Cal's dark side rampage | Star Wars Jedi: Survivor [PS5]

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[Music] foreign I'd assume the first time we met you be strapped to an interrogation chair I've heard that before still weird get on the comms and call off the base alert or what you're a Jedi I know what you're capable of and what you want you on the comms now come out of Denver the Jedi has been neutralized all units stand down until further notice satisfied I'm here for Bo to Kuna how did you find this place a Locator Beacon on boat ship uncharacteristically careless his reports indicate you too have grown quite close since coruscan o sent it to infiltrate my team who wrote ode has been my weapon for some time quite effective unlike those armored Abominations in inquisitorious so it's true see you're dead because of you no the Jedi operation is still muscle you're lying Empire burned the archives led by Darth Vader I have to stop this while I still can don't you see oh Lord you here to destroy me they're coming don't mind oh [Music] [Music] boats got to go through us to get to his ship let's hurry foreign [Music] if anyone sees you it'll blow our disguise everything can be see you on the other side why do you want to crack at him that's right do Stormtroopers possess resistance training that I don't know about it doesn't only cause evil yes you think he's still alive denvik said neutralized he didn't say dead yeah fair enough it's not too easy to capture one alive though you look familiar to you yeah a little [Music] [Music] which way to the officer's quarters a new recruit I take it that's right well it doesn't speak highly of you to be so unaware of your surroundings now get out of here I don't have time for you thanks for the warm welcome another word and I'll report you for insubordination with the likes of you why did the inquisitorious send you here one of them what was that [Music] ah ridiculous the space of security has clearly been compromised I will report this to Lord Vader [Music] incredible it's quite the play for denvik beating the inquisitors at their own game don't let our new guests see you saying that guests they're watching us oh of course and we're watching them [Music] State your business I have an appointment and what is the nature of this appointment we think the Intruder wasn't acting alone no one has been in or out on my watch I'm going to have to call in a security Droid stay right there send down a security Droid is this necessary I can't make an exception even for someone of your rank I'm late as it is understood it'll only take a moment let me through now I can't not without security clearance led me through and I'll put in a good word with denvik a good word with Denmark yes go on officer [Music] thanks for having my back be ready for anything slice it thanks PD he's not here let's look around he was gathering Intel on us the whole time thank you easy sweetheart I know it's just me and you now Carter just me and you load's daughter mother [Music] played the force [Music] ready to go [Music] I'll be home soon I'm bringing you something nice I can't wait to see you [Music] data disc looks ancient well let's see what's on it [Music] foreign was watching sorry you scared me you must be Kata I'm Cal and this is bd1 space to meet you your dad Kata he said to pack for a trip do you [Music] you're the first person to figure that out is it really a Jedi yeah I am well I've finished packing I can't find my mookie doll I'll help you find them [Music] smokey kind of looks like me a little my Mama gave them to me [Music] gotcha could your dad tell you where he's taking you it was supposed to be a surprise but you got here a little sooner than I expected come here going on this is my best friend [Music] we had a fight but we'll get things settled when we go fine okay we're a Jedi had you survived the purge the council assigned a few of us to intelligence during the Clone Wars skills that I learned there to disappear went into hiding didn't know who to trust familiar story all right [Music] but then I met the most incredible woman [Music] one day Kata and I were out running errands and I got this message don't come home inquisitors looking for me my wife bought us the time to escape [Music] so I cut a deal then we Keeps Us hidden as long as Papa stays useful you were lying to us from the very start Tanner was a way out for both of our families [Music] gonna give it to the hidden path a bunch of strangest you're gonna sacrifice thousands of people to save yourself [Music] no I'm a father [Music] the first time I held her I saw the entire galaxy in her eyes and understand [Music] I understand betrayal that you lured me here to take down this base right wow fighting the empires when you do best [Music] the Intruder is in my quarters his arms shoots a kill kill that Jedi vote get out of my way [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have to hurry oh [Music] fight with me [Applause] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] suffering foreign [Music] if he gets away he's gone forever late gotta get back to the Mantis [Music] not a threat [Music] en Kyle why are you here why do you think I'm rescuing you [Music] thank you oh my God oh definitely thank you thank you good work I'm ready [Music] [Music] where's boats are gone it took his daughter and the compass they used me as a distraction damn you from you that I do it do it rather you the Lord Vader who is this bowed after our team my crew Cordova Fair they're all dead because of him come this is what both wants I know you are in pain but this is not you the Empire has taken enough from us I will not lose you too [Music] it won't [Music] moment give the inquisitors my regards I'm all right I'm fine buddy you don't have to worry about me foreign are you all right yeah what was that was it I don't know what that was if you feel it again you will tell me I will good [Music] oh finally I was worried sick wait don't tell me he was fighting the entire base wasn't you were right okay Cal we got Del boat we got no Compass now tell me the truth I can take it we lost evolution if you're hearing this you know where I've left it Thomas is gone do not despair what's this this isn't just the last goodbye there's another way in to reach canalon activate the arrays and align them to the coordinates embedded in this message foreign there's a control center here if we align the arrays we can create a flight path through the abyss wait a minute let me get this straight you want me to fly the manage through a ship-beating nebula using a tiny tunnel carved out by 200 year old tank yes all right I mean every day I wonder if I made the right call there's Grace's salt shaker where did I put the pepper The Shield Birds feather is supposed to bring good luck Cordova was a gentle soul he deserved better haven't used these since the scrap yard on Baraka Prof gave them to me okay so next [Music] how can we be sure this experiment's gonna work anyway we cannot so we start up Summer race whatever those are punch a hole in the abyss and then fly through yeah that's pretty much it thank you we're about to drop out of hyperspace sit down foreign
Channel: FrannyD
Views: 379,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5Share, STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor
Id: cKrRSL0vLiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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