CA GLUE CHANGED MY LIFE! (Old Dog Learns a New Trick)

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you want to use some legos on this job i have these in the truck we go two two twos that's what i'm talking about hey gang it's paul with sledpack welcome back to the channel jord and i have hung a lot of shrimp over the years and when we come to an outside corner we do what most people do we use wood glue and a pin nailer and pin that thing till it dries and go hang it up and hope it holds well a bunch of even telling me in the comments below hey paul you need to get some 2p10 adhesive go to this website and order some hey i'll mail you some hey i live down the street come pick some up well i finally got a hold of some and here it is right here i got the 2p10 thick adhesive and here's the activator and i never really knew what 2p10 meant it means 2 part 10 seconds you got 10 seconds to make your joint perfect and it's over with it's not moving so i got a new product right here i don't know why it took me so long to switch we'll see what happens maybe it's just the old adage you know you can't teach an old dog new tricks but hopefully we can teach this whole dog a new trick about 2p10 adhesive but if using a new product isn't enough my cabinet company sent me three eight foot pieces of the crown to wrap five sections of cabinet i don't know what they were thinking so that means i can't mess up at all if i cut a piece an inch too short if i cut on the wrong side of my mark and now the piece is too short i'm basically screwed gang because i can't get this profile anymore they don't have it if i'm short i've got to go to the store find something that's close color match the paint and make my own i certainly don't want to do that so we got to be very careful today so before we start hanging up this crown and using our brand new 2p10 adhesive we got to go inside and measure for our crown but there's one little nuance about these rta shaker style cabinets and the way the face frame extends over the box of the cabinet that we've got to account for let's head inside with our tools and i'll show you what we're talking about all right guys we're going to start with this corner cabinet it's going to be an easy one the front piece and the side piece but check this out they're already decorating and kind of moving into the kitchen even though we don't have the range yet that always happens man that's a little symbol to paul put a little pressure on paul hey let's get the range in here we need to start cooking we're tired of eating out here's our challenge with this molding it needs to go right here and the crown will go at the top obviously let's see i'm hitting that face frame i don't want to notch this that's a pain but if i put it there i've got this big gap right here and it's the same thing at the top of the crown so what we're going to do we're going to notch the face frame so that this sits right here and we've got a nice clean miter here and at the top and i'm actually going to use this piece of the light rail as my guide i'm going to put it right here make a light cut with my utility knife just like that and then this one inch chisel that knife cut is deep enough where i can put this blade right in there and chisel that out so i can feel that the chisel is in the slot i made with the knife give it a light tap then come up from underneath remove that little section and keep going deeper and deeper just like you're cutting a tree with an axe until i remove that kind of seems like a lot of work but it goes pretty quick with a sharp chisel [Music] that looks so much better gang now that took me about a couple of minutes but i'm way out of practice on this with my chisels i think after i do a couple of these i can probably knock one of these out in one minute it won't take long at all and to me that's the only way to do that to make it look perfect let's do the top one for the crown measure it go out to the saw and start cutting some crown all right the chisel is kind of sketching me out up here gang i can't get an angle on it to chisel away at it so i went out to the truck and i grabbed my pole saw try to make that cut right there and i can knock off that little piece that's in my way [Music] much easier all right we'll do a combination of the chisel and the pole saw i'm going to clean that up a little bit and then we can measure for this piece of crap now that we have this notched we can measure it this one is 12 and an eighth so i got my board right here i'm gonna write 12 and an eighth the left hand end of the piece is a straight cut and the right hand end of the piece is the left side of an outside corner so i'm going to put outside left and we're going to show you why this is important out of our saw so let's head out there and start cutting this crown so let me show you the saw set up i've got these temporary wings i made years ago and they become kind of permanent but i'm going to change them one day we put a crown stop on here remember a crown is always cut upside down on a miter saw that's how we do it and the crown stop registers that crown so all your miters are going to be perfect and it's going to sit flat against the cabinets on this edge right here so i made a cut in the crown stop at 45 degrees to the left perpendicular and 45 degrees to the right and then i wrote on this blue tape what each of those means if i need an inside right corner my blade's going to be right here at i r inside right if i need an outside left corner my blade's going to be right here outside left i've got the same thing over here on the right detent outside right corner and inside left so we'll go back to our cut list i need an outside right right here i'm going to swing the blade over there and i'm going to measure 29 and 3 16 for my first piece ready bud let's do it [Music] so on this first piece i cut i already had a flat edge where i could hook my tape measure but now i don't have that anymore so i'm trying to maximize my yield so i cut this angle first and i can't hook my tape measure on this inside corner right here you could it could it would just be inaccurate i think i've seen a little jig for that actually what i'm gonna do instead i'm gonna line that corner up to the end of my fence right there and now i can hook the tape on the end of my fence put on that side of the line ready to go [Music] let's see how we did oh that's what we want yes sir yes sir all right check that out game that's what we want that's a pretty good miter now the paint is chipping a little bit i don't know what to do about that i got a brand new blade well a new sharpened blade on there but i can touch that up but i'll deal with that later why don't we crack open that 2p10 and try it out all right years using maybe an inferior method yep comes to an end right now right now game changer here he's going to send it huh yeah i am tired of waiting around buddy we got to do it we'll activate it on there all right here we go 10 seconds right and there and where i want to be oh that looks nice man that looks fantastic yup if i don't have to put any nails in that that'd be great that always messes me up because the nail blows out the side roasted trim we've dealt with that yep and now we don't have to come back and fill the holes right touch them up but we're going to have to touch up the corners but and the beauty of that little ledge we cut this is going to sit on there and just a couple of little 23 gauge pin nails are going to hold this in place what are you doing man this is 2p10 let go of the thing now now pick it up on the ground like they do that's pretty crazy that's that's a strange feeling i got to tell you just to pick that up and it's not going to go anywhere how does it feel it feels fine it feels pretty strong yeah if we have some crown left over maybe we'll do a breakage test okay i mean it's not moving it's there let's go put it in all right let's see how she fits see how it's going to sit on that little ledge right there it's caught on the back there we go man look at that wow sweet no more nails right here i can't believe it so now that it's up there we got a little bit of a challenge now where does it go see on my right hand in where does it go right here and in the back where does it go let me show you what we're going to do now i don't want to make a bunch of pencil marks on our cabinets so i'm going to use a piece of blue tape and put it right there i'm going to use the same piece of light rail that i'm using as a gauge block hook it on the top take my knife and cut through the tape nice and gentle and then remove that top piece of tape and that's my line for the top of the crown pretty slick yep and no pencil marks all right let's put that up there nail it off perfect that's like the fastest trim we've ever done man nice job remove our blue tape whoo tackle this one i'm i'm so ready i'm like motivated i'm like yeah it's like this is like exciting it is i don't know what took me so long but i've been telling you and everybody else in the comments were and you guys are right it's faster less stressful stronger stronger no nail holes no filling no touch-ups awesome let's do some more let's do it [Music] one more yep [Music] [Music] outside [Music] right so and check this out this is a good way to prove to yourself you've done your measurements right and more importantly your angle is right this o l and this o r they go together in that outside miter and then so do these two so if i had o-l-o-l i know something would be wrong but then you'd be looking at your trim like what did i do looks like we're going to the store oh well oh well o-l l-o-l s-o-l right let's keep cutting [Music] all right my new favorite part right here putting on the ca glue so i got to tell you my nerves have calmed down a little bit but for you trim guys out there let me know does the excitement about using this stuff ever lesson i don't know this is really exciting stuff yeah no test fit we're just going for it right what do we call that faith i'm trying to move it so much for 10 seconds i think it's 10 seconds from when you squeeze it on so you actually had like two seconds it should be called 2p2 wow you know when it's easy for me it's easy all those times we struggle with that and look how easy that is how easy i'm now i'm frustrated yeah it was that easy the whole time all right guys on that wall over there we purposely extended that wall during the framing stages to account for the crown now right here back in 1981 or so when this house was built the framers weren't accounting for crown come on guys so we're gonna do right here we got a little issue so you can see what happens with this piece of crown part of it is against the wall and a part of it is not we could leave it like that and put a block back here so you can't see this void but look this is stud pack right so we're gonna do a partial mitered return so part of the crown is going to hit the wall and this part is going to come wrap around to the wall i already have all the cuts laid out on the actual piece of crown that's going to fit right here so let's head out to the saw and knock it out so here's the plan gang this is the straight cut that goes against the wall now i need a mitered cut right here but if i come to our saw i was going to bevel it to the right and make that cut but guess what this saw only goes to the left i call that a single bevel i believe yeah we need a dual bevel we do so maybe it's time to upgrade to a new saw just for this one cut yeah well we're gonna be definitely doing more cuts like this in the future we've needed a new saw for a while so if y'all have any recommendations drop them in the comments all right we got to figure out how to solve this for now though we do we'll figure it out all right gang we found a solution on the saw stop i set up a temporary fence screwed it to my sliding table at 45 degrees and we're running it through that way you can kind of see the idea here's the 90 degree cut we made at the miter saw and i'm sneaking up on my final 45 degree cut right here hey that's pretty nice actually not too shabby for not having the right tool huh nope let me file that little corner right there and go test fit it [Music] all right guys here's our piece of crown for the end of this cabinet with our partial mitered return that's what we're calling it and with a little fine tuning on that saw stop and in combination with our miter saw i'm really liking that so i say we go glue this to these other two pieces of crown put it up and fit this small one on the end [Music] okay guys let's see how we did oh look at that like it grew there on the first try first try no that was the first try actually yeah friday afternoon things usually don't go like that that's true let's glue it on man this stuff grabs fast i can feel it you get to a certain point that's it huh that's awesome that's the right way to do that that's the play yeah cool nice good job right on all right guys we got three cabinets done late this afternoon we did get kind of a late start today a lot of you been making comments about this injury on my hand i finally went to the doctor this morning he took care of it did an awesome job it's going to heal just fine he asked me what i was putting on i said neosporin he said that's not our favorite i said why he said it has three ingredients in it a lot of people are allergic to one of them changed polysporin so that's what i'm going to do and stay tuned game because over here at this glass door cabinet we have custom led lighting we're going to put inside and we haven't even talked about the under cabinet lighting we're going to put in and once all that lighting is in with our crown and our light rail it's going to look fantastic so we'll see you tomorrow all right guys it's the next day we're gonna show you in this video how we put in this awesome under cabinet lighting but before we do all that we got to finish the crown we've got a couple pieces here and a piece over the uh the fridge yeah so once we're done with the crown we're gonna do the light rail which is the same process as the crown it's gonna go very fast so let's head outside get the saw set up and start running some crown [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ca glue w oh yeah nice there you go huh yeah [Music] all right guys all the crown is up and this is all i had left out of 32 feet about two feet left over and it heats up a lot because these corners add about three or four inches to every cut so it adds up but it's all done it looks fantastic and then you saw us break out the clamps up here i did that for two reasons one reason is we wanted to pull this in tight that 23 gauge pin nailer doesn't have a lot of clamping action so we wanted to clamp it with the clamp and then put a nail in it and i also wanted to see how strong these were and they held up and that 2p10 stuff is awesome we finished all the crown and so what's next is the light rail this is the profile goes right on the bottom of the cabinets we were in such a groove last night loving to use that 2p10 that we actually did these two on this side already and light rail is like half the work of crown it's very small we can fasten it from the bottom and it's just really easy to put up we did these two i think the neighbors were watching us and they were like man these guys are flying that 2p10 makes it so fast and we're going to show you right now how we put up the light rail we have one two three more to do on this upper cabinet we're gonna install it up here so it blends in with everything else even though there's no light in there obviously but we do have an issue here with clearance on the door so make sure you stay tuned we're going to show you how we handle that what do you say we head outside fire up the saws and that 2p10 adhesive and start finishing this light rail that'll take like five minutes that's right let's do it [Applause] [Music] there are nails in here i guess they nailed this piece to that piece right and that's the second one i've hit [Music] [Applause] alrighty guys all the light rail is up it came out fantastic and like we talked about right here we did put light rail above the fridge and we had some interference here between the light rail and the door when it was in the open position so we just did a mitered return right here we think it looks great better than just cutting that off square so this is what a mitered return looks like we made one up for you and then just imagine this is the side of the cabinet when we put it up there we realized the side of the cabinet was hitting our mited return right there so we went outside made a cut with our pool saw right there and removed this waste and slid right on you can see the final result and when you're walking over here and you see in this gap here and kind of this gap right here where the glass tile is it all blends together and looks fantastic so we made this little mock-up of a miter return for you just to show you and when we glued this up it was my last one on that 2p10 glue for this project and i got to tell you i was a little disappointed because that stuff is fun to use especially when you've tried to put these together before with a nail here and it blows out right there and ruins all your trim and we didn't have enough anyway the only anxiety on the whole project really putting this light rail up was attaching it to the bottom of the cabinets and kind of the same thing we were worried about the nail blowing out the side of the cabinets here but that didn't happen one time and it looks great all the light rails are up it took me a while to get on the 2p10 train if you're not on board yet find yourself some online or at your local distributor play around with it in your garage use it on your next project and you won't regret it and since all our light rails are up what good are light rails without lights that's like having that car cover in your garage but no american-made f-150 to park under it so we got our lights right here let's show you what we got here's our lights they're made by global lux they are led of course 120 volts not low voltage so during rough electric we ran the wire for that they are adjustable cct led technology what is cct correlated color temperature that's your kelvin rating these are either selectable from 3 000 to 4 000 with this switch since all the other lighting here is 3 000 that works perfect for us we'll just use that setting these lights come in a nine inch length 24 32 and the 42 we got right here for this big cabinet now we've done a lot of under cabinet lighting on this channel every time we do it it seems like it's a different light the one i fell in love with was kind of a bar led light they don't even make it anymore it's so frustrating when you find a product that you like and you go back to the store online and they discontinued it so like i said on this job we ran 14 2 cable to all of our cabinets in the kitchen they all go up in the attic to a single junction box with a switch leg way over here we can turn that one switch boom all the under cabinet lights will come on this will be fantastic we're going to show them yep we're going to show you and then on other projects i've run low voltage wire and then what always seems to happen to me when i run low voltage wire turns out we pick a 120 volt light and i got to figure that out or we run line voltage like this and we want low voltage lighting so i'm still looking for the perfect under cabinet led light if you guys have found one let us know in the comments what i mean by perfect well easy to install dimmable change the color easy to change the length we were kind of limited on the lengths right here in fact on this cabinet right here this cabinet's nine inches wide a nine inch light is all they make it won't fit this way because of the box so we're actually thinking about turning it this way i think that might work pretty cool yeah shine the light this way over this coffee bar it might work better even but i'm tired of talking what do you say we put up some lights let's do it all right we got everything we need right here on this cardboard that's protecting our countertop the light comes with a connector so the cable can go into the back of the fixture it comes with two mounting screws there's one of them this is to mount the fixture to the bottom of the cabinet that is actually too long for this plywood bottom it'll poke through so we had a box full of the screws left over from our cabinet build so we're going to use those it's going to work just fine comes with three wire nuts i always think these are too small so what do you say bud you want to use some legos on this job i have these in the truck we go two two twos that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about i'll show you how this works so this light fixture you can bring your power in here in the middle or here we're roughed in over here on the right so we're going to take this knockout out so let's take the diffuser off first get it out of our way so we don't damage it now we have to take this cover off it's just held in place by some little tabs there's one two three that comes out of the way and there's our driver for our led this one we want to take off here's the knockout we're going to use so let's punch it out now we're ready for our connector you must use these it protects the cable from the sharp edge of this metal right here the worst shock you ever got was because someone didn't do that right that's correct and then we realized if we put that connector like this and we tighten these screws they're actually going to hit the bottom of the cabinet which is right there so we're going to turn it 90 degrees and we'll be fine either way that way or that way so this is finger tight and i want to go another quarter turn i'm going to put my crescent wrench on that nut grab my linemen and give it that final quarter turn and i'm there now that's tight now we're ready to cut our wire and feed it through that fixture [Music] just like that we've got some sheathing coming through the connector so now i can tighten these two screws [Music] now that our connector is made up and it's tight against the sheathing strip these wires a little bit remember this number 14. there's the neutral there's the hot and typically from the factory they don't strip these enough for me so i'm going to strip those back a little bit more all right that's done let's wire it up remember always grounds first it's just a good habit to have [Music] all right now let's take this enclosure right here and put it back in the fixture that'll get all our wires tucked in behind there all right i think i'm in bud huh one two three all right we're all wired up now we're ready to mount this to the bottom of the cabinet we've got these little plywood blocks we have from something else that is a good spacer let me put it here put the light against the spacer use a pencil to mark for our keyhole slot take the light down put in those two screws hang it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't go in the large part of the keyhole go in the narrow spot right there [Music] now watch how easy this is lined up on that one lined up on that one slide to the left and home now we just have to tighten there's one two here's the diffuser so that little u-shaped part slides over the back and then you snap this leg into the top here all right so that back u-shaped part is all engaged in the back let me start on the left i'm in my hand to the right boom all done now set our switch to what is it cw or ww well cw i think stands for cool white and ww stands for walter white walter white warm white but on the other one it's reversed the cool white is the warmer temperature and the ww is the cooler temperature so let's turn them on and see what we got so we powered these up and jordan is absolutely correct this one's on ww this one's on the cw setting but the light is the same if you change one the light is different so just to screw up at the factory i guess i guess so let's put up these other two lights and see if that was a one-off let's do it man get into all of them you wanna do this little one first i think we should do the big one all right let's do it all right gang under cabinet lighting done check that off in the box these globalx fixtures went in without a hitch you saw how easy it was two screws in each one three wire nuts or three wiggles the only hitch we had was on this long one we had two cabinets joined together so we had to cut away the cabinet boxes right here so we're nice and tight here so that light is tucked up and hidden over here on this one remember we had a nine inch long light it wouldn't quite fit in that direction so we simply turned it 90 degrees let's check that out pretty slick yep and so it actually is kind of shining this way and highlighting this whole area where it looks like they're going to be making coffee so that's going to be great so now that they're all in what do you say we turn them on let's do it right it is daytime it's like the brightest time of day whenever we're doing this kind of stuff check out the lights full reveal we can't even see them there we go hey you want to turn off the other the overheads yeah just look at the full effect now they are wired in to these all in one switch we're gonna put two dimmers over there so we'll have dimming control on the under cabinet dimming control here so these lights that we just installed actually have two color settings we were talking about that earlier so why don't we swap them over to the warm setting and see how that looks so this is cool white you want to do all four to warm yeah ready it's funny that one's backwards yeah so that's warm yeah i don't mind it actually normally i'm fully against warm lights but that's actually pretty nice 3000's right in the middle so let us know what team you're on gang are you cool white or warm white and you may be wondering hey stud pack what about this display cabinet y'all put over here with the glass doors what are you going to do over here well we think this is going to be a whole separate video because we want to put lighting inside here she's already got a bowl in there but you could have trophies you could have stud pack merch whatever you want so we want to light that up from the top all the way to the bottom and we're also going to have under cabinet lighting so what we're thinking is one led strip inside at an angle on a chamfer strip wrap it underneath and up the side with one driver for the whole cabinet on top so that's gonna be a whole video it's gonna be awesome yep check it out make sure you stay tuned for that so you know what to do gang glove up put some 2p10 adhesive on your finger spray some activator on that like button smash it for us now you're going to have a glove stuck to your like button but that's going to remind you to smash it every time you watch a stud pack video any questions or comments drop them down below subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you on the next [Music]
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 274,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: studpack, stud pack, ca glue, 2p10, adhesive, superglue, woodwork, trim, crown, molding, light rail, under cabinet lighting, buzzsaw, milwaukee, dewalt, construction, renovation, kicthen, remodel, DIY, contractor, handyman, how to install under cabinet lights, how to install crown molding, how to install cabinet molding, how to install light rails
Id: sF6l4KNIxMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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