Caillou Learns Ice Hockey | Caillou Compilations

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we're almost there Caillou and Leo were very excited they were going to the ice rink to play hockey together [Music] yay I scored that's cause you didn't have me for a goalie [Music] hi Sarah hi Clementine do you want to play hockey with us hockey um no thanks we're already playing ringettes ring it what's ring it it's ring Ed and it's really fun do you want to play with us Caillou had never heard of Ringette before but he didn't want to play that game can we play hockey it's way more fun yeah how do you know if you've never played Ringette I don't know it just is uh-huh sorry but we're already in the middle of a game foreign [Music] Leo tried to play hockey in the snow but it wasn't the same as playing on the ice [Music] shot thanks come on boys it's time to start heading back home [Music] how come you didn't want to play with Sarah and Clementine because they're playing Ringette we wanted to play hockey [Music] sounds too easy I like hockey too but maybe you could have given ring it a chance did you know Mommy used to play it mommy played ring it yes and she was very good at it she never told me that mommy what do you know about ringette Ringette oh I think I know a little something [Music] oh I haven't looked at these things in years I used to be captain of my team it was a lot of fun wow so how do you play I'll show you [Music] oops you know I think this game is much better when it's played outside [Music] are you sure you don't want to try a ring at stick Caillou no thanks yours doesn't have a blade like mine this is true Ringette sticks don't have blades which makes it easier to do this hey how about a little game of keep away [Music] [Music] huh you know you might find it easier if you try a Ringette stick instead of using that old hockey stick Caillou had decided mommy was right he was curious to see what it was like to play with a Ringette stick so you just need to catch that ring with this stick okay I can do that pass me the ring Mommy I wasn't ready but now I am Caillou tried to catch the ring but it was much harder than he thought oopsie huh whoa much harder than Caillou thought foreign [Applause] good job Caillou you're learning uh-huh now it's my turn to pass no problem wow how did you do that I've had lots of practice but it's not so easy is it especially when you're playing on Ice trying to score on the goalie in net a goalie hmm Caillou suddenly realized that Ringette sounded an awful lot like another sport he knew hockey Ringette is a lot like hockey Mommy yes that's true and just like hockey it takes a lot of practice in order to get good at it practice huh [Music] the next day Caillou and Leo arrived at the ice rink early with Daddy see that goal it was great hi guys looks like you got here first so I guess it's your turn to have the ring is it okay if we play hockey with you nope sorry you can't [Music] but we can all play Ring guests together I'm sorry for not wanting to play ring out with you before I didn't know what it was but now I do it's a lot like hockey really it's like hockey foreign [Music] ette is like hockey because it's just as much fun from that day on Caillou was happy to try new games Caillou and Rosie were excited mommy and daddy were taking them to the beach for the day perfect I think we have everything we need [Music] wait let's get some sunblock on before we go [Laughter] pickles look Mommy the sun is hiding [Music] I'm sure those clouds will Drift Away by the time we get to the beach now hop in [Music] but soon it started raining you was worried he wouldn't get to play on the beach is the sun going to come out Daddy it's just a summer rain shower Caillou it'll stop by the time we get to the beach [Music] I hope when the family arrived at the beach it was still raining just a little bit hmm I don't know kids the beach looks awfully wet maybe we should head home and do something inside instead no we want to stay at the beach and have fun right Rosie [Music] Mommy Daddy look the Sun see it's peeking out please can we play on the beach we're here anyway okay kids we'll give it a try [Music] this looks like a good spot at least it's not crowded [Music] was amazed at how different the beach looked without lots of people good thing we've got this sun umbrella to keep us dry how you wanted to laugh because daddy looked so funny but he was too worried Daddy might want to go home daddy make rain you're right Rosie daddy made more rain [Music] [Laughter] here you go kids thanks thank you okay you felt happy everyone else seemed happy too he was sure they would have a wonderful day at the beach [Music] look daddy seagulls where oopsie ah now look at that there's sand in my sandwich Caillou wanted to make Daddy feel better you can share my sandwich Daddy that's very nice of you Caillou it sure is but luckily I brought plenty of sandwiches hey looks like it finally stopped raining Caillou was happy it had stopped raining he wanted to go and play [Music] come on Rosie let's see if the waves can catch us all right here it comes [Music] so pretty yeah let's Show Mommy and Daddy [Music] even our towels are all wet this isn't the fun time we were hoping for is it well oh my hat Caillou was having fun on the beach but it didn't look like Mommy and Daddy were having any fun at all maybe we should make it an early day and head home soon Caillou didn't want to go home yet he wanted to show mommy and daddy how much fun a day at the beach could be even a rainy day oh look what we found say that's a pretty nice clam shell let's go find more well okay just for a little while [Music] I don't know why we were worried about the rain we came to the beach to get wet anyway [Music] oh no kids my feet are gone where did they go I know I had my feet at the picnic table do you think I left them in my sandals I know they're under the sand oh phew we found them I'm so glad [Music] [Laughter] yeah we found Daddy's feet oh hey you now what shall we do they knew exactly what they wanted to do [Applause] [Music] all done do you like it Daddy I do it's a terrific sand castle let's get a picture say cheese [Music] oh my I think the rain is coming back this time it really is time to go so did everyone have fun [Music] and what about daddy I sure did you were right Caillou it was fun at the beach even with all the rain yeah I wish we could bring the beach home with us oh dear it looks like Rosie is bringing the beach home with us that day Caillou taught mommy and daddy a lesson about making the most of a rainy day [Music] thank you Rosie finish Caillou and Rosie were enjoying working on a puzzle together until there's a piece missing good news Caillou I just spoke with Clementine's mommy Clementine is coming over for the day yay Clementine the puzzle piece I was sitting on it okay [Music] that must be Clementine [Music] hi Caillou hi Clementine what do you want to play cars or trains or actually Caillou I'm taking both you and Clementine rock climbing rock climbing Caillou couldn't imagine mommy taking him rock climbing surely he'd heard her wrong the community center is having an open house today I thought you might like to give their rock climbing wall a try you like going to the community center but he still wasn't so sure about rock climbing I love rock climbing I've been before it's fun great why don't you kids get ready so we can get going [Music] hi I'm Samantha I'll be your instructor for the day are we ready to have some fun yes okay now first we need to get you fitted for some handy dandy equipment come on over here always important to wear the right shoes and helmets on the climbing wall these look to be about your size try them on [Music] how do they feel great I feel like a real rock climber now it's your turn Caillou [Music] don't be shy try them on it's okay Caillou [Music] there now you look like a real rock climber too but um they're too small are you sure Caillou they seem to fit fine let's try on your helmet there look it's a perfect fit really it feels um kind of big he knew the shoes and helmet fit fine he was just feeling a little nervous but he didn't know how to tell anyone I'm sure they're okay Caillou now my little climbers we need to rub this chalk on our hands before we start climbing to draw on my hands it's okay Caillou the chalk is so your hands won't be slippery that's right here we want you to have messy hands come on I'll show you the rock climbing wall yay [Music] so what do you think it looks like fun right yes yes Caillou was worried The Climbing Wall wasn't as big as he imagined it but it was still very tall can we climb now you're an eager beaver aren't you first I need to show you how the harnesses and ropes work this is how you'll be harnessed to the safety ropes when you finish climbing the wall you'll get a fun ride down to the bottom down don't worry I'll be here the whole time in case you need any help okay climbers it's time to Chuck and climb who wants to go first me me me Caillou wasn't ready to try rock climbing but he hoped no one would notice come on Caillou this isn't hide and seek it's rock climbing let's get to the top and ring the bell the top you know Caillou rock climbing is actually much easier than it looks Caillou finally decided he should tell Samantha and mommy how he really felt but it looks hard and scary I'm glad you told me Caillou but I would never take you anywhere that wasn't safe and it really is lots of fun hmm you've climbed trees before right Caillou at the park what else have you climbed ladders with Daddy well rock climbing is a lot like climbing a tree or a ladder you climb one step at a time using the rocks for grips this made Caillou feel much better he was good at climbing trees and ladders maybe he could climb the rock wall do you think you could give it a try I'll be here every step of the way okay [Music] whoa remember it's just like climbing a ladder one step at a time Caillou climbed up one step and then another step and another step he was beginning to get good at it wanna ring the bell first [Music] I [Music] knew you could foreign way to go guys that was awesome don't you think yeah rock climbing really is lots of fun can we go again and that is how Caillou overcame his fear of rock climbing [Music] look Mommy I'm a bunny [Music] I'm a giraffe I'm a dinosaur rawr let's see if you can be a galloping horse we're going to be late for school if we don't hurry up [Music] bye bye it's a good day for Shadows isn't it Caillou yes that's because there aren't any clouds when clouds cover up the sun there aren't any Shadows my goodness you know a lot about Shadows Caillou was very excited when Miss Martin said they could make more Shadows inside [Music] oh we can pretend that this flashlight is our sun who wants to make shadows [Music] what happens when a cloud comes along Caillou the cloud blocks the Sun's light so there's no shadow that's right Caillou you know a lot about Shadows you must be a scientist scientists are people who study and learn about the world around us Caillou was very proud to be a scientist you want to play dinosaur Shadows when we go outside at lunchtime yeah [Music] but at lunchtime Caillou had a big surprise right oh where'd our shadows go Caillou Caillou thought he knew everything about Shadows but he didn't know the answer to that [Music] he did have a shadow but it was only teeny tiny very disappointed [Music] Caillou the matter Caillou liked being a scientist he didn't want to admit he didn't know why his shadow had disappeared but he also really really wanted to know why it had disappeared Miss Martin why is my shadow gone that's a very good question Caillou let's talk about it inside Caillou has a question can you repeat it for everyone please don't be shy scientists ask questions like this all the time they do oh yes even scientists can learn more about things and the way to learn more is to be curious and ask questions why didn't I have a shadow when I went outside at lunch time let's all be scientists and try to solve this problem first what do we know about Shadows [Music] Shadows are made when something is in front of a light right and when we're outside that bright light is the sun exactly now is the sun always in the same place in the sky when I get up early I can see the sun rising it comes up behind the house across the street and then night it goes down again now we're thinking like scientists so the sun can be seen in different places in the sky [Music] when the sun moves the Shadows move too yes where was the sun when we went outside at lunchtime Caillou Caillou thought very hard and suddenly remembered [Music] it was straight up straight up right now let's create the same situation in our lab Lab that's what we call our room when we're being scientists it's short for laboratory this is sunrise that's what your Shadow looked like this morning right Caillou yeah now let's put the sun where it was at lunch time the shadow is gone now Caillou what do you think will happen next let's see here's the Sun at lunchtime and then the sun goes down at sunset that means the Shadows are going to come back later you've just done what scientists do Caillou you asked a question looked at the facts and made a guess about what will happen later we'll go outside to see if Caillou's guess is Right Caillou was very excited to be a scientist but he was a little nervous about his guess would he be right or wrong [Music] shall We All Fall Down well done now who would like to go outside to see if Caillou is right and our shadows are back [Applause] yep [Music] oh no there you are you are a very good scientist Caillou do you know why because I was right and why else because I asked questions exactly Miss Martin I've got another question yes Caillou can we play shadow tag of course okay I'll get you Leo Catch Me If You Can Caillou learned how important it was and how much fun it could be to ask questions [Music] Caillou was excited his older friend Daniel was coming over for the weekend while his parents were away when is Daniel coming mommy I'm sure he'll be here soon Caillou are you excited yeah Daniel's fun he knows how to skateboard and he can whistle and he knows all about dinosaurs Daniel knows a lot of things doesn't he Daniel knows everything okay everything really he's here [Music] hey Caillou how's it going come on let's play [Music] stegosaurus is the best dinosaur it's called armor and spice nah Tyrannosaurus Rex is the best the T-Rex is the king of the dinosaurs Caillou thought Daniel knew everything about dinosaurs he figured he must be right yeah Tyrannosaurus Rex is the best Sega sources are silly actually I'm not so into dinosaurs anymore check this out an airplane yeah airplanes are so cool Caillou wanted to be just like Daniel so he agreed with him ah airplanes are cool they're my uh favorite awesome what planes have you got uh I don't know [Music] Caillou looked but the only plane he had was a model grandpa had given him and it wasn't put together yet I don't have any sorry Daniel that's okay I'll make one how you watched an amazement as Daniel quickly folded up the paper an airplane yep watch this wow [Music] wow can I make one sure it's easy you just fold your paper like this [Music] and then on the other side yep [Music] here look [Music] see all ready for takeoff ready three two one [Music] wow your plane flew way better than mine hey that was pretty good for your first time I'm thirsty is it okay if we get a drink sure hang on Caillou was thirsty too but the paper airplanes had given him a fun idea [Music] whoa what's this I see it's a secret message I'm guessing somebody is thirsty we are Mommy can we have a drink [Music] mommy did you see my plane fly Daniel's planes fly even better they're awesome my dad taught me how to make them Caillou have you shown Daniel the model playing Grandpa gave you no it's not put together yet it's not then we should build it yeah I'll go get it [Music] laughs have fun let me know if you need anything thanks this is gonna be cool yeah [Music] it looks hard to make nah it's easy we don't need any instructions see Caillou wasn't as confident as Daniel figure out how the parts should go together [Music] Caillou felt proud he had put two pieces of the airplane's tail together [Music] awesome Caillou Look our planes all done and ready to fly Caillou thought the plane didn't look quite right [Music] Daniel our plane doesn't look like the one in the picture what are you talking about it's perfect no let's get flying Caillou still wasn't sure but he thought Daniel knew everything so he must have been right about the plane the pilot to co-pilot ready for takeoff ready then let's go [Music] oh man there must be something wrong with the plane rotten luck oh well come on Caillou we may as well go back inside Caillou assured the wings on the plane didn't look right he decided he would fix them Daniel maybe the wings were on backwards [Music] maybe you're right Caillou I guess it's worth a try [Music] look at it go [Music] worse wow Caillou you fixed it I guess I should have paid attention to the instructions sure know a lot of stuff thanks [Music] pilot to co-pilot prepare for takeoff Caillou was very proud he realized even someone his age could teach an older friend a thing or two [Music] that was a lot of work Caillou's Daddy had spent the whole afternoon raking leaves in their yard [Music] that's right every Autumn it's the same thing all the trees dropped their leaves and it's my job to clean them up can't wait till I'm a Daddy and I get to do all the fun jobs well if you think raking the leaves is fun I know another fall activity you'll really love jump right into the middle of the pile [Music] again Caillou was having a wonderful time he never knew that jumping into leaves could be so much fun [Music] wow we've been jumping for a long time Caillou I think we'd better call it a day it'll be dinner time soon Caillou was disappointed he didn't want his Leaf jumping fun to end oh jumping Daddy sorry to be a spoilsport Caillou but it's time to tidy up come back here [Music] this this could be a problem how about some help Caillou [Music] all done you see Caillou there's always a way to figure out a problem you just have to use your imagination or your fingers let's go inside [Music] oh probably not till fall but maybe you can find something else to jump on you thought that sounded like a good idea but he wondered what could possibly be as much fun as jumping on a pile of leaves foreign Caillou what are you doing I was going to jump on the cushions on the cushions oh I don't know if I like that idea but mommy I was just pretending it was a leaf pile oh I see well perhaps you can find a leaf pile somewhere else oh okay Mommy mommy had said it wasn't a good idea to jump on the couch but she never said anything about Caillou's bed [Music] bouncy Caillou what are you doing I'm um trying to find something else to jump on Caillou jumping is fun I know but your bed isn't the right something else to jump on I think it's better for sleeping in don't you there's still a little time before dinner why don't you see if Rosie will let you jump on her bean bag that's always fun ah Rosie's bag now you thought he had found the perfect thing to jump on story time sorry Rosie I don't want to look at stories I want to jump can you get up so I can use your bean bag my time I have a great idea let's share it squeeze over Rosie Caillou and Rosie tried to share the beanbag chair but there just wasn't enough room for both of them oh [Music] beware [Music] Caillou was feeling a little frustrated he couldn't think of any place where he could jump and have fun other than the leaf pile Gilbert's bed oh [Music] yeah bird I was just going to jump there ah [Music] laughs [Music] you see Caillou there's always a way to solve a problem you just have to use your imagination or your fingers daddy that's it daddy grabbed up all the leaves with his fingers my pillow [Music] yeah that's fun Caillou wondered what else he could add to the pile [Music] thanks [Music] Caillou's Daddy had been right there was always a way to figure out a problem [Music] this is gonna be the bounciest pile ever [Music] wow looks like you're having fun yeah yeah I made my own leaf Kyle I guess you won't have to wait till fall now and I'm sure you'll clean up your room when you're done right yes I'll make sure I rake it all up well I hate to be a spoiled sport but dinner's almost ready I hope you've bounced up a good appetite I'll be down in a minute Caillou was so happy he had made a wonderful new leaf pile to jump on and he even had some company Rosie jumped too [Music] and that's how Caillou realized he could solve a problem with a little imagination [Music] Caillou was enjoying his breakfast but he couldn't wait to open up a new box of cereal finished good job Caillou now can we open the cereal box surprise you got the prize last time Rosie now it's my turn and the prize is ta-da cereal oh mommy where's the real prize right here I hope it's stickers well whatever it is you can open it after you've finished eating your breakfast okay okay [Music] oh a shovel Caillou was disappointed with his prize he had wanted stickers just like the ones Rosie had so pumpkin what Prize did you get it's a little shovel I wanted stickers no dear well I know something that will cheer you up Jay is on his way over to play with you yay [Applause] look Caillou I brought my truck I've got a truck too let me show you thank you stickers I wanted I got them in a cereal box I might put them on my truck how you really wanted those stickers suddenly he had an idea how about a trade I'll give you this shovel for the stickers a shovel uh I don't know um okay trade and no trade backs right no trade backs come on let's play in the sandbox right after I show Rosie my stickers they're just like hers Caillou was very happy with his trade until he saw what Jay had done with the shovel he had attached it to his truck turning his toy into a a bulldozer how'd you do that the shovel Clips on now I can dig holes and make roads [Music] Caillou hadn't realized the shovel could attach to a toy truck now he wanted the shovel back I'll trade you the stickers for the shovel no way we said no trade backs but it was my shovel first I didn't know it could clip onto a truck sorry how about I trade you something else no thanks later that morning Caillou wanted a snack hi Daddy hi I'm hungry can I have something to eat there's some fruit on the table help yourselves [Music] no no do one of these apples for my shovel no way oh well you can have an apple anyway that's right Caillou the fruit in the fruit bowl is for everyone including our guests yeah sorry Jay here you go much better thank you Caillou [Music] [Applause] hey do you want to have a race around the house sure [Music] Ready Set go Caillou couldn't help himself he wanted to play with the shovel even if Jay wasn't willing to trade for it hey I thought we were gonna have a race caught you you just wanted to play with my shovel it was my shovel first well if you're gonna play with it I want my stickers back [Music] okay I'll play with my shovel on my Chuck [Music] boom [Music] [Music] Caillou was having a wonderful time playing with his truck and shovel but his friend Jay wasn't having much fun at all Jay [Music] I'm sorry I took the shovel back yeah sure no I am sorry we made a trade and you called no trade backs so here really thanks you can have the stickers back if you want oh hey and you can put one on your truck if you want sure [Music] looks good let's play truck drivers I'll clear the path for your truck [Music] oh no your bulldozer stuck no problem you can dig me out really sure it's my shovel but whenever I'm here we can play with it together okay okay [Music] boom here comes the big bulldozer to dig you out [Music] Caillou had stuck to his word after giving Jay his shovel back the kids had much fun together foreign [Music] Caillou and his family were out for a walk but Caillou was walking a little slower than everyone else [Music] whoa Caillou had never seen shoes like these before [Music] thank you [Music] wow they light up what's the Hold Up Slowpoke look at those shoes mommy they light up can I get a pair they're very expensive Caillou and you've already got a good pair of shoes but I want those ones well maybe when you outgrow the ones you're wearing now come on Caillou no more dawdling Daddy and Rosie are waiting Mommy if I had those shoes I'd be so fast I could run home I'll be happy if you just stopped oddling and walk home please can I get them I'm sorry Caillou we can't spend money on shoes you don't really need now we've got to get a move on okay pumpkin Caillou was a little disappointed but he wasn't ready to give up just yet I need those shoes daddy if you buy them all I'll clean up my room I'll clean it up today and tomorrow when it gets messy again you're supposed to clean up your room anyways sport [Music] I know but look you have lots of shoes well that's because I don't outgrow my shoes like you do plus I need different shoes for different things these are my jogging shoes for jogging and these are his stinky old shoes he wears when he's painting or gardening they're not that stinky well I could wear the light up shoes just for running at night the shoes you're wearing are running shoes Caillou and you have this old pair that you can wear too now Caillou was very disappointed he really wanted special shoes that Lit Up [Music] the next day when Caillou went to preschool he had almost forgotten about the shoes until [Music] look they light up when I walk the shoes I wanted tag you're it what did you forget we were playing tag you're your Xbox Caillou didn't move even though he was it it was too busy thinking about the shoes Caillou it's time to line up [Music] don't forget Caillou I'm coming to your house to play after preschool Caillou oh right okay are you too excited about your play date yes what about you Caillou Caillou you hadn't even heard mommy talking he was too busy watching clementi's shoes light up as she skipped along the sidewalk look Mommy Clementine has light up shoes yes they're very spiffy Clementine thank you can I get a pair please see how they light up if I had a pair we wouldn't need a nightlight or a flashlight we could use my shoes I'm sorry Caillou you're just gonna have to wait till you outgrow the ones you've got a clementine [Music] do you want to help me build a mountain we can drive our cars up and down it my shoes will get dirty in the sand so so their new shoes I want to keep them clean oh yeah okay let's find something else to do [Music] hey look puddles come on Clementine we can puddle jump no thanks if my shoes get wet the lights might stop flashing oh I didn't think of that hmm how you tried to think of something else they could play I know soccer here at Clementine let's play no I might wreck the lights in my shoes if I kick the ball Caillou was disappointed it seemed like Clementine couldn't do anything in those shoes hey I know what we can do what ready I'll race you to the other side of the yard on your mark get set go Caillou was sure Clementine would win in her fancy new shoes [Music] till she ran around a patch of dirt instead of running through it hey I won I won how come you stopped running there was a big patch of dirt I want to keep my new shoes new Caillou thought for a minute about Clementine's new shoes and he came to a very startling discovery but you can't have any fun in those shoes yeah I wish I hadn't now grown my old pair hmm I know come on my old shoes why don't you try these it's okay to get them dirty [Music] is it great thanks [Music] having fun guys yeah do Caillou's all choose fit okay Clementine yeah they're great thanks again Caillou you're welcome I decided I don't want new light up shoes anymore Mommy you don't how come they're not as much fun as the shoes I've already got hey Caillou I'll race you to the tree Ready set go Caillou had learned that new isn't always better the shoes he had were working out just fine [Music] I got it Caillou always had a fun time at preschool especially when he played catch with Leo [Music] check out what Xavier brought for show and tell rolly racers they're the coolest they have doors that open wheels that turn they even make noise whoa wow I've got four rolly races already and I'm going to the mall with my mommy and daddy to get another one today well if I clean up the toys in my room first wow Xavier I like your car it's not just a car it's a rolly racer Caillou couldn't wait to ask Mommy and Daddy if he could get his very own rolling Racer's car wow there's so many yes it'll be hard to choose can I spend all of my birthday money I think you'd better start with just one car for now I know which one I like that one [Applause] [Music] the very next day many more kids showed up at preschool with rolling Racers including Caillou for more rolly Racers goodness I think we'd better save the toys for show and tell kids [Applause] [Music] stop thinking about rolling Racers he came to play with them all day long hi Caillou [Music] bye Caillou whoa look Gilbert there's a striped race car and an ambulance and a pickup pickup truck I think I want them all [Music] Caillou dinner [Music] Caillou dinner rooms [Music] dimmer [Music] rooms [Music] it's not a car Rosie it's a rolly racer Caillou let's put the Roll eraser in the garage until dinner's over can we go back to the mall this weekend I want to buy more rolly Racers I can use the rest of my birthday money I want this one and that one okay Daddy and I will think about it as long as you put the catalog away during dinner okay [Music] racers [Music] oh well since we're all up I was thinking about a family bike ride through the neighborhood sounds like fun but I don't want to I want to play with my rolly racer Caillou I think you've spent enough time with your rolly racer lately well if you don't want to go biking how about a trip to the park I've got a better idea can we go back to the mall so I can get another rolly racer you said you'd think about it please uh let's put them all on the maybe list oh I've got it how about swimming or a movie please can we go to the mall I'll do anything for another rolly Racer oh okay Caillou Mommy and I will discuss a trip to the mall [Music] after you help me with a very special chore [Music] you like toy cars so much maybe you'd like to Tinker with a real car [Music] I've got some repairs to make I could use an extra set of hands now let's get to work [Music] so what does that one do that one pops the hood wanna see so when can we go to the mall wow it looks just like the engine in my rolly racer but bigger yeah [Music] oh it looks like it needs some oily gooey do you think that's enough water [Music] small wrench [Music] small wrench make sure they're tight daddy [Music] well now that the car is clean we should make sure you're clean too Daddy [Laughter] [Music] oops we better hurry if we want to go to the mall it'll be closing soon Caillou are you ready to go to the mall the mall um do we have to I thought you wanted to get another rolly racer car I do but I'm having fun working on the real car me too let's get back to work [Music] Caillou realized he didn't need to have another rolly Racer toy in order to have fun awesome foreign [Music] Caillou looked everywhere but he couldn't find his special shirt whoa Caillou I spent a long time putting those clothes away [Music] I mean my school today we're doing paper mache you mean that shirt you found it I laid it out for you last night Caillou you can tidy up later now hurry up or you won't have time to eat the special breakfast I made for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rosie had been up all night with a bad cough in the sniffles and that meant mommy had been up all night too [Music] these pancakes should make you feel better Rosie [Music] hey Mommy maybe a lion or a dragon how about a dinosaur mommy was sure Caillou would like his special dinosaur pancake but Caillou barely even noticed yeah maybe a dinosaur or maybe uh [Music] me oh Rosie I don't want to make a bunny oh poor Rosie I wish I could make you feel better oh [Applause] yeah what are you gonna make Caillou I was going to make a dinosaur but I changed my mind now I'm going to make a bunny for Rosie she's sick can I make a dinosaur sure goopy [Music] that's it take the newspaper strips dip them in the glue and then stick them to your balloon ew yuck Caillou began working very hard on his paper mache bunny he knew Rosie was going to love it [Music] hmm [Music] okay everyone we'll let the paper mache dry overnight and tomorrow we'll all paint our animals [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] I think I'm catching Rosie's cold ready for bed Caillou uh-huh and all my clothes are picked up Mommy I guess they are Caillou was so excited about his bunny he didn't notice how tired mommy was wait till you see it Mommy I gave Rosie's bunny long ears and I made whiskers with pipe cleaners it sounds wonderful Caillou I hope Rosie likes it oh dear look at your art shirt [Music] can you clean it so I can wear it again tomorrow mommy please I'm going to paint Rosie's bunny okay I'll see what I can do if you promise not to throw your clothes on the floor again I promise [Music] Rosie better mommy where's my art shirt it's right here what do you say I stayed up late last night to wash it thank you what a wonderful Blue Bunny Caillou it's for my sister Rosie well I'm sure she's going to love it Caillou felt proud he couldn't wait to bring his bunny home to Rosie [Music] I think someone is almost better oh that sounds like your big brother [Music] I was excited to show Rosie his surprise look what I made for you a bunny could you play puzzle Caillou was disappointed Rosie barely even looked at her bunny look Rosie it's a bunny hi Rosie I'm a bunny I like eating carrots yum yum no puzzle but Rosie see he has whiskers and I painted him blue you like blue he punish money what's wrong Caillou you look a little down I worked hard on Rosie's Bunny and she didn't like it well don't always realize how hard we work to make them happy why don't you help me with dinner you can wash the carrots while I peel the potatoes okay all done good job Caillou now you can Mash these boiled potatoes making dinner is hard work Mommy it sure is it's also work to pick up clothes and wash a favorite shirt for a certain someone Caillou never realized how hard mommy worked to make him happy [Music] thank you Mommy you're welcome Caillou and by the way I think bunny is beautiful [Music] where are you going I'm gonna be a good little bunny and put away my clothes before dinner this was Caillou's way of saying thank you Mommy for all her hard work [Music] [Music] Caillou's family loved going for bike rides and they took very good care of their bikes especially Caillou [Music] Rosie wash no thanks I like doing it foreign [Music] I think Rosie really wants to help isn't there something she could do um you can wash the handlebars just be careful [Music] good I'll get another towel [Music] it's scratched you scratched it Rosie see there uh oh so it is I told you to be careful I knew I shouldn't let her wash it Rosie sorry she didn't mean to Caillou but Caillou was too upset to listen all he knew was that Rosie had scratched one of his favorite things and he didn't want it to happen again so he decided to take back everything he had let Rosie play with ew Rosie [Music] my drum that's mine ah hey you what are you doing I'm taking back all my toys they'll be safer in my room hey that's my tambourine [Music] there now Rosie won't even know where they are oh banana ah no thanks and from now on you have to knock first my room is private property ah why don't you go play in the playroom okay [Music] she'll never remember to knock [Music] now she can't sneak in Caillou felt better knowing that all his toys were safe from Rosie then he remembered something toys in the playroom [Music] too [Music] what's that it's tape I'm splitting the playroom in half from now on this is my side and that's yours I won't touch your stuff if you don't touch mine okay [Music] oh thicker [Music] can you take you're giving me this but it's your best sticker thanks but you should really keep it for your sticker book oops I'm out of tape I'd better get more flashlight garbage bags tape [Music] yeah yeah oh no I broke it maybe I can fix it foreign [Music] Caillou there's something a little different about my guitar is there anything you want to tell me I broke it I'm sorry I didn't mean to I tried to fix it yes I noticed [Music] it's all right Caillou just let me do the fixing next time okay okay but aren't you mad no accidents happen when Rosie scratched my bike I felt really mad how do you think Rosie felt he probably felt really sorry I think so too so would you like to learn how to change a guitar string Caillou [Music] [Music] mine I know I won't take it Rosie I'm sorry I was grouchy about my bike accidents happen to everybody even me so you can still play with my toys okay okay do you want to play with my tambourine tap wings I think that's a yes [Music] and if you still want to give me that sticker I thought of a really good place for it okay [Music] gone that looks great it sure does so who feels like a family bike ride me me [Music] look Caillou and Rosie were happy again they had learned how to forgive one another [Music] Rosie was having a wonderful tea party in her room when she heard paddling [Music] Rosie had no idea why Caillou and Andre were laughing but she wanted to know so she could laugh too [Music] okay me next me next that was even louder than mine funny noise Caillou and Andre thought Rosie was going to ruin their fun come on Rosie this is big kid stuff you go back to your room and that was the best raspberry ever I never knew you were so funny Rosie I'll get it it's probably our dinner guests just in time too Caillou Rosie time for dinner wow that was fast you must really be hungry I'm setting the table sweetheart what would you like to drink with your dinner milk or apple juice grandpa and grandma are here are you kids looking forward to having dinner with them tonight although Caillou thought Rosie's raspberries were very funny mommy and daddy did not agree [Music] seems like the kids have learned something new today yep and I'm not sure I like it Grandpa Grandma Grandpa hello there we've been looking forward to seeing you so did you kids have a nice day [Laughter] so you didn't have a good day we had a great day Andre and I showed Rosie how to blow raspberries [Music] see children there will be no more raspberries at the dinner table thank you it's not proper [Music] [Applause] [Music] that guy Caillou was still giggling thinking about Rosie's raspberries good night sweetheart love you [Laughter] Caillou I think we need to have a talk blowing raspberries can be fun but sometimes it's inappropriate inappropriate inappropriate that means it's not how we'd like you and Rosie to behave it seems to me you're encouraging your sister but berries are funny doesn't that make it okay there's a time and a place for everything honey even funny stuff blowing raspberries is fine when it's just silly fun between friends or brothers and sisters but most other times it's impolite to make rude sounds like raspberries do you understand oh okay kiddo time for bed don't forget tomorrow's the big open house at your preschool open house right oh good night [Music] Caillou was very excited to show his family around his preschool over here welcome I'm so glad you could make it we're just about to Showcase some of our students artwork isn't that right Caillou uh-huh I made a special painting who hi Leo Welcome to our preschools open house you're welcome to take a look around the classroom but before you do I'd like to show you some of the artwork the children have been working on [Music] [Music] Caillou was so very proud to see his painting on the wall he couldn't wait to show it off that one's mine right there wow it's beautiful Caillou I love it what do you think of your brother's painting Rosie [Music] oh my that was funny [Laughter] not everyone found Rosie's raspberry funny especially not Caillou not this time [Music] sweetheart we're sorry for laughing but we weren't laughing at you or your painting nope just Rosie's raspberry we thought your painting was terrific nobody even got to see my painting they were too busy laughing you were right sometimes raspberries are inappropriate talk with Rosie [Music] mm-hmm Rosie you have to stop blowing raspberries sometimes they're rude you hurt my feelings tonight [Music] I'm not mad just don't blow raspberries anymore okay no more noise no more noise well maybe sometimes when it's just you and me acting silly okay laughs [Music] okay okay come on Rosie let's go play Caillou had realized there was a time and place for everything even blowing raspberries [Music]
Channel: Caillou Compilations - WildBrain
Views: 86,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #caillou, caillou, caillou Christmas, caillou and rosie, caillou cartoon, caillou english, caillou full episodes, caillou gets grounded, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou holiday movie, caillou pizza, caillou remix, caillou song, caillou theme song, caillou theme song remix, caillou wildbrain, cailou, cajou, calliou, cartoon cartoon, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, cartoon video, childrens cartoon, classic caillou, kayo, slime, 까이유, caillou grown up, caillou rap
Id: E1lLwjn0xPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 1sec (5041 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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