Camera pan and zoom in OpenToonz

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This is Mesut and welcome to learn IT  YouTube channel today I am going to show you how   to pan and zoom the camera in OpenToonz let's  get started. First let's place the background   browser put the background and a squirrel animation let's put it let's extend the background let's make it 40 frames and squirrel animation keeping  press Shift key I am selecting   and I am adding some frames for  each frame let's use Step 4 we can use one more let's choose Step 2 yes it's good now background  I need to extend a little more and now we are going to learn how  to use camera we have camera layer   here it's possible to use animation  options also for camera so I choose   Animate Tools and here we can use any of them  for the camera also we are going to use the Scale so we have the key now here for example  at this position also I am using the scale no not there I use that for the background  layer I want to use it for the camera okay we can change its position also a little okay now let's see I'm going to use camera view it's great That's all. In this video we used camera  pan and zoom if my video is helpful for   you please subscribe to my channel, share and like   videos. Thanks for watching and  I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Learn IT today
Views: 3,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camera zoom in opentoonz, camera zoom opentoonz, opentoonz camera zoom, opentoonz camera pan, opentoonz an, opentoonz animated camera, opentoonz animated background, opentoonz camera movement, animate the camera opentoonz, camera animation opentoonz, opentoonz, animation, opentoonz tutorials
Id: OJUdb85r2nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 19sec (139 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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