Getting THIS Microwave in an IMPOSSIBLE Opening

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hey gang in today's video we're going to get this microwave into that cabinet i'm paula's stud back and we're going to show you how we do it all right here's the five things we're kind of up against on this microwave number one electricity well we already knew we were going to put it here so we roughed in a dedicated circuit right there so we're going to put a plug there that's going to be kind of easy second thing we got to do this rail is in our way we want to remove it without damaging the cabin number three we got to put a shelf across here to support the weight of the microwave and this thing needs ventilation needs to breathe so we got to provide a way to get air in here and out the back some kind of way and the final thing is we're going to try to save this narrow drawer right here and move it at the bottom if you can just picture that put the drawer down here that'd be a perfect spot for like paper plates that you use in the microwave every day and then to put the microwave up top not sure if that's going to work but we're going to try the best we can to save that one little narrow drawer i think the first thing we got to do get in here let's take this drawer get it out of our way remove these drawer glides and cut this [Music] rail [Music] all right gang the next step is to remove this rail we got everything else removed so i went to the store and i bought a new pole saw this thing's pretty cool right here i actually have one but the set on the teeth is all messed up i wanted a new saw for this because we don't want to damage these cabinets like i was talking about and to make sure we don't damage them we're going to do a couple of things we already know from previous experience that this paint tends to chip so i'm going to put some blue tape across here and then i'm going to make a score mark with my knife for the saw to follow now we also know from previous experience that the joinery in this face frame is mortise and tenons there are no metal connectors in this connection right here to worry about so we can cut it with this wood saw so let me put some tape on there and we'll score it [Music] so i'm almost all the way through here but i'm going to stop i'm going to leave that little bit to help support this side of the rail while i cut this one [Music] all right that came out awesome we're gonna hit it with a little sandpaper and i would not try a buzz saw on that i don't have enough control with this thing it's beautiful yeah we love our buzz saw but not for finished carpentry all right like i said love the way that turned out we're ready for this shelf but i think before we put the shelf in i want to wire this up before we make ourselves a little cave here that i can't get into let me go get the electrical tools and we'll put that plug in there all right you guys i'm putting in a single receptacle it's a 20 amp there it is just like that and it's going way back there now here's the sink i'm pretty close for all you guys that had that nec book on your bedside table and you read it before you go to bed at night does that need to be ground fall protected well if it does we installed a brand new panel so the easiest way to fix that is just put a ground fault breaker in the panel to protect that dedicated circuit easy so let's put this in and then go on to the next step which hopefully is going to be installed on that shelf [Music] alright again before i connect it to the box i want to check the plug on this microwave it is a right angle plug and the ground is on the bottom here so the cord will hang down like that i wouldn't want it like that but if the cord came oriented that way you could just flip the plug over with the ground on top so your cords always hang down just a quick little tip so let me get in there attach that to the box put the cover plate on and move on to our next step all right guys we've got a receptacle installed in the box and remember we use adjustable depth boxes if you're unfamiliar with those check this out there's a screw right here phillips head can you see how that box runs out turn the drill around and run it back flush if you've never used an adjustable depth box they're available at the home centers and they will change your life alrighty guys we've got the cover plate on looks fantastic our next step we're going to drill some holes here and in the back to provide ventilation for the microwave now we want to do that now because if we put our shelf in first we wouldn't be able to get our drill in here to drill the holes so i've got the holes laid out and the way i did that was i've got two and a half inches from my toe kick down here to the front of this face frame the face frame is three quarters of an inch thick so i can use a one and three quarter inch diameter hole saw we've got it in the drill ready to go i've already laid them out with my dial calipers so they're perfect let's get them drilled [Music] what are you doing with that drill dude that's all i got it's either that or the toy the little porter cable yeah all right well why don't you guys go ahead and like the video and consider subscribing so we can beat the algorithm and dad could get him some real drills that's right this one or this one nothing in between all right again we have a total of 11 ventilation holes six two inch holes here in the side there's plenty room behind the dishwasher and around the edges and the bottom for it to ventilate and then we have five inch and three quarter holes here at the toe kick that's all done super satisfied with that too so now let's go cut our shelf the width of our shelf needs to be from the inside of this panel to the inside of this one we already measured it's 22 and a half and we're just going to make it 15 inches deep which is plenty for this microwave there's no need to go all the way back and if we did go all the way back we would block all that ventilation we want it open so let's go set up our saw stop cut the shelf come inside give it a test fit [Music] alrighty guys we've got our shelf built we put a little back stop on it so when you're operating the microwave it doesn't get pushed back into the cabinet and we simply establish this distance so that this seam right here where the door meets the cabinet is at the face frame so that's ready to install but then we need to know how high it was going to be so we measure the height of the microwave accounted for the thickness of our shelves and we cut these two spacers right here we're simply going to screw them to the cabinet sides like that and the shelf will sit on top it'll be super strong and then we're not fighting that shelf trying to get it level and all that so let's screw these on put our shelf on there and give this microwave a test drive all right now check out how easy this is to put this shelf in just like that so we have these little angle clips they actually came with the cabinets we have a bunch left over we're going to use those to secure the shelf to the cabinet so when we push our microwave in that shelf doesn't take off off the backside all righty gang this thing's not going anywhere let's slide that microwave in there and see how it fits cool nice man check it out soft close even oh that looks fantastic i love it right here next to the dishwasher it's going to be super cool super for them to operate but you know what guys i forgot we don't have power there yet so when we did the rough electric we weren't sure if the microwave was going to go here or over there so we actually ran circuits down both walls and they're tied together in a junction box in the attic so i got to go up there hook the feed from the breaker to this receptacle behind here we're going to abandon that one we'll wire nut it make it safe get powered this microwave i think we need to make some popcorn dude what do you think let's do it all right but first i gotta go on that attic all right good luck it's quick three wire nuts and i'm done good all right it's hot in that attic all right we had to go up there connect that circuit it was off at the circuit panel but now it's on as you can see our little tester back there we're good to go let me get in there pull this out plug our microwave in see if that thing works heat up some lunch here we go i'm starving [Music] what was that it was the microwave subscribe to stud pack there you go all right i put the drawer back down here so now you can really see how this is going to look and remember i said at the beginning of the video i would love to put another drawer right here but you can see that's pretty narrow right there but check out that face frame look how much of it gets covered by the drawer front over here i could remove an inch of that face frame it would still be plenty wide enough and strong enough and i would gain an inch of depth in the drawer but before we do that we're going to take the original drawer front that was on the top drawer rip it down so it fits right here and we're just going to check it out see how it looks yes these rails are going to be pretty narrow but we can't use this storefront for anything else so we're just going to rip it bring it in here see how it looks if we run it no harm no foul so let's go out to the saw stop and cut this thing [Music] down [Music] all right gang let's see how this looks i actually think it's gonna be okay hey that's not terrible i like that i think that looks awesome yep custom feel custom look everything about it yep and that's gonna be a sweet little kind of a secret drawer almost huh they're gonna be like the drawer under the microwave i don't see it no the other drawer what other drawer our next step is to cut this face frame but we want it to be as perfect as we can make it so we're gonna make a jig so let's head out to the saw and make a jig real fast all right gang there's our jig super simple to make a jig like that on a table saw let me show you how it's going to work we're simply going to clamp it to the face frames of the cabinet just like that a clamp here and a clamp here our router is going to ride on here our bearing on the bit is going to ride on plywood and remove whatever part of the face frame is showing let's clamp this in place and i think we're about ready you know what i might need your help with these clamps buddy and this template i can't hold everything at once all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] all right we're getting close to getting this finished guys we got the rail done we got it narrow the way we want it we basically lowered the drawer guide by one inch in the front so we also have to lower the back an inch and this is what supports the back of the drawer glide just goes into that tab right there we have adjustment horizontally but none vertically so see these two holes back here that's where these two engage and the whole thing gets screwed on so all we have to do all we got to do is lower these holes by an inch now this mark is this hole lowered by an inch but if i lower this one by an inch we're going to run into that hole so we're basically just going to use this one and the two screws and cut that one off and that'll be plenty strong enough for this little drawer so i've got a 21 64 drill bit i'm gonna drill those two holes and we'll get these things mounted [Music] so [Music] let's put the drawer here see if it works i love the click that should be it all right check it out that's cool but remember the drawer now is too tall it's going to hit our shelf so we're going to measure to the support right here for the shelf and take a measurement like an inch bud okay which makes sense you want to take an inch and a quarter off that drawer yeah let's do it let's take this out to the saw and we're going to trim an inch and a quarter all the way around come back and try it [Music] let's take it inside and see how she fits that fits great look at that all right and i can see our shelf is going to be just above it why don't we grab it put it on there check it out all right let's push this thing in here boom it hit that stop perfect we have that nice reveal all the way around here's the old drawer front we cut off let me put it up there for you so you get the full effect i'm loving that i love the way this reveal right here is the same as this reveal that even hides the feet on the microwave so when our handles come in we're just going to drill two holes right here through the drawer front through the drawer box attach that handle it's going to pull everything together and then we're going to get inside the drawer front and attach it to the drawer box with two more screws so that's gonna be perfect we have some color match paint already we'll give this a light sanding paint that any edges around here we may need to paint and remember we got all that ventilation under here and on the side here by the dishwasher so that thing's gonna have plenty of air for cooling it's gonna be awesome so we're so excited about how this came out again just like we envisioned it and you know what jordan and i were looking at your like buttons we think there's room underneath it for a secret drawer just like this now you know what to do and you may need a shelf above that to support the like button but we hope you guys picked up some tips and tricks in this video on how to customize cabinets drop us a comment ask us a question subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 202,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wZCWDf3w4c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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