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first of all would like to know something about you darĂ­o where are you from I'm from Switzerland and in a small town called st. Gallen which is in the east part of Switzerland and what do you do there and at the moment I'm working in a company in the office and it's just like a holiday job where the typing on a computer yes and where are you from I'm from solo is a small village just Linda north of Italy is next to Lake Garda but actually I've been living in Cambridge for about nine months now so I do I'd you live in here studying English thank you and Jackie what do you enjoy most about learning English well I guess is about communication with other people I always love I always loved learning languages and I think English has always been my main one so Jackie do you do you work better when you follow a routine I think so because it kind of gives me a scheme to follow otherwise if I don't have a routine I will feel a bit lost so yeah I do kind of follow my own routine I choose my own rules yeah and Dario when you're studying how important is it for you to take regular breaks and it's very important for me because I think if you study a long time it gets harder and harder and if you threw a little break make little break and it's easier to get into the topic again and to concentrate again thank you and Jackie how important is it to you to keep up to date with the news I think is quite important I mean now that I live in UK is very very important because they need to kind of know what's happening in Italy which is my main country and usually I watched quite I don't really watch TV I just used to or usually I go on the internet to find news and to see what I'm interested in so yeah thank you and Dario do you prefer to watch the news on TV or on the internet and actually insulates the land I watch the news in the internet on the internet but here in okay I like to watch the news in the TV because I think it's better for me because I hear the language in English so I learn a little bit as well thank you thank you in this part of the test I'm going to give each of you three pictures I'd like you to talk about them on your own for about a minute and also to answer a question briefly about your partner's pictures Jackie is your turn first here are your pictures they show people cycling in different situations okay I'd like you to compare two of the pictures and say how challenging it might be to cycle in these situations and how the people might be feeling okay all right okay so I guess in the first picture it looks like is a competition like a race or something and there's lots of people involve them while in the second picture just to people they cycling in the montane I think both situation are quite difficult because is sad to cycle up to the montana's is kind of a rough a rough floor and also I think there's no competition in the second one is just like for the pleasure of being in a montane and just kind of leisure sort of time and in the first picture there's a strong competition that people are just trying to reach you know the just to get the first place in the race so I think I guess in the first picture people might feel a bit nervous and you thank you now Dario here are your pictures they show people spending time on their own I'd like you to compare two of the pictures and say why these people might have chosen to spend time on their own and what the advantages of doing these activities with other people might be alright alright I'm here and the man is painting and I think in this time for his own his living and his creativity so he can create something new and maybe it's also an a good thing for him because he has to concentrate but he can forget his problems about work and because it's not his work obviously it's more his leisure time and here this guy is in the forest and he seems to be hiking in a forest and all alone and now and he could M with sport and he tries to maybe forget or just relax which is a little bit strange in if you first look at it but with sport you can relax from your normal things you do in your daily life and he can now relax with just hiking alone in a forest and no one is there so yeah and the advantage of this and activities is and like I said you forget your all-day problems your daily life and stuff like that Thank You Dario now I'd like you to talk about something together for about three minutes here are some pictures showing people doing challenging jobs first talk to each other about the difficulties the people might have doing these jobs then decide which job might be the most satisfying to do alright it was obviously thinking about this picture here because they are doctors so you have they have to do with somebody else's life every day and it's very difficult because basically their life depends on their ability to fix a problem or or course cook curing you I was first thinking about this picture where two pilots and I think a difficulties and you have to do a long training then before you can start and driving an airplane and it's also it's quite dangerous because if you can't really control the airplane there are difficult situations yeah in this picture here the guy is trying to I think restoring bones or the dinosaur something like that so it's a very very delicate job I mean if you do things wrong there you can affect the result of your research or of what you trying to discover of course by history or those kind of things and I think it's quite related to this guy here because is saving Bayes and far from them from from dumb to see says still a very delicate children is basically knowing about where are we from and yeah and as well here this guy name is playing football professional and with professional footballer and it's a career to start a career in football business is very hard because there are almost millions of people who want to do this and just a few can do this not long I do agree but at the same time is not one of the most difficult jobs you see in here I mean it's just about football trading it's just a lot of sports while here you you know you have to do with like somebody's elf because I think is more it's more difficult to deal with so maybe it's a little bit similar because these are look like researchers and and a little bit and working on this panda beer and they are searching for this beer in the forest and they also have a big and responsibility because there are just a few beers and left and they want to save them so you think this one might be one of the most satisfying jobs oh yeah I would say or maybe as well the pilot shop because you really reach something when you are a pilot and nothing yeah I do I do totally agree with you and also I'll still would say about this one I mean you save somebody's life and also you I guess you've been studying ears to do this kind of job so it might be very satisfying yeah so we agree oh yeah yeah great oh this one speaking okay um thank you
Channel: Juan Antonio Nieto Caballero
Views: 262,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OtwLKDMo4fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2013
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