CAMBRIDGE ADVANCED Speaking EXAM 2021(CAE) / Tips and tricks

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hello everyone welcome to multilingual and to today's video on cae cambridge advanced exam if you're planning to take this exam in the nearest future or you are preparing for this exam at the moment please watch this video so what is cae it's an advanced level examination representing level c1 which is quite a high level of english so you have to be prepared really well it tests a good operational comment of english and your ability to handle communication in most situations both in familia as well as in unfamiliar situations let me tell you about the structure and the timing of the examination first so usually there are two candidates in the exam and four parts in the first part the so-called interview you have to answer questions on familiar topics something about your personal information and it will take you about two minutes the second part is a long turn then you have to describe pictures and comment on your partner's pictures briefly afterwards that's about four minutes the part three is the collaborative task candidate a and b work together it's about four minutes part four is a discussion about five minutes time where you get questions alternatively from the examiner so the total time of the exam is about 15 minutes it's very short but it doesn't mean that it's pure speaking time 15 minutes include everything looking at the tasks reading the rubrics by the examiner speaking together so in total there are 15 minutes but it's not 15 minutes of pure speaking before we jump into the exam parts and i'll show you exactly how it works i would like to give you a short disclaimer everything you're going to see in this video pictures examples questions were not taken from previous and not from present cae exams or any other cambridge examinations i'm just not allowed to do so so everything you're going to see here is a product of my fantasy it was invented by myself but of course it is similar to the tasks you're going to see in your actual examination and now let's start so the first part as i've already mentioned is an interview where you have to answer questions alternatively on personal information for today's exam i invited sam and ellie to answer the questions so let's start i would ask sam first because he's a candidate a so sam are you an early bird and ellie what are you going to do in the nearest future and sam have you been on holiday recently and ellie did you used to do sports when you were younger so the aim of this part of the test of the interview is to warm you up here you have to try to relax get into a positive atmosphere of the exam try to lose your nervousness and your replies should be spontaneous and brief try not to prepare any long speeches because the examiner will have to interrupt you anyway no prepared speeches please try to be as spontaneous as possible in this part of the test this so-called long turn you have to describe pictures you're going to get three pictures and you have to choose just two so sam has to start first because he's the candidate a he chooses two pictures and he has to comment on the pictures and answer the questions briefly afterwards after he is finished ellie has to respond to comments on his pictures afterwards they change and then ellie gets her pictures and sam has to comment on them so let me show you an example here are sam's pictures and a question for him to answer why must these people be running fast and who needs it the most sam is supposed to choose just two pictures and he has to comment on them and answer the questions so for example he could choose the picture one and picture two and the first picture you can see people running the marathon they must be running really fast because they want to achieve the finishing line the lady in front must be the front runner because she's smiling i suppose she has just reached the finished line the finishing line in the second picture we can see two policemen chasing after a thief or a robber or maybe a criminal they must be running really fast because it's their responsibility and for the safety of the whole place they have to catch this person and then the second question who needs it the most well probably the policeman because of their responsibility it's their job to catch criminals but sam could also choose the picture one and three or picture two and three so it's up to you which pictures you choose i would like to give you a tip at this point please choose the pictures where you could show off with your best grammar and vocabulary skills and also think about your grammar because if you describe pictures you usually use present continuous exactly because that's the situation happening at the moment after sam has finished ellie has to comment on his pictures she could comment on all of them she could choose one two or three it doesn't matter and she has to answer the question in which situation do you think people need training in advance so she could say that the people running the marathon need special training in advance because they have to be really fast to reach the finishing line but she could also say something about the policeman or even about the man trying to catch the bus if he always comes late to the bus stop then he must train in advance as well remember about the time 30 seconds but you can keep speaking until the examiner stops you well obviously ellie will be next now she is supposed to get her pictures speak about them for about a minute and then sam has to comment on them but we're not going to do this let's go into the next part which is a collaborative task so the total time for the collaborative task is about four minutes and it consists of two parts the discussion part where you get a question with five written prompts and you have to speak about these aspects for about two minutes and the second is the decision task where you have to decide on something together for about one minute so now it's not a monologue anymore now you have to collaborate with your partner that's why it's called collaborative tasks so let me give you an example let's imagine that they're a collaborative task and the question in the middle is how important are these aspects when choosing a place to live in you are supposed to go through all the aspects if possible you can speak about its location and surroundings and why it's important about neighbors sanitary conditions of the house rent and utility costs and amenities so try to go through all of them collaborate with your partner discuss all the points express your opinion agree or disagree afterwards sam and ellie have to decide on something and here is the question now you have a minute to decide which aspect is crucial when buying your own property okay so now it's the decision phase and they have to choose one aspect and say why it's crucial in this situation maybe it's location and surroundings because it's really important where you live and where you work so that you work isn't so far from your living place or if you have kids there should be a school or a kindergarten close to the place but you could also choose another thing obviously rent and utility costs wouldn't be that important because you buy it but neighbors and sanitary conditions and amenities could all play a crucial role in this aspect please remember it's not the question of how you complete the task if you say correct or incorrect things but it's more about how you express your ideas using grammar and vocabulary skills that's what we're testing and not your knowledge or your opinions so you could say anything but if it's in the correct grammar and the vocabulary and you use very interesting words impressive words words at the c1 level this will help you a lot to get more marks and the final part of the exam is the so-called discussion it's the part four and here you will get about five minutes time you have to respond to examiner's questions based on the topic in part three remember it was about living in or choosing a place to live in you're going to be asked by the examiner alternatively but please always listen to your partner's questions and answers because afterwards the examiner will ask you what do you think how about you do you agree sometimes an examiner can also throw a question into the group so you have to interact with your partner to answer the question the interviewer could start either with the candidate a or b it doesn't matter always listen attentively so for example i could ask ellie ellie why do people often prefer to share a flat or a house well maybe because they want to cut costs especially students they don't have so much income that's why they want to share a flat or a house together to save some money and sam what do you think why do people often prefer to share a flat or a house well actually the examiners do not repeat the questions and he could say well i totally agree with ellie but i would like to add that sometimes people share a flat or a house just not because they don't want to feel alone they want to live with someone else to spend time together all right so question two now for sam sam the english proverb says there is no place like home what do you think he could say yes i totally agree with this because wherever you are on holiday especially if you're away for a long period of time you always miss your home you always want to come back home i could also ask ellie now and how about you and etc so question three why is it important to get on well with neighbors and the question four could be thrown into the group and now ellie and sam have to answer the question together at this point you have to be really interactive with your partner listen attentively to the questions and to the what the other person is saying because you have to connect your ideas with theirs and express your opinion on the same topic maybe so please stay focused throughout the whole exam i would like you to pay attention to the criteria it's all not only about grammar and vocabulary you also have to keep in mind that the discourse management is also being tested what is it it's your ability to speak in longer sentences and to be coherent that means the ability to connect your ideas with your own ideas or with the ideas of your partner linking words like however also because on one hand on the other hand i agree with you or i disagree to my mind in my opinion so all these linking words and connectors will help you to have a better discourse management pronunciation is also very important at this point because it's a c1 level you have to be really intelligible and have a good pronunciation you do not have to stick to british english or cambridge english it could be american canadian whatever but you have to be intelligible and really understandable in your pronunciation oh i had a situation when an examinee had a very good pronunciation in general but she couldn't pronounce some difficult words in english for example musician so pay attention to the pronunciation while preparing for the exam as well and the final part is the interactive communication it's your ability to interact with your partner asking questions responding properly initiating a conversation and being as communicative as possible and now i think sam and ellie have some questions okay let me try to answer them sam is asking why are there two people in the exam and not just one okay there are two people in the exam i think due to the fairness because there are if there are two people then it's fairer concerning the marking besides that every examiner has their own responsibilities so the person sitting in front of you is an interview or a so-called interlocutor who is communicating with you and is monitoring and managing the whole test and the person behind him or her is an assessor an evaluator the person who gives you marks on each criterion i've mentioned before remember but you have to impress both examiners because the examiner interviewing you is going to give a mark on your global achievement as well and here's a question from ellie and she asked may i ask the examiner to repeat the question yes for sure please do not hesitate to ask the examiner to repeat the question because if you didn't understand it acoustically maybe you could hear it very well or maybe the question was asked to you can to the other candidate and you just were nervous you didn't get it properly yes don't hesitate to do so because you're not going to be penalized on this and here is another question from sam do i have to speak for exactly one minute or can i finish earlier okay um i think here we're talking about the second part and the long turn where you're given one minute time you are supposed to speak for one minute and i would recommend you to speak for one minute because it's the reasonable time you know it's not very long could be short sometimes if you have a lot to say but it gives you an opportunity to show your best grammar and vocabulary skills why it is while describing the pictures but of course if you've been very efficient in 45 seconds and you want to finish speaking you're speaking prematurely of course you can say that so you could say that's it thank you that's it i finished and then the examiner knows that it's done but i wouldn't recommend you to do so try to use the time and speak as long as possible don't think about the time at all because the examiner will stop you when the time has expired and the question from ellie she asks why does the examiner interrupt us so often yes sometimes i'm really sorry about this and i can see that it makes the examinees nervous because they think if i stop them then they are doing something wrong it's not correct we have to stop you because we have to follow our script and everything is absolutely 100 scripted in the cambridge exams um so we are not allowed to ask you any extra questions or we're not allowed to exceed the time again due to the fairness of to both candidates because if one candidate gets one minute and the other candidate gets more time then it's unfair you know that's why do not feel distracted if the examiner says thank you then you have to stop if you have more questions concerning the exam you can leave them in a comment down below them i will try to answer them for sure and let me know if you have already taken this exam maybe you have some experience you would like to share with other people who are preparing right now i think that's it for today i do hope that this video was helpful for you if it is so please give me a thumb up don't forget to subscribe to this channel not to miss more helpful videos in the future that's it for today and see you in my next one goodbye
Channel: Karina Multilingual
Views: 2,775
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Keywords: CAE, Cambridge exam, cambridge advanced, english exam, advanced exam
Id: mNah7I2lEII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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