Mark Robinson Testimony

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well we certainly give thanks to our lord and savior jesus christ today for allowing us to be here this pastor said jesus christ our father in heaven is the reason why we live in a blessed and prosperous land so we always give him thanks first and foremost when we speak because we have to understand that in this nation a lot of people try to say this is not a christian nation anymore yesterday uh we proved that wrong now i know the news media doesn't want to cover things like that but when god went to went to sodom and gomorrah and asked you know just he just just looking for five or ten good people we had tens of thousands of good people faithful people in washington dc praying for this nation you better believe this is still a christian nation and it always will be as long as the faithful on their face is praying for us so we give him thanks first and foremost well the pastor wanted me to share with you my experience is about about being a christian how i became a christian and you know it's all i don't think i've ever told this story in public i really don't i don't think i've ever told this story in public and so we're going to tell it today uh i'll start by saying giving you a little bit of my background about who i am my name is mark robinson i'm from greensboro born and raised in greensboro i was number nine of 10 children our family was very poor my mother my father rather was an alcoholic i saw a lot of domestic violence growing up in my household but here it is we were able to overcome that stuff for one reason because my mother was a woman of great faith when i was born in 1968 my mother was facing a lot of giants i was number nine of her 10 children she had about a fifth grade education at that point in her life she was living in a little red and green house on logan street in greensboro on the east side of logan street that house was not mice infested it was rat infested a little tiny four-room house she had five children living in that house an alcoholic husband she was facing those giants but she faced them down and she slayed those giants for two reasons number one she knew the giant killer the giant killer is our father in heaven my mother had the faith she had herculean faith she leaned on that faith all the time number two she lived in the greatest state and the greatest nation on earth and she recognized that in this nation her children could beat anything and she always told us that her phrase was you put your hand in god's hand everything will be all right here i stand right now amen that little poor black child born over there in hell richardson hospital to that woman with a fifth grade education and an alcoholic husband now standing on the cusp of making history in this state only in america and only through god could that happen and so we give her thanks as well but coming up as a child we never talked about politics as children ever we never talked about republican we never talked about democrat we never talked about liberal we never talked about conservative never entered our conversations what we always talked about was what was fair what was unfair what was right and what was wrong and here's how we decided what was right and what was wrong what was fair what was unfair we leaned on that faith we leaned on what we knew about our faith about our religion because while my mom was not allowed to go to church my dad wouldn't allow her to go she always dressed us up and got us ready and we always win every sunday my mom made sure from our earliest days that we were introduced to god that we were in his house around his people and that we understood that he was should be paramount in our lives and as i said everything that we filtered our our thoughts through we filtered them through our faith we would argue about whether or not things were right or wrong and ultimately it was always decided what did god say about the issue and what god said about the issue went whether we believed it or not whether we agreed with it or not we knew god was always right so as i grew into a young man joint ended up joining the army reserve spent time in the army a little bit uh you know sold some wild oats and went out uh i'm gonna i'm gonna explain this to you about my christian walk and show you how god lines things up all right i'm gonna backtrack just a little bit in the fourth grade i can remember specifically in the fourth grade i was going to school at a school called porter elementary and i saw this kid a tall skinny kid wearing glasses and i looked at him from across the schoolyard and it was almost as if when i saw him i knew him i didn't know his name i never met him before never my first time seeing him but when i saw it it was almost as if i knew him it was the hardest thing ever sure enough we ended up meeting school bus on the school bus and i'm not even sure how we met but we ended up becoming best friends his name was wayne campbell me and wayne stayed friends all through fourth grade and then through fifth grade sixth grade you know and then we went to middle school together a junior high school together uh mendenhall middle school and that's where our friendship really built was in middle school we were you know running and ripping through classrooms and hallways and that's where we really became good friends it was me and wayne and i had another friend named steve burwell but me and wayne were really close we spent all summer together playing we used to go down to the creek and play and we used to go ride bicycles together and it was the classic childhood friendship but after i joined the army and came home from the army men me and wayne started going to north carolina a t state university together and wayne was serious about going to school uh me on the other hand not so much uh but it was while i was at ncaant university that wayne came to me one day and said you know i want you to come with me to the to the uh student union he said there is a church that meets there and i want you to come there and i want you to hear this pastor that's preaching there and i looked at him and i thought wayne i got a church you know i go to saint stephen's i'm i'm think i'm good i've been baptized and all that i don't need to come here some guy preaching in a college i don't need to do that he said no no you need to come hear this guy this guy is amazing you need to come hear him you need to come here so i you know i kind of bit my tongue and you know i said all right well i'll go you know and i begrudgingly i went off to go hear this man preach and you know i can't tell you for a life of me what that man preached about that night i can't tell you i don't even remember what he looked like and honestly i don't even remember his name but i do know that when i walked out of that service that night i understood what the phrase being saved means because that was the night that i got saved that i came to understand that it's just not enough to believe to say yeah i believe in god yeah i believe in the bible you have to actually commit yourself to jesus christ you have to call on him as your lord and savior and give your life to him and it was that night that i got saved and it was because of my friend wayne that guy i saw across that out on the school yard that i felt like i had known all my life somehow he's the one that led me to be saved well you know i'm not like some people some people get saved they automatically bam they change just like that was not my experience i was saved but i was still dabbling in some sin still straddling the fence you know what i mean still straddling straddle straddling the fence and if people are honest with themselves that's the experience of a lot of folks we get saved we claim that we believe in jesus and we claim that we've given our lives to him but we still want to dabble still want to straddle that fence still want to walk that line between being saved and being a rebellious hellion we still want to do it and my buddy wayne campbell was always yanking on me telling me pulling me encouraging me to be the person that god wanted me to be and i was always pulling right back telling him well you know come on wayne i think you're going a little too far with this you know you know how it is but i walked that life for for a while i knew i was saved i knew that jesus had come into my heart and i really did begin to see things differently but when i look back on my experience as being being saved i see how god moved in my life in stages he didn't do things instantly and oftentimes i wonder why i look back and i wonder why and i know why because god places seasons in your life for a reason because there are things you're supposed to learn you know we look at god's creation look at a tree you know when you look at a tree you see a tree you see a trunk and you see leaves but deep down inside that tree exists all types of things that help that tree exist through seasons and human beings are the same way god brings us up and there are seasons in our lives and as i grew up in christ i can look back now and see those seasons in my life when i was an immature christian who didn't understand the walk i was supposed to be didn't understand the walk i was on wasn't doing the things i should have been doing wasn't going to the places i should have been going to wasn't saying the things i should have been saying but he had me on that walk for a reason and he had this fellow wayne in my life for a reason as i grew up into a young man i met my wife we uh again when i met my wife it was almost kind of the same thing when i saw my wife i looked there and i thought man that's a pretty girl she looks like a nice lady but she don't have anything to do with a guy like me no way she'd have anything to do with it with a guy like me uh but we met and uh we fell in love i i fell in love i don't know about her she fell a little i fell in love and we got married and we started a family uh now i'd already taken one turn in my life when i got saved when i got saved my eyes really did open up and i start to see a lot of things different i start to question a lot of things that i'd never questioned before i started to question myself questioning the things around me but here's where my life took a humongous turn when my son was born i was in the room and i saw my son's face when i saw my son's face for the first time it was as if a light bulb went off over my head and i recognized at that moment number one why i had gotten saved and what i was supposed to do and who i was supposed to be you see because now my son was here and he was being born to my wife and now mom was not number one in my life anymore mom was not the person i relied on mom's house was not the house that i looked to to go live in i was now the responsible one i was the person who this child was going to be looking to for the answers and you best believe i had better have those answers because i want my son to go farther in life than i did and i want my son to understand more than i did i don't want him to fall into the same traps that i did and so at that moment i realized i had to make another change i had to step up and become the man that god wanted me to be so i went to work and i worked harder and i worked smarter and i tried to do more than i had ever done in my life but there was still something missing some essential element that was missing in my life still there was a mission in my life that was missing and i could not figure out what it was worked hard to provide for my family sometimes we fell short and we struggled in some days but we always finally found a way to make it but there was an emptiness inside of me for some reason because i still felt like there was a mission that i needed to accomplish something that god wanted me to do a journey that he wanted me to be on that i had not yet realized and so i kind of drifted for a little while mentally spiritually you know i went to church we always went to church but i didn't realize what church was really supposed to be all about i used to be a big singer in church my mom was a singer my mom had a beautiful voice i didn't discover i had a voice until a choir director told me you're going to sing next sunday and you're going to sing a solo and i thought this lady is out of her mind sure enough that next sunday i was singing a solo and getting a standing ovation and discovered that i had a talent for singing and for a while i thought that's what church was about it was about going to church and singing and clubs and you know coming together as a congregation and having a good time but still didn't understand that there was a deeper mission for the church and a deeper mission in my life and a funny thing happened about the middle 90s i was at my mom's house and guess who was there with me my buddy wayne television was on and a fella named rush limbaugh popped up on the television and i looked at the television and i said you know i can't stand that guy he says why i said because he's a racist my buddy looked at me and said how do you know he's a racist i said cause the people on television said he is he said well do you know him i said no i don't know him he said have you ever met him i said no i never met him he said you ever listen to his radio program i said no never listen to his radio program he said you ever read in his books i said no he said okay so you haven't met him you never listened to him you never read any books you don't know anything about it you know that's awful high charge for you to call that man a racist you never met him and i said well it's got to be something to it the people on television said this man's a racist he said once upon a time you told me that the people on television said that all black men are thieves and criminals and don't take care of their children now he said if they could be lying on black men i know they're not lying about rush limbaugh well i got mad at my buddy and i said to myself and my mind i thought i'll show this guy i went down to a bookstore and i got this book called the way things ought to be it's by rush limbaugh and i got a highlighter i said to myself i'ma read this book and highlight every racist thing that i see in it and i'm gonna take it back to him and i'm gonna prove to him that this guy's a racist he's wrong so i got that book and i went and read it and sat down and never forget the moment i started reading that book i i think i got about through the first six pages and i went uh-oh rush limbaugh is not a racist rush limbaugh is me i read things in that book that i had been thinking since i was a small child and it was at that moment that i realized that i was something called a conservative and that i had conservative leanings not just conservative leanings conservative beliefs and it was also at that moment that i had to go back to my friend and uh we had we had a lunch that day i think my friend had a a hamburger i believe i had some crow and when we got done he talked to me about the difference between political parties and we left that air when that day i discovered that that was my mission in life that my mission in life was to be politically involved and politically active and that was that essential element that had been missing from my life see because people think that religion and politics are separate no they're not anybody that thinks religion and politics are separate needs to read the story of jesus christ again because the last obstacle to crucify jesus christ was not a pastor the last obstacle to crucify jesus christ was a governor he was the last one to stand in judgment of jesus christ religion and politics are inexorably linked at the hip and all the issues that we talk about in politics they're not political issues they're spiritual issues and at that moment i woke up and realized that i had a mission in life i realized that god not man had endowed me with my freedom i realized that god had broken the slave this chains of slavery in this nation not man man was the tool but god had broken those chains and freed us from slavery i realized that it was god who was down there at those lunch counters at woolworth moving to make people realize that it's not right for us to be separated by race that was a move of god it wasn't a movement of man but in order to bring that to people to adjudicate that to people bring it into being we need a political structure when you study our political structure in this nation it has always been guided by the same principles that guided us when we were children the principles of fairness and right and wrong those men always leaned on their faith the same way we did and so i knew i had a mission in my life to be more political and be politically active and politically aware as i moved along and became politically active politically aware i quickly realized that the party that i loved was not yet ready to fight and i became somewhat disillusioned and i moved away from the party but i leaned closer to my faith and the reason why i believe god had me move away from that party and lean closer to my faith was because he understood and he knew that before i could be effective in any political arena he needed to sharpen my spiritual antenna he needed to raise it to its highest height he needed to sharpen it and he needed to ensure that it was strong strong enough to resist the things that i would encounter in the political arena so during those times i was separated from politics drew closer to our faith as a matter of fact it was during that time that we left the church that i grew up in was a tough decision because my mother was still alive at that time they knew it broke broke our heart to see us leave but at that time we had to we spiritually we had outgrown that church it was time to go off and find another place that would take me to the next spiritual level in my in my life and in my walk with christ and we did found a wonderful church that took us to that next level and we stayed there for a long time god we learned so much and we grew so much and we purged so much out of our lives that never should have been there we continue to strive to be perfect under him and continue to strive to be more like him as we did that boy we saw our lives grow we saw our lives magnified we truly did but here it is i can stand here in this pulpit right now and tell you that i did not reach my destiny in this life until i made one decision and it was probably back in about 2015 and the decision i made i made it alone standing in my bathroom in a little tiny house we used to rent on sassafras court in greensboro and i've never told this story either i looked in the mirror and i told not myself but i told god i don't care where i go in this life i don't care what it is you want me to do i just want it to be your will amen is if if it is for if it's his will for me to travel to some far off land and be killed for the gospel of jesus christ let it be his will if it's for me to be in this land at home and be hated and be despised and be light on let it be his will amen if it's in his will for me to be here and walk into things that i don't want to walk into and do things that i'm afraid of and yes like my mom tackle giants walk in the hallways of kings and declare to those kings that they're a terror to the people if it's his will for me to do that let it happen and it was at that moment that i became unafraid i became unafraid to speak the truth amen i became emboldened to speak the truth and a funny thing happened after that that that occurred people started to take notice it's cause at that time i was doing nothing on in real life i was doing everything on something called social media and i was speaking my mind unashamedly on social media i never paid social media to do anything i never paid anybody to boost the post none of that i simply went on there and told my truth as god had gave it given it to me and people believed in it pretty soon i found myself being pretty popular on social media people loved the truth that i was spreading they believed it was coming from me but it was not the things i was saying on that medium were coming directly from god yes some of them were sharp criticisms some of them were sharp rebukes there were things that we desperately need to be saying in this nation because we need to be raising up the name of jesus christ and we need to be pushing aside the lies that are being told in this nation and in this world for far too long we've been afraid to do it at that moment i had committed myself to do his will wasn't long after that probably about three years after that was at work one day decide whether or not i should go to a city council meeting and again it was a friend that challenged me and said all you're going to do is go down there and go talk talk to nothing do anything talk is not going to do anything i reminded my friend that the revolution of this nation started not with the shot heard around the world but with a simple question why can't we be free that the work that jesus christ did on this earth was talk that's what jesus christ came here and did he talked he talked to people he spread his message he spread his gospel he talked to people he didn't just talk adam he talked to him and he talked life into them amen spoke words that changed the world and so on that april day i decided to go down to that meeting i walked into that meeting sat down and had decided i was going to remain silent but something in me did not allow that i stood up that night and went behind that elective and i tell you when i got up there behind that lecture i looked and i thought to myself boy you have done it now what are you gonna say to these people you don't have any note cards and you don't have anything what are you gonna say to these people and something came over me and told me just be yourself and i'll handle everything else see because at that moment when i stood behind that lecter everything had already been lined up i'd already been a poor child who would watch my mother be beat by her father and i had survived that i'd already been a young man who was indecisive about where i should go in life i was already a young man who had given his life to christ i was already a young man who at one time straddled the fence and didn't know which side i wanted to stay on i was already a young man who had been pulled over to the right side and i was already a man who had decided that god's will needed to be done and because i decided that god's will needed to be done he did his will in my life that night by giving me the words to speak and it changed my life literally overnight my life was changed not because mark robinson is that good but because god has been that good to me in my life and he gave me the words to speak to protect the freedoms that he has given the people not me not our constitution not our founding fathers that he gave you that he gave me and he gave me the words to speak to help protect those rights and so my life was changed that night and i realized what my mission is on august 18 1968 i was born in el richardson hospital for one reason i was born in el richardson hospital to be one of god's freedom fighters bottom line nothing else no if ands or buts about it i wasn't born to waiver wasn't born to quiver yes i was not born to make nice that's why my mother named me mark after the god of war because i'm here to literally make war on the devil i said the other night i want to make the gates of hell tremble i just don't want to make the gates of hell tremble i want to make the literal foundations of hell tremble and i want this nation to join me with me and do it because when we look around right now look around at each other right now look at each other look at us you know we've all been through struggles i've been through struggles you've been through struggles this station's been through struggle but look at us now look at this building feel that air conditioning see that carpet look at these beautiful lights look at everything that god has blessed us with amen it's time for us to raise our voices as people that have been raised up by god defend what he has given us and pass it down to future generations that is what we are here for that is why i am here it is the reason why i was born on that august day the reason why he bought me through all the troubles that i've been through and taught me everything that he's taught me is so that i could stand up and defend the freedoms that he's given his people and so today i stand realizing the destiny that god has for me and realizing the journey that he's bought beyond yes sir and if there's one thing that i plan on doing and i told the pastor this people ask me all the time what are you going to do for debt next if you win lieutenant governor you're going to run for governor you're going to do this and i tell them all the time i don't know and i haven't thought about it but i do know this for the rest of my life i will take the word of god wherever i can to whoever i can whenever i can no matter who likes it because the most important decision you will make in this lifetime is not whether or not you will be an american or vote democrat or vote republican or be a conservative or be a liberal the most important decision you will make in this life is whether or not you will spend eternity in heaven with our father or whether or not you'll spend eternity in hell with satan and that decision is up to you just like who you vote for that decision is up to you and saving souls saving souls will be the mission of my life for the rest of my life in every venue that i stand in so i thank you all for being here that's my testimony that's who i am thank you all for having me at your church today we certainly appreciate it god bless you all and god bless the great state of north carolina thank you very much thank you
Channel: Shining Light Media
Views: 35,832
Rating: 4.9693151 out of 5
Keywords: Mark, Robinson, Shining, Light, Baptist, Church, Speaker, September, 2020, Sunday, Morning, Lt., Governor, Candidate, God, Gospel, Jesus, Christianity, Christian, Trust, Lean, Strength, Hope, Love, Preach, Share, Lieutenant, North, Carolina, Monroe, Testimony, Life
Id: C7emeGfUOGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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