Magic Animate V3 is LIVVEEE!

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hello hello hello hopefully you can hear me everyone all right everyone there let me know in the comments I'm going to have a beer let's go hello Doug how you doing thank you very much for your purchase already Doug I'm going to have a beer so how many have we got on here there's a good few of you awesome so how you all doing so I finally kind of finished I got it to a point where we could release it anyway so magic animate version 3 is live um I wanted to get a video out today was the plan and I just run out of time so I haven't been able to so I figured I'd hop on and do a bit of a live instead and we'll go with a video tomorrow instead so thank you all for joining me who have we got Doug obviously I've said hello to you Doug how you doing kidy how you doing John cyber uh Tac oh talek pronoun that wrong sorry Pierre damitri zizo Paul Hollywood at home Michael dunner's here hello dner how you doing if you're not following dun did it should be because dun has got a great YouTube channel um let me grab his link and I'll spam it in there there he [Music] is everyone remember to smash that like button to right so um well let's just get to it I guess so in the description of this video hopefully you can see there are two links so there is a link to the free version of magic animate version 3 which is now available and then there is a link to the first content pack which we're releasing which is Magic animate version 3 the Premium Edition which I'll do another demo I did a demo last night yesterday and yesterday's stream but I'll do another one um just be aware it's kind of early access it's the first time anyone's used it except me I did some a little bit of beta testing with some people but this is the first time it's gone out to a big range of people so there may be bugs the content pack you know all the presets there's not as many as I as I wanted there's going to be more I'm going to keep filling it out until there's loads and loads and loads so we're going to keep doing that and yeah so there may be bugs uh my next job is to work on the community and the how to and the tutorials I've already found a bug when I literally released it which is a minor one so I fixed that but yeah so if you if you buy it there will be some updates there will be some some stuff as we go it's pretty good as it is to be fair but I want it to be better I'm a wait before buying the premium since it might require some updates yeah totally cool and that's kind of the reason there's a free version as well if you're not sure about buying anything just check out the free version First make sure you're happy use that one it may be that the free version does everything you need in which case don't spend your money keep it keep it for yourself but if you want to then you can the I've put it on Kofi because I I've always used Kofi I like Kofi so I'm still using that donation model so if you want to if you don't want to buy the the premium version just put a zero in the Box to get the free version but if you want to buy me a coffee um for the hard work for the free version you can as always no obligation don't feel like you have to but the link is there so it's totally your call go for the free version just get the free stuff don't pay a penny choose to donate a little bit if you want to or buy the 30 bucks premium version but you will be getting some updates as we go does vision version 3 replace version two no so we've purposely made it so that it doesn't overwrite it it will sit within the same folder so it will sit next to uh version two version two is more simple so some people may like that you know just to whip into version two to do something super quick you've got more control over version 3 which naturally means it's a bit fider there's more controls so there's more for you to do so yeah version two and version three will run next to each other one of my plans I've actually learned loads of stuff doing version three one thing I'd like to do is just to go back and make version two more um efficient and improve the speed of version version two which would be really cool how much to Shar going to be aive on stream I'd make a right M I haven't shotgun a beer in a long time since my youth youth I'm not going to shotgun a beer end up as a drunken mess on on stream let me jump into it and we'll we'll show you some of stuff I'm going to keep you all open but let's have a look oh I've got so much open I don't know what I'm looking at uh I'll put it in there actually the link should all be in the description but let me put these in the chat as well well someone said it doesn't allow me to create an account is that when you're clicking on sign in so hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on uh this is to Joe so yeah you you don't just create an account an account is created when you buy the thing so when you purchase magic anime and an account is created and the reason for that is because there's going to be a community on there which is essentially just for those people that buy it so that's where you can give me feedback you can I'll tell you about updates you can give me ideas for new presets you kind of become part of the process of building magic animate 3 Premium a bit more putting more stuff in it but then also I'll ask you questions about the upcoming packs and the other stuff because the plan is to try and do a few of them so that's the idea um if you're getting an error elsewhere po me an email info Mr Alex Tech and once this is over I'll I'll run through it with you and we'll find out what's going on so the free version is available right now from the link I've just put in the chat magic animate free version version three you can just put a zero in the box if you want it for free as I say or you can donate if you would like to so whichever you want to do magic animate version three hang on a minute can you show us how to use it I will do bear with me so magic animate version 3 the full pack I've made sure to make it super clear it is a work in progress there may be some bugs there may be some issues we're going to keep building it and doing some fun stuff with it so yeah we'll have some cool stuff with it um obviously try the free version It's $29.99 that's in US dollars so American dollerinos it will convert so that works out UK about 24 I think Canadian it's that's like 40 bucks I think something like that maybe not too sure um but yeah I've tried to pack a fair bit in there's going to be more value in it so let me show you what's what let's jump into resolve and we'll have a look when someone's asked when is the magic Suite coming out bear with me so oh I'm all over the place so sorry it's actually a hectic day got loads going on so magic animate 3 magic animate premium is the first of five packs that are coming out Magic animate magic Zoom there going to be a premium one of those magic title magic transition and then magic highlight which is going to be like um for highlighting stuff on screen so for tutorials for little zoom in circular stuff loads of really cool stuff so there's going to be five of those they're all going to be 30 bucks each that's 150 bucks worth of stuff but I'm going to s that as a big mega pack which is going to be like a 100 bucks so you're basically saving 50 bucks what I'm doing because I don't want people to buy that straight away without having seen anything because a it's not ready and B I'd like to be able to get people to mess with it ahead of time but I need to make sure there's a bit more there for that so basically anyone that buys this magic animate pack for 30 bucks will get a 30 bucks discount off the big one a little bit later down the line so it gives you an opportunity to buy this pack play with it make sure you're happy with you know the direction I'm going going and then if you think yeah this is worth I want all of them you can then get that 30 bucks back off the purchase of the big one so there you go that is the plan now I'm going to stop talking I'm going to show you some stuff I'm not going to stop talking but I am going to show you some stuff I haven't got fully prepared for everything so just grab a logo the good old Adventure resolve logo so once you've installed the free version let's jump into that it will sit within Mr Alex Tech magic animate and in the same folder as all the other stuff so magic animate V2 the previous V2 stuff and then you've got magic animate version 3 fre so as someone asked if version 3 is being is replacing version two NOP they're all just going to sit together so we just drop that on there and and then we have the controls in the right hand side now everything I'm going to show you here is the free version now I want to make this point as well for those that weren't here on the live stream I built the free version first so I built the free version off the back of version two and I made it kind of do everything that I wanted it to do and I didn't hold back anything necessarily it was just like here's what I want version three to be and then I continued building for the paid version so the version 3 is the version three I wanted to deliver I didn't sort of build a really cool paid thing and then cut stuff out to give to the free version so it does more than the version two ever did so it's sweet so here are the controls so we've got things like size Center this is just your like transform controls to put it where you want it you've got a drop shadow you can enable that you can toggle all the animations in well on and off if you don't want them and then you've got Zoom whip spins and dissolve so if we put a zoom on we just tick these boxes for ins and outs and now we have an in and an out and again if we cut it in the middle it's Dynamic so we can do this really quickly and easily I've added an animation type dropdown so rather than having if you've ticked loads of things on and off and you go actually I only want the in you don't need to go find the boxes you just say actually this only needs the ins and that will toggle every single one of the offs the outs so it's only ever an in just to make life easier now the big thing the big change is just giving you guys much much more control with what you can do so previously Zoom just came in and out it didn't actually let you have much control at all this one if we go to zooms we can have it Zoom from like halfway all the way in or halfway to a little bit and then all the way down to zero right so now it we'll start there pop in and at the end pop all the way up and we can do that independently for each one so let's turn whips on this is going to pop in like that let's have it move over there it's going to pop in like so but then you've got individual timings for all of these as well so we can delay the time of the whip if we want to or we can even just go to fully custom times so we can say actually I want it to rest for a bit and then at 1.5 5 Seconds move to a new location and then move somewhere else at like 3 and 1 half seconds and now it's going to zoom in whip across whip back zoom out and again for every single one of these controls you can do those individual things you can then start to mesh with the Curve give them different acceleration curves make them look totally different spin exactly the same spin angle the end angle the out angle we can mirror we can cust custom we can delay so if we go to custom this is when you do your individual timings mirror just means it's the same in and out and then dissolve then we've also got Pitch your and aspect so again I wanted you guys to have even more control so now we can do things like your we whoop yep let's turn the your on let's just make it do something crazy at the end that you can do some really oh that's on the wrong thing that's why put it over there flippy flip pitch same thing so you can just build these up super quick and get it to do these custom animations and yeah all this is in the free version this is just the free version so that's all your like your ins and outs your your popins your pop outs all that sort of stuff you've then got actually before we even get into that the problem with these is let me reset this the biggest problem with the thing that I'm doing here which is called Expressions is the fact it's doing calculations in the background so sometimes it can be a little bit slow to sort of run this middle section even though it's not really doing anything so what I've allowed it to do if you're doing this on like a big five minute gaming video for example you probably don't want this to run for the whole five minutes so what you can do is have this with the in and the out enabled let it run for about three four seconds and then do a cut we go to the end do a cut on this first one we just change this to ins on the second bit the out bit we change that to only outs and on this middle bit we can just disable all the animations so there's a single button it just turns it off so now this will whip in and then it'll disable all the animations so this bit will run and Export much faster until it gets to the end and then the out animation will go like so now there's something really cool with this which I'm going to tell you CU it's nerdy and cool it's not going to look impressive but it's bloody hard to achieve I tell you it's not going to seem impressive at all but if I was to get this to let's say whip over here like that do a little cut there we'll make this the ins and outs and this is going to be only ins perfect so then this will play I need that to be and then if I disable that I know it seems really obious it will stay in the place it would eventually get to it's not the in place it's the destination which means you'll get a seamless little you won't know which is cool right maybe not now the other cool thing with this I'm going to try not to bore you too much with this but you can essentially use it to also do kind of infinite animations so whips is the best example for this so let's make this small now last time I did a demo for this I cocked it up so let's try try and get this right so the whip animation I'm going to reset this so it starts in the middle right so we've got the start the resting location and then the destination so the start is going to take one second to achieve so the resting animation we want over there right so it's going to just go we start in the middle whip over to the left that's all it's doing and then the end animation which usually would be sort of right over here we're going to have this just to go down a bit and let's go right over there and then we'll do a little cut here so now this little animation whip over to the left speed this up a bit so it's going to whip over sit over in that location and then it's going to whip over to the right again bottom right hand corner I did it too far see I always get this bit messed up right whip over to the left Smo on over to the bottom right hand corner and then what it would then do on the second bits I've done a cut is repeat right that's wrong so I added this swap start and end button which means you if we hit that the second one is going to start where the last one ended which means seamless so this is just going to basically reverse so the end of this one let's put this one where are we going to put this one oops wrong one put this one top right hand corner something like that then we'll cut that and then we will swap that and now this is going to yep move around so you can just continue building these so you've got something that whips around your entire screen endlessly as many times as you like reset that next tab there's more tabs mids so these are for like your bounces so I've got a let's put like how long is this I don't know 20 and we'll just give this a bit of a zoom out if we hit play this is going to do 20 b es and and again we've got zooms whips aspects and all the different perspectives so you can do again completely custom animations to do some really cool stuff the thing I've added to this one which again lots of maths going on for this one took me ages so this one will wait one second we have a delay if we don't want it to wait at all we can just set this to zero and it'll start to bounce right away and it's just going to continue bouncing for the whole duration of this clip so if we were to shorten this clip the bounces would be faster right because it has to fit 20 in what I then did was I did a custom version so the custom version you can pick the number of Loops so let's say I want 10 loops and I can pick the speed of the loop so there's 10 Loops each one is 1 second so what it will do is equally space those out within the composition so if we hit play there's your first one and then it'll wait and then it'll do another one and then it'll wait eight and if I put this to 15 that gap between them would be shorter and if I wanted the animations to be quicker they could be or slower so the animation always looks the same because it's equally spaced out and it would just take however long you set it to so there you go mids last but not least need some other footage for this one MK masks I've added masks for y'all so masks ellipse rectangle border on each so if you want a little circular mask you can have a little circular mask and then you can put a border on it and I was like that's cool what about if it animates in as well well there you go done tick of a button you can animate The Mask so the way I like this actually this is a circle so I need to go a little bit bigger it looks normal here's your video and then little circle's going to pop in and then wherever this ends it'll pop right back out again and again you can start to combine the mask with the other stuff so let's do a little zoom out I'm whipping through this super quick I know but and then let's also do a whip I've got so used to using this thing now that I'm quite quick at it because I've been doing a lot with it uh yeah let's delay that maybe that make sense to delay that no that makes sense to delay that all right here you go so normal video mask zoom out wait for a second pop it over to the left hand side done there you go that's the free version I'm going to have another beer also I'm going to take this moment to say I'm going to release be releasing some proper videos over the weekend so like the the M an actual YouTube video saying this is available please watch it because I want it to do well so even though you're here watching this watch the main video when it when it's released it'll probably be a sponsored one as well so I apologize but you know I've got sponsor on too big thanks to audio for sponsoring me and the channel for the past 12 months or whatever hey so that's the free version I hope you all I like to show the free version First oh someone's asked about motion BL I always forget motion blur is on there I spent a lot of time going through motion blur trying to get a better version of motion blur unfortunately there is no better way to do it especially in the free version of D Venture resolve so you either have you can use a different type of transform node which has worse blur but it is smoother so the motion blur is smoother but the general performance is worse and the motion blur doesn't look as good or you have the standard um transitions with the motion blur which does look good but he's an absolute pig to run so we have we've gone with the pig version so so I apologize again um let me Demo really quickly the motion blur because it is heavy and there's nothing I can do about it unfortunately there's I did a neat trick in there which I won't go into but I managed to to get it slightly better but yeah it's still it's still not great and Don's just apologize told me to Don just told me off for apologizing he's he's right it's just habit I'm just too British anyway let's just do a little zoomy zoom we're going to zoom on in and we can just tick the motion blur hit play chug chug and it will zoom in and the motion blur will come on now the same thing as my old one um let's talk about this because this is for all you really nerdy people that are that are like me this is sort of this is the the sort of thing nerds will get excited about that sounds wrong but nerds will get excited about this it's super nerdy it took me bloody ages to figure out and I'm really proud of it so I'm going to show you so at the moment we we only have ins and outs right so watch my frames my frames up here when the motion blurs on I'm getting like five two frames per second and then when the in is finished I go back to 30 so the motion is actually only occurring during that in and out phase now my magic animate V2 had that what this one does is it also applies to mids so if I do some some zoomy stuff uh let's do negatives with motion blur uh let's do custom let's only do like three of them so it'll be easy to see right intro bit Frank Circ because of motion blur and then it will go smooth wherever the where's the next Zoom it'll go smooth and then when the little bouncy mid animation comes in it's going to chug because the motion blur is going to kick back in again so that motion blur will actually only be working wherever movement is which does mean it's slightly more efficient but yeah the motion s sucks so there you go who's interest who's happy with that I like to show the free version first so you can see that I've genuinely tried to make this as awesome as I can haven't tried to skimp on the free version but when I finished the free version I then got into the mindset of how could I make that better and then try and sell something because I've never sold anything before but that's all of the um that's all of the I've lost my train of thought I had a beer that's all in the free version so there you go so you all seem happy that's amazing so let me show you the paid version then freebies don't pay the bills I know also please also corate tutorial yes so there's actually going to be an entire help section on my website so there's going to be tutorials on how to do all of this sort of stuff I'm going to dig into it I'll do sort of written stuff and videos so I'll make loads of stuff to show you how to do this it's more for the paid version because the paid version has some other funky stuff in it so but yeah let me show you that I'm what I'm really pleased with this so the paid version is part of the magic toolkit so it comes in its own area called Magic toolkit magic animate and we have folders so let's jump into the main tools first of all so the first tool you get the same one this magic animate V3 which is the same as the free version but then you've got a custom one this is super super cool so I pop this custom one on right and let's say I want a zoom and a whip keep this nice and simple this is just going to pop in like so now I've made that it's just a whip and a zoom and let's say that I want to do that all the time in the custom version you can save these So within the inspector there's a couple of things the first one is admin right so you can see on here I've got zooms whips spins dissolves perspective width and height and within perspective there is your pitch spin now all of those things are running which a makes the UI look a bit messy but it also it's taking up resources so if we go to admin we can turn them all off so I'm only doing zooms and whips so I can just toggle all of these off it's also for the mids which I'm not going to use so I'm going to toggle all them off and it it totally cleans up the UI so now I only see the things I've added so a means it's useful for you but it also means you can give it to someone else and they can't really mess it up they can just change the attributes of the things you've allowed them to see and it means that it's smoother to run if we hit play there's our little zoom and a whip now if we go to save there's a save tool now you do have to do this from Fusion but it's still way quicker than before so I'll click my little magic W icon here it is so what I have to do is copy my node so I'm just going to hit control and Z this has been tested on Windows extensively tested on Mac a little bit completely untried on Linux so if you're on Linux I wouldn't re you can try it but I don't know what it'll do so maybe let me test on there first so I've copied my node and then I go right is it an effect a title a transition or a generator I'm going to go effects what folder do I want it to go in live stream and what's this going to be called whippy Zoomies and then I just go save iPad someone's asked uh I'll come back to it let me finish this and I'll come back to iPad remind me so I've done my whippy Zoom is sometimes you need to restart denture resolve is it going to be kind is it going to be kind uh where am I going me it's going to be kind so now back on the edit page I have live stream whiy Zoomies so let's get rid of this one pop this on there done that is there forever for you to use so it's not just a case of building the stuff really quickly it's just the fact that you can build the stuff really quickly and save it so you can build a full list of your entirely own sort of custom presets using magic animate version 3 and sometimes you do need to restart thein resolve and other times it's kind and it just works don't know why that's more of a dent resolve thing than a than a me thing um so that's cool and then obviously I got I got playing and I got thinking of other things I would like to add to make that do even more so it does more so there were more tools within the paid version and then I started making some presets which I'll show you as well now the presets is the thing that I'm not entirely happy with the name inst structure is not quite right and I want to make more of them I think there's about 60 in there by default if you was to purchase the paid version now I want there to be more because there's loads that I can do but I also want your feedback so if viers to pick up the paid version there's going to be this community where you can go I've made this thing and it's really cool could you build this in and I'll go yeah if it's good good idea someone's mentioned you can still do it in adjustment clips and power bins you can and you can save your own versions of the free version if you go into Fusion so you you the paid version the idea is though it's going to become a big collection of stuff and it's just designed to be a little bit quicker and a little bit easier so then naturally let's get rid of this I started thinking of other things that we could do with it so the first idea I came up with was a blur effect because I do loads of stuff with slideshows for example or screenshots of images and whatever else so I added a fake depth of field effect so I've used the wrong one hang on come back to that one let's whip this in and then let's delay that so this is going to whip in from the side and then fill the screen and as you come in looks normal but there's a blurriness so I can give it like a fake depth of field so it'll whip in kind of blurry and then come into focus and the focus will always be where it finishes right so this can come in mega blurry and then pop in or it can just be a little bit blurry and it works in every direction so if we made this bigger with a bit of BL big hey and then it whs into Focus cool eh and then again you can come in you can add all the different animations turn all the stuff off and then save that so then obviously I got thinking about slideshows once again I thought with slid shows you probably want some sort of background on them so this one has got a built-in background so let's put that like that we can come in we can change the color so make this vertical and this is just going to fill the screen but we have our blurriness as well so then we can have it a little bit blurry and it pops in and if we don't want it to fill the screen we can have it sort of there with our colored background and then on the background we can also let's move this other the way whoops oh I doesn't like that BNG how annoying see if he likes this one oo found a bug let me try in always finding bug there you go that one works so there you go so then you can put these you can put whatever you want as the background and then you've still got the thingy the color to change the background however you want as well then naturally that led me to play with texts so you can do one with text so then I started building up all these different presets so like this one what's this one just like a corn Cam that popping and then and we've got reveals I'm really pleased with these reveals actually half screen reveal this will just move over but it actually crops as well so it's not just a move it also crops things out the best demonstration for that is going to be in this one so this one has a bit of everything built in it whips over to the side it's got a background and it's got text so we can just come to text and go we are live hello and then we can change the color of the background and do all that sort of stuff so if you'll notice as it whips it goes over to here but it crops more so there's a control for that as well it's called mask slip we can change that modifier and it will work in any direction so the more we move it I'm going to sort of stay in the middle someone's just ask can you round corners of course you can so I've got one pre-made I think yeah there you go look uh that background color could be better just do there you go so full screen it masks it moves it slips we've got rounded edges and we've got a drop shadow to imply well to show our important information and there you go something else I forgot to show you let me go to the slideshow one this is a nice slideshow this one's got all that stuff that I mentioned this one just whips in and then whips back out some of these things have versions as well so this whips in from the left Pops in but if we go to version two it's going to whip him from the right version three is going to come in from the top version four like so now I say the the pack as it is at the moment comes with there's somewhere in the region of about 50 presets that doesn't include the versions so there's probably quite a lot more there's probably about I don't know 70 or 80 but there variations on it and the idea is just to keep keep building those someone's asked how many Magic anim Clips can you lay on top of each other without killing your system because I played with V2 and it's not lightweight same thing to be honest not particularly lightweight if you build your own one so you've only got like a single thing running it will be better excuse me um but yeah you can't really stack them particular well to be honest you can get a few on there but it will start to chug in the past when I've had to do that when I've layered like five or so on there I'll just sort of disable each one individually and then work on them individually so then I you know I know which slide a is going to do and then I'll disa that and set slide B and then s set slide C and all that sort of stuff because yeah it's not it's resource heavy to be honest what we're doing is we're counting frames essentially this is how they work we're counting all of the individual frames in the background and that's how it knows to whip in at a certain time and whip out at a certain time so you will absolutely save time on the edit page because you won't need to set key frames and do your custom splines and all that sort of stuff you may actually lose a bit of time you'll be a bit slow when it comes to rendering for example because it's doing this math it's doing the counting but in theory the editing phase should be so much quicker that it doesn't matter if the render takes a little bit longer and you can always just go grab a coffee when it's doing that you can't go grab a coffeee when you meant to be doing key frames there you go someone asked iPad I remembered So in theory I I haven't tested it on the iPad for a little while I would test the free version if you're interested in the iPad version free version first um Patrick Sterling did a video on how to install drfx files on the iPad because you have to manually copy them to a particular folder so watch that video from Patrick and that will that will give you some idea on how to do that and they should work all the templates and all the the effects should work what won't work though is the saver tool in the paid version because it's a totally different operating system I don't think it even has well it won't have the functionality built in because we're writing scripts essentially in the background and you they those scripts just won't run on the iPad so that's limited unfortunately but all of the stuff that we build and I put in the pack will be available to you you just won't be able to use the saver function questions I think that's answered everything so this paid version as I say the free version is there use that one first even if you're interested in the paid version try the free version make sure you like it cuz it's very difficult to do refunds on digital products because obviously people could just buy them refund it and then share it with the world so try the free version make sure you're super happy with it and then if you fancy the paid version grab the paid version the idea behind magic animate is that I'm going to keep building it I want loads of stuff in this one I want like hundreds of presets that are nothing majorly flashy I said this in last night's live stream I'm not the best sort of designer these are things to just do like simple stuff but really quickly you don't want to have to key frame if you just want to you know put a corner cam in it just does it all for you and that's the idea behind this so I want just loads and loads of really simple easy things which save all of us time so that's going to be magic animate and then magic transition is the next one there's going to be tons and tons of transitions all the ones that we want to do Jazzy stuff or simple stuff or nice stuff without all the faffing about I can actually show you because I've got someone here ignore the UI the UI hasn't been built um but let me give you a super quick demo stros what that was get rid of that I'm gonna use Casey again it's probably gonna hate me this is from our podcast by the way me Casey started a podcast here's some of the streams from the look at us chatting away oh uh I think they run this machine actually I've said all that now yeah they are so I've actually built loads of these already we oh that's a rubbish one it's not got on my controls on it who what why am I saying orange oh dner thank you very much 20 Canadian 20 Canadian what's that but thank you very much I already put thank you thank you kindly mini spin is this the one I fixed hey so the idea behind these transitions similar thing right I'm going to build let's say there's 20 transitions on here but they all have different functionality so I can go clockwise or anticlockwise and I can choose the number of spins I can put it as an auto spin so it would just spin however many times it thinks it needs to spin apparently that's not working very well um and then we can choose like the different types of dissolve and the blur we can have it Zoom as well so rather than just a spin it's also going to zoom through and then we've got like pitch amounts this one will pitch as it does it who we all Thanos then look I like that H um yeah and then I buil I've actually built two other things for the transitions which I haven't looked at in ages there's a Distortion thing which allows you to do HS of different Distortion stuff let's see how goofy I can make myself look such a child uh and then we can do shakes and then we can also add glitches so as it transitions we can add like glitch effects and again there'll be the saver tool on this which will save the transitions so the transitions pack is going to have I don't I don't know how many it's going to have let's let's say it has 20 tools and then presets wise there's thousands literally because you go Whi in left and right and with a twirl and without a twirl and with a glitch without a glitch and with a war without a warp so yeah you get the idea so magic animate magic Zoom you already know about magic Zoom but we're going to expand that to do all sorts of different movement with pitches and um I'm going to do what's the word I'm looking for tilt shift tilt shifts are going to be in there all that sort of stuff what else was the what was the guys going to say magic Zoom magic animate magic transition magic title I've already started working on that one as well that one's going to be really cool and allow you to do loads of funky stuff and I could always forget and then magic highlight which is I don't think I've got the version on here let me look really quickly I did I've built some prototypes but I don't think I have it I think it's on my laptop but give me a sec just as a real quick demo of what it is that we'll be doing I know you're still looking at my face um at the minute which is not what anyone wants what's that one day Talk Amongst yourselves uh I don't think any of work buy my things they're good they don't work yeah I don't have the ones that I wanted to show you on here these are all old old and they're all broken so yeah we'll ignore that but magic um highlight is going to be zooms with like a a circle mask that's all in focus and everything else is blurry so it's essentially going to be built off magic animate so magic animat came first because it's the building blocks of some of the other stuff but the idea is there's going to be five individual packs all are going to be 30 bucks each or you can buy them all for 99 and they're all going to be huge I want them to be full of value if I can give free things out which have huge amounts of value obviously when I do a paid thing I want it to be really good um and I was slightly concerned about getting this one out because it didn't feel like it had quite as as much in it as I wanted but it's a really good starting point I think and we're going to keep building on it as we go I want all five of the main packs to be out by roughly the end of the year maybe that's the plan whether we make that work I don't know but we're going to try we're going to try to to keep building them and still keep going VY said why do you stand most of the time uh I don't know it feels weird to sit down and talk to a camera I just feel like I project better when I'm stood uh kadak says please tell me I was the first person to buy I think you were so first of all thank you very much for buying and well we'll ignore my wife who I I told to buy I made my wife buy it I like Bey go buy it because I wanted to make sure that it all worked okay but she doesn't count I guess so yeah uh going to be a very busy few months it really is I know when are you planning to sleep never never sleep I've also got to try and continue making videos which I haven't been doing very consistently so I'm going to try and get my consistency back on making videos we also maintaining magic animate upgrading magic animate and building out all these other packs so yeah I'll sleep in 2024 I guess uh did you make that IRL logo behind you it looks dope there's a good story about that again Donna will make I'll make sure Donna doesn't tell me off audio the Fantastic company that that sponsor me and if you're looking for a music subscription service you should definitely check out audio I shall put a link I should have a link to hand and I don't but let me grab a link they sent it to me so audio actually made that for me they got it customade and they sent it it's my logo which I kind of designed I'm not did the best job I could at making my logo got the wrong hat on I've got it on a hat somewhere as well and they got it made up for me and it looks dope doesn't it looks really cool which is the main centerpiece of this office now let me find what am I missing I just use my own music yeah I mean if I did that no one would watch my videos like if there's just me trying to do a tutorial with me also being like in the background no one's going to watch that but can fair play to you that's not mocking you at all it's just not my music would never go well down well if you've got your own music then that's awesome oh how bad am I totally unprepared there we go have to put that in there but yeah they're actually they're really awesome they're really awesome to work with and I I I'm going to do the next video as a sponsor video so that'd be really cool uh what was what questions have I missed how many bundles do you have just one at the moment this is the first one this is the first launch of a few that are coming out uh what is the difference between the paid and free your best option is to go and watch this live stream back because I've just run through it but the free version essentially will lay to do simple animations the paid version comes with loads of presets loads of additional tools and you can save all your own tools as well that's the main difference uh uh not seeing an option to create a login on your page so you get a login once you've made a purchase essentially so if you buy the thing you get the login and that just means that only people that have purchased it can log in which means that you know when we're talking about the paid version which is what the community side of it is going to be about it's it's people that have purchased it so it's all just feedback and Bug fixes and suggestions and all that sort of thing Ricky you missed this question how much for a date with you for you rick1 pounds off toic but who was your first sponsor weirdly I think my first I think my first sponsor was Nvidia which is mad they they messaged me when I had uh I can't remember less than 15,000 Subs I think it was they like do you want a laptop you want to talk about it about denture resolve I like oh yeah okay cool I see no option for payment hang on let me show you sorry that was a big sniff down the mic wasn't it then I apologize so I'm in cognito if you go to login yeah it doesn't allow you to log in because you have to have a login to log in but if you just go to view product and at the bottom buy now and then it will ask for an email uh let's sign in with another one of mine continue putp your name in there Bob if you don't want the marketing don't have the marketing that's cool create the account and then as soon as you've done that then you can pop in your credit or debit or your PayPal if you're on your phone if you're on Google it will ask you well you give you the option to use Google pay gpay whatever I want to call it and if you're on Apple it'll come up with Apple pay and then because I've created an and then when I go through I'll have an account and yeah I we go if you've got any problems email me info@ Mr Alex De and after I mean after this I'll I'll need to get I will need to get some sleep soon but I'll try and check the my emails to see what's going on cool glad you got there Chris thank you all very much and yeah please do I will work to get the community side up very soon um in theory it shouldn't be too difficult once you have a login it should be relatively simple to go from there um and then I just grab your emails add you to the the community list and it should be relatively straightforward so hopefully by next week we'll have the community so you if you've bought it use the weekend to play with it if you've got the chance you don't have to obviously not going to ask you for homework on Monday um but have a play with it and then we can get the community up and running and then yeah give me your feedback give me your ideas if you found any bugs I need my pen and paper cuz I found that bug earlier um I can't remember which one it was in I'm just going to have to write bug that narrows it down don't it one of the many things has a bug in it great but I'll figure that out and I'll get it updated um let me for those because I know a few of you have bought it hang on a moment [Music] um which account am I on yes a some of you have left me comments already you Legends thank you so once you've made the purchase you get this thing called products will appear and then you'll be able to come in here and you'll see the magic animate and if we give it a click I can leave you release notes so this is version 3.0 and there's some notes on there and then you can download version 3.0 the drfx or you can click download and that will download everything from within the pack now what I can also do is run versions so that's version 3.0 when I do a new version I don't delete 3.0 I just add one 3.1 3.0 will stay on there I can do you a little log of com comments so then I can then email you all send you a message on there to say there's a new update here's the bug fixes here's the things I've added if it's not relevant or version 3 is working for you you can choose to skip it you still have access to the previous version I can really sort of keep this going and build it as we go which is the reason why I've gone for the the website that I've gone with where will the community be located on oh I can show you because I've got it I this account has access so again once you logged in there'll be a community we've got home we got members we can search and then there's going to be topics so there's going to be one for feedback and one for bugs and one for suggestions and whatever so it's all just going to be maintained on here um excuse me yesterday someone asked me why I didn't do it on Discord I do have a Discord but it's not sort of the it's not my I made a Discord and I used to be quite active in it and then I sort of fell off and then it became really difficult to try and manage and get back on top of um so I didn't want to do a Discord but also then the fact that it's really difficult to to to to manage the people coming into it whereas keeping it all on the website I know it's less common um having like a for website rather than Discord where everyone is these days but it means I don't need to manage everything you can reset your own passwords I've Just Seen K on there we assumed you forgot your password I'm so sorry man I didn't mean to sort of abandon it um but yeah we can keep it all on there and the idea behind this community is not there'll be an off topic I'll make an off topic thing for people to chat but it's not designed for that it's not just designed for people to come in and have big group disc discussions it's so someone asked if they could get it on their phone and you probably don't want it on your phone because if you're out having dinner you probably don't want to be reading release notes from me about magic animate 3.2 and if you do well I'm not going to say it's GNA say something mean um you know don't do that it's it's a website where if I email you and go I need your feedback whatever you hop on you give me your feedback and then you crack on with your day so it's really intermittent Discord is awful I'm not just saying that because I'm almost 40 yeah I mean the one I was in so the my one before really nice people like kadak in the chat he was wicked um loads of really nice people in there and it was really really fun then my problem is I I found this out about me this is not what this is all about I'm going to bore people now but I found out this about me while doing this YouTube thing is I'm 100 100% on one thing and if I'm 100% on one thing I'm 0% on anything else and I have to really really carefully pick what I give my attention to because I try things and then I go 100% on something else and they just fall off so I need to be really careful about just it's just the way I work um like I said I've been full on with this so I haven't been making as many videos as I meant to and I just need to yeah I need to balance that life out I canot install the free version what's the issue you should just about to double click the drfx file providing you are on at least a v resolve 17.4 but you do need to be on at least 17.4 I don't think I put that on the cofi did I actually I usually do did I forget to put that in the description magic animate has had the previous one like nearly 120,000 downloads how crazy is that there you go just update that description just to be sure be sure be sure I'm yes you are Richard hang on that works both ways mate so Rick in the comments is a IRL friend Joe Castellini no that price is the price $29.99 that's not going to budge anywhere it's in early release just because I want to make make sure people are aware that you know things may change slightly or there may be the odd bug or two or it might not be the full version is going to have more so yeah the price is staying exactly the same though that will be $29.99 do not fear about that if I had a dollar for every one of those downloads yeah I know it was when I did the survey to ask how many of you guys had bought the venty resolve Studio after watching one of my videos that really upset me it was a lot and I saw none of it py hello py what is this magic anime then oh it's a tool which allows you to do a basic animations in event resolve without having to do any key frames it's all automated you simply tick boxes if you've never heard of a magic animate before um just have a look at my videos on Magic animate version 2 if you like the look at that version three is better essentially and it's free or different version paid version black magic is grateful yes I'm they are and um I've spoke to some some individual set black magic I've never really been that much in communication with black magic as like an entity but individual people I've spoke to and they're all really nice uh touch with this first release yeah I mean hopefully Tech that's that's the idea um obviously when you sell something you sell something to to make money from it that's kind of the idea but I also wanted I wanted to make sure that it was good enough to sell before I sold it and I think it's at a stage where it has enough value in it for for the the money um but I want it to have more value oh you got it some delay that's all right I'm glad you got it sorted Christian is the description wait till tomorrow so the idea was for me to get a video live like a proper YouTube video live today and I've just been so caught up with getting this released that I didn't have chance but tomorrow I'll be making a proper YouTube video which will talk about the two different versions so I'll outline version a version version the free version version the paid version and I'll also be working on the documentation on the website to explain it all in a little bit more detail do you have Asma or your no just I've got a bit of a cold it's just come out of nowhere it's only a little one it's one of those colds where you feel absolutely fine you don't really have a runny nose but you just sound like you've got a bit of a cold it's one of those ones Peter Rich install now it's playtime please let me know how you get on I'd love your feedback um Twitter email you can leave me comments on the website now that you're logged in there you go he's he's I'm not Welsh I'm from Birmingham I sound tired yeah I mean it's been a long day it's been a very long day are you going to demo yeah I've already done the demo um this video will be available after we finish the live stream as you know regular video so go back and have a look I actually did a live stream yesterday where did a bit of a demo on it as well so yeah it's there for you to have a look at you realize a lot of us will be burning the midnight oil now yeah hopefully hopefully in the morning I'll have some comments and some feedback and do honestly let me know politely if you know there things you don't like or the things you don't think it if you don't think it has um a valued proposition position you don't think it's worth $29.99 let me know like that's stuff that I really want to know because it's really hard to judge when you've made something because you go I think this is cool but then I've been staring at it for three months so yeah any feedback all feedback is really appreciated do you happen to have a any disc codes on Studio no I don't even get discount codes on Studio I don't think black magic have ever done discount codes on Studio I'd love to be able to offer discount codes on Studio but I just don't think they exist I wish they do an Affiliates gamee but they don't I know big sad uh give me something to play with while on nights uh oh yeah that wasn't a question you were saying this will give you I was like I I understand now shio is too cheap already yeah I do agree closest thing to a discount is the bundles yeah and you can still get I've got the where is it got the keyboard got the big keyboard which I'm going to do a video on that was meant to be I was meant to try and get one done this month yeah but there you go discount code for shudio was eBay ah good old eBay yeah but this is until you log in one day and it says you've been kicked out because you've used your two lies um how many of you let's see how many free downloads we've had 253 hey that's not bad seems there's still no video it's only the live stream will I don't understand why they don't offer an affiliate scheme I think that's still bit scared of the social media yeah they're very new to the social media space and I think they're still trying to figure out exactly where they belong and how to maximize it they they are coming round to it I've had some conversations with some individuals again they are they're coming around like they have an Instagram now I know was as basic as that sounds but they didn't for a long time and they actually post on Twitter now or X as it's stupidly called do you get a free paid version yes you do so if you buy literally any not any of the hardware basically any of the hardware above like three or 400 then yeah you get the the paid version the studio version with it um essentially anything which benefits fits from the studio version they will add the studio version in so that's like well they actually saying that the speed editor doesn't really benefit from Studio at all but you'll get studio with the speed editor you get studio with the keyboard you get it with all the cameras I don't think you get it with the ATS I don't believe no you wouldn't because it's cheaper the A10 mini is cheaper than studio so they wouldn't do that I love version two going to buy this one thank you very much there is a free version as mentioned if you want to try it out first uh they do seem to be getting better without portrait options and uploads yes they are they're doing more so for the social thing I mean their take on the the social side you know with Tik Tok and portrait stuff it it it goes down really well with some and very poorly with others you know there's some there's there's people on both sides of that fence so but I think it's good that there if they make a professional camera which is also good for consumers that just want to put stuff online then it's the best of both world I think really as long as they're not not doing the higher end stuff to do the lower end stuff but yeah whatever uh would you rather edit with a toolbox or a speed editor do you currently use either so I have both I've talked about this on the podcast actually was it the one you heard or the one no I don't think it's the one that's come out yet so I I just use keyboard and mouse and part of the reason I'm stuck with keyboard and mouse I have the speed editor I have the full keyboard I have the T boox I actually like them all I think they're really beneficial but because I make tutorials when I make my Youtube videos I have to use a keyboard and mouse and I have to use the default keyboard layout right because if I do something on screen and it's just magically happened and I haven't told you what's happened it's really confusing and horrible to watch so I kind of have to work in the straight out of the box toin resolve way because my brain isn't capable of using the speed editor getting really efficient with that and using the keyboard and mouse and being efficient with that I kind of have to pick one so I've picked to just use keyboard and mouse so I'm forever stuck in keyboard and mouse oh thank you uh just listen to your podcast case it was really good thanks we've recorded an episode two I'm going to cut together a video version to get on to the YouTube channel which will also mean it's available in more places like Google podcast and whatever else so yeah version one was the best one we've done version two sorry not version two podcast number two I think it's still good I don't think it was quite as good as the first one so we're really going to try and make version podcast number three really really good and yeah we're going to keep doing the podcast because it's super fun would you recommend uninstalling V2 when installing V3 nope you don't have to they can run next to each other doesn't matter whether you're on the paid version or the free version install them both and then you've just got more stuff to use watch K use some yeah probably I want him to make a puppet of me for his little puppet show any thoughts on the h264 265 export glitches is that a thing is there um a known bug I haven't seen that hey thank you photo you bought it your stuff is worth it again yeah lows are been saying to everyone have a go with it play with it see what you think and please do let me know thanks brinda brinda sing I have put a lot I reckon I chatting to my wife about this ear I reckon it's probably about I don't know there's a good thous OD hours into it I reckon which I know seems like exaggeratory ex exaggerated um but I had to learn so much to do it let me show you for those hund and something people that are still here let me show you how nerdy I got and actually this is just quite good reference to see what goes into making something like that um let's just do let's just do the free version so you'd think the free version would be you know a few lines here it is so this is the back end essentially this is the the lines of stuff which make up the free version so these are all your inputs this is just for the UI and this doesn't do anything we're at a thousand lines already keep going keep keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going there's 2,000 lines there you go and that doesn't actually contain any expressions or anything that's purely saying where the buttons go and which order things go um and that can be a nightmare because if you put one thing in the wrong place the labels don't work for example and then we've got the actual tools and then we've got user controls so these are the things that I've actually made all of this this this is all manual this is all that to be added individually and then we've got more user controls more user controls what's this one drop shadow with an expression some maths in the I've put maths in the drop shadow no one asked for that I just got kept going with it um dve more in there this big old thing here this is what's this these are all my labels so it like even you have to get super nerd with the labels let me show you um label control width right so you have to give it a name and then you have to say very specifically how many things live under that label so if you put one too many things under the label Zoom that in a bit so I have to say very specifically that the label width contains exactly 23 things and if I take one of them out the whole thing breaks and look how many of them there are There's a Nightmare more tools more stuff there you go it is 4,147 lines and I I still don't know how to code it's just brute force and trial and error uh there you go so that's the free version it does get much it gets easier to replicate after that so what did I miss nerd thank you Becky thanks wife who I believe has just gone to bed so she's watching from bed do you know if I need to set the default GPU for adventure resolve on graphic settings on Windows 11 when I'm using an egpu an external one uh I've never used an external one but it should be Plug and Play I would guess you'll know as soon as you open up denture resolve then you go to your preferences they will appear here so if they don't appear here then they're not being picked up but if you can see them here like you can see my Nvidia gForce RTX 480 is being picked up then you should be good to go excuse me uh how much is the export bit rate of your videos I don't go crazy with them um I mean I use a preset so you know what I can't even remember I he just have you know one of my own little export presets set up so I don't even need to think about it give me a second oh I have it set to best so I just literally set it to best because there is a reason for that um I'm quite fortunate obviously with the YouTube channel with everything El I've got loads of storage and I've also got really quick internet so I don't really care oh no that's sound it's like the most first world answer in the world um but you know the upload time doesn't matter because it's all uploaded really quick but if you're using h265 for example and you're doing talking head Style videos like this where there's not tons of movement and all that sort of thing honestly like 15K is plenty 20K is yeah be absolutely fine um you'll need more if you've got loads of movement or if you're doing gaming stuff because then you start to get you know really hit with the compression but you don't need much uh d r truck and drone I'm sorry Alex but when do you want to release the premium version so there's a a premium version of magic animate 3 is out now you can buy that for $29.99 I will be doing a full big mega pack which when it's finally finished will contain five packs in total that's going to release the full thing is going to T me quite a long time to finish I want to get it finished by the end of the year I will open that up to pre-release so if you want to buy it early and then kind of help with the development of it I don't know when I'll release that I don't know I might do early you know like in a week or two so people can really get on board with it but I do feel like I don't want to take too much money off people for for not much if I can't deliver much more I don't want to take more money off people um but everyone that buys the current premium version for $29.99 will will be getting a voucher worth $29.99 so if you've bought this current version when I released the big mega pack you'll get that 30 bucks back off the next purchase so you won't be spending more so if you do decide to buy the big bundle you'll be spending them exactly the same as everyone else because you guys shouldn't be punished for being early adopters that's backwards how to solve the problem of laggy transitions playback indent resolve you can't really um lower the timeline proxy is one of the easiest ways to get quick results for anything um literally just click on playback at the top timeline proxy resolution and run it at half um Fusion's chuggy it always is you know if you're trying to do any sort of transitions You' always you know even on a super high-end rig you'll start to get dropped frames and this that and the other magic animate for example is it's pretty streamlined but it will start to drop frames on my system it's Fusion unfortunately oh cool to rest media thank you very very much indeed for laggy Transitions and effects what do you suggest updating I mean the big you've got the big three haven't you three I'm doing three like Germans do that's Germans is it three anyway um CPU Ram GPU Fusion most people think that Fusion is really GPU based but it's actually really CPU heavy so like my rig's got 480 in it but it's limited by the CPU the laptop I've got will run some of my Fusion stuff quicker than the big super rig um it's cuz it's CPU based but the easiest thing to change generally speaking is either your RAM or your GPU your GPU will really help with if you're on the studio version with things like render speeds um and then Studio only effects like the normal engine stuff magic masks and all that sort of thing the CPU is really good for things like Fusion so you kind of have to decide what works best Puget systems Google Puget systems to ventually resolve they do loads of analysis on different Hardware CPU versus GPU all that sort of stuff so they other people to look at they know everything so definitely recommend checking those out that's p g fugit systems thank you Joe I appreciate it uh do you use ab1 codec for streaming um you know I'm not at the moment I haven't changed it but I will do because a1's really efficient so I will probably change my my stream for the next one to be av1 RT Vision just want to say a huge thank you thank you back to you you appreciate saving me a ton of time I can't wait to get into magic animated version 3 oh and you enjoyed the podcast too thank you thank you very very much I appreciate that enjoy version three and again feedback let me know let me know let me know RTX 2016 ryzon 5 so solid enough still get laggiest transitions when adding some effects yeah um which would I upgrade don't know probably 2060 is pretty solidly you know 2060 should be all right maybe it's the ryzen the biggest issue with the ryzen and I'm running a ryzen 5950 is the single core speeds are a little bit low um comparatively so if it was me I'd probably maybe look at because they they have improved them more recently I think the single the single core speeds have improved so that's probably what I would do 2060 should be all right it should be plenty enough as long as you're not trying to do magic masks and all that crazy stuff do you think a geol layer star plugin would be possible uh explain G like a coordinate sort of map thing I mean pretty much anything is possible in Fusion it's just whether you've got the time to do it in the resources I can say that YouTubers like you are the real under ones thank you thank you very much how much is the whole bundle the big super mega bundle thing is going to be 99 99 99 100 bucks but I'm going to make sure that it's got tons and tons and tons of value I am broby charging money for things oo no problem at all whale whale whale uh Mark Allan yesterday you said you were trying to keep magic animate at a cash render rate above 30 at what working resol so I've been on my one I was working at 30 frames on 4K um it's not because it's fusion and because it's not 3D limited it's the Expressions that limit it more than anything else so the resolution actually doesn't it doesn't have that much of an effect really um because as I say it's not GPU render limited it's just CS limited so it will depend on what you're using and how much stuff you've enabled within the magic animate let me open it up and we'll see what we get I'm just realized the time I should go to bed soon this was meant to be a super quick stream and it's not what footage is this I don't even know what we're looking at oh she's not a great example but yes so this is 4K 30 and as soon as I drop anything on there literally we go just go with the main tool and I can just play that straight away at 30 so that was sort of the goal was like drop it on that footage this is just 4K stuff from OBS so just like screen recording stuff drop the custom one on there that sometimes takes just a second to kind of think there you go and yeah 30 zooms cut that and I still get real time it does depend massively on what footage you're using because some footage is obviously much heavier and then you know it's going to struggle and this that and the other so yeah there's loads and loads of variables but on my system that's sort of what I was aiming for any chance of motion call outs for tutorials um potentially in the future that's not what I'm aiming for initially it's more of you know like the basic stuff the the the thing we'll want to do but you usually get to the end of a project think oh I've got to go back and do all this stuff now magic animate is kind of there to to fix all of that and the rest of the packs are there for for that sort of stuff as well just to take the pain out of it but in the future yeah I'd like to do some more stuff as well you know some more individual animations like call outs or um yeah graphs I know um Patrick Sterling's doing a lot of that sort of thing so definitely have a look at Patrick uh if you get M canate can I uninstall the other plugins you can you can uninstall whatever you like um for those that are still here let me show you a quick trick it's not really a trick but if you ever need to uninstall anything whether it's by me or or whatever jump into Fusion so we're just on the fusion page and all you want to do is click on see this templates up within the effects area mine's having to think now my resolve is going to crash it's always the way isn't it oh no it was just having a thing there you go so we go to templates and then we go to these three little dots or you can right click on templates and show folder and when you've double clicked on a drfx this is where it goes so here's on my drfx files if I wanted to get rid of magic animate version 2 uh there it is I just delete this DFX file Fusion templates show folder done any 3D stuff in the future nothing planned um I'd like to jump into it it's not generally my forte to be honest and case is doing a lot of fusion stuff so I wonder if he'll jump into the 3D realm maybe I don't know um I'd like to jump into it a bit more but I don't really have any plans at the moment Fusion or after effects I I don't have much experience with after effects to be honest so I can't answer that question honestly for you thank you very much for giving Channel subscribers a break my accountant just filled my court taxes oh dear tax time that's never fun I need to do my tax return actually but yeah you don't need to know about all that are you going to be doing tutorials on Magic version 3 soon yes I'll be releasing a video tomorrow the plan was to try and record one and get it released today but I had too much to do so I didn't get it done so I'll be giving up my Saturday to do that tomorrow instead um there'll be a flashy YouTube style video to let everyone know that it's all here and then I'll be doing some shorter tutorial Style videos for the website as well just to try and break down all the stuff so you can really get into grips with it and I'll probably try and get all of that done oh no I've got to go away on Monday um yeah but unfortunate family passing away so I've got to be away on Monday um but maybe I can try and get some done on Sunday I should do my best to get some more stuff there'll definitely be a video up tomorrow and I'll try and do some other stuff as well there you go are you going to make a video on all the features yes I am going to make all the features proboy but honestly get get them free version first of all pay nothing for it get the free version play with the free version it does a lot of cool stuff so have a play with the free version and then later on if you decide to do more with it come back and get the paid one but for the time being get the free one that's why it's free you like the the masking mix with a whip to make an animated typ face can yeah I really enjoyed them I want to make more the face cam stuff um oh Weasley Peak is there a discount for your monthly subscribers yes are you if you're on Kofi look at my homepage there's a post on there and if you're on YouTube member look at the where is it Community Feed or email me we Wesley because there is just before the live stream it was one of the last things I I managed to get done are you announcing on Instagram I will be there just so many things to do who knew that doing this sort of stuff was hard there's so many things so many things oh but on this right I think I'm GNA shoot off to bed very shortly cuz I'm sleepy Richard just want me to say thanks for the great content thank you thank you very much indeed thanks for following along and taking the time to comment and watch my nonsense and as I mentioned earlier uh and a moment ago I will be be releasing a video tomorrow so if you could do me I give it a quick look just so it doesn't you know die cuz no one watches it because everyone's on the live stream please answer how long is Magic it's going to be until the end of the year if there's an update how do we reinstall it so you there'll be a new version you just double click and it'll automatically overwrite the old version that's it so when a new version is released you download the new version you double click it it opens up to Vin resolve it says do you want to replace the old version you say yes and that's it easy how's that it's almost like I thought these things through kind of right take it easy everyone have a lovely evening and I hope to see you all in the comments of this video whenever I get this made tomorrow so take it easy thanks every so much for joining thanks for watching thanks for purchasing thanks for downloading thanks for everything and I'll see you all very very soon see you laters
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 20,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech
Id: FMPinzej9sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 10sec (5650 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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