I Tried SECRET Minecraft Tik Tok Hacks to See if They Work

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what's up zacklings today we're testing secret minecraft hacks to see if they actually work in minecraft so we all know in spectator mode you can like click on mobs and get their view but i guess there's another feature where it works on item frames what wait what why really the item frames have eyeballs now this is really weird now you can't even trust it frames if there's any item frames in your minecraft bedroom take them out now that's creepy so guys this is kind of where i would sit that's my computer and that's my backdrop so let's see if this works real quick there it is and that is crazy so this actually works you can sit inside of an item frame and that's honestly kind of how i imagine like shark and ice stream when they copy every thumbnail and video idea i make they just sit back there and look over my shoulder and steal it all pretty creative now lucky for me my very first hack was a success but if three of these don't work today you get to vote on what happens to me in my community tab after this video ends now were you the type of person that feels like you're too cool for ladders where if you are i've got a weird solution for you that you probably i don't know why you'd use it but hey here you go trap door ladder but why why why like why would anyone make this i want to put this out people are going to start making this this is literally a worse version of a ladder i hope it don't work all right ladder lovers i'm gonna start calling you guys that welcome uh let's try this one so i got every trap door here and uh i think what we're gonna do is try them all and see if any of them look better to be worth this much waste wood so i tried to give us a nice neutral palette here to see how well this stuff really looks let's get the ladders up there oh all right there's our beautiful looking little wall right here i mean honestly it doesn't look good like it doesn't look better than a ladder and i'd be confused if i saw this so let's go ahead and test it out i wish i would have tested it before i built this high anyway here we go oh look at that okay okay so it does work and you're probably thinking is there used to this why would you do it i could only think of literally one use case you could go up and then make it so no one can follow you so like say you're climbing a ladder you only have one of these well it's gonna kind of slow them down just a little bit no it's not gonna swim down yeah there's it's just it's just a waste it's colossal waste of resources maybe it's like artistic like it does have like artsy vibe i think the one the one take away from this is we need different color ladders why do we get all these trap doors but we can't make different colored ladders this these fix motion right now add these the next update so guys we're coming at you with a really illegal looking hack in minecraft i give this one a zero percent chance but take a look they smelled coal with raw gold and then apparently right in the middle of it look how weird this is you freaking put an apple in come on come on what does this get you come on what is this a golden apple i mean honestly hold up there's some logic behind this it's a little bit too easy but it makes sense what are we doing now [Music] these actually make sense these weird people come up with things that are just like it might work like i've never tried it i don't know all right guys let's give this one a shot right here so first thing i put the wrong item down first thing we got to do is smelt our gold ore and i guess we need to do when there's only like a few left so we'll smelt two of them oh i need a regular apple now the exciting part we gotta we gotta wait gotta be patient one ingot yo i don't know how long cold takes but it takes a lot longer when you're watching it while i feel like when you're smelting it runs out so quick now it takes forever all right now's the moment put the apple in wait i gotta take this out apple goes in yo i got an apple in real life to try to i was hoping maybe anyway this doesn't seem to work there's no way to get a golden apple from this i don't think we expected anything different so hey let's put it up in the counter right there in the corner you know what happens if we don't get three of these to work this one you may have seen you maybe not have seen it's very blurry i apologize for that all right so we're gonna overlay my head on top of this character to look better but if you slowly rotate a pig and a carrot on a stick you just stopped falling he just literally floats like almost forever and i got a mouse that i can literally spin like a million times a second so i'm gonna see what happens if i just go see if he floats forever all right so we're on bedrock we're going to try it really quickly here and just see wait okay that didn't really work at all did it that was uh underwhelming don't mind all the pork chop that's just from experimental testing guys so we're gonna put the saddle on hop on the pig and then you just switch it with your offhand you give me life saw i'm in your eternal service i'm still i'm just there's there's a little bit of finickiness i'm sorry for all the pigs that have been sacrificed for this video all right buddy let's go ahead and do this real quick oh there we go there we go so you just scroll back and forth back and forth back and forth but now i got the idea to do this with my infinite scroll wheel and see if we literally can stay completely floating so we're gonna go back up sorry about that my friend i'm going to turn into infinite scroll mode so take a look that's how fast it goes and then i'm going to strategically set up my inventory so that they are just constantly rotating pixels so now i'll constantly swap between them and uh here we go oh my gosh like it's so fast that it's not actually as good as i thought but look how slow you fall it's like literally hands-free falling look at this did you just do what i think you did did you just kill six pigs hey come on man it's not like that chill cow now usually these bedrock glitches work well this one has eight thousand off boats so i think it will so what do we got here a horse some netherrack bricks this is like flying look at that thing freaking speed demon out here oh my gosh our gamers here i am with the world's worlds i don't know why i said that twice well the world's fastest horse and if you want to see how i actually made a horse like this super fast it's not as simple as you think you can check my last hack video to find it out but we're going to use everyone's favorite cyan glazed terracotta and see if we can do this so i guess we'll try here that didn't work guys i swear this is very difficult i'm not i'm not that bad well i am bro [Music] oh oh we got it we did it we did it we did it okay well we didn't do it very long but we did it for a few seconds this one's like definitely possible no doubt about it it's just like i'm not good at this i don't play bedrock and so actually getting it to hit that right level is super difficult but you could do it i didn't mean to drown him like that guys i just want to make that clear that was a honest mistake sorry dude let her fella please come back to me i'm sorry please don't do this to me please at this point only one of our hacks has failed but if just two more fail that means i have to do whatever you guys vote on in the community tab which means for me i gotta start taking things very seriously to secure the dub this guy says he find out how to fly any mob with a lytra wait what what are you doing here buddy where we going oh that's very blurry got that windows toaster here here we go is he just leading and a light showing him is that all it is or do you do something else apparently it's like kind of hard to do i've never done it let's go find an innocent creature to lead because i'm too lazy to spawn one in as i began exploring the dark open desert i realized that we needed to survive for a hundred days the only way to do it was to drink our own urine sorry guys a little bear grylls came out of me right there i don't know where that came from and they're in the distance i spotted a small little hopping creature who didn't realize what fate bestowed upon it soon come here you little little guy come here you no stop it we've got you now all right well we got the bunny so uh this is gonna be weird for you friend hey man it's so nice to meet you i'm so excited to be here and i'm a big fan of your videos and you're just the nicest youtuber all right guys let's see oh crap did he die let's try that again maybe we got to start slower oh man it keeps breaking oh snap we killed that one too guys look at this we found a wild pack of cattle we're gonna give it a shot to this one there's a specific angle you gotta do and i am not hitting it i killed him maybe we gotta do it on the fly oh i killed him again [Music] guys i'm beginning to grow nervous with my skill as a minecraft youtuber i feel like a fraud at this point i know this works just work for me i have to show people it works this is so embarrassing all right what else is there to say guys i'm a noob i literally cannot do this but i know it works you just got to trust me on the fact that i legitimately just don't know how to do it i can't that should have killed me that was weird this seems real i mean it has 400 000 likes so okay oh this seems legit no is it gonna pick it up okay no no you pick it up what yo boats are glitchy we all know that like this seems like the ultimate hack so if your spawner is sitting you got to put items under it i really don't know how many i need so i kind of maybe went a little bit overboard there then is what do you say f3 and g was it f4 f3 and g t oh no not f3 and t what the heck did that do i should probably not mess around with all the f3 and buttons that could be mad oh it's f3 and b so f3 and b shows you like i think like the direction you're aiming or something hey man i just wanted to be a part of the video okay i'm sorry can you get me out of this boat please please i'm afraid of water all right well i guess we're gonna have to move the cat from the boat okay then push it he said it'd take a few tries that's actually kind of good looking like he did it in survival so let's like kind of give it like a little bit of a wambo in there all right little wambo didn't work let's try it over here a little rambo again there it is that's a perfect lineup i mean that's literally like right look at the blue line it's almost perfect yo you okay now as i sat there and placed boats down for what felt like 16 years because of how annoying the cats were i realized that it didn't look good but then i had an idea what if i just tried it one more time and this time as the boat slowly moved in i saw that it definitely wasn't gonna work i i don't think this one's gonna work guys i'm going back to the comments too and uh one guy said i tried to totally cap uh cap store for sale here we got a lot of caps honestly there's a lot of caps so we're gonna add this one to our account box up here and if we hit three you know what happens i gotta do whatever's in the community tab that you guys vote on so i found a way to fly without a lighter this seems great for someone like me who never actually gets an electro legitimately because i suck pop a boat what the heck what is this what you just grow a spike out of your forehead what can someone like is that a lead it's so blurry this looks like a giant ice cream cone he definitely leads the boat then puts a shulker in the boat oh then he carries it no way okay step one boat goes down step two lead goes on boat okay how do you put a lead on boat can you even lead a boat hold up how do you even do that wait a minute it must be on battery condition so yeah you can lead a boat to be honest guys i just don't know bedrock what do you do what do you mean it's weird all right you're doing a lot of weird stuff how do you get this shulker oh that okay hey this looks actually very promising right now i feel like this one actually is going to work here please shoot me sir here buddy come here buddy right here give me the giant ball of danger there we go there we go oh yes guys look at this now you're gonna have to consistently take damage i guess or oh no no no no so this one is actually like some kind of a secret gate all right you don't want your mobs to come in you want to keep your villagers in their torture chamber you're without this and then these little guys get trapped in there for life where they have to breed together and supply you with free items sounds exciting all right we're going to make ours look a little bit better because theirs doesn't look that good so the first thing you do is basically a block of fence and a block on top of it and then it looks like all this does is repeats i mean it kind of looks like that eye in the pixar logo that gets stomped on so it's it's definitely not aesthetic i thought it would be it don't look good at all but oh that's not right something like that something like that you're telling me a villager can't walk through this oh and then you break the block under it and so apparently that makes it impossible to get through let's make it like all the way around [Music] for some reason this feels like a giant like electrical fence ready to shock you as you walk through it all right so now that this is built we're going to test it with three different mobs to see if it actually is useful or if like this is just a waste of time so first thing we'll do the villagers hello sir do you have time to talk about your car's extended warranty no okay thank you guys it looks like this don't work at all i mean they're just straight up walking through it is this the dumbest thing i've ever seen oh i'm missing a piece there's actually a secret fence in the hole you can barely see it in that video now we'll try it oh wow that's weird it makes the villagers float now they can't come to you and sell thanks and you can walk right through it without a problem look at that yo look at this okay well the baby's still getting through okay it's extremely ugly i'm not gonna lie this is just incredibly ugly to see do we even need the fences oh look you don't even need the fences this looks so much better okay that looks a lot better you could actually walk right through this this works perfectly but i think it's only gonna work for tall mops like we'll put a zombie out here we'll see if these poor guy can't get through i'm sorry dude come here buddy look at this they actually can't get through this is amazing now i'm assuming skeletons can just shoot you through it i don't know why i tested a dumb it so here is our end portal on bedrock condition with a boat in it literally boating through the end what the heck dude oh it's so pretty honestly i'll never get sick of how the end looks so i'm assuming all he did was like write it in like this so i mean i'm not sure how else we're going to test it so uh here goes nothing i hope it works oh it's not easy dude that looks like you're like literally rowing through space if we edit this so that it looks like this all around me it's mesmerizing dude this literally looks like it could be an intro shot to a movie like just imagine that all around me wow the boat's gone that was pretty cool end portals are so much cooler than i thought they were how to secure your minecraft base using yellow sunflowers apparently mobs cannot walk on these okay that's weird could this work oh look at that he's confused very confused you can make a disco party with this one well i guess we if any mob can walk on it a villager could so let's try this come here buddy okay well you can okay here's our zombie oh it just works like that look at this you can do this around your whole place and they literally spin now what if we walk to the side are they stuck there forever no no okay so there's like one angle you can do but if you put this outside your base and couple it with like some of the walls from earlier this works at this point only one more hack needs to fail and this last one will determine if we actually have to do whatever you guys say so this is a way to get an illegal item in minecraft okay what do we have so a lot of random redstone could be real okay there's a lot of work bro little little diamond okay okay okay okay negative one coal negative two cool guys they're tagging party shirt on here guys start tagging me on here all right i'll test these you tag my account i'm the party shirt of minecraft okay by the way it's that lover fella official because my account was hacked okay so we got a furnace and then hopper that goes into furnace straight down observer okay it doesn't i don't know this is weird now i don't know if we actually need dirt specifically but like i'm just going to copy everything because i'm afraid it won't work so he does it so quick man they make it hard because it's not going to work i'm calling it now it will not work okay now this is supposed to make it start flashing okay that's actually a good sign i'm not gonna ah maybe not oh no that's that's what his did then you put wrestle on top yo this is so weird guys i just don't know what to think i don't know if it's supposed to be working or not right now at this point i mean that's what his does like his literally does that mine keeps burning out which i don't know what that happens all right so what he does is he places coal in here and the coal does not go through because the redstone has it so that that's locked so you can't do it because it's powered then in here he does 64 diamond ore and one single bamboo and then it literally turns into zero coal so this is it dang it no it didn't even come close and why did that coal burn so quickly i'm sorry did we not just do cold like five minutes ago into me an hour why did this one just evaporate what this actually legitimately could work i'm gonna do i'm gonna do this again because something weird just went on right here i'm telling you right now watch how fast this coal goes this is strange guys look we put that in do you see that the first call literally goes by in a millisecond because i think it's somehow using the bamboo lifespan i don't know that's supposed to be happening but it doesn't seem like the glitch is working but i'm definitely gonna say it's fake alright guys but hey you tag me on all the tick tocks you want to see me test on lover fella official tick tock and i will do them in these videos guys so head over to my community tab take a vote right now on what challenge you want to see and the next video i do we're testing hacks we're gonna have that challenge at the end of the video as always please subscribe zacklings thanks for being a part of the community [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 993,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: 9-6uarv75cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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