C3 Oxford Falls | Canon J. John | Have You Got Your Passport? - AM

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we love that well this morning we have the distinct pleasure of having one of the finest evangelist in the world with us in the house and J John has led so many people to Jesus I wonder if he led me to Jesus actually uh it's it's like there are so many wonderful events that have happened and we just want to welcome all of our locations right now thank you for joining us over there at silver water Manley Mossman so good to have you here we Rangga Penrith and silver water and did I say so what Parramatta and banks down Maryland's and Rozelle of course Roselle was so thrilled to have you all on board and Avalon of course and Manley and Avalon and Manly's so good to have you all yeah come on give them all the begin great to have you guys thanks for coming you're going to love this message by Jay John little stand up wherever we are all locations welcomed pasta Canon Jay John to share the Word of God with us today look at the heavyset thank you thank you so much thank you right to God be the glory our men be seated good morning to you and good morning to everyone in all those other locations good morning it is great to be here it really really is what an incredible conference that we had with every woman honestly I loved it I loved it and I I feel like full as an egg just two incredible days one of the great things about speaking at a conference is that you get to listen to everybody else because obviously I've heard myself speak I know who I'm gonna say and but just to sit and soak it all in I honestly had a faith lift and and I'm sure the two thousand women that attended also had a faith lift as well it was amazing somebody put a message on my Instagram this morning a lady called Fiona won 9-8 and she said Wow so I mention her in case she's here hello Fiona thank you for sending me this message and here was the message I asked my class year are I I assume that's reception why we celebrated bonfire night our little one little girl said God might get sad sometimes and we sent up the fireworks in order to cheer him up isn't that the best that is just beautiful and last night Tilly and I had this incredible experience because we were kind of getting ready for bed because we've struggled a little bit with jetlag and we thought right let's get a good night's sleep before a busy Sunday and then we started to hear some noise so we opened the curtains and and there were fireworks and we were above the fireworks and we look down at this incredible display and masti there was something very very inspiring about looking down over them and I'm going to mention that later there was there's a school a small school of infant school and the highlight of the school every year was the annual Christmas production and there was one little boy who was desperate to play the part of Joseph the day arrived when the teacher announced all the starring roles and this boy was not chosen to play Joseph and he was very very upset now he did get the part of the inky part but he didn't want to be the innkeeper I mean this put this get this out there he wanted to be Joseph not the innkeeper anyway the great day arrived when the school presented their annual Christmas production to the entire school all the families and all the friends then you get to that moment where Mary and Joseph visit the innkeeper's door knock on the door door opens innkeeper comes out Joseph says can my wife Mary and I can we come in for the evening and the innkeeper said she can come in but you can I want you to you know there are many many different versions of Christmas there are many many different versions of Christianity there are so many different versions that is why it is so important to always go back to the original script go back to the original script and find out what did the original script actually say now to be a Christian being a Christian it involves a number of things I've been a Christian since 1975 so I can look back now and I can say to you from experience that it involves a number of different things and in my Christian experience I think it involves five things and I'm gonna highlight those five things the first thing is this look up look up there's a book in the Bible called the Psalms and the writer of one of the psalm says I look up look up to the mountains from where does my help come from now yeah is there anyone here who doesn't need a bit of help huh come on it doesn't need a little bit of help of course we need a little bit of help we don't need a little bit of help you know what's wrong with you we all need it and the first principle of Christianity is look up look up look up look up from where does my help come from God God and and as I begin to look ah I I just begin to kind of tune in to God now of course God g.od you know what does that mean and again there's a lot of confusion about that word when the first Russian astronaut returned from space first interview first question did you see God he said no I did not and the Soviet Union heralded this as proof that God did not exist and when the first American astronaut returned from space first interview fourth question did you see God he said I would have seen God and I stepped out of my spacesuit [Applause] you see different people have different understandings of the word god the first the most important thing is this that we have to come humbly to God you know there are too many people today who think that Christians don't think and they think that we don't think because we don't think like they think they think we don't think at all but we do we do there's one student who came up to me after one meeting I spoke at and he said I can't believe in anything I don't understand I said what are you studying he said I'm studying agriculture I said well tell me this how is it possible for a black cow to eat green grass and produce white milk you know there's a lot of things that we don't understand so the first principle of Christianity is this don't come shaking your fist at God and saying to God you first satisfy my questions before I'll believe in you please don't come in that attitude if you do you're an idiot [Applause] trust me you're an idiot if you come with that attitude yeah you know we are talking about the God of the entire cosmos the God of the entire universe it's when you approach this God you look up and you come humbly humbly and you say God I am looking up I'm looking up you know there's so many of us are very confused in life and many of us suffer from the Columbus syndrome Columbus set off and he didn't know where he was going when he got there he didn't know where he was when he got back he didn't know where he'd been now come on let's be honest half the time we don't know where we're going where are we where we haven't got a clue what do we need in life we need in life we need insight we need foresight we need oversight that's what we need we need insight you know it's a bit like a microscope you got to look through a microscope to have some insight but we need some foresight that's like looking through a telescope but then we need some oversight that's like looking viewing your house where you live from a helicopter okay we need insight we need foresight we we need oversight he's gonna give us that so there was us looking out of our hotel window floor 31 and we were above the fireworks I have never had the experience of seeing fireworks from above I had that oversight view Wow and and something triggered in my mind my word that's how God views everything that's how God views everything oh my word I hadn't write and seen it in that sort of a way so the first thing is in order for a house for us to have in sight in order for us to have foresight in order for us to have oversight we have to have God's sight we've got to have God's sight we've got to be able to see the way that God sees so when I say look up look up to God you you're saying God can you let me see you and could you help me to see the way that you see now that's the starting point for anything in life in Christianity that's the first step it's to look up look up the second thing is is to look back look back there was a preacher in the Bible called John the Baptist and he saw Jesus and he said this look look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world that's how he described Jesus you see look up this this goat I mean if I came Nate near to god this God I I would burn it's not that I just had to take my shoes off I wouldn't be able to handle being in his presence this God who we can't quite will account the invisible God becomes visible in Jesus the intangible God becomes tangible in Jesus the unknowable God becomes noble in Jesus in Jesus so he reveals himself this is God on earth so now John the Baptist says look look look Jesus is the one the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world so what we do is we look up and now we look back there's a store in London it's very prestigious it's called Fortnum and Mason it's in a place called Piccadilly in London and if you've if you've ever seen it or there's a sign outside that people miss and the sign says established in 1707 and has been trading ever since and it has the Royal Seal and that's where the Queen does her shopping so it's got a bit of gravitas isn't it the Queen shops here whoa it's been trading since 1707 now doesn't that have a bit of gravitas you kind of think all being trading a you know how sometimes you'll see a van go by a little white van go by and I don't know it could be plumbing and it said been trading since 2006 and you think big deal what do you know about plumbing what do you mean since 2000 got a clue I wouldn't even get you down blob my my bog you wouldn't know what kind of an experiencing you got trading since 2006 you do not know nothing I want to see plumbing trading since 1901 Jesus Christ trading for 2,000 years [Applause] he's been trading with human beings by the way in the e it was before then because he was it he was in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and everything was created through Jesus huh so he was right there in the beginning but anyhow that's another little you know he's been trading he's been trading for 2,000 years and there are billions of satisfied customers [Applause] yeah yeah you want to go read some reviews don't read the reviews if you've got any time you know take off a whole year you can read some reviews of all the millions and millions and millions of people that traded with Jesus and our satisfied customers now we look up we look in we look up we look back thirdly we look in why do we look in because the Bible says the Bible says we need to examine ourselves Jesus was so funny honestly many times he was funny a lot of people don't see how funny he was because they don't understand Hebrew humor Hebrew humor is humor by exaggeration so he says before you take the speck ya out of your brother's I take out the telegraph pole and your I I mean you can imagine the disciples going Oh Lord that's a really good one in it [Applause] you know you know before you try and point out this something wrong is somebody else's little I take out is massive pull out your own eye too so Jesus says examine yourself and many times throughout the New Testament we read the word about examining so what we need to do is to look inside now in the hotel where we are the bathrooms beautiful absolutely beautiful it are like amazing it's got one of these extra mirrors the big round one and so I'm looking at the mirror and I'm fine I've brushing my hair and doing there though I just look at the little mirror [Applause] and she's like I can't see them you see you look at the mirror you can't see anything you look at this other mirror it's like in the last two seconds this massive blackheads don't come on you see half the time we're walking around and we're thinking we're all right half the time we're walking around we're looking into Audrey mirrors but we can't see the little black head then you look at another mirror and you think oh my word yeah you look at the normal mirror your carts you think you've got a little zit and then you look at the big mirror oh it's like Mount Everest do you know if you and I looked into God's mirror Oh oh my word it would not be good it would not be good when we look into God's mirror and we allow God look into our hearts what does he find he finds all sorts of things you know Jesus made eight statements they're known as the Beatitudes and they go like this blessed blessed is blessed blessed blessed and it's all about being happy are those people happier those people who do this happy of those people who do that and there's one that says this the pure in heart will see God that the Greek for the word pure gusano's literally means no mixed motives who are the people that are gonna see God the people that are gonna see God are the people you've got no mixed motives do you meet many people who have absolutely no mixed motives in the world in which we live is always an agenda there's always something else what's behind that listen our motives are not good our attitudes are not good our attitudes lead into actions that are not good we have thought said and done things that we should not have done and what we don't realize is but as we examine ourselves and as we allow God to examine us and we read the report there are consequences and the consequences is that we somehow block any access to God so we look up to God who's got insight foresight oversight we look back to Jesus Jesus a you the Lamb of God we look inside oh my word I'm filthy I'm filthy and then we look around we look around why do we look around we look around for several reasons when we look around in order to see first of all how we're dealing with other people are they are they relationships that I have caused harm and conflict in are there situations that I have inflicted in other people's lives and caused them heart and and stress and pain and so I'm looking around to say hey am I responsible for some of this crap do you use that word in Australia yeah yeah it's the same as in England yeah am I responsible am I responsible for some of this stuff because if I'm responsible for some of these in Justices then I have a responsibility and not only that I look around I look around and and I Wow there's need here there's need and I can respond to the need because I got the resources to respond to this particular need to this particular people group I've got I've got the opportunity to help this person and that person because because the Bible says true religion it's to look after widows and orphans it's all about caring for other people it's all about caring for the broken it's all about caring for those that no one cares for and so I'm doing it for two reasons one to take responsibility for when I haven't cared and one to care for those that I can so I'm looking up okay god help me to see I'm looking back at the Lamb of God I'm looking inside to examine myself I'm looking around and now I'm looking ahead why am i looking ahead I'm looking ahead because Jesus the Lamb of God is coming back he is coming back I was debating at Cambridge University with an atheist professor he was a very very influential professor called professor Don Cupid and he he was really influential atheists and we were debating and he was talking nonsense just nonsense and then when I spoke he like he he just laughed at me and then he spoken and I responded and then while he was speaking I said Lord Lord please I know it probably isn't the right time for the Second Coming but please please Lord could you just walk on the stage I just want to see if he wets himself go on Lord just do it just do it cuz he like me I didn't know he's coming back he's coming back he's coming back and when he comes back it will be too late when he comes back it will be too late to say I want to look up when he comes back it's gonna be too late to say I'm gonna look back when he comes back it's gonna be too late for you to say I'm gonna look and examine myself when he comes back it's gonna be too late to say I'll look around and see if I can help someone it's gonna be too late because when he comes back he will come back to welcome all of his children into heaven he's gonna create a new heaven a new earth hey I'm gonna be part of that you're many of us we're we're we're all gonna be part of that and it's gonna be an incredible thing listen this Jesus the Lamb of God he died upon the cross he died upon the cross because by dying on the cross It was as if he was cashing a check signed with his own blood to say here's the check to clear your overdraft of all the wrong that you've ever done ever ever done so when Jesus comes back he's gonna look at me and he goes John my boy come I'll be running I'm coming Jesus because I've been doing that since 1975 you know the Bible says that a good life the length of a good life is threescore years and ten now threescore years and ten is seventy years let's allocate 10 years per day of the week yeah ten years from Monday 10 years for Tuesday 10 years for Wednesday okay let's journey through my life I've already gone through Monday I've gone through Tuesday I've gone through Wednesday I've gone through Thursday I've gone through Friday I've gone through Saturday morning I've gone through Saturday afternoon I've gone through Sunday night Saturday night and I'm actually Sunday morning how's your weekend looking that we all know people don't we who are older than that parents and grandparents some of us have been given an extra Bank Holiday Monday some of us have been given an extra bank holiday Tuesday do you know something not many people are given an extra Wednesday but even if you're given an extra Wednesday do you realize if you were given a hundred years on this earth that is a blip on the eternal screen it's just the blip we look up to the God the creator of the universe we look back to Jesus who's the one that can heal us and save us and cleanse us we look in we do a truthful examination and we give it all to Jesus we then get connected and in tune with Jesus and we get empowered by his presence and we start looking around and responding to the needs that we find with this incredible look forward he's coming back essentially that is something of the Christian faith the Christian journey have you begun that journey you haven't begun it begin it today honestly come with all your questions do you know when I can't became a Christian and I looked up I had so many questions but then when I met him I got the answers many people say they need the answers before they'll meet him your crack your head open let gig let God get into your head and then you'll understand a lot of things let let him get in so listen what I'm gonna ask is this here in Oxford force here and in all the other locations these these next couple of minutes are very very important because we're gonna make a choice about what we've heard this morning can I ask all of you in all the locations and here are Oxford Falls just close your eyes you don't need to do that but I just want you to do it to avoid being distracted just for a moment if you've never looked up if you've never looked back if you've never begun this journey of following Jesus or maybe you had have in the past but got distracted but you find yourself here this morning and you're saying I do want to get back ok I'm specifically just for the people that want to begin this journey for the first time or come back to following Jesus what I'm going to ask you to do here and in all their locations I'm going to ask you to indicate that you want to do that and I'm gonna ask you to put up your hand in just a moment I'm asking you to put up your hand for three reasons one so that you can express your decision physically to God's got oversight and he's looking down on you three I'm gonna have a look particularly here and some of us want to know who you are and in other locations the pastors are going to have a look because we want to help you and when you put your hand up put it keep it up for a moment and then I'll tell you to put it down and then I'm going to pray a prayer and I'm going to ask you to pray that prayer to begin your journey if you would like to begin the journey of being a follower of Jesus if you want to come back and follow Jesus now here and in all the locations please put your hand up put your hand up now put your hand up wonderful wonderful thank you keep just keep them up go on in in other locations put your hands up just put your hand up express your decision by doing something physical let God see your hand I I can see some hands and it's just heartwarming gone anyone else in any other locations okay put your hands down I'm gonna pray a prayer I'm going to pray this prayer phrase by phrase I'll pray it once all those of you that pray put your hands up prayed this prayer out loud everyone else who loves Jesus join in with the prayer here is the prayer Jesus I look to you now Jesus I look to you now I come just as I am I come just as I am I know I have done many things wrong I know I have done many things wrong and I thank you for dying on the cross for me and I thank you for dying on the cross for me cleanse my life cleanse my life set me free from the past set me free from the past I open my life now I open my life now come in by your Holy Spirit come in by your Holy Spirit fill me with your power and your presence fill me with your power and your presence I choose to fix my eyes on you I choose to fix my eyes on you the author and the perfecter of my faith the author and the perfecter of my faith are men I'm gonna pray a prayer for you for every person who's prayed the prayer for the first time here and in all the locations and for all those that have prayed it as a way of coming back we pray that each of them would know the truth the reality of the prayer prayed and in the name of Jesus Christ I announce and I pronounce his forgiveness over you be filled with his presence be filled with his peace be filled with his power may you and all of us know his protection as we follow Jesus if you put your hand up in any of the locations the pastor's that those locations are going to have a word with you and someone's going to come and introduce themselves to you as as well as here in Oxford Falls I hope we've switched off now I understand from the other locations just gonna have a brief word with you before I hand back I I really hope you've been inspired just by the simplicity of a message like this and you know it's the first time it's the first time I've ever preached a message like this this one and you know it's it is simple and sometimes we complicate it so you know leave here like yes I'm gonna look up I'm always gonna keep looking up I'm always gonna keep looking back always gonna keep looking back I'm always gonna look inside I'm always gonna look around and I'm always gonna look for is coming [Music] and there's one more when you've done all of this all of this don't look back don't look back don't look back don't look back you don't want to turn into a pillar of salt don't look back [Music]
Channel: C3 SYD
Views: 28,462
Rating: 4.8925371 out of 5
Keywords: Canon J John, C3 Church, C3 Oxford Falls
Id: vq6aUfkCYXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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