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in the city of Bridgeport we want to bring you what thus said the Lord today I pray that this word from God 7 amen glory that God will touch your life and change your life and get you ready for the return of Jesus Christ God loves you that Devil hates you amen and that's why we're coming to you live for this gospel shall be preached on the world then shall the income Amen god bless her today call a friend tell him to tune in and livestream as we amen Minister the Word of God payment to you today give the Lord a person to take your seat amen born of a city called so bright and enter the gates I cry home you know the Angels met me there the caribou down from Ansan tumors and hole what site I see the nice furry suit he died [Music] fern hi pal my visa by told me don't go in a god who I cried [Music] [Music] to the south [Music] right [Music] as I didn't turn they carried me of the street heat of it saints of God you know heavens meal T was to one trust sorry bring up high so take patentee when I said I want two cities [Music] [Music] prideful or Church of the Living God oh god I see a signal to the start a sect I tree as I enter that city on my on my loved one nomogram mama papa all my loved ones their new me where gone on before they're watching us on the balcony of heaven so they carry me down the streets of heaven Saints heavens beauty who was to want to rush [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I seek to the south [Applause] [Music] if it's prey come on hi slap your neighbor shall we anything to live again kind of the only thing to live again to walk at the streets of glory I'll Jesus there's no Pat wall up there it is Everett and that we need to come together now I encourage you as we come this week from Tuesday to Marie's holiday from Tuesday we want to pray right back into Friday as we fast some pray for this patient yes this morning The News says another five is dead and 23 in the hospital critical the young man 30 years old wasted life amen just go around shooting no reason no reason but there's a devil but his man is on the loose are you getting ready to get out of here we're not trying to escape we are safe living or dying we can't lose the happiest people in the world out to be the blood bought blood was children of God Paul said for me to live is Christ and to die is gain and because we have hope beyond this life feel I'm complete you today feel like heaven my soul Oh God the Lord impressive Mahara said God he said contended a message this is the third path free of this message are you ready for heaven you show me like the people sit down in the word that's alone the word to pass by they don't take it serious he said I was in the day of now so shall it be in the day of the coming of the Son of man amen people don't want God today because the devil team to blind the eyes there's so much distraction is trying to we're up the Saints we're getting so lazy and so worn out amen but Amen God even said a word woe be unto those or at he's in Zion when the fence of God doesn't impress you anymore we not impress and motivated to go into God's presence you know you're in trouble amen because something else is taking over your life and that's something else amen leave cause it to be left behind I have to tell you the truth what do you want to run or you wanna stay and I'm gonna show you the Word of God today one verse from a men matter 25 and verse 10 listen you're watching around the world so try to come to you amen and why they went to buy oil not there but we know from the previous verse the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him and the door was sucked the rebus pictures verses in Genesis when God Himself shut the door the only way you can go through that door to enter into heaven you must be born again you must be an overcomer for God say that amen in Revelation free you say II that I've one here to here let me R so that it overcome ISA behold I stand at the door and knock If any man here open I will come and shop with money with me and everyone that overcome will sit with me in my throne amen there is a war going on and never setting up a lot of roadblocks for you to detour for you to detour amen and he will say to you there is construction hey man you need to detour amen but how many you know about the highway is already paved there's no bull done it's nothing no no no bridge to fall apart or anything to go wrong to stop you from continuing their journey I long as you make up your mind the way he's safe ravenous beasts Wolf's nothing evil is for the Saints I'm sure a mere 6 and 6 and ask for the old paths where is the good way when you find it the way that leads to heaven the way that leads to God walk therein you shall reign rest rest eternal rest to function in the name of Jesus little tomorrow come to your word let the word go forth precision today write the word in our hearts because we're not here these are the days I said it will happen God we're not hearing what you're saying are the things are distracting your people and the time is short you're on your way you told me God to Coba remind your people not the weak ox the question are you ready - oh you're not talking to me now turn to your neighbor and ask them are you ready forever my god I come with a word today so write it on the hawk awakened somewhat of a sambar none of us God gonna be left behind the bridegroom come for God many are getting weary distracted tell us God no not the world of the things of the world and we must not be echo God / excited about the things of the world but the things of God hmm so father I pray today the powers of darkness will be bound around the world and right here in this church God but those who came to be forward would not leave the way they came they want the remedy they want God the solution the word answer to the crisis and the problems and their lives it can only come to the mirror of your word help me God to give what you lay in my heart today to your people in the name of Jesus somebody give the Lord a praise somebody bless God amen hallelujah we serve a mighty God anybody know him what's his name Amen slap your neighbor and say neighbor I asked him the question are you ready for heaven are you ready for heaven Oh glory and the door they already went in and the door was shut everybody in here are invited to the marriage amen to be the bride everybody here we not going to become the Bride of Christ doing what we think is right amen hello you go into Ephesians 6 amen 527 he said Haman is popping for a glorious church 6 & 7 they meant the glorious church a church without spot her wrinkled and get me where you go you can see it on the television Amen listen the news go by the beach walk around Peyman people seem to have knew of God we don't want to hear about this God amen and wanted to understand people don't worry your God word but we got to preach when our people want to hear it or not amen and Paul said Amen you need to find a book of tamati amen second Timothy chapter 4 amen glory to God Amen from verse 1 to 6 amen glory to God second Timothy chapter 4 sister Minnie said we'll get a mic then just read that but the folks here second Timothy chapter 4 and verse 6 let me tell you something everything that goes on in the church to bring glory to God is wonderful but nothing take the place of the word nothing in the world and these are Satan don't want us amen to get more off nothing can take the place of the word nothing can take the place of prayer it's a command man must prayerfully and not to fail hallelujah somebody give him praise hallelujah but regality and second to muddy chapter Amen for from 1 to 6 amen glory to God hallelujah let me give you the farm you're a preacher read with attitude I Lord Jesus hold on I charge you before who on who the Lord Jesus Christ go ahead sister who shall judge you the tricking the dead all right Kingdom yes preach the word be instant in season and out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long stalk into the preacher and doctrine for the time will come all right when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears all right and they shall turn away turn away their ears from the truth and shall read that verse over again because let me tell you something with this church when God spoke to me years ago he said any dear I change from what he tells me he's gonna leave me I rather all of you leave me than God you can't give me ternal life hello Peter said I can't but Speak the things I have seen and heard Amen somebody Oh glory now the Bible said that the day will come people don't want sound doctrine but the man of God popped his young evangelist he said I charge you I am going away the time of my departure they have thought a good fight run the race finished my course and I've kept the faith in fourth is it up for me a crown of righteousness men unto me hold me but unto all those who already love his appearing Haman tamati I charge you to preach the gospel in season and out of season for the day will come within those days will people don't want to hear some doctrine but champion 32 said you shall know the truth God don't confirm how tuned you can sit down sister dad don't confirm how truth but he comes farm is truth with signs following hello father us in the world will preach Jesus Christ knowing that he is the final judge the truth the truth is preached God will show up anywhere the truth is please America follow people are running away today from the truth want me to compromise if I compromise the Word of God can help you amen glory the Kaaba when I stand under where run I tell people the truth is near kid and no matter where you go you can't hide from truth you can tell truth you have to fear short so now down the road they make you an alpha you can go to see who what position in the church mr. Godley paleo wow it's holiness unto the Lord hear what I'm saying and I said me or not the truth not [Music] [Music] all right I said hello Jesus Christ and you need to say yes look at me hey man you need to open your heart because that's a question are you ready for heaven if you're ready for heaven you'll carry a burden the burden I carry I said you will carry a burden why because people have a second drop into hell Amen blue and attach it back the way Siam stands well we can trim your love more than just coming to church now the boy in some way better do something sister Jesus Christ yes I like this because of the gosh [Music] first of all this our son in his holy place stand before holy righteous God whoa you must have clean hands you must have real heart that's a family hello you must not live up your soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully I know somebody I'm trying to show you something read your Bible you may be called true let me really quickly you can listen amen Colossians chapter 3 if he's that reason we've given you the formula to make it into heaven if your daddy risen Christ seek those things which are above we price said that and the right hand of God set your affection seek the things above the set your affection come on here ah mine must be on price if you get CF old things passed away when I try to tell you I better give up you're gonna tell me watch it why you should give a for you now give up a 45 years of preaching my god many time home to blow him many God won't tell but a fair and I'm weird thing I may go into heaven and God's fear not that's it's a body little Kyle holiness holiness mean it hello you think I'm standing you're preaching to you like this and my life is a mess let the devil know what you want to do amen God the work to the vessel with all them devil from hell come to do ah the one fear selling them back to hell every time because pile with God and God is with me you don't hear what I'm saying we need to come together we need to join force together unite together and drive the demon back to hell till never get whatever we can move the past and we're a sister we come and pick them up let the weakness strong building infirmity up the wing the church is far gone too far from Bible everybody wanna do the church is in the church the church is a liar Cobb said he hate those that saw this God said I'll kill you the Crown prosecutor in the name of God on cinema no justice what does - redness - sustained minister young redness - if any be taken in a fart he that is spiritual so unless you frame yourself not be strong but killing destroying your endeavor you know listen to me the formula if your then be risen with Christ young people you're listening I'm still with you I'm still on your kiss I'm coming back next week amen glory because I want our young people to be comes and set your affection on things above not on things on the earth its earthly you conceived you're going to leave it don't sell your soul for a move on move on for God will give you strength he made provision what he said set your fiction and things above for he are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God when jesus is our who is our life shall appear then shall he also appear with him in glory somebody said pastor giving us the formula God what he said pastor Marty five-year for your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanness inherit affection and concupiscence expenses and purchase less which is idolatry covetousness covetousness you don't know the battle after fight since I got this property you become a sore thumb Amen somebody lose it I'm saying you were I'm saying thank God for those who purchase a CD miracle shut down the olive oil because can give so much of the church each year to watch the building fund hello somebody not come in the pocket I will not stop until we burn that thing and they're gonna frame it on your burner with your burn it in the barrel i watch you do I'm gonna find that all time get it ready you hear what I'm saying to you we're gonna burn that thing and present this church before God Haman give it back to God give it to him debt-free you can't give something that is not debt-free it's not yours to give for the county or the mortgage hey Bob it's company come take it away and sell it you don't hear what I'm saying to you but we're going to be free free at last I see them seen it allow it for the day to come I can't wait for the day to come look at your feet we talk to God when they're controller I didn't control you didn't trouble you but while you're talking and grumbling and complaining some of you not even not because I passed I get your mom in a while your money mean dependent listen to me Haman God touched it two miracles two miracles you're watching a mom I come here in the ministry because it said this is we are getting my food we tell slap your knee about some no devil can stop division we need to come together I intend to take you know and I'll hear it and some know I hear it and that's all set clear when preaching gone you up up and down too much sit down on tape shot get lick if you have to take nickels out in a room I go in the back I do your own thing you must come sit down not get gospel for that's what don't wash you that's why bus women heart where your heart what's wrong in your heart the word the word is a move around too soon hello everybody of a doctrine today seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and people who are here true because half truth see I never tell you true to Malaya until you heart to dinkum light enough light to detour you and drop your sword into hell oh god help me to preacher today sting where do you want to go everybody I want I want I want shake me fast everything but me fast bless you run after you run after you you have to work so hard and pedal yourself that may tell you get retirement you're drop-dead be home retired and have no life the god word Scott said come on blessing and when you pay your tithe windows of heaven blessing you have no room to hold it how many you want a kind of blessing you overflow see Sara Nova flow your flow only Oh God some of you know on him say hey man know if you could see the money over the years money save up today but you still go from be a check to pay check god help you Social Security no come god help you no side see of him how come the tone to tell you in God's kingdom there's no there's more than enough is anything even if you don't need it you want it you said I ask of me he said ask then I'll give you know what ask God for you said ask of me and I'll give it a nation I said God give me the nation money have to come I don't worry about those things was a trivial things man who god bless please I mean I see your boy I give you Deuteronomy 28 that's been the first 40 everybody owes everything to the church you can't see it you can't see what I'm saying if you married to a prince with beautiful gifts and smokin some of them can change your mind right Jesus Ian actors I'm not gonna say bless it on a hundredfold I'm gonna give you eternal life you're gonna sit with me in my throne Joseph you the boy envied you both here because she was once there once there nobody for nothing Oh God this what is that our home let me read a scripture Marty fine control pill therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil consequence and covetousness which is idolatry coffee yes I never should get it by him money wanna build big Church a bill be judge and wanna be like uber no money wound let me walk away from well-to-do God's work no how could I do this if I was a selfish thing I was doing this is a miracle miracle you can seat for those of you coming from a Cylon street I'm saying compared to where we are now it's God I'm gonna let envy and just I mean I afraid to say that send me deal everywhere to find somebody here the foolishness hello if I was deal with that developer I kill him a long time I don't deal with no nastiness I don't need to put anything I use olive oil no I don't need and I said I want to know if god is dead I don't know if the Word of God is true he said these signs shall follow you must read Bible that's won't come to Bible study I'm by the school go learn scripture you must read Bible if any quit in your heart God and I want to say something if you're leaving this church shut your mouth got nobody trouble you put the finger on your side for nobody trouble you don't trouble you and if I preach the gospel to you don't say I'm preaching I don't wanna call the people going to hell we eat and sleep - tell us amen preachers and everyone Peter James and John they're in trouble amen and need deliverance that he's dealing it God is there a god it's a net force that a power that can deliver us than the power serum but you'll find today people are turning to idolatry listening to teach it's the ears tell them what they want to hear they no want to hear this amen get under how to win trouble come on call and your God he said you mean a concern so you're great and mighty things know somebody come and said me no I read a bond I know somebody's can read your palm and tell your kind of rubbish that's idolatry Haman that's mean your backsliding a heart anybody getting read up oh my god hello Sammy said then what you doing there some of us grew up around this bot from this rope up and all of this thing and you'll get seeing an old finger pass away to somebody you know somebody rebuke you and I wonder which heavier boy you're not going to heaven you're getting read up have your people watchin I gotta check you out you don't need nobody to check you out all right it's right here no word that God is right here and all you need to this crowd took God and have one hour together together in the name of Jesus or God said answers underway that devil is a liar I said don't make not never deceive your whole thing's passed away things I used to do I do them no more I'm on my way to glory and I let me preacher you know because they carry up Oh God for the preacher and the first lady it's everywhere it's everywhere hello when you messed up and I fire Jesus I am saying people of God read the Bible I'm giving you scriptures and when I come and tell you said no and I'm learning to hold my peace no foolishness because the very woman hoping my boat something start happening I said I know when your blessings start to cut off cause you're a portable blockage in Yui you're not communicating with God that thing the price you're being beaten by a snake or a Viper I control by the devil this place not only kill your spirit you know what I'm saying to you again seeing that they have put off the old man Christian must learn to practice truth it is teach and put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that is even created we are for the Greek not to circumcision nor uncircumcision races Bobby ran City and bond nor free but Christ is all but a fearful as a healing of God holy and beloved bones of mercy kindness must became your masseur mercy must have a heart hello famous yes of mine neatness no suffering suffering forgiving one another if any man of talk quarrel against any Eva's Christ forgive you so also do we and above all these things put on charity if you have the agape love of God in your heart it's not hard to put off these things easy which is the bund the grace of God rule in your heart grace rule in your heart to which also he are caught in one body and be evil for not the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and him the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your heart what say they do in words or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ giving thanks to God and the Lord by him wives submit yourselves I'm not strong Amen unto your own husband's as if it is fitting the Lord my God this muddy water God says because everybody I divorce I'm married and his feel alright be careful of idolatry be careful hey men husband love your wife and be not bitter against them children also even appear your parents in all things for this is well pleasing unto the young people father provoke not your children to anger lest they be discouraged servant of being all things your master according to the flesh not with eyeservice as men pleasers but in singleness of heart whatsoever to do it heartily as to the Lord whatever you do whatever good you do don't look for nobody Taylor thanks do it as unto God because these are the days in the last it will come and thankful and grateful and unholy and so my second look and how I labor with my people and when you have a species on service in the Bible it's in there amen glory to honor those that serve well you can't count them on your finger who come to church hello yet when church over and inverter killed my sweat my wet clothes come on people we a couple way to come with me I am Papa God cleanest father I'm here to feed you read in the green pasture do right now you must see and Julius except you never said she and Joey as mom you want God to honor you okay and that those who God set up over you the blessing full from the head down God not don't bypass me to bless you so no matter with that foolishness no look up your mind man let's work together serve rather be in all things your masks according to the flesh nuts I service he meant has men please about in singleness of heart fearing God and what so if I do do heartily as to the Lord and not unto men knowing of the Lord he shall see the reward of the inheritance we serve the Lord Christ but hey that do it the rain shall receive from the wrong with your done there is no respect of God tell the people run because I don't want truth I could not reach from the Attica for home to this in 32 years plain Church I blame the fool hello mystic along the way but we learn your grow your develop he makes sure that last week would have got him pretty look at her they met in glory but this is a family we have to believe that the church is about to and back from the greatest move of God in the world the world has ever seen mmm the greatest season of war fear and victory as we get breakthrough amen that she has ever the church I'd have experienced he what I'm saying up and I come to tell you the secret oh hello over here rubbish the Lord is the Church of the gospel [Music] into father friend rather not gonna see you fall in me but I hate needless laugh with you along with your along with you I'm just dropping it in love with him a friend yeah weak now a friend will tell you you're wrong if you don't like be cut away I preach you will find note if you've got a hell that you should have loved Bishop black because nobody not preaching they self in a watch the fierce book of no watching you to the people cannot get enough they want this series the CMS if you're getting don't take it for granted let it get into your spirit there's a wicked moving to the church amen to heaven hello learn if you'll be risen with Christ you modify the deed you ask God to put a padlock on your lip and a bridle on your tongue because this is no Christian to child of God don't kill one another because we are living by the word restore bring healing and restoration somebody gives a lot of praise have mercy today hmm so now Gloria card is a move calling every hidden sin every hidden agenda hello don't tell me that's in your church she just said may have 12 members in my church 12 and he said one day is that devil it was an old cider that did not him who won that walk right beside him one of the three that pray with him hello because I never have no Holy Ghost and that's why I tried to be patient and I tell you that God doesn't talk to him I said God you wanted you're ready for me you're ready for me huh because the more I do it's like the worst thing become the devil is a liar revival coming we must I want the church jesus said let them be one as you and I are one and I'm saying here young believer anybody come with you with anything negative about anybody come tell me hello the Word of God in you let it sanctify your tongue there is how your mind and your heart and get you ready - you must have clean hands on feel don't let the devil use your tongue to sabotage the kingdom of God for free not building God's kingdom the kingdom of Satan there's no in-between is either God or citizen I'm speaking garbage that mean I'm building up certain Kingdom I don't know which heaven people are going I don't know which one because we think we can't do what we want to do and we are going to heaven no no undercover I'm saying God some coming to expose the sin the heap agendas your heart must be clean anything got a means to for you will come hello you're an integral make room for you and you imagine I make your pores and fight against it make you work with for we are build us gonna everybody have this season hello and the only man that can stop is you by your attitude amen I'd give it a famine Inari but that seems cookie no read it Colossians chapter a man free from verse one read it again you know so he feeds on chapter chapter four and five read the middle and parse it finally be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might mmm I'm saying you have some spirits around me we need to cut it Nick get rid off you know what I'm saying here that the mint the work of God can move it's coming that devil is a liar Satan is regional vicious battle to blacken stop us from becoming a part of the Bride of Christ and only the strong going to survive what's coming against the body God want us to be free from sin John 8:32 said he's another to Don the two shall set you free huh you said in many feet John 6 verse 727 that he might sanctify and claim the church with washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having your spot wrinkle any such thing on your way to heaven you crazy no you can't do that he said I give you Shepherds after my own heart I haven't said Amen the Bible tells us that they were all amen coming to church I told you earlier that the day will come when even at hymns to do a song doctrine but in one two people with each in ear maybe to do something I come to church I don't come to church to seek friendship a contract for fellowship in the brother and sisters hello and if I'm wrong show me from Scripture because if i wronged you I have to answer to God hello somebody what about online is this amen glory to God people do what they wanna do let me tell you something again God brought you here believe I do here see if you're here this is where you belong I know God you for a reason but I'm telling you someone you have some kind of spirit only this minutes you can get deliverance you have been but you won't you come god deliver you why why you are here until God what is cassette system huh what the scripture says that if they leave if the Spirit of the ruler rise up against you don't leave your post god nobody want to win souls nobody nobody gone to four weeks of ten crucian not by me I know they didn't wanna have their meeting a Bible study but I must go into the jaws of hell I'm out so pirates the house of God you're so foolish enough this is we've got you delivered your now and there's a matter where you run to know let me give you good food I mean I take P New Year's see what I'm saying what is it you want Oh your counterpart above God and God's servant who hello and somewhere you would go and swear when something is going on on something going on here and don't be careful whatever you sow you're going to reap it I went hard hell break loose against you who do you're fine and God said God ciarĂ¡n friend Edie I stopped clearing him saying I do not be sleaze what heart if not go to hell or not I don't want that I said a media that come God did not add a pulpit I must have a burden for you so when you treat me right or not I'm gonna love you you what I'm saying people are you ready for heaven oh can you even deal with God's servant gonna see the blind the crippled did the death that your name it cancer it was happen so many why is not happening elsewhere why you're under one one said I'm in fact your Calvary me me not come into Calvary because you'll see the people one camera coming over here imagine that God seeing God here like that Rolling Stone the gut I want the trucks is a be sober be vigilant for the adversary the devil go to unfroze seek maybe I have to answer to God for you when you become rebellious because I have to show compassion still Amen somebody I'm gonna let you go home because coming if in a right you know if you know vection Amen not cannot take communion tonight and I'm gonna watch and see who put me to communion tonight hello no I'm giving you Piper people we must be sober people hello never take up an association gets an elder the Bible talk about that you must have for tree weakness loose sing let me go back into what I'm reading here everybody was invited to the marriage when they was in the position in the church in church for the kingdom of God [Music] will die because he said give him opportunity to repent at the door applaud definitely gonna judge them in that provision the provision my children Cigna but if you sim I make provision repent they will cry out have mercy mercy on him yes he did I mean the man finish worshiping God and give Him glory to God from a genuine heart the Bible said he was a man you gotta see him time it could not be the temple of God because hello so all to his life within his household his home bringing pain good for whatever you sow you're going to reap God the dog was what God is doing he said the Spirit of God does not strive with man at all time when God's mad it means you see where you are in God and pale to God and just glad to restore you everything is all right with me for the last time even a ball to work for the last time what's happening no prayer come to this door let them be caught sure them know what to get and they say peace of one monotonic get aflutter and I go and slap them dead low to him and set him free and said I serve God why no simple its power in the blood I fear because let me tell you something you can be under plea and a job because everything you know until somebody came to say I know just some misses and I just so you watch their Metabo not just so your devil I want me to have not watching no watching I'm gonna point people toward that developer pressure on them people are so stupid huh and when I said bring them on you come and put it in my hand let god bless you attitude every first Sunday a colleague on offering for the bishop pastor Sunday I told it don't get done and I believe I'm getting the place where if you want to bless me accomplish me I want because I see some of your face you know I don't blessing alone until you something if I tell you or my salary would blow your mind Homeland Security wrote me and he said we want proof of all what you've done and I have to get all the people working when I get the paperwork together we'll get this money from Ellen and I charge money either hello matru me partner amen and he said what is partner he said we don't know what partners so he said didn't wanna come to the boom-boom boom-boom-boom oh oh I mean let's forget about it cuz I can't believe hello because God said Amen help somebody to go to college education help somebody to get a home somebody came and said pastor get you some you know but no give it away come to reach upstairs so know you're gonna get double blessing become telling you thank you God bless you I'm gonna see him time somebody goes thank you pastor god bless you hello one of the God said I was hungry you're never feed me I was naked you never closed me I can't tell you my thing because I mean I don't know unknown pasta I want look at me I said Jesus Christ he thing you do I could never do it I said because I don't put value on things my people don't understand me it and no matter what I do then get up on God and I one says something that's what I notice that hurt me hello is that I work with you from nothing reach out of sin until you begun to grow come on a college and growing you never peel one tight in the church have gone somewhere else I'm good enough to take you to the modern wash you dress you watch over you gasps demon I tell you I'm not worthy for you to sit in the ministry you're ungrateful and you're going to file and you're fierce something wrong with black people I told folks hello transgender man said pastor this bishop deserve better than we treat him and when people come tell them crap from the street no no the marriage is to bleed from 1979 no collieries son in the if you're just into a prettiest gala Richard got married to him from here he said because of that man alive you the man Mary from 1973 when you seemed renewed if that was a renewal my girl somebody wanting all my fears make her pretty you know myself character man and class let me just let me just close here today but hear me if God not call it a pastor Ron Ron especially in this day for people don't want sound doctrine they want somebody tickle their ears but I love you too much they're not telling you the truth truth set you free and I'm gonna preach it I produced the proof let me close again touch this five virgin ten virgin five wise five foolish and the foolish ones hiding itself waste the time now come to prayer meetin how you going Steve you know pray oh you gonna last if you don't fast will last your father's turn to God why we can get holy goes on his promise to us we need to modify pride before destruction they have real language I'm a funny language you know funny-looking language every language I wanna get to a place we know you know but language is which you can pray in it you can sing in it and sometimes I get a word in English but because you're on your way to heaven hole it was taken and sometimes you can't even find a word in English [Music] but running hello son you get a break - money can stop rain somebody give a lot of praise if you're on your way to heaven stand your feet everybody you must spend time with God amen you must spend time with your brothers and sisters tell folks over the years I've learned what I was signing a backsliding I don't love church anymore religion we don't deep religion churchy with salvation as I said all things passed away I'm saying behold all things become new religion other people were called because if I read this morning they men going to Revelation I believe it's seven Amen I was going through this morning revelation 7 but not gonna tell me I mean John wrote but he said you know there was a book it was underthrown there was a book the book said John but this one he saw was the 17 and the book and everybody want to see what's in the book and John began to cry there is no one the angel said fear not John for this one he's from the stem of Jesse there's one oh come on he's a son of God yes one is the Lamb yes one he's worthy he's worthy look he said Johnson because the book is not open to see the future revelation mean to reveal a man is going to reveal to him what love is well pop - crying termination and I've lost you're all white in the blood of the Lamb millions upon millions unless I say when people come to you it's your vomit then attend a rubbish run from them those are Allegiant those are cults because why would I serve a God only concerned about the hundred and forty-four thousand people crazy why would I go to a church can I be a Church of the Holy Ghost is not running it on a church anything the blood not wash on a church hear what I'm saying you have come to Great Tribulation when I come again I talk to you about revelation 22 hey the time travel is great revelation 22 new heaven and new earth the River of Life it's written life the beauty in heaven was not just streets a favorite [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is suffering one day does your neighbor and said I'm about to ask you every time interpret I don't know about you but what if the Lord should come now you have oil in your lung hmm do you have the grace of God do you have the Spirit of God hmm how is your life character some of you are need to tell you you need to drop some of your ideology alone some of you may suddenly you need to drop some your ideology you'll be mislead over the years wrong teaching wrong doctrines we deal with salvation salvation let me love your none of us can get along and if you're hungry we can feed your I know if you're sick we can visit you I know God's gonna do these things you do it unto Him what do they believe we don't care about nobody but ourselves I don't want it in this church please hello we are one big family somebody said only people that give me things we care about I hope in my hand some what that is true and when somebody give me something amen I mean I means Anakin stretch not when you don't need me or no need to don't test me the moment arise I will be there for you I want everybody the unsaved I'm asking you to come to the altar that we pray with you I offer you eternal life for those of you who are safe right the task is not like 15-20 years of our people I am dealing god bless you baby I'm dealing with people from all walks of life no matter who call just like when you call sister Blake is Bishop there hello do you not stop until you get Bishop the people on the world's same way in other word what I'm looking for for God to help you to grow get the power so you can help me yes and it's wanting to have be spirited but you need word to balance the Holy Ghost need the sword of the Spirit the Word of God come they're not CF come one daughter 1 billion years from now you'll be alive sister you know some inner secret hurts so much you're being too so much amen alright thank you feel I am here I should have killed somebody now let's just end it all I'm saying here sit down put her to hell but you're here today Jesus love you see men men tell you no lie hello I'm good no only God can give you somebody to love you for who you are respect you you won't find the devil come to steal kill and destroy 1 billion years from now you will be alive you look at me daughter he's not me you know this is the house in which I live and you've been to many thinner and I saw them lying there and I do are you kicking you shoot him your chaplain is stab him you know move there the real man step out make you have feeling encounter hawk I am so now this is mother dirt going right back to earth mmm but your soul that came from God 1 billion years ago from no Seaton cannot die God cannot die a God make the devil but ever please call Helen vehicle yeah that's why see a tambourine and every man and woman that reject Jesus Christ will be going there too I'm saying here but he said you know John 3:16 you know letting give it only Son would you give up your one boy if you know for nobody all right that's almost God love you were you going to give back in return all you want is your soul I'm fighting to get more thank you Jesus for saving my soul thank you for providing for me thank you Lord for that's on hmm see if I'm gonna make it go teeth and every day your life threatened to kill you is there another compucom pray come if you're not see of come come quickly I'm gonna pray if you're not safe come come I offer your life there's life for a look I want when I'm leaving here I've fought a good fight I finished my course I've kept the faith God in for me only overcome are gonna be with Jesus Church you must finish anybody can start areas anybody Parsa who and you must finish it try to happen you must modify the deed kill all self my dear Nabatean she couldn't have a miscarriage why because gotta plan for your life everybody in here bond with greatness in you everyone are you and that's why I'm here to motivate you look around you never been to a college I said over and over to motivate somebody amen and God allow me to design this and as a general contractor Billy's my brother and other men the church will work together amen and get some subcontractors this is it hello sunshine here so read it's something for you to do find it I want you to stand everybody and pray while I'm praying with these question and I pray to God in your heart you ask yourself the question am I ready for heaven am I ready you can leave our religious life to go dear you must be born again I'm tired of talking to people oh pastor I'm a believer there is a believer - you must be born again there must be a second birth jesus said in John in Saint John chapter 3 so being really just have five virgins so-called Virgin's were foolish no there were pretenders they loved the world now behind the church behind the world therefore they could not get themselves ready for they're trying to accomplish trying to achieve while if Wise Ones spend time trying to get things of the world does not appear to build whatever what are career but at the same time they spend time with God and that's what I'm asking you to do today every one of your pray lord help me to spend quality time with you so that when I leave this world I will not hear any part from me I don't know you but I done dalton's mama where are you comes down beside your daughter she had been through a lot to just stand here today because God intend to give our break food amen show your arms around her why you must live like a sister like two sisters chedis were same thing here only God can change your sister only God can take away the pain and sake of free the answer is not in a man anything in this world more pain more pain more suffering Amen God have the best for you God of the best for you society may talk you down but Jesus said I'm waiting on you oh I'm knocking whosoever will come if you open the door I will come in the door of your heart your heart of a door nobody can open it but you nobody can open it don't tell you you have to fix this you can't fix it you'll be trying for years give it to God now I'm getting older I don't know what I'm going to die amen the clubs are shooting off our kind of things happening I know cancer all kind of disease but God when you leave this world in Christ you go to heaven cities were after me dear God in heaven I come to you today as a sinner I'm on my way to hell I heard today your word the question was asked if I'm ready for heaven I am NOT Lord so I saw into my life to you all the wrong I have done all these sins I have committed please forgive me I don't want to spend eternity in a lake of fire I don't want to go to hell I brought you enough hell down here I suffer enough down here I wanna go to heaven we understand today that is a better life for me there's a better world and I surrender to you all this sin I have committed all the wrongs are done forgive me Lord wash me in Jesus blood today save me and write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life and help me to be ready for your return in Jesus name Amen father I communities to purchase soul in your hands before these witnesses they came to themselves into the kingdom of Jesus Christ Jesus injustice and sin give them life today but you see God let these precious soul never may go to heaven not go to hell but to heaven God we thank you on those watching around the world do likewise watch them in your son's blood save them Oh God give a new life and you begin the first day of September we thank you 2019 let it be a birthday we find your father I'm gonna give you praise and Jesus name if we party give the Lord a praise Amen that's all it take baby are you ready to serve the Lord today you can signify by the raising of your hand if you make up your mind to serve Him are you ready to serve him today daughter you can do somebody raising of your hand amen all right listen God never force anybody is they do serve a winner let them come the situation your face at home God's I can fix it just give me a chance fix it you go home you tell your fiance if you're not married I cannot go to bed with you again until you put a ring on my finger simple where do you stand before God no boyfriend no girlfriend you alone marriage no boyfriend a relationship in handle millions are going to hell because I can't give up woman millions are going to hell but in hell whatever cause it'll go to hell you're gonna want a thousand time a million time I read revelation 16 sex drive them crazy the passion I want them to hell drive them crazy and they go on cursed God you will hear this preach again if you go to hell your soul is too beautiful too precious to go to hell tell that devil you're not my boss Jesus is my boss thanks for coming baby come again and remember you have a friend here you have a people here that loves you most of all Jesus listen anything that they offer you a lie if I come to steal kill and destroy anything Jesus after so it go you can talk to him like I'm talking to you Hey go serve God let's serve God talk with him here baby mm-hmm god bless you all right amen let me pray one more prayer nobody come after this except everybody look girl to pray for danique amen but I want you to stand up please everybody saints of God I preach like this because okay if I could see my heart is heavy and many of you Jesus come right now many would not make it I'm saying for what we can do you said that you you know what somebody can do you said okay I'll let it go what is it that they will do for your good you can never go will come from going to and fro I know I'm not biting city is a no Mary crazy mucho loco mucho mucho loco Amen glory but we're gonna pray amen wherever you are what do you want from God five talent - talent one talent and the one with the one buried and it was cast into hell ask the Lord what would you have me to do don't let him crap you like in craps on the gada first you say it's a beautiful vision but you can't give up don't make God put your hand on you I get weeping one time I don't want it again so let's pray ask the Lord everybody pray Lord why you save me what you brought in here amen well you leave me to this world after you save me for me to tell others everybody I can't hear you know I use me to talk to somewhat one another and you're so loud come on hear people talk together kill mean beastly tell you never to go to hell when belong get out of my life kappa mine get out of my spirit I want what God have planned for me come on somebody if you know are it God won't give it to you raise up somebody as wouldn't stolen to take your place father you're riveted my heart I thought I would finish today but the very scriptures God you gave me I was in descriptions telling him the truth said the day will come when they will not endure sound doctrine taken to themself deceivers liars Oh God so many men deceive an industry they sight they saw the move of God I see God a few words that we call prayer in faith believing us cause others to be made whole no matter what you do see McNutt enough but there must be a change change our hearts O God changes people burning for the loss the hearts of by people they find our kind of excuse we find our connects cuz I can't I can and if we get a phosphate somebody we force our requiring and we have energy to fight that death is a life we don't do those things no ma long-suffering people caring loving people when we come to church who must make joyful noise unto the Lord you want praise from our lips and many of us here today for only praise you or deliverance will come genuine authentic prayers our deliverance would come Lord God give me wisdom knowledge and understanding Jesus they do not wear myself out trying to pull people don't want to come give me a people that loves you touch the young converts cover them let no harm completely not backslide that's those two evil men that came to the altar bring about a change in their lives the wages of sin is dead the weeds the city's debt the gift of God's eternal I've said and come to steal to kill and we are seeing it every day on the news we're hearing it in your neighborhood God but you come to give us life and give it to him us more abundantly save every unsaved in this house covered it believe us build him up vision give them vision and dreams let them become passionately in love with you again give us back our first love our first joy thank you for Calvary thank you for my brothers and sisters and for those who need to be settled settle them Oh God fill them in Holy Ghost and he used him greater than you use me in Jesus name Amen and amen and now many saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and of God the Father full flesh of the Holy Spirit comforter rest remain Marysol until we meet this evening in Jesus name Amen sister minister Edwards mentioned something and he got me the spirit we've got a lot be gonna deal with me about this morning if I get here tell the believers amen invest in a white dress [Music] it's wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 473
Rating: 4.2727275 out of 5
Id: KNtwq9-u2C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 46sec (6346 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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