Calmsden Supercut (Episodes 1-10) | Farming Simulator 22

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hey what's going on it's dj welcome to the constant farm super cut of episodes 1 through 10. this is a collection of the first 10 episodes in the series so that you can watch them one after the other with minimal interruptions then you only have to click on one single video and you can watch the whole thing without having to select another video we're going to be going from the base game in new farmer mode all the way up to owning some extra fields production chains and of course making a few mistakes along the way so sit back relax and enjoy episodes 1 through 10 of constant farm we're going to be starting off fresh i have not loaded into this yet and we're doing it right now you see we start with our character customization screen i love this dude he looks awesome who doesn't want a blue mohawk it's the number one most requested feature there you go and we are in now time to reset up this cache so that the uh jittering quits happening while that's doing it let's go ahead and work on some settings for this series we're gonna have to come up with a name i think the best thing to do is just change this to like constant let's play call count then let's play i can't spell there you go all right comes to let's play uh auto save interval i keep this off it's just a personal thing i like to be able to save when i want to save sometimes i want to save something sometimes i don't time scale uh five's a little bit high let's stick with two for now economic difficulty we're gonna go on normal for this one i know uh but we're gonna start on easy because i wanna show you how to get some money traffic it doesn't matter there's no traffic seasonal growth actually no we're not gonna have seasonal growth at least for now this may change in the future i have tried messing with my personal seasonal growth calendar so if we take a look here uh you can see this is the one that comes base well i don't like this one and i tried to change it and it made everything disappear it made all the gates disappear all the blue blips everything was gone and that's not good so uh for now we're gonna go with no we're gonna simulate it in our own way so it'll be fine it's fine uh snow's gonna be turned on fixed visual month days per month all of that's gonna be set right there crop destruction of course periodic ploughing i do like having that turned on fieldstone you know i'm i'm back and forth on this one because it's just one more thing so i think for right now we're gonna turn that off lime required we'll leave that on and weeds will turn those off as well dirt fast obviously automatic engine start we're gonna leave that off and then fuel usage hi as always and then of course i turn all of these things off and that's it let's go and save our game and we'll be done hey and uh by now hopefully some of the cash has loaded itself up let's go and get a nice i'll get out of here burns all right oh my help windows on isn't it let's go ahead and turn that off we don't need that we don't need no help around here double check make sure fences are here hey yep i don't know what happened man it just disappeared it was i really wish i could explain it bad things happen man bad things happen all right so we want to look at the equipment that we get base game i'm sure you guys have seen this with a bunch of people's videos already but we're going to be taking another look at it just in case maybe there's something here that you haven't seen maybe you missed something so we've got two john deere 6r's we also have a fint 714 vario love that tractor as far as the combine harvester goes i think it's a great one to start with here we could go smaller i do like this one though is the cloth try 720. now we could go more with that if we wanted to tell handlers my favorite in the game period jcb is awesome it's awesome here's a trailer that probably a lot of people haven't used you get your crappy half pipes pretty cool trailer but we will get rid of it we have the 10 meter header cultivator nobody needs cultivators anymore cedars we've got this one we might keep it we might not i'm not sure uh the most popular roller in the game we do have that big sprayer and so on and so forth we don't need to keep going but we need to figure out what are we gonna keep and what are we gonna sell well i guess that all depends on what fields we're gonna keep and which ones we're gonna sell if any so obviously we start with some big areas over here we don't have the horse riding area however we do have the field that's got the pig fielded or a big farm in it that's field 35 at a previous or a future update rather they're going to make that sellable they're also going to make all the stuff in this area sellable as well pretty cool field four that's looking good phil 31 that's looking good as well for 31's actually got the sheep pasture in it uh and then we've got field 15 which is kind of what we're in right now so we've got all of that plus three massive fields as well two of which ready to harvest spill three and field number six it's barley and wheat that's good because you guys know me flower it's flower simulator let's go uh the one that you may look at to sell it's gonna give you a lot of money as well 454 thousand dollars for field number two just from selling it so if you were to do anything if you were to sell anything honestly like field two and then these if you're not doing grass fields you can just get rid of those completely i mean you don't have to do that you can plant something in there if you want to and then i would go in maybe purchase field five something like that that way you've got a little bit bigger land to work with but what are we gonna do the first thing we're gonna do is get rid of the fuel stations that's right these fuel stations right here give you a bunch of money you've probably seen this before but if you click this 875 grand yeah i want that that's that's a high price that's very high price also if you go over to our next farm over here there's another one right here boom right there we click it we can sell that to 875 thousand dollars that's ridiculous uh they also mentioned that there was some rubbish that all you had to do was click on it maybe demolish but yeah that's it's just not working there another thing so at least the last to check see sell the chicken pasture for 75 grand but it also gets rid of all of the fences and a few of the triggers i think maybe that was the problem that i had so just a heads up there you may want to be careful as far as that so at least we've got some money now 1.8 bajillion dollars uh now we go around they just it's almost too much money right we've we've almost made too much money so we're gonna have to hide some of this money let's hide it by getting rid of some of the equipment and making more money and then buying equipment on top of that but we've also got stuff that we've got to do for production chains and stuff like that so there's a whole lot of money that we're going to have to actually end up spending i do know that i want to get rid of that the tail handler is great not a fan of the trailer so that's going cultivators nobody cares uh cedars so this one is a uh what's the the width on this eight meters that's great but for 240 horsepower uh that's just not going to do it roller we're going to get rid of that because i've got a custom one sprayer fine mower that is not big enough nor is the the baler telehandler tools these are cool we don't actually need them i'll hang on to them why not header trailers well we could hang on to that but the problem is that header trailer is not meant for the header that we've got yes it is on it but it's not the one that's supposed to be there let's see if i can bump over and show you guys yeah so it fits it's just fine it's on there look at it you can see it being on there but it's not touching therefore it's not really the mod for this so what we're gonna do is we're gonna jump in our handy dandy little tractor right here we'll cut the volume up a little for you guys i'm gonna go ahead and hook up i will try and do as much with as possible in previous uh series i've gone a little bit i guess i've got a little bit ham it's it's my job after all but went a little bit wild and crazy with stuff so i'm gonna try and take it easier they just kind of enjoy playing more than trying to make like 10 quadrillion monies we'll see how long that lasts i don't trust myself at all but i do love playing farming simulator and i play farming simulator a lot off-screen leg probably more than a normal human being should play barbsim and do it that's how much i play farmsteam oh this is tough there you go all right we'll get that backed up i want to put it here for one reason and one reason only i need this to be somewhere where the header drops into a safe space let's get it here just delete the header trailer boop all right save space if it's in there it's kind of hard to get to i could use heavy lift but that's gonna be well heavy next we've got two john deere 6r's these are great tractors both of them are we've actually got one over here as well but the question is do we want both of those or do we want to start with something else a lot of people are probably going to be using these john deere tractors so i say we get rid of both of them i love the fence 700 as a matter of fact we could take a look and see if there's any other fit 700 mods that we've gotten yet maybe i've accidentally downloaded one somewhere along the way yeah right here so we actually do have a fed 700 mod and also for this one i think we're going to use trello board wheels i really like how the trailer board wheels look so i thought well let's go with them they look great in farm semi 19 what game are we playing so let's uh let's get ourselves one of these we'll go with the big engine uh main color we could go with something else the thing is you can't change the rim color so the rings are gonna stay red you know what i've never seen a white vent before we're gonna have one on this series aren't we taking a look in our used equipment to see if there's anything that we could possibly work with here well we can't maybe a bucket here actually a matter of fact does that run with telehandlers i'm not sure tool could be i use for goods on your truck i don't know what that means i don't know if that's supposed to be patel handler or not it looks like a wheeler thing we do have the pace setter on here but as you know the base setter is not going to work well on this map so kind of tight so looks like unfortunately none of the used stuff is going to be good for us today harvesters you noticed that i saved the uh the harvester right well i got a modified version of this thanks to 82 studio uh the thing is the 73 and 7500 both have the uh the regular holdings however this version looks like a bajillion so i'm not really sure what i want to go with there do i want to keep it or do we get like a lexian right here so i modified this one as well actually is that lexian trion the trion's the one i would want to go with ooh what to do what to do how's about this instead of going with something bigger i guess like the try on why don't we go with a tucano we could do this yeah i will set up ooh let's go with a wide tire right there on the trello borgs that's looking good okay everything's looking good here so far let's get this stuff reset we've got a little couple things over here so store's gonna be on the right hand side let's go ahead and take our vent and get that reset and we've got our combine here as well here's my question will this header work with this combine or am i gonna have to get another one let's go and boom out the auger see if it'll reach i think that's gonna reach it hooks up by the way this is not the header for this you're supposed to use about a seven meter header for this also the tucano goes a little slow uh i mean it's powering it i'm not sure it's powering it beautifully or not that it's working ah give me a second we may swap this up a little bit after making a few changes to the xml file i know exactly what we're gonna do wow those birds are super loud very very rude little laggy coming in a little laggy let's get rid of this i know i just got it hang on let me go up to it this will be the easiest way to do all right so we will sell from here that should give us most of our money back and we're gonna go in to the harvester should be down near the end i modified something that was modified because i'm good like that uh we're gonna stick with trello borg we're gonna stick will set up some standard and we will be good yes i would like to purchase that for more money than i just sold the other one for for some reason look at fresh why's it laggy i don't like it anyway everything's looking good there so we've got a tractor we've got a combine harvester love this tractor by the way and we've got a telehandler okay not a bad way to start off so we've got kloss jcb and fent what else are we missing we're missing harvest time that's what we're doing yeah let's get out there get harvesting time is going by and it's going by without us so we may as well get part of it uh i think what i may do is wait until we like need stuff and we'll just buy whatever we need to let's go enable that straw swab because we do want that we've got quite a few places to sell straw on the map so we'll be kind of spoiled for choice as far as it comes to where we're going to be selling the straw or if yeah if we sell the straw so there is that as well let's go enable fast farming on this i do not want to go slow so we are going to go super super fast well about 20 miles an hour that's about as fast as we're gonna go i have gone through and played on this map i've played for a few hours previously before recording just kind of having fun enjoying myself trying to get a little harvesting done selling some grain and that type of thing to see kind of how i want to start things normally i do that i'll play around a little bit before actually jumping in to see where we want to record and i think for this one i'm going to bring you guys on a journey of me finding things for the first time which is totally the best way to do it uh fighting things for the first time building our empire i guess building building on as we need things so we're not gonna build a farm and then start using all the stuff that we've purchased we're gonna get the bare necessities for each job that we need obviously we've got 2.3 million dollars i think we got enough money but you know we don't have anything really we've got three implements for a telehandler with the machine itself to combine a combine harvester and a medium tractor with a weight we don't really have a whole lot we do have all the fields that we started off with so we're gonna have to get some stuff for mowing obviously probably what i'll end up doing is selling the areas that we've got animals on we don't need to do that right now so why not do that i think one of the biggest problems that i have had uh with series and with gameplay in general just from the very beginning was starting too fast i'm jumping in and being like yeah i'm gonna do this and this and this i don't know what i'm gonna do let's see what happens all right so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna run two headlands around this farm or this field rather you guys saw where i started and how i'm doing things i'm i'm squaring it off right now because i'm gonna show you how to hire a worker on this field at least the easiest way that i found because i have restarted a few times our two headlines are now done i finished both of them so here's what we're gonna do next we're gonna turn around i started at this top corner you don't have to start here if you don't want to as a matter of fact starting up here with the top of your screen is actually the easiest place to start this field curious what field i'm even in in field number three we're doing the barley yeah welcome along so this is where i would start probably if i were you guys take a look at the ground it tells you exactly which way north of south east and west is so what i'm going to do is i'm going to line up the tip top here it's not completely flat but it's close enough and i'm just going to hire a worker most of you guys including myself will use a worker when harvesting fields it's just a little bit easier plus you can come in behind it you can you know run a cart or you can pick up the um the straw which we are going to do today you can see we got to about right here i'm going to stop and go ahead and back it up there we go help out the worker as much as we can so now we've got an almost straight line from one end to the other so we're gonna flip this back around we're gonna find that straight line i'm gonna line this header up with that and it's gonna make about two three passes until we get to another area where well we might run into a few more problems that's gonna be over where the turn is right above the combine right now so here's where it's gonna get tricky especially if you're like me and you like really smooth lines and straw what i'm actually gonna do is i'm gonna let this helper go back the other way one more time when they come back they may even miss a little bit but that's gonna be okay they're gonna put us in line for the rest of the field the rest of the field is well kind of important so go ahead and hire down about right there that will work great straighten it up our worker we're gonna let them go down and come right back and as you can see we should get almost all of that and we may even go back up right in line perfect by the way this combines got a 100 000 liter capacity that's why i've gone without having to unload we got 34 000 liters in here already and as we come up on this we're going to line this up almost perfect i think we're going to get just a little bit but it's almost going to hit this good it may even stop doesn't look like he's going to hey we're going to come right through here we're just going to have a little bit of speck right there at the tip top and that is all we're going to have to deal with we'll go ahead and back this up hit it and then we're basically done with everything we need to do as a human being on this field with the exception of picking the straw up i'm still debating on how i'm gonna do that i might get the uh the round up yeah like a big round baler and just let it run i've also thought about getting another different piece of equipment we'll find out and see all right hired the worker and now they'll be able to get the rest of this done for us and i have harvested this build twice now this is the third time so i know that this combine harvester with a hundred thousand liters will be able to do this build without having to unload come on harvesters doing a great job so now we are going to switch over to the jcb i love this jcb you guys haven't seen me use it but i've used this a ton off screen and i love it love it love it love it love it my favorite it's absolutely my favorite let's get rid of that i'm curious about some stuff and we're gonna find out exactly here today i'm gonna take this there's this bucket's really not gonna hold a whole lot so it doesn't matter if we cheat in a little bit so let's take this and we're gonna cheat in some straw there we go so we have 2 640 liters of straw you see this silo right here i don't know if you can store straw here or not if we go in and take a look and like i said you guys are going to learn along with me maybe you already know straw zero liters does that mean that we can store it i don't know i'm about to find out no all right [Laughter] turns out the answer is absolutely not at least not here you know what i got a better idea for this i don't know where you can store straw but i do know that it's not right here let's go into the build mode that didn't work that didn't work at all let's go to soften and all you got to really do is just like boop that one time there you go so everything's didn't really work well did it all right so i don't know where you could store straw i don't know if there's a hay loft around here somewhere i've tried to look it around but i can't really find anything so if we just take the tip station so this is something neat that you can do you can take your tip stations you see we've got water tank we've got calmsden2 remove junk we don't need to mess with that liquid fertilizer and comston silo one well those are the only places on our silos now of course we do have some tip stations around cnc garden center uh lime station but we're looking for one that looks like an arrow pointing into something and as you can see sawmill and water tank are the only places like that so i don't know where we're able to sell or store rather the straw but not anywhere that i could find well i'm sitting here thinking i'm probably never gonna need this i'm probably never gonna use this this is the liquid fertilizer silo and though that's cool very cool i don't think i'm ever going to need it also i'm looking at this i don't think i could ever sell this great you can't sell that but i could still sell the chicken pasture for 75 000 and literally every single uh thing to go along with it so it doesn't look like i'm able to sell that but what i do want to do is place down one of these so this is a silo that our good friend uh uh trickermatzy has put together um not for us is one that he had but i stole it we could put this down somewhere we could put this down somewhere i want to be careful and to make sure that this is put on some flat ground because otherwise it's just gonna be a total total disaster so the question's gonna be okay i need to put this down awesome where am i going to put this down where it doesn't cause trouble am i going to put it here i'm going to put it like that but i don't even need straw at this farm i need to throw it this farm where do i put it it doesn't do it here i just wanted to double check but yeah it man it doesn't work anywhere does it not even a little bit oop i got 98 99 so i say how am i losing strong well it keeps dumping it out that's why uh can i do that little little trick where am i i'm glad you guys are along with this to kind of help make fun of me i really need you guys for that uh let's see let's go like that oh we're not able to go in there with that oh boy um damn let me empty that out real quick and let me see if i can get this straw up i may have i may have overdone it we may have straw on the ground for eternity yep we're gonna have straw under there forever sorry all right so uh another idea that i looked at was possibly getting the silo in here of course as you know uh silo comes out and goes towards the outside well you can also put you know something else under here if you really wanted to so if we take the silo that we had which is this one you can see i am able to put it in here i'm just not sure it's a good idea um it doesn't stick out so that's great news um there's really nothing we would put under here i thought about putting the combine harvester under there you know i'm just really not sure i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hold off for now i'm gonna huh worker stop down there and you know what's interesting he did that when i was doing tests on this as well that's odd there's something over there let's go under the map and find out and see doesn't look like it shows anything over here oh it does look at this you got a toolbox and a uh whatever that is underground how in the world does this happen through all of the testing and everything how does this get by i would have found this immediately this is an owned field and you miss that come on i think for right now maybe just doing bells is probably our best thing instead of trying to pick up loose straw and then keep it for cows that we don't even have yet maybe this is the best way to do it just put it in bells put it to the side and eventually eventually we will have enough straw to do whatever we want to it so trello borg looking good let's go ahead and buy that there's some more money down the drain we'll have this reset over to the main farm so we can get uh ready and probably oh hey speaking again ready look at this guy he's got 92 percent in here with 92 000 liters of wheat that's not bad it's not bad at all let's go ahead and collect this little bit right here we'll bring that there line it up with this so if any straw pops out nah it doesn't look like that was enough wheat to put any straw out i am going to run this backside so we've got a baler should be over there now it's also in the power range of our uh fin 700 so that's good we don't have to worry about that we're not having to buy an extra tractor i did want to use the corona i'd actually planned on using the corona just didn't turn out that way i wanted to use it which don't the tractor that we have right now isn't powerful enough to run it and i just don't care i just don't care enough to to get a more powerful tractor just to run that it's got the horsepower for it i'm just not sure the weight is uh right where we want it to be so come through there pick that up we'll run alongside this line until the straw is done and then i think by think i know that will be it for today's video let's get to salad stuff and make it a little bit of a more easy free cash how's about that so i have looked at the comment section since the last video and a lot of you guys said this is sellable well wrong button let me let me show you why it's not and then i'll show you how it is see i am all over this thing clicking everywhere but what about this yeah yes please thank you here in lies the problem it's down there [Laughter] i don't i don't want the tanks to still be there i want come on man i jump what these go on i don't need these if the trigger's not there i don't need these bad oversight another thing we're starting the video like this i've tried digging these out and i've tried selling these in the middle of our field i guess they fill three or something but unfortunately these do not delete i don't know why these are here i don't know how they made their way under my my farm but get out of here tools so after i've totally brutally mutilated my farm let's jump back in here and let's kind of do this again but more so the right way so i've got some equipment sitting around we've got stuff in its place but we've got stuff that we need to buy and we've got something else to buy as well evidently filled 23's free where's field 23 at it's also ready to harvest as well that should make it easier to find false where is field 23 at uh it's right here look at this so finally field 23 is free yeah value zero dollar bills y'all um somebody was saying that it's oats in the comment section for me at least it is soy beans but even though it's free i still have no use for this farm so i order this field rather so i'm not going to worry about buying phil 23 it means nothing to us one thing that does mean something though is the house now this is interesting so if i wanted to make a little extra cash all i had to do is sell this look at this sell this for 875 grand you know i don't need the money that would be a lot of fun though there's a lot of stuff you could do and and even if you want to get rid of all the fences and stuff well all you got to do click on the fence any fence at all and it's linked to the chicken pasture and if you do that all the fences disappear be ready there's a lot of quirks to this it's real interesting a lot of stuff that community's finding since it's just come out but you know what as i mentioned in a previous form of news there's an update should we get to farming we should probably get to farming here's what i've done since the last episode i have gotten a little bit of work done we've got a trailer we've got the roland pack auto loading trailer that is trailed i decided not to go with the larger uh punch pack no no no no that thing's not getting around very well on this map this this will get around perfectly fine the reason for it we got 67 bells that have been produced because i decided you guys would assume that bailing was boring so i went ahead and did it off screen all right this is all done no cheating nothing like that i just spent a little bit of time doing the bales now we've gotta go in and actually buy some stuff we've gotta buy a lot of stuff today i've got like a tractor weights trailer plow spreader mower cedars rollers windrow and loading wagon all things that we need to get so let's take a look at some of the equipment that we're going to be buying the first thing is going to be a new tractor large tractor at that i've gone back and forth between a couple different ones yes we're already booming on this whole one tractor thing it ain't working out so i thought about going with the fent 1000 fario that was like well don't we have a modded version of that out already we do and not only that i can make this setup almost exactly like the tractor that we've got the fence 700 meet the white fit 1000 but i decided not to do that instead we're gonna go with a black massey ferguson with wide tires big engine in it and we're gonna go with black wheels a blacked out massey ferguson 8700 this is a throwback to my oak field series of farming simulator 17 that i recorded on playstation 4 back in 2018. a long time ago that was a very very long time ago so that's why i'm gonna go with this you could also see i've also changed up the license plate a little bit so the middle two are numbers uh and before it was dj 69 ham i thought it was funny but i was like oh if i change the nine to a zero it just still says dj goham so i decided to do that and we're doing license plates on the back only so there is our tractor we are gonna get a weight for this as well so let's jump in here and buy ourselves a nice little weight also the reason i needed a bigger tractor i want to use a little bit bigger machinery not huge not huge just big enough you know what i'm talking about so let's go with this since it's a blacked out version we need a blacked out weight for it and to go along with that we're gonna get the same trailers that i always use eventually we're gonna have to start carting some stuff around so uh if you want to download my pack you can as linked to the description below but it comes with this or at least one of the things it comes with is this i've modified the base game brantner trailer so both of them i have been modified we're going to go with two of these they're pretty easy to drive around overall on this map so let's see trello board tire suite wide cover yes main color we are going to go with black i think we're going to go completely blacked out on there rim color all black as well and we're going to be buying two of those again these hold 50 000 liters each yeah it's cheating but it's it saves you trips that's about it i also need to get a plow because this field's going to have to be actually all of our fields have to be plowed so we're going to go with the lizard 6mt 9mt we're gonna go with the nine version we're actually gonna do this check this out i'm gonna do a jcb yellow on it with black jet black actually you know what let's go with onyx black on the bottom i don't know i just was like ah yellow plow why not we also need a fertilizer spreader i know i said i wasn't gonna do a stuff but these are all things we're gonna use today so i have to own these to use them we're gonna go in here there is one that i'm using right here uh i love this it's super super easy to use i think i've got lime turned off i may have it turned on i'm not sure we'll we'll figure that out from there regardless there we go we have a fertilizer spreader also need some mowers as well now i have gone back and forth here and maybe you guys could tell me we're gonna we're not gonna buy these yet should we go with the vernonland uh stuff here so there we go these or should we go with something that requires a little less horsepower but doesn't look as cool the base game putingers let me know we're also going to need a cedar now the cedar that we're going to get is the exact same one that i keep using over and over and over again this right here it works why would you not use this over and over again if it's not the best and it is so we're gonna go with it why is this the best holds all you see that's good it's a direct drill the base game version is not this is and it's available for all platforms it says nine miles an hour we'll figure that out when we go past it anyway we're gonna get ourselves one of those we also need a roller for this i'm gonna go down to the dj gohan pack where you guys again if you're on pc you could download this got a couple different goodies in here oh wait my rollers aren't in there my bad my rollers are here we'll i'll figure out how to get these released so here you can see we've got all kinds of stuff i think i'm gonna go with the same look on this as i did on the uh all the pl wow i think i'm gonna go like this it looks cool i like the yellow i think it looks nice so there we go uh we also need a windrow and a loading wagon but we don't need those until we start mowing i will show you what we're gonna get just so you can get an idea so the windrow if i find it we're going to go with this i like this because i can merge everything left and right and be done with it and then as far as the loading wagon goes we're actually going to go with a super super modded version right here but we're going to keep it pretty tame overall it's only gonna hold a hundred thousand liters so as much as our combine harvester i know it's a lot but we got a lot of work to do man all right i'm gonna get all of this stuff back to the uh may farm and then we're gonna start kind of moving stuff around getting stuff to work so we've got a bit of work to do today and now everybody is nice and put away looking good looking good and our tractor is looking super super fresh man i love this messy perks and it looks so good all right let's get everybody put away at least for right now for where we're gonna be and let's jump back over here now this fence 700 should have no trouble whatsoever moving all these bells around if it does we will swap it out go ahead and turn everything on we'll put ourselves into operating mode into the help window and now we got a bunch of bells to pick up oh yeah one other thing had a couple people ask it about uh game settings well uh well we showed off the game settings but one thing that i need to change up is the economic difficulty we're gonna go into normal we're also gonna save that game real quick never know might happen uh see times two oh yeah we are currently doing our uh gameplay so we need to put that into times two just cause and as far as all these bells we've got 67 bells to uh to babysit today these bells are gonna be put away and we're going to sell all of them maybe all right selling all of them look at that you know what we're gonna get a bunch of straw before we end up buying cows anyway we may as well so we're gonna sell all these bells i just had an idea so we've got all of our bills picked up obviously uh we've got a couple fields that need work done to them yes we do so why don't we jump at our massey ferguson here by the way i'm loving this super super uh european kloss jcb massey ferguson and finn oh it's a great setup i did want to go with an original all messy ferguson setup but unfortunately we don't have a small messy first got mine harvester i know we're not using a small one anyway but i didn't want to just start with an ideal i didn't think it was appropriate i thought it was just a little bit too much that's why i didn't do it straight up let's go over here let's head over to i've no idea how to get there i'm just gonna go straight through the field let's go on over to our other field up here so we have one field that probably a lot of people don't even pay attention to field number two it's ready to go for us it is ready to go for us before i start this this plow super awesome i'm actually going to run a couple headlands around this myself before hiring a worker on it just so we can get this project finished because all of our fields need to be plowed why not do it a little bit easier if you flip the plow around basically it requires zero horsepower which makes life just great so that's what i'm going to do there now that i've got my headlands run around i'm going to flip the plow because for some reason in pharmaceutical 22 the worker hates and i mean hates using this also one thing real quick i've got to put some wheel weights on this thing it's oh please please be the tractor that i wanted okay i guess we're redoing all this customization again um we got to have some wide tires with weights on here uh it's just it's a little bit much it's bouncing around quite a bit also i did forget to put the warning signs on there the first time around there we go customization sure sure we'll hook everything up hook and then do the same thing here and we'll hire our worker on here this should make this a little bit more stable because it was extremely unstable jumping around this field like it was all right do you like that higher worker and it looks like we're good cool all right we'll let this guy just do his thing we'll hit this entire field and we get to go back and sell some bales so the straw where are we heading with it man my mouse keeps disappearing on this map i don't know why let's find some straw here we go also this zero right here this is how much you've got in your animal pens again another thing uh it's been overlooked a little bit so we've got uh all spheres and cotswolds now if i remember correctly both of those are kind of down here a little bit i believe one of them is around here yep so we got the coswolds there and then i believe our other one is down here if i remember correctly it's that one right there so it's kind of how far do you want to drive i will say that we're gonna have to take this road anyway they're both the same price but i would rather take a straight shot all the way down then i have to come in turn and go all the way around like that so where are we heading to right here take the place let's go one thing i will say it is an absolutely beautiful drive through this map there's a lot of tight spaces yes but remember this is not a town city center map this is not somewhere based uh in a huge population area this is this is the map kind of out there a little bit so it's kind of nice to be able to drive through the countryside a little bit of an uninhabited farmland countryside i love it i think i think the setting of this is just absolutely perfect let's do this first time we've come in here at least on the gameplay we've of course showed all of these areas off in the map tour so if you haven't checked that out go ahead and do that linked in the description below let's go and get these sold i think it was giving us about 60 something per thousand liters so 15 grand not too bad with 67 bells we're gonna be taking i think it's around four trips so not bad i'm bad at all let's give this a little nice little bit of money even though we got 1.5 million dollars here's our last run right here uh evidently was only two runs plus 11. i'm bad i told you not to let me do math all right we'll get these unloaded real quick we'll see what our final take is so we had 15 15 and about six so right around thirty thirty one thousand dollars uh ish maybe close to thirty two that's how much we got for all of the bells that we sold that was 67 bills that's quite a bit uh now again i'm playing in normal mode so these prices are a little bit odd to me because i've been playing it easy since we started but i think that i mean the price come on we have 1.5 million dollars we're set all right so about one hour in game has passed since we started and we're working on getting uh um plowed up field two is getting close to being done uh then we're gonna have to hit field number three and we're gonna have to hit field number six which leaves us a couple grass fields to look at and some animal pens to look at as well next little bit is lime and fertilizer now we're going to be putting down the lime first which means i need to customize this to who would it need to be more right now it only holds about 10 000 liters yes i know it's cheating gets it done faster leave me alone one thing that i need to do is we need to do something about seeds and fertilizer here's the problem beforehand all i've done is i've gone through here fill lime done now i've got a hundred thousand liters lime we didn't really pay for that did we so i would like to actually have to pay for lime and and fertilizer and seeds i'd like to have to pay for all that but i don't really know what to use now i'm sure that there's some stuff we can put down pallets if we really wanted to and go into containers and we could take a look and see uh different stuff through here i would like to use this i would really like to use this the unfortunate part is it's a little bit expensive i said it's a little bit cheaper than you would expect but it's still a little bit expensive so i may go through here just taking a look at some stuff of course we have seeds a little as a herbicide ah let me go take a look at this moderate quick amount of and see if there's anything to it so all the modders says about these is that you could place them down they cost a hundred bucks and the seeds and stuff also cost you money [Laughter] okay fair enough uh the thing would be um so we've got fertilizer liquid fertilizer herbicide and seeds the thing is normally you have liquid fertilizer and herbicide they kind of go together right there's different ones fertilizer there's not one for lime so maybe maybe the lime is free don't don't tell anybody limes free yes so i've decided i'm actually going to turn off lime required so we're still letting dude right here letting him rock and roll i've already ran a headland around this since i can't actually buy lime the way that i want to we're just not going to buy lime at all uh which means i'm gonna go through here and we're gonna edit this to go down a little bit yep back to ten thousand that will work for me perfect but now we need fertilizer so let's go ahead here back to containers again or was it in tools maybe some tools it was definitely in tools because it's right there let's find ourselves fertilizer there it is and let's place one of these down somewhere actually you know right here might be a great place for it because it kind of blends in uh we'll give it a little bit of a spin just to see which way it should go i think about right there will be perfect boom i did mess with the ground a little bit did flatten it out right there so what i will do is go into landscaping we'll go to smoothing and then we'll just kind of do a little bit through here just like so just kind of make it about the same that should be good all right let's go and drop down fertilizer spreader probably should have done that when i got over here open it up and fertilizers flowing super slowly though are you kidding me hold on a minute all right so i'm gonna stop it right about there that's gonna be 12 13 almost hundred dollars per thousand leaders hold your roll home slice all right never mind it's cheap resume all right this is just taken forever so sorry uh 82 studio i need you let's put you down and we'll put you down about right there still gonna flatten it out not too bad not too bad i did mess with a few things so let's go in we'll try and make this a little bit better painting oh yeah i forgot there's not a lot of not a lot of painting to this uh is there missing ground type slate that's not it all right well guess we're leaving that as is hopefully this isn't in the way too much we'll go ahead and fill this the rest of the way up see about 10 grand not too bad uh that's actually a little bit cheaper than you would expect it to be we'll head over and we'll go ahead and fertilize one of the fields so i guess our way of doing things is going to be plough fertilize seed or direct drill on top of that uh roll and then fertilize again or fertilize and then roll um just depends on what it allows us to do and and what exactly we need to do but i think that's probably going to be about the way that we do it and we're going to be using um purchase fertilizer as you can see solid fertilizer at least for the time being this is a massive spread and i've got a modified version holds a lot and go fast there is a version of this on the mod hub right now if you guys would like to use something a little bit smaller now we are done here the fertilizer spreader is completely finished let's double check it see oh what is this did you just go nah i'm good i don't feel like doing that part i tell you what we will do them we can go ahead and fertilize either we could do this field right here that he is working on or we could go and do the other field probably what would be better for us if i leave this bed alone because who knows what he's gonna be up to also probably between now and the next episode uh there may be a few days in between like real life days of course i'm recording this on a sunday it's gonna come out on a sunday well you guys know normally i don't do gameplay videos during the week what i'm gonna try to do in the meantime is go back and get all of the work that we've done so the harvesting the plowing everything keep the specs the same or at least the very very least i'll copy the specs over so at least we know what we have done but i'm gonna try and go into giant's editor and i'm gonna try and delete those things that are in the field i'm also gonna try and delete a few of the placeable objects that are around that are causing some issues again i know there's an update to the map coming soon but every time i make a pass on that field over there i really don't want to have to be worrying about those things that are underground as well as i would love to put some of the straw in a silo and and keep it and we can't do that currently and i've got one that'll work perfect for it just need the space for it that's all so uh yeah we we may do that we'll miss a little bit let's not leave that let's come on let's let's get on back and get yeah there we go got him so i've done about as much as i could do right now just sitting around waiting because well obviously this guy's just taking his dandy time so let's go buy another plow and let's get to work on that other field now these plows are well the power rating it's a little bit much 260 for 6b this used to be i think it was 180 so uh somehow power requirements have gone up since the previous game and there's no way we're gonna be running a nine meter plow on the back of that thing but i think a six would probably do okay i think this would be doing just fine something else that would be kind of cool is if we tried to run like the same color designed just to mess with the plow like that i'm not gonna do that we're gonna run something like that i think that'll work okay but i don't know i like this design i think this looks good let's go with this again it's a little bit more money i know i'm spending money like it's going out of style but well i mean there's kind of nothing to do right now we're just waiting on dude to finish plowing the fields so why not take matters into our own hands and get to work on another field it'll be just fine also i've been using this as a shortcut i'm sure you guys have as well but man that's a great shortcut i love it yeah and with that we're gonna start by selling something absolutely we are we're gonna sell the baler that we've got because well moving forward what's the reason in keeping this so let's go ahead and select it we are going to not repair or repaint god just got 20 grand to repaint i don't think so how much is this giving us 121 grand get out of here that's way too much that's a lot of money just to repaint something all right let's get ourselves a new baler now we've got two different ones to go for here we've got the class quadrant or we could go with the corona big pack 1290. here's what i'm thinking let's go with the chrome because i've already got a class combine so let's go with that because i don't have anything chronic yet so let's do that i'm not going to go with the silage additive just because we're not making silage today we're just going to do grass bells and we could choose what we want to from there this is going to be chassis color we could change that up i kind of like the green but i also kind of like that as well i'm not really sure what i like through there and then we can also change up the design color under that uh i know i don't like either one of those so black is what we're gonna stick with there you know what i think i'm gonna go with the uh the gray right there the tan color just because with that i can see it so let's do it and we got license plate dj gohan is this showing up on the back yeah there it is let's do it it's not too much more expensive than what we made uh we lost about 50 grand but yeah we got one point well four now now we need to find ourselves some mowers i'm actually back on this baler right now uh so i looked online and this is saying that it's got a 10.3 meter working width all right that sounds good to me that means that whatever mowers we get if we want to swath them we have to make sure that they're 10.3 or smaller you say we've got a 10.2 there uh let's see i think the class is yeah that's a 10 meter and then we've got on the protigers right here this is a 10 meter as well this may be the way that we want to go i thought about choosing these to begin with i also thought about these but they won't do us as well in the long run i don't think you can't figure out what kind of swath you want you're stuck with a uh main swat the whole time similar story with this although i thought about buying this putting it on the front and then putting the baler on the back i i'm not sure if it's gonna work like that though or not this is a pretty big mower and i'm just not quite convinced that it would work although i do want to try it moment of truth here let's see how this plays out i'm not quite sure we do have weights on the back so this i mean it might work it you know it should work oh that's heavy dads pretty heavy on the front of this [Laughter] i wish that the steering or the turning rather on this flipped around because that would make this a little bit easier it ain't easy right now also i gotta get this this field planted i may may try and like run one of these and then maybe try and get these fields plated with the smaller seven series it should work look at the boys we don't need no crash counters at the beginning of the video all right this is a little bit silly but these are pieces of equipment that exist in real life so i mean it's not that bad right i'm gonna try this if this doesn't work or at least if it doesn't go the way that i wanted to we'll probably swap these out for the protector mowers and we'll go from there all right so as far as the mower goes that's pretty easy just put it down i wanted to do this so it would be easier but this is gonna be way more difficult than i wanted it to be all right let's unfold looking good looking good i'm actually going to turn that volume up a little bit oh there's some good sounds going on with this all right we'll go ahead and lower down looking good looking good i need to turn my helmet on because i want the biggest bells possible 240 centimeters and that's gonna be what we feed the uh feed everybody with all right turn that on turn on the baler i'm going to enable fast farming the real speed limit mod but we'll see how it works [Laughter] all right so i've actually got plenty of power to do this is this working oh i just got to be careful actually can't get too close because of the windrow over there and that's going to hurt something but look at this make it turns nice and wide it works but here's the thing when you look at this i mean we're going about eight nine miles an hour i could go more than twice as fast with each piece of machinery by itself so what's the real winning here is this the answer or is this just a solution to a problem that no one has uh man i don't i don't know it's not working awful though whatever uh i'm gonna try and do this a little bit and i'm gonna see how well this does we'll get through this field and then i may make my decision after that it's it's working i'm just not sure if this is the way that i want to do this or not well that lasted about as long as i thought it would uh it didn't i had to trade them out man i just i mean i got this field done in like just not long not long at all cool all right like it's funny how i can just fold up the rear mowers but the front one's like i don't wanna all right so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna hit all of our fields all of them all the grass builds that we've got which are quite a few also it's still bounces around with these mowers on here too but just not not as bad as it did that's darn sure so it's taking turns you had to worry about the front the rear mower it's it's a pain it was a big pain now i don't have to worry about that anymore we are good let's get in here also i'm just loving the way this looks uh just it feels i mean this almost feels like a um crash counter it feels a bit of a throwback-y episode to oakfield almost this map reminds me a lot of oakfield and that's not a bad thing at all that's a huge huge compliment i love it absolutely love it so what i'm gonna do like i said we'll hit the rest of this well i guess we'll see you when we're done with uh phil 31 and four i don't i don't think these want to be mode moen is done and i've almost got a clean tractor cause i accidentally pressed this button i don't uh i don't know what i've done but i'm pretty sure it's a mod that i downloaded maybe early on in farming simulator's lifespan it's the insert key and it's a lot of fun actually will it do the front mower as well or just just the back hey i guess i'll only do one implement at a time but uh yeah immediately made this beautiful beautiful tractor sparkly clean and brand new get out of here dear i wonder if he'll do this nope hey there it is cool all right so we've got all of that now i need to figure out a where to put these mowers and then b we're going to go ahead and do the uh the what's that other thing we need to do plant yes i don't i don't know how much you guys i don't think i'm gonna put these at this farm ooh here's a new area so i thought that this was here a couple you guys were talking about it uh looks like we've got our workshop and everything here but this opening is plenty big enough for these mowers and i'm gonna have to back in and pull out and turn back around et cetera et cetera et cetera but look at this fits perfectly i know this area is probably meant for grain or potatoes or something on the ground but this works and there's no traffic on the map so i don't have to worry about coming it's like come on taking my face off love this yeah quick link perfect this is one thing that i love about smaller maps is you never really know what you're gonna get on i know this is a full 2x with huge fields i know but it's it yeah you can't really use massive equipment can you it doesn't really allow for that all right let's go ahead and do this let's clean the weight there we go we got that let's jump in the fan and let's go and hook up and get some get some planting done we shouldn't have too much trouble with this the planter says it requires about 180 horsepower we have about two 240 something like that so we should be okay we do need to fill this up with seeds we are going to use the handy dandy uh filler upper machino right there there you go 90 or 3 900 bucks not terrible not great but not terrible and we'll go ahead and unfold this one thing also remember we had that stuff under the map over there well uh i have acquired oh oh i don't know what that is let's go ahead and save the game real quick uh i've acquired a fix from 82 studio uh and i want to give a big shout out to him because without him um i would still have a bit of a broken bit also there was a member of the giants modding team that was in the live chat as david was working on that so that was pretty cool all right uh then we gotta figure out what are we gonna plant well obviously i don't have seasonal cycles turned on oh yeah i got wheat and barley to do as well we should probably build some production factories nonetheless um i'm thinking oats of course i'm always thinking oats but the reason i'm thinking oats is i'm going to simulate a yearly cycle and in where we're at august right now in game generally if i was using my personal geo i would plant oats and then i would harvest those oats and then in the spring i would plant either like wheat barley canola something like that and then harvest that on the i think it was the first or second of summer i think it was like the second of summer and then in either june or july we'll plant like soybeans get a little cash from that so i think that's what i'm gonna do uh we're gonna do oats at least for this first run around and then from then on we will kind of do our buy yearly cycle soybeans funny enough really don't do much for you anymore in farming simulator they're not uh they're not the end-all be-all when it comes to crops anymore which used to soybeans were like if you wanted some some good stuff you got soybean speaking of good stuff is this it's not even finalized you didn't fertilize come on there we go that's done it's almost like i gotta do everything around here come on all right where was i uh i don't remember anyway i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna run all three of these fields on oats and then from there we can take uh these oats to whatever factory that we've built at the time probably going to be a flour mill or herb you guys know what i'm talking about great meal there you go all right so biggest thing right now is going to be running about two headlands around this and then straighten everything out so that the worker can get what it needs to do while we go bailing so we'll skip ahead to that part time to see if this paid off or not keep in mind there's a chance i could have been done by now if i was just using this as a setup but i decided not to can we get both of these at the same time or am i going to have to go down one row at a time i think i could do this okay i'm missing some don't don't tell anybody uh i mean yeah miss it some yeah i can't take turns very well but it's it's getting most of it it's getting most of it so we did don't need a windrower in this configuration which is very very nice and we don't miss a whole lot well we seem to be missing a lot more than i want a mess uh what am i this didn't work the way i wanted it to no no no uh it does look like that this is a proper windrow and then going into the baler so i actually need to baby this a little bit more than i would generally uh normally i would just fly up and down these rows hitting both sets but it looks like that may not be what i need to be doing i gotta be careful but i am making bills we're making bells and we're making them pretty decently hitting little spots that i could have missed so it's not bad plus this is a really cool machine it takes a lot of power as well i mean i got 400 i think 400 horsepower in this tractor four or five something like that this baler says it takes 245 but it is taking every inch of just anything that i could give it all right so there is one phil not too bad we did pretty well on this field overall but now one two three four five six and then i think we got seven and eight right here popping out yep so eight bills off of there not bad cool all right let's get it folded up let's get over to the next spot we got more to do i thought all things considered i did pretty well on both of these fields what i normally do is i'll run one full headland and then i'll run one like merged headland that kind of hits all the little spots that i missed running around in circles and then one really nice one after that so three kind of headlands but it's really um one point or two point three i don't know and then back and forth this should be pretty easy i think overall to go ahead and hit this so here we go we'll go and turn that on and then all i gotta do is follow in line with the middle here and i shouldn't have any problems at all i say that but i'm sure i'll find a way to mess this up somehow but it's working it's working just fine one cool thing the grass i think it only had like a 30 boost and we got plenty of grass off of this field so at 100 this is really going to be fun the bills are done and this field looks to be close to completion as well which is good because so are we helper a not quite an idiot he's done well he doesn't even look like he's missed much if anything so that's great news all right everything is working everything is looking good now all i got to do is get this uh baler parked up here not too bad best backwards driver and farms them still clutch can soak it all right there's that and i just need to find me a bell trailer and we'll go collect all of these bells and we'll take them over to where the sheep are or however we'll be oh yeah so here's the scary thing i don't know if this works on mod maps or not obviously the uh base game sheep they do take bales but i don't know if they will on mod maps or not this is actually all the bills that we got off the smaller field in this field we do have a lot more on the other field but i figured i was like well we're already here may as well go and unload these i'm trying to get it straightened up at least so it can do it proper properly good enough how about that not properly uh we'll go ahead and unload put them about right there and then drop them hey and it works because grass just appeared in the uh trough great news okay let's go let's pick up the rest of the bells over there we'll put them over here close by and then we're gonna buy the sheep and then we're probably gonna be done here's the last thing 200 sheep have been purchased for about 10 10-ish grand i don't know and they're in here nice and i can walk through them are you cute like giant said you would be you're adorable oh my goodness the sheep is eating 60 fps yeah i'm talking about you what up home slice look at that sheep eating at 60fps that's something else let's get out of here one thing that i forgot um i gotta plow this field up oops so i gotta remove these bells put them over there with like the other bell stack and then come through here and plow this field up with the sheep just chilling sorry you better be fertilizer let's start off by picking up a trailer for the animals we need to get something that we're gonna put water in so let's go in and let's find animals here we go and i've actually prepared a mod just for this special occasion what i've done is i've gone into the um man tgs tank pack and i made a modded version he's pretty we're gonna go with the continental tire main color i'm kind of going back and forth with this a little bit i want something a little bit older that doesn't look like something brand spanking new but unfortunately really the only color that makes it look like that is beige and that's not fun for anybody so we can either go with a polish metal or chrome i'm thinking polish metal would work perfectly here and then as far as the rim colors go we've got some browns in here but nothing really look good so i'm thinking just onyx black be done with it and of course of course we got to get our license plate going here so dj 6d ham it's dj gohan all right let's pick that up let's reset if you guys didn't know what comes done you've got a reset point right on your main farm here so we reset that and then boom there it is now i just got to figure out where to fill this thing up here's an interesting one ah here's my dog he's just chilling doing his thing walking around i have noticed that there's some times where he's not by the house we're well we're right here the house is here that is way too far for the dog to be away but he's just chilling doing his thing so if you didn't know yeah the the dog will just go walk around aimlessly all around town it's great we're heading down to our second farm now and at this farm right here we actually have a water place where we can fill stuff up i've never used it actually i've never used a water filled place in the game before don't tell mom uh yeah is that it it looks like it this also looks like it but it's not oh boy uh which does anybody know which one it is pda says that it's this one let's let's hope that it is uh still nothing's happening let's go in here to this oh maybe we need to open the cover that did the trick uh unfortunately the money is going down which is not always exciting but i did say i wanted to start paying for things so this is what i get we'll just start with 10 000 liters and see where that leads us the the base tanker for this anyway holds 8 000 so i can't imagine we're gonna need much more than 10 maybe i don't know we'll find out as you know most of the animals in the game you actually don't even need to give them water however on constant you do i'm glad that oxygen david included that it was very very good oh yeah don't worry about the field we're we're getting there man we're getting there all right um i don't did i choose the wrong thing i don't even know how to uh activate dangerous goods label no don't need to do that all i want to do nope don't need to open doors don't need to oh boy all right well let's just we'll enable that and see what happens there we go got the trigger you had to really pull in here goodness gracious all right so we over did it a little bit they only took 1500 liters that's all right okay so now now that we've got that done let's go let's grab this tractor still but a roller we're gonna go ahead and start rolling the other fields that way we can get over here and start planting oh boy crash counter plus one already of course now rolling in farm sim 22 doesn't really do a whole lot for you at the end of the day uh it does give you a little bit of uh rolling it gives you a little bit but there's really not a whole lot to this just start rolling i think it gives you like five percent or something like that and so we definitely definitely should have fertilized this before rolling hey go give me a second nice we've got everything done okay so a lot of fertilizer done uh you can see right here this has been missed i don't know what i did but there it is let's go ahead and turn the roll back on you can actually see where you've been what needs it etc etc so let's get it done let's drop this down and it'll start working immediately as soon as you drop it down i am going to go ahead and enable fast farming because that's going to make this a little bit easier for me as far as we're rolling just yeah get you rolling you know what i'm talking about is this working this is working okay you just can't tell boy do i wish you could tell it's it's pretty difficult seed bed and after seeding and everything and it can get a little bit interesting nonetheless seeing one from the other usually you've got some crop down but since we plowed up everything it's a little bit more difficult to see everything so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go ahead and run the uh required headland that we need for this and then i'm gonna hire this on worker and we are gonna get seeding and idiot number one has started their work we're good we got all this done i got a little spot right here mess but whatever who cares i'm gonna let this guy do his thing he's not gonna do it fast but at least it will get done in the meantime we need to get planting out some grass we have three fields that we need to go and plant and if you can see at the top right hand corner of the screen it says 1457. uh what i've tried to do when i'm playing is play it two times that way we've got actual stuff that we've got to get done in a certain amount of time did i fertilize these fields by chance they look fertilized at least for one state anyway let's go ahead and drop down we will go and turn it on we are doing grass what are we stuck on there's nothing there [Laughter] i don't i don't get it i don't get it at all the great thing is at least these grass fields are not big so this isn't gonna take us too awful long um and one thing to know as well as far as i'm aware there is no grazing in farming simulator 22 at least not yet i know in farm 719 we did have a grazing mod and we had a grazing feature it's a boxy maps but i do think it is here so i'm totally cool seeding this into grass and then once we get cattle still coming in here mowing i don't think that's gonna be a problem at all and yes that is the gold to get some cattle in here as well um i do want some pigs too i don't know how exactly we're gonna handle the pigs the pigs are gonna be interesting because they're just going to create poo and that's about it i'm not planning on selling them i'm not planning on doing anything like that but just want to get them forward to poo and be done with it oh it's 1500 hours that is who is that what's up about three o'clock in the afternoon i think something like that so uh we've got another well we're in august so we've got another about five hours in game however that's gonna go pretty quick and i've run at times two playing with you guys a game since we started and yeah we're still on day one episode four day one let's go caulifield is done now it's time for the glitchy sheep oh he's just having a blast didn't he uh it is a known fact as well that the sheep glitch a little bit when they're running around slowly uh this is the first animal pin that's been built into the game that we've seen informed sub 22. so [Music] maybe there might be a few problems there and there and that's okay things happen and we run over sheep that's okay things happen all right so what do we got left well not a whole lot we're gonna do field 31 and we're going to do field number four we still own field 35 i don't know what to do with it i mean we do have an update in the works right now so hopefully soon uh once that update does pass we'll go ahead and buy this entire plot of land right here and we'll just turn all these to the grass field so pretty easy pretty standard stuff i tell you when you're doing this be careful because you have to get real real close to these fences and hedges all kinds of stuff and with something big like this it has not been easy the field behind us took a few extra minutes longer than it probably should have needless to say i don't want to use a big cedar anymore on this map oh here we go we're going to get stuck in the fence don't do it i'm gonna have to ride this fence the whole way down and this is not gonna be easy the great thing is at least we're almost done this is our last field oh you see a couple little spots that i missed whenever i was plowing that's all right nothing wrong with that uh yeah a couple a couple of spots here and there and we're problem is if you missed something you got to go back if you were planting a field or something like that you know dirt patch here there that may not be awful for you if you're doing grass and you've got dirt patches like this in your grass field well you just missed something didn't you yeah you did also it's 15 26 now so time is flying by it doesn't even feel like i'm spending half that amount of time in real life oh i'm rotting the wall aren't i sure am that whole area right there huh well as well playing up through here while we're doing it all right this is our last field and then once we get this done we should be about finished at least with this job i know as far as rolling goes uh he's about halfway done with this well maybe a little bit more than halfway done but he's missing a whole lot so we'll we'll have to figure out what we're gonna do there and now finally we could put the cedar away until november or december when whenever our oats are ready so we can get in our uh winter wheat and winter barley that'll be great there as far as this let's see if we can find our roller looks like he's all the way down there in the bottom of the field i'm gonna swap these tractors out because that roller could definitely use a more powerful tractor even though it only requires about 150 160 horsepower and the tractor we've got down here has 240 got almost 80 to 100 more than it really needs this has got 400 so this might do a little bit better plus it's heavy rollers are super super heavy something that a lot of people don't think about myself included really don't think about the weight of things too much but you got to remember farming simulator and 22 weight is a big deal is that a pun i think that was almost a pun anyway uh let's see how much of this i can get done it looks like yeah it looks like helper idiot right here did not do a great job of doing any of this so let's see if we can find these little brown triangles around and get the rolling oh yeah on to the next field now and i think as you could tell rolling is going to take a while we've got quite a few fields that we've got to do so i think what i may end up doing is getting a hold of something maybe a bigger tractor with the big roller something like that just so i can get this done quickly if you don't get this done before it starts growing it's not gonna turn out good because can't really roll something already growing um the first stage only is when you can roll so i'm gonna try and well try and get everything done uh we still got a little bit of time left and today usually we're only about halfway through the video we got a lot more to do let's go one thing that i have learned doing these so far is you need to do three headlands with this piece of equipment at least on this map most maps you don't have a bunch of stuff and i say most i think we have what six total that we could play on right now there's not a lot out there but something i've learned very quickly is run three headlands and you will not be disappointed i think three would have made the other field perfectly fine i wouldn't have to come back through and clean up after them and figure out exactly where all the problems were here's what i'm doing because i'm at the end of headline number three right now i'm gonna hire a worker on this and be done with him we are going to lease another tractor and we're gonna lease another roller and those are gonna be what i'm gonna run around with i think that that jcb the modded version that we've used in our live streams i think that may be the move because you can get 800 horsepower in it which will be more than enough it is super fast and it is all will uh drive and all will steer well everything's all wheel drive i guess it farms him but it's all will steer which means that we can kind of get into some places especially in those animal pens that they're a little tricky so higher worker let's get in here and do this i've also thought about buying that tractor for this farm as well but i didn't want to get like an 800 horsepower tractor plus we only need two anyway at least right now we don't need a whole lot so i don't think buying it's the move i think leasing it's probably the move here it is let's take a look i'll see we're using trello board tires on this farm let's see duals are not the way to go here wide tires that'll work uh let's go with the big 800 horsepower engine 243 grand right there and then as far as colors go i've really enjoyed doing the gray so i think that's kind of the move right there that's it right there 244 see leasing is ooh leasing's 12 grand we might as well just buy this but again like i said i don't i don't want to buy it i just want to lease it i leased it that's i'm not proud of myself but i did it let's go into rollers let's find ourselves some rollers and uh let's see the modded version right here try the book sure uh let's go with a roller that's about the same color just to mess with it or should we go with a white one huh what do you guys think that gray's probably the answer here and then the uh will color we'll just make it exactly the same least that as well and then here it is and i understand we we still have another tractor we could use i don't want to use it i just want something that's fast that i get things done quickly with all right let's get in the field in the words of jeremy clarkson sitrep we've got a lot going on we are doing good it turns out three headlands was the magic move because on field number two they did perfect i got a little bit left fertilizer right here plus we just finished 15. yeah there's a couple little spots here and there where it's not working that's okay we have two fields left to go rolling will be done i gotta go through fertilizer a little bit probably check in with you guys once the rolling is completed and uh then it's gonna be time to go ahead and skip to the next day in game look who's that why is the dog in the middle of the road get out of here we are now all done with all of the work finally in day one [Laughter] there's a lot going on man let's go ahead and return that tractor it was a good 12 grand investment there we've also got a few more things that we need to start thinking about so as you know we've got some wheat and we have some barley well with these we can make flour which in turn we can take and make bread and through that bread we can sell that and make some decent cash well the important part is right now we don't have anywhere where we can make make we don't have a grain mill on anywhere so we've got to figure out where are we going to put it are we going to buy this massive area right here or are we just going to try and settle for this area right here now this is about half of the amount of money that we have total right now so we we really need to we need to be careful about how much money we spend because i'm trying not to spend as much as possible uh just for fun just for fun let's go into productions let's we're in our factories let's find a grain mill let's see here's a grain mill we would have to find somewhere to put this do we have a let's see do we have another green mill oil mill grape bakery carpentry dairy i don't know if we have another one yeah it doesn't look like we've got another one so that's gonna be the one that we have to put down but where do we put it do we put it over here and where the cows are do we put it in this field right here do we try and find somewhere in town to put it which also may be a good idea possibly down here where everybody please bebel outside school i might find somewhere to put this because i have no idea where i'm gonna put that at all one thing that i forgot but totally realized is i don't have a vehicle we don't have a car we just have tractors so i decided you know what let's drive the teleheddler home today also where's my house i don't i'm not familiar with oh in front of it that's it huh i don't think i've got anywhere to put this and i'm pretty sure the local council or whatever is gonna be super mad at me for bringing us home don't care gonna park it in front of my neighbor's house there you go got the pup dog out there doing his thing let's go over here of candy nice 1 000 bucks i like it let's go to bed let's go to bed let's go to bed till nine o'clock in the morning and let's see what has changed what fields have grown what do we need to do i'm sure the sheep are going to be super disappointed and annoying which is why i've actually brought the telehandler with the bell spikes all right so 14 000 leasing costs do i have anything else least i don't so that's good do we have anything good for sale hotel handler of course well i guess looks like we don't have anything that we need yet let's go and turn this on let it warm up and take a look at a little bit sheepies and see what they need oh they need food um cool cool cool cool cool at least there's grass so that's a good thing yeah i think we need to take some of these bells and just sit them on top of the feed trigger that way nothing crazy happens i was actually going to do that but we plowed this up like one or two videos ago real life it's been like a week i forgot i forgot let me alone what if we pick up four at the same time i don't know let's give it a try and see i'm not sure if this is the best way to do about this but okay doable yes smart no [Laughter] i'm gonna try it anyway i mean i think it'll work i think this will work fine but this is one of the reasons why i wanted the telehandler i love using a telehandler it's one of my favorite pieces of equipment in the game to use for whatever problem is i never do it i never do manual labor i just use auto loading and and i just grab stuff and throw it i never do things for the fun of it anymore we're gonna do things for the fun of it anymore and have a good time doing it all right put these down about right there and back away slowly taking a look okay so they've got 3 000 liters of grass not too bad so i think those bells are probably gonna be way more than enough than what they need but i'm gonna go grab a couple more just in case since we're rocking the telehandler right now i wonder if we can bring down the water barrel for these guys as well so i'm just gonna leave the water located over where the bells are instead of having to bring it all the way up here on the main farm so this has got a regular hitch that's got a regular hitch but doesn't look like i'm gonna be able to hook up that's a bit of a bummer i would have loved to have used that but i guess it is what it is we'll just have to use a normal tractor hey i'm cool with that pull this right in here and for the last minute or so the video while i do this and get this job done let's talk about the future what we're going to be doing with this i'm probably going to start a new game save as soon as the next update comes out a lot of people have talked about you know do you need a new save no but there are some things that you probably should use a new game save for if you want them to be completely fixed and want everything to be okay so i will be starting a new game safe however i'm going to try and get all the work that we have done i'm gonna try and get that done off screen that way well we don't have to worry too much why are all the sheep walking that way never know uh so i'm gonna try and get as much of that done no back it up as possible there we go and you know what i'm just gonna leave that there why not makes it easy for me so new game save once the new update is out that way we're using a great perfect version of the map and we don't have to worry a whole lot and i'm down with that as far as everything else goes probably the next time that you guys see me in game it's going to be either november or december depending on how long it takes for the crops to grow as you can see we are well into it we have planted oats so it shouldn't take too long and generally those do grow by november or december when planted in august at least the way i do things so hopefully we'll see these done all right let's do it today is gonna be about buying some new stuff because as i mentioned the beginning of the series we would only buy equipment when we needed it well we need some more equipment and it's going to rain soon i'm actually going to be running time at zero time today in this episode because it's what's about to rain i fast forward time a little bit and then i had to go back to the old save and fast forward time again it's all fun and crazy but you can tell we're good on our fields but the oats have not grown yet we're in november we fast forward i think two months three months since last episode so field four field 31 and field 15 are all ready to go we got grass in all of them ready to be cut so here's how we're going to do it field 15 and field 31 are going to be moan and those are going to be used for silage we're going to place down a new silo as a matter of fact and that should do some magic for us thank you trucker mansi we've also got field number four field number four because there's nothing in it and it's fairly squared off we're gonna ted that and turn it into hey i think i made hay three or four times in farmsome19 because once he got into seasons you had to tet it like four or five times i hated that so much you had to sit and wait on it sucked it didn't make it fun at least for me so we've got this i've already purchased it we're ready to go but we got more stuff to buy we're gonna do that right now let's jump in and get some new stuff first on the list is a new silo and we're going to be placing it down on this farm what i've got to call farm number two we're gonna place it right here and we're gonna get a little overlap onto the road so it's silos we've got a special silo that's been sent over just for this actually triggermancy made this a few months ago but i'm going to use it for this specific thing now we've got a little clipping issue going on with the trees don't care we got a little clipping issue with the road i do care about that because you can see you get to a point and it just disappears so i want to get it just perfect to where it's lined up with the road and it just almost disappears into the road this way whenever we drive over it we could still see it but we don't go boom boom right there big guy be quiet this way got him yes we're clipping through a few things on the ground but you know what i could drive straight over this now with a loading wagon or anything like that and be totally fine yes there's trees going through it and whatever we're gonna have to have a new game save eventually anyway and once we get the new game save i'm just gonna go in and modify the existing silos done that's number one number two we've got a loading wagon we need to get a merger and we need to get a pallet autoloader so the first thing is going to be forged wagons we're actually going to use this one that i found on third party site i can't remember which one it was but it's the shootermaker rapid 580v modded this is from modder f-l-i-t-s-c-h-e fliche i don't know regardless this is sweet because i can modify colors i can modify capacities and you don't have to make so many trips going back and forth since we are using uh michel or not mitchell we're using trello board tires however trillborg they're they're not available on this i'm gonna go with the prices tires i think they look pretty sweet and we're gonna go with a more capacity so i will have to make a couple trips but it's only 100 grand same thing there and then colors i actually don't know what color i'm gonna make this so i'm gonna go through this and we'll figure it out got it don't ask why i thought orange was cool so there's one down now we need a merger now this is gonna be a little bit easier the base game one's gonna work perfect for me i like this one i like this version a whole lot because this makes getting in and out of spaces pretty darn easy especially it works with a great loading wagon so we're going to go with that unfortunately we don't have something that works like this yet now i have seen that the modder does have the window portions on front of this as a separate mod but they haven't released it yet and i could make silage and hay bales and that was actually the original plan and i started recording like that but i ended up deleting all the clips and reverting back to what i'll say because i didn't like the way it was going took too long i didn't like it so we're gonna get the merge merge max 950 and lastly is a pallet auto load so i need to go into all of the mods dlc stuff that i've got and search for auto load now we do have a couple pretty sweet pieces uh like the bremer and we have the bachmann but we're going with something a little bit bigger but not too crazy so there's uh one in particular that i'm looking at of course we've got that one but i'm not actually going to get that one specifically there's one more and you always have to go through here and find where it says auto load this version right here i like this version it works super super well and you can carry a lot of them at one time those smaller trailers really don't do a good job doing that so we're gonna go with this now there's a couple designs that you could go with here this one where the sides go up that's pretty sweet and you got the normal design yeah and then this one where the sides do go up but it's nice and small and it's kind of cool and i haven't used this version yet i've used this version a lot so i thought maybe trying to use this version i don't know i you know maybe we could do something cool with it we may have to go back uh here we need to find colors again so give me just a second what do you think of this color combination that's not bad at all so the main color that i'm using is the uh bachmann and then the room color i'm using is dark gray i kind of looks kind of cool right please tell me this looks cool because i'm buying it now for some handy dandy resetting and we can get to work if you guys are playing on this map and you're not resetting your equipment to this farm what are you doing it's so easy it just goes bloop and there it is so let's get to work the first bit we're gonna get done is collecting the wool the wool is in the field currently and i just want to get it out of the field so we'll get this take this put it down if you're wondering i did buy this piece ahead of time and i used it with the other rig and i liked it worked really well uh the viking fanax works really well i like that if you're not using that check it out hey you might like it also are you even doing grass work let me know i love doing grass work i like to aggress work in real life as well i just got a mower and i'm kind of pumped about that speaking of pumped about that check this out so this is how this works the sides come up just like that um oh boy uh we're gonna have to change it already [Laughter] it doesn't have straps on this version no it looks cool but there are no straps no boo customize design one yeah we're gonna have to go with that oh man that stinks well you know at least the sides do open and close and that kind of thing so we can go ahead and i was trying to avoid using this version because we've used this a bunch oh well this is what it is so here you can kind of take a look and see what we've got again the grass is ready to go i was surprised i didn't even cheat any of it i did leave the water in the middle of the field though so there was that and here is all of our pool that is ready to go and we'll try not to select that one way way off the distance if it pops onto here i do apologize we'll go ahead and double check and make sure it says that there's seven available and there are seven close by oh now there's only five available now there's eight no seven yes all right let's see if we can make this happen tip side left is perfectly fine i just want to make sure and then of course we need to change this to your palette hey got em sweet uh and then this is just gonna go over here in the next version of the map oxygen david has said that the horse area over here is going to be sellable so you could sell all the stuff on the field and just use this as a normal field and this is actually going to be my placeable area whenever we move forward because i generally at least don't run horses in any fashion in the game so this playthrough won't be any different next on the list today is moen and we're actually going to start with the field that is going to be tedded uh we're not going to ted it right away but we're going to start with it uh one thing and a couple of you guys mentioned this in the last video that i used these i think that was episode number three possibly so the punchers actually boom out a little bit i did not have them boomed out and by the way if you want a quick way into this field that's a pretty quick way in there's a whole dude there's there's a lot of ways in here to cheat it regardless that's the way i like to do it nonetheless with these they will run windrow in and that's great and that's actually the way that i prefer to do it but there's a neat little trick that these have so i'm going to go ahead and unfold the front and we're going to go ahead and unfold the back and i'm going to open up my help window and show you now remember i don't know what that was all about i'm on pc using an xbox controller as you can see on the left i could move this in and out and we actually move this out much further we can do the exact same thing on the right side as well so now i'm getting instead of like that eight meter spread that i was getting now i'm getting the full 10 meter spread that i should have been getting the entire time just for fun sake you could see how close i am to the wall actually i'm gonna get right up on the wall right there there's that and now when i bring this in and i'll just show you how much room you're missing well that's not actually a lot is it huh and it's a whole lot easier to control in like this as well i figured something out we're running on swath dropping right now so i'm gonna go ahead and turn these mowers on and i'm gonna get to work we're gonna get this field mode up yeah we got a couple of things forgot to shut this we got a couple other things to do as well so i'm gonna get this field and a couple other fields done as well and then i will jump back in and see you once all the mowing is done as i'm finishing up mowing here this is the last field that i've gotten quite a bit of time this past real life since the last clip with this i've got to take it i'm buying cows we're probably gonna get them either today well it's going to take 24 hours for the silage to do its thing so maybe tomorrow but nonetheless we are going to be getting cows and especially since tomorrow in december the oats are going to be ready to harvest so we're going to have straw we have a lot of strong probably gonna have to sell some of it uh we're gonna have plenty of silage we're gonna have quite a bit of hay as well so we're gonna have i think enough or almost enough to buy all of the cows that we possibly can i think you can get 200 we will double check that before we get them it's it's not a big deal right now but i would love to max out the number of head of cattle that we can get make sure they're all able to produce that way we're getting uh falling is not allowed you know here's the funny thing it irritates me i can't fold the front mower but i can turn it off then raise it and then fold it the back one and just hit fold and it turns it off it raises it and folds it i don't get it i don't get it at all now as i mentioned in the intro we're gonna be tetting but only one field that's this one right here believe this is field number four way over here there you go by the way i think i want to buy field one and make it grass but it's more money than we have eventually we're gonna have to start making money we haven't done that yet let's get this filled done at least we're gonna be tetting i'm gonna go ahead and close this that way we don't have to worry too much about it we do have a little bit of grass on the edges but i've tried to mow in a way where it's easy and we can just come through with the windrow and be done or the merger rather and with the the other two fields all i have to do is merge the outer windrow because i kind of do like a 1.3 width type thing a little bit weird not i probably the only person that does it like that but it works for me so it's great uh this tedder is going to throw this grass around drop it down yeah one of my favorite animations by the way in the game however it just flings it erwhere so it it does uh it does it's gonna be fun to pick up that's for sure but i do love this it looks super cool it's a lot of fun uh and thank goodness we've got a great merger that's about all i can say about that all right this is the only i repeat the only field that we have to do so this should not take long now the tetting is done i've put the tether away and we've got our merger on the back and i'm gonna show you now why i think this is the coolest one ever other than the unfolding animation which you have seen is just epic we're going to open up our help window and there's a couple options so we can toggle our work mode which is neat so if we lower this down and we've got it left well everything that we pick up is going to go to the left if we change that we could say everything goes to the right well in today's video we're gonna split it and everything's gonna go down the middle that way whenever i come through to pick it up well it's like normal now if all of this was kind of together if i hadn't done some wind rowing ahead of time while mowing well this would be a little bit more fun shall we say but now it's gonna be totally civilized and it's super easy just turn it on and there you go whatever you pick up just kind of goes down the middle and it's also got uh well i was gonna say it's got a steering axle as well but that's not something that it has let's go ahead and shut that off there we go so the great thing is i could just drive straight down the pathway of where all of this stuff is and i am good it's got a working width that is extremely similar to our mower that way our rows shouldn't get too close-ish together but probably i'll end up going through the rows and kicking one row to the left and the other one to the right and that will merge two rows together that's last time i have to spend driving up and down but i think this is an incredible an incredible merger windrow whatever you want to call it it's got a couple different names i think this is actually technically a merger nonetheless check it out definitely a cool thing and it's base game i had to jump back in i want to show you guys this thing in action so i've just finished my headrose and i want to bring in every other row together so i'm going to open back up my help window i'm going to go in here and then i'm going to change my working width to left so that's going to take everything that i pick up and kick it to the left but when we come back the other side it's going to kick it well to our right right now but it's still the left here we go go ahead and turn it on and we'll go straight down and just kind of show you why i want to do this so everything that we're picking up is popping over to the left now you're working with does go down whenever you go uh sending things left to right but it still works just fine so there's that cool cool cool cool and then we just spin it back around and we line up with where we want to be and then now the entire thing is kicking over there how cool is that this works great with doing straw hay grass uh anything you're mowing it just works works really well and i think it makes your life a little bit easier as well so i'm going to do this to this entire field and then i've got to go around and i've actually got to hit some headrows on like everything so yeah wish me luck i got a couple other fields to do in the meantime we are getting very very close to completion here today i'm super excited about it and i'm just gonna you know show off my backing skills a little bit uh i know trucker mansi has been going for a little while i just needed to remind him who the best backwards driver informs him haha love you dude all right let's get this put away we've got one more job not even halfway sorry about that we got one more job today and that's going to be to go collect everything that we made all the fields are done man i can't wait to harvest this by the way that's gonna be the next episode is harvest i'm really excited about that it's gonna be harvest and buying cows it's gonna be fun let's go and pick up that front weight because i know we're gonna need it we'll get backed up out of here again best backwards driver and farm sim thank you and load up so a bunch of hay as you can see and we've got a bunch of grass now that grass is going to be turned into silage uh it only takes about 24 hours so it's not too bad uh plus we have the magic silo also by trucker matsy uh thanks for the silo love you dude i tell you what i'm not saying i did a great job but i did a really really good job i'm gonna save myself a whole lot of time uh one thing about wind rowing and we've we've talked about this before however if you're if you've got two rows right let's say over there in the grass field if you got two rows and you run down the two rows with merger now you've made two rows into one you're like yeah save myself time with the loading wagon have you though i don't think you have because you're still having to run up and down that field twice crash counter plus one so that's one of the reasons that i have not gone through that field and when rode a couple of those rows together could have very easily could have but i still would have had to go down once to do the windrow and then i still have to go down once to do the loading wagon so i'm still having to go up and down that field twice and it's just a whole lot easier for me just to run this loading wagon and i've done one side and i'm already at 20 percent that's 20 000 liters of of a hay man that's a lot of hay i feel like i barely even got anything of this spill done i've gotten around it what less than twice and there i am a hundred thousand liters and we're full all right we'll take it over there and drop it to the silo and do it again load number one coming in the silo and that's exactly why i put it right here because man oh man is it so easy just to pull straight forward and unload in the road somewhere where you already are you don't have to turn around it's perfect i love it trick-or-mancy you're the man i love you dude also miss you start making content again love you where you at hi um should we do the outro now it's probably a good time let's do it man i am ready for this big old harvest we have three massive fields of oats ready to go go and get everything turned on raise it up and of course unfold we also need to make sure our straw swath is enabled it is which is great news that way we're able to actually run this thing now i've got a spot that i like to start you guys can start here too if you like you don't have to it is what it is this makes things easier for me especially when hiring a worker especially with running combines and things like that i do try to do two headlands around here i try my best i think i have crop destruction turned on i'm not sure let's find out and see is that i'm not sure let's double check real quick i think i turned crop destruction off nope it's definitely turned down so we should be very very careful about how we're going to start this one how about we just start it right here that's going to be totally fine we'll go and get everything turned on get that combine sound down just a little bit a little bit hot all right so three big oat fields we've got a whole lot of work ahead of us especially with running one single combine eventually down the road i would like to get two but i like this one so maybe we'll just buy another one just like it works really well for me this is the starting combine except this is a modified version that i that our good friend 82 studio helped put together so this one holds a million liters saying goes you need to be faster you should be used to that by now here on the channel pretty much everything holds more and goes faster but plus trying love this thing all right two headlands let's get them done moving along pretty quick this morning i'm very happy about that let you guys know this video is probably gonna progress pretty quickly as well since we've got three fields i'm not sure i'm gonna do all those in this single video however what i will tell you is we're gonna be buying those cows pretty fast because all i need is a straw i actually don't need these oats for anything i'm sure we'll figure that out probably if at the end of this video or in the next video we've got to build a grain mill because i don't think there's one here on the map we need to start getting flour made because this is flour simulator 22 and then we've got to start making some bread this is the best time of the year right now to be selling that stuff in december problem is we don't have evening of it even built we have wheat barley and oats we've got it all man we just need to do it all right so this field could be a little bit interesting here's where we are field number three the shape is well it's different isn't it the thing is you can still go straight up and down you just got to be careful find your front left point right there right and then you kind of take a look into the ground and see all of the ways that i planted in circles well find some straight lines see if you can line up with a couple of those straight lines and just hire a worker what that's gonna do is that's gonna help to start get all of this kind of straightened out for you a little bit you can see it's definitely not going in line with the rows that we've got but at least it's working and be ready to hot fire the worker because he's just gonna keep running straight and i don't want him to do that i'm gonna back it up we're gonna go all the way back around there and do it again after we run it the second time it's probably gonna be done i don't think we're gonna need to mess with it again after this but our worker and this should kind of get him on a straight path to do this entire thing now of course you kind of get this little triangle effect as you go along through here because the combines well they do i missed a few things well we'll come back and get those later uh the combines do miss a few things here and there but not too bad also we're over 25 full already just from the two headlands headrows what are these this might let me know so that i get it right all right so that part's done now we need to go and do the second part that i want to hit today this is going to be picking up straw as soon as we can pick all of the straw that's we're ready we're ready for for cows right away this ain't going to take too long this is the same one why did i lower the front weight i never want to do that there we go we'll go ahead and turn that on uh this is the same loading wagon that we were using in the last let's play so hey check that out if you haven't already that was a lot of fun i enjoyed that one a lot of grass work you guys know me i love doing grasshork okay so we've got a bunch of straw to pick up we're gonna pick up the first hundred thousand liters i doubt i'll even get around the first row and then it's cow's time yeah we're waiting i figured we can go ahead and hit this spot as well i don't know how full he's getting looks like about forty thousand but yeah definitely needed to go and empty him real quick by the way i've got a hundred thousand of uh straw we made it all the way around one way and made it to about where the combine is on the second run and that was it let's go ahead and put a straw on our handy-dandy little silo right here which has all of our silage it has our hay and now it has the straw and now that it has all that let's go ahead and add one more thing let's go and animals i've got a feeding mixer that i put together so this is the canon mc5 or keanu mike fiber 365 from 4d modding and this is a mod that's supposed to be coming to consoles eventually however right now it's only available on pc on their website air ag remodeling i'm gonna go with i think some floatation pro tires let's do well we really don't need any of those things but they do look good for an extra five grand why not we've got we got the money and then no registration plate because well that just keeps our dj goham i like that this is gonna hold a hundred thousand liters and it's gonna allow us to mix a lot of food at one time which is going to be perfect and this is empty so it's time to go get it and here it is man oh man do i love this mixer so i use this a lot on oakfield farm i had a personal gameplay series that i was doing just for fun on farmsome7219 rather farms of 19. had a great time doing it and i love this i do need to turn my help window on uh it looks like we do need a little bit of uh mineral feed i didn't know about that we will go sort that here momentarily in the meantime let's start by trying to figure out what our uh mixes are going to be so in farm sim 19 and 17 both i used a 40 40 20 and that worked pretty well for me um and if you've got a little bit more silage versus something else like for me for example i have 200 000 liter silage however i only got 173 000 liters of hay so in this case you could maybe use a little bit more silage versus hey but i think we're gonna be okay so let's start off let's do oh hit that just right in now 40 000 liters of silage uh let's go over here to hey we'll bring that up to 80 whoa i am way too good at this let's go stroll uh i think we'll try and get this to like 99 98 i'll take it and lastly we need to put some mineral feed in here just to give it that little extra boost but i don't have any mineral feed so we need to go get some real quick i feel like doing it this way is probably the easiest we do have one of 82 studios i don't care what it is just give it to me silos right here so let's just go in here real quick and we'll buy some mineral feed i'm sure we could put it in here maybe probably hopefully yeah there we go all right not too is bad 1500 bucks yeah 1500 bucks for 26. that's not too bad for this part i'm not really sure how i'm going to do this do i want to dump it in or do i want to put it in the silo and pull it from there i think i'm going to put it in the silo and hopefully the bucket will allow it to dump into the silo we'll go real slow and see if it does yay i was really hoping that that would work because i have not had good luck with buckets and silos in the past all right so there's that nice and easy done done done why did i turn that off we'll pull forward that'll give us our two percent we'll go ahead and turn the help window back on just that way we could see our feed ratio pull it forward there we go and give me mineral feed there we are 100 000 liters perfect yeah man now we get to go buy some cows and i've got somewhere for water but we'll have to go pick that up let's go and pull this right inside here uh-huh we've got our feed trigger but let's buy the cows we should probably close that as well i i read a post somewhere where the cows are getting out i don't know how that's happening as far as the test that i've done goes i think that the holsteins right here will give us everything we need i thought about going with these the brown swiss just for the fun of it i don't just something different i think i'm actually going to i think we're going to go with those uh and i think it's the middle ones right here that it was showing that they will allow you to uh to have milk that's that's what i want so i think we could buy the ones in the middle and get milk i think uh 150 head of cattle by the way you uh can't get 200 in here thought it was 200 but it is not yeah see i like these cows these are nice now that's up let's give them some food you can see down at the bottom right hand corner of your screen a lot of helpful stuff pops up how many animals you have how their health is food milk straw and slurry so let's do this let's go ahead and feed them this should come out pretty quickly if i've done it correct and i'm not sure how much it's gonna dump but they are taking it like it's going out of style we may have to go make some more and that's totally fine with me but all right maybe we don't what i can do is leave this here because i don't actually need this or anything else this is this machine this is one job so i am just going to leave it sitting right there now what else do we need here uh let's see we got the food mill oh straw we need to give them straw actually this machine would work really well for giving them straw wouldn't it yes it would i don't know how much straw they need but they can't take much more than this let's see i'm not sure because i've never fed the cows on here before i said the series is kind of like a learning experience with both of us um well i got the trigger for it there we go okay i was gonna say i got the trigger for it but then it disappeared immediately straws going in you can see the straw is going up on the bottom right hand corner 38 000 liters seems to be the magic number not too bad not too bad we'll go ahead and take the rest of this food or the straw rather we'll go and put it back in that silo because the animals are probably good for about a day maybe two days something like that i do know that in the next update which by the way i'm recording this before the update comes out just in case it's out by the time this video drops um yeah they the animal pens have been increased because the sheep you basically have to feed the sheep like every six to 12 hours and water just goes out immediately uh doesn't seem like a whole lot of a whole lot of research went into that that is what it is the last thing that we need to do at least for the cows today is going to be to grab our water tank and go over there and fill them up with water um moving forward and fast-forwarding time i think it's going to be a bit of a pain because like i mentioned these sheep need water like every couple hours and their taint or the uh trough just completely empties and i'm really worried that the cows are gonna do exactly the same thing that type of thing i i know it's being fixed man it really just doesn't make for a fun gaming experience does it don't need to do that in real life come on there you go all right by the way i didn't know that was there thanks for whoever pointed that out in the last comment section let's go give them some water and then the cows will be completely done at least for right now for today the water trough looks full do i actually need to give them water um well that's showing me the field uh i don't i don't know what's going on here cows um take grass whatever no that's fine oh i don't need to give them water huh well jk about the water thing i guess we're not giving them water today totally fine with me that's one less thing i have to do all right so the cows are now done they are completely finished up of course the grass over here uh we've got a good yield bonus 98 not too bad i do have lime turned off plowing is turned on hopefully we don't have to plow that up but eventually we are gonna have to look for a new grass field and now that we're kind of in this nice happy medium where things seem to be working pretty well for us all right dude don't lay right in front of the water tank get stop quit doing quit doing what you're doing right now you're being weird we're gonna need a new new field i will say there is one that i have been eyeballing and it's field number 25 because currently field 25 has barley in it and it wants me to harvest it the problem is we now don't have enough money for it anymore so we would have to take out a loan on top of that we would not be able to ai workers completed their task heyo we got something going on up here let's go check out what's going on in the main field uh i've still got to buy a bakery and i've still got to get all of the production chain stuff for doing oats so i i've got a a sneaky sneaky sneaky suspicion that we are going gonna run out of money quickly we started with a lot actually there is one thing that we can sell if we want to get some more money but that's gonna be way over here at the main house right here we could sell the house uh click hold the boss we could also sell the doghouse for six hundred and ninety thousand dollars nice uh that may be what we end up doing i do like that the do you like that the dog just runs around everywhere i think that's super cool i don't want to lose that but i think if we have to lose anything that function may be the one that we have to lose all right let's go and get this turned on we'll do a little quick double check just to see what we've got and what we don't have so we've got a spot here spot up there so we'll clean this up real quick and then this build at least we'll be done getting one more final unload right here we did pretty well overall all right let's just go and turn that off leave that sitting for a sec we did pretty well 90 000 liters of oats that's just on one field just one of our fields so moving forward let's talk about how we're going to plan this out because unlike in farming simulator 19 and 17 and 15 and 13 also known as farming simulator well we've got silo limitations and i'm not talking about the grain silos that we're gonna reveal and i'm actually talking about the one behind us right now so that silo has a limitation and limitation is four million liters right well in that four million liters we actually have to be a little bit careful because i need to put straw hay and silage all in that well that is gonna be a bit of a problem once we start getting millions of liters of the different oh boy that's a crash counter these trailers may have not been the right choice uh it's gonna be a little bit much once we get into it so let's go in silos i just want to look at this because it's always good to kind of hash it out while you're thinking about it so 4 million liters if we've got a 40 percent need for silage and a 40 need for hay and a a very small need for straw well that puts us at a predicament doesn't it yes it does i don't know what the math is on any of that by the way but yeah we'll we'll figure it out eventually but we'll kind of have to limit ourself so every time we do a harvest we'll have to limit ourselves to a certain amount and then once we go from there we could just sell off whatever's left seems to work works pretty well in my head what do you guys think are we done yet this is taking forever moving on to the next field i figured i would let you guys know i figured out my silo uh not the exact numbers by the way of course i didn't do it the right way um so the numbers that i'm gonna rock with are one and a half liters you're one half million liters each of silage and hay so that puts us up to three million half a million liters of straw although we may need more than that because we've got to have it for feed and for betting so i'm not sure how long that's gonna work uh we we might do a little bit more than that and of course we've gotta have room for grass because we have to put grass in there and then it will you know magically turn the grass into silage don't don't tell anyone i'm not cheating you're cheating get out of here so we we've got a lot for at least a little bit of each but we've got to also be aware of how much we're collecting and that type of thing this is not something that i've ever had to do before i've never had to prepare never had to do it the right way we're gonna have to prepare and do it the right way unless i've increased that leader edge up just a ton but hey at least we won't be wasting any right right so today we've kind of got two different storylines going we've got this storyline of the harvesting combine and and bailing the baylor and then we've also got a fertilizer spreader that we're going to be running on another field so it's going to be kind of fun and interesting and a little bit different i've got a full setup of stuff for us to do today of course we're going to be harvesting and baling we've got to fertilize et cetera et cetera but we've also got to plant we've got a roll i've got a game plan for the silo i know the last episode we talked about that well here it is i'll tell you right now we're going to be holding 1 million liters of each we're going to be doing silage slash grass we've also got 1 million liters of hay and we're going to hold 1 million liters of straw now great for me you sleep straws going because we had just about 1 million liters actually 997 000 i believe so we've got all that collected which means all the straw from this field and all the straw from the barley field on 25 is all going to be turned into bales which is pure profit i'm very excited about that plus right now in game we're getting the best prices as well in the winter time you get really good prices for straw and barley and stuff like that it's really nice unfortunately we're not gonna be selling any of our barley or oats or wheat we're gonna be turning that into flour now moving forward we're gonna be building i believe in the next episode we're gonna be building all of the grain mill and things like that we might even need to build two grain mills i'm not sure if we have to actually build two or nine but i know that well we're gonna have a lot and i i really mean it we're gonna have a lot uh wheat we don't have a whole lot right now but barley we're probably gonna have close to 200 000 liters of that if not more and oats we're gonna have well over 200 000 liters once we finish this field and all of that together is going to be going to the grain mill also our first harvest for year number two in game is actually going to be wheat and barley so we're gonna be doing winter wheat and winter barley of course field 25 off the distance which is huge that's gonna be a big grass field what we're going to be doing with the grass is i think we can get like three cuts per year so my game plan is to utilize all of the fields around us so as you know we have the cow field we have the sheep field and of course we have one of the other fields rooms i think it's filled with four but those those are going to provide us with more than enough grass and hay and probably even silage that we need so i think what we're going to do is turn that with the grass maybe into a massive like silage bell field because it's right over by the bga so what would be more beneficial than doing that i think that's probably the best idea is just doing a whole lot of silage and make a little bit of cash money from that you know what i think this farm is going to be running itself in no time let's keep the story line going the next setup is going to be fertilizing so what we've got is we've got filled of course three and two these are going to be what we're focusing on right now because we're getting work done in field number six so i'm going to fertilize down and then we i mean after that all we have to do is plant so i may i don't know we gotta figure out how i'm going to do that because this tractor i don't think can plant very well it i'm sure it'll work i'm just not sure if i want to do it if that makes any sense but anyway so these two fields are gonna be wheat so at least they're you know close by we'll be using these for flower and of course for straw uh we'll see how much straw we actually go through through the winter i'm not sure exactly how cattle do i haven't really done much with animals yet i have of course chickens sheep and honeybees if those count i'm familiar with all of those however with pigs and with cows not so much as a matter of fact rarely did anything with pigs at all in farm 719 i just wasn't a fan of the way they worked in seasons however cattle loved it super easy great to work with stuff like that so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna hit this field we're gonna fertilize it we're gonna fertilize field number two up there and then we're gonna get ready and possibly think about how we're gonna be doing planting let's do it now comes the fun part we've got everything fertilized at least on these two fields we don't need to do much more than that now it's gonna be time for planting and i'm gonna go ahead and start doing that because i might as well right we've got a tractor here that can almost do it so let's rock and roll baby let's hook up we do need a little bit of seed so we'll come over here and fill this up one thing you can fill this up without opening the cover because the cover doesn't open unless the piece is unfolded that's a little bit annoying but it's all right there we go cool so now we'll just switch over to wheat so these two fields are going to be wheat like i said fill behind us that one's going to be barley well i'm going to plant i don't know there's really not a whole lot more to this we're going to go straight through the hedge and plant we're gonna run our headlands and then i'm gonna hire my worker by the time i hire my worker i think our combine harvester is gonna be almost done as a matter of fact let's check on them real quick yeah they're definitely gonna be done by them once that's completed then we've gotta get a header trailer for the header because there's no way i can get up there without using a header trailer once we've got the header trailer we got actually you know what i think i can i don't know i don't think i can make it through there not with this anyway we'll try and get that up there and then we'll get to bail it's gonna be fun we got a lot going on today and now everybody's doing their thing so our planter right here is doing his thing uh until handler's doing nothing as always and we've got our combine so this is gonna be interesting because we're gonna go ahead and unload we've got our oats by the way filled looking fresh i love that you guys know i love making the the straight lines making them all look good i'm gonna go ahead and unload real fast that way i don't forget to do it yes i know there's a silo behind us but we're using that only for forage crops i'm gonna go ahead and dump silo in here because this is the main silo that we're using we're actually not using constant farm 1 silo because you have to back in and things like that though it's fine it's kind of difficult to get in there by the way whenever the update comes out i'm not playing on the updated version yet i don't know when it's going to be here but i'm going to swap these silos out i'm going to make them hold more and we're going to use forage crops in them because remember we're starting over soon we're going to try and get it back to normal choke counter plus one come on dj get it together oh bird just glitched out nice okay we need a header trailer unless i can get down in there but i i think we've already looked at this you guys will take a look at it with me hey maybe this will help you guys out as well i don't think there's a way to get combine down here without running into something with a header we might be able to get it through there but we're still going to run into walls over here and there's walls all the way around that field yeah that's not gonna happen so we need a header trailer for our header so one thing let's oh yeah by the way use stuff anything good negative negative all right let's take a look at the header that we've got so we have the clos cambio flex 1080 okay so we'll go over here to headers we'll find that exact one coming in flex 1080 what combinations and this will show us what we need with it so we'll just get this we'll lease it 357 bucks whatever it's useful enough for us let's have it reset over to the main farm and now we just got to get our combine over there to pick it up and then bring it over here and then drop it and put the header back on it and then grab it back with the combine harvester get over there yeah see down too bad it works i'll tell you one thing man these cows are cool i am loving the animations on them everything's looking good they're happy different colors too this one thing that i noticed when you buy the cows it's not just like one color of how now brown cow it's like how now grey cow and brown cow and brown cat with spot and grey cow okay maybe they're just brown and gray so there's two instead of one not a lot that'll be all right so this is the game plan right here fortunately all of the other vehicles that we've got are being taken up right now so this is kind of our only option and we gotta line it up just perfectly it should uh snap down so that's nice to nice to have nice see and give it a little boop just like so you should see it kind of snap unless it's in a good spot oh there it goes hey nice all right we'll pick it up one thing uh you've probably seen especially on this trailer and quite a few other articulating trailers slide they slide and they move around a whole lot i don't know why who knows all right let's see if we can make our way up to field 25 i don't know how i'm gonna get up there i think we found our entrance i think yep that'll work let's do it oh i'm not gonna be able to make that turn uh [Laughter] i might have to plan this one no i think i got this yeah check this out i was right in line i didn't even have to worry nope not a bit and the combine's also uh clean now don't don't worry about i had to take i had to take a picture leave me alone i think out here is going to be fine to drop the header trailer maybe about right here something like that that'll be okay and we could just go ahead and get on in there and be done with it yes sir also here's something fun um there okay never mind i was gonna say there's no beacons on here there is a beacon on the trailer i've got my beacon hat sitting behind me right now and i i was trying to turn the beacon zone to take a thumbnail picture i was like yeah it'd be perfect i was like wait there's no beacon zone here but it's working there's one on the trailer right there it is made of fool out of me all right so let's get a game plan how is this field going to be obviously we're going to run two headlands around it and i think from there maybe the best thing to do is just try and straighten this line out and just go back and forth like this i think that might be the best thing go and double check make sure our straw swath is enabled because we don't want to waste any of that because 100 of the straw from this field is gonna be sold actually all the straw that we've made today is gonna be sold so we don't want to waste any of it yeah this is a cool field i'm excited to be in a new field i tried to get a uh what do you call those contracts yeah try to get a contract on this field no good no good at all oh well we gonna do about it all right let's hit our two headlands around this field and then i will jump back in with you guys and show you how i'm gonna get this straightened out so i've just finished the second headline around the field what i'm gonna do is come over here because this this looks pretty straight right doesn't look too bad not at all as a matter of fact you know what it's so straight yes but i think i'm gonna start over here now we're not gonna get all of it and especially when we get to the other side we're gonna have to come back through and do a little bit of cleanup but i don't think it's gonna be too bad we'll turn it around right here try and line up maybe with the bottom we'll give it a little bit of overlap and we'll take a look at the bottom of our screen the bottom right we're going to try and line this up where it says 90 degrees now this is from a mod i can't remember exactly which one enhanced vehicle control something like that uh very very cool mod about there that'll work about 90-ish degrees hire the worker that way it's going in a nice straight line oh or you could just line it up parallel or perpendicular to the lines on the ground that also works all right so you can see we're missing some but once we get to the other side we'll get a nice overlap we'll actually have to come back to the left maybe once or twice and now we've got a completely perfect straight line where all i gotta do is hire a worker and they'll do this entire field for me how cool is that man it's so easy oh we got a lot of straw to make as well you want to go make some strawbells real quick i'm down not only are strawbells not necks they will be after this uh our planter's done so we're gonna go ahead and open up we're gonna fill it back up with some seed and get right back out there one fill done and only three more to go yes sir let's pull forward here i don't know if this is gonna work i don't think you can see we gotta reach [Laughter] who needs visual things when it'll just work without you even thinking about it nice all right i'm gonna go ahead and get this guy set ready to go and get our uh wheat in the ground jk not making bills yet uh this combine harvester is almost full i think it's got like yeah 88 we've barely got half of this field done so we're gonna have to hit this i think this trailer holds bulk yes it does okay thank goodness because i was about to be in trouble if it didn't so rock and rolling doing pretty good i'm extremely happy so far now i know that guys it's gonna be a whole whole lot of straw i mean but we're gonna bail it in the place we're gonna sell it's right over there there's a nice still place at the bga so that's going to be perfect all right so this combine arbiter should not have to be unloaded again for this entire field so we're going to take this back over we're going to take it to farm number two dump it off and then we could start making some strawbells it's about time here's our field man i love this pillar so much hispano modding did such a good job it has done some really really cool stuff with this thing i'm just i love it i love lamp [Laughter] all right we'll grab a hold of it we are going it looks like about normal speed so we'll go and speed that up just a little bit we're making big straw bales today so 240 uh centimeter bales big bales was that 2.4 meters something like that they are very very long and then we just kind of roll through you guys if you're not using this bailer what are you doing i know it's not quite gonna reach two headlands or both are they so we're still gonna have to follow along just like we would a normal baler like this right however the great thing about this is i don't have to be straight on i don't have to you know these huge chunks at the end normally we miss those we have to come back and make like two passes on the same spot yeah annoying that is that's very annoying so how many bales do you think we're gonna get off of this field so far we've plopped out three we've made a total of about four and a half i don't know look at that didn't even have to worry about it it just popped out dude this i mean it really is one of the coolest pieces it only comes in two bales by the way you've got a chrono and you've got the cloth now i decided to go with the chrome versus the clasp because we have a class combine speaking of check out all that straw up there look at that that is a beautiful beautiful sight right there combine harvester working in the background where he's sitting here bailing oh i man this is a beautiful map there are some some it's got some special corks that's for sure but it's a view beautiful beautiful map and you can do a whole lot with it and have some fun i love it just finished with the bailing and we've got this i don't i don't i don't really know this many uh it says we made 33 but it's been a couple hours real life since i made that clip so i'm not i'm not sure there's a bird let's jump down to the ground and move on because we've got another field oh my goodness uh this is probably gonna take me some time off screen is what this is gonna be what was i thinking it is beautiful though that is if if you like straw lines on the field that's that's nice that's real nice that's one of the reasons i love using workers so probably what i'm gonna end up doing is doing that part off screen and then the next episode the next time that we join each other i'm gonna take all of the bills and and all that good stuff and we'll take it over and sell it one thing i may also do is take all the bills take them off the field and i may go ahead and plant the grass in here as well we'll figure out that decision very very soon and we're done there it is the entire barley harvest we got a whole bunch man we probably got i don't know close to 160 ish thousand liters off of this field and it is pretty tell you what one thing we're going to go ahead and do because i'm pretty much done harvesting until the springtime so we are going to take our header we're going to drop it and we see right here i'm just going to go ahead and reset that and now i don't have to take the header trailer back up there because it's all going in the same place anyway also something i could do is take the header trailer and go ahead and return that do we have any cells oh yeah i have time set on zero right now no sales after putting in all of the barley we now have combined with what we had at the first field so keep that in mind as well 254 000 liters of barley we're killing it man barley is like my middle name michael barley that didn't work it didn't work at all all right so what is left what is next what do we have to do what do we have to look forward to well we've got to fertilize this field we've got to plant it as well we're planning you guessed it barley we're putting barley in this field so wheat and barley harvest we gotta do everything to the other fields so that's bills we've also got to do fertilizer plant it roll it fertilize it again a lot of stuff by the way i'm probably going to roll these fields off screen i know that it can get a little boring in a little bit he's rolling yup yup yup i'm not going to put you guys through that so that is the game plan that is what we're going to be up to next time so uh bills getting those taken care of we'll probably hire on a field get that stuff done on field 25 and hopefully we're gonna build our first productions so the first thing we're gonna be doing today is plowing i've got the smaller plow in because we have a dirt skirt and deer skirt we've got one of those around field 25 but i don't want it we're planting grass so i would rather just keep everything the way it is no dirt skirt no dark skirt whatsoever so let's drop it down turn on create fields and go along now i do want to be very careful usually i would go super fast as a matter of fact i got the big plow over there but i've gone with the smaller one here for this one specific instance because i know me and i'm gonna go too fast and i'm gonna overlap way too much and i'm gonna do something problematic it's what i do so i'm trying to go very very careful here and you guys could do this as well i think this is gonna be the perfect grass field it is massive so it's gonna take you some time however it's fairly squared off for the most part super worker friendly if you haven't seen episode number seven do go back and check that out because i showed you guys how to hire up a combine harvester on it and do all that stuff i think we did that episode six i'm not sure check out the last two episodes if you haven't already so i'm gonna run around real quick we're going to get rid of the dirt skirt and see you soon oh yeah there's also a little green spot as well so these happen from time to time when you ma you know the creator so oxygenated may not just overlap the field creation deaf enough or something like that so uh we're just gonna handle this kind of easy currently it's not a fill but it's so small you barely even tell so i'm just gonna put this down just real quick just like that that is all you gotta do just put a little bit of a plow on top of it and you're good to go plus we could still hire a worker on top of that as well because there's plenty of overhang all right let's jump back into it but just heads up if you want it to be absolutely perfect you will need to do that as well now the dirt skirt is gone goodbye dirt's good that's one down now we're going to swap over to a different tool you know how people working in workshops stuff like that they always different tools for different things different jobs so there goes one tool now the next tool is going to be the larger plow and i'm going to hook it up backwards because i still have to finish some headline work so we're gonna hook up to this and we're gonna run at least one run with the plow turn around backwards now if you are curious which plows i'm using well they are the wm something oh goodness i can't even remember what they are now these guys right here mt there you go six mt nine empty these are from black sheep bonnie they're available for all platforms you got multiple color options for like everything which is super cool so just check it out they're fairly low power fish requirement they have a pretty high requirement set but i don't think you need that much so just just a heads up you may not need as much as it says you do all right so now we don't have to have turn on plowing turned on double check allow create fields we don't need that anymore because the only little spot that we had a problem with is a field now so we're good i'm going to enable fast forming a little bit and the reason i got this turned around is because it requires pretty much zero horsepower so i can get this job done quickly and you can too now if you're not on pc you can't make it go fast which sucks but at least you can get it done with zero horsepower requirement so if you don't want to hire a worker this is a great way to do it back around now and we're going to hire a worker let's go ahead and take a look see if we can find the farthest out little run with plows and stuff like that especially when you're not starting straight on these aren't too bad oh yeah by the way you can't hire a worker with it like this which stinks ah see the top worker c could not start the tool is attached incorrectly why do i get the feeling that giants put that on there just for me got it lined up ready to party so what i'm gonna do is hire this on the worker which i've already done and once it gets to the end right here i'm going to fire the worker i'm gonna clean up the little bit here on the left hand side you can see we're gonna miss some and then hiring back on the worker and let him do his thing so we are right here because you're curious kind of where we are and what we're doing i'm just straightening it off right here running a 90 degree straight over pretty sweet huh all right so next we're gonna be building well we're getting ready soon to build some factories first we got a bunch of bills to sell and i think we're gonna make some good cash from it here's our bail set up and i totally put the bells in the wrong place already of course i did so the bail cell point that we're gonna be using is behind the bga which i didn't realize is not technically in the bga i showed this after my my review of this map and like an idiot i didn't pay attention to my own words oh boy yeah that's fun so i've noticed that if you i need i need help there we go i noticed that if you unload a bell thing right and then you reload and then you unload again you exit the game you come back the bells like to push everything around they're bullies crazy bullies so i need a new tractor i spent all day yesterday in real life trying to figure out what tractor and by all day i recorded all day so i'm sitting here going through using the mask to use an event and trying to figure out what other tractor can we get i don't know if i want something larger i don't know if i want something smaller i have no idea and i have no idea where to sell this i think it's right here yeah let's go and tag that place to this so we're clear so i'm thinking smaller i'm thinking very very small but i'm also thinking maybe classic tractor we've got a lot of new stuff right now right so maybe uh maybe the velma voucher that comes with the face game maybe let's see what we're gonna get from this because we have four of these so we're gonna make about a hundred grand so that makes me really happy so just jumping in here real quick i'll show you one of the ones that i was thinking about right here i love the sound of this tractor it is beautiful in every single way uh sounds absolutely phenomenal another one i was thinking about was another base game tractor the steer right here price is much much lower however so is the horsepower so i'm thinking something in that realm maybe you guys can think on that while we're moving bells around right here and you can tell me what you think i should go with should i go with an older tractor i want to get something that sounds good that way you turn the volume up and here we go the last bit right here and if i did my math correctly this is going to pay for at least one of the production chains that we're going to need to buy or build today we only may build one of them i'm not really sure so 22 to 24 times four kaboom we're almost to 600 grand and now let's make that go down a little bit so you probably know around here we're going to build mode there's some areas that have some space for example if i wanted to go into productions here we'll click on that we'll go into factories let's find ourselves a handy dandy grain mill well some of these things fit ish not particularly well but ish close to in some of these little areas right well i'm noticing that as well and i'm thinking maybe putting the green mill like here or possibly here something like that but there's one other thing we need to do we need to think about this this is our bakery because we're going to be turning the flour that we make into bread because that's how we're going to make all our money everybody buys bread hopefully it snows oh we should get milk as well bread milk hey you know what seal's good but what i want to do all right so you know here on the right hand side this is where you put everything right this is the one from the american map well if we take the green mill we'll go back over here to it find it where is it dj get it together we'll take this the area on the right hand side of this where the grain or the flower drops i want to take that and overlap it with the intake from the other so i don't have to pay delivery costs huh yeah yeah you get you get you smell it what i'm stepping in the only problem is i don't know how i'm gonna overlay it because i've got to put it like here and then you've got a certain like pickup window with the other so it's a little bit confusing and a little bit difficult and it's like well if i put it here how am i gonna pull in there to it it's it's not fun i'm not having a great time figuring out how to place this so i'm going to take some time figure out how to place this we will come back in and hopefully then i will have it together one thing i think i've got a mod installed where i could build anywhere i don't know i don't own this this area right here let's see if i can do anything with it all right so this is far enough away from the ground man i wish the menu at the bottom would go away even the sims isn't that rough let's put it about right here that'll kind of get it out of the way just enough we could pull in there and kind of turn around that kind of thing man right there that'll work hey talk about chidi stuff i like it and then let's find ourselves a bakery and we need to spin it round it's about right there and so the bakery is actually going to overlap just like so that way whenever anything is purchased or say purchased if it's dropped rather in that area it should i think pick it up oh watch it not work yes sir yes sir i think about right there i'm not i'm not confident with this at all i'm starting i'm having flashbacks man put it down just put it down it'll be it'll be fine all right so there's one i don't know if we're gonna fill this up or not but i got a bad feeling that's not gonna be enough all right let's uh let's get a little landscaping done let's get some painting done let's go in here draw some pretty pictures and we'll be back once it's finished welcome back and it's done let's see it for the first time we've got a load of heat behind us what are we looking at here okay so i've built a little bit of a road and coming from this direction it's not exactly gonna be the easiest thing to turn into we've also got a little fence to put some trees down even some lights did you know you could place lights on top of buildings i didn't know that i know that now but i didn't know that before all of this is lined up perfectly i've got a little bit of a dirt skirt that i drew just kind of make up for the one that we plowed up but i think for now at least it's probably gonna be okay we'll get in here and we'll go ahead and start dumping that it's not gonna take long to empty so let's set this up because this is one thing that a lot of people sometimes forget to do so we need to do this today we need to activate and we're going to be activating the barley and the oat as well so that's all done good to go and it is storing which is good as well because that's going to drop it into the same area where our bakery is gonna pick it up speaking of the bakery let's go ahead and activate bread so bread all that needs is flour which is great and it says materials missing that's okay totally cool that's kind of it bread we want that to be storing as well which it is good good good good good good how do i get out [Laughter] all right so that is one down and we've got a little bit more to go actually uh 254 000 liters of barley it's gonna be three trips with this trailer and then oats we've got another three trips there but you know what totally totally worth it oh how's our field doing by the way i fired this worker and i hired the other guy uh is he working or did he stop he appears to have stopped idiot you're right in front watch i'm a hard worker crap okay maybe not pull it forward here yeah right there okay so it was just a few you stink i can smell you from here get out of here well we wait for the silo to pick up there's another option that i wanted to throw you guys at the landini so this is from pepe 978 and i was looking at this and we've got some pretty sweet pretty sweet wheel options got a nice wide tire there don't need no weights on there well nah no way it doesn't look good uh fender no attacher color boom boom boom and we go like that so maybe something like this 145 thousand dollars it's got 176 horsepower it is newer it's not older it is newer it's mod which is great for all platforms and manual plus powershift transmission so i don't know it's kind of kind of cool there's also this one see if we can get everything to show up here um so you can also change this to a landini as well which is kind of neat there's no rim options which does stink because i would love to change those black but there's also this option as well although uh the massey ferguson in game is good you know 190 horsepower uh that manual plus powershift transmission does tend to give a little bit of uh fun problems here and there oh it's almost done by the way i've totally forgot this trailer will hold up to one million liters but i have it limited to a hundred thousand so yeah i'm only making two trips versus five that's gonna make this so easy barley is in 254 808 liters that's a bunch uh double chicken oats okay we have less than that we should be good and there goes the oats go ahead take a look see what we got click on our factories and we are good tons of stuff there so a bunch of wheat a bunch of barley and a bunch of oats as well i'm kind of wishing that i planted all three fields with wheat now instead of one of them with barley but you know what it will be fine uh we do have an interesting conversion rate between a couple of these so five liters in four liters out 30 liters in 23 liters out and 15 in 19 ounce so at least with the oats we're going to be getting a ton of flour now once all that flour goes in you go down to bread every two flowers equals one breads at least literage-wise it's gonna be a whole lot popping out right there would be nice to be able to place down a sell point as well it would just automatically sell however bread sells pretty good but only like one time during the year and you could take a look at that by showing price fluctuations you see a january best prices so we're gonna be holding all bread until january and selling at them fortunately for us that's tomorrow in game which should be interesting and normally i would segue to the next day in game however you know we're not doing that um we gotta we gotta plant a field full of grass and roll it and fertilize it there's so much to do all right let's get this pate started grass is selected we are good there we've got to drop down do we have working speed enabled yes we do turn it on do the thing maybe cut some lights on because it's for some reason dark at noon in december and rock and roll so what i'm gonna do here two headlands and then hire the worker let him do his thing and i might roll it as well behind him probably gonna come through off-screen and roll this though i'm not gonna push it too hard so now that our workers are doing their thing let's talk about the money that we've got and where we're gonna be moving forward from here uh number one i don't need these trailers anymore i forgot that the the loading wagon that we've got pretty much does everything so i'm gonna go ahead and sell these because they're selling for about 21 grand each yeah that's 42 almost 43 000 extra so that's great right there i also want to do bees i thought that would be fun put some bees down i don't know where i'm going to put them though i think i've got a pretty good idea i think maybe put them down there somewhere so we go in go to animals go to bees click the largest one because there's no point to get the smaller ones maybe put a couple down through here the thing is they've got to be within a certain range of your fields doing canola to make them work at i think it's canola and sunflowers or something like that flowering products is the dealio i wonder if it says anything down at the bottom you place beehives near certain crops have a slightly yielding crazy yeah yeah yeah yeah so i think maybe put some of these down here possibly two three something like that but the great thing is now we've got such insane amounts for for these uh these pallets so we could put one of these down it would be 24 or we could go into productions this is the coolest thing so one of these in here i think it's this one no that's a lime factory spinnery dairy carpetry where where where where is it found it it's in bees uh we've got uh basically for much much more but we can hold instead of 24 000 liters we could hold up to 31 000 liters i think plus this is a factory so i can set this to deliver the honey i could set it to drop it um you know anything anything like that so yeah i think uh i think we might do something like that why do that in the future though i'm not sure i want to play city bees down yet because frankly we don't need them yet want them absolutely need them not even a chance by the way this guy's doing good it's almost done with this field looking fresh let's start off today by talking about some changes that i've made to the animals since we last recorded for me at least personally in real life it's been almost a week since i recorded the last video on here and since then i have been able to make some changes to the files mainly the amount of animals that i could hold i could now do 250 of each it's actually super simple all you got to do is open up the placeables in comstone and do it that way super simple i've also increased the amount of food that they could have up to i think it was 500 000 liters for the cows and the sheep can hold 100 000 liters as you can see there well those grass bells are melting quickly in the snow so we got to get rid of that so that's one thing that i have done to change things up it makes it a lot easier for me i can feed them and it lasts a whole lot longer than it normally would plus down at the bottom right hand corner you can see today i didn't have to feed them well you can't see that i thought that that was really nice so yeah big changes for me at least on the map and these are changes that you guys can make as well in the xml you don't need giant's editor anymore to change the amount of animals that you can have in a certain pin all you got to do is change the number maybe eventually i'll try and figure out can we do 500 animals a thousand animals oh that would be a whole lot what's also a whole lot is the amount of wool that we've got this is the wolf from well yesterday in game and there's the wall that we've got today in the game i gotta turn on the help window because i don't remember what to hit here we've downloaded a new autoloading button since this happened so let's let's see i forgot to check this tip side yep that's good control that's all good unfold trailer nope don't want to do that um interesting so i'm having a hard time figuring out exactly how to do this uh so i've downloaded this new mod that's supposed to make auto loading a little bit easier because we've gotten some new stuff for that over here if we go take a look auto load stock trailers these require this month but not the old ones so let me have to back out and delete that real quick because it seems to have made what i need disappear huh well that stinks well now i'm starting to think that that wasn't the problem at all so my loading is back so maybe it was just because i left this hello you're welcome yeah get out of here i think it's because i left everything loaded on here sometimes auto load trailers could be a little bit interesting is the word that i would use let's cover over here and let's see if we're able to pick these up now another thing we need to do is find somewhere to put all these oh and there's more hi i don't know what to do with all this not in the lease bed we've got a bunch of wool right here and it's just kind of hanging out we could build a spinnery but i'm not ready to do that yet but that's probably what we're gonna have to do so we may as well go ahead and start thinking on it also i'm having a great time driving in the snow right now uh i have no grip it's just spinning forwards i love the snow but man sometimes it is not fun to drive in the snow uh let's go ahead and take this stuff and let's unload everything to the right perfect now let's buy a new area actually i don't know if it's an area that we need to buy or not it's this little area right here okay so 6 100 bucks not bad at all let's go ahead and buy that there we go we need to load up spells because these bells are starting to rot we take a look here 6 500 liters 1575 15 499 6565 some of these are higher and some of these are lower for whatever reason and i'm not sure exactly what's going on but i don't want to leave them around to find out so i'm going to load up these onto our trailer right here and i'm going to show you guys how to make some stuff disappear here we go check this out so let's go and open up we've got some really interesting uh dirt and mud here of course it doesn't really do anything it doesn't lock you down or anything like that but it is pretty sweet to see that so we've got all this well what do we do here we're going to go into build mode we're going to go to demolish and it says do you want to remove the junk of the barge yes i do okay so now we have full access to these also you can't even walk in here if you don't remove the junk it just stays there so that's kind of neat not neat i'm not sure one of the other way i'm not all i don't know all right now i gotta figure out how i'm gonna get these bells in here without causing too many problems i think what i'm gonna try and do is get them oh that's gonna hit isn't it no it's not okay good enough for me we'll get it to about right here and then i'm going to unload them as far to the right as i possibly can boom just like so now i got to back this thing out of there and we've got a mod for this as well but i don't know if it works for this trailer or not yes it does all right no it does not crap don't mind oh boy don't mind me i'm just trying to get this trailer out of here come on now that that's over with we've got some happy sheep and everybody is good we've still got the wool over there we've still got the wool trailer the pallet auto loading trailer over there but here is our grass hopefully and we don't lose any more now a lot of this is still good at 6 500 liters but some of it as you can see like 15 nine this one's a 357 so there's there's a few problems with these bells anyway let's go ahead and close that up we'll go ahead and close this gate up right here and that is it for today you think i'm get out of here we're gonna spend a bunch of money not the way you think we are though i need to fix everything some things need to be repainted i'm not repainting them but i will fix it so let's go in here you laggy right there not too bad not too bad we'll go ahead and fix this up so repair costs are going to be 3 100 and it's just gonna go from there twelve thousand dollars for that was the weight need 38 not terrible not terrible how about this weight 23 okay okay okay how about this tractor do i want to know 7 600 really kind of money and of course we're gonna hit everything else as well now i'm using a mobile workshop trigger kind of thing um it's not the toolbox mod though you should definitely go get that for sure uh let's see we got that i think we got some more stuff around here around the corner so we're already spinning way more than i thought i thought like total this might be like 20 grand i think we've already spent what 25 30 000 dollars on stuff ridiculous over here about 500 bucks for the header that's not awful but the planter is gonna be bad thirteen hundred yeah it's see it's just not great it stinks a lot 11 bucks okay okay okay 65 that's a lot more than 11. actually since we're all done with that let's go through here there's a door that not many people know is there and bloop it's right there that's pretty sweet i bet these are gonna have to take a little bit of cash huh 53 okay not bad well we hadn't had that long anyway in 185 not terrible all right so that's everything on this farm i'm going to go ahead ooh we got bail er mowers as well i'm going to go ahead and head to the other farm and we'll get everything repaired up and then you guys can see how much money i've spent oh we're already in the 200 grand i'm gonna have to sell my house for this repairs are done at least on this farm and it wasn't too bad what if we spent another couple hundred bucks something like that it was not terrible now everything is fixed it's not painted but it's at least fixed but there's one hoo-hoo laggy again that's obs not the game i just don't know why it does that anybody know what is anybody an obs wizard love to pick your brain oh yeah let's go pick up and figure out what's going the factories that's going to bring us all the way down here near the bga and as you could see we have why did i appear there uh we've got is that flower is flower yes um hang on let's just let's go ahead and push all this in so it looks like so this is working right obviously this is working however it's only working for one pallet spot and that's it everything else no no no no no however the bread is working so that's good and this shows me one thing that this works this works really really well we'll take a look at them in the paul's menu because this is the best place to take a look at all of your factories and what you got going on now we own the bga but we're not using it currently i'm taking a look at all of our different flowers of course you can see we've got plenty plenty plenty plenty of everything as a matter of fact i'm upset with myself that i planted barley i should have planted wheat all the fields downtown here to bread you can see we've got bread that is uh storing right now flour is going in a bunch of flour actually has gone in but that's all we've got to show for it maybe one day we'll get a little bit more than that nonetheless this is working good and at least i'll know in the mornings i'll have to come in here and push that back in speaking of mornings we're kind of done for the day uh i will double check and see do we have anything in here that i want i think this would be the only thing but i just don't care i'm looking for like an actual small tractor versus something itty-bitty tiny like that so nothing there unfortunately but everything is looking good if we take a look at our growth real quick if you guys want to see kind of how everything is rocking we'll go and turn grass on so everything's looking good so far taking a look at growth our grass is growing very well so that makes me happy and everything else is growing uh pretty standardly uh it does look like 15 4 and 31 are ready to be harvested that doesn't make any sense hold on is this ready for harvest it's no way yeah i think there's a little bit more to go here and it's still trying to tell me that this is ready false uh by the way we're in february now looking good looking good we'll say grass looking fresh yes sir uh we're gonna come over here and push these things together so that at least everything's going into the bakery oh hey we actually get to watch it happening check that out oh i wonder if two more are going to plop down do it do it do it plop plop plop plop plop plop plop oh of course when i look away get out of here [Laughter] already well everything is looking good looking good indeed i'm gonna go ahead and push all of this together and see if we could uh make flower yes flower simulator welcome everybody uh oh there's gonna be a whole lot of this isn't there oh boy all right i think we're safe unfortunately the bakery itself isn't safe not at all because the bakery's full we're absolutely full with this one thing we could do we could build another one uh we might we might have to do that eventually take a look flower completely full uh we're nowhere close to being empty with all this i mean this is gonna make a bunch of flour so i think what we might need to do is get another bakery i don't want to i'm sure you guys know that you probably know for a fact i don't want to get another big we do this bad enough as it is let's you know let's take a look though i don't want to be rude or anything let's let's just take a look and see kind of how you know the bakery you guys are familiar with bakery yeah you you know the bakery the muffin man not a bakery all right so about right here possibly if we want to get these lined up together we could also and this would make things a little bit easier for me down the road possibly is maybe put this here and that would definitely pick up some of the the stuff in here the only problem with doing it this way is i'm still gonna have to get around to the back side to get the pallets now i could kick those out to the side and be okay and i think that's what i may end up doing i think doing it this way at least for the time being is going to be helpful rather than hurtful so let's do it like that the price isn't awful it's only 50 000 so it could be worse we'll double check all the sides make sure we're good to go and about right in yeah i think is the the best place we good we got place it down all right so there goes some of my money i'm going to go in here to landscaping we'll just kind of make all this look nice and neat i'll get back with you ta-da now all we got to do in is activate so let's make some more bread it's going to take us about another day or so and i'm going to go ahead and get this stuff out yes oh yeah this is going to be like a year before we sell these oof one thing i almost forgot we we gotta go get all the wool my bad all right so we're good there spin my head back around the right way um one thing a lot of people have complained about is sheep and animals yelling at them now i don't know why but i don't think the sheep on this map make noise could be wrong but i'm in the cabin and i'm not getting any loud nothings from the animals so i think everything's okay at least with these guys uh yeah i exited the game and came back in and it was like oh yeah by the way uh you didn't get any of the wool so i'm not gonna place any more down uh you're welcome i think it was doing me a favor all right so there's that i'll just kind of keep oh boy i'll keep this by because this is the last thing that i need to do today so we'll just do the exact same thing tomorrow morning in this exact order now the great thing is the next day in game is spring yes if you said it out loud with me so i'm really excited because that means i get to uh oh let's find out how is it because it's spring i'm gonna i'm gonna have to refill these guys like all the time now oh boy that's not gonna be fun at all you know what whatever we're we're getting wool i'm happy with it i guess what i'm gonna have to do is just instead of sleeping from like early morning till the morning the next day i think what i'm gonna have to do is come in and fast forward time during the day pick the wall up before bed and then do it again so now we are in spring and there's a lot to do today we've got mowing that's gonna have to be done which is great it's gonna be our first mowing of year number two we're gonna do the big uh the big field as well all right please uh unload chunk nice go ahead and drop that right where that lays uh let's double check over here real quick and see how everything's going over there yep just as i figured let's go ahead and push oh boy let's go and push everything please i don't want to ride it it's let's get farts we got to fill this thing up as best we can and there's going to be a lot here i think i may have accidentally fast-forwarded a couple extra days in-game my bad without even thinking so nice and easy go forward just a little bit we'll do this i'm gonna do this for probably two or three minutes wish me luck well that didn't last long so now that's all done at least we've got one thing of bread right here and i got an idea yeah let's get about right here to go well nope that didn't work yeah crap it's on the roof um i'm gonna have to get that down hang on this is the only way that i know how to get up here we'll do that and then fall back to the ground and then push it off of course it did that of course it did all right so what should probably not do is show off again might be best for everybody yeah while we're getting everything prepared for spring it might be a good idea to go ahead and feed the cows since i haven't done that in a minute i think since december it's march it's currently march right now we need to give the cows some food i know that they've still got plenty but i mean we might as well feed them while we're at it we'll go ahead and take a look and see what they've got um coming over here we'll go down to cattle and they are telling me that they've still got about 200 000 liters of tmr and about 113 000 liters of straw now slurry and milk we're doing pretty good on those right now so slurry we're at 143 000 liters we need to get that out of there because that's a lot is milk 66 000 liters that's a lot as well by the way i increased the capacity for milk and slurry that's why so much looks like so little it's a it it's gonna mess with your head a little bit so i need to figure out milk and sorry when's the best price to sell those because slurry we could probably sell that pretty soon yeah where's milk here it is what's the best time to sell milk september and january of course it is well looks like we're waiting a lot longer to sell milk because milk is terrible right now um how's about uh the other thing i said what was the other thing i said slurry here we go december of course it is all right well we're just going to leave those sitting lastly we'll go ahead and give them a little bit of good good stuff to last them a little while see early morning cows are very very hungry we'll open this up this uh kenan mech fiber this is a 4d modding mod it's not out yet at least at the time recording nor is the update to the map so if you're watching this right now i'm still not playing with the update to the map actually this recording is i think done two days before this video comes out something like that nonetheless all right so there's the cows we'll just double check and make sure the food is up yep food is up we're good to go there we could give them some straw but we probably don't need to but everything else looks good uh how are our sheep doing sheep are doing fine i don't need to do anything with them at all and i'm super glad because i don't want to get the telehandler out and feed them so before we start today's video let's talk about why you would need to start a new game save as i did well i'm making these videos on youtube so i need to make sure i'm using the most recent version of things however sometimes that's easier said than done so field 23 being free if you didn't like that you need a new save added the option to buy the bga and multiplayer if you were not able to do that and it was causing you problems you need a new game save they've reworked the placeable cell values well now you get zero dollars for pretty much all the placeables so if you want to make less money you need a new game save however the next one is the one reason that i started a new game safe and that's making the horse training field placeable so you can remove it and farm if you like that was huge for me so i started a new game safe i would have anyway to be fair also fix the floating tree speaking of the horses well here it is you can remove all of this i got a few things that are in different places now but you can sell the horse you could sell the training area you could even sell the pig area over there and uh well we're gonna do all of that today um things that i've done i may have raised the animal capacities to 500 i know it's showing 250 right now however they are most certainly 500 each that way the animals can breed and that way i can get back playing the way that i did in farming simulator 17. i'm still chasing farming simulator 17 gameplay because i i preferred it way more than anything else that we've had so far and i was on the xbox so i'm looking forward to that also i've added multi-fruit to both not just one but both of the silos in game so they both hold everything and they hold 10 million liters of it and i guess that's it huh yeah 10 million liters so this cellular right here holds 10 million liters now in farms of 22 that's total that's not of each that's total so 10 million liters let me out of here of everything so i could put straw in here grass silage tmr stones whatever i want it will work just fine so that's on both of them speaking of i've also gotten rid of our factories you can see the factories are no longer there and i've even removed the uh what do you call it the well these things and remove the bread so the bread's no longer over there either because i'm going to maybe get away from doing factory stuff at least for now i know i can make more money but it takes a long time and i'm not sure we're ready the first year so we're just going to sell everything normal speaking of i have reimbursed myself with things that we had before uh there's a little extra wheat than there was but at these almost like 5 000 liters we're actually getting ready to use that here in just a moment barley 290 i was about what we had in oats 243 that's about what we had as far as the other stuff goes well milk because i've purchased the animals again and let them go but we've got 100 000 liters of silage that's roughly what we had grass same thing hey same thing edge straw here's the interesting thing about straw that you guys need to know and i don't know what's going on however after i changed up this you can see down there at the bottom it's still showing 1.09 million liters of straw that's for the cowborn large uh and if i come around here to comston farm silo 2 it's showing one million liters i don't i don't know what's going on man uh as far as i could tell if i put straw in this silo the cows get it as well i'm cool with that but i'm sorry i didn't have game volume on i don't know why but if i don't ever have to give the cows straw again i'll be super super happy speaking of you can see right here one i don't understand exactly what's going on right now but it showed the straw being super low but it's at 1.09 million liters i got nothing man i got nothing anyway tmr's all the way up 500 000 liters of food for these guys and if you look here at the top right i can buy up to 500 of them so i've been able to change that up unfortunately i haven't changed the horses i haven't changed the pigs and i haven't changed the chickens the chickens are connected to all of the fences in the game and it gets really really confusing when you start messing with that file so those are all the changes those are all the extra bits now it's time to get to work starting right off the bat we've got a bunch of harvesting to do and it just so happens that we've got a combine harvester in here that's part of the pack the pv pack that uh we've had some friends make for us and well this this old cell and it matches what we've got also uh we do have another try on cell as well however this is the base game version only holds ten thousand five hundred beaut this was a hundred million no i'm just getting a hundred thousand so i think this is what i'm gonna go with we're gonna throw on some uh some wine tires here so that it matches our try on i think that'd be super cool i know this is some big equipment too combines it's a lot and it's gonna be expensive as well because the header costs about a third as much actually a little more than a third is this combine but i think it's gonna help us overall we're getting between two and three harvests a year so i think it's gonna be worth it so here's our brand new combine goodness gracious this thing is absolutely massive let's go ahead and repair it for 10 grand get out of my house yeah no uh so that's that we're now down about 300 grand and it's about to get worse we're only gonna have like a hundred thousand dollars left uh we've got a header in here from stevie now this is pretty sweet because i can take this and change this up to just about whatever i want and it's got a draper well say draper of course it's a draper header but it's got the stuff built into it so i'm gonna go with this it's gonna help us out a little bit especially down there oh why did i buy this i don't need this i only need this for right now oh um can i can i mulligan this i've only got two i thought i had five i made a mistake i need to go back in time there we go much better kind of back to normal ish a couple things that we need to do real fast we need to delete some placeables like this one that doesn't give us a bajillion dollars anymore which kind of stinks i was looking forward to that but i don't need these on my farm anyway so we can still delete these as i would have deleted them regardless so there we go we've gotten rid of those we also have a few things over on this area to get rid of the first thing is going to be the horse barn i don't do horses in the game goodbye uh we could use that flat area for something else how's about this the horse riding field i actually have to pay for this to be removed but tis gone and little baby piggies we actually get five grand for that don't do pigs in the game so yeah that's it that's that's all that's all we got to do uh still if you click on the uh fences it says sell chicken pasture that's because all of those are tied in for some reason in the same xml i don't know why offenses are just one x axis they're things that i don't understand we're gonna go and save the game just in case because i don't want to break anything all right so we're basically starting over that means that i've repurchased field 25 we've got barley in it again we've got all of these filled still and i've purchased all of this so we're good there by the way did you know that there's a secret filled into woods in the middle of all this that's not all trees that's there's something over there it's pretty sweet anyway we've got wheat and well wheat and barley to harvest so let's get to it one of the great things about having so much straw and not needing it is all all of the straw that we get off of this field is going to be able to be sold so we're going to be able to make some cash from that also we are going to sell our barley and oats once we get later on into the year i'm still trying to figure out exactly where i want to put down factories i want to make a place in the game that looks like it's supposed to be there but for some reason i'm just not doing it well maybe i need to hire paul strike to get on here and help me out because he is the best builder in farms and by far and i'm not at all oh i'm gonna have to re-smooth all this stuff aren't i sure am another thing that's been changed up for this version of the game is there's nothing under this field so whenever you're hiring workers and things like that you don't have to worry the workers are just going to go back and forth like normal as soon as the game released i think it was like a day or two after the game release i spoke with 82 studio and he actually made a version on his live stream which was super cool he didn't have to do that he shared it with me unfortunately thanks to 82 studio we didn't have to worry about that stuff being under the field and because of some of you watching this live stream and watching this tutorial you were able to figure out how to do it as well but console players unfortunately were not well now everything's fine everybody is good speaking of uh we are going to have a lot of work this poor little combine is going to be put through its paces because not only do we have this wheat field we got the barley field or this barley filled and that we filled i'm gonna get those confused we've still got 25 to redo as well remember 25 we're gonna be converting that back into a grass field yet again for a second time we didn't even let it grows awful but you know what it's it's totally cool we're fine i'm i'm fine i'm just fine how how are you so i have purchased myself a new trailer and we're gonna go ahead and fill this thing up real quick it holds i believe it's who come on gunk i lost him how did i didn't lose him i just barely put anything in here i can't keep up what in the world just happened it put just a little bit in here and now it's just toasted holy cow is there something wrong with this trailer i think there might be something wrong with this trailer there you go let's come on evidently it's this trailer man is this thing rough uh i would have used the other perth but i i wanted to go with something that held just a little bit more but unfortunately this thing's like halfway through the ground just from sixteen thousand liters a little heavy i'm buying chickens and i thought this would be perfect put it like right here let it boom out over the feed area and it would just empty like that see see how easy that could be i mean it works that poor trailer is rough man it is right through the ground anyway let's uh let's see if we can find the trigger there it is uh we're gonna buy some chickens yeah uh see these are zero months old these are sick so we're going to get the uh healthiest chickens that we can there we go one hundo chickarinos and it looks like the food is up and the food is done 9 000 liters for the little bit of chickens all right we should be getting eggs over here soon this one's already laying one right on the ground oh sorry didn't mean to disturb you hey all good we're getting there while we're at it we should totally go ahead and get rid of all of the junk and debris and stuff like that here uh let's see i can't remember is it demolish click on this remove the barn junk yup cool all right so junk is going nice nice now we're gonna figure out what we're doing next and we've got a bunch of wool and i need to double check and see can we sell the wool or is that something that we need to do something else with so let's come over here to our prices category i do love this category it's so much easier just to go through find what you need and be done with it minus the fact that i i always go over what i'm doing here we go all right so decent show price fluctuation so may is the best august not so much so it looks like we're going to be saving all of our wool at least until may which means waiting a whole another year that also means that i now have to find somewhere to put all of this and here's what i'm kind of thinking so uh these two fields right here i believe are going to be used for grass fells however this one because we're gonna have to do a little driving in here we've got you know eggs and stuff like that we may as well just turn this into like a staging area for stuff at least for now so i think that's what we're going to do with the wool i'm just going to bring it over here to about like yeah ish drop it over to the left and be done with it now bread we've got some bread over here that's the bread that we made that's going to be selling i think it's a little bit later on in the year december something like that so let's go ahead and pull by we're going to load this up and do the same thing with it as well also i have downloaded the auto load specialization mod and it's changed nothing from what i was doing so i was scared of of nothing it was like a big big bad wolf that didn't exist i don't know i'm a child sometimes there we go we're good we're going to unload the bread over there because why not cool cool cool and then i'm just gonna leave the trailer sitting here because why not oh you know what we can do let's pull it over here this is a base game trailer it's just been modified so i could straighten out the axle and back it in right here beside that let's see let's see if it'll work hit the y button nope that did not work do it again maybe nope all right i don't i don't know what i was saying cool as we hook up to our mowers right here and go and start getting some mowing down there's a few things that we need to bill i have a weight uh there's a few things that we need to be mindful of with the new animals the way we've got them uh as you may know you know what i'm gonna let some breeze go through here we go let's go and open that why not uh there's a couple things that you may know first off only eight wool pallets spawn and on top of that i think there's actually only seven that legitimately spawn well because of that you know that's with a hundred i think i don't know 200 sheep that's with 200 sheep well what happens when you multiply that by was it 150 times you get 500 cheap and i think that's the right math well that means the pallets are gonna spawn a whole lot faster meaning that i'm gonna have to be on the ball at like morning noon and night getting up the wool pallets there's gonna be a bunch of them and we need to make sure that we are ready also i'd love to get rid of that hedge right there i hate it so much because it's so much easier to get it through this way so oh yeah by the way there's a piece of candy over here sorry squirrel moment oh he's candy got him all right over here let's get to mowing uh i think this field we can mow it a little bit we might get something off of it but we're gonna have to we're definitely gonna have to plow this up we're gonna have to plow all of these up two things that i'm not going to be doing from here on out i will not be mowing the sheet pasture there's sheep in it it's not realistic but i do feel bad about it so i'm not gonna do it anymore also the cattle pasture i will not be mowing that anymore either so just a heads up i'm not going to be doing either one of those no it's funny i i talked about this with these mower sets before this is just the base game pot and good mowers the uh oh helper b already has nearly full grain tank oh uh he needs some help hey i don't know what to do first uh i guess this'll yeah this tractor will work on the trailer this part's always the most nerve-wracking because you're trying to make it out here in time and get under that pipe before the helper does his thing come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on down down down down down down now he's gonna try and drive away stop stop stop if we can get him to stop there we go yes i gotcha oh i think this is the million version yeah the this trailer so this is another trailer if you guys want to download it you can find it on third party sites just i'm i'm not gonna have it but uh flesh 580v by fleisch not quite sure what that is but regardless uh he's got this trailer mod right here that will hold everything you could use it as a regular trailer you can use it as a loading wagon you can use it as a forage trailer it's kind of an all-in-one and most people would say that's not totally realistic however i would like to point you to a trailer that we just recently got uh if i can find it is it the corona yeah it's the chrome so this is more or less forged trailer not a loading wagon but more or less a force trailer guys stop at the back here and most people would expect that however this will hold everything so it's realistic enough and that's really all i'm looking for and that puts us back here double check that our swath dropping is owned i am sticking with the uh smallest in way on this as you know you can kind of extend these out i do like the fact that you can bring them in however because for me that works great i can make them nice and close by and i don't really have to worry a whole lot also i do my own way of mowing so just leave me alone all right so moving forward let's get a game plan for what's going to be happening next so in the next episode of course we're going to have a lot of straw to bail up we're going to have some grass i think we're only going to be mowing up like two fields so at least this first bit this first harvest set time area whatever we're doing right now this ain't gonna be a whole lot we are in august so you know it's a little a little later in the year we're probably gonna be planting in canola which means we're going to be getting bees which i'm very excited about so i'm going to figure out where we're going to put the b spawn point or if we're going to be going with the b factory i'm just not sure yet but we will be getting some b's we will be doing quite a bit moving forward so big canola harvest figure out what we're gonna do with that as far as right now maybe i'm not gonna be doing anything with production chains maybe we'll do that moving into year number two as we were previously uh otherwise right now i think we'll just sell what we've got to the highest bidder when the time comes make that cash and get out of dodge well guys that is going to be it for this super cut of episodes 1 through ten i hope you enjoyed it if you did drop a like and subscribe if you're new join the go ham fam make sure your notification bells are on as well that way you never miss any future crazy videos here on the channel also if you made it to the end let me know down in the comment section below like y'all dj made it to the end that was awesome it was terrible don't do that again either way hope you enjoyed it i hope you have a great day as well and we'll see you later
Channel: DjGoHam Gaming
Views: 512,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: djgoham fs 22, djgoham fs22, farm sim 22, farming simulator 22, farming simulator 22 gameplay, fs 22, fs22, fs22 djgoham, fs22 factories, fs22 game play, fs22 map, fs22 new, fs22 production chains, fs22 video, calmsden farm, lets play, djgoham lets, djgoham lets play, djgoham lets play fs22, djgoham gaming lets play, calmsden farm fs22, calmsden farm fs22 lets play, djgoham calmsden farm, fs22 lets play calmsden farm, djgoham fs22 gameplay, calmsden, supercut, let's play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 58sec (12778 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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