Caillou and the Bully | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] everyone this is Alex now it can be very scary to start at a new school so let's all try and make him feel welcome okay why don't you take a seat Alex [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi Alex I'm Caillou why are you all the way over here what a recess isn't fun on your own Silly no come and play with me and my friends no I don't want to play with you oh sorry maybe we can just no just leave me alone [Music] you're very quiet today Caillou how was school it was okay hmm not hungry Caillou I thought spaghetti was your favorite [Music] Caillou Daddy is talking to you hello Earth to Caillou are you in there [Music] oh [Music] hmm you really scared Rosie Caillou I know I'm sorry Daddy I just got really mad well why don't you tell me what made you so mad it's just there's a new kid at school and I just want it to be his friend but he pushed me and it hurt and I don't know why he was so mean I'm sorry Caillou I understand why that would make you angry I didn't mean to be angry at Rosie uh I'm just scared that's okay Rosie will understand if you apologize that's what's most important Caillou [Music] I'm sorry I scared you Rosie it isn't nice to be scared [Music] took a great idea Rosie let's go down and finish our dinner [Music] what if Alex is mean again Daddy I'm going to come in and we'll speak to Mrs Martin about it together okay remember if anyone is ever mean to you you can always tell your teacher okay [Music] Martin I I need to tell you that hey Caillou oh hi Alex I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for pushing you yesterday it's just really scary being at a new school and I didn't mean to be mean but I'd really like to be your friend if you'll still let me that's okay sometimes when I get scared I mean by accident too really yeah but my daddy says the important thing is to say sorry come on Caillou you don't want Alex to be late on his second day do you coming come on you can meet Leo and Clementine before class [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on over folks get your lemonade here now you like a lemonade please [Music] that'll be one dollar please Mister [Applause] [Music] how's it going Caillou it's going great mommy look how much I've made already that's wonderful Caillou it looks busy do you need any help no thank you Mommy I've got this all under control okay well you call us if you need anything we'll be right over here one dollar two dollars three dollars four dollars five dollars [Music] oh wow a puppy oh he is a scally wag pepper off come this way I am sorry young man I hope he didn't bother you oh no I love dogs [Music] Please can I play with him a bit longer what do you think pepper [Music] and what is your name young man I'm Caillou well Caillou you go off and play and I'll have a glass of that delicious looking lemonade [Music] hey Mommy look what I found oh wow Caillou what's his name pepper because he's black see [Music] looks like someone is a little excited yeah he's really friendly do you want to pet him Rosie here Peppa [Music] that was a big kiss huh Rosie Caillou don't forget this they've had a wonderful time together haven't you Caillou yeah thank you well thank you for taking him off my hands Caillou I haven't had such a restful day out in a long time and I think pepper enjoyed himself too [Music] I know pepper let's go play in the fountain [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] hey Leo want to build a sand castle sure [Music] [Applause] you know every good Castle should have a moat what's a moat a moat is a lake that wraps around a castle protecting it from Invaders you need to dig nice and deep so that you reach wet sand this will ensure the moat keeps its shape [Music] that is a fine Castle Caillou now just you wait for what what that [Music] wow cool there now you have a castle that can keep out any unwanted visitors hey Caillou how about a game of frisbee yeah go on Caillou but don't run too far [Music] I think I need to lie down [Music] oh I have a better idea Leo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no Rosie where's Daddy I think we need to cool off hmm wow maybe we could try that Caillou can we Mommy you go have fun Caillou but careful you don't go too far out [Music] it's coming no oh [Music] yuck careful not to drink the seawater Caillou it doesn't taste very nice but these slushies plushies my favorite Caillou you you rascal not so fast Caillou [Music] wow what should we do first Clem [Music] Skee-Ball it's my favorite yeah can we daddy sure Caillou let's go [Music] all right Caillou it's your final throw deep breath [Music] all right Caillou Well Done by you [Applause] [Music] can't wait to spend my tokens well don't spend them all at once raise you to the bumper cars Caillou [Music] I'm gonna get you for that Caillou [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow that was fun wow kids that was great you must be getting hungry well what would you like let's see what we can get with this [Music] air hockey yes [Music] brain freeze that is one cold milkshake I'll call you let's go [Music] foreign [Music] don't hit too hard but not too soft either [Music] almost there Clem one more tap should do it [Music] what's wrong Caillou it's a bit scary wanna play something else no it's okay let's finish that's it Caillou you can do this [Music] oh Caillou a hole in one we did it Clem yeah come on let's go get our prizes oh yeah I almost forgot wow Caillou did you have a good day the best [Music] hey Caillou Look what's just arrived [Music] for me all of us Caillou come into the kitchen and I'll show you [Music] brought us a package how exciting I wonder what it could be want to help me open it [Music] It's a pasta making machine pasta like spaghetti [Music] yes all kinds of pasta pasta shapes I know why don't we pretend we're running our own Italian restaurant hey can we invite Grandma and Grandpa great idea Caillou we can do a pasta and pizza's evening Grandpa loves pizza first the pasta we need eggs and pasta flour and a pinch of salt there now Caillou slowly put the flour into this big bowl Caillou that's why I said slowly [Music] okay now the eggs [Music] tap them on the side of the bowl like this and pull the shell apart great job Caillou me too me too Rosie you've messed it up don't worry Caillou maybe Rosie will be better at helping with the pizza dough [Music] now Caillou mix the eggs into the flour it can be a bit messy but that's okay now we have to knead our dough that means move it around stretch it and press it until it's smooth [Applause] this is hard work my arms hurt why don't we take a rest we can make a menu if you like [Applause] look Mommy Rosie has drawn some spaghetti well done Rosie Let's Go and show Daddy look at the menu we made wow that looks amazing the pictures look good enough to eat okay Caillou I'll hold the pasta and you can turn the handle look I'm making spaghetti it looks delicious now for the pizzas here are the toppings first spread the tomato sauce on the pizza next a good sprinkling of cheese knowing cheese [Music] and now the best bit make a face foreign this looks great I think I'll have pizza and spaghetti they both look so delicious me too [Music] my pizza has got curly hair and a curly beard too [Applause] thank you well Deputy Teddy I think the town is going to be safe now we caught the Rexy Bandit Nerf Caillou come quick howdy Clementine what's wrong Sheriff Caillou and Outlaw is trying to rob the bank oh no what are we waiting for [Music] thank you Let's Ride [Music] faster Gilbert yeah oh my God [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that was fun now I just need to get out of here before the sheriff arrives not so fast cowboy well well well looky here that money isn't yours it is now I'm the sheriff in these parts and I say you have to give it back [Music] if you don't take the money back I'll take you to jail well this town ain't big enough for the both of us foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] faster Gilbert they're gaining on us whoa Sheriff you did it the town is safe again thank you don't think me partner thank Deputy Teddy the toughest bear in the West uh [Music] I'll get you for this Sheriff call you Sheriff oh sheriff I thought you all might be hungry after saving the day so I brought you some Cowboy Cookies wow thanks mommy these are to keep you full of energy for your next adventure yeah [Music] and Sheriff call you is always ready to save the day [Music] yeah okay class it's almost time for the weekend so that means it's time to choose who gets to take home the class pet Gerald [Music] now who wants to take him home Caillou why don't you take Gerald today [Music] and then tomorrow he gets to run around in his ball foreign [Music] sleepy head it's breakfast time [Music] Come on Mommy says you can play in your ball today [Music] Caillou Leo's here coming mommy wait here Gerald [Music] hey Caillou hey Leo you want to come and see Gerald I was just about to take him outside sure so he needs to get some exercise so I put him in his ball oh oh no what's wrong Caillou where's Gerald I left him here and now he's gone Mommy I love Gerald in his ball and he's disappeared don't worry Caillou we'll find him [Music] hmm [Music] here Gerald here Gerald [Music] oh I'm never going to find him Gilbert [Music] there you are [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right Caillou I'll be back in a minute make sure you get nice and clean okay Mommy good luck on your mission Captain Caillou [Music] oh my God [Music] oh hi there what's your name hi I'm Caillou oh Legend tells of a great Explorer by the name of Caillou really oh yes it says that he is the one to find the lost treasure and return it to us wow you help us great Caillou you got it let's find that treasure [Music] [Laughter] Hey look let's look inside [Music] are you sure about this Captain Caillou come on we'll be okay if we stick together [Music] let's go look over there could it be that come on let's find out [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] foreign okay ready one two three in it [Music] hey what's that it's a shark [Music] Master is gaming on us Caillou are you all cleaned up [Music] good so there's still some time for Captain Caillou to sail the Seas [Music] my uncle gave this to me for my birthday foreign wow we can do all sorts of practical jokes with this [Music] which one should we use first I'm not sure why don't you decide Caillou oh [Music] quick quick laughs oh my [Music] [Laughter] [Music] very funny boys [Music] oh hi Leo hello Caillou what are you boys up to we got you some peanuts daddy would you like some for me that's very nice of you Caillou thank you oh oh you boys got me [Music] foreign okay [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] the mouse it's okay Rosie it's not real it's just a prank Rosie [Music] hmm come on Rosie I've got an idea oh there they are hello Rosie Caillou oh hi Leo hello grandma would you like some juice oh why yes Caillou I am a little thirsty Rosie do you want to help me with the ice cubes cubes [Music] thank you very much you two oh heavens [Music] was this a prank [Laughter] it was a family day out and Caillou couldn't wait to explore the Botanical Garden look at all the color to call Rosie let's go take a look around [Music] oh well Rosie that's a sunflower and it's yellow like the sun see sunflower yellow okay and this one here it's white just like the Moon what's it called Mommy well that one hmm that one's a Moon Flower wow okay so sunflowers are no and moon flowers are white that one's a rose a red rose [Music] roses are red [Music] and violets are blue sunflowers are yellow and buttercups too Moon flowers are white tree leaves are aren't these the greatest colors you've ever seen what is that that's pollen Caillou it can make people sneeze [Music] good job Rosie on Rosie let's go and play in The Maze and see if we can find the fountain oh no I think I'm lost I need to get to the middle of the maze there's a fountain there aha [Music] now this way [Music] mommy daddy you I thought I was lost well you did a good job finding us how did you manage that I listened out real hard for the sound of the fountain and followed the sound to the middle of the maze I'm proud of you Caillou that was really thinking on your feet see Caillou sometimes you might feel lost but you're actually just on an adventure Caillou loved exploring the Botanical Garden but it was more fun when he was with his family and not lost in the maze
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 1,034,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: 7JW7pz6LJK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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