Cabin Fever Episode 3

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this is the National Geographic Channel [Music] timeless and connected to the land I'm Nate Heim and I build log cabin homes here in the Northlands of Minnesota I work with the finest crew around you betcha using century-old techniques we pour ourselves into each and every cabin bring in the past into the present and we're building a beauty for a buffalo rancher on the very land his grandfather homesteaded but this home on the range won't come easy no matter what happens my crew and I are on a mission to build log cabin homes all across this country I got a call from the zav Rollins last night and then they told me they're interested in building a log home up at this gorgeous part of Minnesota you know they're the type of couple that he throws Averill's out there everybody knows them so here I go I dropped everything and I'm on my way not the highway around here you bet you big ranch [Music] what are those out there well we got ourselves a little bison herd oh geez huh buffalo they're having a good time yeah you know every day you see Buffalo in Minnesota you guys got gorgeous property here well we own 13 acres here okay next to my grandpa he homestead it out here a long time ago and it's just fun to go back and retrace steps and sure live on the land he lived on well I love to see where you're thinking well building oh great man we'd love to show you all right I'm building near my grandfather's homestead where my dad grew up I'm building a new future for my kids and grandkids the Zagros ranch is a great piece of land it's big and sprawling and has Buffalo running everywhere it's got great potential for a beautiful cabin hoping are you thinking we have two kids okay some grandchildren so we probably need like three bedrooms okay and probably a loft because we can't all fit on the main floor what do we have here the original log home it was existing on this property yes I have love for all log structures whether they're old or new and I hate to see them go but I think what you guys need you know you need to go a little bit bigger I have some thoughts in my mind and bear with me here okay what I'm thinking is I mean you got to come all the way out to here I think at 40 feet and probably 30 feet and then you're gonna have this big porch the Buffalo love it they love looking at you you love looking at the Buffalo and then you bring the courts all the way over to here okay a couple support posts every ten feet or so just getting that natural beauty that ranch feel and then having that big wood burner in the central part of your house man the ideas just hit me I had to tell them this is where your decks are going and this is where your windows are this is where your fireplace is this is gonna be fantastic build I'll draw it out on some paper you know let's get out of this rain and I'd really like to see you inside all right this little cabin is great and I love its history but it's just not structurally sound anymore it's time to build a new cabin for the zav walls and begin a brand-new legacy I want to just kind of draw some ideas out run the kitchen this way and maybe I'm not sure if you're into a island or what we were thinking up on that Island was making it round and then having somebody carve a buffalo nickel on the top of it in order to extend that loft we'd have to put in a vertical post it's like a log posts door can you make one I find one of those nice trees we like that buttress to step out leg up oh the flare the bottom natural teeth log it's unreal low to the ground yeah I know where to find them okay I might have a secret spot in the woods mm-hmm I'm just gonna start doing some drawing here and the zat arras new log home will be two levels that measure 30 by 40 feet the first level will feature the master bedroom and then in this open floor plan that includes the kitchen dining area and great room a unique feature in the great room will be a fluted log with roots that appear to be growing right out of the ground this signature log will be a support for the loft on the second floor next to the loft are two bedrooms and a bathroom for the davor Isles children and grandchildren while you're in the loft you look out at the views of the Buffalo and see the full length 50-foot purlins that'll make up the roof of this gorgeous Buffalo themed cabin I think otherwise that we're looking real good I mean what do you guys think well our uniqueness of having it be a Buffalo Lodge uniqueness that's what high log homes is all about I got to do something I like everything you've done but yeah we need a little bit more Buffalo in it well you know the loft joist ends are gonna be hanging out here you know I got a guy who that carve a buffalo head and then he's such a intricate carver you can make the hair rise on that Buffalo and them on the end of that loft I need to see that man that'd be pretty neat thankfully they liked my idea the buffalo head carving on the loft joists when I told him that both their faces left like lanterns and I got just the guy for the job timeframe we have a huge family tradition here there's a family gathering here so 16 weeks 16 weeks for a project this size we got to start dropping logs ASAP that's turnkey we'll get the job done for you that's great news I'm super excited so pumped that we got this deal locked in I'm so excited to get started on this house [Music] I got something for you some special boys I got the best log home building team anyone could ask for there's Peter our free spirited artist Matt's my right-hand man and he's a master with his chainsaw John's a wizard when it comes to carving and woodworking and our two young bucks Corey and Joe they're still learning the ropes and they got a ton of energy I just got to make sure it's focused on the work and not just screwing around Jack this so I just came back from meeting up with Robin deeanne's after all they have a buffalo ranch farm up in Drago in Minnesota well it's gonna be 30 by 40 and they want a really nice log support post with flair cut low to the ground looks like the roots are coming right out of the fluorine we don't have to go deep in the swamps they're hard to find but we're gonna find it finding the perfect fluted cedar log for the zavoral cabin is gonna be no easy task but I know it's out there so John I kind of volunteered you need to carve this Buffalo head in the end of a loft joist I've kind of a lot of animals before but I've never carved a buffalo I don't get a chance to use my carving skills very often so it's gonna be fun to do something creative again I told me you could carve the hairs of the Buffalo in they have a family function get-together its annual it's their tradition and they want it done in 16 weeks you told me we could get it done in 16 weeks I did I can only run once at a time building a house in 13 maybe 14 weeks usually isn't a problem but with the character and intricacies that Rob is looking for this is gonna be a challenge if we get this done in 16 weeks it's bringing up stakes let's get this buffalo ranch bill the zapper all cabin will be built with red pine logs a renewable resource that I hand-picked from local loggers right here in northern Minnesota they're the biggest logs I've ever used and they'll add energy efficiency that you can't find in near everyday hole before we can work with these lugs we got to peel the bark off first and that falls on Corey because he's low man on the totem pole it was some eight he dropped this log off and after I'm done peeling it we'll bring it over to where we're gonna build it that's the log yard here and cut it up and get it all fitted perfect pío blogs is kind of like the grunt work out here [Applause] [Music] and you use a pressure washer it kind of leaves like the natural grooves of the log and it adds more character there's a top mark and then like regular bark and there's like this under bark they call cambian and you want to blow that off otherwise when the logs jaaye out all that brown stuff you'll see that's the Kami and that didn't get blowing off so you want to make sure you blow it all off I feel a little wet this is what it looks like after probably the worst part about peeling logs is the whole process of peeling logs with favorite part about peeling logs is shutting the washer off and put it away [Music] now that the logs are peeled we can start the build it all starts here at the log yard where we handcraft each log to build the shell such a star before in a house we use a tool called describe to dry the contour of one log on to the next then we cut along the scribe lines so the logs fit perfectly on top of each other you're kind of an artist when the show the cabin is done we'll disassemble it and ship it to the zavoral Buffalo ranch where it'll be completed and then decorated by my awesome interior designer as we get to zavoral cabin started it's time to let the sawdust fly I'm bringing in some extra help so we can meet the zav Rahl's deadline we got Joe's uncle Jason who's been in the log building business for 20 plus years his right-hand Tom and Arthur who has plenty of chainsaw and grinding experience [Applause] [Music] for this awesome character fluted log to be rate dead center in their house you know I've always wanted to do this I've never had the right floor plan to do it so I'm north of our log yard out looking for that character post it's got to be fluted the roof system is exposed so it looks like it's almost coming right out of the floor this is the main central focal point of their house so it's important to me I'm not gonna just settle for junk hey your kid in the candy store boy there's a copper but it's too small almost looks like it's been here too long too good we need something a lot more ground than that we'll keep looking looks like it's a solid log Wow look at these it's like the big catch of the day upright perfectly the ruts are up in the air so they weren't touching the ground and the moisture you got the flutes you've got the wood systems sticking on what I mean want to cut those back and probably detach the bottom what systems that are still in the ground but I mean this makes it easy I mean though the looks like all that boasted earth is out of there I found your magical post we just picked out the log that will go over all the loft joists [Music] and I just came over it up all at the cat blog for John and I asked him if I could take the cat blog here we go [Music] Arthur's one of our younger crew members he's had some experience in the woods he's loved with his father he asked me if he could take this log down with the loader truck I thought since he maybe had some experience it probably okay has been raining all day the logs are slippery because they're freshly peeled when he was lifting a log it wasn't quite balanced I'd only put it back down to the house so we could regrab it and we hook on to it it balances before you take log has a little bow in it so when you raise up a log like that it has a tendency to twist on its own I'm a little nervous right now the foot of the loader trucks coming off the ground I mean this off-balance this is a bad sign I felt pretty stupid pretty dumb but I kept my cool face on everything was racing through my mind like oh man what are we gonna do now are we gonna have to get a whole new cap log oh I don't know if we can save it well we are in the knot there right and then that still got another one going over so mine get covered up I don't know if we can stick it back together with all the shreds that's the we'd have to try to probably put it together before we do it all the work just gotten everything out was kind of like putting a puzzle back together the shards were like pointed cut off the ones were bent so that the puzzle could go back together [Music] it's hard to put a pencil back together much less yeah I know we're able to tip the 4-foot end up on the end so we can just pour the glue in the top now that the glue is in we're going to put in a threaded rod the squeeze the pieces together and reinforce their joint put a slide the King saw on the top we can drop a threaded rod down there with two nuts and washers on it cut a little hole for the nut and washer to be tightened with the wrench and we snugged it up and there it was all as well yeah went better than I thought me too looks a lot better than it did Mike was so excited I wanted to give John a hug and a kiss because I was so happy that we had a solution for this it's not the prettiest looking log but it's gonna be structurally sound it's gonna get covered by another log and it won't ever be seen so I was glad it all worked out but we're now on for a while I'm gonna be operating the loader truck I learned a lesson that's all I see it [Music] I heard what happened to the cat blog Arthur's lucky John was around to help him fix it he really dodged a bullet on this one so she'll in something up oh yeah really better and feel a little careful next time [Music] the cat blog is on it's time to start putting the trusses up what the trusses are made to do is extend the roof load down to the wall place it only gets better and better hey it looks really teammate oh yeah that's a good sign if it's peachy guys hop down made me over by the center post another one in the books boys we overcame all kinds of obstacles on this build but the shell is done and boy does this cabin look amazing it's really came together it's all those setbacks we have Arthur breaking the cap plug I can't say I wasn't scared I dropped that though oh you'll have your chance to redeem yourself don't worry these logs are after Google in Minnesota we're going to rebuild the cabin on its final foundation run the electric install the plumbing and fine tune all the custom features for this hour all boot camp that's a beautiful sight right there each time I see a truck drive away with the house we just built it's like watching your kid leave for his first day of school I'm sad to watch this whole sleeve but just like a kid I'm proud to know that it's gonna stand on its own one day [Music] part of owning this business is having a lot of projects going on at once Cory's dad Mark wants me to build some log furniture for his cabin down by the beach I've known mark all my life he's my second cousin I got memories of him teaching me how to fish he's close to us mark this is exactly as I remember we were sitting around the campfire right over here I mean tell me this would be the perfect spot for a log swing so I have your bar right here between the trees you're gonna be in the shade absolutely you're thinking like I'm thinking in these logs stumps I don't know where you got these I paid you for those remember we do make sure that I unfortunately did you're not gonna charge me to get rid of them are you well I tell you what I tell you what when we get a pair of log benches there you're never gonna even remember those how soon can you have it done I'll soon DVDs yeah sooner the better I know it's short notice I know you're busy I'll tell you what if I got Cory's help which you do I'm on board are you Corrie donates his labor we'll take that right off the top for you I love that what Cory the way you eat growing up yeah yeah yeah he's like feeding a gorilla [Music] I'm always excited to get to the build site and meet up with my dad and my project manager grizzly Bob my dad Ron Heim has a wealth of log home building knowledge and I'm proud to be carrying on his tradition dad these are the biggest logs you over bill with so we've got to make sure the crane is level the big thing I need is somebody's watching out when we're swinging logs we need guide ropes found the logs like you said they're the biggest logs we've ever handled and crazy things can happen grizzly Bob is also a veteran log home builder and as project manager it's his job to keep us all on schedule I want to get all the walls up this first day I want to started get the roof system up I'm gonna push everybody everybody's gonna be working long hours supposed to be 91 today this is northern Minnesota I want to try it work hard get this reset done in one day the logs have been loaded so we can rebuild the cabin in the order they come off the trucks the foundation was set before we got here the pig material is insulation we added between each course logs to enhance the natural ability to weatherproof the cabin [Music] we're about halfway through day one and we're getting ready to get started on that second truckload man it's smoking hot it's the middle of the summer here we only get a couple weeks of hot weather but when it comes look out us Minnesota boys don't handle heat very well this heat is miserable and it's making me worse disgusting horrible humid muggy it's gross I don't like working in it I looked over at Joe and I noticed that he wasn't feeling too well this sucks I need his help and also I was walking around the corner and I heard some loud growling Joe [Music] yeah he threw up quite a bit it was pretty nasty probably about the whole two pizzas a day before bunch of macaroni and probably lettuce is disgusting my stomach was starting to roll and got to the point where I just kind of had to let it all out it's going on [Music] yeah I try standing up just disoriented yeah weenies slam water started slamming the Gatorade in water until you pissed yourself well well three months ago we were having snow fly and now it's 90 degrees out with 90 percent humidity seeing as we have such a small acclimation period it hits us a little harder despite the heat we got all the courses stacked the trusses are going up and we're both to set that long ridge pole that's gonna sit across the top it's one of the most important pieces of the house and I got just the guy for this job hey Arthur what do you think about a little Redemption what sounds good you know Arthur had a huge setback at the log yard with the loader truck dropping the cap plate you know it's a tough way to go out so I'm not gonna let him finish that way I'm gonna give him a chance to redeem himself I'm gonna let him put up that Ridge Pole the ridge pole is one of the most important laws because it locks the trusses in the place creating a framework for the roof that might have been the most expensive log but this is the most important though you fly this thing up with the crane all right all right well let's get you over here I'll ask my dad take a coffee break [Music] there's really cool that he's giving me a chance to redeem myself take all directions from Bob and his baby be rockin right in place just cable up see we got out of it nice and steady steady are you tired we got a bull just the bed see the flat spots really okay right there big job out there good job Thanks thanks guys he might be out here bar bar it means a lot knowing that Nick cared enough to help me through that one it was actually boost the confidence I needed after breaking that log at the art a way to overcome your mistake now that the ridgepole is in place we can start setting the purlins [Music] the cedar center post is really a work of art we've cut it low to the ground to show off its beauty and it's really gonna set off the whole entire house robbing DNR gonna love it I know it Wow look at that root ball on the bottom it's a nice beautiful log we're on our last purlins a roof system here with the logs is all going to be up today everything's lining up the guys doing a good job no heat that's good the seven weeks left we've already overcome a lot of obstacles right now we're laying down the tongue-and-groove for the roof then we got to get it done quick these boards are called tone and groove because each plank has a tongue side and a grooved side they interlock to create a strong flat surface for the roof robin DN give me a call and said they want to see the progress on their new cabin so they're stopping by today to take a look I can't wait to see what they think I want to see how you're doing up here oh man looks awesome there's always that sense of nervousness with any client they're seeing their house up on their foundation for the first time come together yeah we're making good progress let's go inside I'll show you overdoing it sagging come on in first time through your front door you can have it overhang here a lot or two then of course you'll have to select what log you'd like to have carved at the buffalo head politicize then logs I can tell where the kitchen is I can tell where every single room was it's just great so then over here we're gonna have this awesome polish down awesome post is gonna be tucked right in around your fireplace well we do the flare on myself and pulled that out we retain as much of the root system as possible oh yeah looks good just like we envisioned yes you're gonna have some beautiful views from here where are we ever yeah they must have heard your voice this is what it's about yeah it is beautiful yeah you bet [Music] with the build under way and everything running smooth it's time to build that furniture for Corey's dad all right Corey so you heard your dad he wants a bar he wants barstools he wants a lot of swinging you want to log benches we'll cut some big logs in half and turn them into two benches we'll use smaller logs for the swing and each barstool will be cut from a single log on the bar slabs we're gonna want a wide bar slab so we're gonna have to take that out of a big log we're gonna have to mill those welfare up the loader truck will get the mill going and get these things on there would you do it Locke it's so fun if it adds we're gonna have fun that's what it's all about [Applause] Cory this is the bench seat so this is where your buns are gonna be sitting right on there while I'm roasting on the spit yeah I feel so special to be working in the shop for once it's pretty cool getting to work with Nate there's one-on-one usually it's just Nate and work more barking orders to us at the log yard what is this thing called me it's a lathe it's almost like a big oversized pencil sharpener okay this is a great learning experience for Cory not just anybody can pick up and build log furniture all right turn [Applause] [Music] you gotta come here hurry think I can get her okay I'm gonna continue on down there okay [Music] [Music] let's see how she fits [Music] we're done with the bar the barstools and done with the log benches so Corey and I are rushing to get that last piece done the log swing that's gonna be placed on the shores in Red Lake the watch those beautiful sunsets absolutely love it I feel very fulfilled pulling this off because honestly I didn't know what I was doing at all we got everything done now we just got loaded up on trailers and fly up the upper end lake [Music] we got to bring that swing over put in the benches those are big but that's gonna be sure it's really surprised when he comes home and sees all this you know the biggest thing is seen the expression on somebody's face after you build them a piece of furniture all my clients are important but when you're working for family there's always that extra pressure of getting it done just perfect [Music] fantastic my first thought when I seen the bar was I want to just pop the top and have a cold beer and enjoy the sunset on Red Lake well this is red pine right here you can see how the blue stain matches up it comes from the same log I cut it right in half you see the notch line up here good job got some barstools you know that cut these logs out of one piece from one log I think the chairs they built for the bar are really cool the base of them it kind of has a m4 mark so I love it you got to try out your swing over there there's room for you and Tiffany on those nice sunset you know when I come to the swing the number one thing that stuck out to me right away was how comfortable it was and how beautiful it was I mean it was a gorgeous Brown good job Corey means a lot to me guys I can imagine me and my wife sitting on that swing for many years to come neatly taught you well I'm proud of you the benches they built a really neat they've got a huge base they'll be super comfortable this is more than I dreamed of you guys did an absolutely fantastic job [Music] nice seeing ya welcome back geez I thought you said he needed my help it looks like you're doing pretty good take a look yeah absolutely Wow Gloria and I are back from Red Lake and the zeros build is really taking shape just a couple finishing touches and that rough will be ready for steel and also my favorite part cutting out the window there we go [Music] [Music] back at the log yard the cedar post got cleaned up and peeled kind of a critical pose such a focal point toward Alexis right of cutting it short and we never put spacers in at the top full spacer zone these spaces are placed in anticipation of the host settling into the ground the brawls will remove one spacer at a time to compensate for the settling in the log walls [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well that's gonna be beautiful yeah it's a nice little post I like those roots on there that really adds a lot with this fluted cedar post we brought some of the rugged outdoors inside and it looks like it belongs here there's no better feeling than handcraft in a log home with all natural materials I really like this post because of all the character got this root system that's gonna be in the living room and it's gonna give me the centerpiece of the house people when they walk in this is the first thing they're gonna notice it'll be awhile before we find another one like that yeah for sure hey mate you know what I really like about this cedar why is this smell and log home construction we used rough cedar to go on the end of the roofline to give it a nice finished complete look they should make a cologne lot of that stuff what a see there's no it smells like cedar let's see here we don't have anything to compare it to [Music] so here's a loft joist that we're gonna carve a buffalo head out of I couldn't get one of the buffalos to come in and post wiring so I had to make a little model here I'm gonna add a little wood here for the neck is it because it goes up in the buffalos head it's looking down it's gonna be able to look at the family right in the eye every morning that I got to do a good job because they can see what a real Buffalo looks like drying out the part I'm gonna cut out with the chainsaw it's that kind of be the general rough outline of the profile it's about 18 inches so if I make it twice as tall that's about 16 using a model on a project like this is extremely important I can only carve what I can see so without one to be nearly impossible there we go [Music] I only have one shot at covering this Buffalo in the chainsaw the Joyce is part of the house so I can't make any mistakes shoot I can't believe I dropped the model I'm using the car of the Buffalo Wow shoot good crease in the forehead horn and an eyeball using the model on a project like this is extremely important without one it's nearly impossible doesn't quite have the details that I had before I guess I'll have to fix it up put it back together I need something to look at maybe I can go see a real Buffalo it's gonna be a good chance to remodel this thing really hairy right under the under the nose it gets hairy doesn't it you know there's nothing like seeing up close there's got the best area you use that really right under the orange yeah I got some good ideas now I think the models a little better and it was well that was kind of short it was better than nothing let's go finish this thing up we can make that work pretty close [Applause] we got a bison this is an absolutely the best Buffalo carbine I've ever done and it's the only carbine I've ever done with a Buffalo [Applause] they're cooler now we got the first coat of stain on this morning the railings are turning out extra-special nice a lot of shine a lot of fur coat on that so we're really building those up the Buffalo is turning out real neat we had a little bit of highlight on him that dark in his eyes and his nose so he's really looking cool right now [Music] now that Bob's got the hole stains this time I bring in Heather my interior decorator what's in the truck today Heather's got a great eye for design I can't wait to see all the neat stuff she's got that truck Wow look at all this stuff yeah couches and chairs and microwaves looks like pine and skip field check these out in the eighth it'll cover your fee covers oh wow that's not great with that book in the class family back home it's as she was he was softer than the phone you want a whole like dyed made out of that yes so the that rule is Kevin I follow the theme of the Buffalo Lodge but I also incorporated elements that were unique to their family history no other cabins gonna look like that one a really cool feature that we ended up doing is this barnwood we just take be natural like eye holes that are already in the wood and decided to put some pictures in here and this is actually Rob's father before he went to World War two it's kind of like a little peephole into another era so this is one of the really special features of the house [Music] well from the floor this is your shoulder this is the shoulder style and we put all these rocks and a couple days ago now we're dropping this they got to put the grouting in here and split it out to the purpose of this build is to fill all these little cavities in we're gonna brush it off and get the stones they'll come up on the top looking a little better already [Music] everybody [Music] look at that that is awesome [Applause] [Music] what's the door fully installed the rest of the crew is going to get the cabin spotless while I go pick up the salve rolls man this has been a journey I can't wait to see the look on their faces hope you guys you're excited I made sure we've got all the Buffalo stuff in there and this is the Buffalo ranch this is the buffer zone right here we're just excited to see what its gonna look like to see if naked master are challenged I was very excited to see the cabin I was really anxious to see the the size the the finished product the biggest logs south of the border I'll tell you let's get in there and see it all right I can't wait there it is oh look at that baby what do you think oh it's wonderful beautiful yes your full wraparound porch Li the size of logs yeah and the character and the ends we cut a little low to the ground to capture all that Flair and a satin finish just like we always talked about gorgeous finish yeah we just drove up and it there it was we were excited the craftsmanship is amazing the logs are scribed perfectly I just love it how they wait to touch it there's so much to see this starts at the front door that's just a let's go that's where it all starts with the buffers on your front door and you have little accents on it this is where it starts check out all this detail and that's something perfect entrance to this place I love these oh yeah well if you love that you should see what's on the other side of the door Oh can't wait gosh Nate Spike's are unique I like that the stainless-steel appliances check that out nickel right in there that was the idea I had created edge what do you think it's awesome kind of matches over to kitchen to your copper sink oh look at there you even got buffalo knobs are you starting to see a theme here I think your nails I think it's just right take a look at that knot hole right there oh hey I recognize that guy Rob 60th birthday celebration so you might have wondered why we got those pictures from you guys well it's just a clever spot for it - this is perfect body it's great it doesn't end here check out this bathroom look at this nice galvanized shower the stolen the storm goes from the floor it comes up to the knobs right over to your sink great just great well let's check out the bedroom I've been waiting to see this thing what do you think about these masses oh they're beautiful I mean they clean up so nice they knew and they got that satin look that's the nice thing about it yeah it's the perfect feel for that contine theme for all your retreats up here yeah yeah nice very nice it looks like the ceiling fan clears the logs just barely there's something you always gotta work around those logs yeah there's so much to see on that grave you wanna check this let's get yes and check out this post you wanted a big gnarly post here I told you I'm finding that special post when I did swamp tromping to go find this sucker you did a nice job there this what a footprint that makes yeah and that's something perfect this is the natural beauty yeah and that leads right up to your buffalo head chainsaw his chainsaw [Music] and that's how yeah he said he even got to use one of the Buffalo as a live model look at that those big giant logs are your main support for your I mean that gives that whole extra dimension in the log house do they run full-length they do 50-foot logs home man that's over yeah just beautiful it's just such a unique look nobody has that and it's just for that cabin so that's great mm-hmm well guess what it doesn't stop here we got a loft to check out let's go up that staircase I'm ready to check the place out he totally well the staircase is fabulous it's so smooth my goodness it came out of one log and you're gonna really love it up here check all this in there well granddaughters are really gonna love this well I think so nice quiet in that place very nice and with the big vault of the ceiling you got the views out there geese Buffalo wildlife see what the weather's gonna be like let's all that natural light come in oh I can't wait to see the sunrise here oh it's gonna be gorgeous not only do we got this awesome sitting area for the kids and the grandkids they each got their own bedroom in a bathroom it's just the way we want it yeah that's perfect it's a classic it's gonna stand the test of time it's gonna be there for generations to come I think he hit a nice home run there I'm really proud of what we accomplished here we took this weathered old cabin and replace it with a handcrafted custom log home that I'll serve the zavoral family for the next hundred years [Music] Thank You Nate for this beautiful cabin who wants a steak now that the cabin is complete and it's time to celebrate it's barbecue time the house is done in 16 weeks Robyn dia and best of all they invited me to stay for some Buffalo steaks cheers to the Buffalo Arash [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Heim Log Homes
Views: 16,454
Rating: 4.852941 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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