Cameron Macaulay: Lived Past Life On A Tiny Island That Really Exists?!

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to another reincarnation video the last video I did a reincarnation you guys really really liked and I am happy to do these videos because I find them to be super interesting I think it's some of the most interesting content I actually cover there's a ton of evidence backing up these reincarnation cases and if you've not yet seen one of my reincarnation videos I really recommend checking them out I have a bunch of them I'll link them all below I've been doing them now since I think it's been about two years now so I have quite a few and today I'm gonna be telling you this story about a little boy named Cameron McAuley who I think may have been reincarnated you guys will have to let me know what you think after hearing the details behind this one so Cameron was born in Glasgow Scotland so he lived with his mother Norma and his other brother and she was a single mother of the two of them but Cameron claims that he was reincarnated and he claims that he was also named Cameron in his past life he said that he remembered living on an island in Scotland called Bera and this is actually a real Island it's a very remote island off the west coast of Scotland and it's over 200 miles away from where he lived in Glasgow it's actually a tiny outpost of the British Isles and its population is less than 2,000 people but pretty much since Cameron was like 2 years old and could speak he would talk about his past life in bara which is crazy that it's an actual real place because there are cases of kids talking about places that they've been but often times they're just made of imaginary places but this was a real place he said that he lived in bara with his mom his dad and three other siblings and when he first started talking about all this kind of stuff his mom kind of thought he was just imagining things that he you know just was making things up but she was confused about how he specifically knew the name bara because none of them had ever been there they had never taken him there they had never talked about it Cameron would talk about how his favorite thing to do in bara was go to the beach with his dog he also said that his father was named Shane Robertson she no person she's Robertson yes Shane Robertson okay and he said that he remembered his father dying in a car accident he also would talk about his Barra mom and how she had really long hair and then at one point she cut her hair really short he just would remember all these little details about his previous family so whenever his family would ask him how did you end up with us then how did you get from there to here he would say that he remembered falling through a hole and then all of a sudden he was with his new family and what's strange about this is there are other cases of children who may have been reincarnating claiming to have fallen through a hole so this isn't the first one to report this he would tell his mom how he really loved and missed his Barra mom and how she would really love her as well that she was a really nice person and oh he thinks they would all just get along he said that he loved both of his mom's the same and he even called himself a Barra boy like he was part of this town when he was with his friends he would tell them about his previous life in Barra and how he was reincarnated and how none of them should be worried about dying because you'll come back again as something else Cameron first started talking about his life in Barra when he was around 2 and it went on till he was 5 so ok often times kids will like talk about something but they'll oftentimes let it go unless it was real what are the chances that a kid would continuously bring something up over years if it was not real to them and he would constantly talk about how he missed his bar mom and normal was starting to get really worried about him she could tell it was almost starting to really stress him out to the point where was causing like emotional damage on him and she didn't really fully believe that this really was a past life she didn't really know what to make of it so she decided to do some more research and just figure out what was going on so she decided to meet with a psychologist who's named dr. Chris French and he is actually an editor for the magazine called skeptic this is a magazine basically about debunking different paranormal stories and phenomena and she was hoping that talking him would kind of give her some clarity oh the first thing that he brought you know kids have wild imaginations and there's also a lot of stimulants around in the modern world you know there's TV and movies and books and all these different places that he could have her a borrow from his mom said you know maybe this is possible but the thing was is she watched TV with him at all time she doesn't even recall the time that he was watching it alone and never had she heard bara been mentioned on the TV and Plus why would he get so obsessed with that for years dr. French also came up with the idea that maybe he had just heard another kid talk about bar before or maybe he knew someone who used to live there and he was kind of talking about their life or imitating them in some way maybe he was jealous or thought it was an interesting story or even just got confused Norma felt like this did not really explain anything felt like it was kind of a weak attempt so she decided she was going to talk to you a child psychologist instead named dr. Karen majors and she specialized in the concept of children living imaginary lives but the thing was that she said that the way that Cameron described his past life was very different than the way other kids talked about imaginary lives she said that most kids understand that even though they have an imaginary friend they still kind of understand that the friend is not real however Cameron was 100% certain that this story was real she also talked about how kids when they have imaginary friends or imaginary situation they can also imagine the ending they can decide the outcome of what happens and in Cameron's case it didn't end well and he's very distressed and depressed about it Cameron's experiences don't really fit into that pattern so I think it's about exploring other possible interpretations about how to understand Cameron's experience so Norma felt like she didn't have any good answers still so she thought the next best thing to do here it was to just take him to Barra I mean at least it's a real place and she can bring him there she felt like it was important to take him because he would come to conclusions either he would recognize and say yes 100% I lived here or he would to the conclusion that maybe this was on my head I don't recognize this before they left though another doctor dr. Jim Tucker came to interview Cameron and he is actually a child psychologist who's done tons of research on kids who claim to remember their past lives and we've actually talked about him in a couple of reincarnation videos he was so intrigued by Cameron's story that he decided to fly from Virginia all the way to Glasgow in order to meet with the family and work with him directly so while Jim was there he interviewed him and listen to what Cameron had to say and it was like how many stories were there yeah you remember his name cleared up actually yeah your arson yeah that's bait thank you yeah yeah I'm onions red shirt spiky hair an obese portion of it doesn't seem like a kid making up a wild story to me it really seems like he is recalling real memories so one thing that Cameron said about his previous life is that they lived kind of near an airport and he would watch the planes come and land on the beach that instead of like a landing strip the plane to just win on the beach so Jim actually decided to go with Norma and Cameron to Barra and see everything for himself and when they first came in they came in for a landing and they were coming in on the beach just like Cameron said and there was no way that he would have known that and once he landed he recognized the airport the area around him and seemed really happy to be back right away so they got on the train to go to their hotel and as they were riding along he kept pointing out houses along the way that he recognized and one of them he even said he knew the family that lived in the house but they all went to the bara Heritage Center to see if they could find out any more information on his family so they went there and they looked for the name Robertson and they could not find any families that had lived on bara under that name so they decided they would just go out and look and hopefully Cameron would like eventually recognize house or something so they decided to go over where the planes were landing on one side of the island because chances are he lived close to those planes since he would remembered watching them from his house and they drove around and saw a bunch of white houses but Cameron didn't seem to really recognize any of them but the next day people that worked at the Heritage Center actually called dr. Tucker and Norma and said that they had some other information that could help them out and once they got there they found out that there was indeed a family named Robertson that lived on the end of that area of the beach near where the planes are apparently this family actually lived on the mainland and this was just their vacation house that they would go to in the 60s and 70s so they hopped in the car and went to the house that his previous life family stayed in so once they got to the house Cameron's mood actually completely changed he went from being a really outgoing happy upbeat kid he was just a very you know positive kid he instantly was emotional and somber the house had gone through some cosmetic changes but there was still a few things that remained the same and it made him really really emotional to see it all again there was a brick fireplace in the house that had stayed the same there was a gate that had still stayed the same things that he actually remembered when he was in the house he was able to point out which rooms he stayed in in which rooms his siblings stayed in he talked about how he really missed his Barra mom even though he knew that she wasn't going to be there and after visiting this house they flew back home and after this you know they really really like he had lived this past life that everything that he was saying was true so when they got back home Norma decided to get in contact with a genealogist and hire her to look into the history of the Robertson family and it was discovered that that family was indeed from Glasgow and they had owned that house for over 20 years and she was actually able to trace someone back to the family her name was Gillian Robertson and she was currently living in Scotland they think that she was one of the siblings that lived in the house at the same time as Cameron meaning that this would be Cameron's sister Norma was able to get in touch with her and they actually went to go visit her she said that there was a black and white dog that lived at the house as well but she did say that there wasn't someone named Shane she thought maybe he was confusing it with their uncle James who had spiky hair and she also said that no one in the family had died from a car accident so this was really really weird and there wasn't a kid named Cameron who had died in the family so it was very odd so after Cameron had visited bara originally the memory started to fade away and this always happens in all the reincarnation cases as the kids age the further they are from birth the further their memories seem to be and there's kind of this sweet spot where you can even remember so there's obviously not as much proof with this one as there is with others there's definitely some really weird things I've seen some reincarnation in cases with like some insane proof though so there's no way to say for sure that he was reincarnated but I definitely think there's enough here to just think that this is really weird that something odd is going on and I'm curious what you guys think if you don't think it's reincarnation what do you think this is why do you think he knew about bara I mean how did he know about bara how did he know about this house and the plains and the dog that was living at the house I mean all these different things it seems like a lot to just have guessed correctly and why is it possible that maybe he got some of the details wrong because he's mixing up multiple past lives I mean if reincarnation is real maybe we all have a bunch of different lives and maybe he was mixing up details from multiple lives it's really really interesting eventually Cameron moved on with his life the memories completely stopped and he's just a normal kid now but this is definitely one of those stories that just makes you really think is there more to life than we think there is will we actually get to be reverted to our childlike state when we're old that's one of the things that Cameron would talk about is how nice it was to go from being a grandpa to like falling through a hole and then awesome being a kid again how awesome that is and how no one should be afraid of death I mean it's really comforting I really want to know what you guys think about this so let me know in the comments below and let me know if you want to see any more reincarnation videos by giving me a like on this video but that's it for me today guys I hope you're having a great day and I will talk to you next time bye [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 787,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, reincarnation, past lives, mystery, true crime, id discovery, crime watch daily, cold case, reincarnation stories, past life, proof of reincarnation, karma, stories, spiritual, afterlife, spirituality, rebirth, crime documentary, mile higher, creepypasta, paranormal, cameron macaulay, mile higher podcast, 20/20, investigative reports, where is, investigation, dateline, mysteries, unsolved mysteries, supernatural, investigative, unexplained, unsolved, crime
Id: eNwx2PwFws8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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