Calvary New Testament Church of God Live Stream

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coming from far to get the bread of life people are getting delivered I'm not even there just the word that you are getting every Sunday amen and to God be the glory lady call me yesterday she said bishop I didn't give my testimony but my here drop out every winter my head getting Barbara Dahl avoid I'm a here is growing differently this one egg man so I said my god God's anything and some of you here you're dropping out in the middle thank God for week some of you're tired of the week some of you have so many Wiggum mannequin in your house every turn it urges your head god amen talk to the Lord make that year grow oh Jesus amen glory to God thank God for but my a amen passes it president amen for Deaconess Pettway Minister big sister Cole dick Amen sister Cole she with mammogram and Amen mama wasn't doing too well and of course Amen we want to see her for those who can amen he came to me this morning because you're going to be here amen for the rest of the month we're gonna start one week late what we are going one week into February the first week amen for the month for the month of amen so I'm gonna give you amen you're gonna be here watch night Amen we're gonna have water baptism and we're gonna I'll give you a break except those are gonna be on the air and I don't have take any bugs a we have any meeting a man what we're gonna give the rest of you not none for you to get lazy now it's for you to rest up amen to join force in the coming week I'll be back on Saturday amen I won't even stay over Mustaine coming back on Saturday and Sunday full force we are going until the end of the month and if I've been asking you to pray before a many have been praying I needed to pray now amen why because we need Jesus now more than ever right now as I talked to right under your belly button there's a few of you around your neighbor coming to your rights said your belly having pain but as I talk God gonna deliver you amen and so a man will be back we start in full force I need your prayers because God has given me a ministry and he said building a house of deliverance and we are seeing it happening to people amen far somebody don't get it yet Amen because you're not been listening to what I'm saying what testimony been coming over the airways amen of the people are getting deliverance but I said God you up to something and one day they're gonna come here amen glow it up God and give me a testimony of what God been doing to this to the church Amen somebody such an urban said we have the real deal deal we are not phony we are not acting around here we are for real anybody or a fake anybody here cometh lodging this thing where do you want to go when you leave here all right all right I saw somebody in the house this morning amen and make my heart leap with joy and that's sister Hannah Marie sister Hannah Marie I miss you don't you been on trouble we come from too far all right good to see you amen put your hands together for her amen or glory amen while I sucked it today amen I want to do something right now before us amen my sister to sing you want a night off okay sure now that means no you're going to go see Bauer drop you come into church I know you want a night off how many you want the night off let me see you see you see all right we're coming back to church tonight because they see what happened here only the folks who not come you know that night service seem to really hum you know missionary won't get one Sunday amen because I have an itch that I might just go on the ear scene I'm not going down welcome everybody wish everybody happy new year because I won't be around Friday no sweating Wednesday Friday not Saturday - amen so amen we're going to be here this evening come with a testimony is the last Sunday night come let's have a good time sing on shout is that Alright amen but as I was saying before we go worldwide amen I am I didn't tell them to go worldwide then they must listen amen glory some things I want to talk we now come here to talk to the church amen and somebody must listen and I want brother Blake or somebody to get a light of their ass which I can since nobody listening my switch not a switch to beat you guys but a switch to turn on the light amen all right a solution to problem but we want to I haven't gonna give $25 emergency offering this missionary one if he is when missionary goes out sister pinnacle to bring little things and we want to give us something from that emergency Amen she didn't ask me to do so but I feel they did do it amen where's my check it's right on the altar $25 if you can do come quickly quickly quickly and since brother Williams is here to come right up your Russia come right over here come quickly force many many blessings emergency amen put it on powers amen come quickly everybody hallelujah Jesus only you I'm just not help me you [Music] as his circle globe today we pray for a move of my spirit remind the powers of darkness Satan and released the blood of Jesus Christ and the fire of the Holy Ghost to destroy your plots your plans and your assignment today I pray that the Word of God would go forward clarity with power with passion but those around the world God can be liberated can be monitored from mental slavery and they can become your sons and daughters as I step into a new year put in your first in their lives we thank you now let this be a day of the miraculous of the supernatural touch those on that will let healing power flow in Jesus name you may be seated at the put on ticket and give the Lord a praise third amen until tonight some of you wasn't here but I heard she drew an amen a little group with Allen Singh Calvary sensation when y'all come knowing a man would have had it last week but she sure wasn't here welcome back from the vacation all of you that go on vacation amen they're gonna come and give you sing for you a cappella amen blow it at God amen and they're gonna bless you today and after that I get into the world Jesus maybe did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water maybe did you know that your baby boy would see boy sons and daughters leaves you know that your baby boy has come to make you new this child that you we also deliver you did your baby boy mary did you know that your baby boy we call the storm did you know that's your baby boy has walked where angels trod where you kiss your little baby you can stop face of God [Music] mary did you know mary did you know the onesie the death for the dog Oh Holy Night the stars are brightly shining it is the night of our dear saviors birth long lay the world in sin and error pining till he appeared and the soul felt it's worth a thrill of hope the weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn on your knees wah Oh night when Christ was born [Music] [Music] oh my god one more time fall on your knees God [Music] [Music] goodbye whoa [Music] when Christ was born whoa Oh [Music] now want everybody to stand to your feet is our children put your hands together this is good singing this is good singing my goodness amen and I hope that you have it on this a CD I can listen it over and over again wonderful my god when the rule list we talk about them when they sing like Hawk Angel they maybe need to celebrate them in that right wonderful singing equipped that's called a cappella no music in the voice golden voices amen god bless your children sing for the Lord Matthew 1:21 says and sea shall bring forth a son thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins Oh hallelujah who shall save us from our sins somebody need to call his name who shall who has the power amen and have the rights to deliver us and then deliver us whoo no no no no only some of you hear you Amen you see you don't understand when your committee said Jesus what you're doing when you talk about Buddha and Muhammad and all those names a devil don't tremble but when you say Jesus everything that's not of God in your house in your car amen glory to God in church sitting beside you anything that none of God when you said Jesus it began to shuffle back into the pit of hearing his Saint with authority what's who had the power to save us the president Jesus the Son of God after neighbor beside you do you know him do you know him Mary's boy who came to see of us amen the same child that was that Mary give birth to a men came to deliver us some of you wasn't here last week I'm gonna continue part two part two on this message amen we go to Matthew 16 amen from verse 13 amen and when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that I am God is asking the same question today who does the world say that I am I'm talking when you ask that question a many want to know what the disciples here over there heard on the streets from the sinners they really just folks the skeptics they hate this he wanted to hear what they have to say amen glory to God but he's concerned about what they're saying but he know why he came to save that he came to save them but he wants to know whom do you it's one thing to say I am sealed but do you know the Savior do you know do your that's right son do you have a relationship you see you can say your nor the person until you're close to the person you have a relationship with the person amen glory to God even some of us are married it take years when we think we know a husband we don't know him really I think we know our wife we don't know them I know somebody for every day is something different not true amen but when you know Jesus is everything that you need amen it's all about him if you're sick he's your healer you know poor princess um amen he'll be your lawyer amen glory to God what happened it needs our he'd be a Jehovah Jireh whatever you want him to be amen Isaiah said over 750 years his name shall be called wonderful counselor it not just a consolation who is a wonderful Lord Jesus he no matter what you're going through and how much you're going through and how much you complain he's gonna be nice to you he's a wonderful the word that he speak to you bring peace bring joy let you hope again and dream again Who am I talking about here not serĂ¡n blip I can let you down in a minute but Jesus is complete anybody here and so we lift him up we glorify Him we sing the song a while ago I got food on my table mmm that shoes on my feet that a bed at that roof over my head who provided from me was up to the devil come to steal kill and destroy can too much attention payments in John 10:10 rather he meant glory regard you and I would not be here but I love this same and second part of that verse when Jesus said but I am come remember a young Kong who do men say that I am remember when you're going through hard time you struggle one call God the tape female sorry of contrarious and come after you like a home dog he may like a wicked hunter you're not gonna stop until you nail it you hallelujah I'm trying to try searing - you're an intermediate job but jesus said I am calm who do you say I am you life what come on hallelujah who do you say I am so we know going so did 2019 they mean 19mm glow in a God and sit on back up your fee like your back against the wall amen glory to God remember he came he men and he said who do you say I am I am the Christ amen I am the Christ though out the Christ unless he's in your life you go what he said again I am come that you will have life it doesn't matter what Satan try to do I'm come that you might have life and have it not just life come on saints of God God the way let us live he wanted to have life look under word ma look it up in your diction away about that anymore plenty but then no double double double double double double ma abundantly the who is children once you have Jesus in your life even glory to God you're entitled to this super abundance your feeble you have right to connect with God who's able to give you father exceedingly abundantly oh god I don't know if you get the sweetness what I'm saying here exceedingly don't there you don't belong don't seemingly come on the mind that you they can never ask your little finite mind cannot comprehend and understand what God have in store for you and I pray today that as a new year coming that we have a vision of heaven supermarket have a vision of what God have in store for them that live a brightly nothing good now come on somebody totally the Lord can push in my spirit tell them over the airways and everybody I talk to especially Pastor to tell your people God is saying I know your secret I know all things come clean come clean Amen somebody he said I know the secret sins and that's what been eating away at the soul of man hating aware your conscience you cannot walk in the soap ha natural abundance that God promised you a walk in total provision and continual supply slap your neighbor tell them God Monica watching me live around the world God is not among we make promises we can't keep them sit and make your promises and he can't deliver but I know the balm in Gilead I know the son of God who came to redeem me a man is able anything God says it's law anything God promise you he's big enough buddy not powerful enough and great enough to bring it to pass the reality slap your knee man said God know your end before your beginning and they know the way you're gonna take in life and yes not forgotten you ha God but Isaiah said they that wait upon the Lord those that know him who do men say I am Maya Christian and a Sunday do I know God in the Sun a man walk with God on a Sunday shelter God in us and for the rest of the week I live like the devil from here then you don't know when you're know yet how do you you will feel the secret to you hey let me show you how to live and teach you how to live amen but you know what life is all about the abundant life somebody dropped and shout hallelujah let me read the scripture or glory to God hallelujah we we need to get it because today the body of Christ is living in ignorance year after year the asks a question has said from who a little boy Haman the citrulline hearing demon that Haman the wealth of the wicked is taught for the righteous that God gonna take from the wicked and dip to the righteous God lie do you find that in the scripture Saudis run and if the point of collision for you will realize that you are in the era not God I told you that God wants to bless you just like he said he's will that you prosper you will let your plasma somebody tell somebody that we have got a to prosper in every area of your life not only simple but every here of your life and being held as you sow you walk in the blessing you walk in the super abundance when your soul is right you don't hear what I'm saying to you the time to get to know God and stop saying I know him amen people been telling you for a long time you must grow you must gain knowledge amen you must gain wisdom you must gain knowledge of my skin understanding hello somebody my god man you can go to nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello to understand let me bring it to pass put it through this year go to rejoicing slap somebody's and say you're too much you to easily get broken and sad and said slap somebody until you laugh the gods have put you in heavenly places hiya principalities high above powers he told me no evil shall be farming or any real calm night my dwelling and if God put away the edge like it did for job I must give him France and prayers because I've been set up for something God is trying to get my attention maybe I'm not spending enough time with myself the separation is not easy separation is not easy because you're used to the crowd around you get this together you'll still have crowd around and on the crowd it's not that he just me and Jesus then God said I'll hear your Holy Ghost you said I need to get your attention need to get your attention but too many voices in your years doing the voices too many voices and I'm talking and I hear you're carrying something your parents something we changed the world take the bottle war the kingdom but to why the kingdom but the wall bring about its profits give him a word and they're coming in get forward when they take want to hear the king is going through when Jeremiah come they say one young Germans have bring in here and when he told me sir King don't go to one you're going to lose the battle amen fast profit slapping you will see lock him in this hole [Music] my god never see Orpheus terrify the devil and God get glory so Deus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when I think of Jesus what he done for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody's trying to read the scripture sit down [Music] somebody stop somebody else at got him I've got him something about the Holy Ghost since the flick I can't explain it but I've got him I've got him in my house I've got him in my feet I got him all over me I wonder if anybody here got him I wonder if anybody's here got it it's somebody sold could I catch a fire that's a fire it's a fire with somebody's soul but 20:19 on them with the whole let me read a scripture hold it man Jesus the key here that in my spirits age do you hear it ah try to undermine Jesus they're trying to time up in Mary but there were lovers somebody said some time ago that Jesus have a son a great great great great great great great great great great great grandson in France he meant something they can come up with son of God who do you know him - not today what do men say that I am some say Elijah Elisha Jeremiah I don't want to hear people's opinion a perfect a pastor's opinion yes as a young baby of water here and be learned for God shall give your mentor I give you but have to why hello my little girl you'll wander caller disobey I said when you get older count I want to know what baby but there comes a time you going to have to know God for slap your name and said you can only carry me so far Bishop can preach from now until Jesus come why don't one on one relationship you and God when she come back you up me and Jesus got a good we are [Music] and me Lauren Jesus I got a good thing I don't need anybody to tell me what it's all about thank you thank you thank you mama amen taki taki ignorant Peter I told you you're coming back from your setback the problem is were too many creatures in the church hello you're trying to get to perfection hello that's right and we shouldn't have to follow myself South Hart we're trying to get somewhere we wanna make mister we are going to make mistakes that's why Jesus make provision my children see the point is is not the mistake it's country the wallet in it stay in it hello the world repentance is all to the Bible you must repent and turn come on somebody amen but people get knocked on his tear down hey Jesus went to him I love the boy you love me God you know feed my hate you love me fish and feed my sheep ask him the third time he said get ignorant again you know that I love you should go preach my word hello the sium Peter who denied Jesus and swear that he don't know him amen he was respond st. Peter walk and water the same Peter shadow why he's the one that hope in his mouth and said not even see Jesus walking on water yet but he said the Christ snapped him and said that might be done' but then he told me out don't count me out you know hear what I said to you don't call me out I'm coming back coming back one thing inside of me hey mentor if I might struggle here and fear look a weakness or a problem but deep in my heart I love Jesus [Music] hi [Music] you know when you engage to a man like Jesus but he began to bless you system here - I don't tell them you know I'll leave your testimony if you did testify la Jesus we just come back my spirit huh some of you now have no husband and you want to give up Jesus from man you're crazy about i'ma tell you a secret what were building this church didn't have much and she gave to build the church live in New York and she came in one day and said my boss bless me with a brand new car the car getting old I'm pleading God [Music] what can be done amen for her because she come every week when she's well to come clean the house of God never one day Bishop I need some cleaning fluid Bishop I need never she'd come willingly here listen yourself quite an army man listen when I hear before me I saw it was my sister she said different people I work with the man we are serving is more than he able to take what does he want [Music] about me he promised us a priority [Music] whatever would you believe me that's what they go to this to me is you've either from God because you know give cheer cheerfully come to church you don't want to do nothing you'll need two more hello hi girl in the back told you years or years at anybody come to you flashing diamonds and skinning and gold teeth right Fiat World'd and driving comfortable flashing hundred and a billion or nowhere and get you from where do your work I'm a pharmacist where's your store on the street corner get it on my face [Music] [Applause] too many of your licky licky licky do you know who you are when you know Jesus Christ said he'd wait [Music] not vases keep my loft I can give you a night dinner I can put you up for a couple days and a couple months but I know a man that can not only give you a room give you a house because you'll be women of the land if you can't the world of card he said I come on pressing shall overtake him to get us out of poverty came to heal us trained the destroy Satan the demon extreme homes of our lives paint eradicate sin what did the Word of God Paul said he was manifest in the flesh God to destroy to destroy not deal with the devil work but to destroy the works lolly is in your life and mine because he lives in us we have to be comfortable there than to bring for the son then a Polish name Jesus why we said save his people from this city I said in the book of John I am the way I am the truth oh god help me no man cometh unto the father yeah let's all do what door this Jesus don't know one way only one man well I said no sin or to enter their forever judgment bar sinful spot my soul your soul shall no sin no sin we must be racked of it the blood of Jesus Radek it all see came to save us not in our sins but from our sins slap your name and said neighbor god works and the desires of your heart and if your desire is to be perfect to be perfect before God he work on you hello glory to God that's the God we serve what is sin I came he didn't come to set up Roman I heard the kingdom throne the Roman government because they've been told perfectly that is wonderful poem from the stem of Jesse was off his reel and kingdom there is no end he said the kind of fight as in the days of all know some now God I've seen enough over the years but this is the Word of God because God cannot lie to me mr. fight Tommy the battle is not knowledge but yes somebody's clapping for Jesus hello so now sin came into the world the promise was made the seed of the woman too fatty to generation she can try to destroy every righteous branch starting with evil the seed must not come to reality it doesn't matter what he'll try to do God promised about your life before your time it nostrils hell God isn't a free account he what I said to you I'm not preaching for the street [Music] nice family of somebody's house if you love your life because your house because [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus said love your enemy you must love people because I said over and over brute force but nobody expect Jesus come to overthrow them and make them the leader again number one son of God [Music] and call him out how God anointed Jesus who went about doing what doing good the lepers were class the blind see the dumb talk God the Liam walk disease emergent dry up you name it hallelujah day under their dad system Lord show you will you go wrong kinetic doctrine today so you belong but it could not see in your heart and true in the same conscience human government man feel God but all don't true this dispensation God keep sending prophets mining them we see that comet from he don't come from Basra with common blood he was mighty to see if talking about this crucifixion Isaiah as my father sent me so send are you people like you that's why I didn't tell you said listen to me I am NOT going on the edge of hell with the gospel you think I'm joking huh you can be scared if you want watching me I have no time to be afraid I speak as the voice of God not dungeon if you want [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have tears you have monster you did negotiate we don't take bread from people's table it's the Church of better wake up why cop sweeper will go to sleep the chachaka sleeping God Almighty man sin cos madness in the brain you hear me young preachers and poison in the heart hello how many of them surprised this year not something some people do hello people are cold we have no feelings you'd only get worse if I were children you raise and give them the best the woman said 13 of them I raise and I'm 97 years old I'm not busy with me I'm a woman of God it hurts let me close because you don't like me already hello all because of sin sin make you ugly and wretched me ha ha somebody talk to you ha like a lion you think you're better than anybody else you think you have more temper than anybody is you need to get Jesus hurt all and God has highly exalted Jesus above every name the name of Jesus [Music] because he'll be your savior oh no this is from your ship even now princess be my bride you're going to be my bride not make your 1f Jesus is king and your marriage at ease that's where you gonna make it look at you you never I appreciate you look at your fears they don't say yes I'm a princess then live like one that the glory of God can be seen and shine to you leave the gun of this world system alone leave this world system wrap yourself in a Jesus demon and get ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb count me sit here brother Isaac and Jacob gonna be guess they're gonna be guests visitors but the church gonna be the Bride of Christ we can't afford to miss back I hear what I'm saying and this see it's gonna judge the world hallelujah young God they don't want to bow now who don't want to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord the day's gonna pop whenever me going to bow even see a dumpling confess that Jesus price to the glory of yes [Music] give me please let me bring this thing in who is Jesus and white YK come to set you free if alone as the cure for sin sin will keep you longer than you want to be kept it will die too it make your room like a rolling stone running everywhere trying to find satisfaction trying to find peace of mind some of us married 10 times trying to find the right man Ahmad Ahmad hello you need to find the real one said water give me that water the one that will quench my thirst that I don't come back to this world jesus said you have five six husband five hundred number six you have them no is not yawn hello Sophia to get this water that spring up into eternal life take man glory to God I believe his John for he's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I wanna try things of this run the pole winner ejects are rejected [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Mole Alleluia lot better clothes sin/cos madness look around your chaos everywhere is a reproach Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin your Karen but to heaven live in your lifestyle I'm doing what you think is right you've got to read the Bible this book wrote the song you've got to read your Bible everything knowledge is power the only cure the only remedy for sin is the blood the blood of Jesus Christ what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood Jesus came the right time hello to save us from our sin if you want to know who he is read the record read the Bible sin Ito worse than cancer as a matter of fact every disease every wickedness on earth Tim because of sin you need to run from it you need to hear it sin God hates sin and when we feel god we grieve the Holy Spirit we grieve God Christian must try to live holy righteously and godly every day and be a light in a world of darkness read the record Isaiah 7:14 say that he would be born of a virgin Micah 5:2 said that he would be body in Bethlehem genesis 49:10 says that he would be born into the tribe of judah I say at 9:00 on sight one said that his ministry will begin in deadly Sam's he meant something to him and say that he would teach in Jerusalem on a donkey Sam 31 and verse 9 said that he would be betrayed by a friend 11 and 12 says that he would be sow for 30 pieces of silver sound 35 he meant glory to God verse amen Levin said that he would be accused by false witnesses he meant glory Isaiah glory to God present 5 amen glory to God said 13 and 5 said he would be wounded and bruised Isaiah 53 said verse 12 said that he would be a man crucified with these some pretty to first 16 said that his hand and if he would be Pierce something it was verse 18 that East his garments would be plan apart last gasp for them Psalm 34 verse 20 that is Paul say that his bone would not be broken superior 18 them and 12 and Tim said that his side would be Pierce Isaiah 53 and verse 9 said that he would be buried in a rich man to sound 6 in the first 10 say that he would be raised from the dead Jesus also make plan of himself in John 3 verse 16 Jesus claimed to be the Son of God mattered 13 and 41 he claimed that angel to pay him glory to God John 5:20 7 jesus said they meant claim to be the ultimate judge of all men matter 28 and verse 18 Jesus claimed to pass all power to possess heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] the partition was finalized are you the one should we expect some wire Jesus in first I said go tell John John and the blind see that this could not be a farce no teaching a fast message that proves he's the Christ there's no mistake he's a revolutionist [Music] forgiveness teaching how to live good how to take the principles under the values and the good things of God Jesus Christ in us price is the price we come - rabbit kid Radek it's in the truth out there stop your neighbor just and said neighbor here and around the world Amana said everybody stand hill around the world they meant glory to God Jesus Christ is God son born of a woman whoever you are if you're in a church where the silent woman preacher run run all that God need is a vessel a liberated woman he'll marry you're blessed and highly favored of God amen where God is considered a female we are one all you need is a voice of the God can use a donkey thank God for women I don't know what the church would be like today without women and children hello this Christ that you'll know take five loaves and two fishes and feed five thousand men plus women and children young preachers any way you find five thousand men you find ten thousand women or twenty thousand women anyway you'll find ten twelve women you'll find twenty thousand children trust me and that boy go home with red basket I'm talking about the Christ that you claim to know it's time you began to see the manifestation and demonstration of God's power in your life is trying to get answers prayer in your life than somebody's have to pray for you why because you've been walking with him for so long hello it's time people Paul Shiva should be eating meat you're still drinking milk I'm preaching but I keep going over your head but thank God I'm reaching a world today hello you're done saying take what you're hearing I'm telling about the truth I give you a scripture to read I might miss upon one I to a diverse because amen glory I'm moving so fast but you go study you baby here the record is there no proof God created to worship Him to live holy and he tell us to do it but we have to come together I repeat what the law have been telling me tell my people here and around the world I know everything about you I know your secret amen I'm not here to kill you when I send word I'm here to expose it to see yourself Amen to expose and show you while you're going round he said don't come before me he told Israel with all your sacrifice and your praying fasting oh god you're not hearing me God yeah we're with you via an ablation or bereted your heart got to be right this F inequities in our heart he said I will not hear you the hand of the Lord is not short he dies you're heavy but there was sin as divide us separate us from God Oh somebody said to be like him all I ask is to be like him I want everybody to get above your heads who will it go sis stop come if you're not see are you come home earnestly tenderly Jesus I come to see if you're from your sins God said come clean around the world complete we have another day do night [Music] one and a half night really to see the dawning of a new year you don't know if they'll make it to see the next day everybody dying young in a tepee Jesus give to save you from your sins every sin of man is living under the rod of God an immediate bond away his mercy is dear one don't [Music] come acts the person beside be alight because you have to understand let me tell you something softly softly you think it was hard to pull somebody away from the devil this year next year gonna be harder people are comfortable in their mess got nobody hit and they don't even care [Music] Thank You minister Edwards forty-five years ago it was a Sunday night you know Sunday night the 31st was a Sunday night I came to watch night service in 1973 and I suck we are the back brother Len was to be baptized that he had God told on three of us Devon Lynn me and I came to watch him over the Baptizer when I sat at the back of the church he was the last one then I heard my heart I said baptize me 1973 45 visible for the first of this month I never look back I got some struggles but I never look back because I saw something that was so beautiful the sky blue and beautiful the walls were beautiful never forget that sight Here I am 45 years ago I find not fall to Jesus even if you're going to hell because we reject God's know your backsliders some of you have been calling your career don't want a common purpose you're alive because of purpose they said those whom I love I kiss and just I do anything good for you nobody want to see them call your grease can i what kind of can you want you're on your way to glory you won judge them if they don't repent is there another axe the first beside you or you say invite anybody to the altar many of you but one one win one souls of God this year they keep coming Lord I want I want I want I want God as laugh of you the want God to bless you win some cinnamon come come you are weary come come kind of synth some of us in this life we never know what it is to laugh and be happy the one day you're gonna step down and the builders of glory you'll be free thank God is there another is there another finally finally if the halter can hold you come because the Lord said yes secret sealing going on and because in don't kill us we will be no search your heart the holidays they go on the all time so they don't see us time before you that's how we DVD unseal you see the Christian ball on the altar Lord it's me God I'm struggling it's me if you're not see if stand up right here so but if you're Steve on your big finger what I said see me is like a cancer you can come to church and pretty talk like everything is alright but Andy run it you cannot put under than cancer cancer spreading along on one day's going to kill you if you don't get cure for it only the Holy Ghost and hope that comes across in [Music] you can come on up and come your laughs and pick god but God said know your heart can you come to treasure the sinner you're the gospel God brought to hear you walk away happens if you're harden your heart and stiffen you're gonna be suddenly without remedy finally woman six when she said the wages of sin is death the gift of God is eternal life I want to give you eternal life matter 6:33 says but seek ye first the kingdom of God His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you many sun under my preaching for years when I said come to Jesus been already had preacher and already had preached I'm so company me some kampachi why don't I get over fifty bullet when I talk to like a week before me some his own country time he soon come but it never hold on to him and God call your calm when the preacher said God wanted me cinema tomorrow promise young we call him out of his house ties hand behind his back enticed feet to his hand and put the gun to the back of his brain and blow his brain is in a hill today all because he already God you live your moves you have the beam you need God God don't need you you can't do without you and you say I don't get no blood of a bit of a silly is there another there's still somebody you're not seeing I'm trying to pray but somebody you're not saying you're tired you're tired suicide not the answer [Music] [Music] you need to start over you know come come we dedicate just said to God start your workout over God know who you are he's coming soon we don't know when I don't want no one in movie and I'm a voice too for the hill I implore you I beg you give up on the devil don't give up on God give up on the devil God's I'm jealous of you and I will not share your with no devil you are my expose Wi-Fi engage you they are not going to give you over to the devil hop hop cinnamon pumps in a woman when we are around the world get ready get rid of it then about the pain is sickness player I want you to try with us we must work the work of him why do you stay for the night cometh when no man can work I'm not in a hurry this is more social part of the service unity the seed has been sown God the seed has been sown they're facing a new year we clap cow little new here same old same Oh God must have been people with hungry son yeah Aaron we're not going nowhere we have nothing listen like a beggar my god we should be permission be prince and princess sitting as rubbish for character or integrity what nobility yes grab a shovel a livelihood I'm doing everything to destroy us come come everyone that first you'd come and drink of the water of life freely come he's calling free for you I'm prey say these words after me oh god there's no place to run there's no place to hide say these words after me the one who come for salvation if you fake the pledge of the world the pleasure of sin and see it done better than Jesus then go ahead live your life you'll live your life amen but you're born to pay for your name is written in that record everything you do is written down madam on mother a woman mad when they walk away from Jesus to concern that they would never do anything good for them stop abusing God's mercy stop act because every day you sin before God him in your bidding abroad for the days of rot when God get ready I tell you the truth I am free said his words after me dear God in heaven those will come to sulfa for salvation amen save these words after me dear God in heaven I come before you today as a sinner I heard you came at the Son of God take on flesh suffer bled and died to save me I cannot save myself I'm on my way to him I need you my life is a mess I'm experiencing nothing is going right for me I need you I've walked away from you but the prodigal son I'm coming home you are my only hope I am sin sick and on to your blood can cure me wash me in the blood of Jesus today pardon me of my transgression forgive me of my sins help me that from this day I will commit myself to you Jesus help me that son this day I will say no to the devil no to sin no to worldly pleasure and yesterday's us Christ for you alone can give me turn alive I don't want to go to hell I want to be saved so I can go to heaven save me today to write my name in the book of life thank God I'm safe in Jesus name remain standing father as your voice my voice goes out to the world take the words have spoken to the Holy Ghost to your people's heart change their lives watching around the world God your nose the many big screens that are the thousands and hundreds of sin waiting listening even praying right now say that your time is up I release the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son addiction I command you move oh I just saw your sin today father said not warrant arrest the unsaved God give them a new heart help them to from this day then walk for Jesus and live for Jesus in the name of Jesus cry but your see love them and give them a love and a heart to serve you for the rest of their lives we thank you in Jesus name for those of you accept Christ in your life around the world amen call the number two or three to two zero eight three four nine let me hear from you and pray continue to pray ver for you that God will give you strength different you live for him now those of you here that accepted Jesus Christ signified by the preacher tomorrow's baptism amen I cannot amen what I'm offering you is eternal life so you don't know your life mmm you know title be unhappy trying to make life and you just run in a concrete wall look here and give no we're not not working for you you know see man come to Jesus that's just some welcome and this is it he come for salvation you need to smile you know I want when I look around I see you all coming to heaven with me I'm saying to be Jesus bride can imagine that you know Ponyo unsealed loved one you said go to hell you don't feel it but God take away the form of things from you you can hurt no more heaven no see turns out wicked beasts he come to steal kill and destroy doesn't kill who you are Jesus says seek me first my kingdom my righteousness he make gifts and powerful and leaving something behind for the next generation yes yo clothes you wear no shoes no what do you have to offer create failure no your success but sit and tell you you're inferior I'm saying I make you feel insecure nobody in my district you GM's boy not gonna make on anything you know who they're looking to know you see MGM's why man don't have the last word man make you see if and you have the last word for Satan don't make you and give you two years God giver two years to hear hello five senses to make this decision and choices time to come home one more time those of you and make up your mind to serve God raise your hand standing here raised above your head you have secret you can talk but God knows nobody and I said Jesus can hurt you hear me let it go son wisdom come from God the bond to be great you have to put him first lift the devil until you Sean Graham John last time somebody get their names raise your hand I made up my mind to serve God amen amen all right go with that young man go with that young man amen and some of you ministers need to go go with him amen listen me this is a hero of commish you wanna come back or you want to do it now come come father where can I go I've walked away from you you have suffered no God where can I go my back is against the wall I'm at the cross all of my life and you can help me I have surrender my life to you fix what I can't fix from you supply my needs you'd ever from here bring confusion you tell us from Hell the destroyer life settle your child for wisdom understanding you intimidating spirit you spirit affair Riveria church I'll let Penta 19 we are here of victory I declare it soul in Jesus name Amen go with him in the room she made up her mind to get baptized tomorrow for those of you who a men I made up your mind to get baptized I want you to get everybody in this house should get a man of olive while before they do years old keep in your home amen keep it in your home we enter into here of war fear like never before get your miracle shirt don't let other people get the blessings and you become so familiar you don't want to get these things in your home and I loaded it with the time into your life stand to your feet everybody coming back later for this evening service amen everybody stunned I offer you get your messages they are singers out there are the singers here with the CDs the albums get them play them in your home amen don't take it lightly the woman in the hospital getting blood Hanako like Reese body cold and her sister came and take the label off the battle for there was no olive oil and take the label picture and rap over the IV needle amen I've given her the blood brother and the body start to get hot the doctor said something is wrong something's wrong he said no doctor she's getting a miracle the hand that was moving start to move the feet start to move amen and just sit up for the first time in almost a week hear what I'm saying you are right here you don't take this lightly get your olive oil let me prove them amen get your miracle shirt get the messages them in your house I'm gonna pray anybody else in olive oil father come quickly woman went to the hospital said Bishop I'm going home my daughter's in intensive care the doctor don't know what's wrong with her but she's dying she's a right time to get blow butter Jimmy can get a blow okay baby all right for you Monday to the night a man don't go amen so she said send me the package I sent her the package she went down with a olive oil and a shirt put a shirt on did anoint the daughter put the shirt on our daughter and they've gotta get up out of the intensive care of the ICU and came back to America healthy blowing the doctors mind what I'm saying thou canst believe further holding my hands olive oil in prayer cloth for years God you want my shirt they want the rags they want if God if I don't be careful everything they left me make it my god until you make this do what you are doing here now Oh God to touch lives because I can't be everywhere and I thank you for what you're doing now change this material from their natural used to spiritual one that miracle power flow to them God bringing healing to your children body bad knees bad box God the woman said pierced and evil and my back my back was completely healed get hot and the pain gone God costed him to exercise faith and believe for what they have seen and heard over the years we thank you for consecrating them now in Jesus name put your hand where you're hurting but you're higher you're hurting convey thickness and as she traveled god I pray for journey mercies no harm no harm befall my little girl we take her wishes going on bring her back safe you back up Devlin back off and all those who traveled already on vacation have not returned keep them safe bring them back safely in Jesus name Amen come pups I'm gonna pray one more prayer after this father I hold my handies but of oil polyps clean it out anything internally any black arteries and grab them God any lost of memory you are telling me God that olive oil is good for Alzheimer's he said the blood is shown in the inn and the record that the brain is fatty olive oil does not curdle and so God you're telling me how good it is and there are many a fool isn't it that they can go check it out not any olive oil my god when we pray over it that make it pure and holy now consecrate this God for Papa mama the anointing Allah let the miraculous and the supernatural take place in Jesus name now put your hand oh you're hurting everybody let us pray one more player nobody has come up here please amen poor John you're hurting the left hip I talk about the belly that's feel is gone you receive your miracle the ankle the foot calf on the left foot amen the eye the pain is right here but affecting your left it's like shaking shaking my god Jesus God fortify send reinforcements touch your people empower your people give them boldness let them be brazen kick up the kind of anointing they put up on David only see the beer and the lion there was no fear when they see Cola there was no fear he'd take them out give your children that tenacity that boldness that Oh God praise His Spirit mashup Satan's plan around the world and right here raise up an army in this church of spiritual assassin make us one go with us now they release healing virtue heal the body cancel operation cancel operations in the name of Jesus go to children are meters again this evening watching here waves Lester Facebook broadcasts will want to God YouTube and God we ask that you use us mighty use the men I asked brother odain because God is a lot going on in that holy room that Wafi a room nothing's going on God and see time not once a knock in a shed everything back to center in Jesus Christ him once I asked them to go in there goddammit till you put in me put it in them - minista use them I telling raise up others we thank you again go with us now in Jesus name remember mother Graham sister cold God all night brother George brother King sister King all those who are not where God Almighty release healing virtue we thank you we give you praise everybody said thank you Jesus amen thank you Jesus bless you [Music] [Applause] the fruit of the Spirit is all we need love peace and joy and so much more and prosperity that's why it's so [Music] it will destroy your soul this structure and feel [Music] what you sir [Music] like [Music] Jesus I will slow [Music] you're always [Music] well [Music] what you so what you shall so be careful of the way let us plan good works and God will reward you for the things [Music] just see you sure like begone [Music] Jesus I will slow [Music] we go [Music] I would slow [Music] with the help of Jesus I will slow [Music] when Jesus I will so [Music]
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 260
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Id: HQKKWF3k004
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 34sec (7234 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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