Cal & Merrin | Full Love Story | Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order & Jedi: Survivor | All Scenes | 4K

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looks like the zepho were here this place seems abandoned but you trespass Jedi you must be a night sister I had heard you're all dead not all those Amir is forbidden to you leave at once well I'm afraid I can't do that but perhaps we could help each other you see I easy I'm not your enemy wait hold on I'm not here [Music] oh you will go no further stand aside no he was right about you who what Jedi are thieves and selfish Liars who bring nothing but death back oh if you attack me again I'll strike you down oh I won't do a thing but my murdered sisters foreign [Applause] I can teach you how to control its power join my family and I will teach you to control the power familiar words malikos just a minute you overstep your bounds for years you said the Jedi orchestrated the massacre that killed my sisters yet here one stands and you seek only to bring him into your family you were told to deal with it clearly you like the power little witch [Music] power you are mad maricos dothamir has unmade you and my misplaced loyalty has allowed you to lead the night Brothers astray unlike the Jedi the night sisters of dothamir do not turn on their kind our bond is eternal your sisters are dead yes their graves are all around you time to go [Music] let's count this power is beyond your control when you face one night sister of Dr meal you face us all you chose to return but not wise maybe Marin right I'm Cal kestus what you were told about the Jedi was not true so you say cow Maliko said many things too Tara malikos might have been part of my order but what he is now I no idea all I do know is having a lightsaber isn't what makes you a Jedi then what does we were peacekeepers we were betrayed by those we protected hunted down by the Empire I I might be one of the Lost of my kind I was only a child then they attacked an armored Warrior brandishing this descended upon us and cut down my people my sisters until I was left alone with the Dead then malikos came and promised me Revenge if I share our secrets with him in return I know what it's like to lose everything malakus was wrong to use that against you we don't have to be enemies we will need this if he goes again I'll be watching let's get out of here yes it was wrong to think you could stand with me you have no right to stop the mirror no right to our Magic foreign [Music] let him lie in the dark with his secrets until death takes him why'd you help me it's a rid of the mirror of that parasite we finally found it it is real Baron this could be the key to the next generation of Jedi I'm happy for you and your Jedi but nothing can bring back my people after The Purge I was alone for a long time in hiding I was I was scared that they find out who I was or what I was what changed a very good friend of mine told me to go out and find my place in the galaxy and you listened oh no I life has this funny way of forcing on the path forward anyway now here I am or at least expected a path forward I will join you you will spent years waiting for a chance to avenge my sisters waiting I wish to fight by your side night sisters and Jedi do not travel together but survivors we adapt yeah I guess we do what do you think BD I agree my crew they might take a little bit of convincing though then we'll convince them you found it oh who's this what's that supposed to mean it means I'll be joining you see her Greece this is Marin she's a witch isn't she a night's sister your fear is unnecessary I couldn't have gotten the ashram without her we fought malachos together I trust her and we trust you you will have to earn it fine grab some seed she doesn't try anything funny welcome aboard they like you I don't know what you're saying for Cordova you can make it work she's right oh hey is anybody hungry I was thinking of whipping up some Sky steaks I'm sorry am I interrupting no Captain and we couldn't have gotten this far without you oh all right it's true Greece thank you hey I hope you get in there and you find that Hollow thing holla Kron are you sure it's something you should find what do you mean the children on that list should take them from their homes to train as Jedi won't they be hunted like you it has to be kept out of the hands of the empire it'll help us put an end to the Empire oh hey uh change of plans we're arriving oh Chris yeah I take my sticker air huh okay now we're talking this isn't good with the defenses I got our usual tricks just aren't going to cut it I can help what are you thinking a ritual I will hide the ship I hope a ritual she has an act for this kind of stuff wait a minute hold on now what is this going to require a sacrifice well if your arms will do nicely wait what don't be so serious join me up front sisters mother lend me your strength sisters mother lend me your strength well she's doing it's working what do you think the odds are that money's on you kid let's go buddy surrender the holocrone I'll never give it to you we shall see [Music] I don't think you'd take those children foreign such hatred you would have made an excellent Inquisitor she's stronger than that no no yes strong with the dark side yeah I can feel it inside of her see ya see ya yay listen to me still have a choice foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right hey kid cow cow see she's all right she's all right you too you did it I did it oh we did careful where are they well they're out there whoa hold on wait a minute sorry that was you in the water wasn't it I'm glad you're okay this one wouldn't leave your side hey hey so now what well captain this is the end of my Charter your contract has been fulfilled in degrees well if it's all the same to you I was thinking that maybe I would stick around here and take you wherever you got to go besides a kid kind of looks up to me what about thank you [Music] you've been watching me foreign like old times surprised to see me I thought they'd send someone a bit more unfamiliar I would not be so quick to judge calcus much has changed since we last saw each other come my speeder is this way your land speeder Stormtroopers found it then we will take care of them and it looks like they found us too you ready we need to take them down before more arrive just like that time on narshada precisely I'll follow you early that's a first you okay of course unlike my speeder even if the storm subsided Sierra is too far to reach on foot what are you thinking about be able to hitch a ride [Music] follow me foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] but I can manage [Music] [Music] that's right okay should be set for the night sit tell me what Adventures you and BD have had since we last saw each other all right same as always fighting the Empire helping out where we can not staying in one place too long foreign I think we might have found something special a place where the Empire can't find us it would mean leaving the fight and fight is all I know cow Look Into the Fire it will warm you 'll keep you company on dark Lonesome nights yes but left unchecked it will consume everything in its path until there is only Ash but on a cold night by tonight a warm fire is perfect and the company is not so bad either I missed you Marin and by you I had to leave Cal in order to see the Galaxy on my own terms what'd you find myself reflected in all the places and people I encountered that's a mirror will always be my home but it does not need to Define me I never understood why you left sitting here now it's clear you made the right choice foreign the weather has cleared let's go foreign I've had this since I started freelancing it's gotten me out of some bad situations and I figured it might do the same for you it's Marin right well I could get another one if you think you might want it no need oh you're good okay my master always frowned upon using blasters new one said it wasn't us against the Galaxy cow we've got to use every Advantage we can find against the empire thanks both no I'll show you how to use it foreign these contact codes cannot fall into the hands of the empire [Music] Kyle he's gone take this go through quickly it'll protect you go then [Music] you make a stand do you trust me of course what are you up to no time to explain do you trust me yes is that for luck no hurry [Music] and we stand together now remember let's jump it's a big one right behind you running from a blaster I'm gonna run a little faster go higher the location shattered Moon and look at that he ain't dead how you doing kid cool whatever you did up there should kick the Firebug nest Reavis is gone yeah that would do it so let me guess back to Cobo yeah I think so say uh jet pack give me a hand up here yeah you're brooding again that easy to read my mind it's no Jedi trick just pay attention on the shattered Moon I saw Dagen confront Centauri he was so consumed by Tana Lord that he completely lost his way reminds me of my fight with the Empire these last few years let's just say I don't want to end up like him you are very stubborn but ambition does not drive you I just don't understand why she didn't see the change in him before it was too late you dream together and suffered together shared dream is not so easy to wake from is that what troubles you losing yourself if you ever stray from your path we will guide you back what a view huh desert at night seems to stretch on forever hmm there's Beauty and emptiness now you sound like a Jedi I've got a few things right not everything look the order's gone it's time to leave it behind end I know what I want now took you long enough [Music] thank you foreign boats are gone he took his daughter and the compass they used me as a distraction damn you go on Jedi do it do it rather you the Lord Vader who is this boat after our team my crew Cordova Fair they're all dead because of him this is what both wants I know you are in pain but this is not you the Empire has taken enough from us I will not lose you too [Music] he won't see you on the Mantis give the inquisitors my regards finally I was worried sick wait don't tell me he was fighting the entire base wasn't he you were right okay Cal we got Del vote we got no Compass now tell me the truth I can take it we lost Abilene has remains if you were hearing this you know where I've left it but if the compass is gone do not despair what's this isn't just the last goodbye there is another way in to reach Canada activate the arrays and align them to the coordinates embedded in this message [Applause] there's a control center here if we align the arrays we can create a flight path through the abyss wait a minute let me get this straight you want me to fly the manage through a ship feeding nebula using a tiny tunnel carved out by 200 year old tank yes all right I'm in [Music] overtime we're heading to the abyss now fire up the erase all right well what do you think is taking Z so long dagging Guerra was the only person to live through what we're about to do at least we will die together hey great pep talk kids hopefully they can fit that on my tombstone look [Music] wow ah here we go I know I know you want to fly this thing [Music] laughs [Music] it's beautiful oh yeah I bet that's what all the other poor staff said right before they were torn into Vortex ciao right now it's an obstacle course [Music] they're coming too fast but you are faster stop piloting he starts flying I'm rerouting power from deflectors to the engines what are you crazy you're trading safety for Speed exactly we're all in on you buddy you're right it's my ship anus crazy does it baby [Music] hey wait a minute is it me or is this tunnel getting a tad cozy it's not just you see what's going on we need to go faster I'm going as fast as I can wait a minute are you crazy if you jump in a hyperspace blind they'll be picking up pieces of the man it's all over the outer rim do you trust me you know I do Cal let her ride [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs you did it you three-armed son of a gun dark well at least none of us lost our cool wow I hope it's worth it [Music] 81. hey Casa this is Marin she's a friend I'm sorry papa hurt you yeah said I'd never see you again what are you doing here caught it your father stole something very important we're gonna ask him to give it back will you show us the way okay follow me I don't like it here dark and lonely you don't have to be afraid better they're very pretty Kata how did you get here it wasn't easy you shouldn't have followed us supper don't stay back this is the only way to keep you safe she will be safe I promise boat listen to me it's over lay down your weapons this planet will be a Haven for those hunted by the empire including Kata and you but you have to surrender now go outside got up listen to them please I will decide what's best for my family [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] put this on your daughter hold we know what it's like to grow up alone please listen to them Papa and when the Empire comes will you be able to protect my little girl I'm sorry God I tried [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] foreign how are you feeling better thanks good we should speak I was not much older than you when I lost my family for many years I carried this pain I did not want to feel better why I thought if I let go of the pain I would be letting go of the people I loved but I was wrong and one day I met someone who also lost his family together we found another way to survive this pain is yours it is part of you when my mother died it changed Papa me too I guess yes but it does not have to Define you and you must not let it consume you thank you foreign you saved my life on Brock you'd let me walk my own path when I needed to you taught me what it truly means to be a Jedi now you're gone we will continue your legacies here we will build something that can Outlast the Empire I promise you that I promise but I'm scared I almost lost myself I don't know if I'm ready I don't know if I'm ready for what comes next [Music] town guide her through the darkness foreign but this place is our home now yeah Greece yeah I guess it is still got a lot of work ahead of us it will take time to contact the hidden path and find the anchorites and build a saloon I mean the place is creepy but it does have franchise potential this belongs with you [Music] it belongs with all of us what do you think kid should we give it a shot yeah let's do it Ah that's the spirit oh that's great come on I bet you're hungry I'll make you something to eat did you ever have a scar stick
Channel: rampage TV
Views: 303,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars jedi fallen order, star wars jedi survivor, star wars jedi survivor ps5, star wars jedi survivor all cutscenes, star wars jedi survivor all bosses, star wars jedi survivor all scenes, star wars jedi survivor darth vader, jedi survivor all cutscenes, star wars jedi survivor cal and merrin, jedi survivor, star wars jedi survivor full movie, star wars jedi survivor all cutscenes ps5, star wars, ps5, 4k, merrin, cal kestis, star wars jedi survivor merrin romance, darth vader
Id: _9uypcKOmZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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