Calmsden Farm Supercut (Episodes 11-20) | Farming Simulator 22

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hey what's going on it's dj welcome to the comston farm super cut of episodes 11 through 20. this is a collection of the second 10 episodes in the series so that you can watch them one after the other with minimal interruptions and without having to select multiple videos there is also a super cut of episodes 1 through 10 so check that one out if you haven't already otherwise sit back relax and enjoy episodes 11 through 20 here on comston farm so first let's talk about the new addition to the farm i've decided on a third tractor and thanks to stealthbonger in the comments section of episode number 10 for suggesting this this is the steyr 9270 aka the case ih 7200 series for mat 26. this is available for all platforms and if you want to download it it's on my hub check it out it's one of the first mods that released it is awesome plus we have plenty plenty of power and we're going to be using that today but not right off the bat because well i'm gonna use the fat but a little bit different so i've gone and purchased a new bell trailer so this one holds 28 bills not bad but when you've got to move i don't know probably 100 today more than that probably way more than that uh this isn't going to get the job done not at all one thing i do like about this it's a little bit shorter it's a little bit taller and it loads very well unfortunately i'm i'm going to have to sell this and i don't want to how much 18 grand oof well we've got a new one right here let's go ahead and reset it we'll hook up and get it put away now this is longer and i was worried about this from the start we were going to buy this one i decided not to but we've done anyways the pawns or punch or pop pong i don't know uh pokey i have no idea how to say it that word that word right there this holds 32 bales which is incredible there is a bit of an issue it's big it's very very long and i'm not sure that this is going to be the right trailer for this map that being said i'm going to do everything i can to make it work yeah but we don't need it right now what we need is fertilizer some will run over here to 82 studios by literally anything station and we're going to fill up with some fertilizer one thing i've done to kind of help me moving forward at least for this first harvest i've turned off plowing normally i don't like to do that i like to keep that turned on that way if it needs it well we have to do it but i've turned it off i think it's going to make things a little bit easier you can see here we've got the soil composition well no plowing is required which is super super nice at least now because i plowed all this like three episodes ago or something like that so fertilizer is going on first this field uh well using this tractor because it's quick then we're going to be hooking up the k or sorry the steyr we're going to get some planting then canola's going in the ground today boys fertilizing is done and i totally didn't mess up the first time and have to restart absolutely not i would never do that not me never ever ever hopefully this has enough power to do its thing also i did go back through down here and smooth this out i hope i did a good job with the planter that i'm using yeah you you really have to go into landscaping going into sculpting softening bump it up to as high as it'll go and just go up and down this all day it's fine with massive cedars and it's fine with smaller cedars but somehow this area right here around the trees just hates hates the lincoln which stinks because i love this little thing this was uh well i said if it had direct drill in pharmaceum 19 this would be op because it's cheap low power requirement and only does seed no fertilizer which i prefer and it doesn't it was like what the third fourth week that the game came out it's here yes all right so now this part's pretty simple oh and it is doing a pretty good job two 15 16 miles an hour not bad especially hiring on a worker i'm not even gonna see this and you know any other tractor that goes faster still wouldn't be going any faster than this so not too bad at all i'm gonna run around two headlands you guys know the drill and then i'm gonna hire it on a worker and then guess what i got a secret filled into woods let's go and we are all set ready to go worker is hired and i've had no problems still having issues on the edge of the field though this planter really really does not like to follow the ground very much so maybe once some some john deere stuff maybe some case stuff starts coming out we can get that to seed and plant everything regardless next i want to show you my secret field and into woods dude oxy added another secret foul on the woods where are we right now we are right here so uh left of the chicken pin and the sheep here's your main farm right here on field three just go directly to the left of that and it's this wooded area but it's not a wooded area at all it's just a line of trees surrounding a secret grass filled into woods so i'm gonna utilize this field and we're going to plant it or you know do the thing there's grass i'm going to make sure that i can go ahead and mow this and then we're going to plow it up and make it a field and and actually make the grass work in here make it do well dude i'm excited drop that down why is the front mower got to follow directions but the rear i love these mowers i do man some they're like children uh they're a little bit annoying sometimes dry sweat dropping hey let's get the moment i'm gonna bring you guys along just to kind of show you who have turned some lights on in here uh we'll kind of follow along at least around the edges i haven't done this field before sometimes i'll come in in advance and get take a look and see and you know if i'm gonna work a field for the first time maybe i'll get a little bit extra work done or something like that but not today i've done literally nothing with this field we're going a little bit slow let's go and speed that up a little bit we do have trees that are reaching all the way in so we do have to be careful about that but this is one of those that i think it's neat that uh missed a little bit there uh that oxy has added this area right here and it's it's part of owned land as well which is super cool so you you could do this come over here mow this use it for some free grass if you don't need grass well plow it up and plant something in here the only issue is getting equipment in here now grass working equipment is not going to be a problem however pretty much anything else might be difficult because the entrances will don't really exist too well we do have a couple entrances on the other side of the field and i'll show you guys those when we get around to the other side yeah but it's you know it's neat it's nice i like this i also like this massey ferguson a whole lot if you guys haven't checked it out yet go check it out the 8700 s uh this was a blacked out version that we had of course we had this in arms of 19 as well but if our sub 7 team this tractor was a playstation 4 exclusive and i had to have it i loved it i actually used this on my oakfield series and this series is kind of a throw to that as well i did a lot of grass work on that map a lot of grass work i had a great time doing it but it was a lot of work that had to be done and i'm having a really good time doing it here as well the good thing is you get a lot of grass for how much you actually work in uh 22 which is very very nice so real quick there's a couple different ways you can get in here here's how i'm getting in i'm going around this wall and then we've got our tennis court there right in front of us and if we drive around and through here you've got your garden which connects over to the old horse pasture so that's how i'm getting in there's a couple other ways you can get in as well but that seems to be the way that i found that works the best at least for me so i'm gonna go around we're gonna go ahead and hit these headland and and just do this entire field and we're going to be doing uh just loose grass pickup with it as well so we don't have to actually do a whole lot i will have to come through and do like a miniature headland with the window or the merger but shouldn't be too bad everything's mold up ready to go but i still gotta get out of here oof you know it's it's not too bad i just don't think it's meant to be used how i used it also isn't crop destruction on it is but i i don't i don't that's not the right one back up back up back up we almost got taken out and because i decided to mow really really awkward lines around the first headland well i gotta go through and do this so the loading wagon can actually get everything real quick i made an addition to this farm that i didn't tell you guys about and i want to show you real quick because i totally forgot to mention it and it's important because i haven't done this and i don't know since farms 17 i built a road so cool huh no that's not it manure look at this yeah i put down a manure pit all by myself now this thing says it'll hold four million liters i'm gonna call its bluff we'll see how long it takes yeah i don't i don't know how long it's going to take but the great thing is we can look down there at the bottom right hand corner we can see we've got 250 animals held to 40 but we've only had them for what half of a day something like that four hours five hours in game uh we've got food milk straw slurry doing good and i think the trigger for the manure is like way over here yeah it's right here which is really awkward but anyway 1457 and that's just since i started recording this video it's pretty cool heck yeah man all right let's go pick up the loading wagon and let's get that grass picked up i wonder how much we got going through to get the last strip of grass right now and we've got a lot in here almost 200 000 i bet we're gonna hit eat well if we don't hit it now we're not gonna hit it through here but man that's a lot 199 hundred seventy one whoo we're gonna have plenty of silage when it's all said and done also i've found a cheaty way through it's on the other side so it takes a little bit longer to drive around but it's also much much easier so i think i should create my own way in there it'll be kind of fun right oh yeah all right so let's take this grass let's take it over to the silo we'll dump it in let it start doing its thing hopefully we'll get some silage soon and then it's gonna be time to make some strawbells and well we've got a lot currently we've got phil three field five i feel 25. all straw ready to be collected this is gonna take a while okay so i got an idea you see the samaz twist 600 right here i feel like it wants me to use it for well how much was that okay thank goodness it wasn't a lot i was really worried that it was gonna be super expensive and i just bought like a 50 000 piece of equipment we can't afford that some of you may already kind of tell what my uh the gears in my head what's what's left of them are turning i'm gonna put this on the front and instead of only being able to reach one of these swaths i'm gonna try and hit two of them and get everything in one go now i do have my weight on here so i need to remove that we'll put that up here right there that'll work and why not we'll go ahead and give the whole thing a bath i love that button that's awesome we'll go ahead and swing around we'll pick this up here got it so here's what i'm thinking swing them both open oh i did not think about this right um i kind of thought that it would be to the i'm not sure what i thought um but but that's not what's happening right now you know we could use this for the loading wagon so so that's it i didn't waste my money you wasted your money get out of here okay so where was i before i was so rudely interrupted by my own idiotic brain uh we are going to make a whole lot of strawbells today we're gonna make a bunch i don't know how many a bunch that's that's all i know i'm stuck already of course i am let's do a quick count just real quick we'll take a look at bill's produced zero made today but we've made 225 total and i've also played for 27 hours not terrible let's see how many bells we can make after one field not too bad 49 bells although those are the big 240 centimeter versions after two fields were up to 82 total bills which is just insane especially we said that they're big bells look at that they're everywhere nearing the end of the set now doing bells and people ask me why i like to go fast why do i like to cheat why do i like to go fast and speedy well because it's taken me an hour with this baler to do all three fields this this is why i cheat [Laughter] when when you record videos and when you do stuff like that during the day when you're making videos for youtube and things like that uh well sometimes time is of the essence and sometimes you need to get things done quickly and kind of move on get you a 20 minute video and go home um it it is quite literally taken as a matter of fact i could tell you uh i've been playing for an hour and three minutes and it's taken pretty much that entire time so that's when i started the previous clips 158 bales we didn't quite double the amount of bells that we have we'll go ahead and uh top that off get that last straw bell out of there kaboom kaboom now's going to be the real fun part of picking all of these bells up and bringing them over now when i bring them over i'm just going to set them beside the bga this seems like a pretty easy place prices are decent ish the thing is straw when can we sell straw let me show you go to straw go to show price fluctuations you can see january right here i think we showed that a couple clips ago but uh this video has taken me three days to record in real life that's what you get hey at least we're getting these done right okay so let's take this let's get the baler we'll uh wash it i guess i love that button we'll go ahead and put this away we've got to get our bell wagon and we need to pick all of these bells up oh boy that's going to take a little while as well huh i've taken some time and actually go ahead and move some bales now i've got all the bells off of this field because i i still have a lot to do guys this is taking me so long to record this specific let's play it's absolutely ridiculous i'm gonna put that there we need to jump in here because i need to put fertilizer down on this field and i need to get it seated quick otherwise it's just gonna take forever and i believe it was how many days three episodes maybe four that it actually took to run the first couple episodes it was ridiculous the same day is absolutely insane so what i'm trying to do is limit that as much as possible by trying to get some you know some easy stuff done yes we've just restarted the series with the new update and things like that so we're trying really hard by the way if you haven't seen the last episode episode number 10 definitely check that out also at the time of you guys watching this we should be getting ready to release the episode 1 through 10 supercut so you definitely want to be on the lookout for that uh it's about three and a half hours long but there's minimal ads instead of one like every you know five or seven minutes i think there's one like every 20 minutes or something like that so it's for you guys that want to binge watch the entire thing sit back relax treat it kind of like a movie season one of something like that anyway i'm gonna go and get this fertilized and i'm gonna go ahead and start running a cedar on here as well so we're gonna be doing ooh we missed a little bit we'll have turn around uh we're gonna be running canola on all of the fields all three of the big fields and of course the massive massive field i'm gonna be running grass in that i'll probably get that planted off screen though there is one thing that i've wondered about for a while and i still can't figure it out i don't even know what to call this a dirt skirt i'm not sure you could see that it's still showing barley on the edges right here i don't know if it's because it needs to be plowed or what this happened on the base game maps as well uh i i have no idea i have no idea what's going on here what i do know is that i'm going to plow this up yeah uh this field does not need plowing in any way shape or form but this seems to be the only way to do this well this is cultivating really you could just rip up the ground and be good so direct drills for some reason do not like to run this little section you can see right here as we keep going what it looks like before trying to seed i don't i don't know man i don't know i know how to fix it so at least there's that we're finishing up picking up all the bells right now we've got i think four stacks of here yeah four stacks of 32 each and this is gonna be a stack of 31 if i'm not mistaken yeah so there you go that is your uh straw harvest year 1.1 i don't i don't i don't know what year it is anymore 2022 that's all i know all right let's put this away let's set these nice to the side there there we go we're off center just a little bit but that's all right drop them and we're done let's take this back over to the main farm we'll get it put away because we don't need this trailer anymore i'm gonna hook up the roller to the back of the massey and we're still getting stuff done we're still getting stuff uh rolling and moving and grooving you guys know how it is all right let's get this party started so the first thing we're gonna be doing is plowing up a few fields let's take a look at the ones we're doing because you might want to do these too so what i'm going to do is the horse pasture i've already sold all the stuff in that previous episode we're also going to be selling up 35 and you see in here we're going to be doing this as well now one of the neat things is it looks like this might already be plowed up for whatever reason i didn't do it but it looks like it is so we'll we'll kind of poke our way in there just to take a look and see see grass is all in that i i'm not sure what's going on with that so we're gonna get in there and get that done as well coming around through here we've got three fields to do and this is our first one i want to show you how i do this maybe i do this differently than you and you're gonna be like dj you're doing that such the hard way you gotta change it up man or maybe i'm doing this in a way that you might find interesting so i'm gonna leave i'm kind of back and forth about leaving this up to close we'll go ahead and close it up we're gonna drop this down we'll turn on create fields i start usually near the edge near a uh turn like this so that i actually have to get that turn a lot of people start in the corner and you get kind of a squared off first okay well i guess that's replaceable and not uh drawn into the ground fine for me whatever we'll come through here also somebody had mentioned that there's a way through into the secret field into woods we will take a look at that spin around right here there you go very nice now grass is probably going to be growing up on the edges of this so i don't want to get too close to it also uh in real life today i'm having a little bit of asthma trouble so if you hear me coughing or anything like that i apologize i'll try my best to edit those out just heads up i know a lot of you guys this time of year it gets to you hey i'm just a normal person like yo it does the same thing to me so there you go that's uh this is kind of my my my run right here i will also run a second headland around this uh and then i will probably just go back and forth i've also got a big plow over there that's going to be what i'm going to use for all of that so that is step one done i don't need to use the small plow for this yeah another thing people ask me why use the smaller plow just use the larger one get the job done twice as fast i will but i like the precision of the smaller one so i like both you guys just gotta download both go into your plows go find your 6mt 9mt buy one of each i don't i don't know what to tell you they're great i love those oh and one more thing because i got called out for this comment section in the last video uh i'm very very aware that i did not get bees we will get bees today i promise even if i have to force it we will buy bees today i got you fam i got you all right let's get through this i'm gonna go ahead and finish this set up and then we'll go ahead and do some big plowing and we'll head into the uh secret field in the woods all right we already got a problem not a big one but i just want to share this with you guys so this area is super bumpy really really bumpy so i'm going to bring in a little bit of help we're just going to try and smooth some of this out to make it a little bit less bumpy beforehand this was a pig field and that's totally fine with it being bumpy however we're gonna be working this field now and i don't want it to be bumpy not a big fan of bumpy fields i understand it's realistic my front yard is bumpy uh i bounce up and down when i'm moving the yard i get it this is a video game i don't want it to be bumpy man just nice and smooth bruh nice and smooth and lastly our secret field in du woods we're over here you can see it's fertilized now i think this is actually showing up as a field i can't be sure but i think it's actually representing itself as a field which is kind of interesting yeah i didn't hit plow right there yet and it was already plowing that up so this is definitely a field i'm gonna go through and cloud this up just in case anyway actually i really don't need to do this part do i huh uh we still need to get in here because it is a field uh that we're working we need to roll it we've got to do quite a few things to it so we may as well do this part yeah might as well turns out our not so secret field in do woods does not need to be plowed up and if you've got periodic ploughing turned off you don't need to do anything with it it's just ready to go fertilize do do what you need to do you fresh homie you're fresh all right so what do we have left to do well i've actually backed out and restarted because i would have had to have planted well that's just gonna be more work to have to do so i'm just going to go through here we're going to get the rest of this stuff plowed up and then we've got to come through and plant and then roll and fertilize and we should at that point be completely done at least with this area right here with these two fields we're also gonna have to go fertilize in our secret field into woods and then we'll be done with this area and then we gotta plow up some interesting spots of fields which is really really gonna be interesting anyway i'll check in with you throughout the progress so you guys can see what i'm up to now that the plowing's done every field needs to be fertilized so we've got the two fields behind us that we've plowed up we've got our singular field right here believe this field number four yep field number four plus we've got our secret field in dewood so let's get it started fertilizing is out of the way everything is looking good so far we don't really have a whole lot extra work to do just these two fields right here and that's it drop it down enable speed farming kaboom baby let's go grass into the ground and uh harvested in like i don't know a week yeah planting's done now i gotta get this rolling done i'm not saying this is my least favorite job in farm sim but i would quite literally want to do anything other than rolling and please don't go back and look at my first let's play where i said rolling was so much fun and i loved it and it was one of my favorite new parts of farming simulator please don't go look at that part no all right the last part that we need to do before we get anything else finished up is we got to put one last bit of fertilizer on as you can see it's not really hitting everything because some of this was actually already a field which is really really interesting so the parts that was a field we're fertilizing right now the parts that were not a field got fertilized when we plowed it up i know it's a little bit confusing but the good thing is once we get this last bit of fertilizer down it's not gonna be real weird like this anymore it's actually gonna look pretty normal like whenever i finish this i'll show you the pda and it actually doesn't look too bad all right so speckled field right well and here fairly normal-ish field uh there's still some spots that i missed rolling i don't i don't care i really just don't care you see down the bottom we're looking good whatever uh there is a 98 yield bonus uh instead of a 100 yield bonus on a lot of my land i can't remember if that's because i haven't gone through and done what it wants me to do which i think is like plowing or lime something like that i mean i've got lime turned off plowing's turned off i've got the uh weeds turned off so this is a few things that i have turned off man it makes life easy though all right so fertilizing is done all the fields every one of our fields has been fertilized it's good it's done it's ready to go um and for those of you that mentioned yes i realized pretty late on uh that i could have bought field five instead of 25 and used that as my grass field and been way closer to myself but then again there's not really a sell point over there so maybe one day we will own that field until then we're gonna have to go put this way because we missed some spots in our fields it was weird i don't know what happened we got spots in our fields that we've missed so we're gonna go fill those in real quick and here's my contraption to do it so i've got my massif set here we're gonna unfold the cedar we're gonna unfold the plow and we're gonna go around and we're gonna find these little spots that for some reason we're not having it this is one right here i don't know how these pop up i don't know what the problem is but if we go in here all of these spots all right well it says needs rolling but i i think there's more to it than that uh they're they're like everywhere all right i'll just show you that it doesn't need rolling how about that all right so we're in here we got this little spot right here i don't know why it's there i've rolled over it i've done everything that i'm supposed to do drop this down we'll go over it as such and it just stays like that i don't i don't know what it is what i've done what i haven't done no idea we got a couple little dots right here see these little dots we'll go through see if we can roll these over make the dots disappear all right all right well that seemed to work it did not work the time before that maybe i just let these grow and see what happens well maybe that's maybe that's the best thing to do in this situation i don't know what's going on all right maybe that's maybe that's what we do we go through and we fertilize the first time around we harvest and then we see what happens well certainly oh yay uh certainly saves me a whole lot of work then doesn't it so i want to put down some bees and i've gone into the help menu because i cannot for the life of me find where they have said how close or how far away they need to be it just says that uh place them next to the fields that will have canola sunflower potatoes and you can increase your yield but it doesn't say what the yield increase is or how close they need to be so i'm thinking we go in here we go to aminals and we find ourselves yeah these these these are fine you know these are okay these are these are all right we're we're doing good we're doing all right i thought about maybe putting them over here because i don't do anything with this area there's nothing here there's nothing to do and i use this area right here as a shortcut not this area i don't even drive in here i just drive straight over the crop so i'm thinking maybe put them here and they're pretty close to this field so we should get a uh a nice little bonus yeah there we go place those down so they are kind of expensive each they're nineteen thousand dollars plus the cost of uh leveling out the ground so the question would be do we want to happy uh do we want to put more because we can get more honey at least i don't know if it's gonna increase the yield the more honey bee things we have but i think for right now that's okay at least two uh we could also place one maybe over here so i don't use this gate for anything so technically we could just place one like right here and this would be between the two fields so we could still get our bonus there i had also considered placing a few down here so we do have a freely placeable area down here on the other side of this so i had thought about putting uh putting some areas here now if we try and use the the place it just kind of slides through but if we get our mouse in here we can actually place this properly so i thought about maybe putting a couple here as well doesn't really matter where your honeybees are it matters where your your cell palette is so i i thought about maybe one more there but i think for now we're going to leave it be yep did that on purpose next we gotta figure out where we're gonna put our honey sell point so what i would like to do is to find where it lets us in my mouth is disappeared there we go well where it lets us sell our honey i don't think there's anywhere for us to sell honey is there okay there is this is good uh so the next thing is placing the honey down so that it sells all the time with one exception well the prices fluctuate a lot and they're gonna produce honey every single day so where do we put it well it made my choice and it was actually a pretty easy choice to make considering that this is where i'm putting all my pallets anyway well it just makes sense to put these here now i don't know if i want to place it say 212 this one's 15 grand i thought about putting one of these down this is nice because these will deliver your honey so you don't have to deliver it this will not so there's there's a bit of a price difference plus this holds more i thought about getting one of these you place down maybe like right here or something like that even though this whole area is going to be production chains eventually i thought maybe this is the perfect place to put this flattening failed your face is failed get out of here quote me on that one if you want to uh yeah i think about right in here is good but unfortunately those wool pallets are way way in our way right now all right let's do it y'all let's do it let's put this down i want to put it maybe as close far away up here as possible we don't need that trigger in the very back so we can keep keep well away from that maybe about right in here yeah it looks good place it down hopefully it didn't cause any issues how you looking looking good we do need to smooth a few things out real quick this is i mean it's pretty easy really shaky thanks obs you are awesome let's smooth this out sculpting soften yeah soften it out let's go perfect so now all of our honey will come here because we've got kind of an in and out honey and honey out it's it's actually pretty genius uh production costs per month because it's gonna cost me fifty dollars a day uh so that's you know it is what it is we do need to figure out how we're gonna do things what's nice is you can throw storage in and this is where the honey comes out so i need to figure out all right so let's activate it right now it is storing it so we'll store it inside we can have it sell it or distribute it somewhere else however we don't have anywhere to distribute so right now we're just going to have to stick with storing because we've got virtually an entire year to wait before we can actually do anything with this so at this point we've done basically everything that we could possibly get into possibly manage possibly do other than whatever i'm doing right now i've actually got to go over here and manage the wool because wool is interesting because i've got what 250 sheep and i think this is going to fill up once every about 20 hours or so uh looks like there's only one pallet over there right now but that's going to increase dramatically so i need to prepare myself to be picking up wool pallets we've also got our chickens in there they're gonna be producing so that's gonna be there man we are in it now i think i've done everything that i needed to do to prepare ourselves for moving forward we've got our new game set up we've got everything that we needed to do done i think at this point we could fast forward until the next day in game and see what happens well good morning to a super rainy icky september morning we've got a couple chores around we've got cool that needs to be done as a matter of fact i don't actually need to pick this up i think just putting it to the side will work uh the sheep did not produce half as much wool as i thought they would quite literally they produced what three pallets overnight not as much as i thought they would let's also go down into our animals we have to double check and see so reproduction rate on chickens is fine but we maxed out so that's not going to help any reproduction rate is low on our sheep but that will go up over time and the reproduction rate on our cows is actually really good and they're looking great on everything that they've possibly got so we've got good amount of milk 35 gram there's a 35 gram 35 000 straw do not pay attention to that number it's 81 thousand and slurry we've got 51 000 liters of slurry i am planning on utilizing the slurry and the manure for fertilizer at least at this point i might go back on my word there so just bear with me one of the great things about slurry is you could do double rate application so if we've got enough i could modify a trailer and instead of spreading fertilizer twice we could put slurry down once and be completely done with it and as a matter of fact we've got quite a few pieces of equipment that allow us some really neat things so if we go into slurry tanks we've got like some massive drag hoses and things like that see if i can find one so like right here 36 meters absolutely massive huge amount of stuff there we've even got a few things in i think is it a miscellaneous no no where where is it forestry no grape technology huh animals maybe no uh help large tractors possibly yeah i think this is gonna be where it is so we've got a class you know what i can't i can't do this where's where's my brands let's just go to c go to class this is gonna make it a lot easier you guys know what i'm looking for i just can't freaking find it come on there we go saddle track i don't know where this was but we've got this right so we could get maybe a big saddle track big zarian right here uh and spread with that that would do fertilizer pretty well plus we could utilize that as a big tractor i mean we have 400 and almost 500 horsepower on it a lot of power let's double check our manure as well looks like manure pile is going up pretty good so uh 2 900 liters not a lot but enough some i think yeah the word some comes to mind and uh slurry is starting to accumulate down at the bottom so a lot of hard work seems to be paying off pretty well and i think at this point we could probably fast forward possibly another day in game because there's nothing nothing going on and if we go take a look at sell prices because we're not putting down any of our placeables and things like that yet so we're just going to be selling off things that we have so that stuff's staying however this stuff we're going to be selling this stuff if we show price fluctuations we're showing january for all of those so we're going to have to wait but the rest of the stuff's looking good our date today starts with not grass work but with eggs and we've got a total of uh one and a half pallets that's all we got fortunately for us it's been i think only two days in game something like that it is november just heads up i think it was august the last time we saw this yeah it took us a few days so we're gonna be taking our eggs and we're going to be going to the general store bay number one this is giving us the most amount of money just by a few bucks but the most amount of money indeed here so check this out if you go in you go seasonal fluctuation sorry it's early in the morning for me recording and my mouth doesn't work yet november is giving us our highest peak well it's november so let's go get these sold and hopefully in the meantime i can wake up on the way there i don't expect to get a ton of money for these i mean it's only about 2 000 liters worth of bags but this is going to be good because it kind of starts off our money making time we've gone almost two years now we almost started making money and then an update came out and unfortunately we had to stop doing our gameplay because of that well the good thing for us is we're back we're ready to go we've got a ton of stuff to sell as well if you guys are following along tomorrow in game at least uh in december let's not go over that i don't know if i can sell eggs there not tomorrow in game we're going to be getting a lot we're going to be selling wheat we're going to be selling the barley we're going to be selling the oats we're going to be selling the canola we're not selling eggs no we are we are selling the eggs okay money's going up so that's good uh and we're also gonna be selling straw tomorrow as well we have a lot of bales we're gonna make even more all right there it is 5100 in the bank so i think if i'm not mistaken at least for this series that is the first money we've actually made because we're not using any cheats on here we're not using any hacks i'm not taking the loan and making it zero percent the interest though that i could just take out whatever loan that i want i don't have any money mods in yeah we're going fast but this stuff takes a while i'd rather just get it done quicker still doing the work right right before we get started with mowing i did want to show you guys this we have been busy very very busy so we've got everything kind of moved around doing a thing actually we've got a bunch of honey pallets over here and i'm worried that they're going to be taking up a little extra space let's pick these up real quick i should be able to pick them up no problem with this turn it on to do loading fill type euro and we'll come through here yeah it's giving me the option to pick these up got them now i got them all right let's take these to the side so we've got a bunch of honey on here i think this holds 31 000 liters which is pretty darn good but we don't need 31 000 liters we've got 2 800 right here we're we're doing okay also we don't want to leave these on here so we will boop them off but i don't need that anymore so we're just gonna leave that sitting there what i need is to show you how much wool we've got yes sir check this out we got plenty of wool man uh i don't know i think this is 32 and then some more and they're a thousand liters each yeah we're gonna make plenty of money on wool actually oh real quick i want to know all right so now's not the time i think it's in may yeah we're in may we're in november here prices are low we're gonna be making a lot of money baby yes all right it's time to get to work let's get rid of the help window we don't need that anymore let's get this done what are we doing today at least mowing wise well pretty simple we're going to be doing 35 right here i'm going to do the field south of that we're going to do the field west of that right there the secret field in woods and then i'm going to come hire a worker on field 25. i have decided that the end goal is to be able to get field five so i'm going to trade field 25 for field number five build number five is closest to us it's on the same road i don't have to bring anything over and if i decide to not use a grass in it for whatever reason if i want to do you know canola right here which we're going to be harvesting the next time around that's going to be easy plus straight hard worker be done with it nice and easy good to go cool let's get these unfolded let's get them dropped down set my worker on a nice little spot right here i say worker i'm gonna do this myself and then rock and roll oh we should probably make sure working speed 22 good talking working mode i don't i don't know what the working mode is on swat dropping perfect turn it on turn it on and let's go and about 30 minutes real life later we are almost done i'm at least done with what i personally have to do but we've still got to go to the largest one field 25 and higher worker on it it's going to take a hot minute but just wanted to show you what we've accomplished since we've been off screen so we've got all three of the fields done here i forgot there were three fields here that i needed to do not just two plus we just came from the secret field into woods now i do know a lot of you guys have been talking about this area up here saying dj there's also a secret field right above the store this is true okay i mean kinda uh let's take a look at it real quick so if i go over here and we select grass okay showing up just fine if we deselect it it's not actually showing as a field i could jump over here real quick and at least show it to you it's very easy to get to and you can come over here mow this and then plow it up and plant grass or make it a free field whatever you guys want to do with it i'm probably not going to be doing that however you can if you want to i mean it's owned land and there's quite a bit of it over here so just check it out if you guys are looking for her free land free area check it out it's a little bit far away from my farm that i really want to be going to even though field 25 is pretty much exactly the same distance um i won't say that out loud if you want [Laughter] so we've gotten all that done i did mention in a previous episode i'm sure some of you guys will notice i did not mow the uh sheep filled nor did i mow the cow field even though those are technically fields i think they both even have field numbers on them well because we've got animals in those i'm not going to be mowing them i don't know if that's realistic not realistic whatever but i'm not gonna be mowing those fields just because the animals are in there i did the same thing in farming simulator 19 and 17 as well once we got animals in a pen i usually did not mow that pen anymore so i don't even think there's fertilizer in there i did switch all that so good to go there now we've got to head over to the largest field that we've got field 25 i think this is going to be too much i mean we're getting three harvests three grass harvest per year and i don't think that we need to get three harvests off of this field every year i mean we could probably make some silage bells or something to sell them at the bga that's probably gonna be plenty whoo this is a big old grass field man i'm kind of losing myself right here all right let's drop it down dude leave me alone these front mowers do not like me i tell you what all right so what i'm going to do is i've got to run our headlands they're going to be a little bit different than the way that i normally do them because i don't want to waste a bunch of time whereas normally i tend to waste time running headlands uh i'm gonna try and behave this time around oh no we'll find out and see what happens well i would say we've done pretty good over here hey that didn't show anything did it man it is still too early it's the morning after the super bowl and i'm in a food coma still yes sir all right let's line this up i'm going to try and offset it just a little bit because we come in here we can see uh it does go over just a little bit so we're trying to line this up see if i can get to 90 degrees about right there is good higher worker and they're gonna do their little thing right here hopefully they don't miss too much all right and off they go i'm gonna have to clean up a little bit on the other side whenever they get to the end i don't think they're gonna miss any on this side of the field nope but we are gonna have this little you know little triangle area on the other side i will have to do that but then i can just hire this guy back on a worker and be done with it because as soon as i do that we get to go pick all of this up yay and i bet you curious how much does the loading wagon that i have hold well why don't we find out one million it uh it holds one million liters pretty sweet huh yeah all right i gotta figure out exactly how i'm gonna do all this all right gotta drop down when he turned some lights on let's cut the f1 menu on just so i can double check and see what i'm doing all right so that's how that works good good good let's go ahead and turn on our loading wagon uh we'll figure out if this is gonna work or if i need to go faster slower what's gonna happen here so i've taken the base game uh pottenger so if we go in we go to tools go down to loading wagons four dragons here i've just taken the base game one so nothing too crazy here and if i slide down a little bit uh we should find it in the dj goham pack here we go dj gohan mata tools right here literally exactly the same just holds 1 million liters i figured that'd be easiest i needed a loading wagon that this trailer could pull or this tractor rather could pull but i wasn't quite sure exactly which one i was going to use also i'm not sure if this is gonna pick up everything in turns and i guess the answer to that question is a hundred percent no all right well uh this is still working pretty well nonetheless doesn't seem to be missing much if anything even at quick speeds so that's good uh just in the turns all right so note to self don't turn with this piece of equipment hey the good thing is it's still windowing it all together so i could still come back through and get it all but this is definitely something that you guys need to invest in this thing of course i'm going super super fast but i'm i'm trying to remember exactly what this is it's the smash windrove i'm correct yeah the smash twist 600 there's no customization to it whatsoever just kind of is what it is and it's for all platforms which is incredible goes on the front of your tractor and it you could put a baler behind it a loading wagon whatever you need to do then it picks it all up i've also heard that there's another modder that's supposed to be bringing something together hispano modding something like we've got in uh what is it on the the front of those big mowers so or big uh balers rather so that's kind of cool uh one thing i am gonna do i'm gonna go ahead and pick up all of this stuff from the outside of the uh field that way i don't have to do it later this is good plus one cool thing our mower here he's doing a great job is missing a little bit here and there uh as you could tell but we'll we'll come through and we'll fix that but at least for now i'm going to try and go through and see how much of this i could pick up i don't want to bother you guys with just going back and forth in the fields like this because we've got other stuff to do today stuff that i want to do but this still is pretty cool piece candy so i've been running this thing for i don't know two or three minutes now something like that and it is epic dude so the the loading wagon there's nothing special about it all it does is holds more that's it and doesn't weigh a bunch whenever you put a bunch on it but this front piece man this smash is killing it look at this you go all the way up aside it doesn't matter no matter how fast that goes it doesn't care uh the baler that we've got you got to be careful because the baler can only pick up so much at a time i'm probably gonna have to modify that baler just so it'll pick up more quicker this thing no no sir this is epic i'm gonna tell you i'm i i can't i can't sit around all day doing this oh miss um uh i can't sit around all day doing this it's gonna take me forever so i am gonna have to go ahead and lease or do something with the uh uh wrappy the windrow we're gonna use that to get the rest of this done unfortunately for us uh because well i started recording this before doing them on news day so i'll record generally for like an hour to an hour and a half before getting work done and then i'll turn around let's see we'll go ahead and oh we got to turn that off first huh raise it and then fold it possibly there we go yes uh so i normally record these videos in early morning before doing any other stuff uh so i normally would just let this sit while i'm doing farm some news so like this guy's already done yeah it's just it's pretty cool huh it's gorgeous by the way this area absolutely beautiful oh man look at that that's awesome i still think i'm gonna do silage bells i'm i'm still kind of back and forth on all that as far as the one filled around here by the way yeah that was the only field that i picked up we got 181 000 liters of grass off of that so that's pretty good what i've decided is that of everything we pick up 40 will be set to silage 40 will be made as hay so we'll do a half and half there and then the remaining 20 will be kept and we're gonna use that for just grass for feeding the sheep and things like that as a matter of fact i could probably go ahead and feed them now but we'll do that later i'm gonna we'll feed we'll feed everybody right when we need to so here's what i'm gonna do to make my life a little bit easier because i'm gonna be here all day i'm gonna be here all day i don't i don't wanna i don't wanna do it i don't wanna be here all day it's supposed to be fun it's not supposed to be work i don't want to do it there's a lot to do so i'm going to take the loading wagon here we're going to dump it and then i'm going to go lease the big one i know you guys like to see that one we haven't used it a lot at least on the on screen let's empty this and see how it looks and how fast it dumps all right so that's gonna take a while while we're at it let's go in here to forge wagons let's find ourselves a handy dandy this there we go we'll throw uh let's see it's a 1 million liter or i think 10 10 million liter yeah so we'll just do the 10 million we'll do a trello board we'll set up cool window system absolutely since we are using the massey i say that we go full blackout mode yeah something like that that'll work and then rims will go with a black there as well that is looking fresh it is gonna cost us a little bit of cash to lease it though seventy seven hundred dollars and i'm not going to uh i'm not gonna go back on that if it costs money to use it we're gonna we're gonna have to pay yeah i did buy this pottinger by the way kind of excited about this thing let's back it up and have a little bit of fun in the video today how's about that i got so excited to drop my weight oh that's way funnier than it should have been let's go let's go let's go uh i think before i had said that we needed to fertilize the grass fields i don't think that's gonna happen today not not with the amount of time that we've got also we gotta figure out exactly what we're gonna do with the grass for field 25. oh this is heavy oh this is a lot heavier than it was in farming simulator 19. i should probably go in and modify the weight a little bit of this thing because that's it is quite heavy um yeah we got to figure out what we're going to do with that because i think there's probably going to be about 2 million liters of grass on that field i don't know for sure i'm just ball parking i'm sure most of you guys would have good or better guesses than i do but i think there's gonna be a lot of grass on that field so we gotta figure out what are we gonna do with it are we gonna do loose grass we're gonna bail it up are we gonna do it in this episode we're gonna do it in the next episode are we gonna go like this again we beep why did i lower the front weight no one does that all right let's try this again there we go all right all right so yeah i gotta figure out exactly what we're going to do with all of that again there's a ton of it i think maybe the best thing to do would be to make some silage bells and then try and sell those but even silage because stylish bells are pretty simple to make the thing is whenever we get in and we start looking at silage it just like everything else has price fluctuations so we can't just let it sell throughout the year because it's gonna take a while i guess i could go in and modify the bga unfortunately i gotta tell you i don't know how to do that yet i've been messing around with the code but i still haven't got it all figured out so we don't know i just don't know we'll have to get it all sorted and figured out definitely because there's a lot going on up there whatever we do we need to make sure we're making money so that's that's kind of the the big thing there i think with three harvests per year these grass fields in this area i think these are going to be totally fine for us with bonus being 25 so maybe now go with me here just listen to this one maybe we don't always do grass now it is kind of nice having your largest field not have to be planted every you know three four months because obviously we're gonna be getting quite a few extra harvests out of fields but i don't know like i said there's there's a lot to think about there's a lot going on we're doing pretty well we're one day away from i would guess over a million dollars coming in only one day away i'm pretty pumped about it because we're gonna get a lot of cash but i wonder how many grand how much how many you know we should probably just go to the outro because this whole episode's just been me trying to figure out how to say words let's let's just put me out of my misery how about that so let's start the episode with something that you probably didn't imagine i'd be doing i'm gonna buy a new weight for the tractor yes i know why well i've been chatting with polly count tazz uh the past couple days and he's got a weight out now if we can go through and find this bad boy it's the self-made weight and i'll actually explain why it's called the self-made weight because this is kind of cool this has a a story to it which is neat i didn't know about i think about 900 kg should be pretty good for the front of it this is something that's really used on his family farm even the hydraulic pen right here as well they did that so they didn't have to get out of the tractor and go choo choo and make it work how cool is that i need to go in here i need to change this to case age red and then design i think i'm gonna do like a beige i think that'll work pretty well with the styre that we've got i think that's beige i don't let's let's get in here and go whoosh i love that button let's reset the weight just to make sure that it fits the color options properly but uh yeah he was telling me that this is something he really uses he sent over a video of this piece of equipment on his uh family farm i was like that's awesome why am i not using that he's like i don't know man so we're gonna use it from now on we're gonna hook it up kaboom yes definitely looks a little bit more cool rather than just a boring way to tell the front doesn't it yes it does all right so now we've got that i think we're done with this tractor for the whole episode so i'm gonna put it away sorry bro anyway that's a really cool weight i love that thing next we need to head down to the bga because we're gonna place another mod down from another friend of the channel omatana we're gonna be using her fermenting silo and well if you know me uh you know i've probably done something to it omatana i'm so sorry i added the words modded to the end of it uh i may have added two zeros to every number that you had uh except for one of the numbers that we'll share what those numbers are later what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna place this down over here maybe like in the corner or something like that so we got a back end to fill this up but it leaves this room well i'm just i'll just show you later so place this about right in here ish back about as far as we can because we're gonna be using a belt system to run the silage into the fermenter uh it's gonna take it a little while so might as well do it like that kaboom just like so uh this is gonna make us way more than 30 grand so i'm totally fine placing this down in here yes oh i'm so excited if you guys are not familiar with this mod you really need to go download it so what this will do is it takes grass hay or chaff and turns it into silage now i've added like i said couple zeros to the end so normally it does 1000 cycles every i think it's like 12 minutes in game something like that runs five cycles per hour well i've made mine do a hundred thousand and it holds more it holds it it might hold 10 million liters by the way base code this holds two million liters of each crop you could put a lot in here i didn't even need to change that we're also going to need a build system to be able to go from yeah over to yeah i think it'd be pretty cool i i don't know if you can actually dump stuff there or not this is using the base game planet bga so it's not modified in any way once i can figure out exactly how to do that i'm gonna do that but the bgas confuse me so much so i'm kind of waiting on casters bgas to come out regardless that's where we're at right now now let's take this so this is the grass that we gained from all of the fields that we did in the last episode so that includes 35 the little one down here the secret field in do woods and field number four and this is all gonna be grass and of course this silo will do some some magic to it as well and i'm totally not cheating off screen whatsoever so we've got this and i decided not to get rid of it so why don't we take this over to that big old field over there and have a little bit of fun one thing i'm not sure about when we get into here is how much we're going to have i know there's a bunch of grass in here i mean this took oh goodness i don't i don't know if it took an hour it took a solid like 30 or 45 minutes to mow all of this like i did all of the research for farm some news while the worker did this job so it's gonna take a little bit of time all right we'll kind of open that up drop it down turn it on and we should as long as we line up properly we should be able to get three three runs yeah i think we could do this uh three runs the whole time normally i'll just shoot for two and that that's that's fine for me that you know i'll take the time and get the job done that way but doing it this way with three was gonna save us a whole lot of time and i think we can reach it one of the great things about uh choosing your loading wagon or for me choosing your modded loading wagon you also get to kind of choose and figure out how you're gonna do a couple other things as well for example uh your mowers you don't want them to be too uh too wide or too narrow because then you can't pick everything up so a couple things to think about there plus now we've got like super modified versions of balers that'll have windows on the front and everything there's so much more to think about now than just do the job and figure it out later unless it's taken me three four farming simulator games to figure out that's the whole thing anyway am i dumb all right let's let's go and pick some of this up we've already got 100 000 liters which is just crazy after just picking up the rose around the outside we've almost got 300 000 liters which is crazy uh i suspected between one and two million liters on this field and i'm sticking to it i think we're gonna be getting about three i don't know say too much two million maybe i don't know if we're gonna hit that maybe one and a half one and a half seems a little bit more right all right last pickup right here this is it we barely got a million liters so heads up if you're gonna be doing this field and you've got it full to the max all the things gonna get a little over a million liters that's not disappointing shocking very shocking i thought there was a lot more grass than that maybe maybe i'm just so used to seeing that much straw and be like great six million liters of straw my favorite let's back this bad boy in right here so this grass is going to turn into this exact amount of silage at least it should there we go one million liters in kaboom kaboom we'll go ahead and take a look at it just to check and monitor you can see we've got a grass in there perfect and then every oh goodness uh five minute 12 minutes every 12 minutes we'll get 100 000 liters so it'll take uh about what two hours ish yeah about two hours that should be perfectly fine so we don't need this anymore also when does silage sell do you guys know wait hang on grass salad is not active now it's active i got him let's check real real quick and see silage prices tell me tell me tell me when's our best time to sell some silage january okay so we've got two months to do well unfortunately that's gonna be the only grass harvest that we get from that so it is what it is also we don't need this anymore so let's go ahead and detach kaboom there you go i don't want to buy that it's it's kind of a special thing i know i used to use it all the time all the time that's probably an understatement as well but i don't know it's i like using it i know some of you guys like seeing me use it but it's you know i don't want to use it all the time it's just a little bit too easy to be cheating even though everything else is she you know what i didn't call myself out you leave me alone all right let's move on so the last thing that we need to do at least for that field is we need to get fertilizer down so let's come over here to 82 studios buying anything you want and everything you want us all good we got it stationed a little expensive there uh it's about a thousand liters per or a thousand dollars per so yeah that's a little bit high love that little shortcut right there dude i've been using that all the time with this little tractor it just jumps right in and yes i understand that john the uh fit seven is not a small tractor by any means but it's the small tractor on my farm and i love it actually first tractor we built if you guys watched the uh episode 1 through 10 supercut yet by the way this is episode 14. you should have seen it by now if you haven't go check it out i normally link stuff like that at the very beginning so it should be in the cards uh wherever you click to see the cards on mobile or on your desktop you should be able to find it there nice and easy so i'm gonna right in here we're gonna fertilize this grass filled up real quick and then i think it's gonna be ready to fast forward time another day which would be very nice before we head off into the next day in game which by the way tomorrow and gabe is going to be epic uh well i gotta come over here and watch this because this is gonna fill up overnight it's never ever ever fun so time to fast forward time unfortunately because of the way i've got everything set up we've got 250 sheep and stupid sheep uh and and well their wool fills up super mega fast so as soon as one pops out i gotta move it this is not happening as fast as it normally does uh let's see in the morning yeah all right well not as many pallets as i was expecting us to get but we still got quite a few we got six plus one this holds eight so at least at least we know that's good um you should probably pick these up but don't really have enough to get a full trailer at least as of yet you are adorable the yo when when giants said that the sheep would be absolutely super super cute and adorable they were not kidding i went to pet the sheep one of the great things about december is we get to sell our oats today and we're going to also be able to sell something else our canola which we have none of yet don't worry she ready to harvest boys let's go look at that canola ready to harvest yield bonus 98 yes i love it all right so what i want to do first i think i want to make a little bit of money and i'm not sure if we're going to be able to get the harvesting done today or not we will find that out let's find out first where we're going to be taking our oats to and it looks like it's pretty obvious right here thirteen hundred dollars per thousand leaders we have 243 000 leaders december best time usually i think it's like the the month before this like november is the best time but you know what it's it's fine oh farm bay is better yep let's let's go there tag the place all right so we're gonna need to get a massive trailer for this because 243 000 liters isn't going to transport itself nor is it going to transport itself and by itself and i don't want to make 200 and how many ever trips that sounds awful that's 10 trips if you're doing 24 000 liters so what we're gonna do is use this trailer now this is a highly modified shoe to maker uh rapid 580. that's a deer let's hit it got him uh we're gonna modify this to go all the way up so this trailer has been modified to hold fifty thousand one hundred thousand or one million liters that's great news because we've got over a hundred thousand liters to transport so i'm gonna modify this super quickly there we go put that about right there come over here modify so we're gonna go down to capacity for more to most that's gonna bring us up to a million liters which is perfect and then we want do i have 575 000 liters of barley what how am i just realizing this goodness gracious that's gonna give us a whole lot of money even under a hundred thousand dollars or under a thousand dollars per thousand poof i am playing in normal mode by the way as well i i don't know if i mentioned that but yeah we're we're playing in normal at least we should be you should probably double check that as well um is it in here yeah difficulty normal i haven't played difficulty normal in years since like farm 717 probably yeah it did go me i guess all right how in the world do we get down here and where are we going all right so it's right there it's at the store so we just need to go like we're going to the store that'll be perfectly fine and uh also something else funny i don't think i've ever driven to the store on purpose i always reset everything well this should be a fun trip all right how do i get in here okay this looks pretty self-explanatory from here i know i've done a map door and everything on this i just haven't really paid much attention to how to actually get in and out via a tractor also there's a lot of pieces of candy around here as well all right go in and out of here swing over here on and this is it right here okay we are gonna get a lot of money for this and i am really excited about it as well there goes the money this is some of the first actually this is our big first bulk big [Laughter] money yeah we're already over 200 grand going up into 220s now 230s we got 150 000 liters left we haven't even done half of it yet we're already over 100 grand oh it makes me happy and what's that final take gonna be here we go boop 321 thousand dollars yes sir what's on sale anything good well we got a little uh older fin a fan favorite nice nice oh yeah i forgot to buy a uh a belt we should probably do that i don't have a trailer hitch on the back of this though uh i might i might do a reset kind of thing i don't well we'll figure that out but yeah i that's one thing that i may have forgotten about is buying a belt system we should we should go check on that how's it doing it's probably done yeah it's it's done we've got our 1100 liters of silage in there ready to go it wants to be sold man we need to go sell it there's a couple ways that this could work and i'm hoping that it works the way that i want it to so we need to get silage from that into this now unfortunately i don't think we're gonna be able to get very much going on through here at the same time uh double check real quick silage there it is so uh let's see cycles per month 24 as opposed to 120 uh though we are doing 21 but under 100 yeah this isn't gonna go as fast as i want it to so we may this might take a long time to get all of the silage down we have a million liters it's gonna take a minute so here's what i'm thinking so we've got that a couple other things we need to double check real quick again silage when's the best time to sell it i'm sure it's not now we'll go from there uh december january okay so it's not terrible but it will be going down soon but i still think it's going to take about a year to sell it all so here's what we're going to do let's save this location we need to go in and we need to get ourselves a belt now this one would be cool but unfortunately i don't think that one's going to work for what we need to do so let's go in here belt systems i think this is the one that we need right here the grimmy is there any customization to it no no just is what it is uh it's gonna cost us thirty eight thousand dollars that's totally fine got that hey and it even put it here for sorry cool go and reset that and jump in here i need my help window on because i don't know exactly how to control this one raise it up which ways forward all right so that was forward back it around oh this does sound pretty cool though so you guys probably see my idea i don't know if i could get a tipper over here but i think doing it this way at least for me this is gonna be the easiest slowest for sure but if i don't have to think about it then it's fast right i don't know all right so about right there uh it's not giving me the trigger to empty this which is a little bit worrying oh boy um all right we got that boom that over there still not giving me the uh the option all right we'll we'll go unload here oh man um hang on all right well i'm not saying this doesn't work but what i am saying is it doesn't work for me and i don't know why so that that stinks uh how am i gonna do this now i have a game plan and the game plan is to do it like this uh i don't i don't know if this is gonna work man uh look let's be straight up on us with each other is this gonna work i don't i don't know if i could jump to the ground or not all right we'll pull under here do that i am gonna modify this one again we don't want it to be almost anymore i want it to be on normal 50 000 liters that should be plenty we'll go through here oh we can actually get hey chaff and grass out as well that's kind of neat all right all right all right i see you all right oxy did you let us dump it on the ground in front of it or do i have to actually get up in there i can't even get over that little hey oxy's the man all right we'll dump this in here i don't know how much it's gonna hold i guess we'll find out won't we hang on massey's damage is it 44 are you serious it looks totally fine i don't know all right so it looks like 50 000 liters was not a bad go at least to start with so i'll take that we should start making a little bit extra cash from that which is great news and i don't i don't really know what to do with this trailer right now i know i'm gonna need it later so maybe i'll just take it back to the main farm also i know we've got a bunch of bells to sell i forgot i forgot we could have done that today but we're gonna have to do it tomorrow because i don't have time i'm so sorry oh that's so many bells all right let's go over here we'll do our outro with the best and with that out of the way let's get it rocking and rolling everybody so we're gonna start off with the claws the nice beautiful try on now i really really wanted to get another one of these i like the uh i like the combine i like the header option on it 10 meters that seems to be just about perfect for what we do here on the map and it all works great however we've got something on sale and i think it's gonna be just a little bit too hard to pass up we'll go in here real quick and it's not the case funny enough i do like the case however uh it's running about 227 grand which is about half our money and i don't want to spend about half of money just on the combine when i still gotta buy a harvester however the new holland's on sale for 105 grand all i gotta do is buy the header with it which ain't gonna be that expensive and we're good so that's exactly what i'm gonna be doing today we're gonna be getting the new holland harvester so that will be our first new holland piece of equipment which i'm kind of excited about we've already got this tire so it's kind of like a case let's go through double check make sure that our straw swath is enabled as i was mentioning in the last video i've got a mod installed that will allow me to get canola straw uh yeah i don't know how it works but i know that it works and as you can see it definitely works so the canola straw is going out and we're gonna be of course bailing all of this up and including it with everything else i might try to get the straw harvest done today or it may be in episode 16 in the next episode that may be there as well either way we're getting a new harvester today all i got to do is run a couple headlands around this field and then hire the workers so that it's all getting done it will be in our new combine so let's get to it baby yeah come on harvesters rocking doing his thing we got everything set up so let's get in here and get ourselves a new harvester so it will be the new holland ch 770 pv 22 that means it's a little bit cheaty uh we are using trello board tires on this map but i'm not opposed to kind of going through and taking a look and seeing what else we've got i do like the look of those redstones on there and of course bkts are always gorgeous oh minus hello now i thought you know what i i think trollborg's gonna be the answer here we've got a standard wide tire anyway we do need to go with the dj 60 ham dj gohan okey dokey got it on the back perfect let's buy it boom now we also need to get a header for it so the headers uh you guys can use your just uh standard actually yeah super flex 25 seven and a half eight and a half oh yeah i'm sitting here going through my head going wait there's two yeah there are two but we only modified one of them the larger of the two yes sir no customization options for this one does kind of stink but whatever is what it is it looks like i may have to babysit this guy coming back so we'll just keep an eye on that in the meantime here it is let's jump out of it though i want to get this reset this is the easiest thing boom got that reset boom got the reset now this right here perfect got our buddy over here working just fine so those of you astute may say dj this one is a little bit smaller than your other one nope yes actually this one's quite a bit smaller about three meters smaller on the header itself but that's that's okay i you know what i'll i'll get over it three three meters might be a trigger but it is what it is let's bring it in let's make sure straw swath is enabled oh it is disabled by uh there we go come on hurry up there you go all right we'll turn it on we'll enable a little bit of fast farm action going on one nice thing about this though is that whenever we come through to pick up the straw we should be able to pick up two runs at the same time because the baler that we use is bigger i think it runs at about 10 meters and since we're already running headers that are 10 meters it barely reaches so i don't even try but with this i will definitely be attempting to pick up two swaths at once which might even make our overall workflow a little bit quicker especially since this header or this combine rather is meant to be set on a worker and forgotten about run your headlands around the field hire the worker do whatever else you need to do that's why i've purchased this not to get things done quickly but so that i can just get something done a little bit faster and for a little bit you know a little bit of money we spent about 150 grand on this entire package all together which again totally cool with and it's working just fine check this out this thing is rocking i'm gonna go ahead and turn on all-wheel drive just in case we had a straw swat that we can't handle otherwise i think we're doing pretty good right now i'm gonna go ahead and get this uh the headlands finished we'll hire them on a worker and then i guess we can go ahead and get started with bailing because that's gonna be the only other thing we really need to do i'll tell you guys what pulling this machine out of the barn might be one of my favorite things to do this is such an epic piece of equipment huge huge baler absolutely massive love it love it love it only thing is i'm a little bit worried about getting into the headphones down there so i might try and behave a little bit and just go back and forth back and forth let's double check make sure we're working 20 yeah 240 centimeter bells perfect perfect we'll go ahead and enable fast farming can we yeah and turn it on now this is what i was talking about this baler almost can reach over there but not quite so i don't even try however with the combine on the other side i think it might be pretty advantageous to at least attempt to do it so i think that's what i'm gonna do there we go yeah left a little pile right there didn't we oops and i'm just gonna go back and forth picking up some straw make it some bells do them a thing now if you remember a couple episodes ago we made a bunch of bells matter of fact let's let's go ahead and get up in the air a little bit and take a look at them so as you can see right here we've got five runs i believe that's four piles of 32 and one pile of 31. i don't know how many that is but it's plenty that's how many it is a little far to the ground there we're going to take all of these bales in combination with these bales that we're gonna get off of every one of these fields and by everyone i mean all three oh we're gonna have a whole lot of bales i'm so excited not very long after and one of the fields is already done can you guess which one it is well i'll give you a hint it's the one in front of us it felt number three all right let's go and do this because i think we're like 90 to 93 000 liters this holds a hundred so it's very very not not too fast go and turn it on because combine harvesters need to be owned whenever you're unloading them it's it's just a thing oh hopefully this will hold i don't have a 50 000 liter limit on this thing do it darn it i think we can we can fix this customize yeah normal why is that on 50 000 when did i do that oh i did that in the last episode didn't i sure did all right there we go yeah cool all right so that's in there that's doing good love that front weight by the way you gotta check that out from poly count ties so that's one done we've still got this guy who i think's well over halfway done maybe three quarters of the way down something like that so he's doing fine we've got one other field to do and then we're done oh and so is my voice goodness gracious all right we're doing okay so far we've got plenty of bells being made over here i'm very happy about that i'm gonna go ahead and take care of this first because you try and it and you'll probably understand this when you're trying to go through and figure out okay who am i going to set on a worker what jobs am i going to do you kind of have to prepare for the worker first because they can get stuff done when you're not working and even when you're preparing step of the worker you're still working if that's confusing it should be because i'm really confused right now we should move on do you guys want to move on let's move on at this point everything is looking pretty good yes sir so let's uh i don't know should we do a do blue dump that that was called i don't know i think these are loaded the same amount yeah they unloaded the same amount there we go all right so that's it there we'll take a look and see exactly how much canola we've got boom boom i think right here so we got 144 000 liters in there right now but we've got plenty more coming through with our combine harvester right here 76 000 liters in there already and they're not too far from being done so that's pretty good what i need to do is i need to go ahead and get all of this stuff put away i am going to keep the combine harvester on this farm i think if i can find some room for it i think what i might have to do is move the telehandler by the way should we sell this i don't think i've used it much and we don't do grass bells anymore we're only doing straw bells i mean it's fun to have so that's cool but that's about it [Laughter] i don't know man i don't know you you guys tell me oh can we pull this all the way through yes we can and we can put the telehandler back in there okay okay i see you i see you well that makes that easy doesn't it hey now we've got a reason to keep the telehandler around so we can move it to get the combine out all right so let's see how many bales have we made so far i can't remember there we go 65 bills not too bad so we got a bunch more up there and we've got a lot more to be able to make right here now can we can we pick up both swaths at the same time i think it'll barely reach which is good can we do this is it gonna work we're gonna be able to reach both of them without having to come back through i think we are yes now i'm gonna have to behave and pay a little bit more all right why does this keep missing stuff is this just not picking up i think what's happening is it's piling up so fast in front of the baler that it can't pick it all up at the same time all right so that's definitely something that i'm gonna have to go through maybe in the code and the files and mess with myself because i don't want it to leave straw in the middle of the field i would like to be able to have all of this please and thank you even though straw goes a little bit away so regardless anyway i'll quit complaining i'm gonna pick up some of the straw we'll see how much of it i can get ah we missed a little bit right there that's okay we'll pick it up coming back through this is kind of neat this should save us a little bit of time even though i have to go lead a bit slower to be able to pick it all up so hit these head rows and then coming through like this i don't know if this was the best directional way to do it or not also i've modified this baler to intake 50 000 liters a second and it's still not helping on the ends right here when you get a bunch of this so just just be careful go a little bit slower it'll take it all in just fine and you will be just fine as well uh going back and forth a little difficult uh this is about the limit of this thing so just barely being able to hit both of the lines left and right and then you get down to the end right here you gotta slow down a little bit hit all that make sure you're good then swing it wide in order to pick this part up just to come back in and do it again at the end it's it's interesting it's nothing i'm missing a little bit uh it's not the easiest thing to do definitely doable i mean 100 doable you just really got to pay attention i'm not even sure using a controller or a mouse a keyboard is the best way to do this you may you may want a steering wheel just so you can have super super fine control over this i think that's maybe the best way and possibly the only way to do this without any problems but as you can see we're doing just fine we're almost finished with this field hey i like it and just like that we are done with this fill let's go ahead and fold everything up we'll take a look and see what is our belt count now about 15 20-ish hours have passed since the last clip so let's oh i'm going way too fast slow down baby how many we got so we got 29 bills i made 79 bills the last time around so that's going to be a total of 108 bills total that we've made so far not terrible also what are some other specs i'm just curious 38 hours on the gameplay series so far that's not terrible we've made almost 500 bills which is crazy uh 58 000 liters of fertilizer are you kidding me goodness crisis uh in collectibles one piece of candy out of a hundred oh yeah and all the combine harvesters and everything they're totally done now i couldn't remember if i did a clip showing putting away the harvest or not but yeah the harvesters are completely done we can go in and take a look at what we've got so we had a total of 224 000 liters of canola i can't remember do we sell that today or later it's today boys where are we selling it oh man those prices are not great are they not at all uh let's see 231 73. that's going to be the one right there cotswall store so 1200 we'll still make plenty of money on that i'm just not crazy about the amount of money that it is i want more money let's let's get in here and let's let's get to work uh this is gonna be the last run unfortunately i can't do uh double runs on this so i'm just gonna have to go straight up and down each of these but that'll be a little bit easier on me rock and roll let's get this field done and see what our total bell count is before we can go sell some bells and make a bunch of cash baby yeah all done let's take a look at our numbers and see what we've got so 86 produced bills at least in this gameplay series matched with the 79 that i did previously that's gonna give us i think it's 165 bales if i did the math correctly i know i'm not allowed to do math but i just did something there i think it's right 165 bales just told three fields well it's gonna be a lot isn't it sure is well now we need to figure out where we're gonna sell it and well figuring out where we're going to sell it's a pretty easy solution considering where all the rest of them are if we go down over here to straw everything that we've got i think is that the cosmos well prices are all virtually identical anyway these are one dollar differences per thousand liters it's not gonna make a huge difference i mean we've got a lot so it'll make a bit of a difference but not enough for us to really care too much but we do need to start getting all the bills up we do need to get ready and sell them one thing that i'm gonna do to hopefully protect ourselves from price craziness is i'm going to take the time down to zero time while i'm selling i've been playing at 0.5 just because we got so much to do today and it's december so you don't get a lot of sunlight all right let's go get our bell trailer and get moving on 165 bales drop off number one load number two offloading number three number four five and lastly number six although this one's not really that impressive we're gonna sell these first just so we can kind of get it over with and then we're gonna come through and load up everything else like i said we've got i think it was five stacks over there we've got five stacks over here this should be a very very good money-making opportunity for us and we're going to try and do as much of it here with each other as we can so the sell point inside i believe is right about here i think i think this is the one bell so point oh all right let's do it uh we will offload the bells just like so perfect perfect perfect there we go all right four grand for those not too bad oh i almost forgot to we need to take that time down to zero there we go the reason for doing that is because i don't want the price to go down usually when you sell about 200 000 liters of something the price goes down we have a lot all right let's reset and we're gonna try and pick these up one load at a time there we go perfect perfect perfect this should make things nice and easy but again that's what i'm doing back and forth picking them up one load at a time uh also we should definitely check on our bga and stuff i did have one person that sent me a modified version of the 200kw uh bga and gave me some instruction on how to do that i thought about doing it but i'm still a little bit back and forth on what i want to do exactly i know this map can be a little bit funny when you try and move stuff so i wonder if i could just delete that bga and put down a new one or if we're gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way i'm not sure either way uh we got a lot that needs to be done all right boom boom boom boom boom boom boom bill sales i love how the bills tried selling this game cracks me up also dude over here in the middle of my trailer get out of my trailer cool all right twenty five thousand dollars per load that's gonna be about 200 grand to 250 somewhere around there it's a lot of money all right i'm gonna go ahead and start selling all these and we'll pick back up whenever we're hitting our last load going in to pick up the very last load now and we have more than doubled our money we're at 517 grand right now insane got him uh yeah don't go too fast by the way if you're trying to do that don't just fly past it if i'm some 19 and 17 they would just magically appear on there uh they take time they do take a few seconds to go all day in 22. so just be careful it's it's not quite the same this is our last cell right here i'm averaging about 25 400 ish dollars per load so let's see what we get here and the last bit 25 569 couldn't have hinted more of a nice number than that so now we can at least uh forward time a little bit more we'll head it to 0.5 and we have made money a lot of money let's go in here and see if we can find bill cells ah yes yes yes yes yes right in here sold bales 257 000 i don't even know how many bills that is but i do know that's a lot of money and i'm real happy about it and with that let's quit flying and let's get right into it what i need we are going to sell the bga now i'm trying to swap out the bga in the files it doesn't seem to be working we do have some stuff in here for example if we go down and take a look in silage you can see we've got about 800 and some liters of digestate uh we do have 47 000 liters of silage which is quite a bit we may pay ourselves back for that we may not but you can see here the recipe not looking great because i added a bunch of zeros to these in the files and they're not showing it well i have invested my time and efforts into one of these now i've had a couple people send me bgas however and decided to uh well modify and make my own it's quite literally the same bga that's already here on the map so it should fit pretty well and the only thing is it costs a hundred grand and this one well you you see what we sold it for not a whole lot but the good thing is we could put this down so let's make sure we're all kind of nice and squared off i think about right there will be good okay looking good there looking good from the back and go oof all right so now we need to figure out is this gonna be worth it hey look it's my extra zeros that i added yes sir all right so we need to go we need to find ourselves some how much silage do we have in here i'm just curious one million liters we're gonna be so rich while we're at it let's go ahead and sell some canola because today is canola baby oh yeah a little bit squirrely right there i did talk about purchasing possibly a new weight for the front of this we did get a new weight that came out a few days ago at least at the time recording this video that extends out a little bit and helps with stability well i don't know if i want to do that or not but this seems to be working all right for me at least right now so we're going to take the trailer that we've got behind us we're going to bump that up to the most capacity so it's going to be 1 million liter capacity we're going to take our canola we're trying to find a good place to sell it and then we will be good uh at least at the time recording this video the new patch for farming simulator 22 is not out yet i know a lot of you guys like to go back and rewatch these in order so you'll know exactly what's going on there oh yeah we've got so much stuff i didn't change it crap uh maybe i could change it right now possibly customize more most hook up there we go all right so this is going in now we need to figure out where we're going to be selling this let's go to our prices let's go down to canola and we'll find the one with the most amount of money i think it's cotswold stores tag the place and figure out where it is oh no way it's down at the bga yo that makes things a little bit easier doesn't it one other thing that i did not mention that we're gonna do today is fix all of our vehicles uh if i select this tractor for example you look at the bottom right hand corner uh it's low it's real low it's basically broken is what it is i don't want to make it all the way broken so i'm trying to only fix the vehicles once a year but i think we might have to fix them more than once a year because they are really really needing some attention some love care and attention and boy oh boy is it not getting it right now so all in all today we've got canola cell we already did the bga we need to fix the equipment uh we're also going to be moving slurry over here to the bga as well and trying to get that sold because we have enough but right now is the best time the best time to sell it so we're going to take full advantage of that and get as much money as we possibly can so we'll pull around through here we will get this canola sold should give us a pretty good amount of money select it there we go all right i don't know how long this is gonna take but i do know that money is going up fast nearing a roundabout way on the end right now and what did we get 284 thousand dollars not too bad at all i am playing in normal mode beforehand i played in easy a lot and it turns out easy mode is a little bit too easy a farming simulator once you start making money also yes i'm not using production chains to sell this stuff usually i would make canola oil or i'd be making flour well i do a lot of flour simulator so yep changing it up just a little bit maybe we'll get there one day but i think i think i'm pretty happy with that sale now this next one this is gonna be fairly easy as well i'm just gonna go under here we're gonna unload all of the silage and we're going to dump it in i think it's got a 10 million liter capacity for side of the ah great crash counter plus one good job i need to make that a little bit quieter but it'll be all right all right silage uh this actually won't hold all the silage that i'm gonna be dumping out well that's fun we'll have a little bit extra left over nice you know it's funny you really don't think too much about how much 1 million liters is until you can actually put it all in one trailer at the same time which i love to be able to do please tell me i could dump this on the edge okay thank goodness boom dump it get it good i want to get that down about 50 000 under cool cool cool uh i am gonna oh we're stuck on that piece on the side i'm gonna back up and go and fill the rest of this up we got another like 50 000 liters in here something like that there we go oh that's not quite uh as much as i was hoping we would be getting out of that um let's see how much do we have left 24 000 okay that's not too bad i guess we can go ahead and back that up do it again this is this is the fun part right here all right we'll dump that there we go okay that's everything now we can officially dump all that we've got available right into here we'll go ahead and pop in we'll take a look we will activate our silage right here um this will do uh cycles per month yeah fourteen four it is 60 cycles an hour which i believe is one in a minute yeah what a minute indeed actually it's already doing cycles i can't do it fast enough even at half time oh cycles per hour or is that cycles per minute i think i put too many zeros on it brb while we're waiting for mr salads to make his cash money let's go through here let's pick up some salary with the liquid liquid kind yeah slurpee back it up there you go let's pick up some slurry real quick i haven't done this yet and i don't really know how but i'm sure we'll figure it out right about meow okay um open cover maybe that's what we need to do start filling hey cool oh look at the fill plane going down look at that all right that's kind of cool that's neat it's going down super fast but oh oh it only holds 100 000 liters i'm gonna have to make two and a half trips that's gonna suck uh we've also got a bunch of manure as well over here we'll kind of take a look sneak peek at the bottom right hand corner 50 000 liters now the manure doesn't need to be sold i think until later on this is the great thing about this you could just look and see when anything is uh this will go through doo doo doo give me manure show me surprise fluctuations january that's tomorrow i don't need to do that today boom boom boom i'm not saying i added a couple zeros to the end of this but i may have added one one zero is that okay it'll be all right we'll come through here and we need to get this we gotta move because this is all done oh it was already on that was weird uh yeah this is all done we've got to get this pulled away and we're all finished up here might be able to move the manure with this i'm not quite sure how i'm gonna move that though so i can figure that out go ahead and open up our covers and we should be able to just crash right into that nice and easy um not getting a dumb maybe here this is probably it yeah i should probably use the bga more i think we started like a massive uh bit in the uh with the american map and that did not work very well huh all right we'll put back in here take a look and slurry we want to activate that as well so silage is down to 781 i don't think there's enough in there for it to actually do another cycle so that's kind of funny you can see at the bottom right hand corner numbers are still trying to go up trying to go down digest state number is moving very very good nice nice nice nice nice dice one thing we are gonna do i'm gonna make the investment and we're going to figure out how to do some type of slurry injection that way we don't have to fertilize more than once and we talked about this a little bit uh beforehand i don't actually remember where's it in crop protection maybe i'm not that's not it i have no idea absolutely no idea where in the world this is but i know it's right here so that's okay i thought about getting this so we'd have a nice big tractor we could do whatever we wanted to with it and we'd have a good time rocking and rolling with it but i've also been kind of creeping on here waiting for a slurry trailer to pop up we do have one right here but i want to find something where we can inject that way it's literally the full amount all the time very cool although we did just get a new modded version of that anyway let's uh we'll go ahead and back out we'll get this taken care of we'll get this moved around do we need do and then i think it might be time to fix some equipment and that's going to be a lot of money taking a look through our menu now and we can kind of see what needs a little bit of help and what doesn't for example the the maxi forks and stuff they don't need anything but uh going through here we can see we do have some stuff what is it viking fenix oh yeah to make uh hey we could probably sell that at this point how much can we get for that 12 grand not too bad we may need to do that uh see tender oh yeah feeding chickens we may want to feed them soon uh the biggest thing right here is going to be the massey 19 right there we really really need to do that so i don't know any other better way than using the mobile workshop so i'm just going to come up and we're going to repair each one as such now this is going to take a bit uh let's see what's the total cost say we had 7 32 so there's 2 500 bucks 20 000 to repair that why 44 to repair weight it must be worth their weight in gold goodness gracious 2 500 bucks to repair that tractor goodness so you could see this is getting quite expensive quite quickly i was not prepared for this amount of uh hey oh yeah i was not prepared for this at all that does not need to be repaired so that's kind of nice we'll spin around here just show you man we really i'm not saying we're getting robbed on these prices but they are high i have installed the mod where you can kind of adjust the prices a little bit because they are pretty up there granted we're gonna make plenty of this money back but still i i will say i i can't get it to work that mod it's supposed to be in game settings and it's supposed to be at the bottom but i don't i don't have it maybe it's the general settings but i still don't have it or additional settings but i don't have it it's installed i don't know what i'm doing wrong maybe one of you guys know but i sure don't so i'm gonna go around i'm gonna finish repairing everything and we'll catch you when we're all done maybe it'll be time to use this bad boy let's go back now and revisit a problem that i've had since the very first harvest we got these little spots in our fields and no matter what i've done i can plant whatever i want over them uh things aren't really working the way you want them to get a little spots all over the field that nothing's growing through even though it looks like that nothing grew through there so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take my plow and i'm just going to do a little bit of a jump right over it just like that that's it just a little spot nothing too crazy a little bitty spot like that and i think i've got a few of these around so i might have to do a little bit of driving to find all of the spots oh oh oh i got another one i did come through and get all the straw off the field so that's really easy to do if you're curious on how to do that go into your build mode go into landscaping go to soften and then you can literally just do whatever you want around the area it won't mess with it field wise but it will mess with it like anything like straw or grass grown grass on the field so just be careful about that otherwise if you got a crop it could be grass it could be wheat barley whatever it doesn't really matter uh you're good to go oh got a little another little spot right there kuchunk didn't even have to do anything to that gotcha um let's see i don't think i've got any spots in this other field and i'm actually gonna use this in the flight mode to come over here and take a look i don't see anything probably because this field was cultivated at the time of jumping in so that's a little bit easy but what i can do is maybe utilize up in the air oh we got another one you can't hide from a little piece in the field i can see you gotcha all right i don't know if that's all the spots in this field or not but we could certainly drive up here i think i've actually got a couple little spots so if you've got these in your filth they're so easy to get rid of just get a plow a cold fader sub soil or disk arrow anything like that that will change the field style anything except a direct drill because direct drill exit wires just like that now the good thing is as well because i am going to direct drill over top of all this i'm still going to be able to see really well when i'm coming through and rolling there we go got that got that looking good i'll do one little run up here just to make sure i think we're good there we are all good should we look over here just in case one of the neat things about uh looking around for these little spots they're literally gonna be in the exact same spot for you guys as well okay we've got a little spot right there a couple little spots oh it's all all those big spots over here they're all over the place around the edge down there so i'm just gonna go through we'll get those plowed up and i think none around the center which is really weird but it is what it is let's get these up now is kind of the boring part because we've got fertilizing to do yes i know we've got a lot of uh digestate up there but uh right now i don't have a mod for any of that yet so we are back to using regular solid fertilizer just like so we're gonna go through we will get all three of these fields fertilized ready to go just kind of double check oh look at all these little spots that i had to do not too bad but you know they're they're definitely there no fertilizer on the field so we will have to get that put down field number five number five is looking good it is all plowed up do we have anything that we could fast forward to over there to maybe take a look at it yeah maybe not i wanted to get field five because we've got field 25 here field five is massive uh let's see what's the price on it ooh [Music] i don't have enough minute though it yeah maybe next time let's get all these fertilized real quick fertilizers all done we got all of the fields looking good well at least the first stage of fertilizers on all of them next is going to be the planting now i'm not sure what i want to put in here i'm thinking just wheat though i might do wheat and barley i'm you know i'm a little bit back and forth between the two to be honest with you i'm not quite sure which one i want to do we'll go ahead and hook up and we'll go over here to fill it up with seed so we did canola and that was our uh third harvest i guess whatever it would be we're doing two a year so it's a little bit easier that way there we go full seeds so i'm thinking because our wheat and barley and oats will all be gone by this time tomorrow i'm thinking maybe we we could do sorghum as well but the problem with sorghum is it doesn't give us any extra like straw and straw makes money and i like making extra money even though we have to wait all year to sell them so this harvest should happen i think at about april if i'm not mistaken uh we'll do a grass harvest in march that'll be spring number one which would be very very nice to have go ahead and turn everything on crank it up and rock and roll so we've got three fields all three of the fields are going to be wheat by the time i am all said and done with them oh boy what am i thinking while we wait on the worker to complete their task and they're gonna take a little while let's jump into our style right here and get some feed mix made the next stain game on january is going to be feeding day for the animals and we need to make sure we've got everything that we need how many times i say need you guys know what i mean so this will hold if i remember correctly 1 million liters well i have formulated 400 000 liters of silage 400 000 liters of hay and then we're just going to top it off with some straw so bring it in we should be able to find ourselves yep 400 000 liters of silage this should empty out completely and it has done just that next is going to be straw not straw easy now not quite strong not just yet hey yes we need to empty out the hay not bad not bad here we go should be ending here in just a moment and it has and lastly let's top it off with some straw charlie's basically filler uh also for the mineral feed i have seen a couple people doing tests and it does nothing so if you don't want to use mineral feed you don't have to and probably you shouldn't you're just going to be wasting money on it so coming through good good and there we go there's our 1 million liters of tmr eats a little bit much but it's enough uh also there's another thing that i want to tell you guys about so the manure right so the manure and come through here we're going to put that right there the manure trigger is right here and it tells us exactly what's in here it says 50 310 liters okay 50 310 50 310 well that's not what this says when i go take a look at it it says 218 000 liters and so does this silo right here now i don't know what's happening or what's been happening but what i think has happened was i think that this silo right here that's holding 50 000 liters of actual manure uh has also been depositing into the multi-fruit that i cheated at over here thus putting all of the manure in before i bought the manure pit into our silo how convenient well uh if that's the case i'm gonna be getting rid of the manure pit because there is no reason to have that if this does the job for us so this is just one more reason why i love this piece and i think you should guys just do it too man i've started to cheat way more than i used to gotta love it so let's get this potty humor party started oh yeah so we've got a bunch going on first and foremost i want to let you guys know that today's let's play is gonna be done in times zero i know that's really nothing special or different at least for my channel however we're doing it for one purpose because the sun's going down and i know we've been on this same day and gave her like four episodes now something like that we got a lot to do man you guys know how it is you probably spend quite a few days on the same day in game in real life playing so it's very similar on my end as well so what we're going to do is we're going to hire a couple workers and get things moving so we've got rolling to do i've already rolled one field but the one to our left still needs to be fertilized that's field number two run field number three currently this needs to be rolled and fertilized and field number six needs all of that all all of it we haven't even planted it yet so all that's gonna have to happen today so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna finish running around this i'll jump back in with you when we're gonna start planting we'll get that worker hired and then we'll get some fertilizing done and then yeah we got to do all of that on every field it'll be a fun day yeah after about uh that feels like forever uh we're done with the rolling part at least the part where i have to do it go ahead and hire the worker on that uh if you are using these fields and you're using this specific roller heads up you're gonna need to run three headlines around it's just not gonna do it you're gonna have to run a third run around there anyway because they're gonna miss a lot so you may as well just do all three yourself next we're gonna take the second slowest thing that's gonna take us all day this is going to be our cedar we're going to turn everything on we'll enable a little bit of fasty farming action going on and rocket roll this one only takes two headlands which is very very nice you can kind of cheat around on the second one if you want to get that fast farming action going on by the way if you don't know anything about fast farming and farming simulator 22 you need this weight put it on the very back and use that hydraulic hitch to hook up whatever you're going to be using so for example this uses that exact hitch so you would be good to go don't lower the weight down just lower the implement down and it will go fast i'm using the real speed limit mod which is for uh on pc only it's a heads up there everybody asked me how i go fast it's a real speed limit mod that's pretty much all of this equipment is unmodified in any way or the equipment is modified to go maybe a little bit faster or hold a little bit more but yeah that's how i'm going the full speed of the tractor the real speed limit mine console players use that weight and you're good to go and we're good to go let's go and finish this headlight around and then we gotta fertilize oh yeah and those spots that we plowed in the field the last episode check this out going right over them boom perfect no issues whatsoever i forgot to show you guys that in the last episode on the other field but all of the parts that we plowed up well they are working just fine and because they have an overlap of a massive area that we're already doing that looks like it is plowed over direct drill anyway um and mulched that type of thing well it's gonna give you the same features and same looks there so all is good man all is good bro finish this filled up we'll see you guys over on field number two the smaller fin oh yeah by the way i want a bigger tractor i know i keep saying that every single episode but i think we're to the point where we might need a bigger tractor i think we're running into the problem now of like for example that roller on the uh all the tractor we got it on right now it's not doing great it's a little bit slow you know it i mean it's going about 60 miles an hour but 270 horsepower may not be enough for that i think we're going gonna need to get around 400 horsepower perfect that'll be absolutely perfect so we need something maybe about this size possibly a little bit bigger start thinking on that but that's going to be my goal during the winter months is to try to find something on sale that is massive all right all right the worker oh we're gonna miss this uh-huh yeah that's what i thought great fertilizer time and one of my favorite tractors of the series i love this fence something about the white the fent in general just kind of leads itself to being anything except for green and i've tried to modify things to look a little bit different than they do i mean we took a case and we're using it as a steyr we get the white fin we have a blacked out massey ferguson i like the the setups and the designs and the the way that we've kind of changed some of the equipment on here really like it i really do try to figure out do i need lights or not december at 13 57 it's a little bit dark it's a little bit dark of course having hdr turned on does not make it any better makes it a whole lot worse hdr is awesome unless it's dark content or you're watching movies ugh anyway back to it we got a lot of fertilizer to do all three of these fields are gonna be done but as soon as we're done with these then we're done done we could fast forward to the next day and move on so i had recorded about a uh i don't know one two minute clip of me rolling the last field but rolled over is what i did uh it turns out what i had done is not hit end from the clip before it and when i hit the recording button it stopped the recording and then when i stopped the recording i recorded 12 minutes of myself rolling a field it was exhilarating just like this whoosh clean so here's it was bad uh here's what we got we're gonna put this away we've got one field that i think is done you fertilize yep and we're almost done almost done so close everything's good we've got one more bit of fertilizer on this field and we are done with today in game of course once it's all said and done we've got to go babysit the sheep because for some reason they can't handle things on their own at night so we're gonna have to uh just make sure you know the the wool doesn't get backed up too bad um i i understand i know why i did it i've had a couple people say it in the comment section i see y'all dj the wolf's you know piling up so fast because you've got too many sheep you cheated in too many i'm aware i did it on purpose and i don't know how to make the small point for the wool bigger therefore it is what it is it's it's fine but we're fine everything's fine you guys good all right so here's what i'm gonna do we're gonna finish fertilizing this field right as soon as we're done fertilizing the field i'm gonna go ahead and fast forward to the next day and game in that time i'm gonna go babysit the sheep off screen wake up and will be time to feed the animals because january 1 is feeding time and welcome to january but i've been frantically trying to get wool out of the spawn point we got a lot of wool man it's there's a bit of it here we're doing pretty good though i mean we've got a lot of it we're gonna sell in may which is good we've been selling this or saving it rather this entire time i haven't sold any wool yet oh yeah it's gonna be good it's gonna be real good and we've got a whole stack of it over there actually we've got more than a stack we've got a huge pile that's what we've got we got a huge pile of it let's see let's jump into our tractor please let me really oh yeah i forgot if you uh get out in a tractor out of a tractor or something and then you try and pick something up and then you try and get back in it doesn't work i don't know why triggers are the same way and i have no idea why they behave like that oh well what i do know is why wool behaves like it does going into the trailer like that because it's awesome we've got a bunch of it over here as well i'm gonna go ahead and load it all in together that way it's stacked up nice neat for us we'll have probably i don't know three pallets four four trailers worth to take with us i think this is about two days in game maybe three days total so it's not too bad we'll load these up get them all nice and organized and then we will drop them back so that's almost a trailer oh boy it's not taking them from where i wanted it to that's awesome just take the closest one you idiot why would you do that hey it's fine things are fine life is fine everything's okay nothing's wrong ever wait watch it not take half of the ones from the other side now yep told you well there's two right here it's like oh wait oh those no i can't reach those get out of here all right come on down get in there all right there we go we're good we're good we're good yes that's what all all i wanted to do in the first place we've got a couple right here nice need organized looking good looking fresh looking pretty i love it i love it i love it sometimes uh let's let's just put these right there there you go okay so a lot of pallets a whole lot of pallets that's gonna be a lot of wool and a lot of money but like i said it's gonna be i think may until we can sell that so well no point to get all excited about it now speaking of now now we need to go feed the animals because they're gonna get real mad if it don't first up are the cows and smart me actually did myself a little bit of a flavor the last episode if you saw i've already got the animal feed mixed in the trailer and it's already in yikes it's already in here all i got to do is feed them but this is gonna take a little while i mean it empties fairly quick but i don't think that i've got it empty that fast so we'll go in here pop in take a look at the animals real quick we're over here at the cattle oh they're almost full look at that oh well uh it turns out this does empty extremely fast uh they took 300-ish thousand liters wow all right well that's pretty good and that'll last for a little while and the rest of this we're gonna put into the silo now i don't know how much tmr i've got in the silos unfortunately it doesn't tell you how much you've got but if we can go up to it on the right right there you can see at the bottom right hand corner if you even go near a silo it'll tell you exactly how much you've got in uh ascending order as a matter of fact your descending order rather so that's cool yeah all right oh boy uh oh i was about to say uh i crashed my game nope we're good uh let's go ahead and save yep yep yep let's go and save that game wow i could not walk i don't know what in the world this happened right there that scared me too much yes it did too much indeed all right so the feed mixer can help me put away we probably won't use this for another year or so in game i could probably even lease this and be done with it but i don't know i like owning it plus we've got plenty of money so we're okay uh one other thing that i did find interesting is at midnight we did not get any money from the bga are you supposed to get money for the bga i don't i don't i've never used it i don't know how it works but i do know that i didn't get any money and we sold a lot of silage so maybe once a year you get paid i really wish i knew the answer nonetheless we're good uh we'll take a look at straw straw is very interesting because i made the silo over here hold a lot of strong and for some reason they're both connected i don't i don't know how i did that i i have no idea how i did that oh i know what's going on uh my controller for some reason is disconnecting from the computer which is super cool that's awesome so much fun exciting uh let's let's get some grass i don't know how much grass we're gonna need we'll take a look at the sheepies real quick we've got two different sets of sheep in here right now let's see 250 200 hang on do we have 500 sheep no hold on there's no way that they made that many babies in one day no [Music] really 250 she made 250 all right um it looks like 300 000 liters maybe too much this might be too much grass doesn't look like 500 sheep in here but maybe maybe they did uh that's a lot of sheep man like too much seems like too much all right so that's filling up pretty quickly 200 000 liters nice nice nice i might have to come in here and fill that back up to a certain point i didn't think i could hold 500 maybe i can we'll take a look and see oh yeah i forgot the triggers in the middle of the road we have 500 yep yep we do uh brand new they are they are babies all right well i guess wool is gonna be our most profitable crop now welcome all right one more animal to feed up we've got uh we got our chickens and of course water for the the sheep as well but that'll be easy to do water is going in and chickens get fed we'll go ahead and boom this out all the way and we'll just kind of reach over reach over here i love this little feeding mechanism right here you just got to get close ish enough drops in i can't tell if that's moving super fast or it just looks like a bunch of ants doing their thing either way uh that's it there cool cool and the chickens are fed for probably like four years they don't they don't need a whole lot of feed we'll put this away back it in now it is time to get some other stuff sold so we've got bread milk and manure all things that need to be sold so i think the first thing maybe we could do is since we're right here beside the bread at least what bread we've got left from the previous game safe we could go ahead and sell this so boo boo boo boo boo boop got em now we need to figure out where we're gonna sell the bread as always go to your prices and then find whatever it is that you're wanting to sell right there we can see january perfect time now we just need to find what gives us the best one it looks like general bay one tag the place figure out where in the world general bay number one is uh oh it's all the way at the top cool so even though bread does very well the problem is we don't have a lot of it six thousand liters and that is it also i think this might be our first time going to this sell point so that's kind of cool we need to figure out exactly which one we're going to here i think it's the one smack dab in the middle and it is so we're going to actually be able to go up into this oh bread's not accepted there perfect that makes that a lot easier i don't have to skip by that every time and going through here should sell immediately and it is we're not gonna make a lot of money off this maybe even 20 grand something like that yeah 19 000 so not a bunch not a bunch at all although i did see a piece of candy over there look it over here to see if there's any more uh oh hello he's candy give me got him thousand bucks anymore over here any more bueller there's a horse got him there's another thousand bucks and i think i saw one yeah tractor get him i'm not actively trying to find them but i will say if i see them i'm gonna pick them up ooh i can't gotcha boom baby is there any more of here oh there is one right over there uh maybe i'm maybe i'm having too much fun doing this right now let's go and open that back up get to the outside oh it's lagging so hard give me a piece of candy got him all right next we just need to figure out where to get the milk from that way we can sell it all and i have no idea i have no idea where it is i think it's this one so i'm gonna go ahead and pretend that it's this one we'll pull up to it we'll open up see i'm so smart look how smart i am i i'm so good let's turn on the help window just double check make sure everybody's good everybody is good i want to pop in take a look at the animals we'll see our reproduction 50 well we've got all the chickens we need we don't need no more than that uh milk should be done yep 183 that's a lot of milk we're going to make a lot of money is what we're gonna do let's find out exactly where we want to sell this should be pretty simple price fluctuations january we are good to go and then which one's giving us the most i think it's this one right here tag the place coswolds i think that's down at the bga if i'm not mistaken hey yo see you at the bga one of the interesting things is this milk has only been collected since august so we've had i think it's about what five months something like that worth of milk so this is only representative of half a year maybe less than half a year was worth so this is gonna go up pretty quickly especially with the way it's playing and everything i'm kind of glad we're doing this game say in normal mode versus like easy that'd be that'd be too much money nothing just like normal right all right after this one we've got one more thing that we need to do and that's gonna be manure now i know where some of the manure is but some of the manure has been eluding me and i'm not quite sure exactly where it's located or if we even need to continue keeping the manure bunker that we've got i need to figure all that out what i don't need to figure out is how much money we made holy cow we made a quarter of a million dollars 254 grand oh that's nice we're 964 thousand dollars we're doing good the last task today is going to be manure now i know where some of the manure is because randomly it started appearing in this silo before i started placing down the normal area so we'll get this filled up yeah well that's a lot um there you go maybe we should customize this too most yeah there we go all right so we've got it customized most this should put all the manure in that i know that we have however i think there's some more around here in the bunker if we pop over that we should see some more yeah there's more here so it started going from the silo into this which is gonna take a while to get out um i think i got an idea bucket modded good job dj all right i love the way i do things yeah it's gonna make things a little bit easier i went ahead and sold the bucket that i had and i quickly made this one and this will be a-okay this one's a hundred thousand liters let's go and here we go i should be able to get all of this plus like twice this much in one go let's see if we can line it up just about right there we go and can i have some newer please the answer is yes oh yeah i might try to get rid of this just because not a fan of doing all this myself i would love for it to just magically appear into the silo so i think what i'm gonna do just to maybe do a little bit of trying is delete that and maybe put something in its place or something like that and then we'll go from there i like using the tail handler i like doing stuff like this but sometimes you just don't have time for it which is most of the time so we'll uh we'll maybe try and do that actually we can go ahead and do it right now go in here click it sell it absolutely yes yes yes yes yes we'll do that for now we'll see if the manure goes into the silo like it did before or if that was some type of fluke or maybe i did something wrong and it magically appeared i guess we'll find out soon enough huh and this is the last thing that we need to do before march getting well into year number three or season three if you want to call it that here on comms did farm so manure get it sold get it put in here and be done with it i still haven't made any money from the bga so i have just no clue whatsoever on how i'm supposed to handle that let's come over here real quick we'll get this let's see silage is good slurry's good we'll go ahead and activate the manure as well take a look at these silage digestate good we gotta i mean we got plenty of digestate everything's looking good there i just don't understand maybe this costs money i don't i don't know i thought maybe we would make money it it is what it is i guess huh so there is uh there's that nothing to do in february so the next episode that you guys see here on the map is going to be in march march we're going to be getting our first mowing done so that's going to be nice there you go all down and it should digest it pretty quickly uh at least it would if i had a thousand liters to process we have 36 000 liters of digestate that ain't too bad march is going to be fun and with that let's go still let's go help our fellow farmers with their harvesting and everything and we're totally totally not going to steal anything from them at all what we do need to do is get some header trailers though for our headers because i don't have any of them do these take the same one 60 30 ooh 60 35 ooh ayo all right so let's go ahead and get these purchased let's go and get the one for the cloth right now nice and easy spare wheel sure license plate well that's not quite right we need the dj 60 ham back only sounds good to me now we are repurchasing these you may be remembering back in the day we actually had these yeah i don't i got rid of them i don't have these anymore so we're gonna have to buy a header trailer at least for both of these i'd like to go ahead and run both combine harvesters on the field i think we'll get it done way way faster but i'm also not quite sure if it's a good idea it might take a little while to to get both of them down there and then back is it gonna snap in or did i put it hey love it uh i think maybe to start with we'll start with one harvester because really i'm just gonna run a couple headlands around it and then call it a day yeah i'm just not quite sure how i'm going to get down there oh yeah what fields are we doing dj well we're going to be harvesting 13. 13 is big like here's the size of what 25 right well this is probably 50 larger at least and 25 took a while which is what i was saying we might want to take both combine harvesters just to be safe so let's get ourselves down there let's find our way into the field i still have no idea what we're going to do oh yeah and we're doing 21 17 and 9 for the fertilizing contracts they shouldn't take too long because we have a 50 meter spread and we can go super fast so i don't suspect those are gonna take a while also today in game we need to sell some honey we've also got uh grass that needs to be done so we're we're gonna have a fun time uh this episode uh 18 maybe split up at 18 and 19 for all of the work that we've got to do just traveling along as i do we're almost to the field but check this out got a little little river crossing down here i've seen this before but i've never tried to bring any equipment down through here that was dragging just a little bit we should be right up here oh well that's a big field huh this oh this is gonna be fun uh i think getting our other combine over here is not gonna be too difficult we may still want to get a header trailer just to be safe go ahead and unfold we'll go ahead and open up our combine harvester here nice and easy we'll also double check to make sure that our straw swath is enabled yes i understand that this is canola however i've got a mod installed from the mod hub on pc which allows me to get straw off of canola which is pretty cool yeah let's put this about right yeah i'm not sure which way i want to go to start with maybe maybe we'll go around to the left since i'm so familiar with looking that way double check make sure we're good disable straw swap that means it is on we'll go ahead and open her up and go all right harvesting contract has begun now when doing straw swaths and taking them away on uh contracts and things like that especially pc you have to be very careful you do things in a specific order very first thing would be to harvest it doesn't matter where you put the crop and most people don't use combine harvesters that hold a million liters or a hundred thousand liters which this one holds a hundred thousand so you may want to put this in your own silo something like that then you want to collect the straw off the field once the straw has been collected off the field then you could go and deliver your uh delivery crop wherever it needs to be sold and then you will complete your contract if you've completed your contract you can't get your straw off field and that gets annoying pretty quickly so make sure you do things in the correct order my uh my order of operations at least today is going to be to run two headlands around this field completely and then find a straight side to hire a worker on and because it is so massive i do think two combine harvesters is gonna have to be the way we go all right so i'm not saying that i'm recording this clip three days later than the previous one but it might be a few days later and at this point update patch 1.3 is out yes it is one thing i need to do is we gotta go through and figure out exactly how i'm gonna get this worker hired i think i'm gonna hire him like this because i get the majority of the field done without having to do anything that being said i think going this way might be beneficial to to get more of it i'm not man i don't know i don't know at all i i think probably the best thing for me to hire this worker and not have to come back is side to side because i'm gonna have to do a little bit of work the other way around i've also looked at the new massey ferguson infant combine harvesters that we've gotten i like them a lot a whole lot so we may swap out that uh new holland for those eventually i don't have any modded versions yet so we'll go from there we'll go double check here make sure that we've got a straw swath coming out yes we do kill kill uh yeah we're gonna have to do a little bit of uh finagling right here but that's all right no problem whatsoever one nice thing about this update is we can now see the actual price fluctuations so we've got to sell honey and that's going to be the next thing that we do so i've come in here looked at honey say okay these are the prices what's the price fluctuations this is march so the high should be around 2019 dollars well we're getting 2039 that makes me feel a whole lot more comfortable about what i'm about to do and i'm about to sell some honey let's go as soon as i as soon as i hire this worker and get it going it's honey picking up time let's do it man uh one thing that i found after this most recent update is boy oh boy is it a little bit laggy i've had to load in and close out this map about three times to get it to not be so laggy and that's for every map that i've played on performing simulator 22 not just this one why some of that on the bottom you know what i'm not even going to worry about it uh and that includes first person check this out look how bad that is that's not good that's that's not fun to play with uh yeah so it in order to get everything to load correctly and i've told people this as soon as farming simulator 22 released the cache is kind of being reset a little bit so if you want everything to be looking right nice and smooth etc etc you're gonna have to play in those modes because it seems like there's either two different caches or something going on with memory wear it's basically a whole new world as soon as you go in first person now every vehicle's the same so that's nice but yeah you just got to be careful hey where are we selling this honey i got 5600 liters where i need to know where we're going so let's figure that out over here honey take the highest price that we've got out of all these general store bay number one let's tag that place and find out exactly where we are going i have no idea oh so we're going up here yet again all right i'm not too hugely familiar with honey prices selling ways or anything like that because i haven't done it a lot most of the honey that i've done i've had delivered directly to the cereal mill over on the american map so i'm not uh very versed in in this part of things so let's find out 11 grand for all that honey all right can't just be me right that seems like a waste of time i'm not sure honeybees are the way to go anymore that's that's eleven thousand dollars for honeybees that we've had for what seven months eight months i think we need to start making cereal that's what i think we need to start doing now i don't know if i had mentioned this at the previous uh bits or not because it's been literally half of a week but i'd originally planned to mow this episode now we had a lot of mowing to do and we're gonna have to do that the next episode so we may have an entire day full of mowing and picking up grass and making hay but i enjoy doing that however today because we've got contracts and things and that sort of dealio well we got a few other things that need to happen the first one is karting yeah i i'm not used to doing that oh let's go and hook up this uh let's see i believe this is the most yep most it is let's jump in here uh we gotta take this all the way out if i looked correctly the combine harvester what holds a hundred thousand liters but it's like at 75 percent 76 so we got to get this out there i need to go ahead and do a little bit of carding this will hold 10 full loads from that combine so i mean it's going to hold plenty but we still got to get out there don't tell the farmer that i'm in his field oh no i missed it go go go go go go go go go go yeah we got a little bit i need to go ahead and pull away that way that way the uh yeah there you go what do we got 11 000 liters of there just barely man just barely uh they're doing good i think this may have been a mistake doing it this way but as you can see they're not missing any i think this is definitely the way to do this so if you guys are doing this field the least trouble and the least amount of work that you would have to put into it man i think doing it back and forth like this this is the best way to do it also i love this combine harvester and i love this trailer uh the trailer the common harvester i've got a like a version of the ideal in my pack and then as far as this trailer goes unfortunately uh this is a trailer that someone else made that i added some zeroes to so unfortunately it is unavailable for download on my pack but you can still get a combine harvester similar to that one actually 82 studio made that combine harvester for me so let's get a big shout out day two studio he's a man oh the tlx 2020 is out as well i think we might have to get a truck on this map something else we got to do is we've got to get some fertilizing done we have three fertilizing contracts that are active right now that we haven't even started yet speaking of 82 studio let's go ahead and use this multi fillings too don't pull past it now let's use this multi-filling station and let's find out exactly where we are going so we've got 21 up here that's probably going to be the first field we hit 17 likely the second and field number nine and that's going to be the last one so this one we actually get to go behind the secret field in due woods that's going to be fun oh don't drive in my crop don't drive in the crop nice i always love coming up on new parts of the map that i haven't been to yet and i've flown over this a hundred times for map tours and things like that but i've never actually been up here for this which is kind of cool let's go ahead and give ourselves a little booster boost all the way to the top of the map and put it down nice uh now this uh this contract in particular is gonna be a little bit difficult for me let's fertilize the contract that's normal right well i can't see where it's putting it down so i think what i will have to do is rely on the map and just pause over and over and over again you think i could do this i hope i could do this i hired a worker got him i did miss this part and some spots over there but don't worry two passes maybe three and this whole section will be done one pass i can get that and then i'll be finished and it'll be just fine yes sir so with this one it looks like maybe your best bet if you guys are on field 21 doing anything probably just higher worker trying to go back and forth through here maybe hit one at the top one down this side and then one down here and then just higher worker going straight back so definitely start whatever you're doing at this bottom left hand corner go up to the right and down i think that's going to be the best way to get your worker going go and reset that yeah look it's perfect i'm perfect contract done uh i mean there's some more left but i'll take it where's the contracts field number 21 is done is right here yeah there we go see completed 21 okie dokie collect this is 12 grand not bad at all what's next field number 17 i believe is gonna be next and that is all the way down here dude that's gonna be a long drive can i drive down through here i could i think it may take longer though i'm gonna drive across the fields i don't want to be that guy and say that uh cheating and driving across all the fields was the best idea however it uh it took like 25-30 seconds to get over here so if you're driving from field number 21 to field number 17. drive through everyone's fields this one's nice i could actually see where i'm going with this so i'm just going to harvest or harvest i'm just going to do this one myself it's not going to take me that long plus it's not squared off so hiring a worker would be uh not impossible just not a good idea check this out at the top right hand corner field 17 39 completed i've never seen that before i knew that giant said that they'd added something like that there is also a pc mod that does this as well that just happened to come out the day after i started recording this video i was like hey that would be perfect and then giants of course added something as well well that'd be perfect so yeah you can kind of keep an eye on your contracts just by checking out the little white text at the top right hand corner of your screen so keep an eye out for any text that may pop up saying hey you've done this much hey you've done this much because another one popped up for the other field as i was doing this one which i thought was very interesting so i had to jump over i was like turn obs back on i need to tell the people i wonder if it'll pop up again i don't know let's let's give it a try and see i'm still gonna just continue to go around in circles up there we go field number 13 42 that's the other field that's down even this one so it did oh hey there we go field 17 54 completed all we have to do is get to that 80 complete mark well 80 in the field i think and then it's done how cool is that i think that's awesome man so definitely definitely definitely keep an eye out on the top uh it may give you updates here now um the thing that's really odd is it's not like 15 25 50 that's you so i was like yeah that was a 17 done uh 40 42 done uh yeah that one's oh that one 38 done the numbers seem to be a little off contract completed so that's in green and it looks like all the other status markers are gonna be in white so no big deal through there we've still got all this left which is what it is but hey it's completed 35 grand ao and we are officially for the first time realistically with money that we've made kinda millionaires a i love it i love it i love it with millionaires baby we got all the money every bit of money it's our money let's go i gotta get to field number nine and this i don't think i could drive straight across the map perhaps driving halfway across the map was beneficial after all because here we are at this field uh double check on this guy real quick 64 he's doing okay after i finish this next contract that we definitely need to hit that oh yeah these can change colors now so i'm thinking customize oh yeah let's do this real quick uh see chassis color see we do have new home raw smash that's nice but this is cloth so let's do that extension color what's the extension ah that top part let's go with a bright white for that and the room color i mean duh right vent no it's cloth the problem is hey there we go there actually is a real cloth color nice uh wonder if we change this to like a dart yeah i like that so much better and why is the license plate not dj60ham there we go perfect cool yeah i love it yes give me give me give me much better much much much much better all right one more field it's down here right across the right across the river field number nine finally we're getting close guys we're getting very very close get a little wash up on the wheels there oh boy this is another one of those fields where i'm not really sure how in the world i'm gonna do this but i'm sure i'll figure it out oh yeah straight from the top go over that a top view looks like this is corn so it's not going to be too difficult to see through unless you're looking at it like that we look at it from above you can see perfectly fine so if you're doing corn look from above hey helpful tips and tricks from dj if you're going fast hey ten percent complete let's go and there we go field nine contract completed also our combine harvester up there is already at 80 percent already this is gonna be the second unload for that one which is just insane let's go ahead and find him where's he at 85 goodness gracious so we'll take a look at the field real quick so we've got we've got a solid two-thirds of this done and you can see this right here is where we were when we emptied he's done a lot of work i mean a lot of work and as i mentioned before if you want him to do the whole field without having to worry about it you gotta set it side to side top to bottom anything like that not gonna work now i will also acknowledge the fact that a lot of people say dj use course play it'll do it all i'm aware consoles don't have course play i'm trying to do things that everyone can do so no course play over here i'm not a fan of the mod anyway it doesn't fit with my play style i don't think it's bad mod i think it's an incredible mod i'm probably one of the top 10 most popular mods a farming simulator history it's just not for me that's all no worries it's all good all right we'll get this unloaded i think obviously you go go go go go go go go i think obviously this is going to take a lot more time than just one episode to get this contract done because we've still got to come through pick up the straw and make some bales go deliver those bills over beside the bga and maybe take over an area beside it uh looks like we're good here so i'm going to bring you guys over here real quick there's a field up here right beside the bga and i'm thinking about yeah field number 30 right here oh you know what never never never mind my idea was dumb it was so dumb i don't even have enough money to afford it so let's just get moved forward huh so this job wouldn't be so bad if we only had well you know these few bills around us but unfortunately there's well i don't know how to say this there's too many i made too many bales we got way too many so we're going to be using the brand new jcb jcb 450 i should really go in and change those names up a little bit what i've done is i've taken the jcb mod that i used early on a department simulator 22 life spam and i have modified it slightly to use the engine setups uh from that one and then crossed it with the designs of the one that we just got from schnembomani which by the way you should definitely go down low to check out because he did a fantastic job and through that i've now got 450 horsepower in here and it'll go nice and quick at about 54 miles an hour which is perfect so we've got uh the best of all worlds i have a high horsepower tractor a fast tractor and it would do just about whatever i wanted to do the only thing is in farming simulator 22 tractor weights are everything and this thing doesn't weigh a thing so it's not going to be able to do all the jobs that we wanted to do but it'll do most of the jobs that we wanted to do and that will round out our four tractor setup i limit myself to four tractors if you may know that you may not and farming simulator 19 gameplay there what little bit i did and i do apologize for the very very few amount of let's plays on that game we're back and we're better than ever we've got some good stuff played for you guys on this series as well now eventually this series will come to an end but i don't know when that's gonna be and you'd probably don't either so if there's another map that comes out maybe something exciting you guys want to see me or my take on that map please please look dude get it get it get it if you guys have any other maps that you want to see me play on or you want to see me tackle definitely let me know what those are in the comment section below and we will get to them one thing all maps have to be off the platform so even if i modify the heck out of the silos and the cows and the sheep and etc etc etc still has to be for all platforms so stack number one where are we gonna be putting these and how are we gonna do them well before i put them to the left right here and i just don't think that's a great idea especially for bills that are going to be sitting here well it's march currently and these bells are going to sit here until december so best thing to do is go to b2 place them but i think i'm going to place them to the right this time instead of the left i think putting them over here might make a little bit more sense that uh that didn't happen you guys didn't see anything right right i can do this we could we could do this without causing trouble yeah all right so that's a one stack i don't want to do this how many more do we have after all said and done quite a few minutes later i've been watching a lot of ar 12 game we go on youtube don't tell him i'm gonna control oh no no no we're pulling stop stop doing what i'm doing i need to unload the bells before i start picking up anymore this is a good spot right here and now a lot of these are leaning over to the left i tried to come in here and smooth this out as best i could but unfortunately i can't jump over them and i can't do anything about it so yeah i tried to smooth this out as best i could however it does come right up to this little wall and i want to make that look as normal and as right as possible so that is our storage for strawbells at least for right now that's what and a half fish not too bad get out of here birds let's move on and the last thing that we need to do at least for the contract is deliver the goods and i don't know which one i need to be going to all right yep yep yep so which one is that it's gonna be this one i'm gonna go and tag it just so i know exactly which one it is now we are using our modified trailer so this thing's gonna dump out a little bit faster than i wanted to so what i'm gonna have to do is go very very slowly uh and we're gonna do this about uh 50 of the time happening and every time so we've got a what's that 250 000 liters of canola in there right now so what we need to do is sell about 125 000 liters of it so we'll get that down to about 125 doesn't dump crazy fast but it's fast enough close enough there we go so we've got 51 transported for that mission however what is our mission status if i can find the missions here we go we're 91 completed all right so from here we'll go at about 20 000 liter increments we'll stop it about right there so 58 percent transported not bad 62 i think we need to get to i think it's 75 transported something like that so because this dumps so quickly and we will be getting things that dump even faster than this especially for all platforms we've got to be kind of careful there's 74. 75 79 are we not done yet all right well it looks like that uh giants have changed things up a little bit on us 83 percent really is it gonna take all of this there's no way 91 completed so we're almost there oh come on [Music] is it oh there we go all right so we at least got to save a little bit and we sold a little bit as well let's go and complete those contracts we got a lot of money for the contract looking good they're looking good so now we're up to 873. way too much money than we actually need but doing all right since we've got more tractors now i think it's time that we get more mowers as well i do really really like these ponder mowers and of course i think i've had them delivered to this field down here sure enough check that out yeah let's let's go and reset that point right there and we'll go ahead and reset these as well we had to spend a little extra cash on but that's okay it should be right in front of us and they are perfect so this tractor right here is what i'm going to set on the worker i believe all right it should do just fine unfortunately i don't know how to change up the driving style of this but i'm sure the worker will figure it out even at like 54 miles an hour so this is gonna go to the big field and just get the work done that's all it needs to do i've gotten really good at driving the other tractor so that's the one i'm gonna drive this one we'll just let the dude do it himself because this tractor is a bit of a speedy boy what i'm gonna do is limit lower the stupid thing uh i'm gonna limit the mower to 31 miles an hour i foresee some problems down the road and i don't want any problems let's double check let's make sure our toggle working mode is set to oh well it doesn't tell me what it is does it here we go wide spreading nope we want swath dropping so we'll go and turn that on we're going to turn on the front mower and be good to go so now is going to come the uh tedious process of running headlands around this field shouldn't take too long it will be very very very simple it's still going to take a hot minute so we'll go ahead and run i think i'm going to do three headlands around this at least this time around so we'll see when we're done the three yeah jk on second thought i want to use that jcb it's awesome and this thing's gonna work perfectly fine without me so we'll go ahead and set our cruise control just to the right speed we'll double check and make sure yep fast farming is enabled i've run our three headlands around this and we will hire the worker i understand that the rear mowers are in versus in the out position or extended position as most people would run them i prefer to run them in this i get a nice tighter swath and that's what i prefer ah great hey all right well this is done at least so that guy's doing his thing now we get to jump in here and do our thing we've got about i think it's four grass fields maybe five grass fields over here we've got three right here and then one so we've got four i should never be allowed to do math ever one thing i noticed about using this is because it's zero turn or zero it's got all-wheel steering i'm able to take those corners at a much higher rate than i would normally so instead of having to come through with a window later on i well i don't have to do that this will just take the turn for me without having to worry too much i love this you can actually see into the field and here we can find nice little sneaky spots into the secret field in do woods love that man love that we'll go ahead and drop everything down and get ready to do this but i want to show you the benefits of using this mower if it will do what i want it to the first time we'll see usually when i take a turn like this i have to come back through and windrow it together in order to pick it up however we take the turn kind of like that the swath stays together however we do still miss a little bitty bit here and there so there is a trade-off you do miss some however the swath stays with it so you know hey if that's what you're looking for rock with it you know i'm talking about all right again we'll spin this and again the swath stays with itself so i don't have to come through and do any windrowing with that straight on i love that that's awesome all right so more fields to do shouldn't take too long but it's gonna take long enough so let's get to work i'm almost done with this field now and i want to tell you guys this jcb or really any zero turn tractor all-wheel steering tractor in game man if you're doing mowing like i am you have got to switch over this has been so easy so simple look at this boom back on it again the other track there i had to do a little little three-point turn at the very end this one oh shut up i'm not okay hold up i don't care uh it's been so simple to be able to just zoop zoom right back and forth i probably cut off one or two minutes at least from this field from the time i did it before absolutely incredible all right so that's that now is going to come the rest of these and for these i'm just gonna mo i'm not gonna worry too much about it i'm just gonna get the job done and move on speaking of moving on i wonder how our uh our other little buddy is moving along quickly wow zoom zoom zoom [Laughter] he's got a lot of this field done so that's great let's get back to work see when this field's done all right so now everything is completed all of the fields have been known and etc etc etc the thing is picking it up with either this loading wagon right here or the other loading wagon that we've got is gonna take a while it's man it's gonna take a while so what i've done is i've picked something up but a lot of you guys would say dj just buy it no one cares just get it so it did and i got it in dark green and like i don't know it's kind of military colors ish uh but that looked cool so this figured let's go with it this is a 10 million liter capacity version we can lower that down if we really need to but i wanted to get something big i wanted to get something awesome and i wanted to get something that would give my largest tractor a little bit of uh well not a problem but it's gonna take a hot minute also this is not our largest tractor anymore technically it weighs the most but that's about it it's got the least uh second most horsepower now to the jcb which has got a lot but i'm still going to use this anyway the jcb i'm still unable to like turn it without all wheels steering so whatever i don't care we'll just go with this instead so we've got a lot of grass i did not think about this being green in the grass being green good job dj this is gonna be fun to figure out where everything is nonetheless uh i'm gonna go ahead and get all of this up and we'll have a good time doing it uh one thing about all of this i'm going to pick up this stuff and this grass from the three fields over here nearest our farm these are going to be used for the silo we're going to put them in the silo and they'll be used to turn into hay or turn into silage which by the way if you guys would like to get your hands on um similar mods and maybe not the same ones but similar ones that i'm using you can do that they're available right now on the mod hub i just came out recently so check out my most recent mod video you'll see exactly what i'm talking about got a motto turns grass into hay and grass into chat or silage it's really cool so definitely check that out you want the mod i've gone a step beyond what the mod does maybe don't do things the way i do i'm cheating a little bit but that is what it is nonetheless all right let's pick all this grass up and then this grass will be sent over to the main silo and then we'll have another one to pick up which is going to be all going to the bga done so my man here's the first setup right here 686 000 liters that ain't too bad that ain't too bad at all let's get it dumped out should take about yeah 0.5 seconds as of figured out i think it's at 1 million liters per second or something like that as the unload speed it's pretty crazy now we've still got if you could see across the screen that whole field left to do so we have a lot more to go still remember that's all just for making money all we do is literally just mow that up pick up the grass make some silence go home do it again maybe uh you know i should probably go ahead and check all these animals real quick they should be good i think we can do all right boy you know what we'll just double check and see how about that okay so after a few days we did feed them on january 1st uh they are looking good so far so it looks like we're gonna get about six ish months maybe seven months where the food total depending on how much they eat in the summertime milk is good straw is good slurry is good everybody is good so i think we're okay doing it this way for now we'll try and see how long it takes or anything like that also we are kind of coming up on the end of uh well it's the video series season two but it's kind of well it's episode 19 isn't it we've got one more episode and then we're done with the second season in game if you want to call it that and we're in our third year so we need to start thinking how long and how far into this series are we going to go we're going to push it we're going to do a 40 or 50 episode series or maybe are we just going to go with like 25 and say like you know what from here really it's just smooth sailing so let's just let's just call it we going to do that are we gonna do it any other way let me know which way you would rather do i think for me personally going about 25 episodes or so and then maybe doing something else try something new jump in a different map something like that i think that might be the best thing to do that way people aren't getting bored doing the same thing over and over every time because eventually this farm is going to be self-sufficient all we have to do is work the land every day so i want to make sure i'm making the right decisions for you guys so let me know what you think those decisions are is there something i'm doing you would change feel free to let me know hey this is community effort it's not just dj over here almost done here we've got a little bit more and then we'll be completely finished again we're over 1 million liters off of this field which is great this is gonna bring us quite a bit of money um the unfortunate part is i looked back and i didn't see any money that was accepted from the last time around on here so i'm not really sure how to make money off the bga and i'm really really embarrassed to say that out loud good thing is prices coming around they're not great right now so it's not like i'm going to sell this anyway but still you know it would be nice it would be nice go in here and take a look real quick we're probably going to run into something whatever it's fine so in here you can see all the good stuff um pricing wise and things like that if we go in here and we find ourselves some silage that's manure do we have silage oh yes hillage is up here isn't it sure is there we go all right so from in here uh you can see this is definitely the one right there having a hard time seeing what the exact number is there but our price price fluctuations are pretty pretty far around especially when you're talking so many different leaders so in january that seems to be the best we're still looking around was that 200 324 dollars so 324 it's still not bad i'm just not sure it's quite how much i want to make especially with how much we could make we probably won't do anything with that at least this time around but what i am going to do is go and dump it in here and we'll get it moving we'll go ahead and get the silage uh getting turned in from the grass that's not going to take very long yeah there you go we'll just sit we'll wait on that to turn into silage and then that's probably going to be for another day so today's going to be big it's going to be interesting and i have no idea i'm going to get to go this wool transported as a matter of fact i actually do know how i'm going to get all of this transported we're going to get another trailer i think i can get away with only one two more we definitely got a whole full load right there but i think these three stacks right here we might maybe just be able to get away with running two more trailers so let's get those real quick what i want to do is figure out a which one we've got b is there anything on sale there's a john deere four seven oh my goodness i do love that one i do love that one a whole lot it doesn't look like there's anything that's gonna benefit us too much in here so we'll move on what are we using right now oh goodness i gotta find it here we go bell trailer so we've got the pawns for doing bells and then we've got our auto load right here the egg relator pwo so let's go in and see if we can find that got it now we just got to figure out what color we're going to make it i think i'm just going to stick with a standard design just the same thing that we've been used to i think one thing i might do is just go with like an all black look that way it separates itself from the ones that we've already got this will be perfect we'll lease a couple of these boom boom boom done all right now let's jump in this i do love this tractor so much i think i've got it set to autoloading normal stuff yep all right let's do a little click click click we'll go as fast we can that way it'll line up perfectly got it all right that's trailer number one oh this is gonna be oh this is gonna be heavy is what this is gonna be how am i gonna get out of oh boy so it has come to my attention that that i don't know if i can get out of here with all these trailers and tandem we'll figure it out i mean maybe maybe we'll be able to get out of here but i'm you know what i don't think we can i don't know we'll find out let's see if we can go and get all this loaded up and hopefully everything that's left will fit onto one trailer i'm hoping also we're definitely gonna have to swap tractors there's no way there's no way that i can pull all of these i mean this will barely do one i think it's just gonna laugh at two and three's gonna be like you won't wait hold on you want me to do what with with what oh i'm stuck aren't i all right let me lost the powers this they got here one more i didn't count probably should have counted do you guys count yeah yeah there you go there's your first question of the day called action do you count your wool pallets and does it even matter i don't know man let's get these loaded up i do want to do this because it's super satisfying normally i just click off but like man that's so satisfying to just watch them go boop on there like that yeah now a lot of people have been asking questions about uh auto loading for consoles and things like that and uh there is a thing that is do oh boy that's that's not completely right oh we got it all and we've got one spot left i'm so good at what i do uh console players have been asking oh there's another one seriously and it's got a spot open and everything all right here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna cheat just a little bit just a little bit don't tell anybody it's cool it's cool it's cool i'll talk about consoles here in just a second hang on um the console version of this does work and it works very similar to this however it works like a trailer you know how you tip into a trailer uh like this for example you tip into this trailer and then like this heap of uh wheat pops in well basically that's how the console versions of these are gonna work but they will be here and they're gonna come with other mods as well which is kind of cool i'm very very very excited did i did i nail that perfectly that's literally the exact number that i need i'm so good at what i do yes there's only one way that this is gonna work i know it you know it oh all right so maybe there's not even one way that this will work i don't think it'll work at all ah i can't get this the wheel to to go because it's so heavy that i can't i can't make it work okay maybe i can i don't man i don't know how i'm gonna do this i give me just a second i i think i got this but this is gonna take a hot minute and there it is the entire setup we've got it all how much do we have here 94 000 liters of cool oh boy um well i can pretty much tell you we're not getting out that way to our right i think going this way might be the only way out and yeah the the little fent is pulling man it's got 200 i think 270 horsepower or something like that so it's not it's not a baby but when you've got this much of something on the back especially something as heavy as wool yeah it's it was just heavy it's extremely heavy but we're gonna have a great sale because this is selling pretty good right now itself i think it's like 2100 per thousand liters not terrible we're going to the garden center up at the top left-hand corner of the map fortunately for us we're already about i'm halfway there a third of the way there there's our column our beacon the green beacon in the sky oh this is gonna take a while i can't do it it's not gonna work also uh that gate down there is invisible so that's fun uh this is like humpty hill climb back in the day whenever i used to do hill climb videos with tractors see how much weight they could pull this i mean it's doing it but i'm in the middle of a field which is not exactly ideal for traction i did set it to all-wheel drive so everything's going she's going full blast was it 2000 rpm 1700 rpm something like that i'm getting a little bit of slap but i'm still going one mile an hour we're doing okay all i got to do is get over this hill and we're perfectly fine because it's all downhill from there come on baby come on baby come on baby turns out the poor little fin could not do it it got stuck in the field now i don't think this is gonna do it either this has twice the amount of power but because it's geared so quickly i don't think it's got the pull even though it's doing just fine actually twice the speed it's going 200 percent faster 100 i don't i don't know man shut up uh this is working this is working just fine it doesn't have the weight on the ground i mean this is i think it's about four or four tons total lighter but it's working it's working just fine it's gonna get the job done ladies and gentlemen yes sir i love it and we should be able to go a little bit quicker as well so there it is about 95 000 liters of wool moving at 25 miles an hour that's scary that's terrifying let's get it over here and let's get installed i love this jcb if you guys haven't downloaded the new jcb yet definitely check it out i've already modified it because i love it oh no crap uh oh i'm on a bridge that's not good oh boy oh no oh no okay we're okay so it looks like i'm gonna have to go in from this side uh this is just this was a bad idea i've had a lot of bad ideas we can all agree this is this one was was pretty rough hey at least it's getting done right all right let's pull it in here i figured instead of trying to edit through and go through all this hey i'll bring you guys along for the ride because this is slightly cringe and difficult what's the what's the largest load that you've tried to pull through here 10 trailers 15 trailers 38 trailers let me know all right uh time for the selling this gonna take a little bit of time oh and please tell me that's not gonna open inwards sure is thanks pull it through get it done get these sold money's going up like it's going out of style oh it's selling fast dude all right i have no idea how much money we made so we're going to have to go into here and see what it is 208 thousand dollars not too bad let's go ahead and return these that way we'd have to deal with them later and then get back home safely all right we're done with well all of that by the way we sold a bunch of stuff since we got that new loading wagon i was able to sell our merger our tatter we also sold the other forge wagon and the little piece that goes in the front of it now we get to start working on harvest time which i'm really really excited about let's jump at the new holland i did try to modify the new fen ideal the uh with the mp series or whatever it is i tried to modify those but they're a little bit interesting because they're literally the same models that we've got in game they're just dif changed engine i guess i'm i'm not quite sure the the base files are referring to the base game finn ideal and massey ferguson ideal which by the way the massive ferguson ideal also uh forwards to the fen ideal so really out of those four mods well there's only one let's say four mods there's four base game pieces of equipment uh yeah they're all literally exactly the same as far as game code goes so that's fun that's very interesting so i i was gonna use the fent or massey ferguson ideal the new one in place of this trap or this combine but why it's the same thing we've got it's got a different name on it so i decided not to worry too much about it eventually we will replace this new holland combine harvester i love this thing really do but working with is a little bit small eventually we're probably gonna upgrade both combine harvesters that we've got and we'll just go with some some big big ones something that we can throw uh when those draper heads on it has its own trailer on it and be done with it that's the game plan at least uh maybe one day i say that we got 960 000 and i don't plan on spending a penny of it yeah maybe one day we'll go ahead and uh do that over hey possibly at the end of this year in game i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through and complete one more uh or complete this year in game and i think from there we'll probably call it at least on this map i will be going on vacation like in real life here in about two weeks so probably what i'm gonna do is i'll have a video releasing every day from this series on that and once that is over we'll probably call it on this map and we'll move on to whatever's next so speaking of moving whatever is next let's finish this field up we'll run our two or three headlands whatever we need to get done and then we'll get on the clock start working on the big field you know what no i decided we're gonna do it now we're gonna get rid of this thing so we'll go ahead and dump that into there we don't need that anymore as a matter of fact i don't even know why i'm driving this back i i don't know i got no excuse here we're going to get another class combine i don't know okay maybe we won't get across i'm not sure but let's let's buy it first and then we'll sell this how about that let's go in just double checking making sure nothing through here not through there uh so we've got this right here this is the larger clos combi of flex header no that's totally fine but i think i've got some kind of crazy modified version of something in here yeah the one by stevie so these are we'll see one's a little faster than the other one we'll go six miles an hour we'll just stick with this one so we'll go with cloth here that's going to be our brand on the side main color of course that's going to be a cloth green as well there we go design color i think this is on the side we'll go with white yeah and then i don't know exactly which colors cloths but i think this will be just fine now of course the cloths in real life is going to have red um what do we call tumblers whatever it is in the front um the rotors they're going to be red but i think this is going to be fine at least for what we're up to so go and buy that oh i don't know where that put that oh i do know where it put that yep it put it right there oh no let's go and reset that let's do that all right so next is the harvester now there is a i believe it's a modified version of a modified version something around in here uh give me a second is this it no i don't think that's it turns out the version i was gonna use is an update to the version that i've been using all right where are we man where are we now save the game i sure did all right so here's our header right here not too crazy looking good next we need to get in here and find our harvester now i'm gonna have to go into mods dlcs because i don't know where it is i think this is it right here the 8 900 5300 mah did yeah so this thing is epic it is absolutely awesome uh and it turns out one of my uh upgrades didn't work hang on which one didn't work that one the 8900 for some reason the 8 900 is still 18 000 and not 100 000. whatever i do like that kind of weird top on it but i think i'm gonna go with this the lexian 7600 it's got 500 horsepower totally fine for us we are using trello board tires so nothing too crazy for us now we do have a tracked option but i wonder let's see okay so we're not showing any uh we're not showing anything while i'm crazy so why don't i i kind of want a wheeled version but we're gonna it's it's big you know what we'll just go with a broad yeah there you go brawl number two bring those tracks out make it nice and large um i think the distributor the header's like 13 point something so we'll do 13 meters spread ladder on it we'll do foldable ladder looking good ooh price is getting high oh no oh double flash beacon i don't know what that means but sure i think that goes to uh field scanner don't know what that is but we'll we'll not have that and then the pipe this is probably gonna need to be a long foldable i think 7x maybe a little bit too big but i think that's gonna have to be it for now 400 thousand dollars for a brand new combine harvester which ain't looking terrible baby it ain't looking bad at all there was a modded version something like this that i saw farming simulator 19. very very beautiful beautiful combine harvester i'm kind of excited about this uh [Music] wow well they look awesome beside each other um big big problem why is it over here why is it why is it not on the other side this should definitely be on the other side why does this look smaller no whatever i don't even care anymore let's let's go ahead and hook up here and get this thing rocking and rolling again i am pumped about this combine harvester we're gonna use this on the larger fields definitely there's no way we're gonna be using this on smaller fields we'll go and fold it up pick it up looking good we'll drop it down just check the height height looks good as well all right i don't know if i can get this around here without hitting anything oh boy i'm excited new combine harvester on the farm baby yeah of course i'm stuck why wouldn't i be oh is this cringe yet it feels very very cringe-worthy all right so this combine harvester is going to go to the other field i gotta move stay you know what give me a second all right just stay stay where you are don't move one thing we don't want is three combine harvesters so we'll go over here by the way this is the mobile workshop mod i had somebody asking me uh for a previous video and uh just commented on their video like a minute ago so yeah mobile workshop mod good to go there oh i'm so excited unfortunately i need to get this worker hired before i could use the new combine harvester no well hang on did the combine harvester really sell for forty seven thousand dollars oh i got it used i forgot about that part maybe maybe moving forward we double check and see the i think i made 80 grand on something that cost me 500 overall maybe even more yeah we started with nine nine hundred thousand something oh boy i'm bad with money workers hired now let's jump into the new boy right here we'll double check uh straw swath enabled we need to make sure we do that because i want all the sloth off of the straw it in do it to it uh is the speed set up yet no it's not now it is have i talked to myself a lot during this video or is it just me i feel like i've talked to myself a whole lot i apologize to anyone watching at home getting uh getting whiplash right now okay this this is pretty epic right here oh yeah i'm still gonna run two headlands around the fields but i tell you what it ain't gonna take long to get them done that's for sure oh i love it well guys that is gonna be it for the second supercut in the comston farm series there's gonna be at least one more with episodes 21 through 30 and then a final video with all 30 episodes in the series so you can watch them all in order non-stop for like 10 hours it's gonna be crazy otherwise that's it for today hope you enjoyed the video if you did make sure you drop a like on it get subscribed to channel if you're new join the gohan fam make sure those notification bells are on as well that way you never miss daily farming simulator videos of any kind here on the channel all being said hope you have a great awesome wonderful rest of your day we'll see you later peace
Channel: DjGoHam Gaming
Views: 275,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: djgoham fs 22, djgoham fs22, farm sim 22, farming simulator 22, farming simulator 22 gameplay, fs 22, fs22, fs22 djgoham, fs22 factories, fs22 game play, fs22 map, fs22 new, fs22 production chains, fs22 video, calmsden farm, lets play, djgoham lets, djgoham lets play, djgoham lets play fs22, djgoham gaming lets play, calmsden farm fs22, calmsden farm fs22 lets play, djgoham calmsden farm, fs22 lets play calmsden farm, djgoham fs22 gameplay, calmsden, update, supercut
Id: wupJ0fYKPLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 14sec (12254 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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