Opentoonz - Camera Pan and Zoom Tutorial |2021|

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hey guys it's sebastian here from noblefrugal studio and today i'm going to show you how to use the camera feature in opentunes to add cinematic value to your animations in this tutorial i'm gonna go over how to make the camera pan zoom and then pan and zoom at the same time first off let's learn how to pan the camera i just loaded up this scene from my upcoming short film castle dark where the main character pi is looking down at a chef taking a plate out of the kitchen as the chef walks from left to right let's give the camera a slight pan from left to right to follow them first thing we have to do is go to file and then preferences let's head to the animation tab and make sure our default interpolation is set to ease in ease out normally it's going to be set to linear click the drop down menu and click ease in ease out this will give the camera a smooth flow as it moves from point a to point b now obviously it's not gonna work for every single shot in every single animation but for most things it's gonna look really really nice and i also recommend setting it to this since you can actually remove it and tweak it in the function editor so it's actually kind of a win-win all right let's exit out of this and then we're going to go to our animate tool which is located here on our toolbar or you can just press a on your keyboard so hit a to go to the animate tool and if you guys are in the basics tab your toolbar is probably going to be all the way on the left like this so the anime tool is going to be at the top for the rest of this tutorial i'm going to be using the basics tab since most of you are going to be in the basics tab um i made my own room but just so this is easier to follow along with i'm just going to be using the basics tab that we all have all right with the animate tool selected make sure that we have camera one selected from this drop down menu now you also have in the top right corner of this global key option checked it might be here for some of you this is the tool option bar and at the far right is the global key option that we wanted that we want to make sure is checked i'll probably explain this later but it's just going to make things a lot easier when it comes to zooming and panning i'm going to click this camera button so we can see just what's inside of our camera and not the other assets in the scene so i'm going to delete these keyframes and then show you guys how i made my pan to the right first we want to make sure we selected the camera column which they added in open tunes um definitely appreciated thank you to all the people who put work into doing that this really really helps then we want to go to our animate tool make sure we have camera selected from the drop down menu and we have position selected here making sure we're on frame one and we have camera one selected we've hit global key just you know check your bases before we start jumping into camera movement let's click and drag to move our camera around now let's move it to the starting position which is going to be to the left and just about here will be okay as you've noticed it automatically generated a keyframe on frame one where we moved our camera so once you move something it'll automatically generate a keyframe for you which is nice now let's hover over to where we want our pan to end and then we're just going to drag our camera over where we want our final position to be now what playing this back have a very nice pan and zoom that eases in so it starts slow and then it ends slow very very smooth and if you want to change the speed of your pan all you got to do is click the keyframe and then click and drag it around your scene to wherever you want it so let's say we want it on 27 let's play that very very nice let's say we wanted a longer pen maybe we wanted it to be 50 on frame 50. that's all you got to do now you'll notice that in order to make this ending keyframe i clicked and dragged with the mouse but um those kind of movements aren't the most precise that they could be say you want the camera just to move to the right and not move up or down at all then we can delete this keyframe hit delete go to frame 40 and then instead of clicking and dragging with with our mouse because you know our hands are going to have human error we can actually use the parameters in the tool option bar to move the camera and open tunes left and right are east and west so we want to move our camera west so let's say we change this negative 172 which is where the camera is located right now as respects to the east and west parameters let's change this to one from negative 171 to 1 so that's to the right and now if we watch our animation back we can see it automatically set a keyframe just like it did when we moved the camera and the movement is much more precise it's literally just moving on the east and west axis it's not moving up or down or it doesn't have any of the human error that we had in the other one i tend to use both of these ways to make camera movements sometimes i like to move with the mouse sometimes i use the parameters it's definitely good to know how to do both now some of you are going to run into some problems at this point because i know i did when i was making this tutorial this is actually probably my fourth time recording this tutorial so sometimes when you move this keyframe around this final keyframe your ease in will stop it'll start it'll stop abruptly since we set our interpolation to ease and ease out we can actually fix this so let's head over to the to the x sheet tab and go down to the function editor now what the global key option does is that it makes a keyframe for all the parameters so that you can do a pan and a zoom at the same time but as you can see since we used only one of the parameters and only made a keyframe for the east and west that shouldn't be a problem for most of you but if some of you have a keyframe for all parameters on both of these lines then you can run into some problems the problem that i ran into the most most of the time was that it would ease in at the start and then stop abruptly which was hard to figure out so if you're having that problem all you got to do is open up the graph editor and then as you can see we are actually having this problem so usually when you do an ease in ease out this bottom part that curves up is supposed to be reflected on the top part this but they're both supposed to um curve into the final frame so playing this the camera kind of stops abruptly i'm not sure why open tunes does this but i'm just going to show you how you guys can get around it all you have to do is click this dot this final frame that has the straight line instead of this curve um they're supposed to supposed to have curves and you're going to grab this bracket click and drag it backwards then you can make this top keyframe match this bottom keyframe so that we can maintain that smooth movement there we go so this is a little complicated for you guys don't worry um it's really good to get into the function editor and get into opentune and start playing with these more complex things so you can get to know the software better but yeah i'm not really sure why that happens in opentunes but that's the way to fix it the graph editor provides a really neat visual um for you to look at to sort of see in your head what the keyframes are actually doing going back to the basics tab we finished our pan we got the we got the ease in ease out working now let's make the camera zoom in so we this is a global keyframe right here so let's just delete this keyframe this last keyframe this ending position and then we're going to go back to frame 40. so we already have our starting position with our camera which is a global keyframe meaning it already set a keyframe for the zoom parameter the zoom parameter is actually z let's go to frame 40. now i actually made a mistake you guys should probably just use position for this one apologize for that make sure your camera is set to position so we already have our starting position now all we have to do is hit control and then click and drag forward to zoom in or backwards to zoom out so i'm going to zoom in and then our keyframe is automatically set for us make sure that you do have the global key tick though so all we got to do is watch our animation play back so now we got our camera to zoom in again we're having that problem where the ease in ease out isn't really working um if you guys know why this happens in open tunes then leave a comment below help your fellow animators out also if you're enjoying this tutorial if you're learning something be sure to leave me a like below that'll help this video get out to more people who are looking for help in this area so we have our zoom in takes place over 40 frames let's go to the xg tab and fix that so we go to x sheet go to the graph editor so we do have two global keyframes here as you can see this is what two global keyframes look like looks like in the function editor let's go to the graph editor and fix this up so this is the z parameter right here it appears in orange i'm gonna make sure to click this side and then drag the bracket out so it can sort of have a curve let's watch this back that's much better all right so this point you guys probably know how to make a pan and zoom but i'm just gonna do this for demonstration purpose um to show you guys what a pen and zoom would look like so let's delete this keyframe this last one then we're gonna put our camera icon on we have our first position already set so let's go to frame 40 click and drag the camera over to the chef then hit control and then click and drag upwards to zoom in now here's what our animation looks like and again we're gonna have to go and fix the ease in ease out let's go to the x sheet graph editor so in this we actually have the z parameter going right here we have the north and south parameter which is up and down and we have the east and west and it seems like all of them start out with a curve but then this final curve doesn't really make it i'm not sure why that happens but all we got to do is click the final keyframe this little dot right here and then drag oh that's not what i meant don't drag the whole thing click the bracket here we go gotta kind of aim click the bracket and drag it backwards so you can get a nice curve you can try to match the curve that the first keyframe has or you can just make it shorter or longer or do whatever you like i'm going to try to match it so it can look very even all right now we're going to do the same thing for north and south so click the final keyframe and drag the bracket back and then z as well all right so now that we have all of our smoothing done unfortunately we have to do it manually we have a very nice smooth camera motion thank you guys so much for watching this i really wanted this to be an easy tutorial but the more i tried this the more i found that issue where open tunes would get rid of the ease in on the last keyframe and i just had to explain all that function editor stuff so i'm sorry if this wasn't that simple but it's really good to get to know that stuff anyway because it'll unlock a lot of potential for your animations so be sure to leave me a like if you found this tutorial helpful if you want to support the making of free animation tutorials follow the link on the end screen to my patreon page if you do you'll help me out a great deal and get some cool rewards for yourself with that said guys if you have any questions leave them in the comments below or if you need some extra help go to my discord server and leave them in the questions channel i'll see you guys next time peace special thanks to omr for supporting this channel on patreon if you want to see sneak peeks and the latest news about my upcoming short film castle dark you can gain access to all patreon exclusives behind the scenes posts for just one dollar a month all you got to do is follow the on-screen link to my patreon page thank you in advance
Channel: NobleFrugal Studio
Views: 41,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noble frugal Studio, opentoonz tutorials, how to, opentoonz tutorial, opentoonz tutorial for beginners, opentoonz tutorial 1.4, opentoonz tutorial animation, opentoonz tutorial 2021, opentoonz tutorial 2020, opentoonz, camera, pan, zoom, keyframe, movement, dolly, function editor, tahoma, tutorial, 2021, 2020, pan and zoom, how to camera movement in opentoonz, opentoonz camera zoom, opentoonz camera movement, camera pan opentoonz, opentoonz camera
Id: xKlq9Ln2ZOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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