Easy Collage Effect - Faster and Enhanced Template for DaVinci Resolve | FREE Download

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hi there welcome back to my channel previously I created a fusion collage template to streamline the process of making collage screens as the built-in video collage effect is not intuitive to use however when I recently attempted to use it I discovered that it runs very slow when set up with six or more tiles particularly in 4k timelines so I spent some time and rebuilt the template to improve both performance and usability additionally new features have been also added into this updated template now creating these animated collage scenes can be done with just a few clicks in a matter of minutes and today we will quickly walk through these improvements and changes as usual you can download the template through the link in the description below and install the template using the DFX package or copy the setting file to your template folder once the template is installed in denture resolve you can simply drag from the effects panel and apply it to the clip on the timeline by default the layout is set to 3x3 a total of nine tiles the layout preview is enabled as the effect is loaded for the first time in this mode we can preview and modify the layout when editing the collage layout the videos underneath may be distracting we can select all of them and press D to disable them temporarily the parameters in the inspector are very clear and self-explanatory click the preview layout button to toggle the preview mode every time the settings are changed in the first section before this reset button you can click the button to refresh the display for example change the number of columns or change the tile size we can set up a maximum of 25 tiles with the layout of 5x5 if the preview tiles are cut off and not showing correct you can simply click the reset button again to fix the display if we set the number of columns to six and reset the layout it will arrange six tiles per row leaving the last row with only one tile for this demo let's reset the layout back to 3x3 once the layout is set we can use these parameters to change the style for all tiles changing the center parameter moves all tiles together stagger tiles as the name implies is used to shift the tiles horizontally and vertically use angle to rotate the tiles soft Edge to soften the tile borders and increased Corner radius to round the tile Corners you can also enable the fusion overlay and use the onscreen controls to change the center angle and tile sizes once the layout and tiles are set up globally we can select and adjust individual tiles if necessary for example offset the tile change the width and height or rotate the tile these buttons here are used to automatically expand and shrink the tile click the plus width button to merge the tile with the one on the right side and minus button un merges the tiles similarly the plus height button is used to merge down the tiles while the minus button is to revert the merge for improved usability the select tile buttons are dynamically reset to show only the available ones click reset layout button to reset the layout this group of parameters are used to control how the image fits within the assigned tile the default mode is set to autofit in this mode the image moves together with the tile and resizes to fit the tile when rotating the tile the image also rotates with the tile when the mode is set to Center the image moves along with the tile but does not resize when the fit mode is disabled no transformation is applied to the image in this mode when set to a different tile we will see different parts of the image regardless of the mode selection you can always manually move the image with the offset parameter resize the image or rotate the image check the shadow option to add the shadow effect and check the Border option to add a tile border and you can change the Border color if you want click the custom edges button to add roughened edges to the tile with the previous and next button here you can select a predefined edge and you you can always play with these parameters to create edges according to your preferences to animate The Edge set the animation to a value greater than zero the larger the value the faster the animation runs we can turn off the layout preview and check the animation result the preview mode is slow for playback due to the complex Fusion computations involved please note that enabling the custom edges will lead to slower playback and a longer time to render the cache before applying the collage layout to other Clips make sure to disable the preview mode first this way we won't need to click the button to turn off the preview for each clip individually make a copy of the clip select other Clips press D to enable them press alt V or right click and select paste attribute from the menu to open the paste attribute window make sure to check Fusion effects and press apply select each clip go to the effects tab in the inspector select the next available tile for the clip if you are not sure which tile to use you can enable layout preview for the top clip this can serve as a reference for all the C Clips underneath continue assigning tiles for all the clips once done turn off preview on the first clip with the preview turned off a new set of parameters becomes available to further customize the current active tile like changing the position size angle and more when Fusion overlay is enabled the on-screen controls can also be used to make changes to discard the changes you can click this restore button to reset the current tile to the global layout settings since the effect is coped over individually any changes made in the inspector only affect the current tile on the selected clip this way we can create an effect to shift the focus between tiles for example turn on the border and Shadow for one tile at a time first let's disable the Shadow and Border for all Clips except the first one when needing to shift the Focus split both current and next clip uncheck border and Shadow options on the current clip and enable them for the next one repeat these steps we can have something cool like this directing attention to different tiles as we present the scenes to animate a tile we can simply apply video transitions at the beginning to reveal the clip Tile For example apply the slide transition set the ease option to both in and out to smooth the transition we can also change the direction here I can use a top down transition or use a fusion transition like this rotate 90 transition you can always try out different Transitions and find one that suits your needs as mentioned earlier I rebuilt this template to enhance performance so I did a quick test to compare the speed between the old version the new one and the Denture resolve video collage effect here is a 4K timeline and I have three sets of Clips arranged in three by three layout each using a different effect the first set is using the built-in video collage effect the middle one is using the old version and the last one is the latest version the built-in effect is running at 13.5 frames per second the old version at 2.5 frames per second and the new version is the top performer at 18.5 frames per second please note that the more tiles you set up the slower it runs also when enabling custom edges in the new version significantly affects the playback as expected here is a set of Clips using the same 3x3 layout but with custom Edge enabled now the timeline runs at 14 frames per seconds much slower than those without custom edges all right that's all for today thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Essential Video Editing
Views: 4,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve, Fusion, Video Editing
Id: KRiqy1mqOtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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