i take too long in this game we can just give up we can just go on to the next challenge i know you guys want to see the title of the video i hate this game that dude just nudged me off the platform this sucks it's literally unpredictable what will happen in this game will you get two scoops of ice cream maybe will you bomb syria probably i don't know anything is possible and that is terrifying also gorilla is in front of us hello gorilla how are you doing today somebody get that man a banana this is good this is a good run because i have not taken any fall damage yet which means i can keep going and i don't have to worry about dying that much i still have to worry about it a lot but not that much okay now i have to worry about it a lot look at how much health i have come on come on i can make this i can make this come on game come on game be nice no way no way hold on hold on hold on into it hold on a tick that took me like an hour of real life time before and now i just did it in one three minutes sure cool but yeah after that's done you get teleported to an underwater segment with uh very very loud swimming noises like listen to this i don't know why it's so loud literally like five times louder to the music and now uh things are about to get a little weird things are about to get a little creepy this is when macho and i discovered that the game wasn't all it was cracked up to be friends told us that this section of the game was actually incomplete so we went into this not expecting to like see anything or do anything but then we go up this pipe and go into this tornado in the awesome underwater segment in this incomplete game and uh well it's the middle of the video that's right i'm leaving you on a cliffhanger because you don't deserve to know that means it's time for me to beg you to subscribe to the youtube channel so do it if you want i mean i like to ask at the middle because by now you know if you want to subscribe or not it's your choice back to the game i also don't want to die but yeah it teleports you to this awesome nice segment listen to the music yeah and remember that awesome swimming sound that was there before now it sounds like this awesome right isn't this so cool guys isn't this awesome look at how awesome this game is guys i'm not scared it's cool but yeah macho and i got here and uh immediately backtracked so i could start recording and i have no idea what's gonna happen next i'm gonna be honest with you i know that if you run out of oxygen like this percentage at the top is your oxygen oh what is this oh my god we never found this before yeah if you run out of oxygen you die but we just found a secret room this whole place is terrifying it's all so blurry too what happens now do we just go up this is terrifying i don't like this macho i don't like this what uh macho macho get up here get up here gorilla i know that in water chimps will drown but come on man uh we found a button macho what does that do i pushed it i pushed the button macho did the music or anything change nope still just as disturbing and awful as usual wait wait it did change oh no oh no uh oh what what did i just run out of oxygen how did both of us just die macho is just screaming hope his corpse is screaming for help ah good luck with that buddy do we just like permanently die is that it for us are we dead do we have to go back and enter the game again six people are playing this man that's so crazy the description is just this is not a place you want to end up yeah well we are we're here nico rocks five five five five i don't know what you want us to do kill ourselves maybe all right macho i think where we went is where we want to go quick yeah let's hurry macho gorilla man i'm calling him macho by the way because that's his real name i don't care about this gorilla face he's going through with display names gosh i'm just my mind is so scrambled i don't know if you can tell that my commentary is very scrambled this video but my mind whoo there's so much to take in like the depths sure why not the depths i don't see why not this is normal all right we got the button we got the button now we need to go back down come on macho come on down come on yeah okay maybe this like unlocked one of the pipes no not that one uh gosh where do we go now we found a button now what this is so confusing and scary at the same time i feel like you have to know exactly where to go if you want to beat this oh oh pipe wait yes it teleported us oh my god we've never been here before what is this cloud land oh okay so now you think you can just go back to being innocent game now the music is so nice and cool now you think you could just go back to being normal what the hell is this do i have to go right here come on macho let's go on this weird like mentos textured block is there gonna be fall damage in this game too i feel like there is probably this is so confusing to me because like it's just innocent now it's just pretending to be innocent now and i died and i think that might just mean i can't respawn awesome so cool so cool we have to leave it rejoined okay but but now the game wants to be innocent what the hell we finished the depths at least i didn't even think we'd do that i had no idea that it was possible to finish the depths we just got there and it was terrifying i didn't know there was anything after it i'm gonna be honest like it was so dark and now it's so bright and nice and pretty and there's a gorilla here now but instead of looking like a monster gorilla looks like my friend no no i'm done with it no not doing this anymore no can't handle it it got so scary and then so bright and nice and i don't trust this i don't this was created in 2018 i just i'll put the first game linked in the pinned comment so you can play it if you want i'm sure it gets scarier or weirder i don't this is so strange and the fact that like no one knows about this like look only 11 000 people know about that but yeah that's the end of the video macho and i are gonna go make good uses out of our time instead of skateboarding for an hour and a half and with that being said subscribe if you like to die if you don't i don't care bye you
Channel: Laughability
Views: 3,732,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox scary, roblox scary game, roblox scary games, this roblox game slowly gets scary, laughability scary, laughability scary game, scary roblox games, roblox challenge game, roblox creepy, creepy roblox games, roblox challenge, roblox funny moments, roblox trolling, funny roblox game, roblox funny, funny roblox, no swearing, no cursing
Id: oOtlVUbL4EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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