Cabin Fever Episode 2

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this is the National Geographic Channel [Music] I'm connected to the any time and I build log cabin homes here in the Northlands of Minnesota with the finest crew around you betcha using century-old techniques we pour ourselves in the each and every cabin bringing the past into the present and we're building a massive two-story log home on the shores of a picture-perfect Lake in Minnesota but these lakeside logs are going to test our building skills no matter what happens my crew and I are on a mission to build log cabin homes all across this country [Music] I'm in the Army National Guard one weekend a major pulls me aside he says are you the same time as that high log home truck outside now I get to build a log home for my superior officer I better not screw this one their property is up in northern Minnesota up in a gorgeous area by late 4,000,000 it's rugged up here the rocks are protruding out of the land the winners up here are so brutal they gets 30 40 below and then windchills 70 below there's nothing that gets for these logs they keep them warm and safe that this should be Nate in the National Guard parking lot Aaron's wife just as a former professional snowboarder and super bike racer and he's gonna build a log cabin sorry Cayman hot there wow it's gorgeous around here I mean you got the rocks the terrain the lakes well tell me a little bit about the way on this lake for millions definitely known for the red pine Norway pine beautiful rock outcroppings alleged Rock perfect there we want this cabin because I'm in the military time is valuable especially family time and being able to spend the weekends up here with my wife and our daughter is gonna be wonderful Erik you just gotta have a three-year-old daughter named Annika they're excited to share this new log home with her and one day pass it down her to continue the log home legacy we've have about five acres here and about 275 feet of lake frontage holy smokes I haven't seen this oh my gosh this is beautiful Lake vermilion for yeah at its finest you see the island you see right down the bay and then look at this panoramic view you can't ask for anything more it's incredible it is it is one of a kind meeting up with Eric and Jessica was awesome and it was gonna be rugged terrain but when I got there their views are out of this world there's no better place to put a log home I think you're right and I can see it you gotta see this I mean you can add the master bedroom over here and kitchen facing the lake so you have all those views yeah and then check it out over here could be the dining room in the living room I mean you have all this open area and we can capture all the views on the windows on the long side of the house and you can't build this house without a second level do you think I agree we're gonna go high we're gonna feel high and we're gonna catch all these views when we first saw those views we knew that that was gonna be the site and we just hope that Nate can pull this off because you know I have a really big list a lot of demands okay well then that's what we need to do we need to put it on paper and I'm gonna put a check in every one of those boxes for you as a need superior officer if he doesn't meet the deadline he's going to be doing push-ups you're just gonna start putting down some ideas and see what we come up with how's that I'm all about it we want to incorporate the natural Minnesota outdoors to our cabin the large trees obviously the water the natural beauty that we have on our piece of property instead of doing a traditional pitch dormer I think we should do a shed-dormer it's basically the roof just lifts up and what that does is it allows for more usable area okay I'm gonna have a bathroom in there and maybe some big windows so it's gonna create even more livable space that'll be really that's what I want a shed-dormer is basically extension of the roof line by building a wall underneath it it gives more usable Headroom in a second-story loft but just keep in mind you just don't want something that's cookie cutter we want character you want some pizzazz to being the boys are gonna make it happen for Eric to Jessica the ground floor will feature two 12 by 10 bedrooms and a full bathroom the open kitchen area flows into the great room where the Florida ceiling window showcase the beauty of the outdoors a custom log staircase takes us to the second floor from the upstairs master bedroom and law you can look down to the great room and gaze out through the dormer window onto the bounty and natural beauty of Lake Familia we're gonna go shopping for logs works now make sure they come from this area [Music] new homes to build we've got some plans there yes we do so this is Eric from the Collins home alright so we're gonna be up and cook Minnesota oh that's a rugged country up it's damn rugged so we're gonna use 24 to 28 inch diameter trees big ones the minnesota red pine that were using on eric in Jessica's cabin are gigantic their massive size will add energy efficiency and warmth that they can enjoy all year long he's major in the National Guard so he's very keen an attention to detail so John he doesn't want anything nuts cut off so that's gonna be real tricky with scribing right that's where it all starts really is in the scribing it's the key to the whole accuracy of the whole building it's always a privilege to be asked to do it I'm proud to doing I'd like to do it you're gonna be some big logs I'm gonna be smelling them yeah I'll be there to help you alright another thing is he's my superior officer so if we don't do this right guess who's gonna give it runs downhill you're gonna be happy with gauges in the kitchen maybe on KP duty I haven't been there for a while I don't want to be but the only peeling we're gonna be doing here is peeling logs Corey you're up all right guys we can get on the chainsaw John your scribing this whole thing it's bare and peeled potatoes let's make some [Music] you know what this first log we're looking for straight log we want a good-sized log to really hold that load of the weight of the log home does the log home that's very heavy and that's gonna give us our good starting point on our foundation we engineer the logs and build the shell here at our log yard and Tellier once the shell is done we'll send it to cook where it will be reassembled and completed [Music] just like this new log up here on the wall they're gonna scribe down it's called scribe this is the tuna all the accuracy of all the bits it has to a bubble I'm here to say their pens and they write on them on the log so this website describing is put in line on the log at the points that you want to cut just like us to cut outs have been put down over this little accent it's dying the pen tool on this country when you get that scribe perfect and then you bring that log back after notching it and set it back down and it fits perfectly it just brings a lot of satisfaction [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the body of the shell is almost complete before we start on the roof system we have to cut and set the cap lock the catalogue will cover all the joists on the lost side of the cabin the side without the joists will be the great room that the loft overlooks [Music] here we go Kaplow I'm going to get you set it up there we're gonna rough drive it bring it down we set that 10 notches and it's locking right in there and everything fits like a glove try me that's awesome feeling this is one of the most exciting logs in the house [Music] [Applause] it's getting now into the end it's a good feeling the second level this is the rough system now when we see this trust go up that means right around the homestretch we've been working on for a couple days you want to do it right the first time it's a lot of time born in these trusses all our measurements are taken off of our string lines [Music] you project the RUS system and then we pour measurements off the streamlines and then build it so there's no guarantees it's gonna fit even we're crossing our fingers everything we've done right and we're gonna put it up there we don't got all day we've got to get this thing up this is a six thousand four trust hanging around your guys you know you got to move really slow just a game of inches it really is you don't believe it or not are you lined up lining it up [Music] is that the center line there that's about six inches off the center line oh boy we started building this house in the wintertime but as the ground thawed our foundation will be blown off centered we've got to get that post down this is a big problem if we have to take the truss down to remeasure and recut it's gonna set us back at least a day in log homes the bigger the size the bigger the problem who's got to come down a long way don't they we just got to spread it out so we can come down a little more the a-frame is kind of holding it up when you put a truss down it needs to sit flush with the ends of the wall otherwise it's back to the drawing board and if it cost us a lot of time the peaks gotta come over about six inches begin the keep lined up so what we're gonna do is bring the bottom over about four inches and down about an inch we're going to cut a little more out of this log so if this can come down and over [Music] yeah I think that's it it's back online hey boys looks good I love the character it fits good Matt's working on the game Queen posts and just get those bad boys up so we can get from Gowen [Music] you gotta go that way the purpose of the king/queen post is a transfer the load from the real system down to the wall logs it gives the end of the house a nice appeal it actually serves as an engineering purpose in the last three weeks we've made a lot of progress we're on the home stretch now and all we got left to do is set a few logs over the king and queen poles the middle one is a king post for the tallest one and the two next to it are a team policy that looks great I got to get up there and check that out for myself [Music] think of maze this is exactly what Eric's looking for I mean gorgeous lots of room up here precision fitting to head up to the front and go take a look at our work [Music] I'm chicken oh mama look at that guy you cutting one like a hot knife through butter I like it my pleasure that's what I do all right boy just tear this thing down get it up to cook good job everybody [Music] now that the shell is complete we're gonna tear it down load it on trucks they ship it off to cook Minnesota where we'll reassemble and completely finish Eric and Jessica's cabin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] guy look at Peter no helmet no harness just balls [Applause] Peter old Paul he's got his spidey sense working for him right now when I'm working up high like this I feel like I'm in my natural element it's peaceful up here just me and the logs [Music] coming down really good we're down to the fourth discourse that's what happens when you have big logs it doesn't take many to get up to the top of the wall and it doesn't take long to take them now I'm taking the hosts apart you know it's kind of bittersweet it's sad to see it go but it's also awesome knowing that it's going to its final spot I can't wait to see it up and cook Minnesota [Music] the last time we were here there was snow on the ground and the lake was frozen but now spring is sprung the blossoms and blossom and there could be a more gorgeous place to build the log home I've got my building through with me John Matt and Cory from the log yard and the log father himself my dad Ron I'm [Music] the guys in the red there's an electrician in my right hand on these builds grizzly Bob kettle grizzly Bob is a veteran in the log crafting business with a wealth of knowledge but he's a real stickler for detail and man is he obsessed with grizzly bears okay work to do today move the trailer to bring the trucks in let's get her done all right Bob Eric and Jessica got the land cleared the foundation set and now it's time to lay some logs and our goals for today is that we want to get our first three courses down get off electrical run out and get the bolts down secure this first course that's the most important thing if we can get a couple courses above the electricals then we're gonna be doing great those rods sticking up out of the anchor bolts that are used to secure the first course to the foundation it's a new building code then we don't know how it's going to impact a show that we build for in 3/4 from they'll cut it John is laying a foam seal over the sill plates and sliding them over on the anchor bolts so we can get our first log set [Music] these are anchor bolts they're used to hold down the log we slide first course the logs down you're going it down on top of this that's what the new building standards fall apart after that log is down this is the first course we've cut the bolts off leave it with the time we put on a nut and a washer bones are tightened down after we square the courses up that way the logs nothing can move if the truck bumps into them that whole house is going to stay still forever now that the plate locks are set we're ready to start laying those first two courses we got the gasketing material going into the laterals right now these guys are stapling it in one on each side the laterals sister we got a good weather field back and forth and no matter what you do the moisture gets in and that's why you're putting this in just it kills all of that [Music] they're not twisted mess this that's gotta win a hand the starting of this vlog I hear about looks of it I got a nice gap it described lines down here the bottom one needs to come this way towards us how many fit tight the inker boots that are put in the first course is a new step that has been added to the building code we've never done that before and Matt's telling me the logs aren't fitting right I got to get a closer look and see what's going on so it's on its marks it just isn't fitting or what look it over here [Music] see like looky here there's a gap up there it's not sitting down when logs don't fit it gets frustrating in for instance on the first course that can slow us down great from the get-go that log over there there's must be a gap like that above the top of it we're gonna have a huge problem because the host is only gonna get worse as we go off the diagonals are gonna increase and being off measurement we're not gonna be squaring our rook lines are not gonna match up when setting those logs on those anchor bolts you got to make sure you have enough room so the log can have it's a little bit of movement for fine-tuning we did drill our hole big enough from the get-go to allow space for the eight or bolt to move around so we're gonna have to pull all the logs off Andrey drill that hole a little bit bigger enjoy doing something place but I've been building long enough sometimes a good three or four times two more loans will be back where we were two hours ago so that's happy about that looking good looking a lot better than what it was [Music] we're doing great today we got all the floor joists up we're gonna be setting this calf log on pretty good we're up to our full wall Heights right now so I think the progress is is moving right along all right we put fiberglass insulation between the logs to weatherproof it and the add extra energy efficiency to the log shell ten notches and she's off for the big fit okay now we just got some fine-tuning adjustments we're gonna bump him over fine-tune it and I'm sure she's gonna fall right in the place [Music] good thing we got ornate let's get going on the roof I like this out of ten for ten with the capital in pretty perfectly we can set the trusses and perón's for the roof putting up the third purlins right now we'll got to left that's a good sign after these two friends then we can start getting it ready for tone room when it shows up here they are right now tongue and groove is like a puzzle as a male and female end and fits together we're gonna be using on the roof on top of the floor and on the walls [Music] man I was blown away Jessica showed up it's always awesome to see the clients expression when they see their log house this is amazing it's incredible my husband is gonna be so excited to see this there's more around here oh well what do you think [Music] this is incredible [Music] I was just an odd the cabin is just huge you're gonna have the grand staircase leading up to the loft area and over here is your fireplace it's a toolbox right no but just envision it being a fireplace yeah Nate did an awesome job the inside of the house looks amazing it looks spacious it looks so authentic Wow what do you think of this this is incredible I mean you have these gorgeous views of Lake vermilion from your loft because he all the way across the lake I love it I think you've done a great job but there's one change okay I'd like to have like a Reading area okay it's an area relaxation room place where we could just chill okay dad you just want to kind of downsize the bedroom a little bit didn't just put another room here you guys have already talked about this I'd like to surprise my husband with this would mean a lot to him yeah I just think this would be a really special place for us okay can you do it oh boy that can take a lot of time that we don't necessarily have I wasn't expecting this that's a that's a big task and if you want to make this part of your dream we're gonna make it happen for you I can't really do this for us absolutely Eric's gonna love it thank you so much I'm sorry John nope the change jessica is asking for and requires us to build a whole new wall sectioning off part of the current master bedroom creating the nook that overlooks the great room we got a last-minute curveball from Jessica she wants to surprise Eric with reading nook in the loft this could take a lot of time that we don't necessarily have Bob and I have a commitment to participate in a huge event we're gonna have to hit the road but I trust my guys to handle the reading of suggestion was it on the plan so but I totally make it happen we got a fundraiser in Wisconsin we got to go to right now is kind of snuck up on us but John can you make sure this happens by the time we get back you got a late right we'll do it right all right hey perfect guys thanks a lot John for overseeing this project Bob we gotta head out we got to get the Wisconsin on our way thanks guys building log homes isn't just a skill it's a passion once a year the Great Lakes log crafters Association gets together in Sealy Wisconsin and builds a log shell and options it off it's to spread awareness of handcrafted log building and the fund the association I'm excited to get to work with my dad and all the master craftsmen who will be here this week we're gonna build a building here yeah and it's gonna be a 24 by 26 honey but we only got four days to do it for it's gonna be four days why because we've advertised to sell it at an auction on Saturday man those guys are crazy how are we gonna build a house in four days we gotta have everybody clicking like a clock in order to get that done on time we're gonna do a little different than you doing it okay round notch the wrong notch we're not gonna use this a lot to Rome that says it's faster to cut no saddle notch man these guys are old school it'll be a good learning experience okay a saddle notch is where you start the log in a round notch is where you scribed a log over the existing round log it's a much simpler and easier way of doing things so I'm gonna be brushing up on some old techniques this educational workshop is like all-star game the great log crafters from the Midwest and Canada get together and we build the log shell and nobody's on their high horse everybody comes in there with their own ideas of how they build the end result is the same beautiful craftsmanship a log home [Applause] [Music] this has been a great week after four days we've almost got the shell done it's awesome to see these guys come in from all over the region get together and build a log home for a great cause and on top of that I get to spend quality time my dad you fit lungs like this will be done no time you know I do what's always here ready to go let's fire it up see what you got all right let's go that's why we're here you know some guys don't run silent like they used to but here they have opportunity to start it up and let the whole sawdust fly again I'll get it prepped for you it's great working my dad we had opportunity to work a whole log ourselves and you know he was right there with me on the notches and the laterals and it was like old times when he was teaching me how to do log work and it was kind of fun little friendly competition is always good we can smile and look at each other and you know it's kind of a moment there we're having a good time and then my dad tried to give me this weird elbow high-five and ruined any moment that we had going so I guess it's time to get back to work what we're doing right now is we're putting our final log on this is called the cat log it goes over top of the floor joist it's our last log that's gonna be on here would you get this on we got everybody on this it's the end of the day we're shooting for our time frame things are going good we've got to bring it back down we're gonna saw these notches and we got nine notches on one log to cut so we're gonna have nine guys son at the same time it's gonna get done this is the end of the project it's not dark yet so we feel good we're making our time frame okay great legs volunteers this is their last log we had 19 notches over they enjoy nine cutters ladies and gentlemen start your engines let's see what happens tomorrow at the auction now this is a awesome experience a lot of guys put a lot of blood sweat and tears in this project and it all went really smooth and but we're not done yet we've got an option tomorrow and I mean we can't break even we got to make some money welcome to the Great Lakes log factors Association auction today we're gonna auction off this building Dwayne's go ahead okay I'll open up the bidding can I have a bid for 15,000 to get us started looking for a bit of $15,000 I have a bit of 50,000 thank you 17,000 man this shell turned out awesome we really came together for a great cause promoting awareness and keeping handcrafting alive looking for twenty thousand fires twenty thousand the front row so I have twenty thousand five hundred looking for twenty thousand five hundred when this cabin sells the money will go towards our association to keep it running so that the legacy of hand-craftsmanship will be handed down to future generations this shell is going to make a wonderful home for its new owners they're gonna be able to take that shell and build a home that's going to last forever after a successful week here in Sealy it's time to get back to cook and see how the guys are doing on Eric and Jessica's cabin I [Music] just got back from the GL lc8 and the guys are hard at work I can't wait to see how the reading nook that Jessica requested turned out hey Wow check out that sitting area put a little railing in front of this little nice sitting place here that nice wood paneled wall here yeah you look care right out the lake that clean view of the lake big picture windows over there good job done even cut in little bit box in the post huh yeah this supposed to solid to its lofty right into the floor joists here John did a great job on the reading nook that Jessica requested he built a stick wall added some tongue and groove and built a masterpiece of a logger railing I mean this is exactly what Eric and Jessica are looking for it's gonna be cozy nice rail here you got the views of the lake beautiful view know that we've got this knocked out let's take care of the railing and we'll put that staircase together you can get that in place okay [Music] today we're using a mortise and tenon joint to build a McGowan staircase it's a simple strong joint that woodworkers have been using for a thousand years it's made by fitting a board with a protruding piece of wood a tenon to a board with a hole a mortise when they come together they fit strong and snug [Music] so now we're gonna put this top piece on the stairs gonna be a little touch here because you're not putting individual pieces in you're putting this whole top piece on top of the treads hit this one over John little bit more just doing some fine-tuning not consumed edges down so they catching the mortise that's fine too and right there [Music] it's all fitting together good we're gonna lean it down or we're gonna get our lifting mechanism in place and put her to it's home [Music] that's probably about a thousand pound staircase [Music] the staircase is hoisted and it fits perfectly now it's time to anchor it to the floor joist which will secure it to the frame of the house we want to shoot Peter this stairway so it doesn't fall down we have this big lag bolt then we're gonna put it in there put inside the floor joist here so I'm gonna drill the pilot hole put it right in here so it'll be inside of the stringer there [Music] that's it John nice and tight fits good and locked in we drop the winch down we got this baby all done nice and level nice and level perfect it what a staircase huh beauty let's get these banisters up and that will finish off our staircase and make it beautiful [Music] with the staircase secured and installed we're moving on to the doors windows and the other interior elements of this cabinet they're gonna have quite a few it's going to be quite an American view over the way there [Music] [Music] I'll tell you what I got one last door that we got a Haines it so exciting storage see if you can carry that in for us will get us set up place it and get that door hung a two-man job Bob asking me to help them with this door is a pretty big deal it's not often for him to ask me to do anything other than turn a log or get him lunch this whole door is wrecked I know the corners are annihilated holy smokes it looks like you totally wrecked up the frame on nap but the door looks like it's in pretty good condition I tell you what we gotta do let's get the pine out and get the table saw I want you to learn how to build a door jamb if I don't get this fixed I will never hear the end of it from Bob and even worse he'll tell Nate I have to get this done I give Cory a chance to redeem himself there's no progress being made he's actually making things worse so I better just go build one myself I got a nice perfect fit the strike plate fits right in the little notch I made get this door back together get it installed [Music] after all that Bob built the frame without me what do you think about that well didn't you like all my work I did Yeah right we're getting really close on the McGowan build wrapping it up all I got left to do is install the floor then it'll be decorated by my awesome interior designer just finished up the floor today it looks great a little bit of cleanup and touch-up we're gonna be ready for the furnishings to come in I'm a winner [Music] boom with the Lake vermilion theme a little bit of military that's for a little bit of snow sports what made you think of that using my noggin yeah no I mean that's exactly what Eric and Jessica are looking for I can't wait [Music] holy smokes you're kiddin I'm really happy to finally be here so this is a customized bed that the McGowan's had specially made for the master bedroom beautiful but they really like about designing cabins is the connection between the exterior and the interior the outside in the inside we have collected from the McGowan property these beautiful birch twigs I'm just using it as kind of a decorative piece it hides the baling wire and it's unique to this particular region he's looking really great with the McGowan Kevin I wanted to incorporate the military theme but I wanted to be subtle about it so this is photograph that I shot personally and I shot it in Gettysburg it is the battle of bloody Lane Eriksson the National Guard and I really thought that he would have connection with it it's great thanks slightly fluff those up the ribbons here indicate different ratings in the military which i think is really awesome and I think Eric is gonna have to get a quiz on it [Music] [Laughter] 23 feet to the top so I mean there's not a lot of places to put this we got this far so yeah I think the best place and it's gonna look amazing is right by the fireplace so let's just let's just go back there this is hand-carved done great got it perfect rock and roll right here okay I got to put that bathroom door in and I think we got our rap all right anytime we complete a project I'm super excited especially with this one it all came together exactly how I was wanting it so I can be happier tied you up and get ready from the Gowans already okay great we're getting really close on the McGowan build wrapping it up all they got left to do is install this last door and we're ready to show this baby off [Music] that's the way a door should fit no slop good reveal guess it's time to go get the McGowan's and show them their house this is the big day we've all been waiting for knowing that this day has come that we've created somebody's dream being Eric's my superior officer I hope Eric loves everything about the house because I don't want to be doing KP duty well I can't wait to show you guys your house now we're looking forward to it definitely me yeah what doesn't seem like that long ago where he came flying down this hill and this is where I met ah nothing butter always yeah well it's a little bit different than just raw land now whoa look at that [Music] they're massive me unbelievable looks beautiful check this out 18-foot dormer all the views that you've ever wanted Lake vermilion you're gonna get some great natural light in there spectacular looks really nice the shed DOMA worked out really great I could see when they looked up at it that they're just a nod it's a great addition it gives dimension to the house well we've seen the house from the outside while we go inside okay let's do it I'm excited all right I just can't wait to get in there I'm pretty sure there's gonna be some spectacular views once we get inside and I'm really excited to see that it's absolutely incredible well look at that view from the kitchen welcome home so what do you think your kitchen countertops are fantastic and do what the copper sink it all floors really nice together the slate-colored appliances it's like the dream kitchen the copper sink with the beautiful granite countertops and the backsplash everything ties in so well right above the kitchen sink there's a really neat light that's on a pulley system and it is the coolest Wow is really cool air can adjust his light when he's on KP duty I like the knots and that kitchen cabinets that looks great well you guys gotta check out your gray room I mean you got this little tin ceilings that's letting all this natural light in those big massive logs that are holding up the main structure for your roof I can't believe that rich Pollock how massive that is yeah it's wonderful I can't get over the size of those gable windows either unbelievable Wow I love the canoe it's just so big and beautiful and it really accents the centerpiece which i think is the fire that solutely because curtain rods this is real yeah are you branches this real tree branches that's birch right yeah exactly Eric what do you think of this blank if you recognize any of these stripes oh I love it looks like a ribbon themed blanket sure it's absolutely perfect on the couch and the trunk yes this coach doesn't this remind you of those two ladies you don't know blanket yes basic training that will never forget that well it doesn't end here we got a reason to check out let's do it let's do it look at the special bedroom for Annika oh that is awesome well that bunk bed is amazing is this a little girl's dream or what it is she's gonna love that swing beds in the best part of the house and my eyes is upstairs and that's your room let's check it out all right the staircase it's just so rustic and the logs going all the way up the side here when did this happen this is incredible you have the vaulted ceilings and in the views in the natural light what an addition I don't remember that being in the plans was all Jessica's idea I wanted to surprise you I had this idea of just having a nice cozy area where you could come up here relax read some books just have to Sofia it's a great surprise this really is perfect I mean the views are just breathtaking the fact that my wife put this together with Nate and it was her idea I think is absolutely fabulous I'm looking forward to spending some time up there for sure and from here you go right over into your master bathroom what do you guys think of this the copper tub is amazing yeah there's so much character to the family I really like this sink well it's unique here it's unique in your bedroom while it's so much bigger than anticipated looks wonderful Nate it really does I mean I like furniture it really ties into the theme of our cats absolutely it's so spacious loft just in general when you look out through those gable windows I mean you can see directly across the bay it looks fantastic before I take off I got one more thing for you nope you're gonna go outside to get it we're really looking forward to spending a lot of quality time up here with our family and our extended family for generations to come well being that were just wrapping up I wanted to give you guys a vent I made a little bit of spare time that nice token of my appreciation for thanks I'm going to build your dreams honor cancer now that I'm done with the project I believe the KP duty and you are you are thank you very much the cabin turned out just amazing definitely exceeded our expectations as we want this to be in our family for a long long time [Music]
Channel: Heim Log Homes
Views: 25,183
Rating: 4.7633138 out of 5
Id: NiSQ9hCauOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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