Go Kart | Caillou Cartoon

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foreign [Music] [Applause] as we head into the final stretch the red racer only needs to pass the blue racer to win he's almost there just a little further he's done it the red racer wins [Music] hahaha Oh Daddy [Music] Daddy can you have the keys to the car please I want to go driving like the red racer from from room I think you're a bit too young to drive buddy oh Caillou can you come here for a moment oh [Music] Daddy's right Caillou you're too young to drive a real car but we could always build you a special toy one really my parents made me one when I was little I don't see why we can't do the same [Music] well then let's get started [Music] wow thanks Mommy it's the best go-kart ever I'll be just like the red racer no one will be faster than me well speed isn't everything and you'll need lots of practice [Music] so we'd better go to the park [Music] the petals will make you go and the steering wheel will help you turn but this is the most important bit the break it'll help you slow down and stop nice and safely oh down but I want to go fast and win like the red racer sometimes going safe is the best way to go fast Caillou which reminds me tada okay let's give it a go remember to use the break okay I will [Music] this is amazing time to get even more amazing oh you need to use the brake Caillou [Music] are you okay I'm okay I think I went too fast though and not safe enough Caillou [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] is that your go-kart Caillou yep my mommy built it from me wow it's really cool do you want to race around the tree [Music] oh okay three two one go [Music] oh going safe is going fast [Music] oh my God [Music] who is the winner [Music] you are so fast Caillou just like the red racer how'd you do it I went fast by going safe could we have a turn with your go-kart Caillou sure remember to use the brakes [Laughter] it was a normal rainy Saturday except for one thing [Music] someone took my orange bouncy ball it was last seen right over here detective Teddy we're gonna find out who done it well I've done it we're done ready Teddy oh [Music] whoops careful Detective let's check out the scene of the crime my toy chest detective Teddy there's only one person I know with hair like this whoa [Music] Frozen Rosie [Music] Rosie Caillou carrot there's no time for snacks Rosie where were you this morning where was he um oh I'll get it Rosie [Music] I'll give this back if you tell me where you were this morning [Music] because I found this orange hair in my toy chest and no orange ball carrots are orange too that's right Rosie Rosie Rosie what's wrong oh uh I'm sorry Rosie sorry Mommy I was playing detective I'm looking for my orange ball Caillou the person you're playing with needs to be in on the game it's fun for everyone that way sorry Mommy sorry Rosie [Music] I need you to drop this case Caillou let the grown-ups take care of it But Mommy it's too risky this cat burglar is too good [Music] oh Teddy I think mommy just gave us a clue cat burglar hmm [Music] Gilbert after him [Music] oh no detective Teddy I'll finish this Teddy for both of us stop that cat my balls [Music] Gilbert it doesn't have to be like this [Music] give me my ball back and we can forget this habit [Music] just give me it back Gilbert oh was it mommy said it's more fun if everyone is in on the game [Music] sorry for Chasing You Gilbert wanna play a game of catch [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] hey Caillou Grandpa what's that you're playing with my marble set looks complicated it's super fun it's in the back a toy I played with when I was little it was your daddy's too [Music] whoa this is so cool Grandpa no I'd make this thing Zoom all over the house when I was your age from the kitchen to the living room to the backyard right I wasn't supposed to make it Zoom around the house and backyard I was zooming around our house rains don't all want to go fast Caillou sometimes they want to slow down and take in The View let's build a slow and steady track in a safe simple Circle oh uh [Music] foreign [Music] go around a Bend [Music] well have fun I promise mommy I'd clean up before she gets home oh [Music] and there ta-da yeah a little normal Circle for our little normal train and now the best part see isn't that nice Caillou I can watch it all day um [Music] how's it going in here oh Grandpa's asleep [Music] nice job with the train time I kind of wish it went faster Grandpa wouldn't mind it going a little faster [Music] can I try daddy sure [Music] I wish we could make the track longer Grandpa wouldn't mind it a little longer [Music] whoa [Music] [Applause] yeah we might have gone a little too long should we take it down but maybe we can see if it works first ready Daddy ready Caillou [Music] it's working yay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] final stretch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] surprise [Music] my train I guess it did want to go fast [Music] what happened in here I think we had a bit too much fun [Music] oh Caillou let's go again not yet I need to pick some things up here first [Music] wow [Music] so that's tomatoes lettuce carrots and oh can I please get this chocolate bar mommy it looks so yummy and like we're about to go home and have a tasty healthy lunch Caillou I don't think chocolate is a good idea but I think it might be no but Caillou put it back please okay thank you now where was I [Music] hmm how about cucumbers Rosie loves those [Music] let's go Caillou change and here's a little treat for you uh no thank you I'm going to have a healthy lunch oh you can take one for later if you want Caillou no that's okay thank you bye okey dokey then have a great day I was thinking you could help me make lunch Caillou how does that sound uh-huh [Music] I can chop the carrots and you could wash the lettuce and the tomatoes then we'll mix it all up [Music] thank you you shouldn't have taken that chocolate bar it wasn't yours Caillou Caillou Caillou I said does that sound tasty yeah Mommy [Music] really tasty [Music] no I want to keep my coat on please suit yourself [Music] [Music] no [Music] chocolate [Music] that's what chocolate no Rosie where did you get that chocolate bar [Music] did you take it from Mr Johnson's store [Music] Caillou that's stealing it's very wrong how could you do that I didn't mean to I just wanted it and I know I shouldn't have taken it but no one was looking him please don't take me to jail I'm really sorry [Music] thank you for saying sorry but it isn't just me that you need to apologize to Caillou [Music] foreign ly sorry Mr Johnson here's the money to pay for the chocolate I took I should never have taken it oh I'm very disappointed Caillou you made a bad choice I know I'm really really sorry I believe you and I accept your apology just promise me you'll never take anything that isn't yours ever again I promise never ever [Music] now you head home your mommy's made you a tasty healthy lunch and it sounds like you need it follow me please but I don't want to go to a new restaurant Daddy I want to go to another trust us Caillou you're gonna like this one [Music] three huh [Music] [Music] I'm hungry good things come to those who wait I don't know if I can wait Daddy [Music] hey how about me [Music] it's good but I'm still hungry good things come to those who wait [Music] laughs [Music] no wait Caillou that's oh red [Music] here drink some water the gun is burning that's a Wasabi Caillou you're only supposed to have a tiny bit of it this will make it better I don't want anything else that's new oh oh this looks amazing um [Music] yeah no way it's delicious Caillou you should try some I promise it's not spicy you won't know if you like it until you try it [Music] is there a kids menu afraid not but I can make something just for you what's your favorite thing to eat hmm oh can you make grilled cheese a little of this and this isn't grilled cheese are you sure [Music] can you fly the cranes back to me [Music] good things come to those who wait but I promise this will be the best grilled cheese you've ever had [Music] oh amazing [Music] you okay Rosie oh sorry Rosie I got carried away [Music] look what is it your grilled cheese sir hmm [Music] it's delicious of course it is because good things come to those who wait [Music] would you like to try mine Caillou well I like it you won't know until you try it [Music] it's called tempura how about some of my fish [Music] what else would you like to try everything coming right up [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay everyone I know we're all excited for today because it's dress-up day [Music] remember the Only Rule on dress-up day is to wear something that makes you feel happy that's right well what are you waiting for go [Laughter] [Music] laughs [Music] come on Jeffrey pick something so we can start playing hmm I'm not sure yet you guys start playing and I'll catch up oh [Applause] [Music] what a perfect day for a treasure hunt pleasure oh my God [Music] [Laughter] but there's no treasure yeah there is it's uh the treasure is uh it's the Lost Treasure of recess watch out ninjas what do we do I say we battle them maybe we can fly away [Music] we need some help [Music] what are you dressed as Jeffrey I am a fairy Warrior wow awesome were all the other costumes taken no I just like this one magic is the coolest but a fairy is a girl's costume no it isn't yeah it is is it why it's just what I wanted to wear maybe you can be a viking or a pirate or um no Jeffrey dropped his wand that wasn't very nice we only told him it was a girl's costume so we could help him pick out the right one remember what Mrs Martin said the Only Rule on dress-up day is where something that makes you happy [Music] it did seem really happy you dropped your wand [Music] don't want it but you need it to beat the ninjas and you need your wings to fly your fairy Warrior was really cool and Magic is the best sorry for what we said about your costume Jeffrey you can wear anything you want and if it makes you happy then it's perfect for dress-up day foreign [Music] [Applause] oh you're in trouble now [Music] oh yeah wow that was amazing Jeffrey thanks Caillou I couldn't have done it without you or your magic wand touchdown in three two one [Music] hello Caillou [Music] sorry Miss Martin is feeling poorly it's exciting to have you in my class for the day I'm nervous Mommy I know Caillou who can be Brit just for today [Music] greetings everyone this is the human Caillou please give the human greeting [Music] hi Caillou [Music] you'll be sitting there for today everyone make sure to be extra welcoming okay [Music] foreign [Applause] to the Future very funny [Music] delicious [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you having trouble Caillou uh I've never done this before that's okay Caillou first times are always hard you did great that's recess kids [Music] mommy the aliens are playing a tag but with really weird rules [Music] oh sorry Caillou I was trying to freeze tag you that's okay am I it now no you're Frozen oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you a space badge for Mommy I have to show mommy what it looks like up here [Music] huh I said cool drawing I love aliens oh thanks you don't think they're scary a little but they're so cool yeah their eyes are super big and they make their hands glow and a robot gives them real stars for their art I love robots can I draw one yeah [Music] oh [Music] Caillou the mommy maybe new isn't scary after all [Music] dad freeze tag remember [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right troop we're here for our first proper camping trip we'll be sleeping in tents spending time in nature and roasting marshmallows on the campfire [Music] hahaha it's exciting but we need to be careful and most importantly listen to what Miss Jasmine and I tell you when we're in the wild we need to pay attention whoa Trooper Caillou why is it important we pay attention in the wild so we can be safe and have fun that's right now first things first let's set up our tents follow me Troopers [Music] what's wrong Caillou I guess I'm just a little scared about sleeping out here that's okay Caillou camping here is great we can toss marshmallows around the campfire oh and when it gets dark that's just it Clem I don't like the dark it's scary I don't have my NightLight out here the dark isn't scary this is the best part when it's night time you can look up and see every single star [Music] every Star Clementine [Music] what's going on are you okay Mommy [Music] it's okay honey I got it it's just a ladybug Clum it's all right [Music] thanks for saving me Mom I mean Miss Jasmine that's okay Clementine you were scared I know you don't like bugs you're scared of ladybugs everyone's scared of something Caillou no [Music] foreign [Music] bugs are the coolest wait those are bugs don't worry Glenn they won't hurt you they just fly around being little bright lights well I guess they are pretty nice to look at hey they probably make a pretty good night light don't you think [Laughter] [Music] good night Clementine good night Caillou [Music] all right good night everyone let's get some sleep please [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] we're ready for the fair Mommy I want to ride the whirly chairs [Music] oh I don't think we'll be able to go today mommy's not feeling very well but nope fair I'm sorry you two are you sure you can't take us Daddy I'm sorry I have to work [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that Caillou does he make better [Music] Rosie you just gave me an idea if we help mommy feel better maybe we can go to the fair [Music] foreign [Music] I see lucky me patient mommy is ready now over huh that sure looks warm laughs oh it's uh orange juice vitamin C Dr Caillou's orders very interesting we need bandages nurse Rosie [Music] oh Teddy Teddy will do oh we need 50 no 100 Teddy hugs Rosie oh of course three four five seven twenty eight 99 [Music] 100. I'm up quick Rosie now Mommy you rest and I'll talk with nurse Rosie in the hall oh like a great idea [Music] mommy not better no we need to call in hey hey [Music] BC we need some help who can we get to help foreign [Music] sorry Caillou Daddy's working [Music] Mommy [Music] nurse daddy will be right there [Music] [Applause] uh-oh [Music] just as I thought what is it nurse Daddy mommy has a serious case of the sniffle nipples we're going to need tissues lots and lots of tissues [Music] laughs oh okay okay thank you that's enough [Music] oh thank you for all your help today I'm sorry we couldn't go to the fair but YouTube oh the fair oh you were having so much fun we forgot all about it oh well maybe we should let Mommy rest just just a bit of Medicine love you squeeze looks like we have another patient Rosie oh
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 379,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: mNz48VD8tFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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