Leo's Broken Leg | Caillou Cartoon

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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys watch this [Music] hey guys why don't we make our own sports day in the backyard yeah let's go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay everybody Welcome to our first ever Backyard Sports Game Day boys and girls take your sacks [Music] on your marks get said go wow [Music] all right now time for trampolining all right kids one at a time Leo you're up first [Music] laughs [Music] well that was very impressive everyone well done now how about a new game yeah yeah whoever throws the furthest wins three two one throw [Music] and the winning ball belongs to Clementine [Music] how about a break kids [Music] yum what's next Daddy and for the last challenge of the day the high jump oh wow a real high jump good luck kids [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] and in second place Caillou great job and that puts Clementine in first place congratulations Clementine [Music] okay class it's almost time for the weekend so that means it's time to choose who gets to take home the class pet Gerald [Music] now who wants to take him home Caillou why don't you take Gerald today so I get to feed him and play with him and then tomorrow he gets to run around in his ball foreign [Music] sleepy head it's breakfast time [Music] Come on Mommy says you can play in your ball today [Music] Caillou Leo's here coming mommy wait here Gerald [Music] hey Caillou hey Leo you want to come and see Gerald I was just about to take him outside sure so he needs to get some exercise so I put him in his ball oh oh no what's wrong Caillou where's Gerald I left him here and now he's gone Mommy I love Gerald in his ball and he's disappeared don't worry Caillou we'll find him [Music] hmm [Music] here Gerald here Gerald [Music] oh I'm never going to find him [Music] there you are [Music] [Laughter] it was the end of a busy day and Caillou wanted a bedtime story daddy would you read to me all right Caillou let's go scooch over this is the story of a time traveling Global adventurer Plains of Africa wild animals roam you never know what you'll find did you feel that Caillou oh no pop in Caillou I made it that was a close one Caillou in the great ice sheets of the Arctic extraordinary sights are never far away [Music] [Applause] nice to meet you my name is Caillou come on Caillou let's see what else we can find [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] looks like you've made friends there Caillou [Music] and in the Great Pyramids of ancient Egypt you never know what friends you could make [Music] wow Caillou you look just like a real ancient Pharaoh so oh to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] daddy something got me [Music] bless you [Music] and on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea Paris a city of History food and art [Music] bonjour Caillou very good what do you say we go and see the real thing yeah [Music] wow can we go up sure Caillou let's go [Music] oh quite a view huh Caillou that's enough excitement for one night time for bed [Music] [Applause] [Music] well Deputy Teddy I think the town is going to be safe now we caught the Rexy Bandit Sheriff Caillou come quick howdy Clementine what's wrong Sheriff Caillou and Outlaw is trying to rob the bank oh no what are we waiting for [Music] Let's Ride [Music] faster Gilbert yeah laughs [Music] [Laughter] [Music] holy that was fun now I just need to get out of here before the sheriff arrives not so fast cowboy looky here that money isn't yours it is now I'm the sheriff in these parts and I say you have to give it back [Music] if you don't take the money back I'll take you to jail well this town ain't big enough for the both of us [Music] draw look [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Splish Splash [Music] faster Gilbert they're gaining on us oh whoa Sheriff you did it the town is safe again thank you don't think me partner thank Deputy Teddy the toughest bear in the West [Music] I'll get you for this Sheriff call you Sheriff oh sheriff I thought you all might be hungry after saving the day so I brought you some Cowboy Cookies wow thanks mommy these are to keep you full of energy for your next adventure yeah [Music] and Sheriff call you is always ready to save the day [Music] hey Caillou look we're tryouts tomorrow after school wanna go [Applause] [Music] Caillou has the ball he's close to the goal he shoots and scores oh great shot Caillou thanks Daddy I'm going to be the best soccer player ever just don't forget us when you become a big star [Music] come on [Music] great job Caillou we'll need some of that for the championship game next week to help us win the trophy [Music] how did you miss Sarah did you see me Daddy I got the ball all the way to Sarah but she missed well Caillou you just need to keep trying and maybe next time she'll score but I want to win and you can Caillou but the only way to do that is to work together as a team hmm let's go Caillou [Music] come on Sarah [Music] oh yes penalty are you okay Caillou no I don't think I can take the penalty Sarah you should take it but what if I miss again Caillou you've got this Sarah hmm [Music] oh you did it Sarah and the championship trophy goes to Greenwood are you Perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on over folks get your lemonade here now you like a lemonade please [Music] that'll be one dollar please Mister [Music] [Applause] [Music] how's it going Caillou it's going great mommy look how much I've made already that's wonderful Caillou it looks busy do you need any help no thank you Mommy I've got this all under control okay well you call us if you need anything we'll be right over here one dollar two dollars three dollars four dollars five dollars foreign [Music] [Music] I am sorry young man I hope he didn't bother you oh no I love dogs [Music] Please can I play with him a bit longer what do you think pepper [Music] and what is your name young man I'm Caillou well Caillou you go off and play and I'll have a glass of that delicious looking lemonade let's go pepper [Music] hey Mommy look what I found oh wow Caillou what's his name pepper because he's black see [Music] looks like someone is a little excited he's really friendly [Music] you want to pet him Rosie here Peppa pepper [Music] that was a big kiss huh Rosie Caillou don't forget this they've had a wonderful time together haven't you Caillou yeah thank you well thank you for taking him off my hands Caillou I haven't had such a restful day out in a long time and I think pepper enjoyed himself too I think pepper needs to cool down I know pepper let's go play in the fountain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] it was just another day at school or so Caillou thought all of a sudden Caillou felt a pain in his mouth Caillou's tooth had come loose guys [Music] wow Caillou you'll get a visit from the Tooth Fairy soon huh the Tooth Fairy Caillou whenever you lose a tooth you put it under your pillow and the Tooth Fairy comes and leaves something special underneath in its place no Caillou don't do that it'll fall out on its own [Music] it seemed Caillou would just have to be patient with that Caillou decided to wait but he was so excited for the rest of the day he could barely concentrate in class later that day after school Caillou skipped out of the gate to meet Grandma he couldn't wait to tell Mommy and Daddy about his loose tooth mommy daddy guess what I have a loose tip that's great Caillou let's take a look say ah [Music] that looks almost ready to come out not yet [Music] Caillou waited [Music] waited [Music] and waited [Music] until suddenly his tooth fell out Mommy doubt that's great Caillou so when will the Tooth Fairy come well first you need to put your tooth under your pillow or she won't know to come and visit oh right I forgot we'll all go up together okay now Caillou place it carefully under your pillow oh and let's see in the morning what the Tooth Fairy brings you good night Caillou good night Mommy and Daddy [Music] Caillou sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes suddenly his eyes widened as he remembered what lay waiting beneath his pillow just then Caillou noticed something from the corner of his eye oh something glowed in the corner of his bedroom [Music] it was the Tooth Fairy well hello Caillou I hear you've lost a tooth have you been taking good care of your teeth take all the teeth tooth fairy back to Fairyland of course we use them to build our fairy castle bigger and bigger wow [Music] good night Tooth Fairy good night Caillou I'll take good care of your tooth don't forget to check your pillow when you wake up [Music] Caillou had the strangest dream remembering suddenly Caillou sat both upright and threw his pillow to the side oh under his pillow was a shiny silver quarter and a note Caillou thank you for keeping your tooth so clean look from the tooth fairy foreign [Music] are you excited to come to work with me today Caillou yeah look at what Mommy made me wow what a great tie [Music] foreign what are all those numbers daddy well Caillou if you press a number the elevator takes you to that floor why don't you give it a try we're going to level four [Music] good morning Boris oh and this must be Caillou your daddy says a lot of nice things about you good morning Caillou this is Valerie she runs the whole office wow [Music] very nice to meet you Miss Valerie [Music] so this is where daddy sits every day oh what do you do daddy well Daddy does lots of things Caillou right now Valerie needs us to make some copies for a presentation copies but Mrs Martin says you shouldn't copy other people's work oh Caillou we need to make some copies so that everyone can read it it's kind of like a show and tell oh cool [Music] how does it work daddy well you take whatever it is that you want to copy and put it up here [Music] then you press the number for how many copies you want to make [Music] and they pop right out into that tray wow so it can copy anything well not quite anything [Music] oh a careful Caillou [Music] look daddy it's me [Music] oh Valerie needs me I'll be right back why don't you finish putting those copies together thank you foreign [Music] thank you oh excuse me sir have you seen my son he's about your height with a yellow shirt [Music] daddy like you oh Caillou you don't need glasses or a mustache for that [Music] but it does suit you oh it's time for Valerie's big meeting so we've had a special helper around the office today Caillou has been helping Boris prepare for today's meeting and he really has been lending a hand laughs [Music] that was so cool daddy when I grow up I want to work in an office just like you and you'll be the best office worker there is [Music] watch me grandma [Music] well done Caillou [Music] online [Applause] what's the matter Caillou that boy on the skateboard reminded me of when I had an accident grandma do you want to tell me about it it might make you feel better was when I had a skateboard from Leo for my birthday I couldn't wait to try it out but mommy said I had to wait until we got the special me and wrist pads did you need a helmet to Caillou yes but I already had my bike helmet I was too excited to wait so I put my bike helmet on and went into the garden [Music] he forward to the top of the path and tried to go a bit faster [Music] I bumped my wrist on the ground what did you do I was crying and holding my arm and I went to find Mommy [Music] oh Caillou what's the matter did you hurt your wrist I fell off my skateboard Caillou I told you to wait sorry it's okay let's go and get you fixed up mommy had to take me to the Doctor Who told me that I had sprained my wrist that's not broken but it still really hurt Grandma I know it hurts Caillou I sprained my wrist once too well you want a skateboard too grandma no Caillou I slipped on some ice did you have a sling like me yes Caillou I had to keep my arm resting in a sling for a few weeks until it was better thanks Grandma I feel better now have you used your skateboard again Caillou no Grandma I'm too scared about falling off but if you wear all your safety here you can practice and you won't hurt yourself if you fall oh that looks so much fun I wish I was your age Caillou I definitely want to learn to skateboard gosh my arms are tired I must have pushed Rosie on that swing 100 times why don't we all have a banana and then we'll have some more energy so Caillou what were you telling Grandma about about when I fell off my skateboard and hurt my wrist it's made Caillou scared of skateboarding again but it does look so much fun yes it does when I was a young boy I had a pair of roller skates I fell over a lot but I kept practicing until I could skate without falling over it was my favorite thing to do maybe you should give it another go Caillou when Caillou got home he dressed in his helmet knee pads and wrist guards go Caillou oh oh Caillou are you okay I'm fine mommy my guards worked try again Caillou you almost had it I did it today mommy and daddy had taken Caillou and Rosie to enjoy a fun-filled day at the water park Caillou was being a good older brother and was teaching Rosie how to swim okay Rosie all you have to do is kick your legs really fast like this now you try great job Rosie Caillou you're a very good teacher look those children are fighting a pirate ship looks like they could use your help Caillou Caillou to the rescue hold on Caillou you need to put some sunscreen on first but I want to go and battle the Pirates he won't be able to fight the Pirates if you get a sunburn okay mommy but hurry we can't let the Pirates take over the water park [Music] hold still Caillou perfect what no Mommy I can't fight the Pirates looking like this they'll laugh at me oh okay Captain Caillou come here there now you're ready to go and save the day on Rosie let's go sink the pirate ship ready [Music] watch out Caillou the Pirates are fighting back don't worry I'll get him [Music] [Applause] oh man overboard we did it Rosie we stopped the pirates from taking over the water park after all that excitement I bet you two could do with the rest how about we take a ride down the lazy river that sounds like fun this is very relaxing it's a bit slow can't it go any faster why don't we have a race to that palm tree Caillou [Music] here I come Caillou [Music] I didn't thank you well done Caillou slowly patient Caillou This is the biggest slide at the water park it'll be worth the wait the biggest shall we go on the second biggest slide don't worry Caillou there are two slides next to each other so we can go down together oh okay foreign are you ready mommy I'm a little scared could you hold my hand of course mommy I'll protect you okay three two one [Music] [Applause] she got you that wasn't so bad was it thanks for holding my hand Caillou you're very brave that was fantastic [Music]
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 883,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: LB3fxlrd6eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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