Calvary New Testament Church of God Live Stream

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[Music] yes [Music] [Applause] you've been here is [Music] road [Music] yes yes yes yes good evening good evening my brothers and sisters lord have mercy colleen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's great to have you on the line [Music] [Music] a place where god is saving healing and delivering and setting captives free killing nothing but the truth to help make god karen god bless you i fear god bless your daughter miss you guys today lovely brown good eye good evening it is 408 p.m yes i want to spend about an hour and a half with you today give it a message again walking in obedience walking in obedience amen we are not just ordinary men and women walking this earth we are children of the most high god amen that has been given to us a lot is expected of us amen and so we look forward [Music] we cannot get enough of god message today amen strong faith in tough times strong faith in tough times glory to yes god experiencing tough times in their lives but they must put their trust in god they say without faith you cannot please god amen thank you thank you daughter amen the lord did answer prayer this morning they struggle to get the livestream going but after prayer everything works all right amen satan don't like what we're doing i am on a mission my mission is to plunder hell i'm particularly with god's kingdom [Music] and so we need to go after the souls empty hell empty hill empty hill empty here the river of life is still flowing amen god is still in the soul-saving business amen and we are doing what we can to help men and women boys and girls to find god amen and so our very good evening amen share the broadcast with someone oh glory to god yes you won't be the same river flowing today for the souls we just can't do enough for god just can't get enough of him just can't do enough for him but we keep on trusting believing and keep going forward believing that everything that god has in store for us will come to pass yes yes my lord my lord yes good evening yes wherever you are listen around the world [Music] talk to me about him what's his name [Music] his name is jesus the sinner savior savior of sinners [Music] [Music] lord have mercy [Applause] [Music] so we can do it for a night but joy coming in the morning trust me [Music] whatever god tells us we can take it to the bank [Music] communion service to god be the glory [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] lord have mercy [Music] lord of mercy saint vincent maguire dean [Music] said margins [Music] give [Music] and my boy [Music] [Music] [Music] for a whole week and just [Music] up in some cool hotels someplace [Music] and just relax my mind [Music] and trust god a miraculous breakthrough [Music] yes doctor we can't stop praying remember what i said only have seed faith yeah little seed let us see little faith little faith as you pray and believe what god says your faith begun to grow because you trust in god [Music] lord at behalf yourself i don't think so behave myself i think so i did not let the joy done in my soul genjen a joy in my heart [Music] and only god can make us happy [Music] give us a joy and that peace lord have mercy people alone can give us the whole of joy [Music] [Music] that's right [Music] i don't know if people sometimes understand where i'm coming from or where i'm going from your 17 year old [Music] you have given your heart to the lord you're walking with god you try your best every day to walk in obedience i'm where i am today because i make jesus number one [Music] goodness one of these days not now no time soon i want the world to know i am not running from the devil i'm running from the demon that is set out to destroy god's people i'm standing in my ground and fight back knowing i have the word of god which is the sword of the spirit how are you lord have mercy lord [Music] [Music] when you talk to god about your situation make a request known to him that's release faith step out on faith step out on faith one more time just step out on faith [Music] and don't tell yourself we don't have it you've got faith but god give to us differently several measures different measure of faith [Music] but remember faith can grow from no faith to little faith to great faith [Music] thank you by hearing and hearing by the word of god [Music] romans 10 17. hey [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my home for over 40 years united states connecticut the state in america in the united states just met [Music] i believe that god [Music] we forgot to come down to a street shop in the hall he loves you [Applause] just be faithful he's coming [Music] uh jesus [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] that's right karen stand on the promises of god yes that's the promise of god yes charlotte walker where you've been i've seen in a while you turn me away man lord have mercy coming at you seanette [Music] come on karen jp the lord [Applause] the lord bless you with a good one baby [Music] rejoice my dear [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah pull it up pull it up pull it down pull it down pull it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] come from the east come from the west come from the north and the south this week will be a week of fasting and prayer yes of course they're going to be on zoom and they're going to be attraction and tuesday tuesday [Music] and two so we're gonna wrestle with y'all [Music] of the lord [Music] [Music] we want the nations to know people around the world to know that jehovah reigns supreme he's suffering he's divine he's all together lovely [Music] lord jesus christ reigns come on [Music] the lord god reigns [Applause] [Music] may god preserve all of us [Music] here we go [Music] easy talk to me pull it up again pull it up again i want to sound the alarm around the world the lord reign [Music] good evening my dear good evening good evening good evening it is 4 24 pm welcome yes my family doing all you all doing good here in jamaica [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh share the broadcast please [Music] [Music] paulina [Music] [Applause] if he's not jesus you're in trouble good god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] springfield boston [Music] [Applause] new london that's why you can't talk about [Music] come him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] fj [Music] the sacrifice the time [Music] it's been in his presence listening to his voice [Music] what the children need today strong faith for tough times [Music] [Music] needs a difference but i'm telling you gotta wait on the lord jesus patiency yes daughter all the glory go to him [Music] jesus share the broadcast [Music] [Music] finish finish the work [Music] to a place wherein our total trust fate and confidence is in god god always find a way to show us off [Music] many of us don't understand him because we don't read the word and even though he knows what he says and what he's capable of doing there's a blessing in person that's right we still murmur complaints to know god's mind and may god make us a warrior indeed said you will never be disappointed [Music] jesus get your miracle package get your book amen your miracle challenges your heart [Music] daughter always blessing and presence [Music] [Music] almighty god [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] the answer to your [Applause] oh problems yes yes jacqueline hudson yes sing craziest is [Applause] [Music] yeah sing frasiers no matter how things look [Music] yes to all my friends over there in cayman island the sylvans [Music] the morrison works [Applause] good afternoon cayman good evening good morning good evening oh yes [Applause] oh [Music] hello [Applause] paul and the people have sent james to jesus calling my jamaican brothers and sisters and friends seek the lord while he may be found call upon [Music] scamming [Music] [Applause] you were born for greatness that you don't even know you got only god a lot of messages [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe that mandy was in manchester i believe what did i say [Music] shalom james [Music] down there in jamaica [Music] somebody said pull [Applause] when the praises goes up the blessing will come down i don't remember god inhabited the praise of his people cool beer let me deal with yellow come home [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening everyone yes mr chris [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're hiding from me man [Music] [Music] pakistan yes india [Music] israel [Music] for all the tribes and family in the middle east [Applause] [Music] all those in the spanish country there's the believers brazil [Music] new zealand australia africa england scotland switzerland [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] time to run pick up your button pick up the bloodstained banner run with jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] get ready get ready for the word walking obedience walking in obedience you can't see anybody for having interrupted that walking in obedience [Music] wow [Music] every state in the united states it was raised down in alaska [Music] [Applause] america samoa and the samoan islands [Music] do you have a divine visitation [Music] young yes it's been a long time monster i've seen andre young hello the 911 they're looking for anja young sister hunter young in a long time [Applause] [Applause] everybody can come and get some food [Music] yoshi [Music] he's low [Music] [Applause] living in tough times [Music] [Applause] and you have to have strong faith to survive [Music] someone is [Music] [Music] [Applause] but joy is coming in the morning [Music] [Music] good god almighty [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes lord have mercy song [Music] message for today for this afternoon tomorrow's holiday ask everybody to be careful [Music] armor yourself armor yourself put on your hammer don't want anything to happen to any of you sayon [Music] those of you have not yet gotten your vaccine children we didn't ask for the disease to come [Music] not have mercy all [Music] fight brothers and sisters for your faith [Applause] [Music] can't you see what satan is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sisters [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] [Music] if [Music] fresh evening it's raining on the outside but it's fresh [Music] [Music] thank your daughter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen hallelujah 1 and verse 18 to 26 listen to me everybody hallelujah 18 through 20. conglomerate let us reason together set the lord i want to talk to you [Music] hallelujah come now let us reason together set the lord for your sins be a scarlet they shall be as wool as white as snow for the red light crimson they shall be as wonderful this is the verse if he be willing and obedient he shall eat the good of the land of the land but if he refuse and rebel he shall be devoured with the sword for the mouth of the lord i spoke in it hallelujah first samuel 15 22. 23 and samuel said the lord has great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the lord behold to obey better it's better than sacrifice and sacrifice and to open than the fats the fat of wrongs for rebellion is that the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as inequity in idolatry because to us rejected the word of the lord he had also rejected me from being king the last one april chapter 13 and verse 17 hebrew 13 and verse 17. obey them that have the rule over you submit yourselves for their work for your souls as they that must give an account that they may do it with joy and not with grief [Music] for that is unprofitable for you father in the name of jesus send your anointing today we feel your presence you're here and we thank you give your son clarity of speech right now anoint your children heart to receive your word let it come from the authoritarian power and with clarity let's not reject what you're saying but open our hearts illuminate our mind so we can understand write the word in our heart so we can be better people in jesus name everybody's saying jesus name hallelujah praise god walking in obedience confession of sin is important in getting us to the next level when our obedience is the key in getting us into our possession it is good to confess we must confess when some things are not right in our lives or anything is not right in our lives we must confess before god but after we confess to god we must get to the next level to inherit our possession we must learn from our mistake we must now walk in obedience is there anybody in the house hallelujah the greatest in the ramses to kingdom living for many of us and the body of christ is our unwillingness to follow god all the way hello somebody the greatest obstacle in our way so unwillingness to surrender to the word of god to obey god's word hallelujah so we can become fat or develop our mature in god hallelujah so we find ourselves in a place in god amen this i mean walking on the surface instead of getting deep because we are not walking in obedience hello somebody i told you what isaiah said to the people of god if you'll be willing if you're obedient hello the good of the land you will inherit you will have it and nobody can stop for the bible said nothing good will god withhold from them that what rock uprightly hallelujah so the man the woman that walked in obedience to god it doesn't care what the devil says he doesn't care what anybody says he doesn't care what even the government says he doesn't care i don't care where you are amen right now you're coming out nobody can stop you are you coming out from where you are hallelujah because you're walking obedience you're walking in blessing hello somebody someone tell your blessed is the man that walketh not in the concept of the ungodliness can in the way of sinner not seated in the seat of this country but if the light is in the land of god the man that appeared god's word and walk in it he said that man is a happy man he's a policeman hello somebody and he shall be like a tree that is planted oh lord god almighty by the rivers of water that bring it forth his fruit in a season [Music] your children the fruit of your trees will not waver but they shall prosper i said you listen not within and whatsoever you do i don't care if you're selling food again i don't care if you're walking and just picking up trucks aiming for a living anything you do you will be blessed you must prosper because you're walking in obedience hallelujah no glory to god hallelujah help me to the holy ghost we are struggling and we're living beneath our privileges [Music] because we are walking in disobedient love somebody we're not following the scripture god is not a man he's suffering he can't lie everything you follow in this book it's mine it's yours i know somebody but god said it is powerful enough to bring it to pass but something is wrong while the church is lacking we are lucky in finances we are lacking in miracles we are lucky in spiritual prosperity and maturity we are lacking in the anointed my god there are no heart any holy ghost or pouring anymore why because hallelujah we are not walking with obedience to the word of god hallelujah well you're not talking to me you can sit and look at me read what's in the word of god god cannot lie hello somebody the problem is not with god the problem is with us hello the problem is with us we started out hello somebody and after we meet certain place in god nobody can tell us anything not even god can talk to us we cannot go our own way we're going to do our own things walk even disobedient to the word of god but he says you love me talk is cheap anybody can talk if you love me keep my commandments i love somebody don't go away but we have a lot of talk we have a lot of talk but we're not willing to go all the way with god we're not willing to give up some stuff i know that the word of god approves and fight against hello somebody i got to please me and disobey god believe god hallelujah god says time for us for this church to walk in obedience i know glory to god until you begin to walk in obedience to god's word amen unto god you cannot be obedient to your pastor you can't i know somebody god is first once man began to walk you can tell up close people are with god oh bless god somebody clap your hand for jesus we must go and be willing to go all the way it never cease to amuse me how many believers work the things of god without following the word of i god somebody it never cease to amaze me we want god to give us jobs we want god to heal us we want god to bless us we want god to protect us i know but we will not we will not be obedient to god but we want god to become a hypocrite we want god to go against his word we cannot be hypocrite somehow believe as we deceive ourselves and we're thinking that we can't enjoy the benefits of the lord without bothering to obey the instruction of the lord we feel that we can get by and god is respectful i love somebody but god will not compromise his word you will turn to them and say neighbor for you to get the benefits the friends benefit me you get the blessing for you to prosper you must walk in obedience before god obedience to god's word it's not hard it's right before you can read take the bible [Music] the problem is we list everybody's voice i will not listen to god this time we put our ears at the mountain god and let god speak into our spirit and begin to walk in this world leave your mother and father leave your family release i want to bless you i want to bless you hello i want to bless you i want to bless you leave them in your neighborhood don't work nothing but witchcraft i worship i know that you'll worship jehovah and i reference god i know somebody i want you to come out from among your kingdom and from your people hallelujah follow me i remember god did not tell him where he was going just come out and the man get up nobody in his house here nobody around himself we already hear the call of he god out not knowing the bible said where he was going but he followed the voice of god upon the tool to tell you it's time that every one of us hallelujah never releases the priesthood that will release but make sure you're hearing from god make sure that god is talking to you you are the director let me preach the gospel to you hallelujah because i want you to prosper i'm going to enjoy the fruit hallelujah i want god to rejoice again over his people god rejoice when you get saved you rejoice when you're growing hello god will drive somewhere i'm going to show you a few words i will show your god rejoice always people you say that one more time i'm gonna rejoice again over israel over my people i hear me for them now walking in obedience when you walk in obedience god proved that you god showed you us i know somebody when you walk in obedience you don't hear what i'm saying to you hallelujah and so the bible said at the moment he went the bible [Music] issue and the bible said one day same and framing one earth was in famine was in the land and god said to him amen that god set him but he wrote down to egypt when he went down to egypt he told and his wife tell me fear of that you are my sister follow me today i'm talking about a man who slept out with nothing i know somebody flew out clothes and through piece of packages i know somebody but he's following god in objects he's listening to the voice of god watch this i think went down he said tell him you are my sister because you are beautiful he will kill me amen to get through i love somebody when she went down to say hey man he said she's my sister she said he's my brother but listen to me when he take care of him the lord of god hallelujah before he take her in he blessed the man of god with cattle and sheep and money she grew he was rich hello as he went into egypt running away from a firing body by an area he was immediately made rich because of his beautiful life and when fear and bleeding able to take a time at his obedience to [Music] i know somebody he said take your wife pick your pool take your pecker take your soup take your money take your servant take your honey and get out of the country my god gotta know this on him to drive him down [Music] why am i going through all of this oh lord god almighty but i shall [Music] because you walk obedience remember god called him he didn't have anything but not too long after he leave i left home walk in obedience god allows famine to drive him hard time starvation hello i don't care if you don't have a job i don't care there's no food in the refrigerator i don't care if you can't pay your bills in the night season i need to go on the street and preach the state you know what do you mean god will give you a song coming on i learned to trust in jesus through it all i'm gonna remain obedient i learned the trust in this world through it all i learned to depend on god hello i don't care how it men do for a night there must come the most come i don't care dark nighties then you must come in yourself with hey [Music] gonna be a change after a while god taken me through a process to bless me he taken me to a process to promote me but the problem is we don't want to go through anything we don't want to make the sacrifice we don't want to pay the price you'll need to get the word of god in your gut and you may not begin to walk on the word stretch out [Music] word of god give the lord somebody jumped your feet and shout yes i told you the god that called you you don't need to panic when things don't look good as a matter of fact the christian that the man is called by god head to the heart of the storm we don't run from storm we are eagles we ride that thing out how do you hear me because we know he's in control of the story give the lord uncover praise man the abraham was blessed i said the thing bless me this morning bless me him up even though he'd done wrong hello god no hold it over him because the blessing already commanded from the very moment the man answered the call the man is blessed and i'm talking to every one of you from the moment to answer the call i've got upon your life when i call it a sin it is marvelous like you say yes god i surrender you please go without coming in and no demons [Music] i stand up [Music] my spirit oh glory god bless your servant so some people wrong people condemn you hello look at him calling him because i don't want a white lie oh black lives hello they continue but god don't look on your action and look on your heart god don't look on your action where she sees it but the bible said god works on the desire oh god why did abram tell his wife that fear flesh step in and fear grip his heart he said this king when they see just like salamander david did it and they saw a beautiful girl that go crazy i mean i have a problem with beautiful girls and some of you don't make it any easier for the men amen lights hello go away oh you you dressed somewhere that drive the man crazy hello listen my man the type of someone dressed modest at the comet scenes hello man are attracted men are attracted by what they can see okay okay so probably this cover up cover are you gonna end up calling people huh you can call them devil if not they're real jesus hello you know how to accept that because if you're trying to put him down you know with yourself and flash yourself and carry on and when you see me walk still just your men's mind you're not dressing to come to see jesus you're not dressing the conte impress jesus you're dressing because i'm gonna support it today tony must look at me today watch it ladies hello the motives so god works in the desire of the heart hallelujah they know that because of fear abraham did what he did but god forgive him because the man built an altar as a confession is good and i don't remember nowhere else in the scripture that abraham tell another lie i know somebody but you know something his own son came up to him did the same thing summoned and he tell it's empty egypt again i want to move from here but i can hear him he should be that and when it stops time we hello somebody but hear me at the chain of god we must be honest when this world is in our spirit we must do things right hello and i shall catch god so when you do that you're gonna inherit the fruit of the land you're gonna live in house you don't feel you're gonna spend money you'll never work for me i'm gonna get me a little later when god says i'm gonna give you things on credit hello i'm gonna bless you before i even show and bless you because you're walking in obedience your wheels please make me happy you're making me happy and when you make god happy god make you happy oh god i'm going to pray to you about your neighbor help me help me it's time for us to make god happy for when god is happy god will give you anything anything oh come on when you make your parents happy you do anything for you you want your little kid come here [Music] i want to do some things and say some things laughter all right come come hello when you make god happy god will prevent it anybody in the house clap your hand for jesus and so when you deal with the world do you street deal straight because god will bless you with anything you want give the lord a praise somebody god will use the cinnamon and someone take from the wicked and give to the righteous hello somebody god will kill a man and put in his job put it in his shell if he has to he will do anything for you when you walk in obedience you're not here what i'm saying to you oh you don't believe me don't believe me no he said never planned dumping any casting but god sitting here i'm giving your kingdom as far as what i can see every time you walk god said this is it this is that belong to your people this belongs to your seed seed seed hello the whole land i hear what i'm saying glory they didn't feel any polish they didn't plant anything here [Music] and god drive them out god stolen some of them himself with food with brimstone from heaven and killed him off and running out of canaan and said now go in and enjoy the place that you didn't build because you walk in a period [Music] no sickness no cancer those destructive diseases can kill you before god ready for you because god said no evil shall connect no any player could not yet because you're praying in this secret place by your god almighty of you your dwelling church and opinion why and no devil can't stop you somebody shall hear us feel god in this house all your city [Music] nobody can stop you holy ghost this thing is blessing me man this thing is blessing me this thing is blessing me hello [Music] until just everybody wondering how we it's yours you see it you clear it you receive it it might not come when you want it to come but hear me because you believe it into the sight of your heart lie it's coming it's coming it's coming it might not come tomorrow it might not come next year but amen god it's in your heart of your eyes it's coming it's coming [Music] almighty god i feel this fearless [Music] thank you holy ghost okay follow the word man it's coming big it's coming god want us to enjoy the benefits the french benefits huh don't deceive yourself don't be deceived to think that god gonna bless you and not be obedient to him hello why am i struggling sir check yourselves man it can be your own disobedient or it can be a process you're going through but whatever it is seek the lord he will talk to you he will talk to you i know hallelujah and the king thing is to be obedient to god huh oh come on here where do we get the god believer to ask god to whom to deliver and to bless us but we won't do what he says how do we get enough to go into god's presence and say god do this for me move my enemies god stop my enemies stop the devil stop the demons [Music] where do we get it from huh glory without obeying him what he wanted us to do we do it opposite i want him to bless us we won't do what he says obedience my brothers and sisters is the very foundation of our work with god hello our very foundation for work with god is obedience the overall health of our relationship with the lord is directly linked to our willingness to walk in obedience to him and live according to god's word now quite frankly in the body of christ today we have too many questions hello too many questions and not enough obedience why do i have to why do i why obey them that have the rule over you hello obey my prophet so shall you prosper obey my word hello so shall be established you're not talking to me hello somebody if you look out for your soul don't make my job hard read it again read it hebrew 13 and 17 read it why many of you are struggling so hard you're in rebellion you're walking in disobedience hello are you making my job hard god says man good for you read it for yourself read for yourself hello god says not good for you i'm watching out for your soul and i must get a word from god to bring to you when i come to you with something from the lord you don't fight it hello you receive what god is saying to you that's when you come to this i give you a pastor and bring you into a church hello somebody can we hear what just said god is anybody in the house yeah we want to be healthy we want to be strong i know but we need to walk in obedience hello too many of us are smarter than god these days smarter than the purp the pastor these days hello somebody you must take instruction hello somebody you must take instruction man oh you're not answering me you're not you're not getting [Music] [Music] confession of sin is good but not enough and that is what trip up a lot of believers john 1 9 says if we confess our sins is faithful and just to forgive us out of sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and this is where many christians stop content simply to be saved never move forward by obedience or in obedience into the full realm of abundant kingdom living hello let's see what obedience is hypocrisy confession then you're going back to do the same thing you're confessing about you must not be obedient man follow the word stay away it's wrong god forgive me learn from it and also confession without obedience is hypocrisy we cannot only say we love jesus if we do not obey him we can't say that it's not true brother and sister the question is that how why we can jump is that how lord we can shout is that how well we can sing how beautiful we can sing and how many bible verses ask you to become caught the test of love is obedience i know it's not how much we can speak in tongues we don't know what you can lay hands on the sick is that all that we can shout and sing and dance no the taste of our ween of bigots to the word of god unto god himself ask yourself a question hello john 14 verse 15 jesus said if you love me then keep my commandment amen while true love calls for obedience obedience call for trust hello somebody who must trust god if you and i want to walk in power and authority there are certain critical principles that must be applied to your life you see god set choices before us and the choices we make detailing the course of our life he charges us to be diligent rather than disruptful amen to be decisive rather than amen and strugglers brethren god's relationship to his people is far more than just a cultural acquaintance it's more than just a high body no he loves us and i call and he calls us to love him who are heartedly in return some of us are treating god just like we treat one another hello god love is genuine it's real and he wants true and real love from you and us he's calling us to do that to love him how he's challenged us challenging us who are heartlessly to do so he also challenge us to a life of loyalty and faithfulness obedience affection and devotion to him in that same spirit we have to love and care for each other because i said to you this morning if you don't if we don't love god i'm walking obedience to god the typical love for one another it's impossible not with the heaven the devil we are fighting the first part with god love the lord your god with all your heart and secretly love your neighbor as yourself i love somebody and we find it hard to love one another because we don't love god so don't tell me i love god you can't love me hello somebody somebody's wrong the truth is that's right brother the truth is not in us because about god loving me it's unconditional and i can love the only person who will love the devil but my job is to love my worst enemy in this world and i told you god gave me two words love and forgiveness it doesn't matter what anybody who has said to you you must love them you must forgive them [Music] if you want to make it in if you want to see jesus and we shall receive from your heart is a snake god have mercy on us we can't love and hear me god love our god my love is unconditional i don't love susan i can't love jack hello because for the moment i see jack i see susie no matter what people say to him say hello aha i love him but i mean not incarnate because god loves god beloved colonel hello i'm just glad to see my brother bless you can you ever see me on me my long face hello any of you remember seeing me i have a long fruit i should have come to a funeral would i look a young man before me in a casket and it doesn't suffer in people hello but it's not because i'm sad and sad it's just because of when i see it for me i love somebody but every time i'm just glad to see my brother bless your man bless you hello free free keep your spirit free when you walk in obedience to god's word your spirit is free like a bird hello somebody you're free man you have your own problem at your house solar problem family problem money problem health problem you know nobody has a problem you come to me father in jesus name take it take your burden to the lord make yourself happy you don't have no food on your table huh something you show up when it brings up you hello help when pain rocking your body you send healing down when you know these things where you're dwelling huh you know that god is your shepherd and you shall not you're walking in the in obedience hello hello you can go to treat this in hungry hello god say fast pass obedience and three four days a whole month hello yo come on you'll make it through and you're wonderful some of us really need to flash a piece of bills and we can get rid of some bills hello amen light give the lord some praise rock and obedient believers working obedience when we commit ourselves to be a god and align ourselves to the principles of his word we set these tears for personal success you know hear me young people listen to me hold the water only speaking of delivery you listen to the young people when you line up yourself with god's word walk in the light as it is in the light walk in the blessing and under the cursing hello the blessing is commanded on your life when you line up yourself with god's word amen deuteronomy 28 says you'll keep my structures and my commandments i command the blessing on your life you're walking down the road and the but because you're keeping obeying my word you say shall be the head i'm not the tail you shall be on top and not beneath your seat that's the problem we are not believing what they're reading or what the preacher is saying i'll take it when i got saved god said call him do my work and i'll give you jeremiah chapter one i'll give you a song one and i give you a brutal you can stay there looking at me from genesis to revelation i believe what god told me abraham my forefather when he told him hallelujah those promises it's mine it's mine it's yours but we are looking at what our eyes can see here abraham don't know where he's going but there's one thing you know hey abram i don't know what god called me god call me the world will never understand you hear me my mother you say god said go full time i said when i i told god hear god say go full time when i'm 40 years old i'm going full time god said no according to the work i've given you the ministry that draw your draw people sickness amy london when virtually what you have to go through you cannot do a second job and do my work hello somebody and i said to god god and this is really your talk to me are you talking to me i gotta speak you talking to me hello somebody let them learn me off go to work mr blake you're laid off i came home in 1989 i went to get another job and the place i worked for seven and a half years i can't remember the place the address the phone number my hand to the trumpet like this i get up i fold the paper and i throw it and i said god i will not rebel against you anymore i feel something come over me oh gods amen i said a god of a slice of bread and a glass of what i will eat it i'm cheating i'll go to my bed but i will not there's not a young a man life does not consist in the abundance of things that he possessed and if you take care of my business working obedience to my voice i will bless you going out bless you coming in hello somebody and from 1989 i don't work for nobody and if i want a thousand dollars no god can't set me up when i put an engagement for a night or two and the tone that anything i need god bless me because i walk in obedience it's not about things people god invest in swords i told people i said i'm not running overnight i'm a preacher i'm not thinking thinking when i come up somebody trying to make a living i know from the gospel i use my profession i am called by god i push i don't break your sin god came to me in a vision he said you have one year to live you're going to live our time children are dying so i'm not here looking for anything i am here to reap an hour and i have to walk in obedience so when i ask god for something he give it to me and when i pray and ask god to bless somebody he blesses them i know somebody because i am going by the direction of almighty god you know what i'm saying to you people walk in obedience nobody can't stop you hello you're going to be fruitful you're going to be blessed you hear what i'm saying oh you're not talking to me man glory to god god did pleasure in blessing us hello what am i going to do whatever what what if i did this i would have a nervous breakdown hello what will he call me to full-time ministry hello somebody amen i tell god i'm going to do it i'll be in trouble trying to gain money hello and i realize money is so ungrateful it doesn't matter what you have you know i'm not [Music] hello you're not talking to me give a lot of praise man tell your neighbor and say i'm gonna start obeying god i say when we commit ourselves to be a god and line up ourselves to the principles of his word we set the stage for personal success we don't need somebody come gonna hello somebody hello this is it right here you follow this when holy ghost look at me and say he said he said listen to me i want you to lead the people but i wanted to have an idea show them a way how to be successful he said tell them what god tell me before you tell me to pass the church tell them don't buy a one family house buy a tree family house hello live rent free rental proof floor to pay for the market house was given away in bridgeport keeping away the launch you see that house over there is going for forty thousand dollar shell he said go down there tell the man you're gonna give him ten thousand for it and no more you know i went down then i said what's bang dying bank and so so and so i said ten eight thousand dollars the man said no i said well sir the lord told me to give you ten thousand dollars and no more the bank said take it take it take it take it take it that's what my mother living now ten thousand dollars i went somewhere and i gave a good offering over a thousand dollars and i said god i need another one he said drive down this street turned here turn here he said that's the house i said how much for the house the man said i bought an option for ten thousand and i have to set it back to get our money off of it i said i'll give you five thousand for it he said he saw reverend he said he said that's bad he said he said he said i i take seven for it that's my idea fine i know somebody see you can't get them now i could have gotten a whole bunch of them but i hear a voice said you can become a multi-millionaire or you can go for the souls i saw the hand with the souls crying i said god i stop no more give me souls people are more important what am i saying here when you are no but not teach me these things i alone actually brotherhood helped me when i break the electrical work and process about some of the plumbing work no matter how help me with that somebody joystep hello and i work from the house that is the station living from the first floor to the third floor actually alone tying all the carpeting i didn't do hello and the plumbing you understand i'm saying i know when i worked for one year i said no no more no more i know it was too much when i come to do god work i was so tired i said no more who teach me these things [Music] hello who taught me these things what do i know about cutting thailand doing thailand doing working on what do i know about building house holy ghosts what am i trying to say to you today you walk in obedience to god god gave up potential abilities in you that you won't know about i am using some around somebody put together i am holding somebody's mic they have five senses like you but you know something there's untapped potential there every day you start to walk in obedience god began to enlighten your mind and show you that you're on your own you're a businessman [Music] [Music] we will always struggle so we can't get the blessing hello we are trying to fix it hear me people if god don't heal your body you can't you'll care you're gonna keep sickness and disease away from you yes they never kill you with sickness hello if god don't straighten you can't get over work spend time with your god love your god with all your heart and let god dance over human rejoice again hello stop trying to do it by yourself you're making a mess of yourself and killing yourself oh some of us are 40 45 50 year old and we look like we are 70 year old and black people have the best best expectation of skin having a 17 look fresh i don't know like you never started you know no backbone my god hello somebody joy and happiness [Music] you feel like one because of who lives inside of you is there anybody in the house know what i'm talking about i know i'm a pilgrim secretary not passing through this land i would never state i'm feeling myself i'm gonna shout i'm gonna rejoice i'm gonna give god facts i'm gonna let none bother me so if you can't help me don't stop me moving me real don't try to block me you're walking obedient you're blessed i don't keep your shoes back on my whole your work in obedience you're blessed because when you get over you're going to grab a tambourine like biryan and the baja church you don't hear me when you get over your back you have no choice but to rejoice but it becomes easy please become physical if it comes you won't rejoice but when you paint your hair and high water when you've been through battles and storms and you come out you have a testimony for the rest of your life jump your feet and shout hallelujah somebody i know we're obedient we can't tell you about obedience hello [Music] line yourself up line yourself up search is scripture it's wealthy search of scriptures health [Music] social scriptures prosperity now when you're searching i mean put it in your spirit lock it up there hold on god okay when you're lying up yourself huh with the principles of god's word hello somebody we success personal victory personal prosperity god intend to bless everyone indeed i don't care what mama and papa have god bless you hello i want to bless you too prosperity happiness is in your way it's on your way are in your way you won't have no right to expect god to bless them and prosper us if we cannot if we cannot trust us to obey him deuteronomy 30 and verse 9 and 10 and the lord thy god says and the lord thy god will be plentious in every work of thine hand read it for yourself deuteronomy 30 and verse 9 through 10 the lord thy god will make me plenteous in every work of thy hand in the fruit of my body and in the fruit of my petal and in the fruit of thy land for good for the lord and again the lord will again rejoice over thee for the good have a rejoice over thy father's your thought shall open unto the voice or be the voice of the lord thy god to keep his commandment and inspected which are written in this book and the laws of amen the law and if thou turn unto the lord by god with all my heart and with all thy soul god said i will rejoice with you hello hear me if i close for this week god promised to bless his people and in every area of your life career health i told i came here and i learned to fix machines in six months what it was teach me and the man who go to school to learn it then take him off you don't know nothing holy ghost give us sixth sense we call it common sense and teach you anything anything anything well not somebody oh glory to god hello amen hallelujah god promised to bless these people in every every area of their lives career health and overall prosperity that was killing everybody we want to prosper or be a god but there's also a condition when god asks you for something there's always a condition and if you can meet the condition of god requirement the blessing is on the way because he said you must happen secondly you must keep secondly thirdly you must turn if we meet god's condition of obedience and fruitfulness he will fulfill his promises in our life in our lives stand your feet everybody and give the lord a praise turn to neighbor and said neighbor i am going to walk everybody stand everybody stand i am going to walk from this day in obedience for he be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the lamb he says satan is trying to make us amen disobey god amen if i can read deuteronomy amen 30 and verse 9 10 will tell you god say you're gonna bless you in everything you do what do you want today don't you want a blessing no somebody was saying to me last night he said i'm in a church that is so large so large and there's a handful of people in there and every sunday morning amen after that i received that tithe and offering hey man just a few people the man said the need of the church is met the needs of the church is met and the person said i look back on so many people at calvary hello and every day i've come a big another period of time begging you to pay your tithes and to give to the house of god i want you to get it in your spirit now when you spend money to sears and filings and all these places there's no return that the money you're given the house of god is not for pastor it's to do god's business hello hello and he refuses coming to me and god said you must bring it come you'll bring it you're keeping obedience now what is our problem what's the problem with us all of us in here come from poor family background why because our parents don't invest they invest in one goat on one pig and one called couple cattle but when they kill one call you come here i'm saying you have to have a whole lot of them there's no injury cannot mean nothing because if you have pigs really mean something whatever come forget it can't you make her not eat meat myself i'm saying that's all detailed hello but whatever this we're going to take lord god so now what i'm trying to say here believers amen if god can look at me who never been to the university of jamaica west indies and bless my life amen if he said god can't bless you god don't want to bless you but the key thing is i listen to god and i obey god and god in turn i have to keep his word so now in giving into the house of god which many of you are not doing in paying your tights you're tight that's one of the reasons a lot of god's peter people are living all too crystal are living under a curse because 40 percent is staying tight why 60 percent not pain tight and they're hurting the body of christ and making it tough for the pastor whom you put for your soul hello and god you must be in obedience i'm saying your twenty dollars for over 15 years now or are ten years now or eight years now amen you're not giving to the lord don't make you any better you're not better off financially you're worse off hello somebody and i saw you get a little partner before you get it done because your money going to pocket with whole why because you're living in on disobedience read what god said there try me in malachi 3 he said i will rebuke the devil i will rebuke the devourer theater sickness debt and timely debt you name it so you can keep your money in the bank so you can keep your money in your pocket and you can write big check when you want to but you gotta learn to be obedient hello when i couldn't pay my tithe i cried i said god you have to give me a job i pay my tithe and when the church give me a salary hello that's come down from head head office i know my possibility will take money i can't do it you know why i want to see that i don't believe in pressuring you i don't believe in push and i want to see fat come off the ground hello you can have a nice place to worship so i don't put pressure on the church the church has to pay my social security hello i don't put it on the church you understand what i'm saying i don't do it there are things that required i don't you know why because i don't believe in burdening you my job is to pray and pray and pray and preach until i see you huh you want a jaguar you drive your jaguar up hello you live in a one-on-one room you start just walking by your own house you don't understand me because people look at you and just find favor with yourself someone here someone here because you're walking obedience do you understand saying and hear the people of god god allow some things to happen to us to testify so that other people who don't god who don't believe in god who don't believe that god can begin to say dear is a weakness a woman woe six four thousand five hundred dollars for rent in new york city and from california god touched a business man bore the plane he said don't say nothing here board the plane go [Music] evicting the woman of god from the house and god sent a man all the way from california to compare bill that's what i'm saying and the point is if we don't testify other people will not know god hear me we're going to pray i want god to bless you i told my clerk to write every one of you that were a god body and the reason why many of you cannot get blessed god is not going to bless you until you appear retractive you're retractive come how do we expect god to bless us we want to make god hypocrite to bless us when we're not obeying god listen to me whether you give or give not you're not hurting the church you're hurting yourself because god's business must go on and i said one thing that people are struggling for today is money jobs are scarce they said never before for many years over 50 years there have been so much unemployment and unemployed people in connecticut for many many years now but yet god opened doors for you and the job you're in they don't want to push you because of a friend want to bring in but they can't touch you because god have you in a circle of blessing and and before before you before you go hello they're all gone this one is sick that one getting trouble with the law god ever we are just mashing them down for you because you're walking in obedience i'm gonna close i'm gonna pray i told somebody i said if you work 500 don't tell anybody you work 500 tell somebody you work 450 because that 50 that i don't belong to you it belong to god hello so when you make a plan make your plan around 450 dollars and a matter of fact less than that because the offering is a tight and offering hello and one day i'm going to bring to you the difference between tithe and offer what the tide is for what the offering is for and that a separate blessing for the tides and for the offering hello somebody god tell me not to come to this house bro and somebody you know have no money you don't come to church come to church hello if you want to pick up a penny you must have a penny around the house you do we just might hello okay we're gonna pray but don't steal because you don't have amen i want you to have unto spear that's what the word tells me and i believe it for every one of you but do you believe the preacher do you believe the man of god then listen unto the lord thank you hallelujah god rejoice he rejoice when you're happy hello so make god happy i'm gonna make you happy hallelujah hallelujah we're gonna pray glory hallelujah and i want everybody now to open your mouth and pray everybody we're going to pray for lord make me obedient for if i'm willing and obedient not only be obedient but be willing willing and obedient i shall eat the good anything you want anything you want flow anything i said i believe god in his word and when we pray for somebody to get a job makes me get a good job so many testimonies so many so many can we talk to god everybody you need a blessing god help me to be obedient god help me to be obedient sin a man if you're here sin a woman god is calling you god is calling you be obedient start being obedient to god every time you hear the gospel you're called obey god's word obey god's voice and come while we're praying let's take a walk to the altar while we're praying those were not saved take a walk to the altar you need a change in your life you've been living on a curse for many years hello god said if you don't obey me you will not inherit the good of the lamb you will not you will suffer you will starve the enemy will oppress you the enemy will kill you before time hallelujah if you obey me i will bless you i will protect your faith for you i'll prosper you you will live in victory come up from under the curse in a man sin a woman come on from another curse come come come run to the altar and said god i want you to break this curse off my life come while the saints are praying amen glory to god we're in building project program and some of you decide you're not going to do anything but god say you must obey me obey me and prosper obey me and prosper obey me and prosper disobey me and suffer the loss oh god almighty make sacrifice believe us come on talk to god father we praise you i thank you today for your word my soul is turned again god almighty as i look back and see the blessings and i look back and see god the sacrifice i have to make oh god almighty oh god to be where i am today the pain the tears the process oh god but i stick to your word as i stand on my word no matter what you're going through stand on my word and today god hallelujah what time i feel like running away you said god don't move don't move you said to me don't move if you run away you'll never see the fruit of your labor somebody's will come to enjoy the fruit of your labor and i said god i will live in obedience i will not run out of your will oh god i thank you for what mine eyes have seen i pray today god and i fight for what my ears have heard i pray that they got him continue to manifest yourself come to this soul your god can your sword can you show gonna do the things that need to be done among my people oh god teach them obedience we see our needs we see our problem before we see you help us to see you before we see the problem but god that we have the cure and the answer the solution in the name of jesus back off the devil back off your poverty spirit your deceptive spirit your blood of jesus your calmness spirit the blood of jesus your spirit of luck will send you back to hell your spirit of disobedience i send you back to hell down in the name of jesus and the power of his blood you're bound help people to be obedient god so you can rejoice over them again as you prosper them and watch them flourish like a green bay tree water flows like a unicorn my god in the name of jesus coming up on your wings today god will be forgiven of the sin of disobedience we don't understand why we disobey you with sin in god forgive us of the sin of disobedience why we ask you to forgive us god help us if confession is good but it won't get us into a possession oh god it is the obedience that will get us into our possession so help us god when we ask you to forgive us for being disobedient when we go out from this mountain today to practice obedience in the name of jesus so we can enjoy the promised land of america we can enjoy this country we can enjoy this street on the street we can enjoy this country because in the world it's all the food truck it's ours we thank you and give your praise in jesus name hallelujah i want to thank god for these two precious souls is there another touch a person beside you ask them how they save are you safe is there another no is there another there are those of you that god been dealing with to work around the altar and they have to come to people you're refusing because you say i don't know enough your mom don't know if you want to accept what god is telling you be obedient to your home what the holy ghost will teach you is there another where you come is there another is there another hallelujah daughters i've been through you have been through all pastor of listen to the word of god many times i've heard the voice of god calling many times i go to visit a church i feel convicted and i walk away but there are things i'm struggling with in my life but i i realized that getting me better mountains are you know i'll just keep on that's if i'm just keep on going to a wall and going around in a circle i want a breakthrough i want a better life i've been lied to i've been accused i've been framed i've been so many things come my way but even though i'm not safe i call on you and you answer the prayer come true for me i said the goodness of god working repentance today are you ready to deliver yourself to jesus do you want him to the daughters you see once you come to know him he said you become a princess i don't care what they live you as i don't care where you've been he said once you come to me you're not just so and so now oh [Applause] [Music] i'm sure [Music] oh [Applause] amen [Music] [Music] gonna bless us ten more minutes to go and i'll be saying good evening [Music] [Music] [Music] good night good night [Applause] [Music] in obedience [Music] [Music] [Music] god always come through for his children obedience [Music] how [Music] not bad time for you yet [Music] evening is [Music] jesus christ [Applause] [Music] many did not hear this message i will bring you to repeat it again on wednesday god tell me my life is spared amen mary long to see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] jesus christ uh [Music] you really want to go to church if britain got to find a better way what about this is that we're just getting worked upon [Music] don't run away from your problems [Music] is [Music] [Music] where [Music] [Music] glad amen sister walker [Music] have been blessed by this message [Music] [Applause] all we need to do is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes will flow [Music] nose [Music] that's okay baby [Music] [Music] my crosstalk but like period before one day i'll exchange it for a ground the grass [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes jesus [Music] [Music] there's a price that we must [Music] wishing everybody a safe man all day please be safe get your vaccine if you're not vaccinated [Music] be careful wherever you go be careful it's also weaker faster than where [Music] so much is happening around the world our only hope is in jesus christ yes thank you barbara labor day the cross flooding everywhere painting hope is a wonderful day right now it's raining down here yes in a few minutes and another 11 minutes i'm out of here so stay safe stay healthy [Music] [Music] i put you in front [Music] your what matters so many you've been blessed by this song [Music] sister mcfee that's yours [Music] oh yes [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] he won't let you down [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i put you in [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you did hold my head [Music] you are [Music] oh [Music] oh foreign [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] only god knows [Music] this latest album is on its way [Music] should get it by wednesday or soon [Music] only god goes [Music] 48 years of preaching the gospel [Music] israel [Music] [Music] miracles miracles cayman island only god knows miracles upon miracles signs wonders and miracles creative miracles [Music] finally after all the battles lord have mercy i never had one album to have so much fights [Music] almost six months just to get it [Music] but another thing i give god thanks when the time is right there you can't stop it [Music] [Applause] some of the notes i ministered to i mean from today came out of the book [Music] miracles for today powerful words i was thrilled i was excited you need to go to your cafe [Music] only god knows [Music] [Applause] [Music] mighty man of war [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] yes amen with this [Music] i will see us i will say dsw [Music] now now jesus could i want to give to somebody as a gift [Music] i am grateful to god for the gifts the ability that he has given me [Music] you know the day would come but i will be on this ear [Music] you're smoking it from i was a teenager [Music] [Music] so i can produce albums to play and everybody now seem to be copyrights and they lock you down all kinds of stuff there's still over 100 and odd songs to be produced [Applause] can only do when god said so [Music] and i'm grateful to god whatever i do for him and i try to whatever i do in life bring glory to god sometime i'm misunderstood amen sometimes things have been said [Music] but i realized that adversity we're going to face [Music] even though we have faith in god and seeing great miracles that don't mean we're not going to face adversities things are going to happen so today paul [Music] remote of his people epistles from prison all because of christ the gospel preaching the gospel every man or a woman that lived godly must suffer persecution but i must use them as stepping stone to go to the next level as building blocks the way some things turn out sometimes you wonder amen [Music] all in your heart is good intention do good to as many as i can as long as i can all my life is all i try to do i try to please my [Applause] and god key word today and i'm gonna pray about that message is blesses me too walking in obedience [Music] amen the more i see god do the small i become i must decrease so that he can increase i pray today that will understand [Music] and deal with each other from their gap in love [Music] through the love of god because if we should deal with people the way we feel amen a lot of people miss heaven let's listen to god as we walk in obedience amen we won't be broken we won't be hurt because we are working [Music] in obedience yahweh [Music] yes we are walking in obedience yahweh amen [Music] yes is about to go home [Music] jesus face your tomorrows with god in your heart can't lose [Music] oh [Music] [Music] situation every situation over to jehovah [Music] is bigger than our problems [Music] [Music] jesus nothing hides from you you see everything [Music] the lines of our hearts [Music] jesus jesus [Music] honolulu [Music] thank [Music] it you a tough week last week very tough [Music] 42 years [Music] [Music] to celebrate six to seven years in this world i have to face all of this speak lord [Music] that which hurts remote have to have strong faith [Music] for these tough times strong faith for these tough times the word of god is what bills we study we read to build up ourselves prepare ourselves [Music] you have a knowledge of god's word you know that these things will come amen but god grace is sufficient we know that god will not give us more than we can bear [Music] yes and while you're going through crisis in the problems his grace is sufficient [Music] yes i made it this far we will continue [Music] until the work is done we won't be afraid to face by our tomorrow [Music] that's right [Music] that's right daughter we must suffer persecution [Music] and if you look on the men and women of god the true men and women of god ambassadors amen someone sauna sundar [Music] not surprise daughter not in surprised that's what make hell so bad [Music] amen [Music] that's why he's so mad and will do anything to stop me this is a song here my trust is in god [Music] yes ma'am it's been happening around the world these other things that make you decrease more and more every day [Music] [Applause] when god spoke to saul and tell him what to do several times saul disobeyed him since i lost everything he heard nothing more about saul not in his family but a little boy still dedicate himself to god and he wanted him until today is the greatest king that he will ever had and of his kingdom of his throne there is one that come from the stem of jesus my trust we all have this common enemy you want to stop us put your trust in god [Music] and that will walk in his will blessing flow i have a great responsibility on my shoulder i must not allow myself to be distracted [Music] amen many said and says some think i'm losing my mind for the things i do they will never do it but i say you're not me i know the heart that god has given me i'm not tied to anything down here i'm tied to the souls of men this is the last one [Applause] get ready to receive your new album 17 beautiful song 75 of them i wrote from my heart to bless you to bring glory to god will my time come to leave this world i want to leave here empty empty-handed i want to say like paul i run well i finished my course amen [Music] i fear god and i want to do the best i can to hear well done and it didn't brought me this far to leave me i saw the giant the great multitude multitude of people [Music] they're like a sea of water amen broken white as far as my eyes could see thousands of thousands upon thousands even when you look to the back you cannot see the back of the crowd some little heads way way back i was walking with amen two of my sons in the lord were carrying the crown there were so many stars on the crown it was too big it's like one of those anglican bells large bells and they have to carry it up on the staff i was rolled with a long purple and amen purple up blue one looked like purple blue and white and white with silver stars [Music] the furry looking front with the silver stars and the long trail was it was so long white trail so long and some people was that lined out at the back of the trail lifting it up the end as i walked towards this massive throne way way in a mountain sign like a mountainside and the people were following me to christ yes what god have in store for me is awesome [Music] so what you have seen over the 40 years is nothing comparing to what is to come nothing to compare he said the work would be great but it won't be hard because it's an anointing coming upon me that i've never experienced in my entire life of serving god the anointing to crush the powers of darkness i've given you the power to crush the enemy when you bind him all the other demons are powerless the people around you gonna catch that anointing on your life you're gonna be upon them it doesn't matter how long you're away evangelizing the world [Music] it doesn't matter how long you are traveling around the world and bringing in the harvest your people in the church will not lack anything because the same anointing to raise the dead to open blind eyes to cause the to walk o glory that god will be upon him amen but i saved notice in the devil i know that the heart at the back you'll get real hungry because something is happening [Music] oh god [Music] all right look at that just simple you know something cc you have seen something amen in scotland you have seen something the power of god moves i am not there this man don't know me [Music] you've seen what god you saw what god did amen this is not some things none of what i've seen and people testify surprises me i expect it amen before the prayer cloth or before the shirt amen before all of this it was the album cover a woman in canada looking the lord said look into my servant eyes she had a stroke aneurysm the doctor cannot approach his suffering that touched her cerebellum she's finished amen you should touch this earth cerebellum she's finished and what happened the lord said turn the alarm around look into my servant eyes hey glory to god and the fire like fire come out of my eyes into her eyes the anointing and instead like brain was on fire the woman was completely cured and when she aiming all of this over she see everything that was happening in the church and around her amen the gift of discernment she could see what went before she could not see we serve an awesome god the nine gift of the spirit must be art in operation in the church amen must be in operation in the church amen glory to god the nine gifts of the spirit for the edifying and the glorifying of god and his people amen and i realize that the more i do for god and the more god shows up amen people want to say it's not it's not god doing it and they call out kind of names and crazy stuff but god's a holy peace hold your peace amen hold your peace i told you i'm gonna blow the mind of your enemies he said hold your peace i fight for you i send it to jeremiah 1 chapter one from verse and verse 19 all the days of your life did i tell you that it will fight you fight against you but they will not win did i tell you that yes i fight for you and that's all you need to do walk in obedience and god will fight for you as he fought in the days of old god cannot lie i'm not afraid of anybody i'm afraid of god i fear him amen and i try to do amen and satan want to do anything and everything he can to silence this man of god i refuse to bow i refuse to be silent in a world where there's no voice no standard nobody want to talk about god i live holy anymore amen god still have a people amen i was born for this that i will do and i said lord help me to decrease to decrease amen while you increase in my life amen decrease god so i can amen i will decrease you can intrigue increase in my life to bless your people amen i'm leaving you for today i do what i do because i love you and i love my father and i must be obedient to him how many today would have been here after such a preaching this morning he'd have gone home to rest but i'll rest tomorrow but i'm glad you're blessed by the message it will be back thank you for that testimony dd i mean cece thank you for that god i'll make you seen things that others have not seen that they are evil in the world but there is no power greater than the power of god satan can do the things that god can do and do through you we will try to block it he will try to bring confusion amen but god is god you all have a great night don't let fear paralyze your spirit amen now let fear paralyze your spirit run for your life trust in god let others trust in money and chariot and materialistic things you trust in god amen and i said to everybody listening if you want to know who i am go before god take a couple days or a day to fast and pray lord show me bishop's blake heart and he will show you he will tell you the same all of you the same thing amen go and check the evil were inequity workers they will tell you amen we don't mess with that one amen according to the word of god we don't run the wicked must run when nobody chased them i want you to get to that level that place wherein god can use you to chase demons and devils let them suffer back into hell because they're a child of god an ambassador representing god in the earth hello representing god in the earth we can do it and to get together we can chase amen satan and demon back and take charge of planet earth i feel like playing this song and leave you amen close out for the evening amen it blesses my soul [Music] i was blessed by today's word [Music] of glory to god i still feel like i could preach now amen [Music] strong faith for tough times encouraging the believers oh god something here will dance have i commend your children in your hands here and around the world you cannot lie again and these other things even though my struggles painful hours lonely time you remind me of the plan you have for me you remind me of the things you sent to me as a teenager [Music] and it motivates me [Music] to continue to run and to bring as many as i can into your kingdom give your children listening ears and receptive hearts hell was not prepared for them heaven is give them strength when they are weak comfort the brokenhearted the feeble ones those who are weak in the name of jesus christ cause your children to learn to trust you for our god in the name of jesus christ we pray against watch over your children save the unsaved oh too many are dying and going to hell reach them [Applause] we want to head to heaven one day [Applause] so those that remain faithful will sit with you on your throne we must finish this race and finish it well whatever we have done oh god to cause any to stumble the bible [Music] thank you father thank you for a blessed day in your presence thank you for the fire of the holy ghost in my guts let my night be pleasant let the night of your children be pleasant [Music] of heaven come for those who are backsliding destroy the spirit of religion salvage the life of your people let them enjoy your presence [Applause] in the name of jesus all those who are flooded out are those experiencing tragedies persecution because of the name of christ encourage them to blame heaven is better than this give us god tenacity the courage the strength to fight on not surrendering not retreating not giving in to the enemies of our soul we want to drag our soul in hell but god put your seal on us meet the needs in the life of your children our god our god oh god in the name of jesus christ the world is under siege siege god by disease our disease your health our god so many are dying jobs are closing down no food lord god your children i've got a hurting little bit just a little me left in the barrel and a little oil i pray that god god of multiplication god that take nothing and make something out of it god that fed elijah by the brook with raven bread and meat every day oh god we're calling on you to multiply the little your children have in the name of jesus christ i don't care how you do it father meet every need provided we are still jehovah gyra god we thank you thank you and touch those who have to remember they have not we thank you father thank you go with your servant now [Music] for you [Applause] [Music] good night brothers and sisters good night oh glory to god good night oh hallelujah my lord and my god
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 167
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, livestream, Calvary, new testament, Church of God, faith, love, hope, salvation, deliverance, truth, redemption, Bishop Blake, Fearon Blake
Id: l0vtjRIYruQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 0sec (10260 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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