Testing If Our Secure Minecraft Bunker Can Stop 150 Players From Killing Us

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we need more defense today my brothers and I have 30 minutes to build the ultimate minecraft bunker and after those 30 minutes end we've got 150 hungry aggressive and angry players they're gonna come in and try to kill me my boys if they manage to do that the players win but if we survive we win let's see how secure we can make this one did you boys make it down there today been pretty bills the secrets your door to get in the base I'm building it welcome let it rip oh look at that then okay we'll go down right here secret entrance will be right here you can make it so it's lava and then like signs and then water that way there's like straight up laughs and they won't even think it's a secret base so we'll do it like this then right above it a little bit of lava now when you open it you're gonna be oh just lava but really you just gotta fall through boom there's some water to cool you down and then I don't know I'll start working on the underground base this is maybe building it on a freaking island is not the best we're committed to the whole island bit right now Isaac how's it going out there well the water is not letting me play ball but this ion sucks it's just working progress boys all right so we got it you see we do hear people tell me it ain't gonna work exactly say you're not good enough you're too short and you know what I say to them I got on the ran I didn't have anything to do with this but okay so first step with the bunker guys is the outer shell defense Isaac Oh makes a good defense lava why is it sandy I'm gonna replace it I had to get rid of the water cycle mama alright good you check it out you looking around you like y'all anybody looking at me then you looking at me don't look at me no one can see you go down hmm where'd I go back goes where'd I go you know down went down he doesn't know where all right phase 1 you're gonna make it into this room down here maybe we should use some bedrock you know what I mean good morning that cheating I learned do you think the US Army thinks about cheating when they're building a defensive bunker for the president is true yeah do you think they'd say wow is this material to ope can the Russians get through it no they say I'm glad that we have access to this let's use it we could door here with the secret lover that's what I'm thinking there here's the door where we put the lever like outside on the top like drag the Redstone oh okay - actually I open it way they could just mine through the door hold up they could just mine through it so we use bedrock with a piston oh yeah good point you want to work on that bed that is an immovable rock is there it what's maybe your so city include no try oh come on we're gonna keep this in bedrock close it all the way and then we're gonna hide the chest with ender pearls in it oh yes it only makes sense for it to go a little bit deeper in the ground so we're gonna go ahead and just start it right here and dig a little bit lower already here I'm stuck I can't ya know what do I do boom yes we're gonna put some dispensers down here Ben and if you step on the white and trigger they'll shoot you oh love that Ben fire charge it up and we'll put instant potion of to death from the other one oh so I think you've got a walk on the TNT or you will die while chasing us now that's a good move yeah that's good you can just hear magic happening upstairs guys she freaks me out oh I do not like that okay I'm gonna work on the outside fortification a little bit because as they say in the Netherland you are only as strong as your weakest anti-air missile defense you're gonna have to manually plant these folks like they did back in the old Amish days know what the Amish did back in the day the rule maker ooh cactus is taller than you've ever seen in your life guys back before things were genetically modified GMO all that bull crap out here alright this is what the old ancient cactuses used to look like right here what the heck that was before GMOs that was before GMOs before GMOs came along and ruined our food and made it unhealthy I'll make it that tall the way I'm going to add a little bit of like defense on the outside and I think the best defense is a shark right burger tiger absolutely now we don't have those so what is the alternative think about something that his deadly that'll kill you shark so but what's like a now shrink a shark down a little baby shark now make it fat oh yeah puffer fish that's right this is absolutely genius we're gonna put a little pressure plate over here I want to make it so they press this for free food and then this triggers all the way over there the puffer fish that's supposed to we're not gonna do that this is how the white house looks guys you don't know that but that's true is it gonna work if it's like down once and and then a pressure plate is I still gonna trigger it I don't know you probably have to do some trial and error there seems like that's a positive yep that will do it you gotta have a kill switch in your base all right you do the kill switch what the heck what what'd you do Isaac I hit a kill switch ow the only single kill switch I place Isaac has already blown up and destroy the base like TNT it calls to me we're getting some soldiers now to guard the turf a little bit just to make a little bit safer okay guys this is gonna be our sniper tower a central control unit located in the second the island loaded with arrows and it's just going to go spray arrows like we are thank God so our central control unit now has this tower for poison arrow shooters you pull it once it'll go but we need to do now is make it so that we can pull the lever down inside of our bunker so bad I'm coming down to help you probably this oh no way one away from triggering all that TNT Isaac do not come in the base you will destroy this okay so we're gonna carefully walk I think do not come in the base you will destroy this I'll continue on so as you see they're not gonna fall down and this will be blocked off they can only go there and just get fireball to death we just gotta switch to shoot the fireballs out oh no it's been this is a younger Ben alright I'll work on the switch you work on well just do this man just do this to all of them just do that and then redstone like this probably not the most efficient way to do this but like it worked so there's a lever right here only like you're shooting did something wrong these repeaters that's for sure put the rest lit on top just like that copy the first one all the way down that'll do it no they're all shooting they're all shoot on my side they're all shooting yours has not completed yet this is how I would defend myself against a legitimate zombie apocalypse or if the world were to end I don't know why I would say that but should eventually to the ending of the world I would be prepared is all I'm saying I'm not saying that it is gonna end I'm just saying that if it did end to one yep we should be able to place a single redstone right here excuse me a single redstone right here not bad right not bad created a defense let's go back on up to the top oh yeah oh my gosh don't hit the ball giant cactus towers yeah they took a long time to do I imagine I'll take them three seconds to take a shovel and take those out yeah I know but they look cool it's all about intimidation Zach okay I'm gonna finish this thing real quick work on in the next project boys that's where it isn't you just go straight down oh I can't go straight down and things like two blocks to go down just take it straight down I don't like this are you sure this works sighs it because it's not working what do you want me to tell you if it's not working seems like a server issue yeah but it clearly no no no no no fix it exactly right here okay we're gonna make a new plan then Lubin house and in the house noob noob in the house and I'm in the house noob oh man I feel like after 30 minutes we should have had a better defense in this we got a little arrow shooter that don't even work Salameh and then it's an ass and tower we have base anyone functional trap I'm gonna go place down a couple of traps around the map that are away from our base that launch fireworks so when they go and look for our base if they can't find it it will give them a little display of fireworks and they won't know what's coming whoa what is that oh my god you know it'll scare them just like that it'll be a little bit intimidating I just got this redstone carts going around not yet I don't but I will know here let's try it with this it was like you gonna use this name there it is Oh Oh blew up mmm love me to blow up Isaac that you know what I want to say is it's time boys let's get the people on you house you can ban will not have any armor or weapons you guys have to find them get in and kill them you've got 15 minutes to get the gear you need to get in breakout and kill him go ahead guys once you get here spread out CVP is on guys you should not be VP each other welcome - because then Isaac and Ben will win and here they are in their bunker secured very safely right now Isaac what's going through your mind right well I mean we're you're not gonna kill us act let's be honest here they find me I'm blowing this whole base up hey a real captain always goes down with you going down with the base AK so far I don't think anyone has actually found the base seven players have died so far a lot of players are Sartain to mind work on getting some materials here let's just say you guys you're gonna want to take a bath after you find us we got some pvp here guys some players that are very upset they say they're supposed to be on a team three people coming in now all they stopped they stopped but this guy still won't for the kill right now not messing around this is actually dead you got hold oh my goodness you feel how do you guys make it in every event that's my question but nuggets stick together crafting something and then someone kill me with us Oh second audience is going down right now again come down so people are tricking the firework launcher that means they're close maybe you guys should go they got it someone are launching fireworks to signal they found the base guys oh oh we got another one moving in players are approaching the base now TNT has been going off oh my gosh four people now near the base there we're looking for an entrance they don't know how to get in look logically land in that found a secret lever my boy found a secret lever Oh secret lover literally like ten people right now working their way in here we go here we go and here comes a herd of like 16 new players oh they're setting up base camp right off the base on a new Island here fireworks being launched Isaac man how are you guys feeling downstairs right now I'm ready to hit the button this guy's walking over to the pressure place what do these do he's gonna press them nope doesn't press them decides to open them up instead and steal all the pufferfish traps the spectators have found it now they're gonna communicate but how are you gonna get in all these people are getting deep but are they getting into the base oh man this is gonna be hard oh wait they found the lever are they gonna figure out what's what that leads to oh but it just leads to llama interesting okay a player jumps into lava and dies it just goes down just like that these players are all over it they can't figure out to get into it right now oh my gosh we actually did a great job I just can't do it now they're killing each other another killing each other on top literally there's literally oh wait Joe exotic found the ender pearls Oh Joe Oh buddy throws him the wrong way Joe exotic throws in the wrong way he's not in the right location you need those ender pearls to get in wait we got some players interact with some players did a venture they need Joe exotic sander Pearl's Oh to move any farther already better get to him no Joe exotic Joe exotics idiot - oh and he's killed and the end of pearls may have just fallen into a wall but no Craven lots of players have ender pearls lots of players have them they're sharing them they're sharing them and coming in you need to find the entrance in the lava and it's right next to the Pistons there's a couple entrances they broke the dispensers they can get ender pearls that's how you get in guys right there many entrances opening up now wait someone dentures someone finally entered the base oh they're using buckets to swim oh my gosh she's used buckets to swim people are now entering the final phase right now dropping down the chute people are dropping right here on the chutes by using water they can swim through the half blocks and don't even need ender pearls look at this play is like ready okay here they come where do they come I fixed ready down here at the bottom water he's launching it he's starting the fire ball launcher can Isaac survive okay because it's a Roomba you sent it round guys you can keep the window this dude is not taking damage moving to the back out I don't know but he's not oh here comes another Oh I'm punching him and he's dead wait Bendis ruined our trap it is pro/con what you do whether you have a window right now to get in you fall on the chute right now here comes someone on the shoot here comes here comes here comes boom taxes in can you get through wait how'd you kill him so easy I got fireball from whatever who died first down here oh my goodness Oh dill pickle he's running he's got our balls good guys the redstone thing is broken but nobody Subaru Liam to find a way through this window shuffle don't bring him over fish down he picked him up oh my gosh go for the kill Cooper's Oh Isaac a better unable to bone is freaking out launcher this is Edward's I don't work they don't work like that this isn't that worse oh one minute 53 seconds left then still alive in the corner 1 minute 53 seconds left Ben's secured himself in I'll just play some TNT lots of players now attack the base band did you guys already die you loose back I have to go down Oh what's gonna happen what's gonna happen fire up Isaac switch yeah it's a player I was gonna be going down Stormare players now made it inside Isaac's getting absolutely no design to the corner it's trying guys it hit the switch Oh Isaac strapped in the corner oh my goodness 25 seconds left guys Ben's in the corner Ben's in the back corner here we go here we go Carson's right next can he do it six five four the whole entire world is right here three one Tom three gosh I miss that it's my gosh I cannot believe that just laughing a total of ninety seven players died in this event in 20 minutes then congratulations thank you as if this video gets 1 million views in the first month that I'm gonna do whatever the top vote of comment is for video so go ahead and leave those ideas down below as dumb or stupid as it is 1 million views in one month so like and comment if you guys want to see it hit that checkmark number whatever I don't know guys thank you for watching being part lever fan you guys are awesome thank you I'll see you guys all tomorrow click that screen peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,660,742
Rating: 4.9218616 out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, minecraft, loverfeller, loverfella server, Minecraft, bunker, secure bunker, minecraft defense, minecraft bunker defense, minecraft gameplay, minecraft let's play, mine, craft, defense, funny moments, gameplay, survival, minecraft creative, ofense, building, battle, games, gaming
Id: tQkekNaUGg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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