Call Out Title Templates for DaVinci Resolve - FREE Download

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hi there welcome back to my Channel today I'm going to introduce you to the essential callout templates for Da Vinci resolve previously I showed a few ways of making call out titles with the essential Arrow line and essential shapes templates however they lack the ease of reuse and customization across different projects using this new callout template you can now easily create animated call out titles within seconds with just a few clicks and with the full set of customizable options you can make call out titles in your own unique shapes and animation Styles as usual you can download the template package through the link in the description below and simply double click the bundle DX file to install the effect template once the template is installed you can find the template in the effects panel under both effects and titles using the title template makes it easy to adjust the call out timing and duration on the timeline it also allows you to apply other effects on the call out title for example add the dve effect to transform the title in a 3D scene if you want to track the call out title along with a moving object in the video you can add the call out effect to the clip I will make another video on call out title tracking in the future you can add multiple call out titles into one clip without cluttering the timeline with multiple tracks the titles are attached to your clip so it's easy to move the clip and titles around on your timeline as needed when the call out effect template is applied to an adjustment clip you can also easily adjust the call out timing and duration depending on your needs or preferences you may choose between the title template or the effect template both offer identical functions with the same call out controls in the inspector the effect template has three additional parameters for moving rotating and resizing the call out title as a whole however with the title template we can Leverage The Standard video transform options to achieve the same functionality and more next we'll quickly walk through the parameters in the inspector and see how we can customize the elements within a call out title the parameters are grouped into four pages each representing controls for different components that contribute to the final call out display the text titles are defined in the first page the call out point and line are controlled in the second one the shape is defined in the third page and the last page controls how the animations run for each part at the top of each page there are two preset buttons always presented for choosing predefined callout Styles these preset Styles showcase some of the possibilities achievable through custom option settings and you can always experiment with these options to create your own unique results as you've seen in the preview the standard callout template has 15 Styles while in the pro version there are in total total of 35 presets available for selection we will talk about the callout Pro template in more detail shortly back to the first page we have general settings at the top where we can set the point and display position as well as adjust the size of the display for easy adjustment enable the fusion overlay now we can use these onscreen controls to make the desired change es directly in the viewer next section is for the main title we can change the text font color size Etc this text offset is used to adjust the text position inside the display area for multi-line titles that are left aligned we can use this parameter to Center the title by default the background is disabled for the text title increase the alpha value to enable the background and change the background color if you want to have some space between the border and background increase the display margin value when the background is enabled you can change the font color to transparent for instance change the background color to white set the font color to Black and change the font Alpha value to zero now the title is showing as transparent if you want to have another title displayed in a different style you can enable the second title since the background is currently set to White we need to change the font color in order to see the text the second title takes the alignment setting from the main title use the offset parameter to move its display position as needed Shadow is enabled by default to disable the shadow simply change the strength to zero okay once we've completed the general settings in the first tab we can proceed to the next ones for further customizations inside the Line tab we have the options to modify both point and line styles with these two shape buttons we can quickly select different point shapes these are the results with different parameter settings in this section for example the circle shape is achieved by setting the sides to 20 and depth to one we can also check solid option to have one Big Dot these three parameters are used to control the shape in the center you can change the dot size or change the sides for different shapes for instance a square with sides set to four rotate the dot to match the line direction if necessary to hide the center dot simply set the size to zero as a default setting the line is crossing the border and displayed inside the point turn off this show inside line option to hide the line inside the point the call out line is defined as a three-point line initially The Joint point and end points are automatically adjusted and moved together with the text display when the three-point line option is unchecked the call out line turns into a straight line from the start point to the title display area for this demo let's use a three-point line the start Point parameter is the same one shown on the first tab you can use the parameter in the inspector or onscreen control in the viewer to make the change use the middle and end offset parameters to move the points for example we can shorten the distance between the Middle Point and the last one the line position parameter dictates which side the line is connected to the display box depending on the position of the start point you might want to change the side when the alongside option is off the line is connected to the side by the end point when it's enabled the line is aligned parallel to the display box and the end point automatically adjusts to match the start point Point position okay now we are on the shape tab the shape is basically controlled by a rectangle mask for the standard call out template we can change the corner radius or make a solid display change the color the shape mask is used to create some variations as we see in some of the preset styles when you open this section a red box is displayed in the viewer marking the mask to be used for modifying the shape simply change the offset shift The Mask left this leaves us with one side of the box or change the size invert the selection to show both sides and rotate the mask for variations you can check the preset Styles and play with these options and create your own displays you like make sure to close this mask parameter group to hide the mask display the last tab is for customizing animations by default the animation is enabled and runs for 30 frames which is 1 second in this case to turn off the animation change the time to zero for better demonstration let's set this to 60 frames animation offset delays the animation by frames entered here zero means no delay the animation will start right from the beginning the call out animation has four parts animated in sequence by default the animation first reveals the point by setting the start value to zero and lasts for 0.1 of the animation time which is equivalent to six frames followed by the line animation which starts at 0.1 and lasts 0.3 of the animation time when the line is done the shape starts at 0.4 and runs for 0.3 to have a seamless animation from the line to the shape we can change the shape outline position if needed for this preset configuration it's already adjusted to match the current shape and create the appearance of a seamless animation if you change the display size or use a different shape you may need to change this value accordingly lastly the text starts revealing at 0.7 and lasts for the rest of the animation which is 0.3 there are three types of text animations the fade in effect is the default effect zoom in is another one or set the slide distance to add the sliding effect uncheck the fade in option to set a proper slide distance change the slide angle to slide in the text from different directions if you want to start the animation sooner we can change the start value for instance to start text animation together with shape set the text start to 0.4 you can also disable the individual component animation by setting the time to zero they will still follow the defined timing and wait for its time to show but without animation to reverse the animation transitioning from the text to the point instead of starting from the point simply click the reverse animation button this basically resets the text start parameter to zero shape to 0.3 line to 0.6 check the reverse animation option and the point to 0.9 that's it we now have a reversed call out title revealing animation as mentioned earlier I've also created a call out template pro version for members to appreciate their continued support the pro version has 20 more preset callout shape styles with more advanced controls in the shape tab in addition to the main shape and shape mask sections shape modifier and shape decorator provide a lot more options to customize the callout shape when the shape modifier section is open a red mask box is shown in the viewer to modify the shape change the size rotate the mask uncheck the symmetric option and you'll have an asymmetric result you can experiment with these settings and the potential is endless if the line is not attached to the box you can go to the Line tab and change the end offset to make them connected make sure to close the modifier section when you're done with the shape design shape decorator is used to add additional lines around the main shape when it's enabled it expands main shape to add an outline around with thicker borders to further customize The Decorator open The Decorator mask it's similar to the shape mask you can use it to modify The Decorator and control which part to show or hide for example decrease the height to show only the sidebars or change the size rotate the mask to show the top and bottom bars again the potential is Limitless you can always explore the preset Styles and examine how these parameters are configured to achieve various results all all right that's all for today thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Essential Video Editing
Views: 4,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve, Fusion, Video Editing
Id: ocY1frRYglk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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