Edgewater - Full Series | Farming Simulator 22

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if you've seen the way clutch simulations Farms you'll know that uh well I think I could do better than him so we have decided to move up to Canada we're not close to it we're about six or seven hundred miles away from him but we are in Edgewater Saskatchewan yes so today we are going to be jumping in we're going to find ourselves some Farmland to purchase we are going to go ahead and pick up some farm equipment as well because I currently don't have anything I also only have 14 Grand so this should be fun I've had some people on the job on my way here and it looks like this area here on our right hand side might be about the perfect spot let's see if we jump up on top of the truck here not bad I don't think anybody's taking care of this field but uh yeah whoever Leroy Wilson is they've done a terrible job it doesn't look like pricing's too bad we got 85 000 57 000 and the main Farm area is 97 000. so not terrible but uh well hopefully hopefully we'll be able to do something with this in order to sponsor all of this we're having a take out a loans I lost all of my money in Ohio so uh yeah so 500 000 loan that should be enough to at least get us started hopefully the bank doesn't take too much of that from us every day I still want to come in and take a look at this Farm area because I don't know if this is exactly the one that I want or not we'll say man it is kind of bumpy through here all the roads and everything I don't know what they're doing in Canada but man the roads are not what I'm used to in Ohio that's for sure granted I've actually got neighbors here so that's kind of nice looks like we got some abandoned buildings on this farm Crows taken off of course uh We've also cut a couple buildings around through here doesn't seem like we're able to use any of them and uh for some reason no one's given me the keys to the trailer so I'm gonna have to put a chair outside to sleep in at night along the witness we've got a couple crops so it looks like we have flax over here in field 25 and it looks like we have I think that's peas over here in field 24 plus we've got a Grassfield over here as well we may be able to do something with this maybe be mowed up bail it I don't know we'll figure that out so let's buy our areas there we go there we go and there we go uh we're down to 273 000 so all the equipment that we use for our farm we're gonna have to take it out of that amount of money and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get anything so the equipment that we've got it's a little bit eclectic kind of out there some of it's a little bit out there so we have the smallest American gloss Lexi and that's gonna be on the 620 there and I found a case header that works well for it I don't know there's a bunch of hours on that thing we've also got the Kubota M8 the big one right here however uh this is our only tractor we've also got a little Merlot with a three-point and a BTO but uh I'm not sure how much that's gonna help and then of course we've got the Mac truck we had to use this there was no way around it plus I found one used so it was perfect and we got a little bit of this and a little bit of that to help us get going so we got a nice John Deere uh little lag there I got a nice John Deere thing and we got man I don't know what's going on but that none of this equipment's happy with me right now what is going on dude you know what oh something's over there anyway you can see we've got plenty of equipment to get started and now everything's back over to the main farm and we are I guess ready to get harvesting so the first harvest we've got two crops we're also going to be doing bales of least of the straw that comes out I'm not really sure what's gonna happen we'll figure it out I'm not using the extended straw crops mod because it does conflict a little bit with this map so we're just not worrying about that right now and as you can see I basically just parked everything in this grass field I have no idea what to do with it and I don't have a mower so that's gonna be fun let's do it let's start her up man I love the sound of this thing it sounds so good I need to figure out a way to get this header I think it's gonna be maybe over here yeah this is gonna be the way to do it right here we'll just take it right there and Drop It Go and unfold the combine harvester while we're at it right now too I would like to do a little bit more first person stuff it's probably not going to be doing much more than just driving around but uh nope can't see behind me uh it's probably not gonna be much more than just driving around but at least I'd like to do a little bit I don't think first person's fun and enjoy it I don't know if this is the best place to start but I'm sure we'll figure that out once we go along so let's enable straw swath air I'm going to enable the uh fast farming even though we're not really gonna go very quickly at all this thing's not gonna not gonna do it I do uh do have a couple other things turned on and we are playing I think in either easy or normal mode something like that I did have it in hard mode to start with but I decided last minute that that might be a little bit too hard unless we want to do like a hundred episodes which I would be down for but you know do one thing moving along a little bit okay so uh Flex is going in uh doesn't look like very quickly we are not getting a whole lot off this field there's a thousand liters right there man oh man this is gonna be interesting after the first pass we have got about 3 600 liters that's pretty good but I don't I I most crops I feel like we'd have probably about 10 or 15 000 by now so we're definitely not getting what we normally would be getting and I'm also noticing that the straw is a lot lower than it would be so I'm excited to see how's the pricing going to be for this really hope it's good man and also the sounds on this thing are still just blowing my mind and after all of the headlines that we need to rock and roll until I start a higher worker on this bad boy uh we got 6 900 liters not bad at all we do have a spot up here I'm gonna go ahead and hit this entire area up top by itself just so when I hire the worker the worker actually does what I want him to do and doesn't just piddle pot around now that we're all said and done there let's go ahead and hire ourselves up on a worker and I guess we could get ready and start failing yeah there's really nothing else to to do yes sir there's that there is one thing I'm seeing off of this guy right here uh he didn't turn very well so we may have to customize it a little bit get these duels off of here and either go to some narrow singles that way we don't have to pay for it or we may have to switch up to some normal tires there we go we got them duels off of there this should make things a little bit easier as far as turning goes stay with those big duels they just don't turn well where's my Baler at there she is oh yo I am super excited to use this Baler I've been waiting waiting waiting to use this case Baler and we finally get to do it yeah let's double check pick up turn on turn on automatic drop yes please uh change bell sizes to 180 the least amount of bills the better and I think that's probably good yeah these two do not match at all try and get away from some of the areas over here where he is doing his work so I guess we'll just start here so you drop it down turn it on good to go yeah rock and roll there we go all right we are currently bailing flax the straw seed strong yeah man I don't know so we are not getting the amount of straw that I would expect after this much uh this much cross swappage let's see there's 98. come on give me 99.1 hundo there we go first bill is out and it magically changes sizes love it and the last last collection right here and there we go not a lot of crop off of this field not a lot at all 12 900 and one dollars hopefully then that pays well because I got a half a million dollar loan I gotta claw my way out of I've chosen actually go down and meet the combine harvester versus bring the combine up to the truck uh really no reason to do that because we got a whole nother field to do over there and this one oh that pipe is a little bit short for this header isn't it just a little bit I always have that trouble there we go nice so what is this this is something uh what was the crop this is also new to me I'm trying to remember it all Flex all right what do we got 40 uh 2700 Saskatoon Saskatchewan where's that of course it is out there and we would have to rent a train to get it uh I'm not quite sure I mean kids it's where do we do we do it do we do it I don't even remember what button it is uh read the trade for a thousand dollars yeah go go I have rented it let's see if we can jump in here go go go go yeah oh no no no no no no no no get it I can't I can't get it I can't get in the train now I can't all right I have no idea how to get the crops in here uh I know there's something around here well we saved that it was perfect timing wasn't it we saved it around here somewhere I know that there's a green elevator so that should be where we go and I got it all right so we are all set up ready to go go and turn off the train for now make everybody wait on us when I was talking about the roads this is what I was talking about right here they are a little bit janky through here but it works man it works yeah I'd rather boom like this than you know boring so at least there's that let's say we are catching up to do pretty quickly I'm not sure what the speed limit is in Canada but I'm guessing I'm probably going over it pull up our PDA map right here and see how in the world do we get in there uh that seems like a pretty good place to start oh I'm in the wrong lane maybe I mean the grain elevator right here is where we need to go of course there's a turn into it I'm a bit of an idiot oh there we go turn my turn signal on yeah the only thing I can think of is this might be a little bit dangerous because I'm gonna hit something within my truck so I'm gonna set this to being the grain door not uh dot the top there we go yeah perfect okay so unfortunately that made me money that was not where I needed to dump this was that the wrong place did I rent the train and accidentally dump this at the wrong place I did didn't I I sure did because guess what this is the grain elevator for the train at least I think it is looks like it I don't actually know well uh that was all for nothing wasn't it I guess I don't need this anymore return rent to train oof on fun fact when I'm recording this this was literally was literally showed off today it's crazy how it's already in the game so guilty pleasure of mine is actually bailing in first person when I'm off screen playing uh it's kind of one of my one of my favorite things I do enjoy it you probably wouldn't know that because I don't play realistic ever but I do enjoy it there's another Bell build number five okay so we'll probably make uh maybe two more Bells something like that and that'll be just about it for this area and another thing you've probably noticed maybe maybe not is uh yeah I don't um I don't know where the best place to say this I don't have an auto loader for bales yeah I'm gonna have to load these up on my own and here we go the last bell is out we can go ahead and raise everything up and put this away because this Baylor is done at least for now and at least I'm not quite sure what we're gonna get out of the other field so I guess we'll figure that out when the time comes so now becomes the fun part we've got quite a few bills that we've got to not only pick up but also move and put on this trailer right here I got an idea because these are some pretty massive Bales so hopefully the telehandler is going to work well for us here and I'm hoping that we can get all of them on here without any issues we're gonna go with an attachment that I love this is going to be the uh the little like multi-attacher from the Zia Z Pack uh it is pretty darn epic now working at first person ain't my thing uh but I will work in third person it'll work just fine all right so there it is and there you go we has the first Bell we used to bring it over and we put it on the trailer and and that's what we do all right let's do that uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten ten or eleven more times I don't know I can't count that fast bill number two and I think now we should be able to come up here and put a strap on them yeah all right so here I'm gonna get cocky a little bit because I've already done it good twice here is a bale now I'm gonna try and put it beside this Bell and get both of them I don't I don't know if this is gonna work let's see I don't know look it up oh yeah I'm so smart doesn't look like it's working but it works great I can't believe this is working right now it works perfect you know I know right now no one's gonna believe that I'm doing this on my own but I mean it's not perfect this is not an auto loader yeah cheating a little bit with the with the straps and stuff but I mean if this worked in real life wouldn't you do it there too so you know I'm cool with this I'm happy with this it's it's all right man it's all right it's all good you know what it is it's all good bam there we go there's that and we'll jump out real quick and go do we have straps all the way through there no we don't so we're gonna be right on the edge right at the very end of that and there it is I got 10 bells on here I think I made ten did I did I make ten where's the thing there it is I don't I don't know how to I don't know how to do this and now we get to figure out where these bills is gonna go uh one other thing I want to do real quick I want to kinda get them to kind of push forward a little bit so we'll let off the gas got him that was almost bad let's just not play with fire again where are we going with the flaxseed pills the the flex straw yeah livestock Bill auction all right take the place baby let's go where is it there it is I have found it I just don't know how to get in there I think this is the plate I'm causing some serious trouble back there let's just pull forward and get in here as quick as I can without having to wreck at anybody yeah there we go tell you what I wish farmsome at VR this would be a whole lot easier let's jump into third person real quick I guess we could just pull straight in here this will be fine and uh let go to straw bills there we go Boop and boom oh uh so we got about ten thousand actually we got about eleven thousand dollars off of the Bells nice that's pretty good pricing I'm kind of happy with where we are we've made 40 dish thousand dollars today it's pretty good and you know what we've only got more time to go from here to make even more money we got another field to go rock and roll baby and we're back for our Harvest round two today we are going to be harvesting peas and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with these at all I do know got a combine harvester I don't know what words those were uh I do know I have a combine harvester that shouldn't Harvest these yeah yep that's uh that's working I don't know if we could straw or not no unfortunately no straw available for the peas speaking of let's let's maybe go a little bit faster through here yeah there we go I like that we've also got another business opportunity so as you know I'm a YouTuber and I would like to be a YouTuber that plays Farming Simulator in Farming Simulator and so uh Memphis Paradise have done something super awesome I just I can't even explain how awesome it is uh they have made a DJ go ham office in Farming Simulator for like a YouTube Studio it's it's just epic the problem is it's 80 grand and we have 46 000 right now so we're gonna have to make the money in order to become a YouTuber Ed Farming Simulator we could do this this is also the first harvest that I've done and I don't even know how long that I've actually not had to do straw it's kind of weird yeah I think it's like we're talking months I think at this point so oh it's a little bit it's like months at this point since I've done any crops that needed or didn't have straw said the same thing twice shut up yeah I don't know how to describe it it's kind of a a weird feeling that and I'm kind of done with this build already which is pretty cool actually there you go okay so we got 15 000 liters of peas now let's see what we could do about selling these bad boys well it looks like the train is gonna be giving us the best price again but unfortunately um yeah I'm not doing that because I messed that one up last down also have you in there's a little bit of jerky a little bit laggy um a games crashed twice and I've harvested that field two times now as well uh I did save the game luckily before the last crash ah it's just so much fun I love when Windows updates it's fantastic so this is need a new place for us well pretty much everywhere is a new place I I passed it's what I did hopefully nobody's behind me um that was not me that was somebody else I was not driving the truck at that point let's go ahead and pull up here let's see how much money it gives us it's I mean there's nowhere that no way that this is gonna be a lot of money 13 Grand see it's not bad but it's not not what I wanted whatsoever um let's head back because we do need to go and start getting the ground prepped for whatever it is that we're gonna do next I think we should probably run some oh boy uh we should probably run some soybeans just get a little bit extra cash I also need to take a look at some contracts and see if any of the farmers around town need some help one other thing I need to do is go ahead and move all of our equipment out of that field over there because we are going to be using that field as well a field and we may even plow up a couple other areas as well I do need to kind of make sure that stuff is where I can get to it otherwise we're going to be a little bit slam out of luck taking a look at this we do have some areas that are ready for some contracts so uh jumping in here you can see we've got field five seven eight and and even filled 23 down here that's not too bad now field five that is a lot of I mean there's a lot of work and it's going to take a little while to do as well build eight on the other hand I could do one headline and you want to work or finish the whole contract for me uh which may be exactly what we do because we can then utilize the rest of our time and do other stuff plus it's oats and we'll be able to get straw off of it making us even more money even though I will have to bail it up so I think that's the move it doesn't give us the most amount of money but it is the easiest so field eight let's do it let's do it man let's do it we've got everything ready to go right here these are the only two pieces that I need of so I don't remember how much this truck holds still love a hundred thousand okay so it holds as much as the combine does which is ready rock and roll baby let's do it I'm gonna go through we do want to enable straw swap because uh actually oh I don't have uh hang on what crop is this oats right yeah I don't actually have extended straw crops turned on right now so so uh but no oats make straw right I don't I don't I don't remember I've used extended straw crops my whole life I don't remember how things work hey yeah okay I apologize for being an absolute idiot we're good everything's good I'm good you're good we're all good I'm gonna hire worker and see what happens so we do have a couple little spots here in the hair in the head it's not an exactly squared off field but the good thing is once we get uh maybe two runs around the field which I think is appropriate two times around once we get that done I think then we will be okay also um this is probably gonna take about a year to bail up doing round Bells so I'm not sure what we're gonna be able to do there maybe we can reinvest sell that Baler let it go into the uh into the used Market once again and um maybe uh maybe there's a used square baler out there ready for us that's got DJ go Ham's name on it boy I hope so because this stinks in our first heddling around we've gotten a total of 27 000 liters that's a whole lot man that is a whole lot of indeed goodness all right our motor worker right here we'll do this one straight line again two times around we'll empty out hormone worker then we are gonna start working on our own Fields evidently the contract's 40 completed but I haven't even finished the second Headland yet how is this already forty percent we're gonna finish the contract before I'm even halfway done harvest in the field oh that might be a good way to cheat I mean I'm not cheating you you what who so with 52 000 leaders coming out of here 50 dish whatever the number was uh I think we are probably pretty good and on a great track as well go and double check this uh just to see how we're doing 57 the good thing is we delivering it in the game so we're not in the game in the map so we're not like having to take it anywhere random which is nice well we are gonna have to make a few trips that's for darn sure now we're back over and I've decided to lease not purchase there's a thousand dollars but I've decided against my best judgment to lease a mower now I don't know how smart of a decision this was I don't even know how expensive oh boy I don't know how expensive uh grass is right now I should probably have looked first huh so yeah um that's that's per thousand liters uh I'm gonna need 10 000 liters roughly to to make up for this think we can do I think I think we'll be able to handle this without any issue I picked the wrong mower I'm gonna have to wonder this up crap well I guess it could be worse I haven't used this mower before so at least there's that I don't think I've used a mower of this style at all any in Farming Simulator yet I just go for the biggest thing I could find uh it's not the easiest to try and drive this oh boy it's not the easiest thing to try trap this thing is it it's actually not that bad and and I probably both scored a little bit slower I wouldn't miss anything and actually enjoy this this is kind of fun mowing is probably my favorite chore to do in real life so in Farming Simulator of course naturally it would understandably be that I enjoy mowing as well and I do like this mower great combo right here tell you what iconic did a heck of a job on this Kubota pack so this is another area that I want to do something with I mean it's a nice open area where there's quite literally nothing so I'm thinking about maybe mow this up as well as well uh mow this and then uh come through and plan a small little field I mean we'll get some extra crop why not right let's see what happens uh I think I got a mod installed they'll take away those bushes I do perfect and if you're curious I don't know what mod it is but I think it's PC only while I'm working I do need to make sure I behave and pay attention to this guy a little bit plus it looks like our first order is about done I think it's gonna stop right about here yeah there it is so we got 29 000 liters in here we will definitely need to go ahead and take that truckload over and get the first load ready remark contract yeah ma'am look at all this straw oh I'm super excited to make the money off of this draw and I'm super not excited to actually have to we'll do whatever I'm gonna do with it oh boy and our mowing is done there you go and turn these lights off too it's bad when you have to turn the lights on to see in the daytime ain't it so let's go and take that we will go and find our least item there it is and return it because we don't need a mower anymore we do need a windrower oh boy and here we have another 994 dollars Leasing and of course I had it put right here so there's a delivery fee as well for that so now we need to make 20 000 liters not just 10 for this to even be worth it because otherwise well it ain't it ain't worth it whatsoever I've never used this before does it have any bits and Bobs nope no bits of Bobs just turn it on and let it work okie dokie we're doing good we're doing all right Winfield done probably could have been done better but you know what it worked who cares and field number two is done so we could go ahead and send this back now because we don't need it either let's see where is it oh yeah right there all right so now we're gonna take this we're gonna go grab our Baler and we are going to make some round Bells now I don't know how much fun this is gonna be I'm guessing it's gonna stink uh I'm guessing I should probably also look at the price difference between silage and grass because if I wrap these I might actually get a decent amount of money but again we're gonna have to spend more money and Lease more equipment but if it's worth it we'll definitely know for sure regardless as soon as I'm done with this so these are gonna be a decently sized Bells it could be 7 500 liters yes 7 500 liters my man yes sir hey what in that oh wrong button go away go away uh turn on automatic drop there we go did I make the right size bail yes okay I did I think I did uh 7 500 1.3 tons I don't know how large that is uh turn on automatic build drop there we go yeah for some reason that was not on uh we want to make 180 centimeters round Bells yes let's make another one okay so I don't think we're gonna have any problems getting our quota we just may have a problem figuring out how to wrap that Bell that's about all so we did pretty good three Bales off of the first field and we've got another one in the chamber right here so let's keep it rocking and rolling how we gonna do probably get another one off this vid so here's the good news uh there actually is no bad news uh grass like I said paying for decent decent I mean it's not terrible how many bills do we make Seven Bells total so seven dumb 7500 whatever that is that's how much money we would get from this the silage on the other hand all we got to do is rid one native piece of equipment and make some silage Bales the issue is I have no idea if do we have any that'll work let's see 125 to 150 125 to 150. that'll do 180 but I'm not excited about it uh let's see this will do up to 150. oh boy um oh hey this would work as a matter of fact I think this is the only thing that would work the issue is as well is it's gonna cost twenty seven hundred dollars so uh it is going to cost a lot yeah it's gonna be about the price of one or two of those Bales just by themselves oof you know what though absolutely worth it it's a no-brainer let's get it dude yeah and we'll come down here wrap our first bail now if I remember correctly I don't think that uh that these turn into silage right away I believe you gotta wait a little while for that but you know what that's kind of okay with me we don't need the money today but we do need the money eventually which would you know be nice oh it didn't drop it automatic do I have automatic drop there we go turn on automatic drop boom baby let's do it again so taking a look at this it is zero percent fermented with grass at 7 500 liters in there cool there we go last bill is there boom boom and now I could go back in here and return that so after leasing three pieces of equipment we were able to go ahead and wrap up some of these bills that we've got I'm gonna leave them sitting just for now we may end up moving them put them on the trailer something but we don't need to do anything with them right now actually what I need to do is hook up to this Mulcher right here it Go mulch both of those fields but we may end up doing that next time on the road again heading over to Edgewater crane we've got I think if I remember correctly here we go 78 000 liters in there and 100 and so 178 000 liters not bad oh I forgot to turn on my turn signal you know what I'm gonna reiterate I would love to have some VR performing simulator I just think that'd be epic and I kind of want it I bet I got the psvr coming in here in a few days so you know why can't I use that it'll be awesome to be able to use that with Farming Simulator and if you don't think I'm gonna try you out of your mind all right let's pull in here I do want to double check just to make sure that I'm going to the right place yes that is it and while we unload we're also going to monitor this as well just kind of going back and forth hitting the shoulder buttons refreshing that we are going to have to deliver most of it I believe it's 90 or 95 and uh this ain't even gonna cut it so there we go 66 is uh is done and I don't know how many other percent we need to do but it's gonna take a minute might be a good idea to go ahead and finish the Harvest before I do anything else though here we go it's a little bit yeah straw right over here there we go uh and I'm just now remembering I might have to get all the straw up uh there's probably I don't know two or three hundred thousand liters of straw here if not more so I'm I'm interested to see how I'm actually gonna pick it up I got a couple ideas but I don't want to you know we'll see hey uh just just noticing here um a large stack round Bell silage uh 25 of them uh eighty seven thousand dollars uh or 87 000 liters for 473 bucks I don't I don't know how that makes sense I don't know what world that makes sense but I do know that I'm gonna reset and I'm gonna buy those are you kidding me absolutely that could fund my entire operation where is it yeah I'm gonna make them light blue though so I know oh that's so stupid yes I'm not cheating you're cheating get out of my face look what's on the used Market I guess those bills I could just chalk that up to be like oh yeah it was uh sorry I've got to reset my thing there and I forgot it when I hit shift it zoops Forward um yeah I guess we could just say like yeah local farmer had to get rid of a bunch of silage Bells before they rot and he didn't have a way to get a sold or something there you know there's a story line tell me what what do you think the storyline would be let me know this this is the difficult part right here what we've got to do is we've got to pour out I think about oh we'll get this down to 50. oh stop okay 96 completed 83 has been transported so a little bit more 86 percent a little bit more 91 a little bit more 94 a little bit more Leroy Wilson great supportive ah sweet wait why did I give me 16 000 Harvest income what just happened well I don't know what happened because I don't know what just happened but I do know I got a bunch of Oats that need to be sold now uh where can we take these oats let's see 34 6-2 Edgewater green wait are we there already oh yeah we are at Edgewater green all right well let's go ahead and put the rest of this out too look at that oh that oh that um that money that money went up too fast uh we took out a half a million dollar loan and and it was like a day we're up to almost 200 Grand I I need to change something before we come back uh oh anybody know the best place to sell a bunch of bells that I acquired by legitimate means let me know and we're back on Edgewater Saskatchewan today we're gonna be moving some of these bells around trying to just get them out of our way and maybe get them prepped up for whatever is about to happen next and what is about to happen next well we got field work to do we've got three Fields down as opposed to just the one or actually we have I think like four oh I detached the whole thing I'm an idiot uh we need to get all that done we've also got some rolling that needs to be done we need to do some planting I don't even think I have a planter yet so we gotta buy one and uh we do have a little bit of money but that's probably gonna disappear soon as well oh and we've got a bunch of bells over the shop and I don't know where they came from I mean what and we got a couple back here as well I thought we'd made nine Bells but it looks like we've only made seven oh well I will tell you guys I enjoy using these telehandlers so much so Merlot is probably my favorite in Farm Sim of all time I've been using this telehandler since Farming Simulator 17. own Xbox way back when from Oakfield Farm yeah that's been a little while but I miss it so much and I absolutely love this telehandler all right we'll get this off and then we'll figure out what to do with these these are not uh silage Bells yet but the ones at the store are that's what we might might have to do something with that truck next we got something that I generally don't do and have it done and really it's just not been part of my repertoire uh since playing Farming Simulator and that is mulching however I thought I'd give it a try at least for the series you know maybe it works out maybe it doesn't I don't know and I figure I only know if I try plus you know what's the worst that could happen right right all right there we go we've got the first main field done we've still got a lead to be more left of course this area right here on the side until 24 and whatever that is I don't I don't actually know if I need to mulch this Grassfield or not reiterate the fact of I don't think I've ever mulched before and I still have to plow this up so it doesn't matter and there we go there's the last bit that we need to have mulched done up folded up do we need to do good to go now we got some stuff that needs to be plowed if we take that off needs rolling none of it yeah so we're gonna have to plow at least around the edge of our main field it doesn't look like we need to plow this but it's actually not a field so we do so basically we need to plow everything cool now we are going to roll this plow around towards the back side if you guys are using the lizard 6m or 9M uh what you may find is if you turn it around you can actually go a little bit faster than you could if you had it turned around the right way which is super super handy now you're not gonna be able to fly but you really don't need all that horsepower either which makes this a whole lot easier and a little bit faster for everyone not just PC players I'm also going to come through here and just plow this stuff up sometimes when you get into a new map like this you may see that the areas on the sides a little bit triangular you know what I just like to go through make my own make my own area around the outside of the field but I do have to be conscious especially right now when create builds is turned on it could be dangerous and already we've got one done this one I'm probably not gonna do as much field creating but then we're gonna do a little bit why not right and man I do love first person it looks so good and over here is where we get to create our own feel this big old area right here oh man it's already two o'clock in the afternoon I did not realize how late it has gotten we need to hurry I do have time settled times too and I do not plan on changing that for much of any reason whatsoever I like to kind of keep things moving and this will keep me from staying in the same day in the game for too long which we know I have a problem with so this should help me fix that problem just a little bit regardless here we go coming around through here looking good looking good make sure we don't get too close to these trees because that will cause some problems with planting and combining and there you go there it is so this is a nice area I love this it's not huge it's not big but you will get more stuff as I've shown you get at least three or four bales off of this area right here whether you're doing grass or maybe you guys want to use it for crop you'll get yeah thousand two thousand liters maybe even more of crop just in this area alone it might seem silly but if you're like me and you're starting off with not a whole lot of anything it may be worth it to you lastly we've got this one field number 24. let's go ahead and get her unfolded I don't have create Fields turned on yes I do crap get up this uh there we go that uh that didn't happen in trucker mats he's definitely not laughing at me in the other room right now now it's doing exactly what I want and we can go around and do everything good yeah that's definitely definitely not me I didn't do that that's somebody probably k-bot or something I don't know so now I'm actually going to be going through and creating some of those fields around the outside or creating some of that extra land around the outside that I had mentioned uh some of the areas there's just a bunch of room left and why not utilize that for harvesting we'll get more out of it we'll be able to get more money for it there's really no reason that we shouldn't be utilizing as much of the space as possible so that's exactly what I'm gonna do and for some of these other areas there's really not much extra space but we can at least straighten out some of these plow lines a little bit and straighten out some of the edges of the field a little bit which gives us a nice pretty line and I like that that's pretty cool now that our new field has been created and boy oh boy did we create a new bit of a field so everything around here that's in light blue is the new part of the field so I created a whole little area there a little bit more of an area here inside and a whole little chunk right here on the right hand side as well of course I didn't double this by any means but you know what good like 10 I'll take that just like that we are completed so boom boom got it holding's not allowed to stay all right we'll do it like this and then I'm gonna go across the river right here actually this may be a good place to build a little Bridge man we got some bridge but maybe we'll be able to get something so I remember when I told you we didn't have a cedar I forgot about the cedar that we have so our sprayer holds 7 500 liters so what we need to do is get 7 500 liters worth of stuff well this is probably gonna be the way to go right through here I would normally just cheat it in but you know today I'm feeling nice so there's one there's two and there's three that should fill it up nicely at least for the time being let's go and jump in here fill up with liquid fertilizer and let's spray them out right through here this shouldn't take very long either we just need a little bit of fertilizer down and the good thing is both of these grass fields that we have the top one and this one both they only need one spring on them because they've already gotten Manatee with these bumps it's just giving this thing a heck of a time uh we only uh I think just a little bit of spray on here one time and we'll be good to go oof either this looks weird or I don't know this definitely looks weird also because it takes longer to fold and unfold than it does to get to my next Farm or the the next field rather um going off-road and that's right baby everything is good so we've gotten two Fields done now this is number three but it's not really a field more of a strip and then we've got the big field on the left of us right here and then we'll be ready to put this feet in the seat in rather however I do actually know what I want to plant yeah I need money so it makes sense to do something that would give us a little bit of money maybe canola for example canola would be really good um we could also do a little bit with like canola straw or something like that however the uh the multi-crop mod that I normally use with yoast conflicts with this map so I can't use that or else I would strong uh for um soybeans for example another thing you can't do that with this Farm either because again those two mods Glide that would actually work it just everything else about them collides so I'm not I'm not quite sure I feel like having some extra straw bales would be the best way to go have a little bit extra just cheap cash as they were uh flax is okay as well flax does decent ish but the amount of money that we get from it is uh inadequate to say the least so yeah it's kind of all over the place right now what do we do oh uh speaking of straw um I think we've still got a field over here somewhere that has straw on it or did I collect it oh don't tell me I collected the money oh no my uh oh uh yeah so the last episode there was a whole field that I harvested just so I could get a little extra cash from the straw that was on that field and I have got a new save game since then which means we're not gonna get that straw that kind of stinks and so there we go we are absolutely done now with fertilizing speaking of fertilizing I think the field I did my last contract don't know salsa already actually no a digital filled eight right here what is in that field now says oats this is growing all right whatever so the last thing we've got to do is put some seed out now I don't know how long this is gonna take we could also do fertilizer as well but we are not going to be doing fertilize they're not out of here I prefer to do the well yeah do it the normal way so I'm still thinking maybe canola or soybeans may be the way to go especially with the headers that we've got soybeans may not be giving us like the wildest straw amount ever but it does look like the uh everything's gonna be just fine with it so DJ thinks soybeans is the way to go so soybeans will be the way that we go these are going to be going in every single field not just the little one not just a big one all of them I want all the soybeans I could possibly get try and pay off this loan as quick as possible that way we can move along all right so one is down something that I've found out Mr trucker matsy's beside me going what at the same time as uh this Cedar um yeah it worked fine I didn't turn it on I just lowered it down and it worked that was weird something else real quick I forgot I have a mod installed that rolls my fields for me so bye sitting here harvesting around to harvesting planting water why is it getting so dark I always do everything at 11 A.M in the morning in the game and just stop the time it's actually getting dark I'm I'm I might run out of time to plant today we will see so according to trucker matsy these older Cedars like this would actually use the I guess the Turning wheels in the back to Power The Cedars and or drop the seed rather uh into the ground or put it into the ground so uh that's kind of neat I didn't know it did that oh there's some new today all right let's finish this up guys we've got one more little bit that we need to do I need some more seeds and we're gonna have to do field 25 and then we here today at least for now we'll be done I got an idea because we got all those bells up there I'm gonna try and hire worker here let them maybe try and finish this field or or maybe even go fill up the seeds real quick so we've already got through half of them and we've just finished the third headline right here maybe I go fill that out that's a good idea let's do that and then I'm going to slam on the brakes real quick before I don't hit anything nice I'm gonna go sell all those bells that are over by the main store we're gonna hang on to them for literally ever if I don't do it now so now seems like the perfect time to go ahead and do that boom open it up seeds go in DJ is happy first things first we need to make oh boy uh this trailer right here we need to make it some type of not 30-footer but I think we need to get these bells off first don't ask how I got them off of here just just accept that they are not on here anymore and that's a good thing rock and roll baby we are here the only thing is I don't actually know where we can work on the vehicle stuff and be outside and everything I think it's I mean it's definitely over here does this open up no I don't think so so we would have to get right in front of it but I'm afraid we're gonna be in front of those bells so maybe cause some problems I don't want that I don't think you guys want that either so I'm just gonna go ahead and customize this trailer so the function of it we want Belle's Auto load that's gonna give us our 50 foot that'll work great for us now the thing is as well here I don't think a uh I don't think the bumper pull is gonna work great on a 50-footer so we're gonna go to the gooseneck attachment for that Extensions stay on everything else stays cool we do have to pay for this 3 300 bucks uh which is not good um huh um help uh that is literally attached it is it is one solid piece right now that is uh what we would call not good at all and I'm gonna go ahead and take uh this trailer right here and we're gonna reset it which I believe it reset it back to the main Farm which I'm going to reset there go up here and reset that again goodness gracious should be there there we go okay I think oh I think we're good and now it should just be doing all of this stuff so operating position all right I don't know where we're going with these we are heading to Larry's Bell shipping and I have no idea how to get over there but I'm guessing we need to take the first left that we could find and then when it splits we need to stay left and then take the first right all right let's see if we can make this happen dang it hanging left here I can say it I can see it but here we need to go left Road closed to through track I'm not going through I'm just trying to get somewhere that's all I did a right right here and then I think that's gonna put us right about where we want to be over here by Larry's Place yeah we got a lot of these are 3 500 liter bales they're all silage was great good news there um but I don't know how much money we're gonna get we're gonna be the best backwards driver in Farm Sim and show you guys how to back these up I'm also going to go ahead and unload all the bells where they stand just like so and then back them in slowly and there goes that money oh my goodness gracious 52 Grand so an investment of was that 470 dollars something like that yeah we got 52 000 out of it that's not bad we've got enough money right now to pay off half half of our loan I don't know if that's the best smartest thing to do or not but you know what might be close ah sweet strobe light trees my favorite yeah so there we are at least for now we're gonna be finishing up this field I've also got to go through and fertilize but uh the next time you guys see us hopefully we're gonna be helping out some of our other neighbors because well some of our neighbors have some work to do let's just put it that way good morning and welcome to September from Edgewater Saskatchewan today we are going to be getting a little bit of harvest done but we're also gonna go do something kind of cool so I have uh well we've still got the same amount of how in the world do I get out of here we uh have invested in a little bit of property but I invested in a little bit of property I mean well we we own the outside of the map now now as we should have owned that from the very start we did not I made sure that I do now so there's that also uh all of our fields that we harvested yesterday are doing great harvested planted you guys know what I mean So today we're gonna do something fun I am gonna become a YouTuber in Farming Simulator while I'm playing Farming Simulator as a YouTuber I'll explain so right over here actually where we've got to take one of the contracts that we've got right now uh to the farmers market there's an open area now this is supposed to be the um I think it's the spinnery but for some reason at least on the version of the game that I have the spittery's not here just straight up it's just out here uh South has hit me up and said yo what up uh it's supposed to be there and I'd say yep uh it is not and but that's okay we could put a spinnery down anywhere else that we want this is going to be the new headquarters go ham go uh that's right because the go hepco is a real life company now which is just absolutely epic and one of the cool things is mapper's Paradise have sent me this this is the DJ go ham headquarters basically and we're gonna place it down I'm gonna find this back corner way back in there right about yeah probably put it down and this is the new headquarters look at the thing oh that is just so that's where we can work on the vehicles and I think we've also got a ramp here as well yes I do all right I gotta go get the truck where is it and because I am the best backwards driver in Farm Sim get at me Bros I'm gonna back this in as well right about there I think that'll probably do okay that's good enough right maybe we'll try this again one more one more game one more game there we go that will do right there let's raise it up goes up under I don't I don't think this feature's ready yet that that didn't happen and check it out so we get the D to go him logo right there uh right over here there's a giant certificate there I do believe they're gonna be putting up a few more certificates my stuff from uh from YouTube and from giant software they're gonna be putting those in so there is that right there if we go in here we've got a really cool just hang out room habits of fun there's Farming Simulator right on the edge uh you've got some billiards in here you've got Schmidt there you go got a Volvo Excavator up there too at least I don't know it doesn't say Volvo but I'll say it is because I have one of those on mine go ham chill room hey you gotta have a a chill room just to hang out gotta get out of there there we go and of course you can see through there come over here Place washer dryer things like that I mean you gotta have a way to to do all that got some cups right there cool cool cool and then my favorite area through here now I don't think that they put up oh they did it yeah there you go did you go him congratulations so we got the YouTube award up there which is just so cool so these must have been the ones that uh that they took because that is definitely uh me my face you can actually see my face at the top right hand corner so that's definitely the one I took a picture of for them uh you get the bathroom here with DJ gohib logos just all over the place everything is Nitro blue which you know that I love can't see yourself but you know what that is all right sometimes you don't need to be looking at yourself in the bathroom uh let's see what else we got around here what else we got around here storage room everybody's gotta have a storage room with a little office uh desk there Windows looking outside and everything Milwaukee Tools because of course you gotta have some tools in there too man I'm loving loving this we've got another area here uh smaller smaller little setup got a DJ go him desk Mount or deskpad I don't even have one of those in real life and we do have the back door around here as well one of the neatest things about this as well is there's given me uh live yeah because this is the studio what I did I keep messing up I love that and then they've got the DJ go him setups here and everything they tried to do or get close at least to uh uh to how that I set up everything um they have done their best I'll give them that I'm gonna pull this up to see if there's any anything that I can interact with I don't think there are let's see I gotta turn on lights and turn off lights yo that changes the whole perspective of the room doesn't it yes it does it's pretty cool coming around here what do we got what do we got the YouTube uh algorithm YouTube marketing and DJ Koh ham Studios oh that is so cool man that is really cool and then here I don't know what's on the that is uh Advanced Auto Parts I love it man I love it I can't open anything up through there but we do have that and that's uh well that's just a quick tour around of my uh my office so the neat thing is about all this you can see it's gonna rain soon well I need a way to make money and one of the great things is they have hooked me up if you would call it that with some air conditioners that should make us a little bit of cash so these air conditioning units right here will make me a little bit of cash each day which is very very nice and should uh should make things a little bit easier for us moving forward because it's about to rain for about half of a year okay so now all that's done we are probably gonna be making about uh see 32 33 000 every single month in the game I do play with single day of months so and look how cool that door is nice do love that so here's what I'm talking about about it raining over the next about half of a year so this gives us the next six months plus the month that we're in right now September uh today is gonna rain a little bit just a little bit but it's gonna rain tonight hopefully we'll be done with doing everything we need to do by then however October November it's gonna be raining December January February it's going to be snowing in March it's gonna be raining April is the first time almost a whole year it's gonna be the first time I've well happier first time we're gonna get no rain so I needed a backup in new AC performance that gonna be good for us it's probably going to make us about 400 000 a year which is real good but form seven is a little bit low so uh we'll do my best man we'll do my best but we do have a harvesting contract on field number five so let's grab what we need and let's get over there I don't actually know how to get over to this field without literally driving all over every other field so I'm gonna just do my best dude I'm just gonna do my best here so we've got this whole field we need to do I'm definitely gonna be taking the straw off of this field because they ain't no way I'm gonna leave all this straw behind not two times in a row I don't know how in the world I got it up the other time but uh yeah it wasn't it wasn't up so we're gonna figure all that out I've also got some interesting bits here at the top so we've got all of this what I may have to do is pretty much Harvest from here up myself and then go back and hire worker and let him do all this stuff at the bottom I don't know we will see either way I think uh I think this will be all right we'll get this sorted let's see what kind of trouble we can get into up here at the top end so this is one of the big features of Edgewater Saskatchewan you're gonna find all of these little areas where you've got ditches and all kinds of stuff where you can come in and you can actually just raise them up yourself they didn't put anything weird or or that you can't manage down at the bottom of these so all you can do is just raise them up and you're good and then you've got a full big flat map field thing again the issue is when you've got contracts and things like that it ain't gonna work too well so it does take some time it does take some effort and it will take some of your patience but you know what it's not just a big square field it's it's not just about finishing the job I guess I'm guilty of that myself in Farm Sim it's it's kind of about enjoying the job I found myself doing a lot of harvesting here on Edgewater and I've enjoyed every single minute of it I think you guys will too after one full headlight around this field oh all the way around we have we have totaled 63 which is a bit High that's a whole lot and I love that very very much so the only problem is we're gonna have to well we're getting a lot of work to do so let's see if we can find ourselves a truck there we go exactly where I totally didn't reset it and back it in here and get that done sweet okay so now the next thing we're gonna do I think because there is some room to go back and forth up here I think a worker could probably handle that just fine I do need to run around this little guy here in the middle but the rest of it's gonna be simple the rest of it's gonna be very very easy so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just kind of go back up this way run one more handling around everything until I get to right here and then I may turn around and hit it all or I may even come through here and just hit this top part I'm still not quite sure how I'm gonna do it all yet but I know we'll get it all done and uh it'll be within due time oh and I just realized how much money we got right now oh yeah that's right I spent like a hundred grand or or so on all of that stuff for the new place oh boy man it's gonna take what four months four months to pay that off I hope it was worth it so I decided to do the whole top of the field first it was a whole lot easier than just kind of doing anything it was one two three four extra passes something like that really wasn't that bad especially after the headlines nice and easy now let's hit this and let's get in line with this straw swath that way I could just drop it right on top of it look at that love it yeah and now we've got all this little itty bitty stuff down here just south of that little island one of the things I may do is just go and hire this on a worker and let them rock and roll going back and forth up and down and then when they get to that spot maybe address that issue once we get there I'm not sure if it's a big enough problem for me to address now or not but uh we'll get it sorted soon enough let's go ahead and hit this and bring this in that way I don't have to pick up extra straw and now let's just go through finish this second headland Ramona worker the worker just hit 80 percent so you can see how much we've actually gotten and we're definitely definitely definitely gonna have to go and load some stuff up early because we're gonna get so much crop off of this field definitely didn't miss any right there either 49 000 leaders left in here meaning I'm gonna have to do a little bit of work so let's go and take this guy hire him up on the worker and then we need to jump in here and get to where we're going but I don't know where we're going I think it's up here right there farmer's market we should probably double check just to be sure Farmers Market all right well that was easy what it did was it went too far [Laughter] remember that it's this turn right here not the very last turn where it looks like it is on the map I'm just an idiot and I apologize now I think there's a few places for selling crops around here but I think it's just those two in the back at least at this specific one and that is correct so we'll come around here say goodbye right there and we'll start unloading oats and we'll also double check to make sure that we are progressing yes we are man that progress is just going straight to the roof man I think we made a mistake um I just got 239 thousand dollars from Harvest income but uh oh it's filled five farmer's market it something tells me something bad's about to happen very close karting right now there we go there's another full setup 200 000 liters my dudes to be honest with you I think taking this road over here at the top left might be a little bit faster and again I have crashed trying to turn I'm so bad at this uh this truck's awesome BC Bueller did a great job with this truck I'm just the bat I'm the bad one and I think the other way was also shorter so here's the thing I don't know why it gave me so much money it shouldn't have but it did I'm not gonna say I hate it I do like it it's getting us out of the hole very very good like uh however we're making money and this is not uh saying that I've delivered anything like I should have huh that is interesting to get this massive amount of straw up and actually figure out what in the world is going on with all of the uh Harvest uh because it seems to have appeared to just stuck at 80 percent oh no it's up to 81 now awesome um yeah I picked up this pocket right here this should work for us pretty good I'm just gonna go back and forth with it turn it on rock and roll let's unlock the uh unlock the bits right there and then I'm just I'm just gonna go back and forth pick up all the straw it's gonna be a lot it's definitely gonna be a lot I'm guessing we're gonna miss some here and there as well as it bounces around and things like that but it's going to take some time and I'm Not Really Gonna worry too much I'm Gonna Get Down To The Ends let's let's see at this end right here I'm just gonna go straight through it and see what it picks up and what it misses you know what I'm cool with that so now that we've got a lot of this filled done the worker themselves are probably going to start causing me some issues it's pain etc etc etc so what I'm going to do is I'm going to try and deal with it the best that I can make it all work and hopefully hopefully hopefully come out on top I've been collecting the straw we got about 350 000 liters so far but we haven't really collected much I've collected the Headlands and almost everything that's at the top I'm doing my best man I'm doing my best it's taking a while though we've also completed 94 of this contract and I still have more to harvest and we've got plenty more to deliver so I don't know what it thinks maybe I've already delivered everything that I need to deliver I don't know man it's so confusing well it just says 98 completed I am really shocked about everything that's been going on so far there's no way it's giving me all that money I mean there's absolutely no way or we'll get stuck at you know zero percent on the contract or something like that is I just don't believe it uh believe it contract on field five completed I just finished it um [Laughter] oh boy uh I don't know what what happened was but what had happened was I don't know and that was a bad decision to go through there like that so we just made a hope the uh if the statement made the odds be in your favor [Laughter] yeah that is that has been absolutely perfect for me so we've got a little bit in the truck I believe I don't think it's completely empty we've got another 92 000 liters of oats in here Plus all of the straw that we have to collect and we got 769 thousand dollars in the bank right now the contract is completed I mean there you go there's there it is I can collect it if I want I don't know what happened I promise I didn't cheat I just don't I I just can't uh confirm what happened because I have no idea either way I'm gonna go ahead and pay off that loan keep borrowing more repay repay repay go go go soon we Are Gonna Fill this thing up the whole two million liters I tried to give it to the trucker matsy earlier but he wouldn't take it I told him it was a great way to not cheat but cheat at the same time yeah he wasn't buying it uh anyway I don't think we're gonna be able to get much more I've got two little ones right there and then the very very ends I just just don't care man so we've completed the contract I'm not even gonna mess around with it anymore take it and collect boom so there's 35 grand for us right off the top and we need fun place to sell straw and we need to find a place to sell oats all right looks like we are heading over to the Grain Mill it looks like it's gonna be this one right here totally didn't turn in too early in a previous clip and and not um what nope not me not me at all hey can we buy this 96 000 for that uh I would kind of be interested to be honest with you in in buying the uh Grain Mill I know you can't sell Productions after you purchase them and I I really just don't want to deal with all of that but I would like some flour please and thank you I think maybe staying away from production Shades at least for now I think we uh got production chained out after the last let's play okay 342 thousand dollars for that run right there uh again I did not do this it's just happening and I'm not saying a thing and here's the second run we're gonna overshoot it nope we are good let's go ahead and let him do that uh straw is actually going to be heading back down to the bottom of the map so we're gonna be running back to uh Larry and pay it to him a visit okay there's another 167 thousand dollars we're at 816 000 dollars boy oh boy I really hope that we don't uh ruin all this because we have done some pretty good stuff today just chilling with a million liters of straw no big deal no reason to cause alarm I also don't think that this trailer dumps very quickly nope not in the slightest bit that money is going up about as slow as I can run so it might be a hot minute before we find out how much money we gonna make and the final tally is 152 000 so uh we now have 969 000 nice um and I need to account for more than just that I need to account for about uh 1.2 million and I don't know where it came from we're back for day five on Edgewater Saskatchewan and today is going to be a bit of an interesting one because we are going to expand our farm we're gonna buy a new plot of land as a matter of fact we're gonna go ahead and do that right now I'm buying Farmland 58 or 50 Notch just south of what we've got right now and we do have some stuff currently growing as you can see we've got all of these builds right here I believe it's all soybeans as well now I've bought these and we've got barley and flax ready to go very interesting size fields and we may even extend down into Farmland 22 or field 22 rather later on should be fun should be interesting and we got a bunch of bales that are ready to be sold so let's go find somewhere to sell these first because we do have a really really big Auto looting 50 gooseneck trailer we're gonna use that I I know I know I said I was gonna load everything I don't want to do that anymore and naturally I've gotten stuck because all these cars they want to go but they don't want to let me go dude pulled out in front of me get on to DJ go Ham's way bruh lordy all right let's get in here sell these up I mean we only have seven Bells it's not like it's the end of the world or anything but yeah we should be okay 7 500 liters each that should be a pretty penny so let's come through here and unload them boop boop boop about 30 grand not bad but that's free money and we did have to lease everything that came with that if you haven't seen those episodes go check them out episodes one and two all right I think we get to work you think we get to work now and also since we've got uh a little bit of money we could actually get 20 boosts on all of our stuff just by upgrading a few things and I think now maybe the perfect time to go ahead and do those upgrades so there's one now on moose Maps this type of setup right here works with uh you know MMOs and or takes your crop and turns it into straw but doesn't give you the crop well fortunately for us it's a little bit different on this map you see on Edgewater Saskatchewan when you have things like this for example I don't know what the difference is here crop catcher crop Catcher color we're just gonna go with regular crop catcher sure why not you know what no crop catcher I don't want it boom boom boom boom basically you just go through and you mow down the crop and it swats it up for you and once you've got your swath then you hook up to this bad boy right here which by the way a huge shout out of BC Bueller farms for making a pickup header that matches the Yellow Claw Syrian oh there it's lexian I don't know the difference anyway so you take this thing and then you pick up all the stuff and then depending on the crop type that you've got I know canola doesn't do it however uh wheat barley oats do it it'll put back out straw again so you can pick up the straw 20 boost still get straw all the good things happen and we have a big old pickup on the front which means I'm gonna go double and yeah it may only be 20 but the good thing is with this swather that we've got we can actually go like double boom whoa let's let's slow our roll here uh we can actually adjust the swath setup so I'm gonna go swathing to the right definitely definitely different forget to show this part off in my preview video nope not me I would never do that uh let's go through here all right so we hit this and we've got our swath over here on the right hand side this way different from anything else that we've seen so I'm just going to go through this entire field and swath that up and then I'm gonna kick the other swath towards the inside oh and that's grass that's definitely not what I want well we we may have a little bit of trouble with that through the outside of the field Bud take my time and honestly if you guys are doing this as well you might even be better off just going through the outside and doing a normal combine harvester swath through the outside yeah I'm getting way too much grass so I give up I give up great part about not saving new game but every once in a while you can start over we're still gonna do all that but I'm gonna run a headline around all that first just to get away from the grass normally we would just run a dirt skirt but I don't I don't want to run a dirt skirt around that field it looks really nice so at least with this setup we're only going to be losing like what is it the part of uh we're gonna be getting 100 instead of 20 off the outside yeah that's it it's really not that big of a deal it'll this will be this will be fine plus we could actually get this done a little bit faster as well so yeah no wasting your time picking up grass for no reason so while I'm doing this while we're going through and getting the harvesting done here by the way this is one map that I actually enjoy overhead farming I don't know what it is but I enjoy it uh let's talk about my game plan for this because I know a lot of you guys probably want to go DJ where you headed what are you doing what why is clutch uh being weird all of a sudden I don't know man I don't know you'll have to ask him but I can't answer the first part of that question got him uh we're gonna try to kind of what we normally do I would like to own a cow Farm maybe build my own I think that would be a lot of fun to build like just this massive cattle farm maybe a thousand head of cattle or something like that it'd be fun um seems very good with this map but also like to maybe get into pigs as well uh that would be a good time but I want to kind of try out all of these new crops we've got quite a few we've already done a few of them but I would like to do all of them and all of the new features that come with this as well um I know there's some really nice Farms on here they have done such a good job putting like beautiful beautiful Farms together however the easy goham wants to build his own so I'm also going to find an area and uh flatten the land out do whatever I need to do with it and we're going to build our own farm so that's uh that's kind of the the dealio I'm shooting for between 20 and 30 episodes let's rock and roll baby I think it bit off a little bit more that I could chew with this uh hit this what else is common arms are super loud I've used the same sound settings since I think Farming Simulator 19 Midway through when I gotta go XLR and it's always been the same but this combined armester it loves to scream for some reason so I'm just now getting all the way around the field we've got almost 45 000 liters and there it is 45 000 liters in it's just oh goodness it's just so much so there uh there we go there's our stuff now we can now we can do it the other way okay let's do this again we are gonna go and toggle that working mode so we've got the working mode coming out the right hand side turn it on drop it down and very very good so again we're still gonna have to make more than double the amount of passes that we would have normally however one of the nice things is with this we don't have to make too many weird little passes so that's nice areas like this that I did not expect so I'm gonna have to figure out how to do uh do this uh I guess I'll just come around and kick it back out to the right hand side what could go wrong so yeah it's just I mean it's barley at the end of the day that's coming out of it the whole crop has just been cut and instead of chaffing it through like a forge Harvester or something where you would mow it up here it just kind of kicks it to the the inside and lays the crop down it keeps the common Harvester from having to pick it up and I guess it's maybe more efficient This Way in real life as far as real light variant I'm not quite sure but the way it works this is pretty simple so there is one thing that you need to know about when you're mowing the grass you can hire a worker when you're doing this you cannot hire a worker I maybe thought that you could but nope no you cannot so if you are swapping you're gonna have to do the whole job yourself that means I got to do this whole thing about myself all right now that is a pretty thumbnail so now all I gotta do is go around backwards this time and dropping all of the swath off to the right normally when you're doing this you're doing some type of Mowing and and uh maybe if it doesn't quite have to light up just right but for what we're doing today I actually need all of this to line up perfectly or else I'm not gonna have a lot of fun because I'll have to pick up way more and do way more passes than I want to the headline setup is almost done of course we had to run Wool with the combine arms turned out two with the swather but at least it's almost done and there's not a lot of field left if I'm honest I'm just gonna follow this through a little bit right about here there we go and then now I'm just gonna go through and um swath it up I guess I don't know I think I'm just gonna go vertically here and we'll go up and down up and down up and down and hit all of the parts like this that need to be hit yeah man this is working perfect I mean I know we're not hitting a lot and we're wasting a lot of time turning around but I mean it's working so whatever can I get this close enough nice all right so for this one I think I can get this almost close enough not to have to worry about it and come back and hit it that is the nice thing about starting on one end versus the other boop hey you just put it over there when you're done with it yeah yeah oh we got a little bit right here hang on change that swath pattern up oh yeah I'm so good at this I'm a professional yes and just like that we are done with at least this field right here we'll take a look at it it is showing harvested because technically that's what we did we just kind of left the crop where we found it we've got another field over here as well flax so uh we'll see what we could do with that one here in a minute but for now we need to get all this picked up with the combine harvester so this will be interesting because I could probably write a book on how to harvest a field at Farming Simulator with a combine harvester and get a beautiful straw swath to swap out the back however I am um I didn't I don't I don't actually know much about it when it comes to doing it this way so we'll see how it goes also do I have the uh real speed but I turned out I do this header just takes a bit of power and also that's a lot of straw coming out of there I know we're getting 20 more but dang also I might be able to do a lot of this in first person let's go my dudes yeah look at the beautiful animation of that coming in that looks really really good oh that's that's gonna get mixed up that's nasty all right well whatever oh we're missing some back there oh let's uh let's not do that now so in the first bit that uh when we started doing testing on Edgewater Saskatchewan uh this right here would pick up like everything and it would give me like the straw it would pick up the straw but it doesn't look like it does that anymore which is great great news so I don't really have to worry too much about that now all I gotta do is worry about it picking up all this so let's let's rock and roll and see what we get in the first headline we should have to go uh fill up but I don't know we'll figure that out you know I do gotta hand it to the guys this does look pretty darn cool tell you what we see Beulah Farms you nailed it my man you nailed it one of the things that I started to well well wanted to try to do with this series was to do more in first person and you know what think this ability right here oh that jumped did I miss any boy I hope I didn't miss none anyway uh this mod right here has given me the ability to actually do more in first person and enjoy farming in first person a little bit only thing is I got to do the whole thing myself no hired workers well we didn't make it too far did we nope we made it about this far and she's just about falling things like 80 81 something like that so this gives us a good opportunity to go ahead and unload and I would do this on the go but well can't right now how's this gonna work because it is right here is it gonna get it all it got it all all right cool man this is this is almost too easy and we're finally around once so we ended up getting just about double in that in that whole thing was that was a 8 000 liter something like that of the straw swats goodness gracious I'm definitely gonna need some help picking these things up but I'm loving going through doing first person this is so much fun I thought at first I was gonna have a hard time telling the crop apart from the swath but it's actually pretty straight on it's it's really not that bad yeah there you go it's just a little bit darker that's all this is honestly the worst part is I've already hit the headlines and now I gotta hit all these lines in the middle and I really hope I don't miss any hey we'll see man we'll that's a big Power straw goodness there was one other thing I wanted to let you guys know don't forget if you are playing on PC and you have yo spawning's extended straw crops mod installed this what I'm doing right now this isn't gonna work well for you so make sure that you at least have that mod uninstalled for this game save specifically I've done the same thing normally on on this computer that I'm playing on right now I only play on one game save at a time other than mods so just yeah heads up there uh don't don't use that you you'll have a well you actually have a great time it just won't work properly the stroll swallowed to be about 10 feet high all right let's go ahead and unload this for uh round number two but I don't think it's gonna fit it all in here yeah we got 60 000 in there a hundred thousand here oh um you know what I think we're gonna have to either add some zeros or find something new and I think with that we are done I I think there's there's probably some spots that I've didn't hit but I think that's it man I'm gonna go and pop this out just so we're ready for it and I'm also gonna go run around do a quick fly over the map just to make sure but dude I think that's it let's see we'll enable our power tools we'll just kind of spin around real quick look for dark spots in the field spots that I possibly missed you know what I think I hit it all nice definitely not the most beautiful field I've ever harvested but you know what I think that turned out pretty well for my first time doing this so barley prices Edgewater grain's giving us pretty good great and West I was doing all right as well excuse me just have breakfast ah yeah I think I think Green West is the place to go tag is a place and then trying to find it I'm guessing it'll be West somewhere yeah right there I'd also thought about doing Productions but uh you know what we did enough Productions I think of the last one where I'm just gonna have a little bit of fun selling crops because when you get into production chains especially the uh flower and oils and stuff like that you kind of start to go down Rabbit Hole a little bit and and I just got to be honest I don't I don't wanna I don't want to do that anymore and I think here we are I think this is it right here should be nice simple make us some cash 2 000 liters per thousand or two thousand dollars per thousand liters so we should make like 200 Grand Plus off of this just single load and we basically got another one man two hundred thousand dollars was right 202 851 almost right on the money and picking up the second load what are we gonna get 88 035 liters so we won't get another 200 000 but we'll get at least another one 160 176. something like that it's not too bad yeah pretty much exactly 178 580 bucks we still have lots and lots more that we have to do we're gonna have to go through pick up all that straw by the way I think uh I think I'm gonna have to do it I think we've got one I think there's one right here somewhere I'm so sorry guys I'm so sorry it's on sale what do you want me to do man if this hooks up it's gonna be a little bit of a game changer for me if it doesn't hook up oh I didn't line up correctly did I hey we got that no no I need to I need to just do the adjustment come on DJ DJ Making a bad video right now nice nice no no yes oh got it don't have to buy another truck let's go day six on Edgewater Saskatchewan and today uh DJ go him doesn't feel very good so we're gonna do our best what I've done is I've gone through and picked up all the straw that we made in the last one and we've got about 720 000 liters I've also purchased a new field and we're probably gonna buy a container today because I I modified them and I hope it works that's that's all I can say here these should sell pretty darn quick which would be nice uh this truck has actually picked these stuff up really well I've been kind of shocked BC you you nailed it my dude you nailed it all right what do we get there 110 000 not bad and it looks like everybody's about ready to go over here so we will pull this to the side just like so we'll cut it off and let it go to a stop so I want to do the swath thing again I think that worked really well we got a lot of extra crop off of it but the unfortunate thing is I don't know if if I'm gonna hit the grass again so we'll put a regular header on here we'll go through we'll pick up the first handling around I think that'll be good so here we go drop it down we'll go ahead and enable fast farming as well because of course I'm gonna do that and we will hit it now one thing I did notice is with the big pickup that we were using or say the big pick up the uh swather over there it was good pretty quick and this header goes pretty quick as well but what doesn't go fast is the pickup for this it just doesn't go very fast and I wonder if it's because we've got one of the smallest combines that we could possibly get I mean we got it used pretty much everything we've gotten used at this point but I just wonder maybe a little bit more power baby might be helping out just a little bit while we're at um yeah that's not oh boy does it say well we're at it let's go down to the other field but I uh well I'm terrified this was not a good idea so this right here is the reason I wanted this field right here on that guy because it connects with the other field that we've already got I think this would be perfect make one larger field and maybe even when we come through and get rid of some of those waterways even though I gotta be honest with you those waterways are some of the coolest features of this map and I feel like I might be doing it a disservice by getting rid of them yeah we'll see either way I'm probably gonna get rid of these fences because they are doing a disservice to me by being in my way and there we go first head along both fields are done now Inspire the worker and let's see what we can get put together for ourselves all right so we have jumped on our Uh crap everything is good and and I didn't have any trouble getting over here either which makes me wonder what's going on because it was a little bit too easy for this one I think I'm just going to try and go back and forth it seems like it's fairly simple and our combine harvester can turn around on itself so why not give it a try like that man I wish I could hire a worker though everything seems to be working just fine up until the point where I get down here to the end turning around is a bit uh fun I guess is the word to use here because we have this big header on the front so I have to get around get around where this fence is and then turn it back on and go again I think if Vince wasn't there I'd have a little bit easier time turning around and I say that because I have a lot easier time turning around on the other end where there's no fans Ah that's so nice all right first field is done we'll go ahead and change our SWA thing set up here we're going razor header because there's no reason to leave that down and we will look it around on a beautiful beautiful work of course as you can see here the swamp itself for the crop pretty much looks like the crop but lighter colored and then around the outside where we got that black straw the darker color Still rocking rolling we are still on field number two and well you can see we've done a good amount got a little bit more to go I'm just sitting here hanging out watching YouTube videos doing doing the field that's about it so we're getting out to the end of this field and next once we get everything picked up once we get the flag straw picked up we'll sell all these crops see how much money we've got them at the end of all that but we're gonna need to go through and start doing some field creation so we're gonna take all this area right here and we're going to take the plow that we have we're gonna create some Fields I did notice that some of these spots are a little Jagged like through here you can see it kind of goes yeah so we'll take a plow and we'll go ahead and make that look good that was dangerous I'll tell you guys this as well this is probably the thing that I love the most about this new Like Straw pick up kind of stuff I mean you could you just we just go pick it up but you can run your headline first so you don't have to worry too much about it as you go through here it's got a very similar animation to tedding which I think is one of the most satisfying bits that we've got in the game oh you can see yeah I'm having a little bit of a difficult time getting up this hill right here I should have fast forming installed which I do and it's active and it's about as fast as she'll go uh it's gonna take us a while to get all of this picked up but I'm gonna do my best we'll see how long it takes uh we should also get a very very good amount of crop off of this too not to say the same thing a hundred times but this is probably my new favorite thing to do in Farming Simulator it's so easy and it's fun and it's awesome and it's really nice to do in first person I love this only thing is you can't hire a worker but it makes you do it and we are done with this field so what we've got is about 40 ish thousand leaders and and that's that's about it never expected about twice that much but you know what it is what it is flax really really doesn't give you a whole lot well we got another field to do so let's go do it all right let's see if we can do this without having to set anything go I don't do it no no that didn't work I already missed some good job DJ good job oh I'm missing a lot oh we should definitely back up hopefully it doesn't put it all the way again all right we'll try something I'm trying to do like a little just like that and then we pick back up right where we left off here it's gonna give us a little loop at the top but I think if I go through and hit a headland with our uh swather it should make these straight yes that's also Gonna Save Me plenty of time a couple little spots here and there that we missed and we'll be all done Boop and Boop got him first things first let's go ahead and pick up all of this straw right here and again as I mentioned I'm just trying to get it right up here to the edge and I should be able to just come straight through here at the end and just go back and forth and I should have myself plenty of room to turn around as well that will be very very nice oh the only thing is sometimes this well it just doesn't turn that's okay it's a there's a lot behind it right now so not a bunch but we did get around almost 100 000 liters off of all that so could have been a lot worse let's see if I can manage to get myself up to the other side there we go and I'm gonna go ahead and unload the combine harvester of the truck and then go pick up the rest of the flag straw goodness that's this is what a heck of a setup oh slow it down that didn't work and got it 48 000 liters of flags that is not gonna be a whole lot of money but it'll be more than zero so it's worth it well we got a little bit more straw off of this field than we did the other one uh we're over 400 000 liters now so we'll go ahead and put that away photo bin and now we're ready to find ourselves somewhere to sell this stuff hmm so even though we don't have much again flax really doesn't give you a whole lot at the end of the day I still think we're gonna do okay here we'll definitely get ourselves into the million dollar range I believe for the first time I don't I don't know if we've hit that or not but we should so we'll go back this up get it there go ahead and dump all 400 000 liters out so forty thousand dollars just for that okie dokie and then to get the best price we are gonna go right here let's go and tag that place the northern mail let's go and take our flax up there all right so the good news is I have no idea how to get in here the better news I guess is that I think it's right here yeah that's what I'm talking about go DJ go DJ Cool all right um is this where I dump I guess so check that out right there yeah they've utilized the area that uh that they've got in the base game but for this okay very cool well we certainly are now up into the one Million Dollar Club with one million 67 bucks it's 667 not terrible at all let's head back to the main Farm let's go ahead and get our plow out and you know what we may even go as far as getting a new tractor today I don't know so now we get to have a little bit of fun let's go through first things first we should probably save the game huh just you know you never know what's gonna happen so let's do that let's go ahead and open up the plow here let's double check and make sure uh create Fields is turned off at least for now and I'm gonna come through and I'm gonna just run all the way around this field that way it kind of you know Smooths it out it gets all of these extra little bits and Bob places ready to go for us just like that what this is also going to do is it's gonna make planting a little bit easier later on as well so don't have to worry with all these little Jagged edges or these little spots everything is nice everything is smooth everything is easy and because we're doing this we could go through and uh show a little bit of Liberty in some of these areas that are perfectly fine for a field there's just no field there man well now there is and then now that we are all the way to the other side we've hit it line it up perfectly and we'll go down here and grab well I was gonna say create a couple Fields but uh please so it won't let me fold it when it's down but it'll let me fold it when it's over here fair enough so this is good and it's close but we've got a lot of fences in the way right now and I would love to get rid of some of them it's just a lot easier plus you can see across the way fences are in a little bit of a different location so I don't know if running everything quite like this is the best thing so let's go here we wouldn't save the game real quick we could put these fences back and even put them in a different spot or location when it's all said and done but there we go and now all I gotta do is go through and well make sure that they're deleted all the fences one way are done now let's get the ones on the other side and there we go I know it looks a little naked but you know what whatever man it actually works so let's see if I can hire this worker and let them go completely straight right here no can't do that they just kind of quit their job so let's pull it straight forward and eat a bit and get to right here and then hire worker it's a little bit close to the to the ditch right here but it's working and once we get far enough down fire the worker and then we'll just line it up ourselves sweet just like that all right I'm gonna keep going around we got a lot more work to do but now we don't have as much time to do as you think we might because it is currently September and it's getting ready to rain dude I hit a whole section right here just needed to be plowed up uh yeah could just go straight through I mean I know why they didn't it looks way more interesting with it looking the way that it did but uh how's about this yeah yeah yeah I'm also looking at this whole area here to the right side it's a little bit hilly yeah but I also own it I think we could get out there I also think that the map just kind of drops right here yeah the map just kind of drops right there so we're not gonna be able to get too far probably not even gonna bother with that can't forget the spot in between the fields and whatever all that is I think I forgot to turn off the swather if I'm honest I think this uh this run right here this straightaway I think it's probably fine without me getting in there trying to plow plow said coming up about right here I feel like I get a little bit closer so we will go ahead and do that there we go come around oh I'm almost done sweet eat and this is all the plowing we need to do because technically this field didn't even need to be plowed but we did it anyway boom boom boom there you go now I gotta hit this one as well this one's not gonna be too difficult either just need to kind of smooth it out and there it is so the next step is going to be to find ourselves a new planter and new tractor to pull it it is so expensive but man I really really want to use this and with it being one of the larger ones 12 meter I think we could probably use this for forever and be just fine so let's go for it man uh we only need 180 horsepower so let's see what we find ourselves maybe a red tractor or something else what about something that I don't think I've ever used before the Dewey's farm series 9 tractor that I've said multiple times is one of the most beautiful tractors in the entire game but I've never actually used it So today we're gonna change that I bought a brand new doing sport I got a brand new uh planter uh I don't have a brand new combine harvester but uh virtual farmer could probably help you out with that one so here we are we have a deutsfar in Canada which is interesting I think we've got a nice case age planter in Canada and we've got some stuff ready to put down I do need to go through I need to fertilize all of this once but uh then we're ready to put down stuff we're gonna do canola that way we can go through and swath it all up we've been having fun SWAT the crab so well we're just gonna keep doing it so if you will uh excuse me momentarily I need to get some spraying done and you need to go uh um come right back yeah and we are back it is fertilizing day today and planting day at least on our big field so if we take a look real quick over on our map top left up here this field right here 23 and 22. this is what we are fertilizing up you can see I've already come around a little bit but we've got plenty more to go so I'm just gonna be working on fertilizing this build up and then we're gonna put some seed in the ground might have gotten tired of waiting so I did a little bit of an upgrade to alcubota sprayer so now is orange Kubota orange we're using an RNA M8 so you know what perfect it's also the largest width should make this a little bit quicker so now everything has been fertilized and we are going to take our new case planter and oh yeah the Deutsche firewire baby especially now that farm con has been announced gonna be a do its far this year oh yeah figured we have to use it we're gonna be doing canola in this field actually this whole field area we're going to be doing in canola because we're going to swath it up and go from there now I have spoken to yoss modding who has made the extended Sheryl crop mod that mod at first at least early on was actually conflicting with this map so we were having an issue where the canola would turn into a weird canola straw thing well now canola straw has been removed and it's just a straw swath canola swath itself so everything should work I really hope it works I really really hope that it works let's go So the plan is to actually go through whenever it is Harvest Time which will probably be the next year in game since it's September already that way we can go through swath it up and then whenever we go through and harvest we can get that sweet sweet straw out your back getting pretty close to the end of the field now and take a look we've got all the stuff at the top and we just gotta lead we'll hit this little spot got it ah so almost done I'm just gonna hire a worker on this and uh be done with it pretty quickly yeah and we are done yeah well I mean kind of we this little spot up here but the good thing is probably in the next day or two we're gonna be ready for our Harvest on soybeans and now that I've got extended straw crops mod back installed well we should be just fine also I haven't been using the road uh uh dude hey if it works right and just like that we are finished I still need to come through and get all of the uh fertilizing done and things like that but we uh I've got everything in the ground take a look at the soybeans real quick yeah they're ready to go so we just got to sit and hang out and wait can we go over this yeah yeah that works and just like that we are done yes sir we are all done with the planting we are all done with the fertilizing and yay we are all done with this tractor right here so oh that was close let's get everything put back onto the main Farm as you can see we are looking good over here a lot has changed just today a few short episodes right here whenever we play into these we were very very poor and now I would say we're doing all right there is one thing I always love seeing pallets in the used sale so uh if we buy too many of them you can see the price definitely goes up with one of them get a decent discount sixteen hundred dollars so let's go and get the one let's unhook from the gooseneck there we go we do have straps on the back of this so we'll just pull back here and throw it in and because we have liftable pallets installed all the pallets and the game please please let me in my vehicle there we go all the pallets are strapable and pick upable now where are we selling cheese for the most farmers market by far but where is the farmer now I see a green marker all right let's see if we can get in here without missing the turn this time this is it I think yeah there we go and we'll sell the cheese should be for a very very decent amount take the straps off grabs the cheese um maybe over here yeah there we go so it cost us sixteen hundred dollars and it gave us six grand not bad now that all that's done I think we're just gonna take a little bit of a rest we'll head over here we will save our game because you never know what's gonna happen there we go and let's head to bed until the morning well we had to fast forward not one day but two but now we are in November and somebody's soybeans are ready for Harvest one thing all of our stuff all over the place is just kind of everywhere I don't even know where my header is for this where is it well it's showing that I have it I just don't know where it is oh for some reason ever it's at the the store I wonder why that is well not much because stop me I've got it let's go ahead and unfold our combine let's go ahead and hook up to the header and we will fold it up while we're at it should be folded here we'll raise her up just a hair there we go hey double check and make sure that straw swath is enabled yes it is let's go enable fast form as well so we are now using so his enhanced straw swath which should work perfectly fine with soybeans here as soybeans are not a swathable crop down the map everything should work perfectly fine yeah by the way I've Just Seen on his social media that he has submitted an update so that may even be out by the time you guys are watching this video who knows but I know we've got plenty of soybeans and plenty of straw to pick up today so let's get to work the whole idea behind doing soybeans at least when we got started was some cash flow we had a serious serious deficiency it cash flow so I'm gonna try and utilize that exact thing so whatever money we make off of the soybeans we are going to reinvest in something we're not just gonna hang on to it and wait for a rainy day we're gonna reinvest in something so we've got two tractors now we got our combine we have our swather we got a truck and we've got a telehandler which I think is a a decent bit of equipment to start off with plus we've got a lot of fields kind of now we've got more I think than enough as far as Fields go to keep us busy so the question is what do we need more than that what else do we need what else could help us out other than having fields and Equipment could it be more generators could it be another source of income maybe it's cattle maybe it's another animal I'm not quite sure what the answer to that question is yet but I do know that I want to get that sorted I want to figure out what the answer to that question is uh whenever we find out how much money we're going to make from all this yeah now we got our combine harvester running on everything I do have the mod installed right now at least that gives us a little bit extra power I don't know if this is gonna work or not but it does seem like it's working let's go cut some lights on so we can see what we're doing here this may work perfectly fine it seems like it's working I mean it's definitely moving so maybe just maybe this is the answer that I was looking for here as far as all of this the extra power mod I stopped using it at first we just had too much too much we had too much power man we had more than we needed but this seems uh this yeah I kind of like using a smaller tractor to do all this this is working great and the straw is definitely plentiful we've barely gotten around one one Headland and then one row down through here we're already at 143 000 liters so I'm pretty sure we're gonna do all right when it comes to stroll in this field soybeans on the other hand not insane I don't think we're gonna have to unload this at all well we're doing our soybean Harvest but it's not bad could be a lot worse where 20 000 almost 21 000 liters in here but the great thing is about soybeans the price the price of soybeans is just phenomenal 6500 6600 if we go through the train 7300 liters stop dollars per thousand liters that's a lot of money bro and here we are almost post at the end and I've quickly noticed that the time of year mixed with the way everything is is I'm kind of having a hard time seeing all the soybeans right now I decided to just come through and get all this done especially since we're using that specific loading wagon there's really no reason to make this look good I'm just gonna drive over all of it there we go good to go now we got another little field over here smaller little field 30 000 liters so far this may give us if I'm being realistic let's go and get the lights on so we can see what we're doing this is the field that we made I think it was like the first or second episode that we did here on Edgewater Saskatchewan this definitely little yeah it's gonna be about three passes I think it all done yeah three passes it was on to field number three of four and uh we got even less than I thought I said we'd get five we got three thousand off that last build this one again we're gonna get probably not a lot probably not a lot is is the exact number yeah so I'm thinking and I've been thinking a lot about this thinking we're gonna do decently okay I think that we really should be investing in cattle cattle do really really well especially on this mountain so I'm thinking we take the money that we get let's get ourselves a cattle pin let's find a way to build somewhere the cattle area and let's uh let's buy some cows well not too bad off of that we've got another 4 000 so not much more than this other field if I'm modest but we've got one more and hopefully we'll have maybe 50 000 possibly by the end of all of it fingers crossed for 50. Here We Go has begun again for the for the fourth fourth fourth one something something about K-pop I don't know get out of here and I tell you what this has been a pretty easy field to do and we definitely hit over 50. yeah man uh we're gonna miss a little bit and we'll leave that for the uh for the deer I guess and there it is 51 359 liters and I guess we could probably sneak over this way as long as nobody's looking yeah nobody's looking straw is gonna be the BBC part we should get plenty of money off of that and we'll go and open up the pipe that way we can go ahead and get it out into the truck before we go take that off we need to get all of the straw picked up first that we know that way we know exactly what we're going to be working with I think we're going to well I'll say think uh we're definitely gonna be over 300 000 liters maybe close to 350 as far as the straw goes which isn't going to give us a lot of money but it's gonna be more than zero actually a little bit better than 350. 393 so we'll go ahead and get all this folded up get it brought up and we'll go ahead and drop this here because we'll take the semi truck does kind of make it easy when you could just take one truck and be done with it let's go ahead and hook her up got him and we'll go ahead and hook this over here oh am I gonna have enough clearance here let's come at it from an angle there we go perfect oh don't go too far back it up back it up there we go and we'll jump in the combine and start it up there we go so now we know we got 51 000 liters of soybeans 393 000 liters of straw where are we gonna take them well let's find out let's start with the soybeans where's somewhere that's not the train uh that's gonna give us the best so it looks like Edgewater green let's go ahead and tag the place looks like we got ourselves a place let's go ahead and select the front and slow it down don't don't turn too much there we go we'll get this dumped I have not tried to dump with the trailer attached so this might turn into an interesting Fiasco here depending on how close that gets oh no there we go 340 000 for the Harvest holy cow man straw is taking us to I think this Saskatoon yeah that's gonna be the the train I'm not going there let's let's go to livestock Bell auction let's tag the place baby I think it's just right over here yeah just right outside right on the edge we're not even gonna cut this one we'll just head straight over to it enjoy nature gotta love that uh I have tried pulling in here a few times it's not worked out well for me so this time I'm gonna be uh the best backwards driver in Farm Sim clutch can say what he wants no he's not oh this is a little bit slow though hey BC did I get a little bit of a backwards boost just a little bit slow backing up that's all right that's all right makes it a little bit easier I guess at the end of the day we want to take this should be almost instant and it was 58 000 there so we made a good almost uh almost 400 Grand now we're gonna figure out how to put that towards cattle so do we take a plot of land that we already have and transform that into a farm which is what I'm thinking I'm actually thinking this back area right here so this area is what I'm kind of thinking where we transform into a cattle farm now we do have a few animal pins in here uh the one that I would go for would either be this one the cow barn by oh I just placed one down oh no um that wasn't exactly what I wanted to do all right so that was forty four five two five I just ruined like everything didn't I I sure did oh boy uh what was my last save ah so I gotta do all that again cool and after a little bit of time away we have fixed everything and now we're ready to build a cattle farmer that's what a Saskatchewan you're a man we're gonna be utilizing this little area right here it's not really a farm or any sort of the imagination it's just an area on Farmland 62 with this Field farm thing area I don't know I just threw everything in here first things first we need to get all of the area just kind of done up what I mean is we've got all this well a field here we don't need the field here anymore so what we are gonna do is go ahead and paint down and we don't really need to do this part but uh I'm gonna go ahead and do it because I think it'll make things easier later on and I'm gonna be using this grass texture so that I could just go down and paint grass right over it and we'll be good to go there we go all done so now we save the game again because the last thing we want is a replay what just happened the previous setup okay so now we're gonna use something kind of neat we're going to be using the open cattle pin and what I've got is I've just got it set up right here and we're gonna line it up just about perfect with this little barn on the right hand side also we're gonna go a little bit into the woods not by much just enough to kind of get us out of the way and then we'll buy them done yeah man now we can focus on the fencing now I do want the fence to match ish what we've kind of got down around the rest of the fields and farms and areas so let's go over here and take a look real quick so everything's using this setup right here where it looks to be some type of wire or maybe metal fence and then going through with these uh the posts so let's see if we can find the exact one maybe something close ish to it and I think we found it right here this one uh just I don't know I don't know they all actually just say fence so but I think this is the one to be fair may not be the best at holding cattle in but you know what I think it'll be just fine so let's start down here right about yeah and we'll go over to about right about there now I do have the Fence Mod installed where you don't have to worry too much about any uh fences getting in the way or that type of thing we do maybe need to put in some type of uh a door though I don't know got an opening here there's no real reason for us to have to come in here I don't know maybe we'll do it on maybe we'll do it on this side yeah you know what let's do it on this side we'll put it like right here right about there yeah that'll work okay ah you know what though uh I don't think there's actually any Gates that match this okay well maybe we don't worry about it then let's just go ahead and line up there and we will follow along right about to yeah that should be good ish enough and then we'll try and match that up all the way over here right against the building and then we shouldn't have any more troubles let's go from above just so we can see the line almost perfectly and kaboom right about there I think that should do it yeah could be could be worse could be better but I'm okay with it we got a couple trees back here as well we may add a couple more of those and it looks like we are more than in the mesh as well does it look like maybe a little bit of overlap here on the side with the mesh but I don't think we're gonna have to worry about that too much so let's go and get rid of that mesh Boop just like so sweet oh I got some deer in here too that's cool I do like some extra trees so maybe we put a couple little trees here and there just to kind of give it a little bit more uh whatever back here that's could be a lot worse something else we'll need are the animals themselves uh we do want cattle I think I want uh adult Kettle like right there we don't want too old but animals are healthy older 18 months can reproduce uh age 18. yeah I guess we could just buy animals that are ready to reproduce right off the bat and that should be good to go so they're gonna cost us uh 1500 bucks a piece I said my main amount let's see hang on how many huh said we spent about 300 Grand on them so okay all right sweet now we have 180 head of cattle in here hanging out doing their thing being all happy and stuff we do need to cut put a couple things around and we're gonna need to find a way to feed them because they don't actually have any food for them yet which is what all the fields around here are getting ready to turn into they're all gonna be grass-filled that way we can get silage hay and grass in here to feed them no and there's a couple mods that I'm gonna use here that I've used previously that worked absolutely phenomenally and I'm just gonna do them again so I don't think I'm gonna need to get back in there to utilize that again ever so I'm going to use this right here this is where the milk is gonna go and let's double check and make sure that I can put one of these down of course it didn't want to do it the first time let's try it again the second time and Boop second time's the charm all right that is where the milk is going to go funny enough that's also where the slurries is gonna go I think as well we also need to put something down for the milk itself I think the milk could go into a place probably but we'll put that somewhere else on the map that way I can actually deliver it now we're gonna get more into finishing building our farm so we got cattle over here nice happy cattle I did think about doing some chickens though um I haven't done anything I hope to go chickens in a minute of course they're really only gonna give us now that chicken pins way too large maybe we'll just wait for an open chicken pin like that and I'll be fine so here's what I'm thinking for the rest of it I think this main area through here may work really well as a road so that'll work good there maybe something here on the side maybe our house maybe a smaller garage something like that definitely like keeping the cattle where they're at so let's jump in here and there's a few things that I want to just give a try and see first up is uh building from the American Farm pack I would love to put this about like right here but we do have some trees in the back that might be clipping a little bit and I think we could get a little bit further back if they weren't there so I do want to go delete those trees but the good thing is we can make a nice big bright red barn out of that so I definitely want to put at least one of those down should be able to get some stuff in there then we've got all this area down here in the end one of the ideas that I had was to use this building now this is a bigger building and I'm not quite sure that it would work great down there we may have to just use one of these we could probably utilize this here but I'm not sure this would work like that so what I thought about doing was maybe having like this here or that like right there and then one of these the onset building kind of like in there maybe like that to the side possibly in towards that way I'm not quite sure yet maybe neither but I do I do want to use this because it looks awesome plus I mean look at that color that looks awesome so we will get back in here with our easy Dev controls and we will just put an end to a few of these trees that way we could get just a little bit closer to the tree line we can add some more trees later if we want to but I think for right now I want to do the opposite of that there we go that'll work good and we'll get in here with some Landscaping just to kind of paint it up perfect now let's do it from the American pack this shed right here and we're gonna go bright red with it we will double check and make sure that we can place this down on free paint we'll get it back as far as we can get it which I think is going to be about there and we'll get this about as close this way I may have to delete one of those trees but crap that's what I was trying to prevent from happening man I wish I wish I could see what was going on there oh well see this is the other thing as well is it actually took the back back here and raised it up which I was not quite wanting to happen but you know what I guess it is what it is you gotta deal with it as far as everything goes I think we'll be able to manage slowly but surely we'll be able to manage so we can open that up but we can open that up and this at the same time more or less there's that that works now we've got this area over here which don't still quite know what to do with I don't know let's place a few things down see what it looks like okay so I've got an idea that I think might work for this building however it doesn't change colors what I want to do is get it like right here okay but the issue is there's this whole area over here that may need to be flattened out across what it's going to do is it's gonna have to either get rid of this whole area down in there or I'm just gonna have to come up with another idea also I decided not to make this red it just seemed like it worked better not being red and yes I do have a please open the door thank you and then we'll open this up and we'll go and open this door as well nice all right well slowly but surely we're getting some places to put our equipment and here's what we've got so we've got our cattle down we've got an American shed yeah I've got a another shed man and we've got this one which is a base game shed that I painted red yeah should be more than enough places for us to put stuff but we need to decorate first so let's get my person out of the way there we go we'll just put them in the barn for now and let's start drawing ourselves an area here so Landscaping we'll jump into painting and we need to find ourselves some gravel so the gravel there is working good and let's there we go yeah that'll work that'll work pretty good let's go and bring that in there there we go and I'm just gonna kind of draw out the middle area of kind of how I want it to go right about there that'll work good and then I'm just going to zoom in right about there nice nice nice yeah that's that's gonna go good very nicely very nicely and once all that has been connected we will just go ahead and draw out the other quick areas through here and then we'll do the outside edges we do want to make sure we get all the way out where we want to go here first and then that way we could just come right in and do all the fill in got those areas good now we can start filling in the grass area so all these Greenery spots we'll just kind of paint some grass in here and I also want to come in here and paint where our cattle are as well that way they've got a nice area for themselves now some areas don't need to be all grass in here for example we do want to make sure we get a little bit of Separation here with like some dirt right where their feed goes this should give us a nice just barrier more or less you don't have to do this but I think it looks better and then if you want to do it on this side as well you can I'm going to again just because I think it looks better and there we go what do you think definitely outlines it makes it look a little bit better that is what I like so from here we can add a little bit more separation with some trees and a couple bushes things like that just kind of split up these two areas right here there we go that'll that'll work all right that's a little bit too big but this is just right that'll do while we're at it we could go ahead and add a couple fence areas here as well we'll just kind of do like that that will do and then we could do some fences through here uh now I've taken all the fences off the rest of the farm so that's probably not going to work the way I want it to personally but we could but we all know I'm gonna cut Corners so I'm not gonna do that now let's get everything put away in its new home not everything will fit over here but I'm hoping that most everything or at least a lot of stuff will fit I'm gonna try and do equipment in these far sheds right here uh maybe that 50-foot trailer will fit in here I doubt it we'll find out we're done with the farm build let's jump in and take a look at it so we've got all of our cattle over here on the right hand side with milk and slurry getter uh definitely forgot to put the manure thing down we'll figure that out uh over here we've got where a truck and tractor are in and then we close that we could get our other tractor out which is pretty cool coming over here we have our telehandler in this little area I was gonna put the pickup truck but telehandler works great both of our Harvesters are in here and then we got our three large trailers here I really don't need this anymore because we're not doing Bells so yeah I'll go ahead and get rid of that I've also sold our small John Deere Cedar and we've sold the Baler all together as well so all of that's going we don't need it anymore and uh yeah that's about it I do need to get in here and take care of the cattle to make sure that we have a manure place so it may have to delete some of these trees but yeah I think we're okay and I just actually found the perfect spot for the manure Heap right here right about there right about here yeah right about there bam so I've got that pole going through there we've got this tree here it doesn't clip in anything over there I mean it's just barely in there yeah man that's perfect and then all I got to do is back a trailer up over here Auto load into that we're good dude we're good yes I do want to paint the inside of this dirt Brown just cause I feel like it's weird if it's not like a mud or a dirt color it feels weird not being that could come out a little bit too yeah and that I think now just about does it however we still got stuff we gotta do I still need to give the cattle food so let's figure out how we're gonna do that I think I got an idea the multi-buying fruit station is probably the easiest mod to use for pretty much anything I mean it's it's just so simple and easy to use so I'm going to place down right there and we need to get ourselves a dump truck so we'll go and move this open sesame yeah man this is this is pretty cool this is pretty cool I love having buildings like this and especially for this series not having anything it's been a bit awkward if I'm honest not having any buildings to park anything in this is a little bit better and I know this is cheating but you know what it's cheap and and it works so whatever I mean a hundred thousand liters of tmrs 3 100 bucks that's it's pretty ridiculous this is what it is all I gotta do is back this up over here and dump it in should get the triggers in there it is and we'll feed the cattle we'll go ahead and take a look here and see how much it fills up well a hundred thousand liters didn't do much I may give them another little uh little bit here and then we'll give them a load of straw and from there I think we'll be all right so cataloo looking good we got a hundred thousand liters of straw 400 000 liters of food which is I think about half capacity right now uh and that will work just fine so the next bit we're gonna have to fertilize and we're going to have to get everything ready to go for the field so we're gonna be planting grass in our main fields at least around the farm that way we can well not have to spend all our money on feed for these guys and they will start to produce manure and slurry and milk and we can all take that and sell it so canola is doing fine so these are the areas right here that we are going to be using for the grass fields now we've still got a close to half a million dollars right now so I don't know if we want to try and go find another field as well I mean we're we're kind of doing all right on everything I don't I don't actually know get currently get the the hiccups you can just ignore me but yeah I don't know that build across the edges starting to look pretty good but maybe we should keep it to maybe not massive amounts of farming at least to start with here at least on this first uh first series first of I think three series we'll be doing 30 episodes total we'll find out and see but I think I think we're all right right now now that the fertilizen is all done now I've got to open this back up this is gonna get a little bit longer long-winded here opening and closing the same garage over and over again but you know what yeah whatever it'll work just fine grab ourselves a cedar and we'll set this to Grass now all you gotta do is plant everything and we'll be good to go drop it down and turn it on there we go grass seed is going on the ground baby let's rock and roll one thing it is getting a little bit dark I did have to stop the clock on zero time just so I can get this work done all I gotta do is get some fertilizer in the ground and then I'm gonna be done and probably gonna be done until Springtime I do not foresee anything changing with this until spring there we go okay we'll double check make sure there's no little bits or Bobs I think we're all right I think everything's good just need to spray all this down one more time and go Boop I should probably get some some uh Bridges through there that might work a little bit better all right slowly but surely and there we go we are done and we could get out of here let's get everything folded up we'll go ahead and put this back onto the farm hopefully we get it folded up by the time we get past all this that way I don't hit nothing there we go perfect bring it in am I gonna get lucky oh yeah one take baby turn it off get out of here shut the door it is owned bye now everything is set and ready to go December is usually the last time that we're able to actually do any bit of harvesting so I do want to check and see if our canola is gonna be ready for Harvest but I don't think that it's gonna be it could be it could and if it is well we're gonna have a bit of work to do oh boy that uh that does not look like it is ready to harvest sweet oh man all this is though what is oh no oh those are red no no no no no no no we will see you in the spring man nope I might have forgot that I actually have animals to take care of so let's double check all right in here we've got 65 000 liters of manure and the liquid Silo there is absolutely nothing so the slurry in the milk is not going in there for whatever reason so that we need to figure out I don't know why is it because there's no extension maybe we'll do the silo extension is that uh is that the cause of this I think possibly it might be if I remember correctly one of these one of these works like that but I don't know how we're definitely losing money right now not having the cows produce any milk so that's gonna be that not gonna be that is quite dangerous hey that was it so uh wow overnight we got 21 000 liters of milk at 45 000 liters of slurry that is insane how we do it on food food's still okay Straw's still okay so that makes me happy yeah milk is slurry all right we're doing good dude we're doing good let's take a look at the manure looks like there's already a hundred thousand liters in there dude you cows have been pooing a lot dude indeed uh I do think that we're ready to harvest but we're gonna have to let all this stuff sit for a minute nope still not even ready to harvest it okay so uh see it's February now maybe March April should be a good time nope March has snow everywhere nope not dealing with that um so it's April yeah hey and there's still snow everywhere dude uh I know they said there's gonna be a plenty of snow but goodness gracious uh and now we're ready for Harvest I've gotta double check everything still it's 26 degrees right now but it does look like it's gonna be warming up throughout the day I don't want to wait all the way until May maybe if we let time go a little bit into the day maybe just maybe all this snow could melt ah dude this is just an exorbitant amount of snow everywhere obviously over there somewhere somebody is harvested their field they're fertilized it plowed it up something of course there's no snow in half of those up there goes a layer of snow but is it gonna be enough the snow it's gone yes I think we could get to work and I think the grass is ready to be mowed as well yeah okay um yeah I don't think we have enough time today though tune in for the next one Speaking of that next one let's talk about what we're gonna be doing well obviously we need to handle our cattle because they're gonna need some food and they're gonna need uh well maybe we can take that milk and sell it we'll make a little bit of cash speaking of cash we have 669 thousand dollars nice three Fields well two fields and a little oomph of grass here plus we have a lot of canola that needs to be swathed we've got a lot of work to do we've got a lot to do a lot to do uh the canola is going to be interesting and it's gonna be fun because we're going to swath every single bit of this then we're gonna Harvest it up I do have yo smotting's extended straw crops mod turned on so we're going to take the straw from the straw and make straw with it and then use that straw to sell the straw and if you missed that well tune into the next episode because it'll all be explained then and we are back for the season finale on Edgewater Saskatchewan today is going to be a fun one we're going to be taking King the canola and we're going to be swathing it up so we're going to be utilizing our cloth lexian us we're going to be utilizing our Heston Mower slotha and we're gonna have a good time so first things first we do still need to run a headlin around everything we don't have our dirt skirt in yet so we're just gonna well run this and and be done with it hopefully everything's gonna be good there we do need to fuel up as well so we need to figure out how we're gonna do that I don't I don't actually have a fuel stop on here so um yeah oh we should probably also take both these headers with us so let's do this the easy way and this is why I love these kinds of headers it's just so easy to unfold and fold them up get them going and rock and roll now I do love this class sexy and combine but I have considered swapping this out for the Colossus now it's not a uh well a U.S style cloth even though it is technically this combine or or at least a uh us version of the one in the game but I still think uh we'll probably hang on to this and we may just get the lexian 700 if we're gonna do any upgrades I really like these and I think this series specifically just kind of deserves to have this combine as it's the combine that we use I think it's the perfect one and I don't feel like using any other one that being said Chris I'm definitely gonna be using and that thing sometime so definitely keep a lookout for it it's awesome and we should be good to go in here I don't think we're gonna have any problems we will double check to make sure straw swath is enabled yes it is uh we should just get a normal amount of straws shouldn't have anything wild shouldn't see anything crazy in here we should just get a very very normal straw swath off of us canola and we are perfect so we will go and hit our uh little uh well see the dirt skirt the One Singular Headland all the way around so we get away from all that grass that way we're not losing anything and then we'll get in here with the swather which is always fun but we got to do it all ourselves so that's always fun so far so good and we're actually getting a lot of canola off this field we're about halfway done I would say with the first pass and we're already up to 11 500 liters so we're we're doing okay I think we're gonna get a bunch off of this field a whole lot more than I was expecting and it's the big field as well so we're gonna be doing a lot of it this episode so deadlin is done and we've got 21 000 liters of canola that's pretty good at least to start off with but I think we could do better and by that I mean I totally forgot to do this side of the field too crap I will probably go through and like raise up these areas in the Middle where there's water and plow that up just so we can make maybe some bigger areas I mean there we go some areas with trees I'm cool keeping those but I do think it is about time that we get rid of some of these ditches and make some of these big builds I mean that was one of the things that they said that we could do with this map so we may end up doing that this time around here we go oh this is not a Baler crap fun fact this is also what we're gonna use to move with too I figured you know I mean it's it's a good Mower and we're just gonna be picking stuff up so this is gonna be perfect I do need to find a silo that turns grass into silage but that's really it I also need to get a hold of a Tedder because we're gonna have to Ted This Grass too normally I just cheat it but since we're since we're all this way since we're here we may as well just do this the uh the right way and and get it over with speaking of getting it over with let's do this field first I think double check make sure fast farming is on yes it is all right let's do this bit first I'm just gonna go either back and forth or maybe we'll hit a a little run right here in the middle I'm not quite sure yet this this Field's not very big also I do know that I could go all the way over and make a bigger SWAT like do a double Swap and pick those up however it is a little bit easier for me to pick up one swap at a time I would rather just do one big swath and have to miss just a little bit here and there then do it the other way around I may have cut a little bit of grass back there oops the only thing though when you're swapping man you gotta be conscious of where you are putting the swath are you putting it to the left are you putting it to the right are you accidentally cutting grass is it too close to this is it too close to that you guys just got to be careful that's all but you know it's it's kind of fun I'm I'm really enjoying it I know me and uh me and clutch simulation spoke recently on Farm some Show podcast about how we both really enjoyed swath thing even though you can't hire a worker and nothing like that it's it's just an enjoyable experience this and picking it up both it's bringing just something different something new and unique to Farming Simulator that um I I really do think that this or just something new has been missing it it's it feels great it feels new feels fresh um it would be really awesome to see this type of thing come in a future game or maybe in a future update to the game I don't think anyone would complain about that and now we get into the fun part yeah The Big Field this as you have seen previously does take a hot minute what I'm gonna try and do is be as precise with it and run with it just like this as much as I can just like we did the last time around so we'll be doing one run like this I'm gonna do another run pushing into the inside and then we're gonna try and make as many any straight lines in this as possible it is going to take some time but man oh man is it worth it you know what up on the game right now too jump on jump on Edgewater get to swapping dude it's a lot of fun and well I'm done for the first first pass I gotta we gotta turn around and do that all again it it does take a little while to do all of this that is the only downside again uh you can't hire a worker on it either at least at the time of recording this video uh it is an impossible feat so just heads up there all these little spots we're gonna try and hit these smaller areas first and the good thing is come through there just like that awesome spinning around and hit it this way there we go so that is the whole idea there now we could go back and forth and we'll hit as many straight lines through here as we can Boop there's one and two you guys get the idea that's what we're gonna try and do throughout the entire thing to make it as easy as possible to come through and pick up the swath for the first set not terrible not bad at all so we are now done with the singular headlin which is taken forever and now it is time to go back and forth baby back and forth It's it's a lot easier than it sounds I promise so we just hit this try to get it lined up just right and do this a lot and it'll look like this bam what do you think about that a very very almost perfect setup no workers just DJ Gohan doing what he does making it look fresh I mean some of the some of the spots you could probably ignore because they don't look the greatest but I mean look at it I did pretty good for as much as I could have done bad I mean that's that's pretty good right I'm so excited to use this yes yes yes yes yes yes yes let's go man drop it down turn it down and what's the magic unfold there's the normal straw coming out as I'm used as a straw swath mod and we will slowly but surely make our turn there and I did miss a little bit that's that's on me that's on me we gonna have to come back for that but this this is so cool man I love it I love it I love it uh it is Bounce a little bit but we don't seem to miss any only when we're turning so that makes me happy at least everything's going good everything's going great and all we got to do is pick all of this up I do suspect that I'm gonna have to uh unload at some point so we'll see uh See about where we have to do that at so after the first run around we've done uh kind of okay actually kind of okay we've picked up almost twice as much as we did coming around through I think we had about thirty thousand darn sure but didn't uh we didn't get as much cannolas I thought I thought we would for sure be like a whole lot more than than what we have but you know what that's okay it is what it is I'm not gonna worry too much about it we are going to come through here with the big window so I'm just gonna hit it as we go through I'm not gonna worry too much about it I'm just gonna hit it all go go go well we in the field and we're about full so we're gonna have to take the truck and go uh we'll do what we do with the truck got a little bit too much in there the issue as well is the truck only has a hundred thousand liter capacity let's see if we could do this the uh the wrong way if it works it works am I right oh boy so uh yeah the the combine of the truck have the same capacity so 80 in one is 80 in the other so we need to start trying to figure out where we can sell the canola of course Saskatchewan that's gonna be the the most obviously but I don't want to rent the train so it looks like in here Edgewater grain is gonna be the place to go I think that's right over there it is so we will uh well I guess wait until we need to fill up again yeah yeah did I just jump in the truck again come on now just an update we are almost done man we've got all of this and then we make a little turn and then we do like that yeah I've got a little loop at the end but you know what with the loading wagon that we're using it ain't gonna matter we've got two-ish three more three more bits to go and everything's going great man I gotta tell you I told you the beginning of the video If you're not swapping on Edgewater I don't know what you're doing because it is so much fun yeah go go go go go it is the last of it right through there get a swath and done now we still have a little bit on the other field like way way up there we're gonna hit that right now I don't know if this is gonna be a good idea or not but we should totally try this just to see all right let's go through here let's turn it on we're gonna Advance yeah yeah man [Laughter] uh not quite that quite where I wanted to be with this but it did work so whatever so this is the one where it was a little bit interesting I know I gotta make this turn right here I don't know if it's gonna pick it all up though it doesn't seem to like to pick stuff up at an angle from the sides but it picks it up if you're going straight on so at least there's that so I think what we may do here is do a little flip around it also won't deposit this on top of the other crop as you saw right there just kind of takes a little break with it yep and right over so yeah at least that works this is it right here the end of harvest baby at least this this harvest the end of harvest for this video today right now there's there's no more Harvest in this video yeah at least right now all right let's go ahead and dump as much as we can into there we'll get in here start this up and we've got two cells that we need to make cell number one brought us 395 000 that's epic all right let's see if we could do this I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pass this car and make it I can't do it gotta go over here I'm telling you what man this main stretch it is Bumpy it is hilly and it is almost like trying to get through traffic in GTA it's kind of fun and cell number two has brought us 177 000 so now we're up to 1.2 million which is more than enough to maybe redo some equipment maybe do some repainting or definitely reinvest in a new farm and or fields we're still doing okay we're still doing all right but I think at least for now for season one that's where we're gonna call it let's see if we can jump in front of this guy yeah yeah got him uh we will start season two by picking up all this straw and getting it well found a silo for it because we have got to keep it all we're gonna be keeping every bit of the straw We're not gonna be making any money from it we're gonna be using for cow feed we're going to be using for betting for the story great way to great way to end that up that was going to happen eventually and then we're going to be remodeling this field a little bit and maybe some surrounding areas as well that way it's just a little bit easier to farm in so oh yay we'll see you guys then and we are back on Edgewater baby oh yeah for episode number 11 we are just now starting season number two and fortunately for me I actually haven't recorded in like three weeks four weeks something like that I pre-recorded a lot and a lot has changed since then so uh let's talk about a little bit of it number one the Dewey's floor has been swapped out for the case Magnum that just came out for Mac trigger 921 turbo we still have the swather however the headers for it have changed a bit because now now have early access to uh the the new update so the red one either the Heston color one that is going to be the new version that's gonna be coming with the update it may already be out by the time you're watching this or maybe not either way uh this doesn't cut grass so I got an AGCO version on the back which is uh light gray and this will be the version that we used to cut grass and we're gonna need that because we have grass to cut cattle are exactly the same as they were the last time you guys saw me however now we are gonna need to put down a silo which I don't think I've actually done yet so we're probably gonna have to put one of those down like back here somewhere and we're also gonna need some straw because I need bedding for them and I also need food for them so we're gonna figure out how to make hay and and silage and all that stuff I'm gonna do my best to make it instead to cheat it we'll find out if that happens or not though so the first step to that is going to be picking up all of the straw from our most recent setup so let's do that let's open her up I'm also going to enable fast farming because of course I'm gonna do that and we'll pick up all this straw uh this was from an entire Harvest from this field it looks like we may have missed a little bit here and there but you know what I think it'll be okay this is gonna be a lot of straw dude and I was right um quite a bit we're over 1.1 million already and this has been very very nice and it reminds me that there's another piece of equipment that I need to swap out too I almost got in trouble here I forgot this grass was down here so just to get rid of this real quick there may be another way but I'm just using a smooth mod like quickly like that that should handle it and it's gonna be this guy right here did I put a clip in the middle there I think I did so uh the class has been fun I've had a great time with it and it's an absolutely beautiful piece of equipment the guys did an incredible job with this however uh it is time to move on I think I think since we're going for a little bit more fun series two from Edgewater I got an idea of what I want to go with if you thought it was gonna be anything other than the Colossus you don't know me very well also we've gone for duels on the back and trips on the front uh it's just insane I've also gone for a really interesting color palette here we went with Case IH for the design color I've gone for Onyx Black for the main InDesign and as far as the wheels they're carbon fiber and I did the one outside the match as well even the wheels they're carbon farmer that's so cool man all right so there you go lizard titan Draper I'm going for the unrealistic version here yeah it goes faster it's funny goes faster and holds more than all the mods that I modify and this is base game I do my own we also need to do the pickup header as well we need to modify this currently right now I've got it on the Case IH preset but we're gonna need to maybe if I could find a way to do it do a full customization so this is the uh um it is not an ideal it is class but I don't know if I want cloths on there isn't there a version that you could just like customize and make it look however you want yeah yeah metal shield or OEM Shield yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah these are the way that I want to go so this is the c h shield on there OEM or metal I think I want to just go with OEM that looks pretty good attachment we need the uh cloths because that is a cloth combine uh decals let's see let's go for nothing maybe yeah we'll just do OEM straight up just like the side looking just normal uh we could also go with something else but I don't know man let's just go with OEM and then the crop catcher we don't have to have that but I'm gonna go for it main color here let's see that didn't change nothing what if I change case age so that's red ish I don't like that that'll work what does this change of sides no that's what I want to be read let's go main color let's kick it Onyx Black and then design color at the front oh we can keep that red too that'll work pretty well designs here I'm not sure what this is changing oh it's a little bit like right here okay what if I do that in red yeah it looks good and then Rim colors will unfortunately we don't have anything we would normally run here so let's just go with gray and be done with it there we go customization is confirmed match is good enough now we need to Silo to hold a few things I think I'm gonna go with this this is a modified version of one that I've done I believe this was from Schultz modding if I remember correctly uh this seems like a really good place to put it right there we're gonna go for free build mode that way it doesn't do anything while I'm crazy and we'll put it right there bam yes now hopefully all the stuff from over here doesn't go into it because it has a habit of doing that let's take a look at our cattle real quick I want to make sure that I'm not giving them too much straw so oh oh boy uh they're actually running low on food I should probably feed them and give them all the things that they need for a balanced diet oh boy we need like silage and grass and stuff right now the brakes on this thing also don't work very well there we go dump it in The Silo and it'll hold now that all of that is done we need to start mowing we need to start getting some grass cut that way we've got everything that we need so we can put that down put that there I don't know why I did that I'm gonna have to go pick that right back up I'm I don't know if I want to go built or not but I do want to find some way to easily make silage Bells I wonder if the girl vile stuff is going to be the way to go for that I'm not quite sure but it does seem like it might be way to go there we go pick it up let's let's just have a clean setup today how's about that and let's go for a different working with or a different working sloth drop this is one thing that not a lot of people know you can actually change the swath drop from center right and left on these headers all of these headers as a matter of fact and it makes for uh picking them up a little bit easier later on or at least bailing and picking stuff up like that also makes it a lot easier later on so I'm gonna do that today make it easy on myself for later let's start yeah let's drop it down let's go ahead and enable fast farming and let's turn it on again I've gone for a separate oh oh that's a big swath I don't know if I want a big swath like that but I'm already this far so I guess I'll learn my lesson and we'll do something later all right first headlines over now we get to do everything back the normal way again we'll drop these straight smack dab right down the center perfect these uh this was a little close together but you know what that'll be all right so we need TMR so in the TMR we're gonna need a straw which we've got plenty of at this point but we're also gonna need to do things like uh a bit silage and hey we need all of these things so I'm gonna have to go and figure out exactly how we're gonna make these uh let's make this TMR what we might do is find a way to get a mixer feed mixer together and make just a pile of it at one time or something like that I'm not sure and then maybe put it back in the Silo and do bells or maybe we'll just do loose I mean bills would just be another step but we do need to make that silage I think I may go with the old trusty omitana thing and just go silage stuff like that but I still need to make hay I think there's a way to do that all right so now that we've got our headline done there but bam all done I'm going to just literally go back and forth back and forth back and forth until we get all of this done ready for pickup I totally forgot that you can actually hire workers when you're doing grass not other uh step up like I can but with this version of The Mod anyway uh yeah there you go this build's done it looks great I'm really happy with the way that looks uh the next thing is I've got a couple more I've got a couple more fields to do because I totally forgot planted three Fields grass that's one so give me a second let me finish these up now all of my one is done but well he needs some way to turn on all the things that we have what drop it wait what button am I pressing I forgot how to play Farm Sim for a minute we need to be able to turn all the grass into an equal part of silage and hay sure there's gotta be a mod out there somewhere that does it somebody got it working I do need to like change a few things here because it doesn't look quite right but look at that hundred thousand leaders in hundred thousand liters out hundred thousand liters in hundred thousand liters out silent and hey grass is the only thing going in yeah ah wait where am I am I figure out where we're gonna put this thing uh it it is a little bit bigger so I'm not quite sure where we are gonna put this Mike could put it over somewhere like this where you could still get behind it but oh that's right in front of the manure pit isn't it crap well let's just put it all the way out here then what what would it hurt right what bam right there there we go it should be right here there it is and hopefully it didn't mess up the ground too much no not much at all we can make this look a little bit better though with some Landscaping so we'll come in here to painting we'll get ourselves a hold of the uh Circle right here and just draw a little line into it maybe make this area a bit more I don't know drive through esque like that that'll work and then we'll try to draw that over there yeah not too bad so far there's some grass in here so it actually looks like it's supposed to be and then uh there we go a little bit there a little bit there a little bit there okay not bad a little bit out here as well looking pretty good Spruce it up with a couple TR oh the trees a little bit too big let's let's put one there and one there maybe yeah that's that's a little bit better just a little bit better and then I think I'll see and pan let's see plants let's come in here and put some bushes behind it and to the side of it and I want to do something right here because that's the production point so I'm gonna go back at the painting but I think maybe I'll do something like this yeah do a little outline like you do on the Sims and then we're done I think I don't know does it look like we're done I feel like we're done now that we're in here let's go ahead and activate both of these so what it'll do is it'll actually take the uh the grass in and the solid gen oh you know what I'm just noticing there are different cycles per month for grass silage and grass hay oh I gotta change that all right so after finding a few other things that I messed up uh well we're good to go and things are moving a little bit faster now so let's go ahead and do this oh that's that's not right I'll you know what I'll go change that to hey later uh we got a bunch of grass to pick up oh man I gotta pick it all up Donna man well I guess that means I got to use this again we've done a lot of picking up today let's see we'll go pick this up oh so many bright strobe lights I love it I love it I love it uh they are gonna be fixing the strobe lights may already have happened by the time you guys see this oh who knows so all we need to do is put grass in here and it will do like half a half a half silage and then we can take whatever's left out and make our own TMR mixture noise and we're good we've got all the grass picked up I don't remember if I did any Clips showing you guys me picking up the grass but I picked up the grass and what I did was I got that now let's turn it all into to stuff so crass is going in there we go emptied it out let's dump it here and take a look so 430 000 liters in uh both of these are exactly the same grass and one grass into the other we should see both these good also well I thought it went quickly but cycles per pound 360. I don't I don't actually know how fast this is gonna go I don't know let's find out pretty quick indeed uh I would say I've got time zone time on uh three times speed and well let's do it just fine yep that's gonna go pretty fast pretty fast indeed so I guess we can go ahead and move some of this other stuff out of the way now I need something that I can mix the food with this ad2 studio have a food mixer by chance hmm so the answer to that question is yes yes he does but we're gonna need to uh change up a few things that we've gone here let's see we'll just go no fenders strobes yeah we'll do unreal capacity and for colors I don't remember what color I chose so let's just go with black aged for now there we go there's that but this needs to be changed this will take the 3500 set just fine but I gotta change a few things so let's go in here let's change it up right now we've got the tailgate configuration but we need the open chassis configuration I think that's gonna be the only thing we need to change I don't know let's look what's the worst that could happen right no nothing bad could ever happen when we're involved JK only bad things happen when we're involved uh I think it shows the wrong version of the truck crap oh I think it's only the short versions that work and this is this is a short version but this requires a long version on the back of it so does that mean I have to get a 3500 as well I don't need to do two pickup trucks so this truck definitely isn't gonna make it happen so let's just go ahead and get rid of that but I do a one truck that will work the 82 special I don't know if it's out yet but he gave it to me I told him I was gonna use it donate on me David I'm using it Mana yeah all right looks like our uh food is all mixed up so I need uh 40 full of silage 40 full of hay and then I need to fill the rest up with straw so last by gonna happen it didn't work perfectly dude I got the same amount of hay and Silo gel boat that's epic oh boy that's fast um all right there's 40 40 right there uh silage eighty oh wow not only did I stop at on 40. I also stopped it on 80 percent that thing goes way too fast I also think I need to modify this a little bit to make it um a little bit more fun maybe I don't know let's let's see how far this goes go through find my straw there we go oh that was even faster well boy all right now I need to figure out where to dump this I think it's on the other side swinging around okay and dump and feed come out wow that's slow yeah we're gonna have to change this up a little bit but it'll be all right I'm back in let's see what happens now it holds a million liters now instead of 11 833 I'm a genius I'm gonna make the more now I could fill up and not have to worry about this thing just completely going haywire and it works it works perfectly fine the only thing is now it tells me that I need an update to the TLX 3500 oh well I'll be all right so now's the interesting part I've got to put straw in here and I don't know how fast it's gonna come out and I may just end up with forage and waste everything so this ought to be fun I think I could probably fit about a hundred thousand liters in here maybe a little bit less maybe about 50 000 liters let's see what happens oh okay so it's fast enough let's see let's get it right to the point and now so 27 so we've been able to get 500 at 41 000 liters in here this should be more than enough to feed the little baby cows at least for a little while so they should be good to go we'll take a look inside just to make sure we are good yeah let's go fill that right up so what that's gonna do oh let's not let that happen again okay TMR fill it up they've got a little bit of milk a little bit of slurry so we're gonna fill or figure out how to sell all of that and we've got to figure out how to do everything else too we've got to fertilize the fields we've got to redo everything but first I think we're gonna have to figure out number one where to sell the milk and number two how to flatten all this out I think we can make a really cool looking field that is completely flat well it is but one field but I think we're gonna have to wait for the next time to do that Edgewater Series 2 is continuing to Rocket today we have something very interesting for you the work today is going to be solely focused on turning this field area into one big field if we take a look at the PDA the work that we've got becomes a little bit more apparent we're gonna be taking field 22 58 or say field 22. this entire area here and making it one and that's kind of it but it's gonna be a lot of work our first foe in this is going to be trees there's a bunch of trees all around in these little ditch areas now these are going to be pretty easy to handle all I gotta do is raise them up and make them level with the sides and smooth it all out with the trees that's a little bit different so what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be using the F12 mod and the delete objects input I'm gonna turn that on I'm gonna walk up to the tree wait for it to pop up in the bottom and click delete and I'm gonna have to do that a lot I also understand I could easily come up with something like a tree Devourer or something like that and and take the uh take the bits from the tree and take all the wood chips and sell the wood chips yeah I could do that could man I could do that so much this is easier this is way easier I don't care about the wood chips all right well that didn't take half as long as I was expecting it to take so now all the trees have been deleted from inside the field however we've still got this little area right here we love a little chicken right here on the side of the field which kind of continues on the other side of there so what I'm gonna try to do is follow along with this right here and we should pop out on the other side where the trees end yes I am so I'm gonna try and take every single tree that is either on this line or to the right or to the left of it a bit to the left of it and we'll try and take all these and get rid of them okay now we've got a pretty open wide area there and all I got to do is delete all the trees on this side uh oh yeah and just so we're being inclusive you can do this on Console as well but you are gonna need to use something like a tree Devourer um or some type of unrealistic patient Machinery that will delete these you can also just use like a stump grinder or cut the trees down manually whatever you know kind of whatever works for you will work just fine this is just the matter that I've chosen to go with and this area I'm not going to worry too much about that I just don't care once we got all that go and save your game as well if they're up you're playing along at home if not what up whatever it's all good uh now we want some trees I actually want to do some Landscaping I need to put trees down so I'm gonna try and take some trees that are similar ish to what we've been doing so maybe some uh some Elm trees something like this yeah yeah yeah there we go that way it doesn't look too just not eh through all that I'd cut down a lot of trees we need to at least put some down where it looks okay yes that's enough now for the fun part and and by that I mean not the fun part whatsoever we are going to flatten all this out kinda so my first idea with this is to soften and a little hiccup there and to set both areas around but the thing is as well is it's bringing this whole area down instead of bringing the area up it's bringing it down to match the very bottom so what I'm gonna try and do now is do like a level and just come through and and do leveling with this so that it kind of levels it out and and brings everything up to a a decent height resetting every once in a while so that whenever I select it it kind of brings it up to a more appropriate level I guess I would say a more appropriate level to where it is we will have to come through and flatten all this out but or smooth it out rather but the important thing is getting all of this up and getting it level-ish with the ground around it this is not an easy thing as a matter of fact far from it however I do think that once you get this done once you get this part finished where you're getting everything leveled out and that type of thing I do think it's going to be a lot easier and I think you might find yourself enjoying the map a little bit more I don't think there's too many people that complain a lot about the ditches and everything in between but they are a spot for sure they're not the easiest to manage so um if we could just get rid of these we're good one of the super cool things between me and you guys so BC Builder farms at South Sask modding uh South SAS actually the uh creator of the map itself uh they kind of designed all of this to do this so if you wanted to go through and do exactly what we're doing right now where we flatten out level do all this stuff and get rid of these ditches they've actually created it to where like that's cool hey if this is the way you want to do it go for it man I love that they've done that and that it's an actual option that you could do you just got to do the work that's that's kind of it all right so we've gotten everything done there now we need to go in here and soften and we are going to be doing a lot of something work first things first I'm just gonna go through and follow along line the edges go around the outside make sure that nothing's too wild and crazy I mean it's not going to be a difficult bit but we do need to make sure that this step is done without this you're gonna have spots in the field that are just uneven there's gonna be really sharp areas and it's not going to be the funnest to go through the most fun rather funnest it's not even a word is that a word once the outline is done and once we've gone through and actually done all of that now comes the long game we are going to slowly but surely follow along with each bit going back and forth like this and making it happen and this is going to take the longest out of all of it but this will ensure that we've got a smooth field and you can also use this time to maybe go through the rest of the field and smooth out some of those bumps because there are some bumps in the field so use this time to do that if you wish and also I'm using a mouse to do most of the work but works just fine with the controller as well at this point I think I've done almost everything that I could possibly do other than literally just going through the entire field and planning it all the new areas that we've done seem to be pretty well done and not having too many issues they do have some kind of big Hills right here in the middle of the field but I'm not sure that I can actually get these down not with the Farming Simulator 22 controls at least arms of 19 I was your guy with this bit but not uh not now and I'm afraid not now so let's uh let's see now we've done I'm gonna jump out of here we need a tractor of some sorts ah yes this will be perfectly fine and uh unfortunately that small plow On The Backs not gonna cut it for us I'm good at least something I'm not gonna buy it but let's uh turn it around backwards if you will pull forward just a little bit let's go get ourselves a plow we're gonna get a big one I think I'm gonna get the exact same one that I had yeah that one's way too big let's go with that attachers I don't think I need that and let's go with all black and let's go with bright red rims to match I don't know how much that costs to lease forty seven hundred dollars and it's in the middle of the ditch cool totally didn't just reset everything back to right here nope not me totally not me it's going to reset that got it it's gonna be too heavy it's kind of heavy but we should be able to hit everything in at least one pass so that'll be good it's definitely not gonna be uh uh what What's the word I'm looking for here precise yeah it's not gonna be precise and that's exactly what we need right here is a Precision instrument because I gotta line these bits up all right lower down turn it on I also need to enable fast farming which I have just done and bring it through here got it okay well that was cool I think I worked perfect now we get to go through and plow up all these areas that we hop created go and turn on create Fields Back and go through yes sorry yes sorry some of these areas we're gonna have to hit probably two passes but most of this as you can see this plow works great and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's plows for all platforms you guys can get it on whatever you own it's awesome and what better tractor to use it on the Mac tracker 92 ones big old case now one cool thing about the case is I'm recording this a few days before it comes out uh this is supposed to be getting an update soon kind of exciting I did forget about this little area though let's go ahead and turn off create fields um I don't know what I'm gonna do about this I didn't flatten any of this we do have this sign which I can't delete using the delete key but I think I can hide this actually map object hotter billboard yeah oh that works yeah that worked just fine let's see if I can go in here and make this exactly the way I want we'll do leveling about that big nothing too crazy they're like that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and we'll bring that there and then we will soften the entire thing what do they stop oh I'm in the road so we'll bring all this through here we'll soften all these areas up and they should let us go through here almost perfectly at least straight on let's see can I make this straight on I don't think I can I actually think that the side of this Field's a little bit too far out there but I'm gonna go slow and see if I can at least line them up please be straight please be flat please be straight please be fat fat flat you guys know what I'm talking about there we go okay good enough and we'll go ahead and go through and we'll hit the rest of these and then we need to figure out what we're going to plant in here I don't remember what I planted last time I think it was canola but we're definitely gonna have to do something and last but not least went ahead and hit the side over here so everything looks good everything looks nice and we are finished I think I don't know let's go through and see if it's all lining up yes it is so there you go you can see everything that is either uh plowed or plow and harvested yeah harvested that's definitely the other one what's this little bit down here ready to harvest what did I miss so one of the things we've got over here is a big case planter and that's actually inside here we've only used I think once for one field but it's it's actually not quite big enough for the stuff that I want to do this is a 12 meter and we've got access to a little bit bigger of these now if we jump in real quick we'll take a look at those so let's see lots of DLCs that'll work we'll find case and we need to find early riser so these are modified so we have the nine meter the 12 meter and we have the 18. I think I think that with the money that we have plus what we can actually sell from this I I think we could go with the big one we don't have a massive tractor but I think we can go ahead and get rid of this let's go and get rid of that we got 100 up almost 200 000 for that so that's still pretty darn good I know we've been having fun in that big old Case tractor but we actually need to jump again back at this thing we just need to put fertilizer on this field and then we're gonna be good it looks like a really abstract drawing doesn't it uh not not great but it's fine yeah I brought the Harvester all the way over here tractor rather I don't know I don't know what words are coming out of my mouth but they are not the right ones today I did go for the big 18 row but as you can see I actually went with the one with just the own Rose sea tops I don't really need much more than that so I feel like that's probably gonna be more than enough for me and I'm gonna be real happy about that so let's go and unfold this we're going to set everything up I need to get this filled fertilized now and I can't really cheat anymore because it's all one field so I can't just cheat in what I want and be like hey now it's done so I actually need to do this part so let me go fertilize real quick this is the part I've been looking forward to the most hiring a worker to do all of this as you know going around all of those little bits and Bobs in the middle of the field man it takes some time well now we don't have to worry about that any more actually if I take away all of this yeah you can see it's just oh field I love that it's it's just so easy it's all just so easy that's just our worker and and that's all I gotta do this is incredible man I love this so much I am gonna run just a slight bit of it like an extra headline here down at the bottom just so the worker does it absolutely do some stupid stuff but you know what this is this is so simple I can I can just do this whole field I go upstairs and have lunch if I want to yo I'm hungry too what's for lunch today while we wait I think it's probably a good time to try to do something to see if our worker can mess up I don't want to sit around and waste time not doing anything but running one worker on here and and not another I almost feel like I'm wasting time so what we're gonna do is we're going to roll up and we are doing wheat yes we are we are going to be doing another Harvest of wheat but in this one we're going to swap it I think I harvested it normally the first time around now that we've got the updated swather I don't have to worry too much about grass everywhere so this way we should in theory be okay I do understand as well that at the end and the beginning this planter is gonna miss a whole lot and I'm thoroughly expecting all of that to be things that happen I don't want this to go too fast because the planter could jump and skip but if it works it works am I right we're going 42 miles an hour right now have I missed any yet oh please tell me I haven't missed any yet I haven't missed any yet this is doing okay he's doing all right biggest question is right here is it gonna get stuck oh almost 100 percent but it didn't he's definitely gonna get stuck at the other end though you know what I don't feel comfortable letting this happen with without me watching it so I'll just go park it right there and I'm just gonna pay attention to the fertilizer and look at this nice and easy to last oh uh that didn't put no fertilizer down on the ground right there it just kind of skipped a beat why'd you skip a beat homie no I think I think there was an issue right through there where there was a spot that was already fully fertilized and did not need to be sprayed anymore we'll go ahead and hire a worker right there and be good to go and he'll finish up the uh finish up the run for us it does look like we got a little bit right there I need to hit yeah this is a spot that he got stuck at back there I'm gonna hit that little spot right there and then it's gonna be time to really get to planting spraying is now done which means we get to do the fun part of planting and well it's fun for me anyway because I'm just gonna fly through here like an absolute Maniac at 18 meters and what 42 mile per hour back speed it's a whole lot of fun so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna take a little bit of time I'm gonna get this filled kind of planted up ready to go uh we do have a few other things that need to be done before we continue forward so uh we'll just have to do those next time and we are back let's keep this party rocking and rolling and today we're gonna be buying some new goodies and you can see right here we're finishing up this field golden I got to wondering well we just got a new fertilizer spreader right well let's see what we can do with that I would love to do something with the lizard bulk and manure system or uh take a look at this one Sam so we've got the Tipper we also have a spreading system now interestingly uh we can jump that to 150 000 liters of solid fertilizer that was a uh a regular cough in the game not a cup it was a dramatic cough leave me alone and along with stuff like that by the way I went with the uh 150 000 liter Tipper which was more than the one that I'd modified I'm also going to be going with the mag super Lana X and we need the Ridgid X3 attachment um I do like all of this stuff but we've really don't need this massive massive horsepower even though I'd love it you know what 1685 what let's just get with it doesn't matter now we need to find ourselves some really cool Wheels try Alex look awesome to me you'll see uh trilex black yeah that's that's pretty cool let's go with that tralex black gotta love all these spots in the field every time you do something in the store or whatever it makes the game glitch out for one frame yeah it's my favorite thing ever this one wasn't a one frame glitch I'm pretty sure the game sneezed all right well I can't plow that up so whatever and here we go so here's the trucks we went with or truck that we went with unfortunately for us uh obviously obviously totally totally not stuck down in a ditch right now let's see if we can fix that there we go reset it to the main yard that's that's what we wanted right there so we'll go and hook up to this it's just the Tipper person thanks uh just the Tipper version so now we've got at least ooh truck we've got a Tipper back to it as well which kind of looks pretty cool and I think we're good for now at least I did get rid of the Mac that we had base game or or in the Run anyway but it's like you know we gotta stick with back so we're going with this one and one of the really nice things about this is we can modify it and turn it into a fertilizer spreader uh should also be able to kick out manure as well I think let's take a look at the stuff that we've got right now so own items I don't think it's in forages and trailers yeah so in here actually you know I should probably just go check it out did I make a whole video on this oh well I guess we'll figure it out when the time comes nonetheless we've got a bunch of manure up here we also have some slurry up here as well that eventually we're gonna have to do something with but I'm not sure when all right while we're at it we do have a few other things that we need to do and one of those things is spray in our grass fields and then I think we need to try and figure out what we're gonna do with all this slurry and manure that we're getting because we're getting quite a bit so this is one way we could go we could go the direction of the pumps and houses DLC however well we got nowhere to put it first and foremost if we jump in here I mean there are some placeable spots around here but I mean we've got our our place for doing all of our normal Productions and there's really not room for BGA so we would have to go through and and I mean like delete the entire shed that makes fertilizer or the uh chemical shed we would have to delete all of these granted we're not using them I know a lot of people are but we aren't hmm you know taking this whole area and turning it into a VGA may not be the worst idea oh but I can't sell it crap these are also required buildings so I can't exactly go in and just take them out so if that doesn't quite work either so if I want to have a BGA I'm probably gonna have to buy some plots uh this one down here is not terrible South End of the map ninety six thousand dollars for a plot to put BGA in and build it what do you guys think not bad it's not completely flat however what we can do is at least flatten out the center of it yeah that could work and it's more than big enough to actually Place some of these things down so we don't have to worry about sizing you know that may be the uh the direction to go maybe we should buy that and put some crop in there and and uh Harvest it later no apparently there's already a crop in here it's peas and it has been planted recently no hey purchase that mine oh what is this eleven thousand dollars for for this these two little bits hold up they're they're quite literally nothing I mean yeah you know what I'm not gonna even worry about it I'm just gonna move along actually what is this plot so this would be plot 45 it's field number 48 right here it's way flatter it is over here beside the rest of the production so it wouldn't have to go all the way down and as far as sizing goes because I would definitely want to go with the planet BGA setup yeah I mean it is flat enough this would be a pretty sweet BGA as a matter of fact you know what I'm not gonna do this one let's go and sell that let's buy when I say it was this one yeah yeah come on Barbie ah this is also peas lucky for me I don't have enough money to to do anything really right now we got about 300 Grand so I think the biggest thing for us right now would be to fast forward a little bit of time and see what happens all right well uh we gotta do it and I totally forgot I was gonna sell some milk so let's go in here I'm going to line this up just a period right about there and pow got him all right let's do a little landscaping around and then we gotta figure out how to get the milk from over here to over here yeah this will be absolutely perfect let's jump out of here perfect place to drop that yep totally best place to put that got it uh we're we're clipping just a little bit I might wanna I may want to raise that up just just through the time being let's go ahead and get ourselves some milk out of this fine milk there it is we'll fill this up real fast this isn't gonna hold everything it's like 60 000 liters something like that and from here we'll just kind of dump the milk in now I do know that there is an issue with some milk uh containers not unloading and this one seems to be that way as well huh let's go in here and take a look and see what's going on yeah for some reason it's just not taking it so we're definitely gonna have to figure that out and interestingly I'm I'm actually not able to get this milk out of here at all so we're gonna have to figure out how much this is gonna cost us and then give ourselves the money all right so here we go uh we've got sixty thousand and fifty six liters and I would take it here obviously uh 2 363 dollars uh per thousand liters which is equal to 1 or 141 912 bucks so let's go and get rid of that and we'll go ahead and add our money in as well bringing us over 478 Grand pretty nice oh that's a crash counter so in here we're just running a raw milk setup but uh it says we got 142 000 liters already in there all right now we're not sure where that's coming from but at least it'll make some money which makes me happy we've still got all this manure we've still got all the slurry in here as well a lot to 200 180 000 liters of slurry more manure than slurry it's kind of got a wild crazy hopefully we can start building this BGA soon but it's probably gonna be near the end of the year so a day later and money's doing pretty good 588 000 so that is good we've also got more milk coming into here so we don't actually have to do the milk ourselves it's just here already it's kind of nice uh so it's spawning out it's selling the milk doing very well we could go butter cheese chocolate if we want we could even upgrade this but it's already the cheaty version there's it just goes so fast 24 000 cycles per month so yeah I think a bouquet However unfortunately for us our Fields even this little guy right here well there's really nothing man there's nothing to do so we're still waiting on the grass to grow it should grow in July it should give us at least one more good state but yep we're just kind of chilling right now take a look at the cattle how we doing decent could be better but decent so I totally forgot that omitana released these insane trailers that that are that are just wild and crazy so they this the Tardis at least one of these whereas at least used crap there it is 200 000. that's a sign uh it also unloads fairly quickly yes uh and I figure we could probably get the milk over there oh that has taken milk straight huh that is that is just taking milk straight out of The Silo and from all right so what I did was all of the stuff around here also works as an extension which is just not a great idea so don't nine out of ten would not recommend but all three of these just work as silos which is just hilarious so if I come over here we take a look you can see it put milk back in it however the milk's not in there and this says it has milk in it and it's the exact same amount but it's not in there and it also says that there's milk in here and it's way more so you know what I'm just not gonna try anymore well I got some good news there is at least something for us to do we can go mowing our grass is ready to go it's not gonna get any taller so why don't we get out there and get to work man if you guys missed one of the last updates and last videos whoa hold up what was that uh we ended up oh looky there interesting this is probably why Giants didn't release this mod which uh goes through the walls because that happens uh they did say that it didn't turn out as well as they wanted it to so they never released it and I think that's why I'm we've got new headers now at least I do hopefully these are out by the time you guys are watching this video but maybe maybe not who knows we've got access to uh the update to this which makes things nice and easy except for me yawning that's not that that well that just always happens I think doesn't it we're gonna go through here we need to get everything mode up and then we need to pick it up and once we've got it all picked up then we could just start converting it all again if you guys missed any of the uh he hey here's how I do stuff I got a I got a cheaty thing behind us that basically turns every bit of grass into either hay or into Silas and it does happen happen I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it gotta be honest with you guys swathing is probably turned into my favorite thing to do in Farming Simulator right now and if given the chance I would likely just sit around and do this all day every day because I enjoy it that much because I'm a psychopath [Laughter] but don't don't don't reply to that and don't forget the swathing pack still works with a worker if you guys are using it like this and as a matter of fact uh the new update for Edgewater Saskatchewan well it will also work there too nah now I don't have that update yet so uh if it is out by the time you guys are watching this which I'm sure it probably is I do not have access to that update so I think that's very important to note uh speaking of important things to note where is my tractor found it I'm just gonna go ahead and start picking up all my grass there's no reason to just sit around I had a loading wagon around here somewhere don't I found it man I tell you what I really hope something like this finally gets released onto uh consoles to all platforms because having something like this is so beneficial whenever you're in the uh in the field just trying to get stuff picked up as quickly as possible I do know hispanemonic did mention that they were gonna be working on something like this so adding those uh those windrows to the sides of their loading wagons but you can also use just a regular loading wagon with his r90 or the uh the lizard windrow I'm not sure what it's called but there's a standalone version that goes on the front of your tractor or you can use the trail version that goes on the back either of those will work just fine you just need to make sure that you're using something anything it will work I don't know why I said I hope that something someday comes out you can do it now coming along not too bad just mowing mowing the yard and stuff you guys know how it is that'd be pretty sweet to have one of my Kubota riding lawn mowers in here that'd be so cold it's almost done and I think maybe we are almost done as well we've got a little bit more I need to do but otherwise it's just picking up the grass dropping it into our uh Silo over there and going from there I will tell you this I've had a great time building my own farm and utilizing just a few of the smaller fields around the area and turning them into something musive so I hope that you guys haven't been enjoying that as well because I think that's probably the way I'm gonna continue along for the rest of the series I don't know if I'm gonna be buying a big farm and I don't know if I'm gonna be doing this or that I'm really enjoying taking the the areas where there's just nothing and creating something out of that having fun doing it and I hope that you guys are enjoying doing it as well so until then until the next time which will we'll probably be doing a massive wheat Harvest and probably if we can get the money going we will more than likely be going through and uh seeing what else we could do with production chains through there too because I mean it's wheat it's we've got an opportunity here guys we've got an opportunity we could do flower so it's a two round three let's get rocking rock and a little bit similar so what we did the last time we are going to be creating some extra field volume what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this area right over here now it's not a huge plot it's just kind of the trees that are in front of us right now get out of here crows Birds I don't even know what that was uh we're going to go ahead and raise this area from there bring it over to here and connect with this Grassfield right yeah which is 1.22 Terrors or something and then we're going to cut out oh these all these trees right here in the middle because I keep having to go over this stupid area just to be able to fertilize this field over here so we're gonna basically bring them closer together I thought also about knocking down these trees but I don't want to lock down too much because it's just not gonna look right without it so I'm gonna leave these for now so let's save the game as we always need to do because I'm an idiot then we're gonna open Easy Dev controls delete object's input one of my favorite mods ever and let's go ahead and just delete all of these I do want to make sure my field info is on down at the bottom right bam get out of here but bam uh so this entire area is just going to be turned into a little bit more of a grass field that way we've got a little bit more room to work with but again I don't want to delete too many trees because then the map is not going to look quite right so let's just not do that shall we I'll make a deal with you if you can guess how many trees I missed I'll give you a cookie the answer is none did you think it was that one right there I keep all the cookies so with all those trees going you know all of them now we can get a better idea of how we're gonna connect this so we're just going to go right through there right up towards the middle of your screen to the right of where the deer is we're gonna raise all of that area up together and then come all the way down to the other end again I'm gonna keep these trees down here I like them safety game first because if you like me you bit of an idiot so you know just save the game and you'll be okay for the most part well not always but for now you'll be okay I also don't want to go too far out this way however I did bring this in so I kind of want to do the same thing you could see that about right there is where it kind of ceases to care where it is so I'm just gonna go with that bring it up bring our level make it about the same as there and then just bring it across reset grab another level grab right there there you go if you're going to be bringing areas like these together make sure that whenever you're raising the ground up you don't get too much so I'm going to click drag a little bit and then stop click drag a little bit and stop you saw that some of it's going up some of it's going down like here a lot of that's going up so I do need to make sure that we don't get too far out just enough to come straight across there you go something else that could help you potentially is taking the grass texture that we've got here and painting all of this now some people have it to where it doesn't cost them anything to do this like me uh but some people don't so you could choose do this if you wish we're just gonna paint over this at the end of it or that's a pain down all right we're gonna plow over all of this at the end of the day so I'm not too concerned about where we're at with it there we go that will work now let's jump back into sculpting find just softened tool make it as big exactly and just walk through nice and slow go back and forth and just soften get all those edges right up to each other make sure that it's all flowing very well and then you'll be good to go and we got a little spot right here but actually when I come this way it all goes down so maybe that's exactly what it wants me to do I'ma do that all right so I'm just gonna go through and I'm gonna smooth all this out one other thing you can do if you want to and I'm actually going to do this is I'm just going to go through the entire field itself as well since it's not that big and I'm just gonna do a bit of smoothing to it from above that way whenever I come back in whenever we start to farm on it a little bit it's going to be a nice smooth feel now for the visual inspection let's come through and just kind of take a look at it and see how everything goes see how everything's flowing and and I think oh boy that's that's a spot right there isn't it yes it is right here so let's find everything yet again uh you may even want to go with something a little bit smaller that way everything kind of flows in together for itself uh we're gonna try and get this done but something tells me it's still yeah it's still down in there so uh we're gonna have to go and do some leveling through here just about like that maybe bring it up it's a lot easier to bring stuff down than it is to bring it up when you're using a level but right there that should be good soften it up and just hold it over it until everything stops moving much much better now look how good that looks yes some of this doesn't quite line up the way I would want it to but the good thing is all I'm going to do is come through and plow this anyway so let's do that part now we don't need to make quick work of this so I'm just going to hook up to a trusted blowout right here yep got him so now you should be able to kind of see a little bit better what my gameplay is gonna be and yes this is turn around backwards if you don't know you can use the 6m backwards let's go let's drop it down there we go let's go and turn on create fields oh that got close I got really close come around through here and Light It Up Hit It perfect yes sir now I'm just gonna do that to all of this but since that area is good we come down through here we've got one more spot to connect the two Fields together so I'm gonna go and hit that real fast which is about right there I think this entire field death right here needs to be redrawn maybe it's just me but I feel like we need to come straight out with this right through there yep spin it round through there let it go a little oop right close to the edge and then cool let's go and plow the rest up last plot and we are done sweet raise it up turn it off do the things oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah now you can see the entire field depth right here we're going to turn a few things off so you can see the whole bit all the way around we do have some spots actually there's a spot right here I don't know what that is is it a spot that I missed oh oh that's not good I think it's right in front of us so I'm just gonna go forward with this and see if that did it nope then that did uh what that did not do was did that yep um it's my plow limited Fields yep huh well I guess there's just a spot now time for the fun part we need to go through and fertilize all this some of everything that we've got through here has already been fertilized but we need to do this anyway because I figured out I wanted to do this a little bit too late the good thing is at least the parts that we need to do are going to be darker gray which is nice that we can come through and uh plant some grass seed through there and then we'll be good to go I think don't get caught on the fence nice now for a fun part let's get this thing unfolded I got it on grass we'll just take a look real quick make sure we hit everything yep so once we go over this once then we'll be able to hit back through and uh be good to go I've kind of thought about replanting this entire field but I think we're gonna be fine drop it down turn it on there we go and then as long as we can almost hit everything I think we'll be okay and now grass is good and as long as we want to we can keep grass in the spill do we never ever ever ever have to do anything at all sweet oh wow I'm running way faster than I want to turn it on baby let's go let's hit this and then now we'll have a couple Pig fills of grass we'll have two instead of three kind of super super weird and awkward shaped fields uh let's see as long as I can stay in through there there we go there we go we also have this spot up here I need to make sure I hit that there we go got it good to go man good to go so let's talk a little bit of an update and our updated uh game plan I guess I'm not really sure it'd be an updated game plan so here we've got a massive amount of wheat we're going to be swapping this up with the new swather and then we're going to be going through collecting everything collecting the straw the straw is going to come over and go in our Silo although we could probably sell it down the road if we really wanted to we've also got our manure and slurry over here that are coming from the cattle these are going to go into the homemade BGA that eventually we will have which is gonna be right here down in field uh fill the line 48. now we've got two grass fields that are very comparable in size uh let's see uh filled 25 area um and then I feel like this area over here is going to be showing a little bit different yeah uh just a little bit so this field right here I believe is 3.21 hectares yeah and then we've got on the other side 4.28 so a decent amount for uh seven almost eight hectares worth of uh grass very good so a lot of the money that we're gonna be making over the next probably a year or so in game is all going to be going towards milk yes and down here to go to our other field it is growing right now I believe it has peas in it it's not completely ready to go yet hopefully our header fits through there we could delete some of those fences if we want because we do want to land but this whole plot is going to be a BGA once we're all said and done with it unfortunately for us yet again in game today there's really not much else to do so I do want to double check the cattle make sure they're okay they do have a decent ish amount of Feed in there oh yeah one thing last episode Yeah we actually ended up getting a bunch of silage and hay yo hold up a minute we could make some TMR like right now we could do it together do you want to do it let's do it I don't actually remember how much this holds I don't know why wheat is in there but uh it holds a hundred thousand a million yeah a million let's let's empty that out just curious see what it would hold that's too much is what it is so I'm gonna go under here and we're just gonna fill up with the full total amount that each one will give us we've got hay in here we got silage we can go over there make some straw good to go in case you missed it a few episodes ago we took this piece right here this Silo from omotana which turns grass or chaff or hay it is silage and I made it to where it would also turn grass into hay and I deleted those other things because I didn't want them so now I can pretty much make a good amount of TMR if I want to and I'm very very tempted to make this hold straw as well and just stroll in stroll out that way I can make a total TMR monster turn normal help windows so I could see everything flowing and we're gonna run over here to Schultz's uh this thing Silo there we go right under it and we're gonna fill up with straw and we're gonna let this fill until it gets almost to the edge almost to the edge fill it up fill it up fill it up a little stop it right there sure 596 000 liters that's a pretty good amount we'll go ahead and feed our cattle now that way we don't have to worry about feeding them later and then the rest of the TMR will just go into The Silo whenever we're done with it how cool is that so 91 000 liters left and they can't take any more so we'll just come back over here unloaded or salad take a look at straw how much they've got they got plenty so with that I'm gonna park it up we're gonna lead it beat there we go double check our milk see how everything's going through there so 98 000 liters of milk in there we'll come check over here we should see 198 000 yep as we do so we're just gonna let that keep rocking and rolling keep building uh we are doing more milk business in a day than we can manage you know what I'm gonna do something I haven't done yet we're gonna go upgrade it baby let's come over here and let's upgrade this Factory bam bam got it there's no need to upgrade the fermenting Silo it's already ridiculous as it is 33 000 dumb I'm good bro I'm good let's go ahead and let that do its thing and we'll head over here and we'll get some sleep into August and boy oh boy are we going to be having some fun everything is set ready to go our cattle doing great right now uh we've gone through another day in game however you see at the top we've got almost 150 000 liter or dollars more today than we did yesterday we're gonna be picking up a lot of straw today we're going to be harvesting we're gonna be swathing we're gonna be doing all kinds of stuff where is it where is it where is it and we get to use this bad boy but we're gonna do that in the next one sorry happy harvest day everybody we are gonna be getting some work done today it is Harvest day we're going to be using our new our brand brand new combine harvester today we're also going to be using our swather which is not new by any shape of the imagination but we need this first you know what now let's have a little bit of fun at first person today as well why not first things first we need to grab our swather also I need to make sure that all of my FPS yeah we're good we're good I'm still getting over the last update I haven't done much in first person since then got it bam yeah yeah I can't drive him first person with this thing so I'm gonna go back in the third so today we are going to be swapping up the entire field of wheat that we did the last time then we're going to be going through and picking it all up with our swather now one of the cool things is at least I think we might be able to use the worker with this but but I'm actually not on the next version of Edgewater so I don't know if this is going to work or not and I'm recording this two weeks before it comes out so I might I might be recording this a little bit early this is gonna be fun might as well start this whole thing where we're going to be starting anyway which is down here um I do have crap destruction Turtle maybe we'll maybe we'll turn in over here right at the edge yeah this will be good this will be good let's see so they say lower this header yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then I can hire a worker so we'll see if that actually works for us or not go ahead and talk on my working mode which yeah idiot number one over here aka me pressing the wrong button there we go should be good now okay Moment of Truth higher everything up drop down the header and it is not I repeat it is not getting any of the grass off the side that is pretty cool hire worker and still not working with this version of the map unfortunately I'm still holding the original version nonetheless uh does that mean I'm gonna have to do this entire thing I think that's exactly what this means I gotta do this whole field swap the entire field back and forth back and forth back and forth made it around almost a full way but it's really funny kind of going through these spots right here it almost feels like it should be doing this oh it feels weird I've done like what four or five harvests on these fields now and and now it's just completely changed up there's no more anything in the middle it's just me man it's just me as we come around through the end here I'm gonna have to decide do I want to go all the way around and how do I how do I want to do this and of course that's going to end right there I think what I might do is just kind of go backwards now so instead of going you know swapping up my swather and everything I think I'm just gonna do this and yes I know I could be hitting a whole lot more if I would put two swaths beside each other I know I get it I also prefer to do it this way it's just my thing so that's the way I'm gonna do it and we're gonna do this entire field like that so be uh you know what just be ready and our first round is completely finished all done now I just gotta do this a whole bunch more oh help something that I did not plan on was it taking this long to tear worker hit that of course I could use you know special PC mod stuff like that to make it happen but I I don't use those it's like GPS and staff so I just do this myself now we're making it through we're making it through taking a look here and there you go so that's everything that we've got there but it's still taking forever maybe there's another mod out there that we could use to actually hire a worker on this but I think at least for right now uh we're we're going about as good as we can man the good thing is as soon as this is over all we got to do is come back through and swath it that shouldn't take too long and to pick up all the strum take the uh what crop did I put down it's been so long I forgot the wheat yes the wheat I'm I'm gonna have forgotten we'll take all of this we'll take it sell it and we should be able to make a little extra cash I'm thinking I'm thinking you should probably be able to do that BGA engines like that we are done so the whole field has now been harvested or whatever the bit looks like and then there you can see looks pretty good proud of myself now we've also got all of these grass fields around us as well those could be uh well those could use some work but not today so this part I'm super super excited about because not only do we get to use the new header right here but we also get to use the new combine harvester as well I don't know but I think this first time we've used it yeah it's showing 0.00 hours so let's rock and roll man we'll get this thing out of here it is super fast it is super awesome and uh and I'm super excited to use this thing so if you guys missed whenever I did the buying of these so this combo is basically a gloss combine so what I did was I went with the cloth version of this header so if we take a look at it real quick we'll go in here just sit customize uh you said preset shown on case but that's not it and I ended up going with one of these actually I'm not sure why it just keeps popping up case because that's definitely not it anyway if you're gonna be doing this which you can do this you are gonna need to go with the uh the cloth version of the header but you can change the colors to match your combines so this part's really the only thing I'm worried about uh The Bouncing uh it does look kind of funny in the front but I really have to get a worry a little bit because if it bounces too much it's just gonna miss it so I don't I don't really know how to handle that I gotta be honest with you guys look pretty funny though I'm done I'm done it's bad all right let's go ahead and get everything unfolded then we will hook up here I don't think that this overrides the header speed so we are gonna have to enable fast farming which is just called uh um it's a mod yep sure is not called again oh boy I'm missing a whole bunch oh and I don't even have stroll swaths turned on I'm an idiot real speed limit it's called real speed limit there we go all right so I've got that turned on moving along and we should start to get some stuff oh boy so you see all these bits and Bobs right here this is the issue it bounces too much therefore all the straw gets kind of put around so I think we're gonna have to go slow here I don't want to but I think we're gonna have to go slow here let's bring this down to maybe about 14 and we're still getting bouncing at 14. that is real difficult real difficult indeed maybe bump it up to 16. see how that goes uh it's bouncing but it's not missing as much so that's good maybe we could 19 this is as fast as we went with the uh close combat the American one so this is working all right let's give it 20 20 mile per hour good we're good with 20. we're about 22. I think we're gonna get to the speed where it gets just a little bit fast I want to be able to pick up 99 of it we might miss a little bit here and there and that's okay I just want to pick up the majority so I think this is working I'm pretty comfortable with 23 24 miles per hour so let's see what we can get into here okay all the way around and we're actually already at 30 so this is this is a lot there we go uh we got a lot of straw we're gonna have a lot of straw to pick up and pretty much most of it got picked up the good thing is that was just the headline everything else from here on out is just straight shot back and forth up and down the field but this this isn't actually the the cutic around the good part about today nah we're gonna we're gonna make a lot of money and hopefully build a BGA that's what we got there yeah you know I wasn't paying attention and it's full man it's full what do we what do we even have I can't get out of here we're gonna close these doors yeah I definitely forgot that we had a truck but like a week or two since I bought any of this stuff all right we'll go ahead and get this unloaded it is gonna take a hot minute though because yeah it was 150 000 liters in here so give me a sec there we go perfect both of these hold oh this has got a little bit more and this is good all right well fair enough now we need to figure out where we're going to sell this it's just wheat so it's nothing crazy not the wild say 24. um and we don't want to go there Green West seems like the perfect place Target let's go where is it oh yeah we've been over here quite a few times there we go jump through there and should be is it the one that's right up here this one no it's not this one huh where is it oh I didn't go far enough it's on the other side of the train tracks yeah definitely on the other side of the train tracks it says GW right there Green West baby let's go definitely a very interesting uh dump animation right here but this might be one of the fastest I've ever seen that was insane 327 000 dollars just for one full bit and we'll probably have a few of these I think we're gonna not only too much money to buy a BGA but we may have to dedicate an entire video just to buying it if it's gonna take this long so remember that moment just a second ago when I said we'll have a couple different bits yeah uh we haven't gotten a second one yet and we won't hahaha but you know what whatever I always doesn't matter we're good we've got plenty there we go drop the straw around I didn't try to even try gonna be honest with you guys I just went through and did what I could the bit that we used to pick up all the straw that'll be more than enough so let's get this dumped up yeah this time I'm not gonna go to the wrong place to dump this out let's see how much money we're gonna get from this we're still gonna go through and take care of all the straw but I think that may be all the time that we have to take care of stuff today to see how much money we gonna make so this that's just ridiculous man why does it jump out that fast that's awesome all right those 275 Grand in the bank we got 1.4 mil I'll probably have 1.6 or seven I would guess after all said and done from the straw I don't know let's find out oh yeah totally forgot this just got an update yo yo they've got some new strobe options I think there's an all red version all red strobes yo gotta have it loaded up load it up yup yup definitely definitely going with this one for now oh it's awesome I forgot to turn it on straw pickup looks to be about the same as it would be if I was you know well that was it isn't it yep now we need to figure out the best place for it I'm not putting on a train let's take it over to Larry's I think it's right across the street right yeah right over here hey it's a whole lot easier bringing well this in there and a bunch of bells also those strobes are epic dude yeah I did not pull in the right place all right we're gonna try something here I don't know if it's gonna work and I don't know how smart or stupid it is but I just saw the train go which means that we should be able to go through right here no problems Hangar right nice and back it up till we get the marker there it is Dub it out should be almost instantaneous and it was 150 grand for that not bad we're up to 1.6 not quite a full load this time around about 50 maybe 53 yeah yeah 53 and a half percent we'll go ahead and take this take it away uh 75 000 something like that should be good close ish to 1.7 but yeah probably not quite and I would say we did a pretty good job hitting 99 of all of the uh wheat that was on the ground pretty good I will say this going forward I may go back to doing some normal harvesting again uh because I've currently watched four episodes of South Park doing that entire field and and maybe I'm not quite sure I lost count so yeah dump it out what do we get 79 000 so a little bit more than I was expecting to get so I think that's probably gonna be good for here uh next we're gonna build a BGA yeah and we are back let's get some stuff going on today what are we doing well we're gonna be harvesting some peas and then we're going to be transforming the field into our very own BGA I feel like we've probably got enough money to do that by now and if the 1.69 8 million dollars we have it isn't enough well we'll probably have 1.7 or 1.8 but at the time it's all said and done and the great thing is no swath thing today nothing like that all it is is Harvest time but we do need to get this header down there so unfold it this is gonna be the tricky part right here those trying to get in here with this header I'm not I'm not actually sure if if this header is going to fit through there or not the good thing is this map allows us to delete all of our fences so if we only the land we get to leave the pizzas so let's see if we can get this thing turned around yeah oh totally not a crash counter I'm definitely not crashing right now nope not me I think we may run into a little bit of trouble here with uh with traffic uh it does tend to be a little bit more difficult to deal with traffic on maps especially this one there we go get it done and fold it up you know get a little bit come on come on DJ let's go you need to get it yeah got it all right all right let's get everything unfolded let's drop it out I don't know if this drops any straw or not but uh well we have straw swath enabled just in case you never know never know what might happen turn it on drop it down and go um no straw swath on this crop which makes things a little bit easier all right um peas don't give you too much money so so that is that at least I think the new update for this map is gonna be coming out hopefully soon and maybe that'll be bumped but I can't tell for sure all I know is that at least in first version it'll they'll make you a lot of money but it is pretty cool to harvest I do know this is a small field but we're still not getting much out of it there's 11 300 no crash counter yep that was definitely a real one uh yeah nonetheless uh this is gonna be fairly simple I think to fly now there are some high spots and some low spots so we do have to be careful of all of that but I hope it's going to turn that off and we'll get it dropped nice unfold unfold good to go actually I want to keep this Harvester unfolded because I need to find out where to deliver these gotta be honest with you none of these prices are great so we'll probably just take it somewhere where it's the easiest I believe that's a pretty easy spot to get into uh maybe maybe not I don't think I can get it you know what if I could do this Farm Sim 17 taught me anything it's how to put this pipe in interesting places don't read into that all right I think we can make this happen but I do think we're probably gonna have to go to the other side although this side looks to be the easiest to reach yeah this is definitely going to be the side that we have to use oh this is not gonna be an easy thing to do so let's line it up right to where as soon as I open it up it'll go in there and then slowly back up come on back up let's go that did not work this uh this entire thing did not work I need a truck ah every other sign in the map every other sign in the map is movable except that one because of course all right let's let's try this but probably a bit of an easier way definitely didn't get stuck on the way over here nope not me I would never so probably not a hundred thousand dollars especially for only 11 000 liters but we might get 11 Grand 10 grand even worse okay let's do this we'll take a look around see what maybe needs to be planned out or at least what needs to be brought to a certain level we are gonna paint everything as well so we'll have a nice uh well very nice look on everything the one thing is I don't know what I'm gonna do I'm thinking just gravel probably because I'm not sure asphalt's gonna look the greatest heading down through here but we will do this entire area right through here so this is asphalt but it actually doesn't look bad at all it looks pretty good actually all things considered yeah I think that's what I'll go with here yeah JK coming coming from the uh coming from the road yeah gravel looks way better and I'm just gonna kind of grab and drag all the way to the edge and we're going to continue uh keeping this field the same size that it is nice squared off because it's a fairly Square yes field there we go up up up good good good and we'll do this the entire way around okay all of that is done now all we got to do is go through and paint it in so after it's all said and done this is the area that we've got to work with of course we have our fencing all the way around the fencing looks good I don't know if I want to change it or not however I will say that it's only around this particular area so we could technically delete all of this fencing and put something else down I think got some other fences in here that make it look okay I gotta put a DJ go ham and clutch and Fry though so I've always been a big fan of these right here this is the uh uh it's kind of I don't I don't know if the industrial look kind of bit to it I've always really liked these that I've used it from previous maps and I think I may do the same thing here because this just doesn't seem quite enough so let's see if we can go through and delete all these fences I'll just click demolish and it's it's doing it just quite slowly and now no more fences one of the great things that I love about this map is as long as you're on the land you could delete the fences so we did it and now we're gonna Place more down the only problem is I think what you've put down other fences then you you can't sell them land again it is what it is it ain't no thing uh let's find ourselves some type of gate to go around and then we also need to put down well something like this where it's actually going to be a decently sized gate that we couldn't get through it with just about anything all right that is one piece down I think we could probably fit just about everything we need to through that one gate nice and easy now save your game again because you're gonna run into problems if you don't now let's find ourselves well all the other stuff so we have a smaller gate here so we may do something with that but let's grab this and go doesn't need to be completely perfect we just need to make sure that it's good enough so let's see if we could find uh just about the right spot right about there I think is about as good as it's gonna get then we need to come straight on at least until we can't go straight on anymore I'd say about right there's probably good and then now I've got to kind of finagle this around the rest of the area around the edge shouldn't be too difficult and there we go we'll do a little bit of a speed run all the way around but we were able to make this work and again I think with the VGA stuff that we've got in the game having more of an industrial ish look to everything makes it look really nice plus right out of the way of the train and even if we weren't the train wouldn't care it would still go through and we have of course a gate right at the front and the good thing is we can also probably raise up another area and put another gate in if we need to now comes the fun part of trying to prepare for the future what we need to do is jump in and we're going to be using um stuff from the planet pumps and hoses extension this was pretty cool uh mod when it first dropped and I wanted to use it ever since so well we're gonna let's start by maybe putting a few bits of Bobs and pieces around I think at least to start with this right here would uh actually work pretty well right about here ish maybe something around there gonna turn it off that way it doesn't snap right into place we also have a couple pieces uh coming out the side right here oh and we're gonna need to put two of these down so I'm not quite sure how we're going to do that yet all right here's how I'm gonna get around it we're just gonna place the front part at the front part we've got it set to where it's not gonna unsnap or anything or try and decorate anything there we go perfect and then I'm gonna Place another one pretty much right beside it we're gonna try and get as close as we possibly can right about there and line it up and get them real close Papa okay there's that now we need to find a way to put our fermenters close to them these are going to be a little bit more difficult but still very very doable the thing with the fermenters at least okay that's the power bit there we go the bunker so with these we need to find a way that how we're gonna get these in there because because I don't know how exactly I'm gonna put things into these yeah did I say fermenter I meant bunker the thing is if we jump over here we've actually got a really really good one that comes with the pumps and hoses DLC this guy right here I love this and it works great the issue uh is that it's a little bit uh well it doesn't hold much 115 000 liters whereas the one that we're taking a look at right now oh holds 85. well that sucks I'm gonna use the other one and I also think I'm gonna try and line these up straight across they are fairly expensive so we may just real quick take out a loan just so we can have what we want so uh I think I want to run five of these across the front so we're gonna need a little bit more than maybe I would like to admit all right so we're gonna run five of these and let's see let's find the perfect spot right about there oh it did not click it let's get it close this time how about that boom boom boom boom boom line it up oh boy oh I don't know what's going on I don't know what's going on fixed it we're good wow there we go there's one and then we just need to line a couple more of these up and they're very difficult to line up properly so I may do this off screen there we go now there is an area right in the front you can see it is not flat whatsoever in that spot so we are gonna need to do a little bit of landscaping so let's bring it in let's set it to flat and then we're just gonna bring up this entire area and make it flat with this spot that should make it flat-ish enough for everybody around there we go may even be a little bit too high but you know what I think it'll be just fine let's also bring this out towards the front just a little bit there we go and then we come through and just click and hold smooth and this will make everything nice and easy for us this is also the one bit that I totally forgot to do at the very beginning was to just go through and smooth out or flatten out but I think all of this is going to be just fine let's see if we can open all of these up and let's see where they sit they do sit on the ground flat-ish enough okay got it now there's a couple more bits and Bobs that we need to add here too so let's go through those let's jump into Productions and let's find what we need so we could do a stationary separator but I don't even know if we're gonna run a separator or not we've got multiple different ways to do this but we only have 294 000 left how much money did I spend bro goodness gracious uh now let's find money as far as our generator uh man I don't know what that means in electric storage with electric storage in here too look at this methane storage methane sales we got all kinds of stuff here do we want to use stuff from that or do we want to use stuff from the BGA DLC all right so here now I'm going through and I'm finding the extension and stuff and uh we definitely do not have the money for this 550 000 for that but we need that part to be able to make us money so I'm gonna increase release our loan up to one million dollars hopefully we'll make it back one million dollar loan later here we go let's do this let's do this let's just use the the largest one that we've got this should give us the most amount of money as well so that is good and I don't actually know where I want to put this maybe right up here just right beside the edge we don't need this for anything it's gonna directly send everything over to it anyway so maybe we just put it here and be done with it got it cool and so now it should know that it's a part of it yes it does it's it recognized again all of this is going well there's a couple other things we need to do including some fire we also need to run some methane uh torches here uh I think I'm gonna run these at the very front I just think it would look awesome if you pulled in and they're just like going yeah there you go we got two of them and they're both recognized so this is the only other bit that I could add the issue is I never used it for anything so I don't think I'm gonna start now so I think at least to get started this is our bits right here we've got places to put in slurry we've also got places to put in all of our other stuff and we've got something that should make us a little bit of cash money so let's come in here torches they're burning 90 of the method well good because we haven't done anything with them we got our power plant itself and then we have the fermenter so let's fill it up oh yeah there's also one other thing we need to place down something to get digestate out of here this is a great time to Showcase another piece the liquid Silo extension it needs to be placed to the next door Silo okay fine uh this is these guys the liquid storage mod this is epic because what this allows us to do is actually take uh all the digestate that comes out of there and it will sit it literally to this thing right here so I'm just gonna put it right here for now right about there how's that look good does it look good to you guys I don't think it'll work well bam and then I'm gonna put Silo extension right beside it as well and we'll go ahead and make sure that that's leveled out and put it right yeah perfect that'll give us I think it's what 10 million yeah 10 million liters of digestate storage and it should recognize it as well which it does oh yeah let's get to moving man let's do oh I've already crashed of course I have what we need is some type of liquid tank to get our uh slurry out and we need to get this manure moving as well that's a tree you know what this tree's been in my way a long time oh I think my game almost crashed yo that's not good that's not good at all same same same so maybe I bought some new toys I had to but I had to so we went with the uh Phoenix um yeah looks great Helix Phoenix I did go with the trialx chrome wheels because I feel like they look epic and we went with 82 Studios TLX 48 foot tanker trailer with the unrealistic capacity it's still gonna take a little while to load up but I should be good to go and if I remember correctly I believe this tank if I'm gonna get lined up appropriately there we go that should give me plenty of slurry Perfect all right well that shouldn't take too long to load up and I got 150 000 liters right here but I might end up converting this setup into more of a I want to hold more than this setup I should maybe show you what I mean we'll find out even with that Jake brake pulling anime and everything sounds super super good let's see if we can pull in here without actually hitting anything we have done a great job of that and we'll go ahead and open these guys up as well now we need silage we have silage but we need silage slurry we also need manure and cut sugar beads in order for this to run appropriately the right way I do want to double check and make sure everything's turned on at least so I will go ahead and activate and activate so now things are just missing and I've got everything set to Distributing as well so we'll pull in here we can hold up to let's see 86 000 liters of cut sugar beets I could actually buy that for 85 Grand which I'm not sure would pay off in the long run silage we have manure we have slurry we have so we need to find a way to get cut sugar beets slurry's coming in but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna hit no it didn't hit all right well that works works for me we'll bring it around here we'll get everything unfolded I don't think I need to unfold this to unload it but I think it looks pretty cool bring it here there we go click unload uh it's not going to hold too much 160 000 so about half of what we've got but I think we're we're kind of on a good track right now so this is good uh we got manure here so let's go ahead and get this to dump out there and then I'm gonna reset my buy Point here because we're gonna modify the Mac super liner that we've got and the other stuff so need to double check with my TLX stuff here where is my trailer at so basically as it sits with this thing at least uh we're gonna need to fill at least a couple of these with manure which is funny I've I've dumped manure in there but it's not showing that any of it exists I guess it's got to process it so I would say we probably need to do one cut sugar bead to manure and maybe three silage for it to even run properly but I've already messed with that a little bit too much you know what let's just take like a mental break and we'll come back because I may end up getting rid of these trucks that go over something else I just had another idea so here's how I've got everything set up I had at one point right before this anyway I had that the dump bed on the very back but as we progress along we need to be able to carry more and more at the same time so what I've done is converted this up and we've gone for the tried and true TLX bed on the back this should be more than enough to carry everything I do need to double check my trailer a little bit and make sure I got enough horsepower to pull this but I think both of these trucks together look fantastic I'm gonna do my best to load up this VGA and we'll see what we can do so bit of a problem already of course um I don't have any silage left so I'm gonna have to buy some and we're gonna have to buy it through 82 Studios mod and we've only got about 20 grand left so uh yeah I don't actually know how well this is gonna go there's uh 50. oh boy I think I think I might be able to spend about 10 grand on this but I mean we're already a mill in the hole right now uh so exciting yeah oh boy and silage and yeah we're definitely gonna have to make some of that the good thing is well we've got grass so we'll be fine there I think one of the biggest issues though is going to be can we feed the cattle that we have and still be okay I I don't actually know the answer to that question uh let's go ahead and place down while we're here we'll place down one of those buy anything stations today two Studios gotta believe it's the containers yeah one of these bad boys right yeah uh this is gonna be a little bit more difficult than I want it to be just for the simple fact that we barely have any money left because I did a great job and it uh well I just did a great job we'll put it that way and be done with it uh let's see I don't want to put it there because then we'll have to go all the way through and oh I actually don't know where I want to put this huh you know what for now let's just put it directly straight across from the entry at least there well we don't have to worry too much and now I guess I'll just spend the rest of my money on uh cut sugar beet seems silly but hey at least we'll have a full set oh no cut sugar beets are expensive uh I guess we're going down to zero dollars sorry negative 18. even even better all right back it up dump it in and then we should probably hide and try to make money oh boy oh boy there we go double dead be done with it please be good just just take it there we go pull away slowly I don't exist pull away slowly the good thing is at least with the milk and everything that we've got we're pretty okay I'm also going to go ahead and activate a few other things in here so cheese and butter this will at least help us make a little bit extra cash with everything so all that milk should uh go through perfectly fine again fermenting Silo there's nothing in there and then our power plant hasn't started running yet but time's also set to zero so what I'm gonna do is at least fast forward time do need to check the animals just make sure they're gonna be just fine uh let's fast forward today and we'll see kind of what happens into September I definitely made a mistake because it is spawning the butter oh boy yeah so uh we did okay we made some we had a good amount of money however there is a bit of a problem I accidentally set this to spawn and we've currently got a hundred thousand liters of butter in there I I'm just gonna go hide well one good thing I was able to go through and set it to not do that ever again so we've got everything set to selling now now of course the production chain stuff that's gonna be set to spawn all this stuff is set to sell and then all these are set to do what I need them to do also they're running yeah it's running so I went ahead and brought the rest of the manure down figured well why not What's It Gonna Hurt also uh because this is the primary I actually had to come over here and dump in there because this will fill up but only as much as it has but the main will fill up with both it's it's interesting but it works so what are you gonna do the good thing is we've got a little bit of this a little bit of that all four categories we should be able to make some decent money at least into the next day and and uh yeah we're gonna do all of that all over again because I just came back into the game real quick from both game save we good I think we're good all right so everybody's up and running we've got our bits down here working well cogeneration play is running so what we need to do now is we need to find ourselves some grass um because we have got literally like nothing else I need silage I need hay I need all of these things yo those Wheels going backwards when they're going this way they're fine but oh that's fine anyway what was I saying oh yeah uh we need to be able to get this and go Mo a little bit of land uh we may end up selling these bits right here and trading them out for bigger mowers something like that but you know what these work really well it's a lot change right all right let's see if we can change our working with or working area kick it over to the left good call there all right I think we're good we just get a few films that we need to do that's it I did fertilize these fields right I don't I don't trust myself hang on select the grass going here okay I did yeah well ah like an idiot I just tried to hire a worker on this guy because you can and it didn't look at this AI workers swather has stopped because unexpectedly not enough money well I don't think anybody ever expects that do they so the swathan is done I went ahead and took a little bit of opportunity to do stuff off screen and of course I'm watching South Park again like always today let's find ourselves a tractor there it is got it we need to pick up all this grass and then just like always before we're going to toss it in our Silo turn this into grass and silage don't say grass hey return it into hay and silage but both of them leave me alone so here we go we've done much much better than we normally do generally we get between two and three hundred thousand liters with these new setups and how much we've torn out of these fields we're 461 000 liters we'll put this in we will need to get some silage out of this eventually but we're gonna have to wait also we're gonna have to wait another day in game at least to go plant I don't have any money I'm negative 18 plus a one million dollar loan I owe a lot of people a lot of money and and I just went and saw John Wick for and and I just feel real uncomfortable playing Farming Simulator being in debt to an imaginary thing right now so I'm just gonna go to bed seems like a great idea all right we are now into the next day and boy oh boy do we have some money seven hundred and eleven thousand dollars in September baby yeah there are a few things that uh well we need to maybe take a look at for example we're still making money we got sugar beats in there silage is in there manures up to the top and slurries up to the top uh digestate is Distributing right now however uh it is almost maxed out and I gotta figure out why um maybe spawn Distributing oh it just went away so I guess we'll try and find it later as far as everything else up here we're still doing good we got a lot of milk and then we've got all of our grasses turned into silage and hey so that's there nope that's not the only thing because we've got TMR that is just kind of chillaxing anyway we actually have a lot of TMR in here chilling right now uh let's see take a look Tmart 91 000 liters we also have 834 000 liters of straw so way more than we need there taking a look at our cattle seeing how much they need and what they need of course you can see here they have had some babies yes they have so uh they're taking in the food and it's still a lot I don't really need to mess with that I don't think so this means a couple things number one the silage is going to come back over here because this is the BGA is making us the money the Digest state that we have needs to be sold somewhere we're not going to use it for anything so we just got to sell it thirdly we need to fertilize our field and we need to plant something new I'm thinking canola uh or more than likely soybeans fortunately it's a big square at this point so I don't think it's gonna be that difficult to do oh it sounds so good yeah [Laughter] slow it down all right silage is going in and all of this all of this 100 is going to be going to the BGA let's turn that on real quick let the truck warm up I want to know is the digest State moving over here yes yes it is it is moving over there there's not a lot of it but it is moving so that makes me happy and and I guess we could probably turn this off because it's not going to do much for us I do want to check and see The Silo uh how much we got slurry is still just completely maxed out so there's no point to do anything with all that I would say hey if you're gonna build a BGA this was a pretty good place for oh I'm not gonna be able to make that nope crash counter Plus four million I think is the number that we're looking at here uh we'll go ahead and dump this in here we'll dump the silage and should be okay honestly we may be a little bit overboard with how much silage we've got we also need to get some cut sugar beat uh I don't I don't know how we're gonna manage the cut sugar beet this is gonna dump this out pretty quickly uh but I cut sugar beet we need some because it's gonna run out very quickly so is the silage it's going to run out very quickly as well I just don't think we've got enough here if you put all those bits in there including those cut sugar beads man oh man it doesn't take no time at all to get all this done all right so I don't think we're gonna be able to dump the rest of the silage in here I think we may have to take this back and put it back in a silo somewhere because there's just nothing that we could do with it here because I need this full of cut sugar beets at least full ish maybe a hundred thousand dollars worth something like that something else I need to do money uh we got a one million dollar loan let's pay back at least half of that actually we could also just put a silo down here to make things easier for ourselves and honestly I'm not sure we would even need this Silo right here to do much of anything all right check this out again we'll go with this solo because I love this Silo specifically right here and we get a close ish right there Kaboom and now it should also register that it exists and it does underground storage store everything and another thing that's really cool both of these Silo mods will work together just like they're working on the other Farm which is kind of nice I might I might should bring the ground up a little bit make it a little bit easier on myself there we go that's gonna make things a little easier I should also bring up around at least part of the area that way we can come through here and smooth out these areas so they work well and look good but can still go over this grading yeah I know these silos hold 115 000 liters so what I need to do is find out how profitable getting a certain amount of cut sugar beets is I know it's gonna be much cheaper to do it this way I don't like it but it's still gonna work so there's okay so there's about ten thousand dollars per or almost eleven thousand dollars so we're going to spend about twenty two thousand dollars total maybe a little bit more oh this is just so expensive I need to make these all right so now I think I'm about 2 well twenty three thousand dollars in a hole for cut sugar beets I should definitely definitely plant a sugar beet field and just be done with it maybe that's what we should do for this next round do have to fill the grass and have to filled in sugar beet actually you know what that's not a bad idea that's not a bad idea at all we don't need uh any I guess money money and we do have a Colossus huh I mean that could work um I really don't want to do an entire field of sugar beets though maybe we'll find a smaller one since it seems like the things we need right now are sugar beets so that we can cut them up and some grass what I think I'm gonna do at least with this field is I'm going to run kind of up and down the middle maybe about halfway something like that something where I know we're gonna get plenty of cut sugar beads off of the other side so probably we'll go like all the way here all the way to here and then maybe hire worker and do the right side and Trigger beat do the left side and grass that way we should have plenty to go around at least silage and cut sugar beets for a long time maybe two or three day plus a long time couple days in game something like that at least the two weeks to make some extra money to rebuild up this area now of course we do have this area down here which I could easily do in sugar beets it'd be just fine but well where's the fun in there so that's what we're gonna do and uh come back uh come back for the next one because it's gonna be a fun one welcome back to Edgewater Saskatchewan today we're gonna begin a little bit of planting done we've already got our fertilizer out in the field we are on The Big Field right now everything is rocking rolling looking good he's putting down the first layer of fertilizer so what we're gonna what we're gonna do is jump in half of this Field's gonna be grass and the other half of the field is going to be sugar beets the reason for this is because everything down here at our new BGA is well we're just not able to get everything we need I need extra silage and I need extra cut sugar baits now we've got plenty of manure and plenty of slurry the cattle are handling that uh dutifully however we need a little bit extra help which is why we need well maybe one run of The Big Field one of the good things is we already have something that could be of big big benefit to us which is the Colossus Harvester yeah I know it only runs at about four meters but I feel like we could still get some uh get a lot of work done on that filled with that so we could definitely use a good amount of grass but we already have two Fields rocking that so I say that we get as many sugar beets as possible so what I'm thinking is doing sugar beets basically from this side of the field all the way to like this little spot right here and whenever I go forward I'll just find a spot and hire worker and then we'll go straight up and it should cut this field not quite in half it's gonna be a lot more on the right side versus the left but all of that will be sugar treats and then everything on this side will then become grass or well plant grass anyway shouldn't take us too long this Cedar really really does its trick I'm using the largest case uh blender in the early riser planter pack but I I modified a little bit holds ten thousand liters of seed now and we're using fast farming or real speed limit mod uh to make it all happen so drop it down turn it on and rock and roll sugar beets are going in no I don't I'm not quite sure if I've even done a sugar beet harvest in Farming Simulator 22 yet and it's been out for a year and a half at this point oh boy well should be fun right yay if you're playing along at home or if you're doing things similar to the way that I am one thing that I found is when I get down here near the end it doesn't like to stop very much this is a great tractor but I think it might need a little bit better breaks if we're gonna be going up fast so bring it over to here bring it down drop it down and good there we go uh too many times I've gotten stuck in the trees right there and I really don't want to do that today I just don't want to deal with that so we're just not going to and here's the spot I was talking to you guys about we're gonna get to about right here been around get it lined up ish not like that and then hire a worker this will uh get us all the way down and then we'll probably hit one or two headlines at the top of the bottom just so the worker can get himself turned around but other than that yeah not uh not bad is that guy working yeah he's working all right yeah we're doing good we're doing good please please keep being good please keep doing your work get near the end and fireworker oh slow it down baby slow it down there we go so it looks like the uh Magnum oh no I'm in the Magnum right now we're good drop it down turn it on and drive forward this is gonna be a pretty hard break in the field so let's see if we can make that happen got it perfect now just a little bit at the top a little bit at the bottom and then this worker will be able to do his own thing I will hired on this side though here's what I'm talking about so right here if I hire this worker here he'll go this way if I hire him here he'd go this way and mine end up doing the whole field I don't want that down at the bottom and we have sewing it around come up through here spin it around the other side so that way I've got three headlines at the top and the bottom and should be more than enough room for this worker to turn around I tell you what do it fast farming man it makes it so much easier to get stuff done I know it's kind of cheating but when you got to record two or three of these videos in a day plus news and mods it's it's a lot easier when it doesn't take all day long and while we're at it I could probably just go and fire dude right here and find grass there it is I could probably go and hit this other side real quick and just played some grass and get that uh at least either lined up or or completely finished maybe able to completely finish this we do need to go down again in a straight line we need to make sure that this is good it's about right there drop it down turn it on and hire worker so it should take away just a little bit of the pink right there on the edge but that'll give us our grass and the good thing is too we can hire our worker on the fertilizer and it'll still fertilize this entire field I don't know if this is something that's done in real life and I don't even know if this is a smart thing to do with Farming Simulator or not but grass Harvesters can't cut sugar beets and sugar beet Harvesters can't cut grass so if it's gonna work on anything it'll work well on these fields oh that's a lot of bumps there we go no more bumps almost done with this little section over here on the other side and then I'm gonna let the worker do his thing I'll probably come through with the fertilizer sprayer myself and just hit a few spots on the outsides that way once everything's ready to go the worker can take over now to reset this for sugar beets there we go and probably need to give it some seeds as well oop I just emptied it uh and I'm totally not cheating nope not me so now everything is done at least in the field and we kind of have a lot of waiting time does he do so you can see how much we've got going on here how much is sugar beets versus how much is grass and then whatever we do next we'll just do the whole thing in the same crop and that'll be fine maybe be a good idea to do a corn chaff Harvest and do the entire thing in silage maybe that's an option as well we could do that we could do that but I think at least for now we do need to double check and make sure that everything is done it's good and it's ready to go so taking a look at our cattle first how are we doing here uh straw could use a little bit we're about 50 and a TMR we could definitely use a little bit of that as well so let's jump in here and we'll make that happen straw first I think it holds it wasn't a hundred something thousand I don't know there's 130 000 in there already so that's probably going to be more than enough oh that's flag straw why do I have Flex straw hang on a minute also interestingly it just converted that is super weird uh it just took the straw the regular straw out and turned it into flax straw which actually sells for Less I think so um you know that sucks I did it again look at this so uh Phil vehicle check this out set it to straw and it's Flex straw boom well at least we got 91 000 liters of TMR left and that'll be more than good okay cattle are done everything's ready to go milk is good slurry is good food is near ish enough to the top straw is up as well and we've still got a half a million dollar loan we're gonna make a lot of money overnight so what I'm gonna go ahead and do is pay off as much of that as possible that way we get is taking our money back as we can there we go and we have done well very well indeed uh 902 thousand dollars overnight you gotta love the BGA the BGA just makes so much stupid money immediately which is great for us so let's go ahead in here and let's go ahead and pay off the rest of this interest it'll be good to go um speaking of Interest I would love to find out how much interest we've actually paid out water calls let's see Harvest income miscellaneous loan interest here we go okay so we only paid was that like 4300 something like that you know what for for what it allowed us to do totally worth it so we've got another problem unfortunately so we have silage in here which is doing just fine but we have an overflow of sugar beet and manure and slurry just a complete overdoingness of it also digest it I'm not quite sure how digestate's going right now supposedly it says we only have 9 000 liters in there not uh not quite sure why that is but uh there we go also it doesn't say anything about the co-generation plant running but we're making nine hundred thousand dollars in a night so I think we're doing okay yeah that BGA is doing pretty good for us made 676 000 yesterday and we've also got 272 thousand dollars already by nine A.M we need more silage man I will say this field right here though uh that turned out phenomenal look at this look at the just the straight line break between sugar beets and grass all the way down that's pretty cool You Gotta Give it up a little bit to that I think I messed it up just a hair down there at the end yeah it overlaps a bit but you know what that's fine um speaking of fun check this out so filled right beside us right Grassfield ready to be harvested ready to go from Leroy Wilson um I need more grass this food has the grass I think I think I may I think I may steal all the grass from this field but I think what we'll have to do is buy it I've also thought about buying the field down at the bottom as well kind of back and forth about it but for now I think we just get our Mower and get some work done rock and roll time baby rock and roll let's do it so we've got a full field with grass uh we are gonna keep this filled as well so I'm not just gonna utilize it for all of its resources and then get rid of it well we got a new field now and hopefully it's close to other fields that I can do why am I going so slow activate fast farming and Zoomies yeah yeah so hopefully there's some Fields close ish enough to us that we can expand a little bit I think this is actually part of like a a big block yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's actually a farm right here I believe it's a cattle farm and then we could also expand it right about there and actually make all of those one big field maybe I don't know we'll see what happens in the third uh the third season of uh this let's play that may be a little bit much one thing I wanted to do before we jumped in here and start picking up this grass was to make sure that the production chain that does the hay was turned off we have 380 000 liters of hay in there right now and I I think that might be my fault there's no way we had twice that much the workers are actually doing a really good job of this field I wasn't quite sure if it was going to be worker friendly or not but you know what it's not turned out bad not at all dude not at all so I'm just gonna go around we'll pick up our headline and everything else and see how long it takes us to get all of this grass up hopefully it's a good amount as well we already got 30 000. that's great and we're done kind of dish uh we've got everything picked up it is a little bit dark at 9am in October kind of forgot about that currently it's uh what is it 10 a.m in April IRL yeah button strobe lights well crap I'm going the wrong way oh yeah oh crap obstructions off I learned something today half a million liters of grass in and we should get half of them I'm going too fast half a million liters of uh stuff out let's poke around and see what we got it's not moving yet so I think we need to start the timer yeah there's 2 000 liters already up times three this ain't gonna take long at all it took 22 minutes in game to make all of that into silage I love cheating yeah let's go ahead and get all this silage but in here we're gonna take it down to the BGA and that should be about all for today so I'm actually looking at this code uh I think I made too much silence as a matter of fact so that field may have been just a little bit too big we've got way too much manure in here still so we're gonna drop off the silage in three of these and we do need to kind of do a little bit of refill maybe on the cut sugar bead maybe not I'm not I'm not quite sure I know we've got plenty in there and we've got a little bit left so maybe we'll just hope that the silage does everything and then we can fast forward into the next day in game October and or November uh should be about ready to harvest that other Grassfield but we also may have to wait until we get into the spring well unfortunately it didn't take it all so we're just gonna drop a little bit of silage in here there we go Boop just like so we'll take a look and see what's in there oh did I have silage in there already are they good silence in there already oops and we are back it is episode 19 time yes sir so here is what is going to be going on we've got two more episodes in this uh series number two and then I think we're gonna be rounding out with uh since 21 through 30 which is gonna be fantastic we're just gonna take over everything but in the meantime we need to make some plans for winter because it is currently October and uh well our crops are definitely not going to be ready to go by then so uh what I've done is I have spent a little bit of money and we've just kind of purchased a whole lot of TMR what I did was I was able to go in here get all of the hay that we had that I bought a bunch of straw or uh but a bunch of silage and then I used the flax straw that was in here because for some reason on this map anyway with feed mixers flax straw is used instead of regular straw at least in this feed mixer so that's what I've done we're still gonna be making a ton of money plus all the way down to here uh yeah this is gonna do just fine for us I'm gonna keep you guys updated daily and then once we get into the end of the year then it's gonna be getting really really close to a big old Harvest over there and we get to use the Colossus and here we are the next day in game and as you can see we made a little bit of money about uh 1.1 million dollars uh we are running a little bit low when it comes to cut sugar beets and uh well that Silo whatever was in it it's just completely empty but the good thing is we've got a whole bunch of money and we have a zero dollar loans pretty much whatever is good so you can see in here uh 686 000 right there for Seoul products and there as well uh jump it all down a little bit I guess uh plant income we made a little bit of cash off of that there's there's just there's just so much money coming in right now we're gonna be able to do pretty much whatever we want I do need to check on the animal real quick okay I think they're doing just fine and here we are again in December 2.6 million now I'm gonna guess that our production chains are probably running a little bit dry uh we've still got cut sugar beets which are doing okay but that's gonna run out fairly soon as a matter of fact a lot of that's gonna run out fairly soon over here we've got a little bit of manure left we've got a ton of silage there and we've got some more manure there we don't need any more manure but we do need some more silage and cut sugar beets at least today so we'll jump in here we'll turn the lights on I do love the way this thing looks and sounds and we're gonna buy ourselves some silage and buy ourselves some cut sugar beet I can't remember if these hold 130 000 or 115 000. I guess we're gonna find out here momentarily he should probably cut some more lights on a little bit dim here that's totally fine we'll dump this out and see is this Gonna Fill it all the way up or just a little bit fills it all the way up just about right to it so it is a 115 000 liters in there yeah 115. that's my bad the good thing is at least with the way these are set up you can literally just dump whatever you want into each one and they'll all take it I've gotten everything filled up now but we still need to do a little bit more and that's gonna involve this guy fortunately for us we still have a bunch of slurry left in here from the last time we came down so that's nice and easy but I do need to fill this up just a little bit this one on the left is going to be our primary so that's we're gonna have to drop it all off but we should be good to go just back it up until we get the thing there it is and dump it out now we can take a look here take a look at our fermenter that is going up good to see and if we jump in here and take a look that is going up as well good to see digestate uh not too bad the thing is digest it goes up very very fast and it's supposed to be going over here oh oh like 14 000 went in there and the rest of the digest States going in that ah I'm not sure we need both of those and while I'm at it I may as well just go ahead and keep the animal feed topped off just in case that way they can keep up high and I think we should be good to go at least another little bit in I might take the uh Dairy because this keeps going up daily so I'm gonna upgrade that by two and just see did that help at all or is that gonna make everything even worse you know what why don't we just upgrade it one more time let's let's upgrade it oh it's already in level three let's just leave that there then I think I may have overdone it just a little bit we're now at 4.1 million dollars and that's dangerous but we do have snow everywhere so that's kind of cool we'll take a look double check make sure everything's good ready to go looks like everybody down there is all right we'll do a little pop around and go and fill that up but uh I think yeah we're probably good for another day or two in game we're gonna have way way too much money I think it's the the terminology for that way too much money way too much in general so we'll probably wait until we get into I think it's uh March or April whenever everything's gonna be nice and ready to go and then we'll start preparing our Harvest while we're at it why don't we come in here and maybe place down another Cogen plant uh we we've got it or not coaching plant we've we've got a a BGA thing that thingy over there it's doing good so far but I feel like possibly we could do even more I'm just gonna go in here and and delete some of the snow by the way this is I delete snow if you really want to you just go into this tool and flatten everything out and you should be good to go from there I'm going to get another one of these maybe even two this is probably good as a good place as any back here very back but one about right there and we'll do another one to the side of it just in line actually I need to find out how in line it is and then get it completely perfectly lined up yeah I don't think we're actually going to be able to perfectly line it up but I think that's about as good as it's gonna get right there so that cost us 1.1 million dollars is it gonna pay off yeah I'd say that worked just fine we got 1.7 million yeah overnight I think we're doing okay yeah torches are active but they're down coaching plants are running at their limit but as they should I mean we've got everything there actually I probably could have put a coach in playing over there and done a little bit better we processed this stuff three times better we're going to turn this on I'm just gonna kind of make my rounds here feed the animals it's in February right now I don't see this happening in March I'm overdoing it we're overdoing it you made too much money um yeah we've uh currently got 6.3 mil my bad I'm just just spending money man dude you could really invest half a million dollars into a BGA and then turn right back around and make it all back in a day or two it's kind of ridiculous so I need silage I need silage bad I need silage to fill out two of these so I need at least 230 000 liters uh it's gonna be expensive but I'm a millionaire don't matter so there's another thing we've got silage in there now and we've got to cut sugar beads and everything fine we need manure and I know some cows that have made some the only thing is we make it stuck in here edgewater's got a really really good snow mask I mean it's incredible but boy oh boy do I have the wrong oh it sounds so good uh boy oh boy do I have the wrong truck for this job though easy back it in no problems no problems best backwards driver and farm Sam and here we are the moment of truth in April uh heads up if you've had a lot of snow and you've driven on it just get in get in your vehicles get in get on all your vehicles get in the stuff and make sure that the snow is going from below it so we'll come in here we'll go ahead and unload a few of these things we made even more money we're at 7.9 mil now eat uh and then uh yeah I might go ahead and go fill up this with slurry just because why not and then we need to take a look at our fields and see are we grown are we ready and that answer is a resounding yes remove foliage is there baby so we may get some of that done today but we will definitely get our equipment for it and because of how much money we've got I think I may just buy it one thing that I've kind of uh neglected a bit is the straw for the cattle totally forgotten oh yeah and we've got all that uh flax straw as well I may hang on to it because it's good for uh something yep it's good for something there we go all right dumped in that's full bring it around town now let's have a little bit of fun we need to find ourselves something to harvest these beets with and we could probably get two of these I think maybe that might be a good idea if we do that I'm just gonna lease them because there's no point to do anything else so let's go all the way up I'm not I'm actually not sure spikes are the best idea but I would like to go with some type of like really really interesting wheel setup I kind of like those gnocchi and ground Kings they look really really good uh we're running I think it's Michelin on everything else that we've got so maybe just some big old Michelin tires something like that but yeah definitely going with something a little bit interesting photo so ground King it is as far as extra lighting let's just go with oh I think that's the best way to go there um and then let's do one of these that is set with toothpaste tractor so all the way so this is gonna be basically the most toothpaste tractor thing you've ever seen in your entire life uh and then underglow I guess blue under glow for that would look good capacity uh beat standard potato both unrealistic I think both unrealistic is the way we want to go here 253 000 liters toothpaste tractor all the oh bad it was more than I was expecting and for our second one we're gonna go with a neon blue now I need headers for these we need the sugar beet headers these guys right here so we'll go through and make these same color actually I totally forgot you have to go with the unrealistic so if you're gonna be using this mod you definitely need to go with that so let's go ahead and return that single header that we've got and go back in here and find that unrealistic header there it is are you ready let's do it yeah and oh it's oh that's right the LED lines around it so I changed one of them to Blue and one of them to Green so it actually glows at a completely different color than it's supposed to but I don't know I thought it'd kind of looked neat I don't know if it does or not but it's different so that's that's cool man a little little difficult to get everything picked up and put together right there there but whatever it works I don't know if I recommend first person or not it's it's very green due to the setup here we are probably gonna need to run a few different uh a few different bits so we're probably gonna need to run at least gosh I don't know five or six headlines down here at the bottom back and forth back and forth we will go through double check just to make sure that we've got everything on uh all-wheel steering I do prefer that so we'll take that drop it down turn it on got some lights on around just so we can see what we're doing here and sugar beets are going in yes sir yes sir yes sir and because this is super fast and super modified actually probably run this first person yeah I may have should have gone with a clear glass option there so I could actually see but nonetheless uh this will work just fine I do also need to be careful because I'm pretty sure crop destruction is turned on so I need to be careful with myself I guess there is one way around that oh crop destruction is off I must have done that previously because I didn't do that now nice okay so I'm just gonna go back and forth and try and hit uh this entire area a couple times back and forth just to see what uh what kind of trouble I can get myself into here I think I've probably done enough here we've got 90 000 liter simply in Adeline I don't know how many I've run down here at the end but this is andro or a headland you know what I don't I don't know they're they're it's fine whatever it's totally fine I'm gonna hit a couple little spots that I missed because of course I missed a few little bits of Bob's here and there boom boom and boom got it all right now we just need to do the same thing on the other end and I think I want to use the blue one for that I wonder if I could just swing in here without slowing down I did I did I slowed down I cheated I I cheated all right let's see how many times I have to go back and forth down here I think I got about 90 000 liters down there uh we've got a pretty even spread down here so maybe you get about 90 000 liters here too well we got about this much I think down at the other end there's a little bit more but I think this is probably enough for this guy to turn around so let's get it all lined up nice and easy and hire a worker let's see how bad this is gonna be I do believe that this goes into like a full-fledged like everything turns mode probably see from the front if it needs to turn a little bit don't say anything nonetheless it is a booking it all the way down yeah and again you can you get these Harvesters on all platforms uh they work for everything which is really really cool and they are just moving I'm gonna have to find something else to cart with because these things are going yeah you well all right let's do that and uh it's a hard worker on this guy as well nice nice 90 000 liters there 98 000 liters there and he's gonna take a million years to turn around perfect and uh to end it out I think I'm gonna try and catch up to this guy and do a little bit of karting they go 42 43 miles an hour and I'm going 96 which is twice that but I am having a hard time keeping up all right let's get it to pop out it's gonna hit the brakes real quick as such there it is and we'll get it to unload I don't know how fast this unloads so it's quick it's just not insane what I may have to do is go through and actually make this to where it'll unload just a little bit because it ain't uh it ain't that it ain't doing it it ain't doing it it's quick it's not as quick as I want it to be oh yeah this is a this is still here too there's a there's a lot of stuff man there's a lot of stuff where's my truck there it is all right one unloaded we've got a 171 000 liters in here and we're gonna go to see if we can catch up with this dude over here and go for it as well oh he's already eighty percent we'll see if we can catch up hopefully that won't be too bad yeah bro boy that was about to be bad you know what let's just fire him let's boom boom out the the thing there we go and I'm just gonna dump this manually all right there we go uh but how I'm gonna turn all these into cut sugar beets is actually gonna be kind of cool but I gotta wait till next time to tell you show you show you yeah that's the right word times are coming to an end at least in series two of Edgewater saskatchew around today we're gonna be finishing up series two and preparing for what we're gonna be getting into in series three series one was more like yeah let's not series two has a million dollars uh I didn't cheat it's just we did really good uh series three I don't know what's gonna happen baby if you guys have any ideas let me know should we take over the whole map should we do anything like that hey let me know what I'm doing now is I'm emptying out all of the sugar beets that we got from the last episode go check that out you haven't seen it already we've also got a couple guys in the field so we're gonna go ahead and turn these guys on and hire them up on some workers and let them rock and roll so that is happening there good to go awesome awesome and by the way everything that you see at least with these guys yeah it's not cheating it it's it's literally just happened it's ridiculous is what it is I love it I love it I love it so that's at least uh one step we'll go ahead and put this guy back out there and get ready we also need to get some of that grass picked up we've got three grass fields I believe maybe four ready to go do we still have that other field yeah we do so I guess I gotta do that too and honestly it may be about time to buy another one of these we're we're doing all right man but I I think we might need a little bit more especially with everything that we've got so go and pick this up and I think I'm gonna head to the same field that the sugar beet Harvesters are in just to have a little bit of fun so this provides us with twofold number one we need silage for our cattle number two we also need silage to keep the BGA running I don't know if I'm gonna keep that running or not but at least for now seems to be working pretty well and here it is I had a couple people asking how exactly is it gonna work and oh it's just like this it's just a couple uh couple setups good to go nothing too crazy what we're gonna do is we're going to do a uh set I think you know I think at least for now we're just gonna kick everything in towards the center nothing too wide and crazy and we'll start on the outside and we'll run a little Headland all the way around I am gonna do some fast farming with this just because it can't oh not where I wanted that there we go that's right so the only thing about uh sugar beet Harvesters is the hilariousness that is them trying to turn around it it's so funny watching them be like okay I can't do it oh oh I could do it oh I could do it nope I didn't nope nope nope that's kind of what it's like it's kind of funny and now that we've run a little bit of a helper head lens let's go and bring it right here and hire him up on a worker that's one field and we gotta do the rest of them I figured for the new one let's just go Challenger because the other sets got some pretty specific headers that go pretty specific uh ways actually as a matter of fact we could probably modify those because well they're not specific anymore nonetheless uh we got a couple Fields right through here uh-oh full grain uh foreign well I guess we need to fire the worker and bring him back over here I'm right about there yeah that'll do and then this guy's gonna be empty here in just a second so you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and boom that out and we'll take care of both of these I do have the crop destruction turned off but I'll tell you what I'm looking at all this we're gonna get a whole lot of these now one thing that we need is I believe it's an auger wagon there's a whole pack that turns your crops into cut sugar beets but I gotta find them ah here it is yeah yeah the bee cutter pack yo this is epic so what it does this mod contains all the base game auger trailers and they've been changed to only except sugar beets and will unload cut sugar Petes via the pipe but we're probably gonna modify that a little bit because it only holds a little bit and here's what we're talking about so what I've done is I've loaded in every single piece that have come in this mod pack I jumped down to fill Union and here it says twenty thousand uh not really as much fun as I wanted to be so we're just gonna go with a million and uh and that'll be just fun you can see down here fill units allow uh full of thresholds just plain poor field type trick beads and we'll do one more time okay maybe leave this uh fine change this number all right we're back in the game now and we've got uh well another half a million liters of sugar beans which is good because I modified everything to hold 1 million so we're still gonna have to make more than one trip here they are right here so all we got to do is grab one of these and fill it up with sugar beets and we should be good to go I've also set it to where it'll uh empty out pretty darn quick the only one was this so it's a a six bit Hopper which is kind of interesting so I just made them all hold a hundred thousand probably we could have done better I I kind of want to go overboard a little bit with this but the great thing is we don't really have to so I think I may go with either an Elmer's or a Demco just because I think it'll look better with this map specifically okay and oh boy while we're at it I'm just gonna go ahead and start working on these fields as well that way we can get these grass fields cut and I have as much as we can for later on drop it down let's go so here's an interesting one um these guys were able to harvest this entire field without me realizing it and and I don't quite know how they've been able to do that but they did it there are a couple little spots here and there and I'm just gonna go ahead and hit them but uh yeah they did the whole field they did it really good uh yeah not uh I'm a little bit speechless right now because these workers actually did a good job and and who would have thought it would have been sugar beet the Harvesters that would have done it right all right The elusive sugar beet double dump now that these don't need to be had anymore we'll go ahead and go through and wait oh that's diesel that's about to say what is it uh-uh no no no all right now's gonna be an interesting part because we are going to be turning these sugar beets into cut sugar beets to be able to use with our BGA probably should be final so I'm pretty sure there's some guys that need some help around yeah yeah that I think this guy needs just a little extra bit of help moving forward there we go and now time for the fun of course now is when the train goes by love it man I love it let's make way too much cut sugar beets this is gonna be a good time so first things first we'll go ahead and dump that out right there and we'll grab our tractor I've gone ahead and brought down our Magnum and reset it here and it went for the dim code in red that'll look good I think it's gonna be absolutely perfect for what we want to use it for we'll take this pick it up and then I'm just gonna put this right under the silo over there and then put our uh trailer right beside it yeah so I'm not gonna be able to get too much but at least we'll be able to do a little bit actually you know what I don't know why I'm gonna do this that seems like a pointless thing to use that because I'm just gonna dump it out of one thing and then dump it into something else that's idiotic so I Was Gonna Fill This up and go make a quick uh but we do the sugar beans I'm a hire worker on this field I have no idea so I'm gonna hire him right there and we'll see what happens all right so the uh tractor is now full of sugar beads one million liters of them and then I'm going to just spin it right around and put the auger over and now it is popping out cut sugar beets again this is a mod for all platforms it's really cool it's a I guess it's using the auger or maybe they're role-playing that there's a like a cutter down in here somewhere cutting the sugar beets I don't know it was kind of cold it's a really easy cut sugar beets noise and lastly we'll come through here and get the rest of them one of the nice things is this only takes sugar beets so no matter what you put in here it's only gonna take sugar beets and there we go all done I'm gonna come up to I think this one actually I need to figure out which one of these is cut sugar beets that's silage that manure in silage that's also silage that is cut sugar beets so I need to figure out you know what I'm I'm not even gonna try I'm just gonna put them in the tractor right here and then we'll go from there yeah a little almost too easy yo that's an awesome screenshot all right so now I'm basically done all the sugar beets every sugar beet that we've got is now cut so we're going to return that and we'll jump in here turn off those little fleshy lights and now I've got a bunch of grass I gotta pick up because basically all of our crops have been done there oh boy there's gonna be a lot of grass to pick up before the end of the season now so just so we can finish everything I got a bunch of fields that are ready to have all the grass picked up of course we've got these fields right about here and then we've got one way off into the distance I don't know if I could show it yeah that one right there that's that's one and then right over there so let's pick it all up I'm sure we're gonna get a good half a million liters of grass off of these fields maybe more I'm not quite sure if it's gonna be more but you know what I hope it is so we've got four fields to do and we're almost done with field number two um to the smallest ones by the way and we're already about half a million I think we're gonna do just fine with grass yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so uh three Fields done and guess what I've gotta go unload I'm back in this silo Silo it goes a little bit too far away and should not take too long there we go so that'll transfer over and make us some silage oh wait and hey won't it no let's pop it take a look at this real quick okay so I actually have the hay turned off we do have hay around here somewhere at least I thought we did is there any hay in here grass straw milks or no oh we might we might need to make some hay because we need to make some food as well rounding it out we have another half a million 562 000 liters of grass here we need to go and put this in our salad thing is yeah all right so that is good that is done and we do need to make a little bit of hay so probably gonna have to babysit this thing a little bit I think what I'm gonna do is Monitor because we have about 1.5 million liters total so I think once this gets down to about a million liters left we'll go ahead and turn both on and uh we'll have a million liters of silage and half a million liters of hay should be plenty for feeding our cattle and feeding everybody else as well and I think that's probably gonna do it for series number two here from Edgewater Saskatchewan we have done a whole lot and we have managed to get ourselves involved with some big fields we don't really have a big farm yet but we do have plenty of money I do think going forward it might be a good idea to possibly remodel this area a little bit give it some more goodies and make it a little bit more larger that way we can uh we'll have more fun with it make some more money plus going forward I think it would be a lot of fun to take a look at the rest of the map and possibly build out just a little bit we've got another series left we've got series three yeah let's get excited because we're about to rock welcome back and welcome to the final series season three here from Edgewater Saskatchewan today we are going to be finishing up all of our silage prep and that type of thing and we're also going to be looking into new Farm areas I would love to build up a brand new farmyard I know I love this one we just took a field that existed and turned it into something all our own but you know what there are a lot of other places around this map that we could do that so I would love to explore a few of those I do want to create my own Farm though so this is not going to be a oh just take one of the pre-built farms and that type of thing no no no I want to build my own while we're at it at least for today and game we could probably go and do a little bit of double rooski in here that way the BGA have a full day ahead of them so let's start off our planning uh I do own field 53 and we've kind of made a habit of going from left over so I don't know should I buy 47 this is okay and it's basically located around the same area that this is right here so probably okay also I would love to buy this area right here yo take a look at this real quick I think I can bump over to it there we go take a look at this area so this is lined up almost perfectly with this field that we've got over here and if we went straight down the side yeah it basically lines up with it where I think this might be a little bit more worker friendly than it is now so that's definitely going to be one of the things that we do we've also got this area right here this grass build I'm not sure if this is something I want to keep or not especially since it connects to this farm right there hmm but we also have to remember a lot of these fields and a lot of these areas ain't really flat that being said I think this area right here could be good whether it be this field right here which is fairly flat or this one right here which is pretty hilly but it it's like a a hoop kind of thing I feel a little too close to comfort there I feel like I could probably get this to be flattened out a little bit more plus how cool would it be to have a farm at the top of a little Hill of the side of the road I think I think it's settled I think that's what we're gonna do and it's only 94 000. let's go naturally it's oats as well so I guess we should probably get in there and start harvesting one thing I do love this combine harvester cray cray Colossus we do have the swather stuff still around but I'm pretty sure oh that's a that's a tractor I'm pretty sure I deleted the swather stiff uh we still have the header for it right there but I think that may be something that I go ahead and sell up as well I'm not sure we're gonna be doing much more swathing it does take a while and it's just a little bit easier to not to but I still want to hang on to the header because it matches perfectly and I don't want to lose that so let's take a drive together in the Colossus Harvester from point A which is where we're starting to point B which is where we are going to be building a new phone is this right over there actually so it's not too bad we could I think drive through the Grassfield but I don't know why I'm looking I deleted the traffic man that traffic got real tough real quick and here we are now we do have an area beside it as well we may do something with that I don't know if we're going to run that I don't know if I'm gonna buy both of these areas and turn this into a massive massive Farmland that might actually be a good idea considering if I come in it's gonna have to be you know like that also you know this wouldn't be a terrible aspect driver and farm Sam because I ran into something going forward uh this actually wouldn't be a bad uh field to have it'll be pretty good all right let's let's do this so I've noticed that this sign right here is quite literally in the field uh I may uh I'm gonna have to do something about that oh and it goes a lot further around than I thought as well this may turn into like a Grassfield or something like that look at all the way around this man yeah this is a whole lot bigger than I was expecting it to be around here so hiring a worker may not be the thing that most of you guys want to do with this field but uh what I've found is that if I go all the way around like that maybe hiring a worker up and down like this should hit it the workers are fairly smart ish man that really feels weird to say out loud um so they're doing okay yeah all right let's back up here let's go and grab this we'll go and pick up all the straw we'll bring it back over here and then we'll get ready for this Farm build oh yeah and the really quick way over I could just go this way it may even be a way out down there as well you know what and these trees right here man they've been getting in my way we really need to cut those down maybe maybe in the next episode cleaned up right out of rock and roll man we got 200 and 62 000 liters of straw not too bad I think it was about 89 000 liters of Oats altogether not too bad there either uh speaking of we're gonna do something else today that's one of my favorites and it may have something to do with production chains we haven't really done much with it but you know what here we are at the end we've got more money than we know what to do with so we may as well just take advantage of it have some fun and and go forward so what we're gonna do is the old uh sell them something and then buy it back very quickly uh thing so here we go bam just like that should dump out nice there we go 303 thousand dollars not that I need it and then we will buy it and there it is so easy super super easy way to cheat that whole that just that whole thing man I got a lot of milk in there I should probably figure that out all right where is it Green Mill right here wheat barley oats and sorghum because it is so much I'm thinking about upgrading it all the way but at least for now we'll go with a uh set up there and then I think the form Terry needs to be updated a little bit yeah there we go now that that's taken care of we also need to set our flour and the flower is going to spawn sell distribute yeah and you know what I'm gonna do with it really what we're gonna do with it got it we're gonna make bread baby let's go all right we'll come in here we'll go ahead and set the deactivation yeah change the output to selling now should be completely automated this is the area right here that we're gonna go with I think I'm gonna start here and just level from this spot so I'ma just get my dude out of the way right about there yeah that'll be good save our game that way if anything happens we could come back and be good so let's see if we can make this happen without causing too much trouble Landscaping leveling it out oh boy here we go and flattened from there it's gonna erase some of these areas that's going to lower some other ones I do believe it's going to start lowering first and then it may start raising as we get further out I do want to get the outside at least of this area ready to go and done that way well we don't have to worry too much about uh these higher spots yeah so I'm gonna do that first also I don't think I'm gonna do this whole area that's a lot now that we've got a lot of the area kind of the way we want I'm going to trade out for the square there we go nice getting these large Hill areas right here at the front getting those all done up and now as we get closer and closer to the end it's actually raising some of it so you can see we've still got a lot here that needs to be lowered however the further and further that we get down here it's actually raising some of it which is kind of nice again nice flat area for your farm that way we don't have to really worry about a whole lot I'm hoping really hoping by the time that we get down to the edge it's going to be nice and flat and level with this just about man just about I mean it is right on it yeah we got lucky cool cool all right so now I just need to go and flat flatten this whole area out oh boy boom got a man oh thanks except for like the like the super super edges but you know what we're gonna fill this area up with a whole bunch of gutties oh that's that's not that's not flat that's that area right there is not flat landscape let's there we go now it's fixed save the game and jump back in now let's fix out some buildings to put down now I have uh installed a couple things like this for example I really really really really really like the buildings that are used to own the Michigan Farms map so I thought about incorporating those in some way plus it's pretty straight on and flat through here so I thought this would be absolutely perfect now the driveway is going to cut get rid of that building the dromboy's gonna come in through here and kind of Boom in like that so why don't we put the first building right there like that that one right there this one this building that I had this one yeah bam got it this way whatever we pull in we can actually drive straight in front of it or we could go all the way around it nice now we need uh something else something kind of like this building here maybe we place it are they about the same width or should we not Place both these beside each other yeah I'm not going to place them inside each other but I'm gonna put this one over here I like this building yeah like about right there something like that I'm just trying to make them line up just enough but not be inside of each building right there bam got it so now we've got this area here which I'm going to open up nice both doors open I forgot yeah yeah they do and it looks like the other building is coming through just a little bit so we'll delete that and bring it out just a little bit but oh it's also not in line with that side either well do it again there we go now it's fixed so now we've got our way in and we can come around here park in a big combine harvester something like that plus we've got enough area over here for some extra trees things like that to make it look good now we can't just have a big open area for nothing so what I'm also going to do is find this right here come over just enough to about right there I think but bam place that down oh man that's not what I wanted to do it brought up the edges whatever and then I'm gonna quite literally just put another one right beside it just like so bam now I've got an area to pull in like semi trucks things like that a little bit easier however I did not want the ground change up like that so I'm gonna have to paint that at least it's easy to paint I'll give you that much there we go all right so that's good now we've got two of these uh semi truck buildings set up so we can pull those through I also think having another one of these buildings down here might look pretty good so we'll put that there and I'm also going to put one of these right here because well it lines up just about perfectly with it just want to make sure that it doesn't clip through the wall bam got it and I've put the last one down uh this this area is a whole lot bigger than I was expecting it to be so you know what we will just grow with it I've placed down this small building here so we could place uh or put down like trucks or uh maybe you want to park in a small well whatever we want yeah maybe a little more you never know and of course we got the little door on this side as well a place to turn around not gonna make this place look good we will start with the trees and we'll try and find stuff that is big enough but not too crazy so that'll work real well there and we'll place a couple of these around here there we go looking good and because this is basically going to be a natural area ish up straight through here I'm thinking we do some smaller plants along the side maybe something that looks like it's actually supposed to be done in a way hard to explain I think something else I want to do is I want to put a light on this I don't think there is a light that's actually on this directly so I want to do it I was like this bam so now at night that'll glow all right now let's come in here with this little tool and I'm gonna be using gravel which matches almost as good as it possibly could and I'm gonna be using this size and then for everything else I'm just going to kind of draw in where it lines up I don't want this to be perfect far from it actually I want it to look like something that you know isn't perfect like that good it looks good very good and then we'll just come straight up through here oh man that was that was a pretty perfect line wasn't it crap and then we'll come back over here and do a bit like that oh actually can't get in there I'll just do it like that rest of these we will also come out of the side just like so just so it lines up nice and what I want to do is provide an area where we've got some space but also some areas that we could go through and paint in some grass or stuff like that one other nice thing about doing it this way is we also provide ourselves with an opportunity to come in and place more things down for example if this area right here this is the only area that you need for riding or driving something like that well then then I could just come in with some dirt or gravel or something like that and draw it in bam look at that yeah this is looking pretty good though this also gives me a few other ideas for example look at this it's looking pretty good actually I'm gonna come right here I feel like a silo would work really well right here maybe something big as well oh let's take a look and see well not exactly what I think of when I think of big Silo but this is a pretty okay place for it I guess maybe we'll line it up and put it here maybe we just put it like right here yeah actually right there would be pretty good I am got it doing this also gives us a great opportunity for some trees yeah all right a little bit of bushes through there a little bit good look through there and oh that tree shouldn't have been there well we'll just zoom in and out it'll be fun so for here what we're gonna do is painting the ground but we're gonna start on the outside first so all this is gravel so we'll go ahead and paint this in with gravel paint in right through here and we'll even paint in right through here so that's on the outside first then let's see so that's animal mud I need dirt aha there it is let's come in just with a little bit of dirt and we'll give a nice outline so all of this looking good then everywhere that we see these trees I'm gonna come in with some ground paint so just like this no grass on it but I do want to make sure that I get near the outside so we'll kind of fill that in just like so and again this does not have to be pretty it doesn't even have to look great it's just gonna do it the way you want now if you want some patchy grass you could do that and just come through and kind of just click on and off as you drag around and that uh that could work it just kind of makes it look super random but a nice little area like that and then uh lastly you come through with some bushes as well so maybe towards in here in the middle I want some larger bushes maybe I would expect to see something kind of overgrown in those areas so we could do that and maybe a little bit like that and then lastly we'll just kind of go back in here with a little bit more grass and some color yeah orange there a little bit a little bit yellow right there and this will uh well it just makes it look good it gives you just a little bit something extra that you wouldn't normally have nice so for a silo it's not a terrible could be a lot worse it could definitely be a lot worse now let's go into our decorations and of course I think I'm gonna go with uh well I thought I was gonna go with white fences I think the white fences would look good up here but that's not what they've gone for here they've actually gone for these fences through this area I think they've used the gate as well that matches that um that is not a gate that matches that whatsoever but this fence does match so let's see if we can make that look great and we're also going to follow along right through here right where uh right where the Natural Area goes we'll just kind of follow this around just like that and looking good looking good I also want to catch some of these other areas like this Natural Area for example we're going to do the same thing we're going to start with Forest ground and we're just going to come along and uh kind of swipe back and forth just like this then every little once in a while I'm gonna put just a patch of grass it doesn't have to be under each tree or here there doesn't have to do any of that now that we've got that now we can go through with some of this other grass and we can start doing a little bit of painting or you can put some bushes down too whatever you feel that is a pretty busy Natural Area for sure then we'll just jump back into our decorations we will find the fences that we were using which I think are here and then we'll just kind of make this all line up pretty bam right there right there and we'll bring it straight down that way the Natural Area still looks good but we can have it pretty what do you guys think not better not bad there we go click it in I'll take it so I think it's gonna take a whole lot longer than just one episode to do all of this so at least for now we have our one two three four but seven Chads down plus a silo uh we've got a lot more rooms I'm gonna go find some more placeables and see what we could do to build a huge humongous Farm maybe we'll have some fun with it regardless uh we'll do that tomorrow what's up late yeah lead yeah this this is awkward I'm just gonna stop now good morning and welcome back to Edgewater Saskatchewan this is a part 22 which is absolutely insane to think of but today we have a job to do I need a Grassfield because we have had a modder set of something that we need to test and it is the perfect time to test it because I need silage yeah I think this field will work just fine let's go in here to this field number 12 and we're gonna buy it or formalin 19. let's go ahead and buy that and we'll get in here and see what we can do about mowing this oh yeah forgot I have two of these now rock and roll man rock and roll I don't uh do much Swan thing anymore but we do well we do have a really cool setup going on right here actually yoast sent us over something that would be extremely helpful when it came to swathing but we're not going to worry too much about that at least now right now what we're gonna do is we are going to mow this field and then we are going to bail every single bit of it and if this doesn't work well we're gonna blame Mark Thor because he sent me an update to the quick bail and and I don't know how quick it is I guess we're gonna find out the good thing as well is we got two of these mowers so I'm gonna run around I think I'm gonna run two headlines around that should work just fine and then we're gonna come through and hire worker on a few of these that way at least we get this field done quickly if I was smart I would have bought a square field but I don't think my brain has learned that uh that lesson yet so we'll just do what we gotta do all right to help us get this done and at least be a little bit um I don't know I don't know lined up in the line looking good something like that I am gonna hire up a worker but right there should do at least to get us to the other end there you go buddy now I've got one more around here somewhere found it on second thought I'm not quite sure that a worker is gonna do any good at this there's no way man well it's definitely not the cleanest I've ever done but I bet I could have done a whole lot worse he definitely could have done a whole lot worse than I did this way faster without a worker than I could have with one so this is the Baylor we're gonna be testing out today well not this one this is the quick Bell this is Oman Hub already this is what we're gonna test out the quick quick bill 100 horsepower required so not bad at all they're 24 mile per hour max working speed you read that right very cool there and it makes 180 centimeter round belts which is exactly what I'm wanting to make because less bills to carry around we do have a bunch of different wheel options as well which is nice we're gonna go with a I think redistan that'll work for us it says we're going case well let's go with case rear hitch I don't need a rear hitch so we'll just kind of leave that where it is for now and silage additive yes please because we are making silent foil color let's see what the Case IH red looks like ooh ooh they look very good I like that yeah make color oh let's do like a red crew oh that way it looks way too good man hey the room colors let's just do regular Chrome all right that's that's way too cool actually it's their black chrome oh I like this I like this whole lot I'm gonna buy it actually so here it is oh the quick quick bill we need to change the logo but it's quick quick fail and we're gonna be using this tractor right here I figure what checked her out so you're gonna pull it with right this is epic now because this is a quick quick pale I want to make sure that I don't have fast farming enabled so fast farming is off I'm gonna turn it on now you can see a little extra menu pops up there uh We're Not Gonna use it because I want to see what this Baler can actually do so let's go ahead and unfold we'll get it down dropped in lowered and we'll start it about right here there we go uh there is an extra bit of pickup on it which is nice but I do want to see can we run this let's run about 20 miles an hour now I do want to see can we actually run this oh my goodness The Flipper worked The Flipper work to put it on its side oh my goodness we're gonna do it again and get it out and Wham The Flipper doesn't even have time to drop it oh that's epic dude so apparently this is part of the next update that he's trying to get out I believe to all platforms which would be just simply incredible I'm certainly going to be swapping over the Baler that I'm using all the valley the Old Farm for this 100 check that series out if you haven't seen it already and and to say that Farming Simulator 23 could use this might be uh well I think the biggest understatement of the day this is gonna work perfectly fine so I think my next question here is gonna have to be what do you think of this is this the type of mod that would be extremely beneficial to you on your farm or maybe uh you think something like this possibly on Xbox or Playstation might be fun because the thing is I love playing like this but if I still played on only Xbox for example like I did with Farming Simulator 17. um I would still want to play like this but I just couldn't I think this is pretty cool because I love using mods like this it not only makes it easier but like this is this is what makes the game fun for me is doing wild and crazy stuff and and being able to to use things is like that's that's really stupid you wouldn't see that in real life no but it's a game oh that would almost standing on its hand that's awesome um this is what makes it a lot of fun for me and I'm sure there's a lot of you guys out there that would find this extremely fun so I want to know is this something you'd love to see is this something you wouldn't use some of you don't like hey let me know be honest with me I am actually interested to see how long this is gonna take oh we should get this out of the way real quick all right there yeah there we go got another way I'm gonna set time at times one it is 11 21 right now and I want to see what the time is when I finish this field just so you can get an idea of how quickly I can do this at the speeds that it's rated okay the time just clicked over to 11 22. so start the timer now [Music] so that clip was seven minutes and 30-ish seconds uh very very interesting uh one thing I did note is this will go up to 24 miles per hour max speed however speed that I was running uh it was just we it was a little bit different it was a little bit different I just had too much grass and one uh one pile uh these balers are actually really smart why am I going over here well I guess they can go over here uh these Builders are really smart so depending on how much swath you've got it's also going to be like hey you got too much I can't keep up and so for that back there 20 miles an hour was about as much as it could take uh with everything that was going at ah there is no room over here for this baler looks like we're heading back over to the new side now we just gotta find a good place for it and I think this little area right here might be perfect yes yes yes I think this will do it it's almost like it was made for it yes and we gotta pick all these bells up and at least get them in a place out of the field so what I've gone for is Mac trucker 921s auto loading Bell pack this is a 50 foot I believe let's see It'll take a look where is it trailers yeah the 53-foot drop deck trailer with the Bell Auto load I don't know how many it holds so I guess we'll find that out uh we do need to throw this thing in operating position and of course of course we have a phoenix at the front so we'll pick all these bells up and then move them I don't know if Bells will ferment while they're in a uh storage maybe I'm I'm actually not too sure about that I should probably go watch a driver 53 video to find out though all right here we go we got 34 Bales on this bad boy it is uh there's a lot there's a lot of bells on here I actually don't know how many I got this seems like a really good place to just put them down so we will oops wrong button we will do that okay aren't there some more over there 13 more that is how many we had so whatever that number plus this number that's how many we have yeah so good at math the worst idea I could possibly think of would be to try and get these to stack on top of the other Bales probably the worst decision that I could do about lined up all right let's unload bring them over here all right break them down but not not enough to touch just enough to where they drop right there oh [Laughter] that is never gonna be that good again oh and I created these for semi trucks too didn't I way too easy again big shout out to Mark Thor for sending us the update ahead of time to not only show you guys but also too try it out and see if it works and see if it passes the DJ test and I would say two thumbs up and we are back here on Edgewater Saskatchewan and today we are going to be expanding this field right here currently we're getting all the fertilizing done at least for the first step you see field 49 right here 49 it's causing me deep pain see it's located over here near The Sawmill which is perfectly fine for me and we've got a really nice entryway into the field right here you would say to yourself well why is that so painful DJ Gohan well because here's my field this is the one that's mad and right over here is this field it's too close so I'm gonna make them into one let's do it and this is what we're gonna use to get it started at least so we've gone for the JCB teles skid love this thing to death plus we've got in and out with it as well which should make things nice and easy and we've gone for the tree be gone which is pretty epic and I think we've got enough beacons I love this thing to them all right let's turn it on let's go go go I don't oh uh that tree be gone is is the thing at the bottom count too maybe it is it's it's just oh um um gotta be honest with you this is working way too well oh and I love it let's go yeah all right so tree be gone uh overpowered epic piece of equipment yep there goes that and we'll go better yeah I think I'm just gonna go first person with this it's way too easy man oh this is way to go let's get back around here oh yeah I totally forgot I actually have to buy this land I mean we've got more money than since but you know it's still a good idea to go ahead and you know buy the things you need to buy there we go also I hope that there's no stumps left around that would not be fun come on come on there we go and down here at the end there's really not much that needs to be done as far as stuff at the very end it looks like we've got this tree and then that one right there but it looks like overall I mean we're just gonna come straight over I might hit a few of these on the very very edge just because they're a little bit overhanging so we'll hit like that one which is falling into about a million and a half pieces there we go with that piece right there we'll hit that big tree and then I think it's this one there we go yeah that should do it yeah I think that'll work and then we've also got to hit some of these spots over here as well because this area is very very close to the side of the map so I want to make sure that we can hit this I want to make sure that we can get both of these up probably gonna have to there we go got it gonna have to get really really close to get both of these fields almost in line with each other I think we're close got a little bit right here we need to hit though all right I think that will do it directly in front of us and directly behind us is clear so we're good we got a couple more trees over here in the middle and I think we're finished up now that we've got everything done I'm gonna Park this guy off the side just a wee little bit just in case we need it again I don't think we're going but just in case we do we're gonna park it over there save the game because I'm an idiot who likes to cause trouble for myself so let's start here uh this field itself is pretty flat so we should be able to line up fairly well with the rest of everything we are gonna have to come in here and do a bit of plowing so let's go ahead let's make this level I think about right there should be good I think that will work and then we will quite literally just bring it across and get it real close that should do us a good job and now that we've done one little bit now all I got to do is click the side and bring it in just like that and then click the side and bring it in like that click decide bring it in you guys know to drill now that all that is taken care of I think the majority of the rest of it's gonna be just fine I am going to come in here with a soften and just hit some of these spots that are close by to the field itself just so if there's anything that doesn't quite line it up right it'll help us perfectly fine and it'll get everything nice and even with itself I think that's that now we need to plow all this now for the fun part let's get everything plowed up and ready to go and it does look like this spot right here is gonna be a big old bump is that a big old bump did I create an accidental big old bombing without even really trying to man soften yeah at least it's easy to fix whoop I am let's go and soft in a few other areas around here as well oh a lot of that's coming down oh man also do you guys see this after the most recent update for some reason it's like it's like I don't know a ghost trying to run around it's kind of funny man look how much it dropped goodness all right let's line this up I do no exactly how this is gonna line up so I'm just gonna go straight hope for the best and and I definitely did not get that one far out far enough out but this is going well this is good I have not enabled fast farming I thought that that was probably a terrible idea considering my past with fast farming and trying to plow at the same time and there we go one set up nice now we're just gonna do this over and over again until both of these fields are next to each other that'll work for me and now we made it our way all the way to the other side so I'm gonna try and do the same thing here this part of the field isn't really straight uh this is just kind of well it just kind of is what it is so I'm going to try and keep it then and just make it is what it is even though this part of the field right over here is pretty straight on smell like that nice I am going to continue all the way around because some of this well it's a little bit squared off which is totally fine but now one big open field just for us okay so if you'll excuse me I'm gonna take a little bit of time and plow all this up it's gonna take me a minute son mother 's parts are gonna be uh sprayed uh way too much and that's fine we'll come through and we'll figure it all out later I just want to hit all the stuff that's not and we'll we'll go from there we will be we'll be just fine also uh we're doing cotton why not I don't know how many more harvests we're gonna be doing I'm sure the last One's Gonna Be A swapping Harvest and it is going to take full ever but you know what between now and then cotton so there we go almost the entire field is ready to go it's got at least one fertilizer stayed on it some of it's got to oh I can't I can't I can't uh I can't steer there we go wow what a what a turn what a oh oh come on lower down there we go nice and easy sometimes the cedar doesn't like to oh there it is yeah all right cotton is going in and yes in case you're curious we will be using the uh the Colossus 7000. it's an epic piece of machinery and I want to use it so with one pass around already we take a look real quick and just see that is a big big field I could probably cut out some spots there we do have a few spots there and here that could use a little help I guess this is a good word to use but I think for now I'm just gonna go through we'll double check at least make sure the two runs around are good and then from there hire worker and make sure that everything else is good to go and uh maybe get a couple pieces of equipment and we're done well at least with the the stuff that I just set I also was able to find a way to make this out of the field straight very happy about that and we're going fast oh yeah now we need to go in here let's find ourselves um something to go along with this kid somebody say Colossus seven thousand yes they did all right let's go in we're gonna go with modify the will Brands been used in a think uh Michelin on here so we're gonna go I want to do crawler track but trips man trips additional lights we're going with all uh Beacon lights I think let's do red if there is a red oh there's gotta be a red come on oh this is totally red uh window tint uh we could go with the red here but I think I'm just gonna go with medium uh window shield Colossus 7000 yes please next time I'll take that window tint off main color I do want this to be case h red oh it looks so good what about if it was jet black oh yeah I think that's the one uh design color let's make this I'm not sure if I like that I think maybe flip these colors yeah flipping those colors definitely was the way to go and then license plate We're Not Gonna worry about anything through there uh money is more than I could ever have imagined in my entire life so I'm gonna buy two of these we spent like seven hundred thousand dollars all these and I don't know where they are oh oh they're at the store of course they are and the good thing is now we've also got an area to the left of our farm I don't know if this is the road uh it's definitely not the correct road but I'm gonna go this way anyway go here turn right and come in through the Sawmill this way we can park everything up down here and get ready for this Harvest all by Alonso look at that even the even that shows up oh that's so cool at first I was thinking that this would be really easy to flip but it's it's actually really difficult to flip and and it pops itself right back on its Wheels when it's done it's it's kind of too easy wishes which is kind of okay let's uh let's pop around take a look all right uh see it's doing pretty well how much seed do we have down in there ah we got enough we'll be okay and then our sprayer which is around here somewhere really you have to go through all these there we go uh we'll go ahead and park this up at the top left-hand corner of the or top right hand corner around there and we'll be ready when it's time to spray today is the day it is cotton Harvest day we've got a big old field of it uh is this potential Harvest quantity 4 320 liters uh I don't think that's right this one also says 50 I do it's it's a big field man I think it's gonna be a little bit more than that in the last episode we got a hold of our cotton Harvesters both of these we got the fast Farm edition of the Colossus 7 000 one of the most epic machines that we've ever seen I'm double checking to make sure that there's nothing that I need to do nothing too crazy uh it does fast Farm I don't remember how fast it fast Farms cotton technology real quick uh it'll fast Farm up to 39 miles an hour so I'm just gonna let that have it a couple things I need to do I do need to run back and forth along the bottom just to make sure that our Headlands are good and we also need to do the same thing at the top because these cotton Harvesters like to run do I have crop destruction turned on I don't that makes things easy all right let's rock and roll man let's rock and roll this is going to be a big old Harvest there's a couple other things we need to do as well including getting some equipment to collect the bills after we make them I do think we're gonna go in the direction of Hispano modding for this he's got a couple trailers that are really really cool they look great and they work well so I think that's the direction we're gonna be going I'm gonna go off on a limb here and guess that four passes is probably more than enough that's that was at 24 meters so this should be good plus it allows our Harvester to kind of spread his wings a little bit uh they got great brakes on here shouldn't have well too much trouble anyway oh we're getting close to the first bail there it is do I have uh Auto drop turned on I don't but I definitely should so let's turn on auto drop let's just go drop that Bell right there there we go so there's our first one down that was almost all the way up one side and we definitely had four passes at the bottom so we're gonna do literally the exact same thing here we're gonna do four passes back and forth at the top we should be okay as we make our way down okay I think I've done everything I need to do we should see automatic drop of the Bell coming up soon uh yeah this is working really well he's staying in line I know back and forth from some difficult time to say the least of staying in line but this seems to be working I'm not pretty good pretty good I've also hit the headlines top and bottom so we will see how this worker does uh they could get a little bit oh oh that's that's um you didn't drop it there bud yet you just didn't maybe we should turn off automatic Bell drop let's let's hire the worker for a minute let's turn off automatic Bell drop and and let's see if we can get this thing off of here uh huh there we go got it that was confusing okay there's one yeah we got another one let's go we're gonna have so many cotton bills well I did this I will never know but yeah it's fun yeah we're having fun here one thing I am interested in is what's gonna happen here going this fast with automatic Bell drop turned off it should just put it at the end and then when it gets down to the end of the row it should drop it I think whatever it's gonna do it's about to happen right now okay it's moving it into the back it is now made a cotton Bale and the front is getting ready to fill up it is going too fast okay it's holding it all right I have no idea what's going on all right this ought to be interesting right here because it is going to hopefully drop this belt hey it did it good job that is how you get rid of the bail yes great job oh that is not how you finish the row though bad bad bad Harvester so this is what I'm thinking about using the cotton tag 5 000. we're gonna go Michelin times it's gonna go wide tires with that satellites yes Beacon lights now I don't remember where they are oh there it is let's go with the small white one tractor gooseneck we're definitely sticking with tractor here main color case h Rim color black uh I guess we'll buy it sure and there it is so they're definitely much better options for having a lot of cotton bills but I do think for you boy we forgot about that part for what we're up to I think this will be just fun we could pick up five of them at a time and we could take them to wherever we're gonna take them which I think is going to rhyme with spinnery it's it's the Spinners where we're going yo look at this we haven't even been doing anything for that long and these combines are already cooling it or combines Harvesters also this this kind of is he really just like going left step right step really gotta work on their attitude a little bit come on now there you go oh yeah I totally forgot so the version of the map that I'm playing on is actually a non-new save game from oh that turned off the tractor uh it's a non-new save game from from when the map first was sent out for early copies and so there's physically not a spinnery on this map uh that's currently where my DJ go ham the YouTube is so I think what we're gonna have to do is is we're gonna have to place one down fortunately we have a lot of land okay so we have made our way over here to this Farm the new one and I'm thinking about putting the spinnery right here because I'm gonna put maybe some storage or something up there but this seems like a pretty good spot bam got it now we can do a little bit of decorating behind it as well this will work we'll come in here with maybe some ground texture something like that oh yeah that'll work good just like that and make that a little bit smaller and come in through the other side right about there uh we do have a spot right here where we've got to be able to get in there so that's totally fine and coming around through here yeah this uh this this does good I think that's already down yeah that's already down Bud could come in here with a little mud maybe for whatever reason I don't know okay right that looks all right and we'll do something like that we'll put a little grass down with it it's doing that thing where it's not uh it's basically pretending that it it itself is magic so you can do it for like a second and it's not magic and then all of a sudden it's kinda turns into magic that's weird right I feel like that's weird and of course we gotta throw a couple little trees in here just to make sure everything will look good that works right there yeah uh-huh and then we'll throw a couple of these in here just for keeping it uh keeping it busy all right that'll work at least for right now uh let's go ahead and take these and we will drop them in the thing is it ain't gonna sell anything so this is gonna be production money right here and the unloading is is actually pretty darn cool so whenever that comes out boom this goes up and then you hit unload again and then one by one they all go in ah it's pushing me out um okay so it's taking the cotton in but now it's full ish actually hang on a minute oh the dump triggers right here in front oh I'm an idiot huh yeah yeah yeah let's come here let's take a look at it real quick uh spinnery right there that is good uh see fabric cotton that's what we want let's go ahead and activate perfect and we're gonna upgrade this as well probably a couple times just a few times what did I accidentally just upgrade ah dude's missing some more again I don't know what in the world is causing them to do that other than the fact that they're sitting here dumping the cotton out but the other side's been fine I don't see them missing any I don't know hang on a second do you guys see this I'm not just crazy yeah it's just dude it's you man yeah why don't you why don't you just go ahead and get rid of that there you go that'll you'll feel better all right now that is out of the way we could take this put it right there and boom we're done okay let's go pick up a whole lot more of these things never mind dude Miss I'm down here and this is what I love about modded equipment like this super easy and there's just so much of it look at this we have this little spot right here we'll go and hit that real quick part of the worker on it nice and Boop got it oh spin around oh well there goes that uh you didn't we didn't need that anyway did we nope and then let's put this right here I think I can hit the rest of this in one go hired on a worker let him do his thing and this idiot definitely missed some but if I go now I think I'm gonna hit that guy oh let's see what happens go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go is it gonna hit no we made it we made it yeah man all right fire the worker get them oh oh no that poor Bell oh that was weird so everything as far as the cotton is done we're gonna hang on to these guys because it is a lot of fun to use new and fast equipment to say the least we're gonna go ahead and splash it I'm on that I don't use as much as I used to but I should definitely do that and here's our last run of cotton I wasn't quite sure if I was gonna have enough cotton or not for a thumbnail so yeah there's more there's more over there it's only five but there's more we ended up getting I think it was 20 Bales off of that field which is just absolutely insane and I've also learned that if I back up just a little bit more these bells will pretty much sell themselves before they even get out of there boom boom Boop last one's going in now I'm just gonna let that go go taking a look just to make sure that we've got enough storage in here boom boom boom and lastly boom all done with that we'll go ahead and get this guy folded up let's double check and make sure that we're doing what we can with the spinnery I think we're making clothes is that right or wool yeah fabric I'm taking a look at uh fabric can only be purchased on this but well it can't be purchased but I can't uh there's nowhere I can huh you know what we might do I might put down a tailor shop yeah I have no idea where to put this thing there the Taylor shops man in the game at least it's a little bit interesting on how it actually works I wonder is there a different one no it's just the one so you got the the thing in the back and then the stuff around the side it doesn't make for a very easy placement I thought about putting it like here because at least this would kind of work we put everything in um but as long as we don't use the tailor shop we can put it wherever we want and that may be what we have to do I think for now what I'll probably do is just put it right here that's going to at least get it somewhere where there's a way around it and it allows us to do what we need to do around it too this is going to make our the stuff yeah I haven't really used to Taylor so much am I no I haven't so taking a look real quick spinnery is Distributing perfect that's what we want and the tailor shop will take that in which we should probably activate and maybe upgrade a few times we'll do that once more okay one more time there we go and that should be good and then I'm going to sell the clothes speaking of clothes I should probably go find some clothes from the last update to Edgewater Saskatchewan it has been said that you can hire a worker on swathing now so today we're gonna try that out and we're gonna be using these guys we've got a Heston and a challenger however the headers for these uh well yeah they're really Challenger yeah we need something different we're gonna be going for this guy right here the AGCO 5200 30 foot but the swath ready Maps version I do want to keep this as a different branding just to keep everything going so we'll stick with that coat and we will go with two of these boom there we go now we just gotta get our swathers oh and by the way I've also got a couple other setups here as well we've got a few more fields that need to be done a couple in oops and one big old one at Burnley that one big one today that's what we're doing all right here we go we are all set up I'm just gonna leave this one sitting for now I've got everything turned off as far as traffic goes we don't have to worry about that we'll double check everything make sure it's good I don't know why I'm looking for swath dropping that's just what this does isn't it yeah I do want to change up our working uh position so we're gonna kick everything out towards the left side uh at least for now I think I've got crop destruction turned off I do which makes things nice and easy perfect so we'll stay right here turn it on drop it down now this of course is gonna work just fine and we can't hire worker on this yet I don't use anything uh like GPS nothing like that so we're still gonna have to run a couple headlines around I'm gonna do two of them that makes things easy for me however once we get both of those done then we get to come back through and hire up a worker and that should be pretty fun all right forget the headlines I'm set up right here hire worker oh my goodness it works you guys are awesome oh it's so epic I love it yes absolutely perfect all the way to the end and it should line up right with the rest well I mean I didn't start quite straight on but you know I mean it's there it's there it works it works all right so now I'm just gonna do the entire thing in Reverse let's go and I'm gonna do a little offset on my own I know that the uh the pickup can pick up both of these at the same time uh if you do them side by side but I'm gonna do it here and my idiot dude didn't go there we go all right workers actually work better at this than I do and there we go everything is all done set up and we have hit our first step all the way around now I'm gonna take a chance here and hire worker up uh assuming that the swaths are gonna be close enough together to where I can I could do this I go let's open up that side all right I I have seen BC Buehler's uh videos and and I believe stream as well showing how you can do two of these at the same time beside each other and pick them up I don't know if it's possible or not and I feel very very terrified to try this I would rather just put it up and down but then again I'd have to do all the work and I'm lazy I'm also having a hard time getting all of this area right through here straightened out so here's what I'm gonna do I see this area down here at the far bottom that's just a little bit further out than anything else that's where I'm gonna start it's gonna take a little while longer to do this but I do think was going to be able to uh benefit us in the long run check this out so we've got the swamp opening to the left hand side here we're gonna find this turn it on drop it down I also need my map there we go at the bottom uh this is going to give us a good area so 90 degrees or 180 degrees so about right there yes please get all that on the side you could do it yes I love farms in physics all right the worker let them do the thing and then we'll go all the way down the other side and it should get all of that all right so this is what I was talking about right here the pickup I'm not sure if the swath pickup can get this entire area or not I have seen it I have some issues on the corners but no one else has said anything so maybe it's just me so this is what I was talking about on the other side of the field so we've got this whole area not completely done but what I've done is I've set myself up to have a perfectly straight line the entire way coming all the way up through here and all I got to do is go back about halfway and hit the rest of that boom just like so drops it off right there I'm gonna go and fire the worker this feels weird to say worker in the same sentence as this stuff so there we go there's that we'll raise it up and then drop it back down going through here and then once it's done all this then I just gotta go back and hard on a worker in a normal normal swathing these guys will meet each other in the middle and I can get started with the combine so now comes the fun time getting everything swathe up with this guy got it I am really glad I did not get rid of this because I was very tempted to get rid of this I said you know what what would BC Bueller and yoast modding want me to do and and well South Sask would just tell me so what don't do that what's up y'all so not quite sure how I want to do this I think I'm going to either start on one side or the other oh I forgot this combine is fast it is very fast how about we start over here that'll work just fine we've got our header we'll go ahead and unfold the combine harvester as well we will enable fast farming um but I don't think we're gonna go crazy fast we'll set it at 30 for now and we'll just kind of see what happens here I do want straw swath to be enabled and it is and so now we can go through and pick all of this up and we should have a straw swap drop out the back and it does perfect and we could come through here and we're bouncing all right let's let's bring that down to about 24. we're still getting bouncing good quite a bit of Bounce it will be nice if the header weighed about 10 times more than that so it wouldn't bounce so much but I guess what are you gonna do right what do you got to do I'm gonna try and go through and pick up all of this but you can see how these swaths are this size I don't think we're gonna have a fun time picking up their swath in the middle and we are done with round number one and we are pretty full man uh right now we're sitting at was that 66 000 liters goodness gracious what a pass what a first pass all right time for this I have my doubts I do knew how this is gonna go but it seems to be going all right we are missing a little bit here and there which is not something I'm excited about by any stretch of the imagination however uh this is working pretty darn well and anything that's missed was going to be very minuscule at best it is going to take a little bit of practice and a little bit of take to be able to do this but I think we got it is this the way you guys do it let me know one thing I totally forgot about is I have to unload the come on Harvester didn't even think about it honestly like IRL it's probably been close to a month since I drove this truck class but fortunately we're not too far away again heads up I mentioned this earlier in the video but we will be doing multiple different builds over the next few episodes so just be ready for that we've got some grass we've got this you can see these humongous swats yay yeah and then we'll go ahead and dump in yeah please ah I'm sorry I can turn it on First and we are back on the road and this is about to get fun get out here get out of here go go go go go go [Laughter] all right so he'll he'll finish that up and and uh this guy will finish this up and I guess we'll leave just a little bit hanging out right there on the edge oh boy the swat's a little bit bigger than it should be all right so I got an idea because the swat's a little bit big so I decided call in a little bit of help from these guys I I really just want to use the Kubota one first it it's awesome but I'm also not quite sure oh yeah more in the big enough we'll be fine the other issue is I don't think this is gonna work I don't think that the uh drops actually count because it's just crop on the ground which I don't think can be swathed up the straw afterwards could be swathed up but I do not believe this is gonna work it's Not Gonna Keep Me From drawing though that's for sure can't confirm doesn't work crap well regardless let's make it work I'm sure everything will be just just peachy and we are almost done with it man yeah it didn't take a whole lot of long time to do this but it is it takes a little while I mean not too crazy all right so we're almost done here now we'll get all this done I missed how many times did I say done through there is that is that too many I don't know how many times two minutes you know what let's just move on so there's a bunch of stuff here that we still man I love the jake break on this thing it sounds so good uh we'll go ahead and top this off I don't know how much we're gonna get total but we're gonna get plenty I don't even remember if we've got any uh controversy Bakery flower in so that can only mean one thing yeah we own the Green Mill of course we do it's a decent amount though man I'll give you that much 418 000 liters that's a whole bunch one thing we're gonna do is we're gonna pick up all the straw that we've got because well of course we're gonna pick up all the straw that we've got and then from there I think we need to figure out what to do with some of that straw so if we jump in and we take a look real quick we've already got close to a million liters of straw and we're not gonna need any more than that at all actually we don't need any more than that probably gonna need to sell that and we've already got more money than we know what to do with so I got a game plan so here's what we're gonna do with the straw as I totally went past everything turn on my emergency lights coming through today ladies and gentlemen coming through uh we're just gonna we're just gonna dump it I thought about using the Grovyle DLC and making bills and selling them like putting them over a sell point and having them sell as they're being made um but I do think that might take a little bit of time and also this isn't working I'm not back in here and this is gonna sell pretty quick and there it is so we got 239 000 off of that not bad at all the other option was to use matsie's Grain Mill but I feel like we've probably cheated enough using that so uh we'll just stick with the 7.7 million dollars that we've got the great thing is this is not it because we have plenty more to go we have two more grass fields and I believe two full oatfields ready for Harvest so we're gonna be doing those in the next one and we are back in Edge one or four I believe this is day number 26. goodness gracious we are moving along man we're moving along today is going to be more schwa things we're going to drop this down we are going to enable I want to go fast farming and I I think we're sending it all into the inside yeah I got I guess so we'll be swapping this up we have I think it's two different oat fields that we're gonna be swapping today uh we're probably gonna have to do most of it ourselves so that is the game plan there and if you missed the last episode you guys will know that you can actually SWAT everything now so you can well I say everything you can swap through normal crops you could hire a worker that was that information was just wrong my bad all right let's see if we can hire a worker on this and we'll try and do it right here this should work just fine the other thing is whenever we go uh back um please hit that on the edge all right thank goodness uh whenever we come back they're probably just gonna fire the work at the end hire them again and that should take care of the majority of what we need to take care of let's see how the worker handles this probably not well let's go and fire it up real quick go go go go go back it up back it up back it up back it up pick it up drop it down turn it on and complete the cycle there we go all right cool let's do this one more time all right Rock and rolling doing good there is where we are at now we've done a full setup now it's time to go back and forth and again uh we could do this very very carefully but I think I'm gonna babysit this guy instead so the good thing is we are now done with the first build I think I'm just gonna drive and hit the next one just be straight over from here yeah this one's definitely not my field I don't think no not at all I'll tell you what though in 26 episodes we have bought quite a bit well not not the light Parts but we've done good 62 61 60 64 19. and we're done the whole field this one and that one and that one and that one actually just two of them boom and boom we need to get in here and we need to get that Harvest did I say that was it for Harvest I'm so confused all right let's do this can I jump that I dropped it I don't even know if that was gonna be possible or not but it was totally possible all right let's get everything unfolded and then I think I'm just gonna start down here I've got this set to 24 miles an hour but uh probably gonna go maybe about 20 maybe even a little bit less than that at least on these fields set this there we go good good good nice now one thing about turning with this sometimes it doesn't like to turn the best so yeah it is it just kind of is what it is and we got a lot of turns in these fields what I'm gonna try and do is keep it between the lines and see what I can do I also need to change this up uh just heads up we are on number 26 right now and we're only going to be doing 30. I'm loving this map but there's a lot more things I want to do on like Valley the Old Farm and things like that so I definitely definitely definitely excited to move on but I'm a little bit sad about leaving this one so there so we finished one of the fields that we've gotten done so far we haven't done the one to our right yet which was the first one that we swapped however the next filled down I actually swapped it and then harvested it as you probably saw it on it's been like three days since I made that recording so we'll find out if I'm right or not I think I'm right yes I'm right old brakes there we go all right so we'll go ahead and empty this out we got please thank you oh it's on an incline you know what that could definitely be it you always have to be careful especially when you're doing an incline like this yeah run it run on an incline you're gonna have a bad time okay so now let's get in here and let's knock out the second field real quick again this probably won't take too long and you guys have seen me do this what 40 times 50 times now somewhere around there having a good time over here having a good time I'm a terrible terrible comedian okay YouTuber terrible comedian all right we've got 98 can we done go go go go go go not a hundred [Laughter] plus I think we're like 4 000 away but you know what yeah I'm gonna bring the truck over here we're gonna unload this real quick because uh there's a few more there's a few more lines over there can I do this again can we do it nope hey there we go yeah and here we are almost done but I think this may be the last swath thing that we do so this is gonna be another setup that we bring over here and take to this place around here which is going to be uh over here tell you what I'm not on it today oh what is this place called I don't remember yeah this place the Grain Mill that's right we're gonna go ahead and drop everything off here we'll go ahead and take a look as well when we're inside and make sure that we are good to go that's a Grain Mill looking green Mills looking pretty good oats are going in we definitely don't have that many which they could be perfectly fine what a view as for the straw we have 837 000 liters of it so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna take it over here right in front of the Green Mill and we're gonna put down Maxi's Mill and the reason we're gonna do that is because well a few days ago something came out it was a American Silo mod God and I was like wait a minute I got something that does that flip it around there we go so it looks exactly the same however I do want to get these close but not like too close I don't even think about having enough room to pull in this side either so this will take in straw and it takes in straw because oh I can't slow down it takes some straw because I made it that way good now we're going here we see Massey's Mill straw right there and that's gonna happen fairly quickly so we're just gonna let it sit let it do its thing oh and we definitely don't want that to be spawning we want that to be selling how much does it cost no thank you so the next setup is going to be mowing that we're going to be baling all of that as well making some silage Bells uh we've already got a couple grass fields ready to go the two over by the main Farm which is nice once we get that done that's gonna be episode 27 is going to be a bunch of grass work then we will have 28 29 and finally 30. so we're gonna have to go out with a bang and I'm not quite sure what to do but uh uh I'm not sure oats and grass is the way to go because we've done oats and grass for this Harvest so maybe just maybe we end up doing something else something a little bit different if you've got any really cool ideas hey let me know down in the comment section below because we may do something a little bit wild and crazy for the last Harvest so because we have so much that we can do and so much stuff that's still left to be I mean we still have these same starting farm that we have we built it up a little bit but we never even moved I tell you what I could probably go for an extra uh 30 40 even up to episode 50 on this I used to back in four weeks to be later 17 I think that was the last time I did 50 episodes on anything I ended up stomping at 50. I turned Seasons off and then I just started playing again and having some fun probably not going to be happening with uh with this setup I don't think we're gonna be going past that and you can't turn Seasons off anyway so what are you gonna do there so I think the biggest thing for us here is to let it go have a little bit of fun enjoy ourselves we've got uh was it one two three Big Field four five five Fields I think right about that so all one and two three four five what should we do of all the things to do on Edgewater we've only got a few episodes left and I have still not purchased the main Farm the farm that you start with on new farmer mode where you get all the equipment and everything we have yet to actually Harvest this field let alone even by the land we've been so preoccupied with our farm way way over here that this this area I think the time has come where we should buy the main farm and uh maybe get the trees up flatten out the area do stuff that most people would have done in episode one or two well let's finish out the series and have a little bit of fun with it all right let's get a couple things set up at least for this Harvest so we're gonna be using a standard Harvester nothing too well I'm crazy about this other than what's from the Colossus package you guys know I love that pack yeah uh we are also going to buy this land that way we have it and we can mess around with it a little bit and have some fun so let's go ahead and do that Farmland number two and farmland number 21. a little over half a million for both of those but we still have seven mil so who cares we're doing just fine there's definitely better places to start this field but for some reason even in testing the map and pre-release this is where I started ah this is well what's happening here is that there we go yeah I got it I knew it would all work out you you do right yeah we knew all right let's go and turn everything on it's flax it haven't really done anything with flags it's been a few months since I've even harvested flax so uh let's rock and roll I did a little research of this there's nothing about swathing it but maybe you can I'm really not gonna worry too much about it for us at least this is going to be a pure regular Harvest going in we are good should we get some straw off of this as well we do that's right Flex gives you some interesting straw swaths which I'm really excited we are going to bail this up as far as I know uh we could collect it but I think we'll bail it just have a little bit extra fine I'll tell you what if you are using a fast combine harvester you have really got to be careful because there's some of these spots where you really can't keep a look around I mean I don't I don't recommend it very often but I think slow farming may be the way to go with this build specifically at least for the uh land in row I'm not even sure what you would call it the first pass around the outside I I think this is probably better racing terms than it is farming terms nonetheless there you go and then up to here and this is our first kind of breather a little stop and go oh and that's as far as we've gotten oof uh here's kind of the cool part so we've gotten a lot more done the last two passes it's just like a a down and over and then another down and that's it so this is a great place to hire up a worker especially going back and forth stuff like that uh however I'm not sure if a worker can hit all of this or not without causing any trouble so I'm gonna hire the worker I'll put them over about as far as I think I can I'm gonna watch them I've set the cruise control down around 15 14. 14. there we go makes it a little bit better so we're gonna watch this we're gonna be careful and you better not run into anything perfect on the way straight down no issues whatsoever and the worker will stop very cool yeah this is gonna be a lot of fun to go through here and delete all these trees up oh I'm excited so now comes the question of what do we do do we let this sit and and just let this worker go back and forth or do we behave and try not to mess up too much I I'm actually not quite sure what to do in this specific scenario uh it is much faster if we go back and forth but we're also very very close to the inside so I think what I might do is run one more pedaling all the way around we'll run to especially with large headers like this I always recommend it on big fields but I'm not quite sure what to recommend on this field so I'm just gonna go for it and see if it works yeah well I gotta say this looks so cool that's awesome so we've got a small little portion here we got a little bit there and a little bit down here and then this right here probably take just as long and then we've got this area which I'm still not quite sure how I'm gonna do that and then I've started looking at this whole area here too thinking well what if we went over there and and expanded I don't know man we got like three and a half episodes left if that works out hey it works out but if it doesn't then we'll have to figure it out a little less we're doing okay the biggest thing here that I have I guess I was not ready for this the flex we're at 30 500 600 700 right now but I would have expected about 50 or 60 000 at this point I don't know maybe I'm just used to everything fill it up really quickly nonetheless uh uh yeah so I was kind of expecting a little bit more I definitely should not have done that I should have stopped on the other side and we're done yeah we'll kind of not really there's a little bit more to go but we got this whole top half yeah pretty good uh 49 648 now liters not bad not bad see if we can do a little bit of a jump yep not bad everyone's gonna break off there that was a little bit much and let's let's uh let's start it right here I think this would be perfect and drop it down go all right so as soon as we get all this harvested then it is going to be time to come through and do a little bit bailing and I do love doing a little bit of bait so now we're to the point where I'm not quite sure which way to go do we go long ways like this and then up and down like this or do we just go up and down the hallway or back and forth the whole way I think what I'm gonna do is go down and back until we run out of room and then I'm gonna go up and down and up and down and come back this way and we'll probably I don't know end up right here in the middle of the field somewhere I think that'll work plus it starts us and ends us about the same place that we are right now so that is good higher up worker and let him do his thing now we just got to do a little bit of babysitting but I think he'll be just fine all right we've reset everything over here and it is time to get the Baylor rocket to roll in I probably shouldn't but I'm just kind of making sure because you know it might I didn't say it would be but it might and just so we can keep an eye on the comment Harvester I'm gonna go in reverse order here so we're gonna start on this field let's see let's unfold it let's lower the pickup and making sure we're on 180 centimeter rail bills turn it on there we go so this without uh [Music] um hey huh I do I I don't think that this works with with black straw nope cool so here it is this is the last bit that we need to do right there wabam and then I'm just gonna kind of follow along this that way we don't have to pick anything up extra later on perfect so we have 80 266 liters of flax which should be good for us for later on we really got to figure out what to do as far as bailing goes uh let's see here so here's what I've got we have the uh K brand salads pack Baylor here actually the Baylor that I used for testing this map with I don't quite remember if the back end of it if it will the pickup I don't remember if it's super super wide or not I guess we're about to find out let's go ahead and select the largest Bales it'll make so 240s that'll work perfectly fine for me let's enable fast farming because we two and then we will turn it on and I'm gonna see exactly how far this goes out so it does go out but just far enough we're probably gonna miss a little bit when it comes to picking stuff up at the very ends but this is working which makes me very very happy yes awesome all right let's kick it into high gear and let's make some big old flax square bales on this field let's go we're going so fast yeah all right now how about this part right here is gonna get it all nope did not get it all but you know what that's okay all right I'm going to go through and let's uh let's well at least for this side of the field let's bail all this up and see what we can get we are bailing at 42 miles an hour let's go man all right one setup done and [Music] come on how many bills do we make 28 not bad not bad at all I can't remember how big these are either let's see if we find out here uh 9 000 liters it's pretty good right how much do we make for those oh less than 900 bucks per thousand liters that's uh that's that's pretty bad that's pretty bad maybe Flex was not the way to go will power in numbers right I hope so man let's go ahead and uh set it up over here turn it on and let's get this whole area there's a lot more over here so let's see how much we can get and just like that we're almost done with this field there have been a few spots that we've missed but you know I'm not worrying too much about it and over the last little bit there we go and uh just for uh it's like classic measure that was nothing in the Baler Boop totally uh totally real 74 Bales so that's gonna be seventy four hundred dollars less ah that was so not even worth it a little bit oh boy all right let's uh let's go pack this away and pick these bills up and I'm super excited because we get to use this bad boy again it's been a hot minute we made the uh the red bells over there which uh funny uh we should mention that I'm pretty sure we're still in the same day in game I think we've only go forward what a year of the entire 30 days something like that it's whatever it is it's pretty silly [Laughter] whatever whatever man uh we're gonna take all these bills uh I I assume we're gonna sell them all and do our best I I don't think there's a there's an opening I don't think but I don't think there's a good Bell sell Point uh on this side however I'm pretty sure there's a good Bell some point on the other side of the map so we may be getting the Bales and then taking off let's see is there anything down in there there is not let's eat it got it why is the bell all the way up why why are the Bells all the way um there we go okay let's pick up some of these spells so we have 74 of them and I have no idea how many you could pick up with this trailer but I'm sure we'll find out so we've got everything loaded up now 42 Bales we're gonna have to go back and and get I think about 30 more of them however not bad not bad let's see if we go across here without getting hit by a train pull in here yeah it's one thing that I didn't quite think about is all of our uh all of our sell points for bells are on the other side of the map which kind of stinks all right let's get them all off here we go Auto unload boom right through there and then we'll pull forward and they should do us yep money's going up uh I think I think I'm I um yeah I messed up definitely messed up uh super messed up as a matter of fact just a little bit more money that's like 30 grand for the first run maybe instead of 7200 it was 72 000. maybe just maybe there we go there's that and there's a couple more to sell nice this in there you go all right how much did we make 37 597 bucks that's pretty good uh sold products we're actually doing well there too 950 uh six uh yeah we're doing uh I think we're okay I think we're gonna be okay let's head back and let's get the rest of these bails up and our last delivery at least for right now and then we are going to get a couple pieces of equipment together and get our game plan or ready to go for the next ones we'll come through here slow it down a little bit nice and then we've got the unload right there boom we'll bring It Forward uh yeah for some reason these bells right here oh not what I wanted to do where is okay uh yeah there we go and there we go okay then we'll pull it forward and we'll get the last bit right there boom boom bam thank you uh so good amount I have no idea how much we made uh 66 000. not not a lot not a lot not sure that was worth it look at this man hey that's pretty cool I'm gonna put this in here but I just now realize that I'm gonna need a plow so we're gonna have to back this right back out again and there's one more other thing that I almost totally forgot about too this guy yeah totally totally forgot turn it on open up the pipe and get this 80 000 liters of flax out of here there we go very nice hey where do we take this by the way I have no idea grain West farmer's market the train seems to be the best price but no thank you Green West definitely the place to go and here is going to be the final rest I did is it across the way did I go to the wrong place again man oh I wonder if I can get through here without the train hitting me I can't go there oh oh there's a Crossing let's see if we can go right without getting stuck uh the answer to that is no but we do have yeah it doesn't really care it just says let's go bye-bye hey dig it through okay so we ate uh 80 000 that's not too bad we're getting over 2 000 per thousand liters so it's gonna be about 160 Grand it's pretty good I haven't really had to worry too much about money recently so this is uh this is definitely one of those things actually you know what I'm gonna try and do this in here we might have enough room I'm I'm actually not sure this thing hit the top or it may dump it all out before it even gets a chance all right there you go so uh 220 000 I did my math wrong somewhere that's that's a good amount of money so this is our ragtag team of Warriors we've got the red JCB we've got a big plow right here and we're gonna have to get rid of some of these trees now I'm probably just gonna go through and do what I do you know what I'm you know what I'm saying so I'm probably gonna go in and just hit delete on the trees there are a bunch of them and if we come in here and take a look that they're everywhere now some of these right here we could keep not a big deal but as we come over here for example if we can reset all these all of these and let's go and buy that buy that and by that I'm gonna transform this entire area into one big old field and you know what it's gonna be a lot of fun and we are back here on Edgewater Saskatchewan today is going to be a clearing day we are going to be clearing out the fields that we've got of trees we're gonna be using the F12 mod or the easy Dev controls and we're going to be deleting them yes we could go through and do it the long way but we got stuff to do once we get those trees down then we're gonna go through and we're going to fill in the ground where we've got all of these little uh rivers and streams rolling through we need to do that now we're only hitting a specific area we're going with field number seven 50 51 and field one so it's uh well not that part but the rest of this we're gonna turn it into a big old rectangle field and then that uh should just about do us at least for right now so let's get to work first things first let's go into the F12 mod let's find our delete stuff there we go and it is uh delete key delete objects key should be able to just delete a few things around but some of these bits we don't need to delete so we're going to find the river right here it is and then we just kind of delete everything on on the other side of it so like right here that'll come over good good good so this stuff this has gotta go let's see if we can line it up with it I've got my delete key is it the end key I can never remember it is it is in the life of these trees we could probably get 100 200 000 just from trees but uh yeah we're not doing that why don't why don't we come up with a game plan I'm gonna go all over the place otherwise all this stuff is good so pretty much everything north of this let's gotta go man end it oh yeah oh there's another one end it yeah I can do this all day let's go Okay so we've gotten a couple areas done nothing too crazy yet we've still got this area right here there's no more to do over there that one and well over there is gonna take some time so let's fall back to the ground and let's get back to work nice okay so there is that these trees are all cleared now ready to go uh let's see I do want to kind of take a look real quick just to see if there's anything else we could possibly do but I do want to leave at least the main farm right here I want to leave this intact so you know when you come through or whatever you were like oh yeah that's that's exactly where I'm supposed to be this uh this drain though that's probably gonna gonna have something done with it I wonder if I could delete that you know what I probably could but I'll cause problems let's let's just go through and get all of these spots Deleted things are going good so we've got almost everything done up but here's the thing we we've got basically a line straight through right here this whole area's gotta go but it's gonna stay left of this so I'm gonna try my best here to uh I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do a good job with this let's just delete some of them and we'll figure it out let's go straight on that one that one looks good uh this one's gotta go yep delete that I think those are those are probably good let's delete that one uh and then another couple of these yeah yeah and these are probably okay but I'm gonna delete them anyway because I don't trust myself okay is it good oh that was not good at all was it oh oh I'm over here now huh I did not do good with that yeah definitely did not do a good job with that at all quite a few of these trees need to get going so here's what I'm gonna do instead I'm gonna come through with like some kind of paint gravel will actually work I think coming through here just draw like a straight edge line and anything to the right of this has got to go and then we'll just plow it up later so it turns out there's a lot more that needs to be done that I did not do some of this stuff is just a little bit too close so uh we will delete some of those things that are a little bit too close couple of those were all right that one is totally not all right this one's definitely not all right as well nothing there Boop we'll get that done and this one and a couple more that should be good right there that's real be fine and those are on the other side of the fence so now we just gotta hit everything on this side of that line is there anything in here nope we're good okay let's just delete all this and we'll be good to go this might be the last tree um I think that's it yeah one thing I did notice is this ground is super super high so it may not be that fun to harp do anything with that so we may want to come through and flatten that area out just a little bit but uh we're gonna have to go through and flatten out quite a few areas so let's make it happen I'm gonna go ahead and save the game there we go and let's do this let's figure out where we're gonna start at first I think maybe near the road might be a good spot to start off with and what we'll do is we will take this and just kind of flatten it out all the way we'll go to Landscaping we'll go to our level and then about squared off just about like so bring it over yeah this is looking good some of it's not not exactly the way I wanted it to be but you know what it'll be okay make this a little bit bigger that way when we hit a larger area and then we'll come through just a little bit right there we are gonna have to flatten that out but you know what we're gonna have to flatten out the entire area so let's just go through here oh boy wrong button we'll come through again I'm just gonna click in and then drag in click on an area of the field near it and then drag it in and then drag over off the field drag it in we're gonna have to plow all this up so really doesn't matter too much and the reason I'm clicking into a part of the field that is beside or near it is just because here we go we'll go into a circle this will be maybe a little bit better yeah a little bit smaller the reason I'm doing it like this is so that we get the area in the ground area near and around it so whenever we come through everything goes completely flat from side to side but whenever the terrain undulates let's say down far their own if it's a little bit lower well then for that area we can easily just go in and smooth it out use the smoothing feature cool so here is going to be another one of those interesting spots what we need to do is we need to go straight across just about like that that's good okay okay and then we're gonna have to get this up this area right here high enough where we can just put a fence across and be good the good thing is they use base game fences with this stuff so it makes our job a little bit easier so we've been able to do some of it but we've still got quite a bit more including all the areas on the other side of this right over here let's see if we can follow this down what do you call that Downstream I guess let's see we'll go ahead and hit this bring those parts up nice this is looking good it's looking good bring it all the way into there and then that way we could just plow this way here we go okay all of that is flat down now this I'm not quite sure what I want to do with that so we're just gonna put it underground for now there you go all right we'll come over here and we'll pretty much do exactly the same to bring this part up so that we keep some of the water like the the water feature there but this area we don't really have to worry about it and we're done we've gotten all the areas done let's come through here see if we can find out yeah so all of this cultivated quote unquote land yeah you could see the areas around that we've messed with so now is gonna be a big time oh yeah uh save the game real quick you don't want this to go Haywire no one man will uh I need to find a place so let's come up uh maybe at the main Farm down here yes the bottom of this I'm going to go through and we are going to smooth all this out so not only at the end of it will we have a nice smooth field that'll be very pleasurable or Pleasant at least to uh Harvest but we'll also have a nice even field when it comes to all of these new areas and I'm guessing uh that this smoothing feature is going to do a lot of work oh yeah look at that it's already going down it's gonna do a lot of work right here let's see coming through oh yeah yep yep yep yep yep that is that is doing some work very cool very cool all right I gotta hit all of this it's gonna take some time but literally all I'm doing is going through and smoothing so if you are playing along at home well this is all I'm up to so there you go and done ish uh one other thing that we need to do is I'm gonna go through and I'm gonna set everything to put a plowed State this is going to help us a little bit by plowing up some of the areas that we haven't uh I'll finish that oh that is that is not flat that is not flat at all that is right behind us too isn't it Landscaping soften um I mean it's kind of flattening it out there we go okay yeah a little bit a little bit I'd not hit ground level on all this stuff yet I've been like way up here and I've been going back and forth for a little bit a little bit time set at zero but that has felt like forever uh maybe I should get down a little bit more um I mean yeah looks great now ah everything's just fine all right I'm gonna set all of these to a plowed state so the very first thing is Bill number seven let's go through set here filled ground cultivated plowed yes there we go so that'll increase all this so now we got to do is go through and plow that up that makes that easy the next one is going to be this plot over here plot number 50 will drop down who's this 50 setfield ground plowed yes so there we go that takes care of a few more for us we've got one right here and then one around to the other side set this to plowed please bam got it and then one more this one right here and then all we gotta do is go through and plow up those little small areas around it boom wrong one set filled ground plowed yes all right I need a big plow I mean that would work but I don't uh yeah I'm not I'm not quite sure this is this is just not gonna be big enough right we it's gonna take a while oh what it will be good for however is going to be getting everything nice and evenly organized oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll drop it down we're turn on create Fields we'll go right into this area and then taking it easy taking it easy nice nice nice right to this point right there awesome and we'll come through a little bit on the sides here just kind of join up these parts that are a little bit jaggedy I know that those are very difficult to do especially when you are trying to create fields in uh Giants editor so kind of go down through here trying to make this as nice as possible and then we will continue our way around so this goes from here and then spin it round through there very cool very cool all right I'm not gonna mess with the rest of that because this works perfectly fine what I need is this area down here between why are the lights on there we go I need this area right here don't need to go crazy with it drop it down go simple right now with cruises set at 42. let's see if we can bring this down to like three three works for me take it easy take it easy oh that was not fun easily nice just working there's a drop off down through here though uh that ain't gonna work very well for me let's jump back into Landscaping let's go to the level and then I'm just gonna level this out to about there yeah that should work fine and we'll bring it all the way in as well okay that works and then we will go with a very very big soften tool just like so now hire the worker back again I'll say hire the worker I don't think you could hire the worker not on this quite a bit oh it's so slow I think we could probably speed it up just a little bit and and connected yeah all right next spot is up here and again I don't know if I can hire a worker on this or not I think it would work well man it would make this so much easier oh I forgot to repaint this in oh let's go in and repaint this in real quick uh Landscaping painting forced ground no that was not at all grass yes this is it I think yeah this this will work just fine then we come in and put grass down on it later or we could do it now yeah that'll work too yeah look at this you can't even tell that I did anything now oh it's so much easier look at this yeah yeah yeah boom boom boom boom coming through I don't know why I'm doing it like that this is way faster come through gonna hit the field there it is all right sweet so let's line this up just so drop it down we're at six miles an hour can I hire the worker now the answer to that would be negative so we need to draw this out all the way to the road that's gonna be tricky pretty much all of the fields on here have a rounded corner so we're not going to give it a uh a very very Square corner just kind of take this easy turn it around right there on our on ourselves oh got a little bit close actually way too close to the edge but we got it lined up almost perfect okay there we go let's see if there's any more spots around I think there's a few we'll take a look at those real quick so we've plowed up everything you can see all the way through there but we still need to hit this spot and we still need hit this spot and this one so three more bring it down turn it on enable create fields let's see if we can keep this about as straight as possible if we can keep this up nope messed it up laughs I did not do a good job there that's what I did got another one right here I didn't mess this one up that is that is the way I found that come through there there we go very good very good actually as a matter of fact there's one little spot right here that actually hasn't plowed itself up I'm gonna gun it and see if I mess anything up but I think I'll be okay there we go sweet it's like only one more right found it yep one more this is it right here this is the last spot and then well like then I get to plow all that up but I think I'm gonna use a different plow mod because this will take forever otherwise drop it down turn on the cruise control and just go straight that's all you gotta do just go forwards it's gonna hit me a little bit of a hiccup spot right through there yep drops down just slightly however boom line it up not pretty but it works so now it's going to be the long arduous process of getting every little bit of all this plowed up and all of this as well just double checking to make sure we hit it all I think we did yeah yeah we did we're good we're good uh there are other plow mods but will this do it it says that it will but I'm not quite sure 370 to 330 that's 22 meters and 26 meters respectively well what are we if if not crazy people so let's go with no attacher uh main color is going to be a case-age red uh also I should probably do this real quick this plow needs to be reset so let's drop it pull forward find ourselves and relocate now save the spot that we are just like so that'll work fine and then get that plow this was a lease I did not purchase it and evidently I can't pick it up that way we may need a bigger a bigger weight in the front as well but this has got plenty of powers like 800 and some horsepower so technically this shouldn't be a problem um literally this might be a problem it's an all-platform mod it's very cool we'll go ahead and turn on create fields and we'll go and lower it down there we go all bets please lower there it is and as we go I've got all right so that might have been a little bit too easy yeah it's working all right man that is working way too good so if you guys are are running anything definitely check out this plow and definitely definitely use this tractor specifically and uh and with with purpose that's that's just way too easy I love this so much let's go man every bit of it plow up the fields we're getting closer only a couple little spots left to go I'll say a little uh there's some they're bigger spots but you can see look how much we've done we've got to do this bit right here but that is it and then we've turned this entire area which we could have done more I don't I don't think I can mentally I don't think I could do more I think this is about this is about as much as I can get man uh so we're gonna finish this up and then this will be ready for planting and we'll be ready to get started with the final harvesting stuff of the uh season now I'm not quite sure let's see the season the entire series I'm not sure what we're gonna do someone said sugar cane it was a terrible idea we may try it anyway I'm not sure for now let's get this stuff this is it right here this is the very last bit I wanted to bring you guys along because this has been one heck of a process and I I couldn't have done it without you done Eric what is what is this there's a little spot over here what what what is this probably nothing zoom out I see nothing nothing appearing and we've already passed it cool so the next bit that we need to do is fertilizing to handle this I have got a tractor for it around here somewhere found it boom let's go uh this is a liquid fertilizer plant the good thing is now this field is set the way it is we can actually just hire worker on this and probably be okay for the most part I am gonna run probably one if not two complete Headlands all the way around but this will allow us to pretty much yep your face needs to unfold uh this will allow us to get some other stuff done while we do it I could probably also use something bigger than this that doesn't take this long but I've gone literally for was it 27 28 episodes now spraying and so spraying it is all right looking good looking good I also like that I can uh oh yeah oh ah don't know what just happened there oh sweet was the last thing I got in awesome uh it is just going going going uh the all-wheel drive at 40 miles an hour it's a little bit dangerous because every time it tries to correct it goes wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah we don't want that uh it is it is missing a few spots here and there getting its wig alone also I do need to go through and fix some of the bits in this fence some of them are not the way I want them to be but the good thing is now huge field hire worker let them do their thing and he stops well usually way far enough in advance that time the answer to that was no no he did not good job idiot we'll bring it back here I'm not gonna try and get the whole thing man this is a big field let's see if we can line this up roughly on the money there it is this is why I try and get the outside straight so this first uh Headland or or outer ring whenever you're doing this it's a little bit easier first pass is completed nice now I have noticed that there are some spots that it really does not like to uh do I guess so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start at the very last bit of a long straight so I'm gonna go up here to the top left hand corner this and then I'm going to kind of go in a reverse order just like that and then hire worker here and then that worker should do all of this at that point it may be a good time for me to go edit this video because it's gonna take forever all right looking good we are on our very last little uh stent right here and before it gets to the full width there we go we'll just fire the worker and bring him around bring it right here and hire worker sweet uh this is gonna take a little while but to keep this from doing weird all-wheel drive stuff I'm just gonna just gonna set them on like 30 miles an hour this is gonna take some time so I think for now the best thing to do might be to just kind of chill out and relax and really hope that these spots right here don't cause much trouble oh boy here we go as long as there's something in there that can be fertilized it'll hit it and we have hit the center point so we're good okay I think we'll be just fine the work will be able to hit everything one thing that we can do I guess is there are some openings here and there around in the fencing we should be able to finish these so let's go into decorations let's find our fencing I think well it looks like that one but that one's definitely not it uh maybe it's this one it is yes and we can bring them around there we go and complete it so all the areas that are open we're gonna leave those open however the areas that are not so open actually you know what we could go into the tree line with this one oh yeah the longest line offense that's ever been made we definitely want to make sure that we keep this away but bam look at that dude it's fenced in there's a couple other spots they're here as well so that's an opening we'll leave that this is not so much of an opening but then there's an opening over there I don't quite know how I'm gonna do that uh we'll bring this maybe through here we'll at least find an area where it is flat there we go and then we'll just kind of uh keep it like that that'll work yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then come around through here I think the fence continues the fence does not continue that is good information to know as well it's all the way around and then I think there's a spot up here probably those idiot number one already going back oh he's already gone back he's almost back already think all these spots good good good good here's what I was looking for this one right yeah bam this is the cool thing you could delete these fences if you want to but you can add two of them if you want to and we we definitely just added to the fences oh he is already heading back well uh we are gonna let him get his work done we are going to figure out what is going to be planted because now we have this field then we have another field here and then we have another one here and here and and here a couple of these gonna have to be sold I think that's just too many fields tell me what you want me to keep tell me what you want me to get rid of and uh and I think we're gonna have to wait until the next one and we are back here in Edgewater Saskatchewan today we are going to be putting crops in the ground a getting prepared for Harvest now we have quite a few areas and we've got a lot of money 6.8 million dollars so we may end up spending some of that uh all of this I have the crop picked out but I totally forgot what it was what's uh what What's in the plant turret down here ah yes canola this is going to be an absolutely ridiculous setup through here but the thing is this is only one of the fields that we've got we actually have uh this big old field right here which I think needs stuff yeah it needs to be fertilized and all that good stuff uh we've got some grass fields up here that are ready to go and then we have a few Fields through here as well uh some of the grass fields are going to be taken we're going to fill the BGA up so it's like filled I guess all right and then of course we have our green Mills which are rocking and rolling I don't actually know how much the grain mills have done though I guess we could Pro poke around in here and find out uh uh not much going through if I'm on oh probably would help if I turned it on huh yeah there we go all right so canola is in and we are actually gonna swath it I had originally thought you know no swath we'll just do no swath and and we'll be just fine but I do think especially with this man swathing is the way to go out and style it is so dangerous going through here hiring up a worker and just hoping that they don't hit anything I mean I love this tractor don't get me wrong we may end up buying a second one just we need a little bit of help to get stuff done because we're gonna be running not one but like two fields at the same time so uh yeah we we may invest in another one of these though we do have that JCB I do love that JCB one of the nice things as well is with this field whenever we come through to harvest it we can spot it swathers work with workers now which makes things nice and easy I am gonna run a two full rows all the way around this field so we'll go down here uh I don't know when to stop stop it good job and we finally made our way all the way around we'll show you guys what we've done so you can keep up with it at Harem there you go well there it is so this guy's good to go but we need to find ourselves on different areas so this is a good place to start because our main farm field the big one it's right over there so what I've done is we've picked up a few little goodies and it includes these guys so we're using the jcbs from the same pack we had the 4000 now we have the 8 000 as well I need a weight though what is this it is a 1000 that goes on the small one we got something a little bit bigger but I think 15 may be just a little bit too big honestly like this would be perfect but I like that better so let's go through we'll go and get these uh weights and we've got our Harvester say Harvesters or Planters over there we're gonna be using those Planters to put down some interesting stuff now someone had said sugar cane and I think someone else said poplars I'm gonna go through just in case we're gonna take a look and see if I've got anything that could be cheaty actually yes we have things for sugar cane and Poplar and they're these guys right here uh and they go with the Chrome X collect 900. this guy right here the base game one interesting I was unaware that it would do sugar cane but I guess that it does so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna get one of each of these and then we'll maybe have a little bit of fun with it so sugar cane it is I thought for a second maybe we would do Poplar but you know what I I no no thank you let's fill this up with seeds we can also fill it up with sugar cane as well but we won't worry too much about that we do need to select sugarcane though I don't even know if I'm done sugarcane yeah there we go all right so we've got that we'll pull this to the side we'll get everything else ready to go so that's one here's this the Harvester yeah it's a John Deere but it's it's all black it does look pretty good though so now we have the small task of putting some solid fertilizer down on this field uh this is gonna be so stupid I'm just sitting here thinking about this doing sugar candle this whole field that is so dumb but you guys wanted it so here we go it'll be the last Harvest that's for sure I got the solid fertilizer we will eat across it just like so uh definitely gonna enable fast farming there it is and we're going higher worker this is way way faster than doing anything like uh spraying for example so yeah we're gonna do it like this I am curious how this goes oh he is moving that Field's almost done well halfway anyway look at this not bad okay fertilizer spreaders doing his thing and I think we could probably man he is just booking it I love this so much we'll go ahead and cheat into some seeds real quick that way he doesn't run out but I think he'll be just fine let's uh that's what this yeah so we've got sugar cane selected which is good and I think I'm gonna go around and we'll try and hit around the outside uh because I have not done much with sugarcane I am not that familiar with the needs and havings of wantings to be done with sugar cane and then I'm pretty sure Jay Turk put this together so uh this ought to be interesting drop it down turn it on yeah that's that's about what I expected I think about right there there we go we will enable fast farming because why not uh those seeds are going down um huh I'm I'm gonna have to babysit this because it is uh it is unfilling extremely rapidly what kind of hitch does this have normal hitch we might have to put a trailer behind us to hold a little bit more seed hang on I got an idea so this is what I'm gonna go with I believe because it will hold things which is good um I've got a like a yeah that right there and it holds logs and stuff like that it's a very cool looking piece of equipment and I wanted a modded one so we're gonna make one so I've got it downloaded now now we need to find our XML which is right here and I'm good we'll we'll we'll be just fine here uh what I want to do is find this and we're just gonna put modded at the end of it uh and then uh same thing here modded as well even though we're not uh oh well yeah we definitely want that there we've got all of our description and everything and what it does which is great but what we need to do is we need to find the fill units right here so we've got a couple different unit configurations and fill levels and things like that it does look like a c this one is bulk and that one is bulk so we'll we'll go like not too crazy we'll do like a hundred thousand liters something like that that'll be good there we'll make sure we do it in capacity as well and we will make sure that we update mass and equal that to false since there's two of these I'm gonna make one that's just absolutely ridiculous so that is a hundred thousand uh that is uh what is that a million that'll be 10 million I think 10 million is probably enough you know what 1 million is probably more than enough we also have the liquid version as well I may as well just go ahead and make this a 100 000 liters as well we also need to check the discharge speed because this is going to be extremely just ridiculous uh there's a lot going on there so we want to make sure that we at least increases some so I'm not sure 50 000. did that 10 000 probably enough here and the great thing is we got plenty of color options here too so I think that's everything we need to do let's go and save that and we'll also go into the description version here as well just so we know we've got a modded version of that uh Huffy hopefully I'm so sorry you did such a good job on this I love this mod so much I just wanted to hold everything we will then compress it into a zip file renamed to modded Dragon Mods and jump back into the game and as we jump back into the game we get to see this guy right here even though it's it's not on it's not a modified so it's not linked to anything no pictures but it is modded sweet and here it is all right so you're probably a little bit curious on why I've decided to make this the weight that I have so this is a hundred thousand liters that's gonna go quickly let's just bump that up to 1 million I definitely forgot to change that portion and since we're all black let's just go all black man this things look so good it looks so good but you are probably curious why why there's peace we're gonna fill it with sugar cane oh yes we are going to fill it up with sugar cane let's go ahead and drop that front weight and we'll just kind of get this out of the way for now put it right here that way if I see it I'll be like hey why is that there let's do this I always get questions as well hey what's that mod you're using with the super strength that is power tools I have it linked with my uh my controller so I could just like push buttons really quickly and make it work all right so now we hook up to this and we need to fill this with sugar cane and I gotta find sugar cane found it all right so now we have one million and ten thousand liters of sugar cane total which is good this is a very good thing let's go ahead enable fast farming do the things that we need to do spin around here and now it will utilize all of the sugar cane AKA seeds that we have here not just the little portion in the what in the world is going up I thought I thought we had a deal where it would look like sugarcane the whole time but instead it decided to change itself and I don't know why we are about to hit the mark that lets us know if this actually worked or if this was a really stupid idea it was a really stupid idea is what it was it almost worked it almost worked oh you know what though I just filled it up with seeds and it's working now okay I guess it makes sense but uh yeah so if you're gonna do this fill it up with seeds not sugar cane and you'll be perfectly fine how cool is that oh that's awesome all right all right cool cool cool uh things are going good we are going good and we're probably gonna buy another one of these setups at least the front portion why does it do that uh we're gonna buy a front portion for our uh for the other JCB that way we can continue to do this I am gonna run three Headlands one at the top one at the bottom and then two more at the top two more at the bottom as I'm doing here that way we can line everything up nice and easy hire worker be done with it it is peculiar how everything just starts on like this one spot right here the thing is I guess at the end of the day is I split these at one time and maybe the sugar beets and grass in one side versus the other but that was like two or three harvests ago I don't know if that would have caused any issues I mean it's not causing any issues now it's just like what is going on man totally forgot that workers can't continue to work if I don't turn the stuff on for them while they go all right there we go all right I'm on a worker let me do his thing you need some goodies and here we go again with this boom it just kind of it finds a point and just stops that's so weird so strange oh well I do know that the hundred thousand leaders the seed that so the prod is going great though I'm having no issues whatsoever it's barely going down I mean we've used 30 almost 40 000 liters total at this point but we're gonna be able to do this entire setup without any worries I do know that and here it is another setup I have gone for red on this uh this particular one you know what I may end up going red on the trailer as well just to kind of keep it going we've gone case red with everything we may as well right main color case red design color case we're at uh good light gray light gray feels good and the base game great for the wheels benches does really well all right we need to put s in there and we need to put seeds in here although there they are uh 110 000 wait 110 oops nope uh nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no yes uh we almost got in trouble there man let's go and put seeds there we go one million and ten thousand let's go and set this to sugar cane goodness gracious I can't believe I'll let you guys talk me into this crap and we will go ahead and unfold the cedar here we go line it up actually this is gonna be a really difficult area I'm not quite sure how to line this up correctly we'll set this here hired on the worker I'll go ahead and unlock the speed and we'll see if this will hit all the extra bits here on the right hand side that I missed the answer to that is no no it's not gonna fire a little worker right there and hire the worker okay now it's gonna hit all of it this field should pretty much uh do its thing by itself without us there are a few spots that have been missed but you know what I'm not going to worry too much about it let's go back to this guy okay uh I could actually do this myself and there's not much more to do on this field either all the way over here big Big Field nice strip there and then we've got this plot here and then fertilize and then this build's done Field's looking good again uh we're kind of at that middle point where really there's nothing to do we're just kind of hanging out and Linda's gotta do his thing uh we have moved everything over we are lining that up and we are getting this area finished uh we do have a couple Fields through here like this one for example of course we have this whole area up here but I'm thinking maybe for the sake of time we sell these because I'm not gonna need to use those at all uh down here is good yeah I think uh I think this is a good lineup of course we have the two Fields here one here and then one there perfect they're getting close they're getting very close I think what I'll do is go ahead and fire up the smaller JCB that way he doesn't get in any trouble there's two passes left but I'm not gonna have these guys fighting over it we're just gonna hit there and be done with it there are a couple little spots that have been missed by myself kind of back up and let this guy turned around he's gonna hit me in he so I know there was one spot here so we got that I think there was another spot right up here at the very tip top yep right there that'll be nice and easy and then over towards the right hand side we've got one there too boom boom Kaboom sweet we'll double check make sure there's nothing else that we're missing around here uh worker number four is doing fine and this guy's always good now we got a lot of fertilizing to do we may have to buy another one oh this is interesting after I pulled away from the uh the the cedar the bit in the front actually thinks it as sugar cane which means I've probably messed something up somewhere along the way which is absolutely terrifying cool oh I didn't work for Fast Track 8330 he's completed their task let's go check on him looking good all right yay that's oh I didn't press the button but that was really cool so a couple things that we need to do very first one is going to be dude man bro right here uh we need to get him out of this field and probably get him and fertilizer spreader I think there's a sprayer up here around here around the corner somewhere but yeah we're not gonna oh boy oh oh man I forgot that sometimes when you fold these they they just don't line up quite right go go and you gotta go with the Kubota man I mean we're gonna take the logos off because this ain't a Kubota Farm XL on there the body color we're gonna go Case IH top cover jet black get it got it mine push button for the wrong way all right here we go after we get all this done we're pretty much done for the day it's just a lot more fertilizing I think we ended out the last video with this did we or did we do this today I don't I don't remember man the days are coming together I've been recording for an hour help the good thing is at least once we get done with all of this we can finally rest a little bit and I can take just a nice well deserved break to myself and we can get done with this uh I'll tell you what a little bit of a reflection real quick before we finish up for the day uh I have really truly enjoyed this map I have had a blast playing and generally I will relocate my uh personal game place to whatever map I've been playing on but I reset them and I could guarantee you that I'm gonna be playing on this map for sure I'm probably gonna start it with the basic equipment things like that and I know there's probably gonna be some people out there we want to say it well sometimes that just kind of make some videos for the channel and sometimes you gotta Play Farm Sim for yourself uh and I tell you what this is my favorite game in the world and I enjoy it just as much off screen as I do on screen so we're at a good point now here we go hire the worker and let's go ahead and take this guy and we'll get the fertilizer put down I don't think I can um I don't I don't oh no it's working of course it how how could I have been so so foolish to to think that it wasn't working obviously guess where my worker went he got stuck in the woods somehow I don't know how uh and I also don't know where I've been other than my tracks so I'm trying to keep a nice eye on all the tracks I think I've got 400 tracks on there I'm not quite sure uh I am hoping however on this side it's a little bit easier to manage oh thank goodness I still don't know what's going on with that other half of the field the only thing I could think of is that what two harvests ago one side was grass and the other side was sugar beets that's that that's all I got we might run into a problem here we got a good old buddy right here on our way can we do it ah maybe we missed the spot but is anybody really watching nah I don't think so okay I have no idea where I've been uh well just hire the worker right there and let them figure it out they hitting a little bit yeah good enough all right so now we can take some of our time and put some things away like this JCB why is the front open did did I do that oh the answer to that question is also yes I did do that you know I'm thinking about this I don't know why I bought these Planters or any of this I was only going to use it once I'll probably not use this JCB again but you know what it'll be really funny in two years when I come back and say let's go revisit our Edgewater Saskatchewan map and the cattle that I bought but didn't do anything we got a worker that got stuck again literally after the first pass good job bud um back it up back it up back it up okay I can kind of see where I've been over there so maybe if I if I come over there and hire the worker and have him come back over here maybe that's the answer oh I'm not hitting all of it that is uh fun I wish I hadn't created this field this field sucks all right hired up well you know what we're just gonna figure it out I'll get it sorted we'll figure it out um this map is going great a lot of fun a lot of great things are happening and it is very very very exciting I'm gonna come all the way over here just to check out and see what we've been up to there you go we're so high up I can't even see the tractor map looks a lot smaller from up here and we are back for the very last episode here at Edgewater Saskatchewan today we are going to be harvesting the two grass fields in front of us which will probably be done last way off of the distance we have a sugar cane field which I have a very very tricky and interesting way that I think we're gonna do that and way over there we have a big field of canola just waiting to be swathered so let's do it first let's start with the thing that's gonna take the longest which is this one thing uh with this what I'm gonna do is we're gonna run two headlines all the way around and then hire them up on workers uh for this this is going to be quite tricky uh so my go-to here is going to be the Heston which I'm loving hopefully I don't have crop destruction turned on I do not we are good to go uh we're gonna go up to this corner right here what I'm gonna do is we're gonna go down around over to the side all the way up and then turn it back around Ed we're gonna backtrack all the way once we get back to here then I'm going to hired on a worker going back and forth side to side then we will grab our other swather and start him down here somewhere and go from there that should get us in a good position to get this field done because we're pretty much gonna have to run this bill twice so uh we are swapping the entire bit of canola it's gonna take a minute in the way of like three other fields to do one of them is massive so be ready because it is uh it is gonna be a very very busy day also I think I'm going to pull back just a little bit and actually start here with this spot up right there yeah there we go cool right let's make this happen oh that was a little bit quick I've totally forgotten that these could bounce real fast man I tell you what it just goes down there doesn't it all right cool beans cool beans cool beans fast farming of course I mean how am I gonna get all this done in a 20 or 30 minute episode without without going fast you just can't do it man this is definitely one of my favorite spots right through here just along the the Waterway which I tried to leave some of I didn't want to take away the whole thing otherwise it's just a big flat field with a farm in the middle of it this is kind of like a moat he got a mode around your farm who there's not many moats around Farms get out of get at us I'm going through here I'm really trying not to hire a worker as much as possible I know that oh that could be so uh sort of go oh yeah by the way 18 million dollars I'm not quite sure what happened with that we fast forwarded a couple months and and like the the VGA is not even empty yet the animals are doing just fine they've actually reproduced twice I don't I don't know what's going on but I mean I like money money's cool you know that's probably from all that straw and stuff that we sold as well so yeah maybe this is so this is so ridiculous I think I may have to play In Like A Hard Mode in the next setup just to you know keep from it being too easy ah I don't think we all know I'm not gonna do that all right so this is the first time I've hired the worker through here and that is what happened the harder worker because they don't like trees hire them up on a worker again let's see if the well number one see if they make their way through but they may miss some through here uh-oh I didn't think about that got them again right here uh yeah these trees are just too close man way too close overhanging we can delete them I'm not sure if we should but we definitely can if all goes normal I'm just gonna stop again up no I didn't do it okay cool well I'm gonna finish the headline and we'll meet you around back at the other corner where we started almost to the top and we should line it up almost perfectly nice fire the worker quicker button doesn't work anymore all right so what I'm gonna do is try and line this up just enough to where it'll actually do this job I don't man I don't know how this is gonna work but the crop does seem to have gone over to the left side just a little bit and if we're not too careful well he'll hit but I do know that if we stay in line of hard workers on literally everything else even a sprayer and that worked perfectly fine so I imagine this is going to be more of the same however we do have to be careful as it were so I'm just gonna monitor this until they get to the very end once they get to the end I'll know for sure that this is going to be perfectly fine and we'll hire the other one and then the next is going to be sugarcane shockingly we have made it all the way to the very end without any problems and I should line up almost perfectly with the line that I made here hey with the exception of the tree come on man all right we'll finish this there you go all right now we can spin it around hard on the worker and get moving cool cool cool all right worker has been hired now let's get this guy the Challenger uh we could put it on a couple different spots I wonder if putting it here might be easier but putting it over here I might forget about it and I don't I don't want to do either one of those I don't want to forget about it I think I'll put it on the shorter side first that way it's just a little bit easier and we'll bring around careful what's up what stuff you go too fast like turning it just it's continually turning forever this does look good though pretty man fire em up get the worker going boom all right so now we basically are ready-ish done-ish with this field now we get to have a little bit of fun with this guy the big old John Deere now there's a couple things that I want to do with this uh number one you guys can see that uh little three-point bit that I've got right there I'm going to attempt to back up to this I don't know if it's gonna work it should and I want it to Hey There we go oh my my header fell down um huh yeah that was weird Heather you okay there bud I will say little three-point adapter it it it does oh it does some real interesting stuff sometimes so here's the next bit we're gonna do we're gonna use these little fleegle Tipper things because they hold a million liters right so I was starting to think well this would be perfect to grab onto with the back oh get that there we go and the pipelines up almost perfectly with it so if I select it and I select none and we fold it back up now I've got a pretty sweet little rig right here to do some harvesting this is I mean it's so stupid looking but it might actually work let's let's open the pipe and it is facing straight down nice all right we'll take the header we'll open it up got a decent run on the head or two man yeah look at that oh I did not crash uh that was uh um not uh that was unrelated yeah that's unrelated that's what that was all right so I'm gonna try and run an opposite headline normally I go straight down the side first we are not gonna do that today we are going to start here on the edge and go from there I just hope that this works all right let's turn on Fast Farm and go about it from yeah and it's not it's not working it doesn't reach it's not working [Laughter] I wanted it to work it just don't man all right well we'll back up and try something else we need to Tipper we need something yo I've got it where's the front lifter at or I think it's called tread lifter Trail lifter yeah yeah yeah yeah here it is I think there's more but I don't know if we have them installed we do we've got this guy right here the smaller version I'm not quite sure if that's the one to go with or not though we have an adapter trailer which again very small trailer so pretty sure that this may not be the thing to go for either and we have ey moddings but that is for older equipment I think the regular one the OG Trail lifter I think that's probably going to be the best thing to go with why do I have two so here's the big question is this gonna hook up is it gonna work uh it it might yes it's definitely not the answer here let's go ahead and drop the rear hitch then we have to pull forward we have to drop the front which for some reason uh spins when you hook it up to it which is so stupid back it up spin it round and this might hook up oh oh hi yeah that's that works that works now the come by yeah it's gonna pick up that uh little bit in the back and then we just back this up to it and pick it up like so okay you smell what I'm stepping in you smell what I'm stepping in oh no don't iron worker just turn it on ah still not working hmm all right so these trailers are definitely not uh what I want to be using for this whatsoever but if they work then that's great news Let's uh let's see let's pull forward yeah no I know we need to be straight on I'm gonna pull both of these what come on ah just do it lock the stupid axle there we go and now I can back this up even though the best backwards driver I use use my technique best technique which is whatever's going on right now all right we'll go ahead and loosen that up there we go if this doesn't work I don't actually know what to do okay it works finally we're good the only thing is it's gonna fill it up pretty quickly because this oh man and it's not doing it anymore what am I doing wrong I think is this does it just not work what how have I angered you gods of farming simulator I did what you asked I went fast perhaps from omotana the TARDIS maybe this will work I don't know I don't even know if this okay well that's dumping in there seems pretty excited about this trailer um yeah that's that's a lot of extra sugar cake okay easy now [Laughter] all right so this is what and now it's not working anymore what in the world has happened it gets a little bit of sugar cane in the trailer and then just says nope I don't wanna anymore I did but I mean it gets like what is that five percent let's come around here and see if it hits into either one of these trailers nope man whoever sugar cane would be a good idea you suck this isn't working at all see I told you it just wants to like throw throw it in there let's see we got 1500 liters there 5 000 liters in there 10 000 liters in there none over here as far as I know yeah none what in the world I don't I don't know what's going on I need help I need professional help but I need help I'm gonna try and hire a worker and and maybe just maybe I can make this work with workers okay okay that is working and then right here the worker says and then and then I gotta take over but it is working okay yeah yeah yeah man I'll tell you what every time I try and back up it goes uh all right let's see what happens if I do this myself okay we're good is it just because it was going too fast like is that is that a thing I don't I don't know if that's a thing or not so this is working now at least uh we we have found something that it will work with um but unfortunately the Tardis doesn't hold as much as as I kind of needed to because we're not even all the way around yet and we're already 25 full I may have to do something so it's still working everything's still good but the issue now is that it is dispensing slower than it's harvesting I mean I understand why these things go was it five miles an hour two miles an hour it's really slow whatever it is I remember doing sugar came to the first time back in forms of 17. I was just blown away with how absolutely slow the entire process is so is this working yes are we gonna have to babysit it that answer is unfortunately also yes I'm gonna stop down here right about yeah yeah there we go and then we're just gonna sit and and watch this because this is gonna fill up a little bit too quickly as a matter of fact and here's an interesting thing that I had not actually thought about um I think this has an unlimited like internal capacity for for sugar cane not quite sure and cannot confirm I am going to hire a worker real fast just to see what happens to see if they'll continue to harvest past 100 percent keep going man keep going what I might have to do is go modify the tortoise ax at least since we've already got it okay we're doing good we're doing good man this is gonna take forever by the way how's my how's my swather doing uh uh he has started on his own path oh we have emptied at a hundred percent fire the worker and and then this guy I definitely need to go put him somewhere else I mean I gotta see this though does this not look good or what this is beautiful absolutely gorgeous it's just I mean Perfection absolute and utter perfection so beautiful the swapping just how everything is lined up perfectly I'm gonna have to take a screenshot of this it just looks that good I'm gonna try and keep this in line as good as I can there we go that's about as good as I'm gonna make it right there Perfect all right ah let him be it's almost in line not quite but almost now we need to do something with this uh I think I may have to go get a semi truck uh where is one found it oh and we're not too far away so here's where the top of the field is and we made it well maybe about halfway not not quite where I thought we would let's bring it over and we will use this to relieve the forge Harvester right here bud right here just go ahead and shoot it all in there the thing as well is I don't actually know uh how much they got in there and how long this guy this might be a little while all right so it just ended up what do we got uh 50 57 000 liters in there all right so this is good but I need for this to work I need for this to work so the tortoise XL has got to to get his thing done so let's take this let's see if I can get this almost straight on right about there and then we are gonna go modify the Tardis because I don't have a choice good thing for us this is a really cool pack fuel capacity is what we want so this is the loader not the trailer that we were using but the loader so figure while I'm in here we may as well have a little bit of fun with it so in honor of mizomatana I think I'm just gonna go through it we're just gonna add zeros to everything and that should work perfectly fine like liter for example right here 200 000. we're like two million oh what what I am fairly certain that her mod also has the update Mass equals false but I don't see it anywhere so we're gonna have to add that as well and we do want to make sure that we add this to any line that has a capacity on it so uh like here for the two million yeah that's gonna be fun and dischargeables are never fun if you have to sit around and wait again I'm just going to continue adding zeros because I love albutana she does a great job uh but you know you know an extra zero never hurt now that we're back in we'll double check make sure everything's good lizard Tardis XL my dead noise make sure we are good to get we got everybody hired up as soon as we jump back in and then this this whole setup man this just this whole setup let's back this up we will drop off the trailer like so pull forward and then right behind it right here we will save that actually you know what this is oh nope nope nope nope toggle super strength there we go this is just gonna get in the way let's put that there and and I think we're good here yeah we'll we'll kind of put that right there all right now I need to find the tortoise trailer where are you I was about to say uh oh I totally forgot to change the names and put modded in the names crap uh this one holds 200 thousand it says two hundred thousand did I not change oh you know what I saved but I only saved one good job file uh save all there we go that that should do it perfect absolutely perfect we got it uh 300 or uh two hundred thousand that's the one that I want uh this one holds 1.5 million we could go with that but we're gonna go with the tallest one uh bkt wide tires please rain color black design color black room color black yeah that's what I'm talking about right there oh man all right let's back it up real quick and then I I need to figure out what to do with all of that we'll hit this got it it is recognizing it this is good and we're only going six miles now how about sugarcane uh let's pick it up let's pick it up okay this is good this is good it is putting sugar cane in I'm gonna hire a worker uh-huh things are going well things are going very well there we go all right cool so now I need to do that like one more time maybe we'll run uh two headlines extra on each end that should put us right where we need to be and did somebody forget somebody forgot the wheat and or barley whatever that was oof oof level bruh all right there we go cool you know sugarcane's one of those interesting ones where air stop signs where I'm pretty sure that Giants never expected anyone to do this and whenever they were putting it into the game for the Platinum expansion back at Farming Simulator 17. I don't think they ever thought anyone would be flying through in a black John Deere uh Forge Harvester with a super heavy modified trailer that's just been modified again on an American map of all places oh American doll I bet I just made a lot of people mad Canadian Canadian crap I'm gonna get in trouble for that Arna so this should be enough I I can't imagine needing much more room to turn around than this so I think we're cool I think we're okay and then I'm just gonna go right here and flip it yeah oh the trailer's coming a little quick and we'll get to about right here and hire worker and we'll go all the way back down to the other end look at that we're already at 110 000 leaders and I bet it's a lot more than that let's see if it tries to do anything all right real quick let's check on everybody uh you missed a spot but you're doing good I'm gonna I guess babysit this idiot there we go well hopefully he doesn't have any more trouble looks like this is going to be pretty easy straight forward the rest of the time there we go higher them up still doing good that's great and we are still doing good here tell you what if you ever wanted to have a time I mean it's gracious all right right through here we will oh he said no I want to play in the sugar cane it's not that kind of sugarcane Bud all right it's been around I'm gonna go ahead and hit uh two more inroads on the very end here back and forth and then we'll hire a bump on the worker and see how long this takes this is a lot of sugar cane is there a sugarcane sell point on this map probably should have looked first and there it is I am up one worker and let him rocket roll tell you what I'm very proud of that trailer I'm very very proud of that trail oh what about an auger oh that would make this so much easier all right double check babysitting time make sure everybody's good I think everybody's good all right let's find ourselves this and I think we're gonna see if we can hook up do I have the trailer hitch I do have a trailer hitch on the back we should be able to hook up to that TARDIS I missed a little bit back there oh we'll hook up real quick and I guess we'll go put this in our silo I'm not all right yup that's not what I wanted to do come on just get it get the Tardis yeah come on you know I had it at one specific place I had it there we go yeah I should probably look and see what some points we can go to so sugarcane we have uh Edgewater grain market green west north of course the train itself and then we could buy it at a couple different places which is noise I feel like we should do one massive sell for this so let's just go throw it in the silo for now oh look at this there's we actually have a lot of stuff in silos right now there he goes I love it man and we got a silo around here right around the corner we'll go ahead and take this set it can we dump this and not get ourselves in trouble I think the answer to that is actually truly yes wow that worked and then we'll bring this through we'll dump this I don't know how long that's gonna take to dump out yeah it's not super fast though I have actually modified one of these to go really ridiculously unloaded quickly not that bad not for 250 000 liters I messed up I messed up big time it's not what I wanted no no no are you ready bam oh yeah I love how it goes all the way around the farm right here where it just looks incredible right here you can see it just slowly going away and dissipating into the middle right there that is such a cool look dude absolutely super cool look I was trying to avoid this whole uh bit right here but you know what I think we'll be fine I think we'll be okay but the thing is we're gonna have to harvest this with like a regular Harvester should probably go get that here it is something I did not think that we would be using again the Colossus oh man is it an absolute monster yeah I need the header for it let's go and set that there and then we should have a header over here by the main Farm I believe right here pick up header there it is yes uh of course you can't hire worker doing this so uh we're gonna have to do this whole thing but I'm not no there we go doing it yet because I'm loving seeing this hole just set up of how everything is on this field I will however go ahead and set it up up here at the top we will double check make sure straw swap is enabled Sable straw swath that is good also I realized uh we are gonna spend a lot of time on this field I forgot to reset the headers so they were in the middle instead of on the edge crap taking a look here's the thing uh we are going a little slow and I think the reason we're going a little bit slow is because the forage Harvester is actually filling up with with sugar cane it's just it's not able to go enough it needs more power so the weight of like probably I don't know at least half a million liters of sugar cane is inside here theoretical sugar cane it just hasn't come out yet it's one of the really interesting things is the sugar cane or let's say sugarcane just forged Harvesters in general and farming simulator in the history at least have always look at the wheels there it definitely weighs a little bit they've always had a weight to them like a mass and if you go too fast which in the game it prevents you from doing but if you use the mods I do and you go too fast you can actually weigh it down because it's in there technically and it just hasn't come out yet uh I don't know how to change that but what I do know how to do oh this thing oh it's driving like it weighs a bajillion tons what I do know how to do is is give this thing a break and I'm just gonna sit in here for a minute oh I can't even stop I'm just gonna let it sit here for a minute and unload some of this while we wait on it we're just gonna go ahead and jump over here to the swapping which is almost completed and I believe yeah he's heading back that way I think we can get that whole thing in one one go we'll see I'm not I'm not so sure about that I don't know we'll find out I guess I could go line this up yo that's a great idea the hard worker that I've got should be around this corner right there they are and we should be able to in theory pick up right here and just kind of go see how's the width on there oh plenty man plenty uh should I go down and then come back no because I can only go so fast let's just line it up right about there that'll work hire him on a worker and go by the time we get everything done by the time we get everything brought back he'll have hit to that point and been fine this guy will be up to the end we'll already have it put away still going still going so a hundred thousand liters more than there was whenever we were back over here by the way uh we're at half almost of this jeez yo look at that way off in the distance down there straight middle of your screen I'm not gonna get back to the main farm with this before he finishes that this [Laughter] very cool very cool didn't quite line up but I think it'll work just fine okay so that's it swathing is completed I'm gonna put both of these bad boys up and we'll park them still going maybe I should just hire him back on a worker again you know what I think I'll do that although uh those wheels are a lot higher up than they were I mean it's still not what it would what it would be but that that that's working that's working good okay swathers are in this guy's good they've missed a couple spots here and there but that's all right we'll figure it out and some of these things we'll never use again there is one thing that we will use this guy now I do want to bump up just I want to look at this field one more time that's so satisfying I love it so much yeah but we can't sit around I mean this is gonna take forever let's go ahead and enable fast farming there we go and we are just going to go for it we will definitely be missing some spots and we'll have to get over it because I'm about to go back and forth like a madman oh no that's too much I'm missing way too much let's not do that oh this is gonna take a while isn't it yeah it is uh let's see slow this down maybe 20 was right maybe 20 was right on the money uh yeah well it's working and it's not bouncing all over the place 22 it is okay there is one headland one run all the way around that took too long that's how long it took uh and then oh I messed up some spots over here huh well that sucks and then we've got all of this too uh so we're at 24 000 liters right now in here um I probably should have uh pulled to the side and checked on our other worker I guess I could look at this uh he is working he is in fact doing his job um one thumb up yes it's getting heavy again I will say though out of this field is that okay Miss some spots everywhere but he's done okay so what I'm gonna do is uh we're gonna kind of give him a fresh start he's done half of this field and this poor thing is is gonna be gone for a while so we're gonna take it over to The Silo and we're going to dump it all out and just let him sit for a while think about what he's done we still have plenty of work to do over here so we're just gonna let him let him do his thing the happy happy uh Forge Harvester dude I'm gunning it right now I think this thing's got what like seven or eight hundred horsepower or something like that and I'm giving it the beans this is everything it's got which is not enough not even close to being enough let's see if we can bring this around without it trying to sell it anywhere else uh the sell point should be fine and I think it's the only thing that actually intakes sugarcane which should be good we'll bring this bat right yeah that'll do and then we will oh boy back it up back it up back it up there we go put that right there nice now this is going to jump out fairly quickly because it's even modified Edition hopefully the Ford shower stair will actually hit this it is it's just going a little bit slower that's all around 300 200 100 000 no hundred thousand and there you go and it's just gonna keep dumping it in here because it has more okay check up some prices checking everything what are we at now what are we at where is it where is it oh that's that's a lot of that's 2 million finishing up the first uh headliner now and uh we basically have man all this to go I don't I don't like I've been recording this video for an hour and a half already it's taking so long uh but we we still got stuff to do still got stuff to do let's let's just keep it going just took a little break to take a look at the Tipper and it's a 200 if there was a quarter of a million liters in this thing and we're back at it again hi the worker and let him do his thing all right where's my combine harvester found it go go go go go go go yes I've only I've only completed that much there's so much to do so we are moving through getting everything done I figured I'd come check on dude over here and uh well it's heavy again there's no other way to put it uh so we're gonna at the end of this row at least oh look how much he's missed at the end of this rope we're gonna give him a little bit of a break and just kind of let him sit in the corner and do his thing and then we've got to go double check only combine because I I don't remember where I was well here I am and that's how much I've gotten done is the uh two four five ten rows something like that there's so much more to do here you see we are there and and I've gotten as much yeah it's Suave is cool I probably should have started this much much sooner because this is still taking forever uh and we really don't have a whole lot of canola at this point either I mean yeah we're up to 116 000 liters but I feel like for how much I've done we should have a lot more than that as we make our way through and moving along we are 98 now with this bad boy right now and we're gonna have to wait a couple more seconds at least before it fills up to 100 I might even make my way to the very end probably not likely you know what I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna try it let's just go ahead and boom this out I got a truck around here somewhere found it let's go this might take a look I love the way this truck sounds It's So Gone bring it over here we'll go ahead and unload everything I I do have I think it's this yeah yeah forgot to hire that back on the worker again so we're gonna do that what I might do because it's at six miles an hour now it does seem like going way too fast might be a little bit much you know what going super fast is so much fun let's just keep going all unloaded ready to go 152 402 liters very cool very cool on a decent amount of this field as well gonna need to unload this a few more times though I've only been able to get a few lines done since we last dropped off but one of our workers is showing completed uh I don't think the sugar Cape Field's done yet what have you done you what an idiot what an absolute just idiot [Laughter] how did you think this was done and how did you get to here like what's in the ground preventing you from doing oh I don't know the rest of this what happens if I hire worker nothing you just I don't like sugar cane that being said it's probably a good idea for me to babysit this absolute fool so uh we're not only gonna do really you missed all that huh okay well uh not only missed all of this but I'm actually going to uh watch him and we're just gonna do the rest of this ourselves we do have some spots in the field I may try and get some of those we'll see what happens um yeah I got no promises oh here's one at least I can promise we'll get this one put it down and got it and then pretty much throughout the entire top and the entire bottom of both of them see both these fields it's only one filled uh oh get it all there we go got it uh pretty much the entire area through here look at all this that is just missed maybe it's just the Harvester maybe it's the combo maybe it's because it's going so fast any ideas that this seems like a lot to miss surprisingly there really wasn't as much in the middle of the field as I thought there was I think there's a couple little spots here and there yeah we got a couple spots to our left over there I'm sure there's much more in front of us we'll go and hit these while we're at it and of course we'll go ahead and hit the other end right through here once this is all finished up this field is not only done we are done with this field and we've only got the the one other one left to do I said we do the grass I'll be honest with you I I think we've I think we've done enough I think we've done it up and I think we may have to just say you know what I just don't have the time that may be what we have to do that's all right all right let's get everything folded up let's get this header folded and get this trailer taken back at least over here and then we'll see if we can find a trailer that'll hold enough to take all this at once maybe so now we need to figure out what we've got we have 4 million and 90 liters of sugar cane the trailer that we've got in the back if I remember correctly which I I don't uh remember correctly holds two million leaders who have 90 000 liters left we'll have to figure out what to do with that let's uh I don't know get like three of these yeah that'll work and we probably need to pull them with a tractor I'm not sure it would look right pulling them with well I don't know I've actually pulled with this tractors gonna look pretty ridiculous as well still though it could be worse let's hook up let's hook up to this one yes and then we will grab the very last one by unhooking from here because that's almost impossible and while we're at it I know I'm never gonna use this again well you know what I was gonna say I'll never use it again so just not I'm gonna sell it but you know what I'm gonna put it in here it is definitely earned its place on the farm it's just a little bit a little bit big a little bit big where is there it is and this is how you do it right here bam okay now we need to get in a position where we oh boy uh oh let's do let's set that front wheel steering only yeah that'll save us a little bit let's swing it around down here perfect there we go no more problems at the back let's fill these up with sugar cane slow it down there we go I don't know how long this is gonna take hopefully it won't take too long there we go um it's definitely gonna take a little while all right well that was a lot easier than I thought it was gonna be and it's pulling it a lot easier than I thought it would let's find out where we are going to take this now of course I don't have it in here anymore so I don't know where to go there we go all right uh let's see I think uh not that we need the money um maybe 74 Farmer's Market yeah that's that seems like so much I don't know where is this where's Farmers Market oh it's back that way oh yeah I remember this I don't think I've sold anything up here since what the beginning of the series it's been a minute dude all right we'll turn it here there we go we'll select the first trailer and we should be able to sell right here should be anyway um not getting the trigger I'll get a trigger what about for the very last one we get a trigger for then that answer is no as well um oh yeah I forgot about that that's such a cool thing I should do more with that that was epic all right let's spin around maybe if I go to the left side of the sell point away from the other one maybe that'll do it that'll uh that'll not do it is what that'll do huh well that sucks well take a look at it looks like there's a new sell Point that's just popped up go hams sell all right here hey you like that let's see let's jump back in this and see if we can make our way around there I uh I really don't know what's going on with the farmer's market I've had trouble with it before oh oh oh that deer's like I'm getting out of here uh we we have we have hit should we get through here I'm gonna guess the answer's no yeah I thought it would be no all right time for the trees to get done what's coming to them delete objects turn them on end there's one and I think there's one around here in the corner yeah that one right there end it all right that that's enough so this is gonna be the fun part 674 thousand dollars or liter dollars per thousand leaders get this gracious I'm an idiot uh what are we gonna get it's gonna be a pretty ridiculous number I'm gonna keep you guys here just so we can see the exact numbers because well because I have to this one's almost done right yeah it's almost done money's pretty good it's going up a lot I mean we got what two million leaders in there so that's 1.3 million dollars which this will be another what 1.349 I believe so we'll double check that yep another 1.349 God that's 2.7 million dollars almost gosh this shouldn't take too long no it didn't 61 Grand all right so a decent chunk of change for sure was it worth it uh actually yeah absolutely like it all the money we got for that which was the exact same that we were going to get at the Farmers Market not only paid for everything I mean yeah we cheated with having a different planter putting it in the ground and yeah we cheated a little bit with the Harvest but is it something you can't do on all platforms now plus of course I cheated welcome back to the channel so now we're back to the very very long process which is harvesting and I love you guys so I'm actually doing this but it's gonna take forever so what I need for you guys to do is just like hang out with me for like ever and we'll get this done shouldn't take too much longer it will it's gonna take a long time I'm just gonna put on a TV show and let you know how far I get as we come to an end here on this field oh my goodness I know I've got the time set at times zero just because I wanted to kind of keep everything a little bit you know that later man oh man has this taken a while I know we're going a little slow but I wanted to make sure we get everything and even if we speed up just a little bit uh we tend to get a little bit more bouncy so I found 16 miles an hour this seems to work pretty well you can see over there I can't really bounces too I've also emptied this guy so uh We've emptied it out over there and we'll see exactly how much we get off this field this was really not about the crop so much as the experience because I wanted to have something that was huge absolutely massively impactful and probably something that a lot of you guys have already done and I'm just kind of late to the party as it were so there you go that is what well whatever that much straw is that's what it looks like and and yes yes we're gonna pick it up I I don't wanna but I guess we have to don't we and we'll go ahead and dump the rest of this out as we go and we are done that is well the end of the that Harvest yeah it's it's that Harvest that is over right there's still more to go see if we can back this thing in here without bouncing off of the ceiling perfect nice so we could come on over here now big old field here now which is great I got this absolutely beautiful bit right here canola 314 000 liters not bad at all now where is taking canola is there somewhere that we could go hmm the salon looks pretty good green West yeah yeah yeah it doesn't look like I have the oil mill maybe there's just not an oil mill here um so I guess we'll take it uh yeah somewhere okay here we are evidently we do have a Green Mill and I totally forgot about it well it's a great meal oil mill I'm not I'll be honest with you guys I'm not quite sure it says I could sell here I mean I'm gonna but I don't need to we'll pull forward just a little bit that way we don't cause any trouble with this it might hit and go dude pull forward come on come on man don't just don't yeah things are happening things happen up the wheels just wheels are whatever that is oh that's such a bright light whoo all right 1.2 million dollars very cool very very uh very cool can I buy this place yeah it doesn't look like it all right well let's move along so there is one last thing that we need to do and it involves this guy right here one of my favorite setups I think we got this for was it the beginning of series two you wanna hear something like that man oh man we got it and it is time to go pick up all of this straw I'm going to start at the top corner and then we will just make our way around from there I don't think we're gonna be able to pick up three yeah that's gonna be that's gonna be fairly tricky so we'll probably just do two at a time again this is going to take while so hey just hang out with me we got a lot to do it's gonna take us a minute but we're gonna start right here boom let's do it after one full headlin we are like half a million liters dude there's so much all right I'm just gonna keep doing this over and over and over again you should have a lot I'm gonna do a little guest Arena here and say maybe uh uh 2.5 million liters see what happens well it's actually a little bit more than I thought we were gonna get we're at 2.88 million liters right now and this is the last thing and this is also the very last thing that we've got to do here we're gonna take this over and we'll dump it into the uh the flour mill the matsy mill but I don't know I don't think we're gonna need the money we got 22 million I think it's pretty good it's not quite there was a hundred and some million dollars so we had on one of the maps by accident I should probably quit using bgas and and having cattle because it's just way too easy and there's the field that we just harvested oh boy I am uh I don't know I was thinking about so doing something with the the flashes blue flashes I love that all right let's let's just get this over with bring it over and we'll be able to dump that in 2.9 Million liters of straw that's pretty good in comparison to how much I thought we were gonna get with the two point 0.5 oh so what a ride ma'am what a ride it has been on this map what fun it has been on this map I I gotta be honest with you I'm probably gonna leave everything the way it is instead of I guess sometimes I delete stuff and and I'm not quite sure I want to do that here I've really really have enjoyed this map I have really really enjoyed playing on here and and being able to do fun stuff and and have different fields and try new things and and field creation was a huge huge bit of this I mean we made this entire field right here on our on our left out of what was that one two three three fields seemed like it was more than that and they were all like squiggly and all over the place as well they weren't what big like that we had to take all the trees out of the middle we even built our own Farm up here on the right-hand side but most importantly we built our own Farm on the Left Right Here cut out some of the areas get out of here stop sign that one got some distance uh we cut out a whole area here we've got a production tune production chain over here we've got a farm that we custom built it's just it's just such a cool cool area we cattle now we've got open uh pasture pigs as well that we could put over here or somewhere I am just so thankful that excited and and and just I have loved playing on this map and I hope you guys have enjoyed it as well thank you for joining me for another awesome series here in Farming Simulator 22. I have no idea what's next but you know what we're just gonna keep rocking and keep having fun
Channel: DjGoHam Gaming
Views: 68,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: djgoham, djgoham gaming, djgoham gaming new mods, djgoham new mods, farm, farming, farming simulator, farming simulator 2022, farming simulator 22, fs22, fs22 mod review, fs22 mods pc, fs22 mods ps5, fs22 new mods, fs22 new mods pc, fs22 new mods today, fs22new mods console, mod review, mods, new mods, new mods today, edgewater fs22 map, edgewater fs22, fs22 swather pack, fs22 swather, djgoham edgewater, let's play, compilation, super cut, supercut
Id: fDSMiK3v8bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 500min 12sec (30012 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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