Camtasia 2021 User Interface and Workflow Improvements | Available today!

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hello this is christy in today's video i'm going to show you 10 new user interface features and improvements in camtasia 2021 which comes out on april 27th here goes number one so camtasia 2021 has a new startup screen it has pretty much the same options like the previous one and you'll find new project new from template new recording and open projects of course with a list of your previous projects it's got a learning section so the text is larger and you know the buttons are more visible i think they also support high resolution screens so they look nice on any resolution number two redesigned recorder interface at the moment it has the same options as the previous version you've got the region selection or full screen with a couple of resolutions there and some social media presets you've got your camera choice microphone choice whether to record system audio or not and the recording button these options can be turned on and off from this menu here and techsmith have said that of although some of the options have disappeared from this recorder like the ability to change the settings the format the frame rate and all those other things they promise they will come back over the next few months i don't know how soon i hope very soon because there are some options here that a lot of people were using and now are not accessible in this version which is why i'm still recording this with camtasia 2020 but anyway beyond that i'm hoping they bring them back and also bring them back improved another improvement is the ability to move tracks and their contents up or down before this you couldn't do this but now if you right click on a track you have the option to move track up or down depending on where the track is you can move it up and down or just down if it's at the top this was not available before and when you wanted to move stuff around you had to insert a new track by click right clicking insert above or below and then you had to copy all of your content and drag it over which could lead to your content getting out of sync and too many operations altogether so right now if i want to move this track at the bottom just right click on it move track down and boom these two tracks have been now swapped another improvement has been the ability to turn on solo track so if you wanted to just see one track like here for example i have three tracks and then one is on top of the other and i want to see the bottom clip or whatever or if i want to edit and see how something looks without seeing the other stuff all i all i have to do is just right click on the track header and say enable solo track and you will see now everything else is being black and it's just like it's being hidden really so instead of clicking all these eye icons all the time maybe you have a large number of tracks you don't want to click and hide and show them each individually you just right click on the track you're interested in and everything else disappears and is disabled and this also actually works with more than one track although it's called solo track you can actually see just two tracks for example right click again on the other one and say enable solo track so now you have two solo track in quotes that you can see during editing and everything else is hidden of course when you're done you can right click again and say disable all solo tracks and now they're all back to normal a little nice improvement also is now the ability to save colors you're re you're using in your project so you can reuse them this is now available in every color selection dialog here so watch this if i have this light nice color or i choose a different color that i like on this object here i can choose to save this color to my colors and now every one of these dialogues has this my colors section i can just click plus and the current color is here so if i bring another object here i just pull this down here and click this color that i saved and it will quickly apply this so this saves you a lot of time because you don't have to hunt down the object for color you've used before to just use the color picker on it and kind of you know or remember these values in the hex dialog here so you can change the mode here of course and you can save the colors and what's really nice is that if you've used these colors in other projects they will stay here for all projects so you can access colors across projects so if you have a specific brand colors or something your color scheme that you need to use all the time so you have consistency across your projects this is a very nice feature one improvement i've been waiting for a while is the editing of groups you know in the previous versions where you were editing groups you had to kind of open them and double click to see them in place and it was very very small interface to be making changes now in camtasia 2021 group editing has been improved i believe this was already existing in the mac version but now this has been brought to the windows version so watch this if i have a group of clips here ctrl g before you clicked on this you double click to open the group and it was just opening in this very tiny space well now if you click this plus icon to edit the group you are taken to a new tab along the editing timeline here the group opens in a new tab so you can you're free to just see these groups you're working on with these ones in the tab and the rest of the clip will just play if you need to play the rest of the clip will just play in the same exact position except you will not see all of the other clips in here so all of your clips in the group are now easy to edit and move around and when you're done you can just click this but this also stays open so when you go back to your main timeline you can jump around to another group maybe you have another group in here double click this is group two double click on this and again opens a new tab so this is very nice and it makes editing much more comfortable because you never lose your place like you know exactly where you're editing and it makes editing groups much easier another small improvement is the ability to resize the track header so if you're on your timeline here and you wanted to keep track of your tracks with names you could double click on those and type you know video one is here but before you couldn't see all of that text because the track header was not resizable so if you needed to type more than just one word you couldn't see everything well now you can drag this to resize it it's not going to let you resize it too much though but it's still a very good improvement because you can at least write a couple of words here and see what you've written this makes it easier to manage your tracks specifically if you're working on a project that has more tracks that you can keep track of you have to scroll up and down all the time another small improvement has been the addition of this button here that looks like a camera it's called add exported frame so if you need it before this if you needed to just save the current frame as an image and add it to the timeline you could do it by right clicking well now you can just do it with this little button here click and then the frame is generated and automatically added on the timeline where the playhead is so there you go another improvement is you may have heard that camtasia 2021 has new transitions 75 to be exact well it is now easier to preview the transitions if you go to the transitions tab you can now preview the transitions by moving your cursor left and right over the transition you want so this makes it much easier to kind of see what is going to happen with your transition without applying it to your clips and playback so this saves you a lot of time finally another improvement has been the ability to change in the settings the duration of placeholders in previous versions if you right clicked on a video clip and you'd wanted to transform it to a placeholder you could right click and say convert to placeholder and it would just be creating a placeholder on the exact duration of that clip but in camtasia 2020 if you wanted to create a placeholder from scratch not from an actual clip you could right click and say add placeholder or pressing the key p and it would create a placeholder with a one minute duration by default and you could not change that so you have to always kind of resize that all the time well right now there is an option in camtasia 2021 if you go to edit preferences and you go to timing among all the other timings that you have here you now have a timing for placeholder which i have here is five seconds so by default now if i create a new placeholder it's gonna be creating a five second placeholder so if you work a lot with placeholders this is a time saver also these have been changed here so they are now alphabetical so if i go now to my timeline click p there is a five second placeholder right here so these have been some of the improvements and new additions to the interface and usability for camtasia 2021 coming out today and this is a video i'm presenting it i have another video where i'm showing all of the bigger features some of the ones i mentioned here are mentioned in there but you can watch the other video in the description that's going to show you everything that's new in camtasia 2021 and if you want to try it use the link in the description you can download a free trial of camtasia and also if you have the maintenance plan you will be able to get it for free as an upgrade from your previous version also if you click the link in the description and decide to buy camtasia you would be supporting my channel so that is an affiliate link and i appreciate your support thank you for watching and stay tuned and subscribe to my channel for new camtasia 2021 videos and tutorials with all the new functions and a lot of cool tutorials i'm gonna build to apply the new features thanks again for your time see you next time you
Channel: Cristi Cotovan | Graphicious
Views: 3,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camtasia 2021, camtasia 2021 ui improvements, new features in camtasia 2021, camtasia 2021 review, interface changes in camtasia 2021, camtasia 2021 interface improvements, when does camtasia 2021 release, how to download camtasia 2021, graphicious, cristi cotovan, camtasia studio, new camtasia version, camtasia 2021 demo, whats new in camtasia 2021, camtasia 2021 new features, camtasia 2021 update
Id: RSPQDx0lebQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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