Amish Log Cabin Assembled in 1 Day– Green Valley Rancher, Attached to Old House

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so here we're starting the log assembly free Green Valley Ranch err early in the morning not much to see except the floor and the piles of logs guys getting all the tools out opening up the packages the dogs having a good time we've got the loader so we can move packages around as we need we've got the Train the all-important train is uh extending his boom getting ready to set logs up and here we got rebar glue screws pins hooks for the logs glue gun blowers all our tools all of our toys here beyond unwrapped and pick up time on the house eric is looking at the floor plan get things oriented this is the Green Valley rancher single level Green picks up road - we have row one set and we're starting on row two here's how the Edition gets fastened we left the space in the hold between the old house and the new wall for space so we can put a log wall here they'll be insulated later right there Austin ready gets the old wall there blue collude and screw down the first course everybody going to grab that log over there so we got road to on and we're starting to sit row three those two on so here we go there's Jarrod the owner and his uncle Alan what do you guys think so far we learned that Jarrod ear is now on their electricians so maybe they can do some homes for our customer I'm a Mason by trade okay so I got Mason an electrician to help us with our customers who need electrical work done and masonry so it's going well it's uh I don't know it's 11 o'clock maybe right something like that so you've got a couple of courses on before Noonan and suck this stuff like that Tyler's putting in the screws eric is laying that log this is row seven and when road 7 is done we're doing lunch here you can see all the logs the fourth wall there is separate from the old house so we like to do additions where there's four complete walls not just the end walls attaching to the house but there an actual wall so there's good support and a true log look inside this great room this will be their family room great room 24 by 32 Green Valley Ranch err but the best news of all is right there Jared and his uncle Alan during grilling up some hamburgers for the crew that is awesome in these walls there is the foam gasket screws every several feet there's a log screw which is what Tyler is putting in right now and then there's a ten inch piece of 5/8 steel rebar goes in all the logs several pieces per log or six feet apart so that's the last log in row seven yeehaw it's time for lunch we got a row ten on the archway log went across right there now Tyler and Eric are setting this full-length log over the top of the windows Wow look at that it's beautiful the end by Tyler is flat cut goes against the old house a flat wall and it spans the whole way over here so that's row 11 we're going a little higher than that roof so that this addition is a true standalone structure and the roof will fly over top of that peak so it makes it an addition but yet completely four walls independent and there's a six inch air gap between log wall and the old house this log is tight on the corner so Eric is gonna beat so we're up 11 courses it's about 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon looking good the gable is being flown up in one piece and jared is sitting there watching it there Steven and Jared enjoyed himself watching his house go back and go up together the white cut you see right there is for the porch roofing to be fastened and the Raptor is to go against the flat spot we got the front rafter up with the post for the glass and now the purlins are going in these are the roof beams full span so Steven neighbor what do you think of this whole thing I think it's awesome I'd like to have a house like this I like the feeling of it inside it's kind of cool watching the lane hop everybody's looking so easily together like if you practice and you know what you're doing there it goes first purlins is in I think it's amazing huddled dolls fit so well everything was drilled to precision and all they're doing is really quite it would just cut it in the right place put the dolls in put the screws in yes it was pretty precise all day fit really well this is going to be a one day set absolutely impressed with how quick this all went up very beautiful extreme craftsmanship I just absolutely love it couldn't be more impressive great did you think it'll take more than a day for this I I knew you guys could doing the day but I had $100 bet with my uncle and he didn't think it could happen so I want all right so you made a hundred bucks on it on this today good deal yep it's been great watching you guys I really love it glad to hear that it was a pretty good day so we've still got that porch to do the porch posts header the second big purlins is going in [Music] the reason this roof is somewhat flat is because we match the old house and matches the old house [Music] this is the ridgepole the very last log of the peak [Music] there was the ridgepole gal logs up one day we are exhausted guys are eating supper here before we head home burgers and sweet tea boy he likes that house Tyler is screwing in the railings this is after supper they fed us burgers for the second time I'll give you a one last overview of the house here this is one day's work that will be their glass windows and the Gable this is going to be a great room living area with of course cathedral ceiling single level for the attached to the old house and that will be going straight into the old house this will be cut off in case you wondered this notch right here this will be cut down later we'll come back and install the windows we'll cut that out that's just a trim that we cut out on both sides and so here are the roof beams ridgepole purlins one big room for their family room go outside get a walk around of yeah I would say we're cleaning up loading up the truck and fasting the railings and there's a porch and we put up this week covered porch six foot they're lining things up fastening it all loading the truck so that's the old house see how it looks from farther away this is the packages that logs came in the wrapping a bunch of cleanup get so that was the old house they lived in and here's what they wanted us to attach so we built that in one day everyone's exhausted and you can see how the roof overhangs four feet on those purlins over this old roof I had to raise it to go above it and then the porch is down below shed porch the porch has the same roof as the house I think it's for 12 we really still have their packaging on that we bring them to the site like this with the wrap the packaging the plastic protective eyes are pretty post right there so uncle Allen what do you think beautiful thing you guys do a hell of a job so go around get the front view of this yeah it was a good day it's hard work going up and down ladders there's a lot involved a lot of pieces to this but five of us guys pulled it off in one day crane went home and we had supper and we're wrapping it all up the other thing that we're doing is coming back to install the windows in the door and the owner wants to finish things himself so this house we were just sitting the logs the windows the door the dogs been enjoying this activity all day and the turkeys been wandering around so we're just wrapping up the last of it putting some screws into the railing loading up the tools and be heading home soon
Channel: Amish Meadows
Views: 94,836
Rating: 4.8693466 out of 5
Keywords: meadowlark, log, homes, amish, meadows, libby, Montana, cabin, cabins, handcrafted, rustic, custom
Id: CKKSiSwe8zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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