A Drywall PRO CRITICIZED Our Work... Ep. 18

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hey gang it's paul with step back welcome back to our channel we have a real treat for you today we have some pros that are going to critique our work after we framed and hung the drywall in this remodel josh 31 years old his dad started the drywall finishing company that he works for together with one other guy they did all the taping and mudding and texturing and this place looks amazing we're going to show you some close-ups of their work but first we want to talk to josh get his impressions on how we did how can we improve and maybe some tips and tricks that they do that we can all learn from he's outside cleaning his equipment let me go out there and grab him let's have a little conversation about how we did as hangers oh the little like that kind of stuff drives me nuts alrighty gang you know we're back from washington the whole time on that airplane i was anxious to get back to the job site and see what an incredible job our guys did and this thing is five star let me tell you i'm here with josh the finisher he did this along with his dad who's young like me 57 and one other guy levi right yes sir so three-man crew right so the first day you showed up to the job your dad's asking you where are we going today and you tell them uh we're going to a house hung by a couple of youtubers what'd your dad do make sure you got a hammer to beat some nails all right and so you get here and your first impressions of how we did as far as hanging the rock compared to what you see every day out in the field as professionals hanging rock how do we do better than most uh when it comes to remodel um this is you know tough hanging in here uh you got this 45 burning across here y'all did a pretty good job on that it's uh you know the easiest thing you hang is going to be you know fresh new wood screws go in easy uh that's not the case here uh taking that in into consideration i think y'all did i did a pretty good job you know a few screws to reset but uh it's better to have to reset them than have them too deep so right now you're being nice because you told me about 60 of them right yes that's the truth it's about about 60 of them uh some of the existing drywall we re-nailed put a screw in here and there also but um overall it was pretty good i'd rather like i said i'd rather have nails hanging out than sunk all the way into the studs now that that surprised me because when i hang a drywall i have a taping knife and i go over the the screws with my blade to make sure it doesn't rain right and uh to know we missed that mini was a little a little disheartening but i don't think i'm jordan you always got but that always tells you you got to have somebody with you to blame stuff on don't work by yourself on this remodel for me the whole package comes together right here where these two load bearing walls came out we put in these two beams and we have these three different ceilings intersecting right there and i got to tell you that looks like i envisioned it the whole time and it's going to be a beautiful painting i was somewhat concerned about this joint here i know you had to flat tape it can you talk about that joint and how we should have hung it and then what you had to do to fix it there's a few different ways guys are going to hang that they're either going to pre-cut it or you have a butt joint on the back side they're going to pre-cut it and then just do the best they can to line it up or they're going to leave your cap off right here and let it overhang and then take a razor knife and cut the back side and then put the cap on it to clean up the edge the way you all did it you said y'all did it with a handsaw after you hung it and you had the cap up there so that left a big flat surface okay so by the time i would have put my 45 my level line on there the edge of it would have been right at the seam right so we flat taped it right there to clean that up and then you know put the level line on and we're good from there um y'all spraying was really excellent when i come in here prior to all hanging so that's why that come out so straight you know um there was nothing that y'all did that was detrimental to this as far as the outcome and that's that's the big factor so you already messed something up to where i can't make it nice and straight you know well when i was cutting that with that saw i was just saying to myself this is not the way josh wants it i i just i knew we had a misunderstanding it was all it was on me but uh you did awesome i got your back on it so it's pretty good we kept saying josh don't fix it josh we were saying that all day you've never been able to say that before well that's right you know you can you can uh thank my dad for that so he's the one that taught me he's been doing this in 77 so perfect he also mentioned that you've had to re-nail this whole ceiling right the existing drywall and then when you say nail that kind of maybe question do you really need a nail did you use screws or nails right we use nails and the reason being if i go in here and i start putting screws it's going to tear it up more than putting the nails and then you know the original framing is not perfect so i'm going to have a lot more screws trying to pop in this old drywall versus being able to tap a nail in and get it tight you know in that cuphead nail is gonna hold better in this situation it's rare that you would hear me say you know i'm gonna use a nail versus a screw but uh this is one of those situations where it works out better uh to use a nail versus you know putting 500 screws literally in the cylinder you know because some of these runs it's not the case on the existing draw wall over here but some of the runs up here you literally have six original nails per stud per rafter up here so going back to how our screws weren't set all the way you told me that you can't expect to do a whole job with the depth gauge on your drill in one setting because you've got new wood old wood lvls and that's a little surprising that you've got to constantly change that thing right during a project most people would think i said it and forget it um no that's not the case on a new house uh pretty much you can't you you know that lumber shows up you know it's it should all be you know uh the same age however you want to look at it you know and it's new lumber so you can pretty much set it and forget it but at the same time um one mistake people make is not pushing the board to the wall before they screw okay so they're letting the screw pull the board to the wall and then that's going to cause issues because you're going to have a couple of screws that went in you know and pulled the board to the wall and then the next screw the board's already to the wall you know so there's different problems like that that arise so how would you know where to set the drill you know i'm going into new framing so the drill needs to be this way i'm going into old framing i need to set the drill this way it's really getting used to your gun every gun's going to be different we use uh dewalt the dewalt with the metal head on it um it's they call it the commercial the commercial tip uh we don't care for the battery operated screw guns they just don't quite work as well old school with a cord you know you don't worry about batteries and everything the tips on them like i said the metal head on the d wall works great so you mentioned the remodel being very difficult so like in this wall right here we have old studs and new studs so you're constantly fighting that right in one piece of sheetrock absolutely yeah so let's talk a little bit about the products that we used and how much so you mentioned level line right what is level 1 love and line we use it we refer to any odd angle like this as a 45 so whether it's you know 38 degrees or we just refer to it as a 45 inside outside 45 okay so anything like that we use a product by certainty called bubble blind comes in a little box it's real it's paper with two vinyl ridges that run down it and we've had we've had good luck with that we've had zero call backs as far as it cracking or coming loose we apply it with a relatively heavy mixture of uh all-purpose compound you know most brands of all-purpose will work whether it be freeman or usg usg is one of the better all purposes to use to apply it has a lot of vinyl in it it's a limestone base works really well and that's a mud on me that's a mud that's no blue no staple no glue no staple it's completely 100 mud on with all purpose you can't use lightweight lightweight doesn't have uh what accounts for the glue so you use lightweight after it dries you'll come you can pull it right back off same way with paper tape if you tape with light weight you're going to pull those that tape right back off of there you know so any taping that you're doing whether it be a tape on metal corner baby that that's all all-purpose that needs to be used in those situations now we talked about another project you were on you set your corner knee with a laser correct did you use a laser on this one no indeed because the framing was perfect right right if the frame is good then we don't have to well we set the framing with a laser we did right right right so there's no need for me to go you know as long as i'm keeping my clinch on square and then we shoot it with a one inch uh with a crown staple with one inch staples afterwards everything in here was shot both sides of the the bead that you see up top has mesh tape that's the only thing we use mesh tape for fiberglass tape whatever you want to call it on both sides of it running and then the tops of the up and downs have mesh tape on it also so your outside metal corner bead you clinch it on and then you staple it clutch it and staple it correct cool and then what kind of mud did you use and how much of it this takes uh quite a bit if this house was completely new hum got it the whole thing out there wouldn't be a huge difference in the amount of mud that we use for the tape bed and skim coats because we have stuff in here on this cylinder that's busted out nearly four foot wide to uh make it you know flat uh the most of the way you got to get it flat enough to where when light passes over it it doesn't have a hump and catch so if you put a straight edge on it it might not be flat but what matters is the eye looking at it right if it's flat to the eye if it's flat to the hand it's flat you know if the hand can't the hand can't fill it down i can't see it so all right right so this was about including our texture that we sprayed we probably used about 14 to 15 boxes that's crazy 14 boxes now we talked about these outside well when we talked about these walls like this how important it is to get this square yes sir and this one was out and that one was out and i used your shingle trick under the drywall to make sure this was square right on the west coast you can get cardboard drywall shims anywhere but nobody here seems to have ever heard about them so the shingles you just pick up some shingles they're always laying around on the job especially new construction and then use it a couple out back and they work great so this is nice and square so when we run our base and our crown everything is square much easier to do absolutely all right well cool man we sure appreciate it all right thank you guys dad and levi we really appreciate that hard work so cool now we got no we want the drywall anymore awesome awesome all right thanks bud all righty gang we sure hope you enjoyed our conversation with josh he's a young guy by the time he's my age he's gonna be a genius he knows a lot already he's always got tips and tricks for us on hanging rock framing mudding taping texturing all that stuff and we're going to show you some close-ups of it i know you've gotten a glimpse of it as we've been filming already this morning but jordan's going to zoom in tight on a lot of these crisps corners and outside edges inside edges you ready to roll that bud let's do it let's do it [Music] alrighty gang we sure hope you enjoyed that up close footage of some of the details in this drywall taping and finishing job unbelievable job by josh walter and levi five star in our book we cannot wait to get this painted and all those crisp corners are just gonna pop josh was telling us some of the other details he requires of his board hanging crews like only cutting from the paper side not the brown paper side the white paper side so you get a nice crisp cut and the paper doesn't roll over and then the other thing they don't allow them do and something we've never done jordan is have one sheet overlap the other and trim it to length with a router that makes it tough on those guys and the other thing josh said was they always put pressure on the drywall with one hand to get it tight on the stud drive the screw with the other that way they're not relying on the screw to pull the drywall tight to the stud it already is tight and the screw is just going to hold it so all those little details from josh make them a perfect fit for jordan and i cause we're into details too and details make the job a lot of you have commented on that and that's how we roll over here but our next step on this project we're going to prime everything but before we prime it we've got to get up here at this old beam kind of where the whole project started and there's a few issues we need to fix on it before we can put a coat of primer up there so let's head up this ladder and i'll show you what we're talking about all right again we're up here on this beam let me walk you through everything we got to do now the first thing you're going to notice is that they textured it and that's on us it's not on them and here's the reason why we got all these nails sticking out and that was wreaking havoc with them with the plastic it was tearing the plastic so they just textured the beam no big deal check this out got a damp sponge it comes right off now we could just paint right over the texture but i don't think it would look super good especially because of the cove detail we're going to put up here and all the little patches we got to make and sand so i'd rather the whole thing be smooth so we're going to clean it really fast no problem the other thing we've got to deal with is all these nails that are sticking out on this side of the beam only and this is where our faux beam went down the ceiling right here and if you'll notice those are driven from the inside out we can't figure out how they did it or why they even needed to do it that way and the one to jordan's right there's about seven nails in that one look at that so how do they do all that how do they drive these nails from the inside out and again there's none on this side they're only here it doesn't make sense that they built the whole thing on the ground and lifted it up that doesn't make sense at all so all i'm going to do is drive these nails through set them we'll fill them with some spackle sand it you'll be good to go we also have a few nails up here we need to remove that were attaching the original shoe molding that was here to cover this big gap and how are we going to cover that gap now i bought this 11 16 by 11 16 cove molding and it's going to fit perfectly right there and cover that gap it's going to look sweet yep you see how big it is here now we took all the other faux beams down you saw it in that previous video but we left this one and here's why we know that the intersection of these two planes is a mess we can even see through it when we're in the attic and right here i can see through it they didn't tape it or anything and it would have been nearly impossible to get that straight so we thought we would just leave the beam to hide all that then we can hang our fan from the beam and look great with all our other moldings so this little cove is going to cover it right here and we're going to run it all the way down on both sides caulk all the joints here and here and even caulk here and here so we don't get that little black line and this will look like one solid piece of wood when it's painted with a trim color it's going to pop it's going to be great so why don't we drive these nails clean this beam install the cove and get this thing ready for primer [Music] [Music] that was one take boys [Music] do [Music] [Music] cool man that beam is ready for primer remember that old faux beam we had in here that had this house all dated and everything from the 80s now that's going to be a central showpiece in this modern living room can't wait to put a coat of paint on it tomorrow and that's actually the subject of our next video we're going to spray paint this whole room with our grayco prime coat only but then you know what jordan and i were talking about the finished coats how are we going to do it are we going to paint the ceilings first then the trim then the walls let us know in the comments how you would do it would you tape it off would you use a shield we'd really be interested in seeing how the pros paint a room like this so go ahead and spray some texture on that like button and jordan i are going to make sure we come back behind you make it super clean so you can smash it ask us a question or just leave a comment if you'd like subscribe if you're not already and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 117,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STUDPACK, stud pack, construction, diy, remodel, drywall pro, hanging drywall, fake beam, how to make a fake beam, crown molding, cove molding, caulking
Id: -oWo4GgsR0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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